Resolution 17-018 Surplus Items CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASIII14GTON RESOLUTION NO. 174118 A REFSOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, DECLARING: CERTAIN PERSONAL PROPERTY OF THE CITY SURPLUS TO THE NEEDS OF TEE CITY,AUTHORIZING DISPOSAL OF THE SANTE,,AND OTHER MATTERS RELATED THERETO. WI JEREAS, since the previous declaration of surplus items on May 9, 2017, the City has accumulated various items of personal property necessary for operation of City Hall , such as office furniture and computer equipment,which are no longer uscfal or usable for their intended purpose; and WHEREAS, the City would like to dispose of these items that are unneeded or not useful to the City; and WHEREAS, the City adopted Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) 3.49.020, which prescribes a process for disposing of surplus City equipment; and WI I ERhAS, the City has followed the process set tooth in SVMC 3.49,020 and now desires to formally declare the items surplus and dispose of them pursuant to City Code. NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington as thllows Section 1. Declaration of items of personal property surplus to [he needs of the City. The City Council hereby declares that the list of items attached hereto as Exhibit 1 are declared surplus to the need of the City,as they have no practical, efficient or appropriate use to the City, or are damaged, inoperable ar obsolete, and the cost of repairing the same is uneconomical or impractical. Set tioaa 2. Authorihation to dispose of surplus property.The City Manager is authorized to dispose of the surplus personal property identified in Exhibit I to this Resolution pursuant to SVMC 3-49,020(13); Sale of Property. Following lowing passage of a resolution declaring City property surplus, City property shall be sold or disposed of in accordance with the following: 1. The City Manager may dispose of surplus personal property by public auction, hid, or other method of sale on terms deemed to be in the best interests of the City. 2. Surplus personal property which is unsellable because of obsolescence, wear and tear, or other reasons may he dismantled, if necessary, and sold as scrap. 3. For surplus real property, the City Manager shall secure a market value appraisal and proceed to sell the same by public auction or through other procedures the City Manager deems to be in the best inieresis of the City, Section 3. Effective Date. This Resolution shall be effective upon adoption. Resolution 17-018 —Declaring Loa&as Surplus Page 1 of-2 Adopted this 21 ' day of November, 2017. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Ak Milk) L.It. Hig_'in, !car Christine Bainbridge, if} Clerlt Approved as form: V Offkce o'the C,� Attorney Resolution 17-01/ -Declaring Items as Surplus Nage 2. oft 01TYOF SPOKANE VALLEY.WA ReSolu1 inn 17-c113 Exhibit 1 Lis/of Surplus Equipment Description Item Type COI.iliI SNfAIL ID C0.5V Asset TR g.0 Acoustic panels;from old council charnbers] Acoustic Panels 12 21 x 24 "cherry"Bookshelf Book Shelf 1 77 x ifs "Cherry"Bookshelf Book Shelf 1 72 x 36 Black Bookshelf a Book Shef 1 72 x 36 Book Case-3 shelves,black Book Shelf 1 36 a 17.5 x 12 i Book Case-4 shell Book Shelf 1 39 x SS a iS Book Case-4shell plastic Book Shelf 1 36x72x20 e 4ak Case-Metal,2sheaves Book Shelf 1 32 x 27 x 13 Book Case-Metal,4sheives Book Shelf 1 35 a alx12. Brc Chu re 110 Wee,plaitie,9 crus pari mentS Brochure Holder 1 Cabinet-Metal 6 shelf Ca binet w/Shelves 1 Mx 721410 Chilirmat-(ival Chair Mal 1 a pprox.64 a 00 B lue Chairs(from old councill chambers] Chairs Stationary 99 NA Glass-topped conference table Cunfilreiirr:r Tobin 1 79 a 29,5 a 41 Trade-In llcoh MPCCd00O{IV16193]-West Wing Copier/Printer 1 V1.295B00044 Trade-in Ricoh M PC35O0 lD Jt15746]-Ops/Admit Culrir:r/P rim ter 1 10976120939 Trade-In Rkoh M PC50tf0(ID ft162S9]-Permit Ctr Copier/Printer 1 V/205200591 Trade-in Ricoh Wide Format Printer(0.150716)Comm.Dee, CUpi[!r/Priutc!r i WTT.7..08CO037 Bulletin Hoard Cork Board 1 Approx.245 3b Bulletin Board Cork Board 1 Approx.241140 Bulletin Hoard Cork Board 1 Approx-36 x 60 Bulletin Board-Black frame Cork Hoard 1 Approx.30 a 46 Cork Board Cork Board 1 34x48. Cork Boa rd Cork Board 1 36 a 48 Cork Board Cork Board 1 39 x 23 Cubicle 2 drawer unit-gray metal Cubicle Drawers 1 15 a 27 x22 Cubicle 3 drawer unit-gray Cubicle Drawers 1 1S x 2I x 22 Cubicle 3 drawer unit-gray Cubicle Drawers 1 15 a 27 x 22 Cubicle 3 drawer unit-gray Cubicle Drawers 1 1S x27 x22 — Desk Chair-black"leather" Desk Chairs 1 NA Desk Chair-large blue reclinable Desk Chairs 1 NA Desk Cha it-small blue Desk Chairs 1 NA Desk Chair-small burgundy Desk Chairs 1 NA Desk Chair-turquoise flesh Chairs 1 NA Desk Chairs-blue Desk Chairs 16 NA Desk Chairs-burgundy Desk ChairS 3 NA DeskCJralrs-purple bask Chairs 7 NA Drafting Table-adiustabfc Drafting Table 1 42 a 30 File Cabinet-2 drawer File Cabinet 1 19x29x265 File Cabinet-2 drawer gray Ale Cabinet 1 15 it 27 x 22 Page 1 of 3 CITY OF SPOKANE VA[I FY,WA Resol Lit Ion 174]1B Exhibit 1 List of Surplus Equipment Description IlencTole Count ShJJAIt.ID COW AssetTu]11Y File Cabinet-2 drawer!eV!! File Cabinet 1 1B x 29 x 27 Elle Cabinet-4 drawer File Cabinet 1 15 x 521425 File Cabinet-4 drawer File Cabinet 1 18 x 52x25 File Cabinet-4 drawer File Cabinet I 1 15x52'25 File Cabinet-A drawer File Cabinet 1 1S x S2 x 25 File Cabinet-4 drawer File Cabinet 1 153450.5 x 28,5 File Cabinet-I drawer File Cabinet 1 42 x 18x 52 File Cabine-4drawer FileCab9net 1 421419x53 File Cabinet-1 drawer Me Cabinet 1 15 x25x 52 File Cabinet-4drawer File Cabinet 1 15 x52 x 25 File Cabinet-A drawer Fife Cabinet 1 15 x 52 x 25 File Cabinet-4 drawer File Cabinet 1 1S a 52 x 25 File Cabinet-4 drawer(Flan!' File Cabinet 1 151452x25 File Cabinet-4 drawmer%teTal File Cabinet 1 36 5152 x121 File Cabinet-4 drawer lateral File Cabinet 1 36 x 52 x 18 File Cabinet.4 drawer lateral File Cabinet t 35 x 52 x SR File Cabinet-4 drawer lateral File Cabinet 1 30 x 5213419 File Cabinet 4 drawer lateral File Cabinet t 36 x 19 x 53 FIIeCabinet-5 drawer File Cabinet 1 18 x 36x65 Fite Cabinet•5[Irawer lateral File Cabinet t alike unit-Credenza Furniture 1 723430x 20 Calk°unit.t41 hos ny laminate Furniture 1 70 K 39 a 14 HIS Pavilion 2E5300 Laptop Laptop 1 CNF3240HMQ Toshiba Satellite Pm Laptop Laptop 1 Y9499657IC Lectern Lectern 1 24 x Mx 25 Lectern Has Ati1 rrtuipme it Lectern ]. 41 N+m514 30 Map/PJan rack,approx.6O",rolling holds 12 itcrns Misc 1 Monitor Stands Misc 16 Blue Worlcstetlans from FRm 106 south wall old City Hall) Office Furniture 6 NA Cabinet-2 doors,7.drawers Office Furniture 1 306 x 65 x 24 Cher Bookcase Office Furniture 1 NA Cherry small table _ Office Furniture 1 NA Cherry ll-shaped desks Oitice Furniture 3 NA Desk Office Furniture 1 71 x 3014 24 Dk Office Furniture 1 70.142].5 x,36 Desk Office Furniture 1. 65 i 29.5 14 20 Lateral file Drawers Of flee Furniture 2 NA Office Dcsk-Ma hogauy Office Furniture 1 77 x.31)x 36 Pedestal []Mee Furniture 1 NA 1.V;1orlt stations lfr+arri IIRyOffice Furniture 3 NA Fag 2 rsf 3 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,WA Resolution 17.018 Exhibit 1 list of SUrpIUS Equipment Deserlptlon item Type Count SN{Alt,ID I 005V Asset Tag p Overhead Projector Overhead Prosector 1 AYCrmedl3 SN 516.5210100P °rot her HL-4010CN Printer Printer 1 5N LI 61778071130561 Brother Printer Printer 1 U62243R21474792 Iip nesk]i1.Sr.r.Ii Printer _ 1 _MY2fPIK122 HP Laserjet 1300 Printer 1 PrrjeLtOrtcree.ri Projector Screen 1 Epsom D57500 Scanner Scanner 1 PK77003405 lrasorri D57500$cLriner Scanner 1 P)L21002996 Fujitsu F1-6770 Scanner Scanner 1 540000007 Kotia k StBrinnr Scanner- 1 --- Asset tag 000338 Kodak Scanner Scanner 1 4&Settag 000337 CH Server Rack Server Cabinet 1 Compaq Server Cabinet Server Rack 1 HPServrrCabinet Sea'.'erRack 1 Senrerlieek Server Rack 1 Heavv-duty metal shelving unit Sii elvi sg 1 75 IS 72 x 24 Table,round Table 1 42 diameter,31 high Tables,folding,brawn Tabls 3 94 is S0 Tables,folding,gray Tahle 2 72 x 29 Presenters'Table tCoencil ChamberI5torage C ORO Ta We. 1 2003 Chevy 5-1U Truck-License 328017 Vehicle 1 1GCDT19k103S18a917 2403 Chewy 5-10 Truck-License 328100 U'el ii clr. 1 1GCCS1511536175351 Water dispenser-hat/cold r.Vater diso cnscr 1 In/Out'V.WhitcRoerd White Hoard 1 7.4136 White Board White Board 1 36x43 White Board White Board 1 Approx.1.6 a 24 White Hoard White Board 1 Approx.36x60 White Board-Boardfax 4r.'hite Board 1 73136,adjust.Height White Board-Panaboerd White Board 1 51,5 x 35,adjust,Flciiht White Board;foam-backed] While Board 4 35 5 24 White Board{hardboard back} White Board 1 36x 24 White Board/Bulletin Board Willie Board I Approx.24x 36 Work table-Adfushable Work surface 1 60 x 31 x 24 Work tablo-Adl ustablo Work snriace 2 BB 5 30 Work table-Adjustable 'Work surface 3 60 x 24 PABe3of3