PC APPROVED Minutes 11-09-17 Minutes
Spokane 'Valley Planning Commission
Council Chambers--City Hall
November 0 9,2017
I. Chair Graham called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Commissioners, staff and audience stood for
the pledge of allegiance. Secretary Deatana Horton took roll and (he hallowing members and staff were
Heather Graham Cary Driskell, City Attorney
James Johnson Lori Barlow, Senior Planner
Tim Kelley Marty Palan iuk, Planner
Mike Phillips
Michelle Rasmussen
Suzanne Siathos Mary Swank, Office Assistant
Matt Walton Deanna Horton. Secretary for the Commission
11. AGENDA: Commissioner Johnson moved to accept the November 9, 2017 agenda as presented. The
vote on the motion was seven in favor, zero against and the motionssec1.
III, M Pi TIES: Commissioner Johnson moved to approve the June 22, 2017 minutes as presented. The
vote to approve the motion to approve the minutes was seven in favor,zero against, the motion
IV. COMMISSION REPORTS: Commissioners Johnson and Graham reported they had attended several
City Council meetings during the last four months but had not participated on anything which related
to planning commission business.
V. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT: Senior Planner Lori Barlow said the City had received tour privately
initiated Comprehensive Plan amendments. Staff will be taking them forward to Council for review of
the docket and then be bringing them to the Planning Commission in order to process them through the
review and recommendation process. City Altorricy Cary Driskell also commented his office had been
working on updates on small cell technology which allows cell phone companies to locate 5G
technology in the public rights-of-way, His office will be bringing forward changes to the municipal
code along with training and changes to current franchise agreements,
VI. PUBLIC COMMENT: 'There was no public comment,
a) Study Session: CTA-2017-t}003, A proposed amendment to the Spokane Valley Municipal
Code regarding subdivision general provisions.
Planner Marty Palaniuk presented to the Commissioners the proposed amendments to Spokane
Valley Municipal Code(SVMC)chapter 20.20, He stated when the development regulations were
updated in 2016; it created some inconsistencies in SVMC chapter 20,20, which need to be
corrected- The amendment will clarify how a legal lot is created, eliminate the requirement that a
corner lot needs be 15 percent larger than other lots in the subdivision, remove the lot depth and
width requirement, and redefines a flag lot. The proposed amendment also removes the
requirement for streets and lots to he laid out for the possibility of future:streets. He also said there
is clean up of grammar and changes in wording to make things more concise,
Mr. Palaniuk explained that.the City has decided to use the date of March 13, 1978 as a benchmark
to determine a legal lot Spokane County uses the same date in their regulations. Any lot created
prior to this date by a deed, is considered legally created. After this date, the lot must have gone
through a proper subdivision process to be considered a legal lot. An applicant will need to provide
a legal document showing how the lot was created,
Commissioner Phillips expressed concern over using the word prohibited rather than avoided in
conjunctions with double frontage lots, He felt that prohibited meant it wouldn't be allowed, and
asked how an exception could he given in the next statement. Ms. Barlow stated in certain
situations double frontage lots are the only design solution- The exception allows those conditions
2017-11-09 Moaning Commission Minutes Psgc 2 oft
to be recognized. Double frontage lots are prohibited,unless that is the only way to develop a piece
of properly, then in those cases, it would he allowed. Mr. Phillips said he didn't like the changing
of the word from avoid to prohibited as he was concerned they would not be allowed under any
circumstances. Mr. Driskell said there is no way to enforce avoid, but the City can enforce
prohibited. Based on the discussion staff will look at this topic more.
VIII. GOOD OF THE ORDER: Commissioner Graham stated her term was cap at [he end of this year, and
she would not be seeking reappointment,
IX. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Johnson moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:45 p.m_ The vote nip
the motion was unanimous in favor, motion passed.
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Heather Graham, Chair Date signed
Deanna Horton, Secretary