17-143.00 Craig Goodwin Photography: Economic Development Photos 0+13 AGREEMENT FOR SERVICES Craig Goodwin Photography THIS AGREEMENT is made by and between the City of Spokane Valley,a code City of the State of Washington,hereinafter"City"and Craig Goodwin Photography,hereinafter"Consultant,"jointly referred to as"Parties." IN CONSIDERATION of the terms and conditions contained herein,the Parties agree as follows: 1.Work to Be Performed. Consultant shall provide all labor,services,and material to satisfactorily complete the Scope of Services,attached as Exhibit A. A. Administration. The City Manager or designee shall administer and be the primary contact for Consultant. Prior to commencement of work,Consultant shall contact the City Manager or designee to review the Scope of Services, schedule, and date of completion. Upon notice from the City Manager or designee,Consultant shall commence work,perform the requested tasks in the Scope of Services,stop work,and promptly cure any failure in performance under this Agreement. B. Representations. City has relied upon the qualifications of Consultant in entering into this • Agreement. By execution of this Agreement,Consultant represents it possesses the ability,skill,and resources necessary to perform the work and is familiar with all current laws,rules,and regulations which reasonably relate to the Scope of Services. No substitutions of agreed-upon personnel shall be made without the prior written consent of City. Consultant represents that the compensation as stated in paragraph 3 is adequate and sufficient for the timely provision of all professional services required to complete the Scope of Services under this Agreement. Consultant shall be responsible for the technical accuracy of its services and documents resulting therefrom,and City shall not be responsible for discovering deficiencies therein. Consultant shall correct such deficiencies without additional compensation except to the extent such action is directly attributable to deficiencies in City-furnished information. C.Standard of Care. Consultant shall exercise the degree of skill and diligence normally employed by professional consultants engaged in the same profession,and performing the same or similar services at the time such services are performed. D. Modifications. City may modify this Agreement and order changes in the work whenever necessary or advisable. Consultant will accept modifications when ordered in writing by the City Manager or designee, so long as the additional work is within the scope of Consultant's area of practice. Compensation for such modifications or changes shall be as mutually agreed between the Parties. Consultant shall make such revisions in the work as are necessary to correct errors or omissions appearing therein when required to do so by City without additional compensation. 2.Term of Contract. This Agreement shall be in full force and effect upon execution and shall remain in effect until completion of all contractual requirements have been met as determined by City. Consultant shall complete its work by December 31,2017,unless the time for performance is extended in writing by the Parties. Either Party may terminate this Agreement for material breach after providing the other Party with at least 10 Agreement for Services(without professional liability coverage) Page 1 of 6 days'prior notice and an opportunity to cure the breach. City may,in addition,terminate this Agreement for any reason by 10 days'written notice to Consultant. In the event of termination without breach,City shall pay Consultant for all work previously authorized and satisfactorily performed prior to the termination date. 3.Compensation. City agrees to pay Consultant an agreed upon hourly rate up to a maximum amount of$7500.00 as full compensation for everything done under this Agreement, as set forth in Exhibit B. Consultant shall not perform any extra,further,or additional services for which it will request additional compensation from City without a prior written agreement for such services and payment therefore. 4. Payment. Consultant shall be paid monthly upon presentation of an invoice to City. Applications for payment shall be sent to the City Finance Department at the below-stated address. City reserves the right to withhold payment under this Agreement for that portion of the work(if any)which is determined in the reasonable judgment of the City Manager or designee to be noncompliant with the Scope of Services,City standards,City Code,and federal or state standards. 5.Notice. Notices other than applications for payment shall be given in writing as follows: TO THE CITY: TO THE CONSULTANT: Name:Christine Bainbridge,City Clerk Name:Craig Goodwin Photography Phone: (509)720-5000 Phone:509-280-3081 Address: 10210 East Sprague Avenue Address:5315 North Vista Ct.,Spokane,WA 99212 Spokane Valley,WA 99206 6.Applicable Laws and Standards. The Parties,in the performance of this Agreement,agree to comply with all applicable federal,state,and local laws and regulations. Consultant warrants that its designs,construction documents,and services shall conform to all federal,state,and local statutes and regulations. 7. Certification Reeardin2 Debarment. Suspension, and Other Responsibility Matters — Primary Covered Transactions. A.By executing this Agreement,the Consultant certifies to the best of its knowledge and belief that it and its principals: 1. Are not presently debarred,suspended,proposed for debarment,declared ineligible,or voluntarily excluded from covered transactions by any federal department or agency; 2. Have not within a three-year period preceding this proposal been convicted of or had a civil judgment rendered against them for commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (federal, state, or local)transaction or contract under a public transaction;violation of federal or state antitrust statutes or commission of embezzlement,theft,forgery,bribery,falsification or destruction of records,making false statements,or receiving stolen property; 3. Are not presently indicted for or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a governmental entity (federal, state, or local) with commission of any of the offenses enumerated in paragraph(A)(2)of this certification;and 4. Have not within a three-year period preceding this application/proposal had one or more Agreement for Services(without professional liability coverage) Page 2 of 6 public transactions(federal,state,or local)terminated for cause or default. B. Where the prospective primary participant is unable to certify to any of the statements in this certification,such prospective participant shall attach an explanation to this Agreement. 8.Relationship of the Parties. It is understood and agreed that Consultant shall be an independent contractor and not the agent or employee of City,that City is interested in only the results to be achieved,and that the right to control the particular manner,method,and means in which the services are performed is solely within the discretion of Consultant. Any and all employees who provide services to City under this Agreement shall be deemed employees solely of Consultant. The Consultant shall be solely responsible for the conduct and actions of all its employees under this Agreement and any liability that may attach thereto. 9.Ownership of Documents. All drawings,plans,specifications,and other related documents prepared by Consultant under this Agreement are and shall be the property of City, and may be subject to disclosure pursuant to chapter 42.56 RCW or other applicable public record laws. The written, graphic, mapped, photographic, or visual documents prepared by Consultant under this Agreement shall, unless otherwise provided, be deemed the property of City. City shall be permitted to retain these documents, including reproducible camera-ready originals of reports,reproduction quality mylars of maps,and copies in the form of computer files,for the City's use. City shall have unrestricted authority to publish,disclose,distribute,and otherwise use,in whole or in part,any reports,data,drawings,images,or other material prepared under this Agreement,provided that Consultant shall have no liability for the use of Consultant's work product outside of the scope of its intended purpose. 10.Records. The City or State Auditor or any of their representatives shall have full access to and the right to examine during normal business hours all of Consultant's records with respect to all matters covered in this Agreement. Such representatives shall be permitted to audit,examine,make excerpts or transcripts from such records,and to make audits of all contracts,invoices,materials,payrolls,and record of matters covered by this Agreement for a period of three years from the date final payment is made hereunder. 11. Insurance. Consultant shall procure and maintain for the duration of the Agreement,insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by Consultant,its agents,representatives,employees,or subcontractors. A.Minimum Scope of Insurance. Consultant shall obtain insurance of the types described below: 1.Automobile liability insurance covering all owned,non-owned,hired,and leased vehicles. Coverage shall be written on Insurance Services Office(ISO)form CA 00 01 or a substitute form providing equivalent liability coverage. • 2. Commercial general liability insurance shall be at least as broad as ISO occurrence form CG 00 01 and shall cover liability arising from premises,operations,stop-gap independent contractors and personal injury,and advertising injury. City shall be named as an additional insured under Consultant's commercial general liability insurance policy with respect to the work performed for the City using an additional insured endorsement at least as broad as ISO CG 20 26. 3.Workers'compensation coverage as required by the industrial insurance laws of the State of Washington. Agreement for Services(without professional liability coverage) Page 3 of 6 B.Minimum Amounts of Insurance. Consultant shall maintain the following insurance limits: 1.Automobile liability insurance with a minimum combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage of no less than$1,000,000 per accident. 2.Commercial general liability insurance shall be written with limits no less than$1,000,000 for each occurrence,and$2,000,000 for general aggregate. C.Other Insurance Provisions. The policies are to contain,or be endorsed to contain,the following provisions for automobile liability and commercial general liability insurance: 1.Consultant's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance with respect to the City. Any insurance,self-insurance,or insurance pool coverage maintained by City shall be in excess of Consultant's insurance and shall not contribute with it. 2.Consultant shall fax or send electronically in.pdf format a copy of insurer's cancellation notice within two business days of receipt by Consultant. 3.If Consultant maintains higher insurance limits than the minimums shown above,City shall be insured for the full available limits of commercial general and excess or umbrella liability maintained by Consultant,irrespective of whether such limits maintained by Consultant are greater than those required by this Agreement or whether any certificate of insurance furnished to the City evidences limits of liability lower than those maintained by Consultant. 4.Failure on the part of Consultant to maintain the insurance as required shall constitute a material breach of the Agreement,upon which the City may,after giving at least five business days'notice to Consultant to correct the breach,immediately terminate the Agreement,or at its sole discretion, procure or renew such insurance and pay any and all premiums in connection therewith,with any sums so expended to be repaid to City on demand,or at the sole discretion of the City,offset against funds due Consultant from the City. D.Acceptability of Insurers. Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M.Best rating of not less than A:VII. E. Evidence of Coverage. As evidence of the insurance coverages required by this Agreement, Consultant shall furnish acceptable insurance certificates to the City Clerk at the time Consultant returns the signed Agreement,which shall be Exhibit C. The certificate shall specify all of the parties who are additional insureds,and shall include applicable policy endorsements,and the deduction or retention level.Insuring companies or entities are subject to City acceptance. If requested,complete copies of insurance policies shall be provided to City. Consultant shall be financially responsible for all pertinent deductibles,self-insured retentions,and/or self-insurance. 12.Indemnification and Hold Harmless. Consultant shall,at its sole expense,defend,indemnify,and hold harmless City and its officers,agents,and employees,from any and all claims,actions,suits,liability,loss, costs,attorney's fees,costs of litigation,expenses,injuries,and damages of any nature whatsoever relating to or arising out of the wrongful or negligent acts, errors, or omissions in the services provided by Consultant, Consultant's agents, subcontractors, subconsultants, and employees to the fullest extent permitted by law, subject only to the limitations provided below. Agreement for Services(without professional liability coverage) Page 4 of 6 Consultant's duty to defend,indemnify,and hold City harmless shall not apply to liability for damages arising out of such services caused by or resulting from the sole negligence of City or City's agents or employees pursuant to RCW 4.24.115. Consultant's duty to defend,indemnify,and hold City harmless against liability for damages arising out of such services caused by the concurrent negligence of(a)City or City's agents or employees,and(b)Consultant, Consultant's agents, subcontractors, subconsultants and employees, shall apply only to the extent of the negligence of Consultant,Consultant's agents,subcontractors,subconsultants,and employees. Consultant's duty to defend,indemnify,and hold City harmless shall include,as to all claims,demands,losses, and liability to which it applies,City's personnel-related costs,reasonable attorneys'fees,the reasonable value of any services rendered by the office of the City Attorney, outside consultant costs, court costs, fees for collection,and all other claim-related expenses. Consultant specifically and expressly waives any immunity that may be granted it under the Washington State Industrial Insurance Act,Title 51 RCW. These indemnification obligations shall not be limited in any way by any limitation on the amount or type of damages,compensation,or benefits payable to or for any third party under workers' compensation acts, disability benefit acts, or other employee benefits acts. Provided, that Consultant's waiver of immunity under this provision extends only to claims against Consultant by City,and does not include,or extend to,any claims by Consultant's employees directly against Consultant. Consultant hereby certifies that this indemnification provision was mutually negotiated. 13.Waiver. No officer,employee,agent,or other individual acting on behalf of either Party has the power, right,or authority to waive any of the conditions or provisions of this Agreement. A waiver in one instance shall not be held to be a waiver of any other subsequent breach or nonperformance. All remedies afforded in this Agreement or by law shall be taken and construed as cumulative and in addition to every other remedy provided herein or by law. Failure of either Party to enforce at any time any of the provisions of this Agreement or to require at any time performance by the other Party of any provision hereof shall in no way be construed to be a waiver of such provisions nor shall it affect the validity of this Agreement or any part thereof. 14. Assignment and Delegation. Neither Party may assign, transfer, or delegate any or all of the responsibilities of this Agreement or the benefits received hereunder without prior written consent of the other Party. 15.Subcontracts. Except as otherwise provided herein,Consultant shall not enter into subcontracts for any of the work contemplated under this Agreement without obtaining prior written approval of City. 16.Confidentiality. Consultant may,from time-to-time,receive information which is deemed by City to be confidential. Consultant shall not disclose such information without the prior express written consent of City or upon order of a court of competent jurisdiction. 17. Jurisdiction and Venue. This Agreement is entered into in Spokane County,Washington. Disputes between City and Consultant shall be resolved in the Superior Court of the State of Washington in Spokane County. Notwithstanding the foregoing,Consultant agrees that it may,at City's request,be joined as a party in any arbitration proceeding between City and any third party that includes a claim or claims that arise out of,or that are related to Consultant's services under this Agreement. Consultant further agrees that the Arbitrator(s)' decision therein shall be fmal and binding on Consultant and that judgment maybe entered upon it in any court having jurisdiction thereof. Agreement for Services(without professional liability coverage) Page 5 of 6 18. Cost and Attorney's Fees. The prevailing party in any litigation or arbitration arising out of this Agreement shall be entitled to its attorney's fees and costs of such litigation(including expert witness fees). 19.Entire Agreement. This written Agreement constitutes the entire and complete agreement between the Parties and supersedes any prior oral or written agreements. This Agreement may not be changed,modified,or altered except in writing signed by the Parties hereto. 20. Anti-kickback. No officer or employee of City,having the power or duty to perform an official act or action related to this Agreement shall have or acquire any interest in this Agreement, or have solicited, accepted,or granted a present or future gift,favor,service,or other thing of value from any person with an interest in this Agreement. 21.Business Registration. Prior to commencement of work under this Agreement,Consultant shall register with the City as a business if it has not already done so. 22.Severability. If any section,sentence,clause,or phrase of this Agreement should be held to be invalid for any reason by a court of competent jurisdiction,such invalidity shall not affect the validity of any other section, sentence,clause,or phrase of this Agreement. 23.Exhibits. Exhibits attached and incorporated into this Agreement are: A. Scope of Services B. Fee proposal C. Insurance Certificates The Parties have executed this Agreement this 1 day of No V e ►b ,2012 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Consultant: )1/IA- Cc?JLt 2- ,4/1 Mark Calhoun,City Manager By: r .I c , a cAr m Its: A +� ' ed Rep -se ve AT Jr. ii.4441;Hc I Christine Bainbridge,City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: offief the GIty y a Agreement for Services(without professional liability coverage) Page 6 of 6 AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES—CRAIG GOODWIN PHOTOGRAPHY EXHIBIT A—SCOPE OF SERVICES Craig Goodwin Photography will provide the following services to the Economic Development Division: • In coordination with City's Economic Development Division,The photographer will complete photography sessions at a maximum of eight industrial/business locations and four local recreational locations between the contract execution date and January 1,2018. • The City's Economic Development Division staff(City staff)will schedule and coordinate the photo sessions with the photographer and any local businesses that may be the site of photographs, as well as arrange for completion of any required talent waivers by business employees or others featured in the photographs. • The City will recommend recreational locations where images are needed,however the photographer will have the flexibility to complete the sessions at those sites when most appropriate. • The images should connect the viewer to Spokane Valley by incorporating a local element, such as a landmark,business logo or insignia, signage,geographical component, or other recognizable element. • The City shall receive 10-15 high quality images resulting from each session which can be incorporated into various marketing publications,digital advertising, and/or website. If appropriate,the photographer will perform any edits that maybe helpful to enhance the best images. • Pursuant to Section 9 of the underlying Agreement,all images or other visual elements provided by the Consultant shall become property of the City. City shall have unrestricted authority to publish, disclose,distribute,and otherwise use,in whole or in part,any images,or other material prepared under the Agreement,provided that Consultant shall have no liability for the use of consultant's work product outside of the scope of its intended purpose: Consultant shall retain the limited right to include all images or other work provided under the Agreement in his portfolio to show future clients as examples of his work. AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES—CRAIG GOODWIN PHOTOGRAPHY EXHIBIT B—FEE PROPOSAL Payment to Craig Goodwin Photography will be based on the following: LOCATIONS (SITES) .X 5 HRS PER SITE X HOURLY RATE ESTIMATED FEES 8 business/industry sites 40 hours $125.00 $5000 4 recreational sites 20 hours $125.00 $2500 TOTAL COST $7500 • The photographer will submit an invoice for payment to the City of Spokane Valley by the end of each month(i.e.November 30,2017 and December 31,2017)outlining hours. • The total amount expended will not exceed$7,500. THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY.PLEASE READ R CAREFULLY. E4217 - Policy Number: 60622-79-90 1st Edition POLICY CHANGES Effective Date of Change: 10/31/17 Expiration Date: 04/10/18 Change Endorsement No.: 002 Agent 79-34-317 Named Insured: GOODWIN, CRAIG 5315NVISTA CT SPOKANE WA 99212-1639 The following item(s): Insured's Name Insured's Mailing Address Policy Number Company Effective/Expiration Date Insured's Legal Status/Business of Insured Payment Plan Premium Determination X Additional Interested Parties Coverage Forms and Endorsements X Limits/Exposures Deductibles • X Covered Property/Location Description Classification/Class Codes Rates Underlying Insurance is(are)changed to read {See Additional Page(s)}: The above amendments result in a change in the premium as follows: No Changes To Be Adjusted At Audit Additional Premium Return Premium $ 20.00 $ Authorized Representative Signature: epA FARMERS INSURANCE 91-4277 15TEDINON 742 IridirdesCop,sigfdedMaterial,InurameSources Office,Inc,WhRspassim. E42T7101 PAGE 10F 2 E427781 Policy Changes Endorsement Description EDIT LOCATION LOCATION: 5315 N VISTA CT SPOKANE,WA 99212 CHANGE:CONTENTS COVERAGE FROM$15800 TO$20000 CHANGE:GENERAL LIABILITY LIMITS FROM$500000 TO$1000000 ADD ADDITIONAL INTEREST ADDITIONAL INSURED-BP04480197 DESIGNATED PERSON OR ORGANIZATION CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY 10210 E SPRAGUE AVE SPOKANE VALLEY,WA 99206 LOCATION:5315 N VISTA CT SPOKANE,WA 99212 Removal If Covered Property is removed to a new location that is described on this Polity Permit Change, you may extend this insurance to include that Covered Property at each location during the removal. Coverage at each location will apply in the proportion that the value at each location bears to the value of all Covered Property being removed. This permit applies up to 10 days after the effective date of this Policy Change:after that,this insurance does not apply at the previous location. 91.4277 1STED10011742 Woks CepirisldedMahrial,Incaanc.Serbs OffeeInc,vith0spemissin E4277102 PAGE 2OF2 E4277ED1 FARMERS INSURANCE STATEMENT MID-CENTURY INSURANCE COMPANY ° GOODWIN, CRAIG NOVEMBER 01, 2017 5315 N VISTA CT Date SPOKANE WA 99212-1639 79-34-317 Agent's Number 60622-79-90 Policy Number This Statement Reflects: Loan Number Effective Date: 10/31/17 ❑New Business El Reinstatement ®Change Of Coverage ❑Added Coverage $ Previous Balance Owing $ Premium $ Membership,Policy,Reinstatement,Reissue or Service Fees $ 20.00 Pro Rata Premium Due 10/31/17 TO 04/10/18 $ Premium For Renewing Entire Present Coverage From To $ $ 20.00 Total Charges $ Payments $ Other Credits $ Total Credits $ - NONE - BALANCE DUE UPON RECEIPT $ Optional Amount THANK YOU FOR PLACING YOUR PERSONAL UNES AND BUSINESS INSURANCE WITH FARMERS.A DISCOUNT HAS BEEN APPLIED TO $ Refund YOUR POLICY.IF YOU PLACE A WORKERS COMPENSATION POLICY WITH FARMERS,YOU MAY BE ELIGIBLE TO RECEIVE AN ADDITIONAL DISCOUNT.CONTACT YOUR AGENT TODAY. IMPORTANT D-0 II-O-T P-A-Y T-H-1-S N-O-T I-C E PREMIUM WILL BE BILLED.ACCT# F004915283-001-00001. 254200 5.14 KEEP THIS ORIGINAL FOR YOUR RECORDS 17100101 PAGE 1 OF 2 State Required Notification: 2S-7200 5-14 A7200102 PIM 2 OF 2 •l, POLICY NUMBER: 60622-79-90 BUSINESSOWNERS THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. ADDITIONAL INSURED - DESIGNATED PERSON OR ORGANIZATION This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: BUSINESSOWNERS POLICY SCHEDULE* Name Of Person Or Organization: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY * Information required to complete this Schedule, if not shown on this endorsement, will be shown in the Declarations. The following is added to Paragraph C. Who Is An Insured in the Businessowners Liability Coverage Form: 4. Any person or organization shown in the Sched- ule is also an insured, but only with respect to liability arising out of your ongoing operations or premises owned by or rented to you. BP 04 48 01 97 Copyright, Insurance Services Office, Inc., 1997 Page 1 of 1 ❑ atA FARMERS INSURANCE STATEMENT MID-CENTURY INSURANCE COMPANY ° GOODWIN,CRAIG JANUARY 31, 2017 5315 N VISTA CT Date SPOKANE WA 99212-1639 79-34-317 Agent's Number Renewal Statement-The Company will renew your policy for an additional 12 months term only if 60622-79-90 payment of the premium indicated is made on or before the renewal date of this notice. Policy Number This Statement Reflects: Loan Number • Effective Date: 04/10/17 ❑ New Business ❑Reinstatement ❑Change Of Coverage ❑Added Coverage $ Previous Balance Owing $ Premium $ Membership,Policy, Reinstatement,Reissue or Service Fees $ Pro Rata Premium Due $ 402.00 Premium For Renewing Entire Present Coverage From 04/10/17 To 04/10/18 $ 402.00 Total Charges $ Payments $ Other Credits $ Total Credits $ - NONE — BALANCE DUE UPON RECEIPT $ Optional Amount THANK YOU FOR PLACING YOUR PERSONAL UNES AND BUSINESS INSURANCE WITH FARMERS.A DISCOUNT HAS BEEN APPLIED TO $ Refund YOUR POLICY.IF YOU PLACE A WORKERS COMPENSATION POLICY WITH FARMERS,YOU MAY BE ELIGIBLE TO RECEIVE AN ADDITIONAL DISCOUNT.CONTACT YOUR AGENT TODAY. IMPORTANT- D•0 N-0•T P-A-Y T-H-I-S N-O-T-I-C-E PREMIUM WILL BE BILLED.ACCT# F004915283.001.0000l. • 25-7200 5.14 KEEP THIS ORIGINAL FOR YOUR RECORDS A72oo101 PAGE 1 OF 2 State Required Notification: • 25.7200 5-14 A7200102 PAGE 2 OF 2 ah FARMERS INSURANCE ** Policyholder Reminder ** **Review Your Coverages To Ensure They Meet Your Needs** Dear Farmers'Customer, Thank you for choosing Farmers for your Business Insurance needs. In today's dynamic business environment, we understand that your business can change throughout the year. For example, you may acquire new equipment, adjust your staffing, add a new location, create electronic ordering and/or billing for your customers,or begin offering new services. These and many other changes may require updated insurance coverage for your business. Farmers offers several services at no cost to you in order to help protect your business and your livelihood. For example: • Your Farmers Agent is a great resource who can provide you with business insurance consulting services. • Whether you are a new or returning client, you can take advantage of this service by calling your Farmers Agent to schedule a Farmers Friendly Review. Your agent will discuss your business needs, review your coverage,and make any coverage adjustments needed. • MySafetyPoint.com offers a wealth of safety and loss control information which may help you avoid workplace injuries and other losses. • To access this information, log onto www.mysafetypoint.com, and then register with your policy number and email address. There you will find safety and loss control information that is specific to your type of business. Thank you for your business. If you have any questions,please contact your Farmers agent. 25-3065 7-13 *3065101 Page 1 of 1 Mid-Century Insurance Company(A Stock Company) FARMERS Member Of The Farmers Insurance Group Of Companies® INSURANCE Home Office:6301 Owensmouth Ave.,Woodland Hills,CA91367 COMMON POLICY DECLARATIONS Named GOODWIN,CRAIG F004915283-001-00001 Insured Account No. Prod.Count 5315 N VISTA CT 79-34-317 60622-79-90 Mailing 5315 N VISTA CT Agent No. Policy Number Address Form of 0 Individual ❑Joint Venture 1:=1Limited Liability Co. Business Description: Photographer Business ❑Corporation El Partnership ❑Other Organization Policy From 04-10-2017 (not prior to time applied for) Period To 04-10-2018 12:01 A.M.Standard time at your mailing address shown above. If this policy replaces other coverage that ends at noon standard time of the same day this policy begins,this policy will not take effect until the other coverage ends. This policy will continue for successive policy periods as follows: If we elect to continue this insurance, we will renew this policy if you pay the required renewal premium for each successive policy period subject to our premiums,rules and forms then in effect. This policy consists of the following coverage parts listed below and for which a premium is indicated.This premium may be subject to change. Coverage Parts Premium After Discount And Modification Businessowners $402.00 Certified Acts Of Terrorism-See Disclosure Endorsement Included • Total(See Additional Fee Information Below) $402.00 Your Premium has increased by $4.00 since the last term. 56-2406 1-17 C2406201 Page 1 of 3 $6-2406-ED2 Policy Number:60622-79-90 Effective Date: 04-10-2017 Forms Applicable To 25-3065 Reminder-Review Your Coverages • All Coverage Parts: IL00030498 Calculation Of Premium • Your Agent Richard Splichal Richard Splichal Ins Agy In 9119 E Boone Ave Spokane Valley,WA 99206 (509)921-8966 • • • Countersigned(Date) By Authorized Representative 56-2406 1-17 C2406202 Page 2 of 3 Policy Number:60622-79-90 Effective Date:04-10-2017 Additional Fee Information The following additional fees apply on an account,not a per-policy,basis. • A service fee will be assessed on every installment invoice and will be included in the minimum amount due. However,if you choose to pay the entire account balance in full upon receipt of the first installment,the fee will be waived.In addition,for accounts fully enrolled in online billing and scheduled for recurring Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)payments the fee will be waived. State Installment Fee All states except Alaska,Florida,Maryland,New Jersey And West Virginia $6.00 Alaska and Maryland Not applicable Florida $3.00 New Jersey • $7.00 West Virginia $5.00 • • A returned payment fee applies per check,electronic transaction or other remittance which is not honored by your financial institution for any reason including but not limited to insufficient funds or a closed account.NOTE:If the returned payment is in response to a Notice of Cancellation,coverage still cancels on the cancellation effective dateset forth in the notice. • State NSF Fee All States Except Alaska, Florida, Indiana, Maine, Nebraska, New Jersey, $30.00 North Dakota,Oklahoma,Virginia And West Virginia North Dakota And Oklahoma $25.00 Nebraska And Indiana $20.00 Florida And West Virginia $15.00 Maine $10.00 Alaska,New Jersey And Virginia Not applicable • A late fee will be assessed on each Notice of Cancellation that is issued and will be included in the minimum amount due. State Late Fee All States Except Alaska, Florida, Maryland, Missouri, Nebraska, New $20.00 Jersey,Rhode Island,Virginia,South Carolina And West Virginia Nebraska,Rhode Island And South Carolina $10.00 Alaska,Florida,Maryland,Missouri,New Jersey,Virginia And West Virginia Not applicable The following applies on a per-policy basis. • A reinstatement fee of$25.00 will be assessed if the policy is reinstated over 30 days but under 6 months from the cancellation date. This fee does not apply to Florida,Indiana&Maryland or to Workers Compensation policies. One or more of the fees or charges described above may be deemed a part of premium under applicable state law. 56-24061-17 C2406203 Page 3 of 3 . r THIS ENDORSEMENT IS ATTACHED TO AND MADE PART OF YOUR POLICY IN RESPONSE TO THE DISCLOSURE REQUIREMENTS OF THE TERRORISM RISK INSURANCE ACT.THIS ENDORSEMENT DOES NOT GRANT ANY COVERAGE OR CHANGE THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF ANY COVERAGE UNDER THE POLICY. • . kVA 16300 FARMERS 3rd Edition INSURANCE DISCLOSURE PURSUANT TO TERRORISM RISK INSURANCE ACT • SCHEDULE SCHEDULE-PART I Terrorism Premium(Certified Acts) $ 4.00 Additional information,if any,concerning the terrorism premium: SCHEDULE-PART II Federal share of terrorism losses 83 %Year:2017 (Refer to Paragraph B.in this endorsement) Federal share of terrorism losses 82 %Year:20 8 (Refer to Paragraph B.in this endorsement) Information required to complete this Schedule,if not shown above,will be shown in the Declarations.. A. Disclosure Of Premium In accordance with the federal Terrorism Risk Insurance Act,we are required to provide you with a notice disclosing the portion of your premium, if any, attributable to coverage for terrorist acts certified under the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act.The portion of your premium attributable to such coverage is shown in the Schedule of this endorsement or in the policy Declarations. B. Disclosure Of Federal Participation In Payment Of Terrorism Losses The United States Government, Department of the Treasury, will pay a share of terrorism losses insured under the federal program.The federal share equals a percentage(as shown in Part II of the Schedule of this endorsement or in the policy Declarations)of that portion of the amount of such insured losses that exceeds the applicable insurer retention. However, if aggregate insured losses attributable to terrorist acts certified under the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act exceed$100 billion in a calendar year the Treasury shall not make any payment for any portion of the amount of such losses that exceeds$100 billion. C. Cap On Insurer Participation In Payment Of Terrorism Losses If aggregate insured losses attributable to terrorist acts certified under the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act exceed $100 billion in a calendar year and we have met our insurer deductible under the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act,we shall not be liable for the payment of any portion of the amount of such losses exceeds$100 billion,and in such case insured losses up to that amount are subject to pro rata allocation in accordance with procedures established by the Secretary of the Treasury. 93-6300 3RD EDITION 1-15 Includes Copyright Material of Insurance Services Office,Inc.,with its permission J6300301 PAGE 1 OF 1 J6300-ED3 • THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY.PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. eVA E2010 FARMERS 3rd Edition INSURANCE CONDITIONAL EXCLUSION OF TERRORISM (RELATING TO DISPOSITION OF FEDERAL TERRORISM RISK INSURANCE ACT) This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: BUSINESSOWNERS SPECIAL PROPERTY COVERAGE FORM BUSINESSOWNERS LIABILITY COVERAGE FORM SCHEDULE The Exception Covering Certain Fire Losses (Paragraph B.2.) applies to property located in the following state(s): California Oregon Illinois Virginia Iowa Washington Missouri Wisconsin North Carolina Information required to complete this Schedule,if not shown above,will be shown in the Declarations. A. Coverage is amended as follows: 1. Applicability Of The Provisions Of This Endorsement a.The provisions of this endorsement become applicable commencing on the date when any one or more of the following first occurs. But if your policy(meaning the policy period in which this endorsement applies) begins after such date, then the provisions of this endorsement become applicable on the date your policy begins. (1)The federal Terrorism Risk Insurance Program ("Program"), established by the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act, has terminated with respect to the type of insurance provided under this Coverage Form;or (2)A renewal, extension or replacement of the Program has become effective without a requirement to make terrorism coverage available to you and with revisions that: (a) Increase our statutory percentage deductible under the Program for terrorism losses.(That deductible determines the amount of all certified terrorism losses we must pay in a calendar year, before the federal government shares in subsequent payment of certified terrorism losses.);or (b)Decrease the federal government's statutory percentage share in potential terrorism losses above such deductible;or (c) Redefine terrorism or make insurance coverage for terrorism subject to provisions or requirements that differ from those that apply to other types of events or occurrences under this policy. b.If the provisions of this endorsement become applicable,such provisions: (1)Supersede any terrorism endorsement already endorsed to this policy that addresses "certified acts of terrorism"and/or"other acts of terrorism",but only with respect to loss or injury or damage from an incident(s)of terrorism(however defined)that occurs on or after the date when the provisions of this endorsement become applicable;and 91-2010 3RD EDITION 1-15 Includes Copyright Material of Insurance Services Office,Inc.,with its permission E2010301 PAGE 1 OF 4 E2010-ED3 • (2)Remain applicable unless we notify you of changes in these provisions,in response to federal law. c.If the provisions of this endorsement do NOT become applicable, any terrorism endorsement already endorsed to this policy,that addresses"certified acts of terrorism" and/or"other acts of terrorism",will continue in effect unless we notify you of changes to that endorsement in response to federal law. 2. The following definition is added and applies under this endorsement wherever the term terrorism is enclosed in quotation marks. "Terrorism"means activities against persons,organizations or property of any nature: a.That involve the following or preparation for the following: (1) Use or threat of force or violence;or (2)Commission or threat of a dangerous act;or • (3)Commission or threat of an act that interferes with or disrupts an electronic, communication,information,or mechanical system;and b.When one or both of the following applies: (1)The effect is to intimidate or coerce a government or the civilian population or any segment thereof,or to disrupt any segment of the economy;or (2) It appears that the intent is to intimidate or coerce a government, or to further political, ideological, religious,social or economic objectives or to express(or express opposition to) a philosophy or ideology. • B. The Businessowners Special Property Coverage Form is amended as follows: 1. The following exclusion is added: EXCLUSION OF TERRORISM We will not pay for loss or damage caused directly or indirectly by"terrorism",including action in hindering or defending against an actual or expected incident of"terrorism".Such loss or damage is excluded regardless of any other cause or event that contributes concurrently or in any sequence to the loss. But this exclusion applies only when one or more of the following are attributed to an incident of"terrorism": a.The"terrorism"is carried out by.means of the dispersal or application of radioactive material,or through the use of a nuclear weapon or device that involves or produces a nuclear reaction, nuclear radiation or radioactive contamination;or b.Radioactive material is released, and it appears that one purpose of the "terrorism" was to release such material;or c.The "terrorism" is carried out by means of the dispersal or application of pathogenic or poisonous biological or chemical materials;or d.Pathogenic or poisonous biological or chemical materials are released,and it appears that one purpose of the"terrorism"was to release such materials;or e.The total of insured damage to all types of property in the United States, its territories and possessions, Puerto Rico and Canada exceeds $25,000,000. In determining whether the $25,000,000 threshold is exceeded,we will include all insured damage sustained by property of • all persons and entities affected bythe"terrorism"and business interruption losses sustained by owners or occupants of the damaged property. For the purpose of this provision, insured damage means damage that is covered by any insurance plus damage that would be covered by any insurance but for the application of any terrorism exclusions. Multiple incidents of "terrorism"which occur within a 72-hour period and appear to be carried out in concert or to have a related purpose or common leadership will be deemed to be one incident,for the purpose of determining whether the threshold is exceeded. 91-2010 3RD EDITION 1-15 Includes Copyright Material of Insurance Services Office,Inc.,with its permission E2010302 PAGE 2 OF 4 E2010-ED3 With respect to this Item 1.e., the immediately preceding paragraph describes the threshold used to measure the magnitude of an incident of"terrorism"and the circumstances in which the • threshold will apply, for the purpose of determining whether this Exclusion will apply to that incident.When the Exclusion applies to an incident of"terrorism", there is no coverage under this Coverage Form. • 2. Exception Covering Certain Fire Losses The following exception to the Exclusion Of Terrorism applies only if indicated and as indicated in the Schedule of this endorsement. If"terrorism" results in fire, we will pay for the loss or damage caused by that fire, subject to all applicable policy provisions including the Limit of Insurance on the affected property. Such coverage for fire applies only to direct loss or damage by fire to Covered Property. Therefore, for example,the coverage does not apply to insurance provided under Business Income and/or Extra Expense coverages or endorsements that apply to those coverages. 3. Application Of Other Exclusions When the Exclusion Of Terrorism applies in accordance with the terms of Paragraph 1.a. or 1.b., such exclusion applies without regard to the Nuclear Hazard Exclusion in this Coverage Form. • C. The Businessowners Liability Coverage Form is amended as follows: 1. The following definition is added and applies under this endorsement wherever the phrase any injury or damage,is enclosed in quotation marks: "Any injury or damage" means any injury or damage covered under this Coverage Form or any applicable endorsement,and includes but is not limited to"bodily injury", "property damage" or "personal and advertising injury",as may be defined under this Coverage Form or any applicable endorsement. 2. The following exclusion is added: • EXCLUSION OF TERRORISM We will not pay for"any injury or damage"caused directly or indirectly by"terrorism", including action in hindering or defending against an actual or expected incident of"terrorism". "Any injury or damage" is excluded regardless of any other cause or event that contributes concurrently or in any sequence to such injury or damage.But this exclusion applies only when one or more of the following are attributed to an incident of"terrorism": a.The"terrorism"is carried out by means of the dispersal or application of radioactive material,or through the use of a nuclear weapon or device that involves or produces a nuclear reaction, nuclear radiation or radioactive contamination;or b.Radioactive material is released, and it appears that one purpose of the "terrorism" was to release such material;or c.The "terrorism" is carried out by means of the dispersal or application of pathogenic or poisonous biological or chemical materials;or d.Pathogenic or poisonous biological or chemical materials are released,and it appears that one purpose of the"terrorism"was to release such materials;or e.The total of insured damage to all types of property exceeds $25,000,000. In determining whether the$25,000,000 threshold is exceeded,we will include all insured damage sustained by property of all persons and entities affected by the "terrorism" and business interruption losses sustained by owners or occupants of the damaged property. For the purpose of this provision, insured damage means damage that is covered by any insurance plus damage that would be covered by any insurance but for the application of any terrorism exclusions;or maim D3 RD EDITION 1-15 Includes Copyright Material of Insurance Services Office,Inc.,with Its permission E2010303 PAGE 3 OF 4 f. Fifty or more persons sustain death or serious physical injury.For the purposes of this provision, serious physical injury means: • (1)Physical injury that involves a substantial risk of death;or (2)Protracted and obvious physical disfigurement;or • (3)Protracted loss of or impairment of the function of a bodily member or organ. Multiple incidents of"terrorism"which occur within a 72-hour period and appear to be carried out in concert or to have a related purpose or common leadership will be deemed to be one incident, for the purpose of determining whether the thresholds in Paragraph 2.e.or 2.f.are exceeded. With respect to this Exclusion, Paragraphs 2.e. and 2.f. describe the threshold used to measure • the magnitude of an incident of "terrorism" and the circumstances in which the threshold will • apply,for the purpose of determining whether this Exclusion will apply to ihat incident.When the Exclusion applies to an incident of"terrorism",there is no coverage under this Coverage Form. D. The following provision is added to the applicable Coverage Form: The terms and limitations of any terrorism exclusion,or the inapplicability or omission of a terrorism exclusion, do not serve to create coverage for loss or injury or damage that is otherwise excluded under this Policy. • This endorsement is part of your policy. It supersedes and controls anything to the contrary. It is otherwise subject to all the terms of the policy. 91-2010 3RD EDITION 1-15 Includes Copyright Material of Insurance Services Office,Inc.,with its permission E2010304 PAGE 4 OF 4 E2010-ED3 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY.PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. APA FARMERS j7110 • INSURANCE 1stEdition EXCLUSION-ACCESS OR DISCLOSURE OF CONFIDENTIAL OR PERSONAL INFORMATION AND DATA-RELATED LIABILITY This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: BUSINESSOWNERS COVERAGE FORM BUSINESSOWNERS LIABILITY COVERAGE FORM APARTMENT OWNERS LIABILITY COVERAGE FORM CONDOMINIUM LIABILITY COVERAGE FORM A. The following exclusion is added to Section B.Exclusions: Access Or Disclosure Of Confidential Or Personal Information And Data-Related Liability This insurance does not apply to damages, including but not limited to, "bodily injury" or"property damage"arising out of: 1. Any access to or disclosure of any person's or organization's confidential or personal information, including patents, trade secrets, processing methods, customer lists, financial information, credit card information,health information or any other type of nonpublic information;or 2. The loss of, loss of use of,damage to,corruption of,inability to access,or inability to manipulate electronic data. This exclusion applies even if damages are claimed for notification costs,credit monitoring expenses, forensic expenses, public relations expenses or any other loss, cost or expense incurred by you or others arising out of that which is described in Paragraph 1.or 2.above. As used in this exclusion,electronic data means information,facts, recordings, images or computer programs stored as or on, created or used on, or transmitted to or from computer software, (including systems and applications software),on hard or floppy disks,CD-ROMs,tapes,drives,cells, data processing devices or any other repositories of computer software which are used with electronically controlled equipment. The term computer programs, referred to in the foregoing description of electronic data, means a set of related electronic instructions which direct the operations and functions of a computer or device connected to it, which enable the computer or device to receive,process,store,retrieve or send data. B. The following is added to Paragraph B.1.p. Personal And Advertising Injury Exclusion of the Businessowners Coverage Form and Businessowners Liability Coverage form and to Paragraph B.1.q. Personal And Advertising Injury Exclusion of the Apartment Owners Liability Coverage Form and Condominium Liability Coverage Form: Personal And Advertising Injury This insurance does not apply to damages,including but not limited to, "personal and advertising injury"arising out of any access to or disclosure of any person's or organization's confidential or personal information, including patents, trade secrets, processing methods, customer lists, financial information,credit card information, health information or any other type of nonpublic information. This exclusion applies even if damages are claimed for notification costs, credit monitoring expenses,forensic expenses,public relations expenses or any other loss,cost or expense incurred by you or others arising out of any access to or disclosure of any person's or organization's confidential or personal information. This endorsement is part of your policy. It supersedes and controls anything to the contrary. It is otherwise subject to all the terms of the policy. 93-7110 1ST EDITION 8-15 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office,Inc.,with its permission. J7110101 PAGE 1 OF 1 J7110-ED1 414 Mid-Century Insurance Company(A Stock Company) - Member Of The Farmers Insurance Group Of Companies® FARMERS Home Office:6301 Owensmouth Ave.,Woodland Hills,CA 91367 INSURANCE • • POLICY DECLARATIONS - SERVICE OR OFFICE PRIMARY POLICY Named GOODWIN,CRAIG Insured Mailing 5315 N VISTA CT Address SPOKANE,WA 99212-1639 Policy Number 60622-79-90 ❑Auditable Policy From 04-10-2017 Period To 04-10-2018 12:01 A.M.Standard time at your mailing address shown above. In return for the payment of premium and subject to all the terms of this policy,we agree with you to provide insurance as stated in this policy.We provide insurance only for those Coverages described and for which a specific limit of insurance is shown. The following premium credits and discounts applied to the premium associated with this coverage part: Multiple Policy Discount-Homeowners And Personal Auto Insurance There may be other credits and discounts you may be able to enjoy,please contact your agent for full details. • Your Agent Richard Splichal Richard Splichal Ins Agy In 9119 E Boone Ave Spokane Valley,WA 99206 (509)921-8966 56-2407 1-15 562407-ED1 Page 1 of 7 Policy Number: 60622-79-90 Effective Date: 04-10-2017 PROPERTY,INLAND MARINE AND CRIME COVERAGES AND LIMITS BUILDING ::v:::•::::::::••••- •;:::•i::: :•`•::::••••••::-.:.:-.•...x.:•:•••••••••:-::•••••::—.:.•.•••••• :::r:;•rr:;:>:::::;>:::s s:::is ::: ::::;:::::>:::;:::>:::<:r::::>:'t ri;;x•;:•;r:<•::-r r:•;:•::•;:-;:x•:x:;:•::•;:•::•;r:•>:-;>:>:>:•::•:::ax•::•:;•:: ................. .... ........... ........................ ' i ilQiiv n�:: vat ge ::app.1Y:::xa.::�tIg:Ma:r.0*.i. ..........................................................::: :::::::: ::::::::�.�.............g ...:.:.:.:�,r�age�;:ilnd:Ext�tzs�ans:�a?cltiQn:::::.�:.� ::::::r:t�tft :; tw s arttl slt ns Jn attthe 1 i lreiactd ta'the ind1.0.0i lio at'fan remIsas::sectio .:ar•::::::»:<: ::��r.�: ?e�.at�c��i�Etss �����:i�:��•�a�ai�va•: k .ea�c sem: ...........rag •::•;:•:•;:•>:-::::->:•;;>::•>:•:::•;:-:::;•:>:;:•:::•;:•;:-::•>:•::•;:•;:-::::::•:::•::::•::•::::::•;:•::•::•:;:::•::•>;;:.:::•::-:;:-;:::•:::.::•;:•::.:::::.:�.: Option: BV-Blanket Value(see Base Coverage&Extensions for the total limit) Valuation: ACV-Actual Cash Value; AV-Agreed Value;RC-Replacement Cost; ERC-Extended RC; FRC-Functional RC;GRC-Guaranteed RC • Abbreviation: ALS=Actual Loss Sustained; BI=Business Income; EE=Extra Expense Premises Bldg. Number No. Covered Premises Address Mortgagee Name And Address • 001 001 5315 N Vista Ct Spokane,WA 99212-1639 Deductible/ Coverage Option Valuation Limit Of Insurance Waiting Period Business Personal Property(B PP) RC $15,800 $500 • 56-2407 1-15 562407-E1A Page 2 of 7 Policy Number: 60622-79-90 Effective Date: 04-10-2017 PROPERTY,INLAND MARINE AND CRIME COVERAGES AND LIMITS CONTINUED PREMISES ollowinaiN:.. es a.- 1 ::WV.se:deserlbed10 n t ..reenmises;:?iea :.r..ef f;:•t t : mpo iroges:; tlt7: sf,:ar giiiii::::::> cove• es:and extension's.:: .... .iis.::et>ti e:•po#�','.i evel:::an d:::tit:::th e::ln ftv&1ua�:::buildiri"::section ftar::<::::::>:::: .. ...:::::•:•..............::.:...:.,...p�#S!,..u.:•:::.;.....:p...::�►•::.:�::::::::.�::::::::::.�::::.................................�....:......................... ::isori'e•'i�:;::.s�'.:.::�#�ai'ies t c. ath a Premises Bldg. Number No. Covered Premises Address 001 All 5315 N Vista Ct,Spokane,WA 99212-1639 Coverage Limit Of Insurance Deductible/ Waiting Period Accounts Receivables-On-Premises $5,000 $500 Debris Removal 25%Of Loss+10,000 Personal Effects $2,500 $500 Pollutant Clean Up And Removal Aggregate $10,000 $500 Valuable Paper And Records-On-Premises $5,000 $500 • • 56-2407 1-15 562407-E1B Page 3 of 7 Policy Number: 60622-79-90 Effective Date: 04-10-2017 PROPERTY,INLAND MARINE AND CRIME COVERAGES AND LIMITS OF INSURANCE ::IMitvltowin Cove a es aii d xtteiisl i'i is: pp :.to all: ezedivcat0ons-: he •:::.�:::: ::: :::::::::�:•:::::::::::•�•::::::::.::�•::::::::::::::.�:::R�.y....:..::......................:.........:...:(p.:.�s�):anc#:Jnr;:i��u�I�inngs1?��.ashr�e(�,r•:�;a:�p::::>::::: ...indict thiai iaoatioitis;(pre iis,as.)woreor bultdit. :: on::€000rero es:•:and.:t irs:• ecii c::tOufc ::tecatin :. remises-:::::0 a �n Base Coverages And Extensions Limit Of Insurance Deductible/ Waiting Period Accounts Receivables-Off-Premises $2,500 $500 Arson Conviction Reward $5,000 None Business Income&Extra Expense-Civil Authority 3 Weeks 72 Hours-BI Business Income(BI)&Extra Expense(EE) 18 Months-ALS 72 Hours BPP Seasonal Increase 25% Electronic Data Processing Equipment $10,000 $500 Electronic Data Processing Media And Records $2,500 $500 Employee Dishonesty $5,000 $500 Extended Business Income 30 Days Fire Department Service Charge $1,000 None Fire Extinguisher Systems Recharge Expense $2,500 None Forgery And Alteration $2,500 $500 Limited Coy.-Fungi Wet Rot Dry Rot&Bacteria-Aggregate $15,000 $500 Money And Securities-Inside Premises $5,000 $500 Money And Securities-Outside Premises $5,000 $500 Money Orders And Counterfeit Paper Currency $1,000 $500 Newly Acquired Or Constructed Building $250,000 $500 Outdoor Property $2,500 $500 Outdoor Property-Trees,Shrubs&Plants(Per Item) $500 $500 Outdoor Signs $2,500 $500 Personal Property At Newly Acquired Premises $100,000 $500 Personal Property Off Premises $5,000 $500 Premises Boundary 100 Feet Preservation Of Property 30 days Valuable Paper And Records-Off-Premises $2,500 $500 56-2407 1-15 562407-EIC Page 4.of 7 Policy Number: 60622-79-90 Effective Date: 04-10-2017 • LIABILITY AND MEDICAL EXPENSES COVERAGE AND LIMITS OF INSURANCE Io t:::::i.ig: v .a s'":coir' #hig„:4T.9.gn iX.t. :�::�ac ..:..a�• . ��r z1 .moo.. z e. � .. s.. . .amu x. fi.in • .:.�.#�...!�:.......................................s.............9.................. ....................................................fit......... air fer.:%o t:: a Premium Basis: (A)Area; (C)Total Cost; (P)Payroll; (S)Sales/Receipts;(U)Each Unit (M)Public Area Square Feet (0)Other: Covered Premises And Operations Address Classification/Exposure Class Prem.Annual Advance Code Basis Exposure Rate Premium 5315 N Vista Ct Photographic Studios,Portrait 7221 Incl Included Included Included Spokane,WA 99212-1639 56-2407 1-15 562407-E10 Page 5 of 7 Policy Number: 60622-79-90 Effective Date: 04-10-2017 LIABILITY AND MEDICAL EXPENSES COVERAGE AND LIMITS OF INSURANCE CONTINUED Coverage Amount/Date General Aggregate(Other Than Products&Completed Operations) $1,000,000 Products And Completed Operations Aggregate $500,000 Personal And Advertising Injury Included Each Occurrence $500,000 Tenants Liability(Each Occurrence) $75,000 Medical Expense(Each Person) $5,000 Non-Owned Auto Liability Included Per Location General Aggregate Limit Included • 56-2407 1-15 562407-E1E Page 6 of 7 Policy Number: 60622-79-90 Effective Date: 04-10-2017 Policy Forms And Endorsements Attached At Inception Number Title 25-2110 Work Comp Exclusion 56-5166ED5 Additional Policy Conditions BP00021299 Special Property Covg Form BP00060197 Businessowners Liab.Covg Form BP00090197 Businessowners Common Policy Conditions BP04200197 Hired&Non-Owned Auto-Washington BP04340197 Businessowners Computer Covg BP04390196 Abuse Or Molestation Excl BP04550197 Business Liab Covg-Tenants Liab BP04600197 Wa-Employment-Related Practices Excl BP04731298 Washington Chgs-Domestic Abuse BP05140103 War Liability Exclusion E2010-ED3 Conditional Exclusion Of Terrorism E2042-ED2 Multiple Damages Excl • E3027-ED1 No Covg-Certain Computer Related Losses E3342-ED1 Personal&Advertising Injury Covg Amend E3451-ED1 Retail Service Primary Pckg E6036-ED1 Lead Poisoning&Contamination Excl E6289-ED1 Business Income&Extra Expense-18 Mos J6300-ED3 Disci Of Prem-Cert Acts Of Terror J6316-ED1 Excl Of Loss Due To Virus Or Bact J6345-ED1 Excl-Violation Of Statutes J6351-ED2 Limited Terrorism Exclusion J6353-ED1 Change To Limits Of Insurance J6740-ED1 Two Or More Coverage Forms • J6828-ED1 Ltd Covg For Fungi,Wet/Dry Rot J6849-ED2 Deductible Provisions J7110-ED1 Exclusion Confidential Info J7122-ED1 Loss Pay Cond-Proft Ovrhd Inc Fees J7138-ED1 Bus Inc And Extr Exp-Prt Slwdwn Cov S7918-ED1 Wa-Amend To Membership/Policy Fee W2274-ED1 Asbestos Exclusion W7912-ED4 Washington Changes W7935-ED2 Mold&Microorganism W7939-ED2 Washington-Amendment Of Terrorism Excl 56-2407 1-15 562407-ElF Page 7 of 7 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY.PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. AWN FARMERS 17138 INSURANCE 1st Edition BUSINESS INCOME AND EXTRA EXPENSE-PARTIAL SLOWDOWN COVERAGE This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: BUSINESSOWNERS COVERAGE FORM BUSINESSOWNERS SPECIAL PROPERTY COVERAGE FORM A. Paragraph A.S. Additional Coverages in SECTION I - PROPERTY of the Businessowners Coverage Form is amended as follows: Item(3)in Paragraphs 5.f.Business Income and 5.g.Extra Expense is replaced by the following: (3) With respect to the coverage provided in this Additional Coverage,suspension means: (a) The partial slowdown or complete cessation of your business activities;or (b) That a part or all of the described premises is rendered untenantable,if coverage for Business Income applies. B. Section A.5. Additional Coverages of the Businessowners Special Property Coverage Form is amended as follows: 1. The following is added to Paragraphs 5.f.Business Income and 5.g.Extra Expense: (3) With respect to the coverage provided in this Additional Coverage,suspension means: (a) The partial slowdown or complete cessation of your business activities;or (b) That a part or all of the described premises is rendered untenantable, if coverage for Business Income applies. 2. The last sentence of Paragraph 5.f.Business Income is replaced by the following: (4) This Additional Coverage is not subject to the Limits of Insurance. 3. The last two sentences of Paragraph 5.g.Extra Expense are replaced by the following: (4) We will only pay for Extra Expense that occurs within 12 consecutive months after the date of direct physical loss or damage. This Additional Coverage is not subject to the Limits of Insurance. C. Paragraph 6.4. Business Income And Extra Expense Exclusions in SECTION I PROPERTY of the Businessowners Coverage Form is amended as follows: Sub-paragraph b.is replaced by the following: b. With respect to this exclusion,suspension means: (1) The partial slowdown or complete cessation of your business activities;or (2) That a part or all of the described premises is rendered untenantable,if coverage for Business Income applies. D. The following is added to Paragraph B.4. Business Income And Extra Expense Exclusions of the Businessowners Special Property Coverage Form: With respect to this exclusion,suspension means: a. The partial slowdown or complete cessation of your business activities;or b. That a part or all of the described premises is rendered untenantable, if coverage for Business Income applies. This endorsement is part of your policy. It supersedes and controls anything to the contrary. It is otherwise subject to all the terms of the policy. J7138-ED1 11-16 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office,Inc.,with its permission. Page 1 of 1 93-7138 J7138101 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY.PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. • 161;4i - w7939 FARMERS WASHINGTON INSURANCE 2nd Edition WASHINGTON-AMENDMENT OF TERRORISM EXCLUSIONS This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: APARTMENT OWNERS LIABILITY COVERAGE FORM APARTMENT OWNERS PROPERTY COVERAGE FORM BUSINESSOWNERS COVERAGE FORM BUSINESSOWNERS SPECIAL PROPERTY COVERAGE FORM BUSINESSOWNERS LIABILITY COVERAGE FORM • CONDOMINIUM LIABILITY COVERAGE FORM CONDOMINIUM PROPERTY COVERAGE FORM A. The following provision is added to the applicable Property and Liability Coverage Forms: 1. If this policy(or an endorsement to this policy)excludes loss or damage caused by a"certified act of terrorism",an "other act of terrorism",or"terrorism",the following paragraph is added to such. exclusion(s)and supersedes any provision to the contrary. Loss or damage will be considered to have been caused by such excluded event if the occurrence of that event: a. Directly and solely results in loss or damage;or b. Initiates a sequence of events that results in loss or damage, regardless of the nature of any intermediate or final event in that sequence. B. The following provision is added to Section I - Property and Section 11 - Liability of the Businessowners Coverage Form: 1. If this policy(or an endorsement to this policy)excludes loss or damage caused by a"certified act of terrorism",an "other act of terrorism",or"terrorism",the following paragraph is added to such exclusion(s)and supersedes any provision to the contrary. Loss or damage will be considered to have been caused by such excluded event if the occurrence of that event: a. Directly and solely results in loss or damage;or b. Initiates a sequence of events that results in loss or damage, regardless of the nature of any intermediate or final event in that sequence. This endorsement is part of your policy. It supersedes and controls anything to the contrary. It is otherwise subject to all the terms of the policy. 94-7939 2ND EDITION 1-15 Includes Copyright material of Insurance Services Office,Inc.,with its permission. W7939201 PAGE 1 OF 1 W7939•ED2 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY.PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. j6849 FARMERS 2nd Edition INSURANCE DEDUCTIBLE PROVISIONS This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: APARTMENT OWNERS PROPERTY COVERAGE FORM BUSINESSOWNERS COVERAGE FORM BUSINESSOWNERS SPECIAL PROPERTY COVERAGE FORM CONDOMINIUM PROPERTY COVERAGE FORM The Deductible provisions in the applicable coverage form are amended as follows. Section D.Deductibles in the applicable Property Coverage Form,and Paragraph D.Deductibles in SECTION I- PROPERTY of the Businessowners Coverage Form is deleted and replaced by the following: D. DEDUCTIBLES 1. We will not pay for loss or damage in any one occurrence until the amount of loss or damage exceeds the Deductible shown in the Declarations.We will then pay the amount of loss or damage in excess of the Deductible up to the applicable Limit of Insurance. 2. If more than one Deductible applies in any one occurrence we will apply each Deductible separately per location. But the total of all Deductible amounts applied in that occurrence will not exceed the highest applicable Deductible per location. This endorsement is part of your policy.It supersedes and controls anything to the contrary.It is otherwise subject to all the terms of the policy. 93-6849 2ND EDITION 1-15 Includes Copyrighted Material of Insurance Services Office,Inc.with its permission. /6849201 Page 1 of 1 J6849-ED2 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY.PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. AAA FARMERS w1912 INSURANCE WASHINGTON 4th Edition WASHINGTON CHANGES This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: BUSINESSOWNERS POLICY A. The following provisions are added to Businessowners Special Property Coverage Form BP 00 02 or Section I-Property of Businessowners Coverage Form BP 00 03: Paragraph A.2.Property Not Covered is amended as follows: 1. Paragraphs A.2.a.and A.2.h.are replaced by the following: a. Aircraft, automobiles, or motortrucks; and any other vehicle if such vehicle is subject to licensing requirements; h. "Computer(s)" which are permanently installed or designed to be permanently installed in any aircraft, watercraft, motortruck or other vehicle subject to licensing requirements. This paragraph does not apply to"computer(s)"while held as"stock". 2. In section B. Exclusions, any introductory paragraph preceding an exclusion or list of exclusions is replaced by the following paragraph,which pertains to application of those exclusions: We will not pay for loss or damage caused by any of the excluded events described below. Loss or damage will be considered to have been caused by an excluded event if the occurrence of that event: a. Directly and solely results in loss or damage;or b. Initiates a sequence of events that results in loss or damage, regardless of the nature of any intermediate or final event in that sequence. 3. In Paragraph B.1.b.(2) of the Businessowners Special Property Coverage Form, or B.1.b.(5) of the Businessowners Coverage Form,the definition of Volcanic Action is replaced by the following: Volcanic Action means direct loss or damage resulting from the eruption of a volcano when loss or damage is caused by: (a) Volcanic blast or airborne shock waves;or (b) Ash,dust or particulate matter. Volcanic Action does not provide coverage for damage to: (a) Land; (b) Property in the open or in open sheds;or (c) Portions of buildings not completely enclosed, or personal property contained within those buildings. All volcanic eruptions that occur within any 168-hour period will constitute a single occurrence. Direct loss includes the cost to: (a) Remove the ash, dust or particulate matter from the interior and exterior surfaces of the covered building;and (b) Clean equipment and stock. If stock cannot be returned to its state before the volcanic eruption, the measure of loss will be the reduction in actual cash value. Payment for removal applies only to the initial deposit of ash, dust or particulate matter following a volcanic eruption. Subsequent deposits arising from the movements of volcanic dust or ash by wind or other means are not covered. 94-7912 41H EDMON 11-13 Includes Copyrighted Material of Insurance Services Office,Inc with its permission. W7912401 PAGE 1 OF 6 W1912-ED4 The following applies to the Business Income and Extra Expense Additional Coverages-only: The "period of restoration" arising from the need for removal- is the time necessary to remove the matter described with reasonable speed from the Covered Property. • Volcanic Action does not include loss caused by,resulting from,contributed to or aggravated by: (a) Fire; (b) Explosion; (c) Flood, surface water, waves, tides, tidal waves, overflow of any body of water, or other spray, all whether driven by wind or not;or (d) Earth movement, including but not limited to earthquake, volcanic eruption, landslide, mine subsidence,lava flow,mudflow,earth sinking,earth rising or shifting. 4. Paragraph B.2.k. of the Businessowners Special Property Coverage Form, or B.2.1. of the Businessowners Coverage Form,is replaced by the following: Other Types Of Loss: (1) Wear and tear; (2) Rust or other corrosion, decay, deterioration, hidden or latent defect or any quality in property that causes it to damage or destroy itself; (3) Smog; (4) Settling,cracking,shrinking or expansion; (5) Nesting or infestation, or discharge or release of waste products or secretions, by insects, birds, rodents or other animals; (6) Mechanical breakdown, including rupture or bursting caused by centrifugal force. This exclusion does not apply with respect to breakdown of"computers";or (7) The following causes of loss to personal property: (a) Dampness or dryness of atmosphere; (b) Changes in or extremes of temperature;or (c) Marring or scratching. But if an excluded cause of loss that is listed in (1)through (7)results in a "specified cause of loss", building glass breakage or collapse, as provided in the Additional Coverage, Collapse results, we • will pay for the loss or damage caused by that "specified causes of loss", building glass breakage or collapse. 5. Paragraph B.3.Exclusions is replaced by the following: 3.We will not pay for loss or damage caused by or resulting from any of the following a. through c. But if an excluded cause of loss that is listed in a. through c. results in a Covered Cause of Loss,we • will pay for the loss or damage caused by that Covered Cause of Loss. • a.Weather Conditions (1) A weather condition which results in: (a) Landslide,mudslide or mudflow; (b) Mine subsidence;earth sinking,rising or shifting(other than sinkhole collapse); (c) Flood, surface water, waves, tides, tidal waves, overflow of any body of water, or their spray,all whether driven by wind or not; (d) Water backing up from a sewer or drain;or • (e) Water under the ground surface pressing on,or flowing or seeping through: (i)Foundations,walls,floors or paved surfaces; (ii)Basements,whether paved or not;or • (iii)Doors,windows or other openings. But if loss or damage by a Covered Cause of Loss results, we will pay for that resulting loss or damage. 94-7912 4TH EDITION 11-13 Includes Copyrighted Material of Insurance Services Office,Inc with its permission. W7912402 PAGE 2 OF 6 (2) A weather condition which results in the failure of power or other utility service supplied to the described premises, if the failure originates away from the described premises. But if loss or damage by a Covered Cause of Loss results,we will pay for that resulting loss or damage. b.Acts Or Decisions Acts or decisions, including the failure to act or decide, of any person, group, organization or governmental body. But if loss or damage by a Covered Cause of Loss results, we will pay for that resulting loss or damage. c. Negligent Work Faulty,inadequate or defective: (1) Planning,zoning,development,surveying,siting; (2) Design, specifications, workmanship, repair, construction, renovation, remodeling, grading, compaction; (3) Materials used in repair,construction,renovation or remodeling;or (4) Maintenance; of part or all of any property on or off the described premises. But if loss or damage by a Covered Cause of Loss results,we will pay for that resulting loss or damage. 6. Paragraph E.Property Loss Conditions is amended as follows: a.The last paragraph of Paragraph 2.Appraisal does not apply. b.Paragraph 3.(a)(1) Duties In The Event Of Loss Or Damage,regarding notifying the police if a law may have been broken,does not apply. c. Loss Payment Paragraphs 6.d.(1)(a)(ii)and 6.d.(1)(a)(iii)are replaced by the following: (ii) The amount it would cost to replace the damaged item at the time of the loss with new property of similar kind and quality to be used for the same purpose on the same site;or (iii) The amount you actually spend in repairing the damage, or replacing the damaged property with new property of similar kind and quality. d.Paragraph 4.Legal Action Against Us is replaced by the following: Legal Action Against Us No one may bring a legal action against us under this insurance unless: a.There has been full compliance with all of the terms of this insurance;and b.The action is brought within two years after the date on which the direct physical loss or damage occurred. If this action is brought pursuant to Sec. 3 of RCW 48.30 then 20 days prior to filing such an action, you are required to provide written notice of the basis for the cause of action to us and the Office of the Insurance Commissioner. Such notice may be sent by regular mail, registered mail, or certified mail with return receipt requested. e. Subparagraph 6.d.(5)Loss Payment is replaced by the following: (5) Tenants'Improvements and Betterments at: (a) Replacement cost if you make repairs within a reasonable time after loss; (b) A proportion of your original cost if you do not make repairs within a reasonable time after loss.We will determine the proportionate value as follows: (i) Multiply the original cost by the number of days from the loss or damage to the expiration of the lease;and (ii) Divide the amount determined in (i)above by the number of days from the installation of improvements to the expiration of the lease. If your lease contains a renewal option, the expiration of the renewal option period will replace the expiration of the lease in this procedure. (c) Nothing if others pay for repairs or replacement. 94-7912 4111 EDI110N 11-13 Includes Copyrighted Materiel of Insurance Services Office,Inc with its permission. W7912403 PAGE 3 OF 6 • 7. Paragraph F.2.Mortgageholders Property General Condition is replaced by the following: Insurance Commissioner's Regulation No. 335/WAC284-21-010 requires that Form 372(Ed. 11-50) or Form 438 BFU (Ed. 5-42) be endorsed on this policy to replace the Mortgageholders Property • l General Condition. 8. The following are added to the Businessowners Special Property Coverage Form, or Section I - Property of the Businessowners Coverage Form: a. The term actual cash value means: (1) When the damage to property is economically repairable, actual cash value means the cost of repairing the damage, less reasonable deduction for wear and tear, deterioration and obsolescence. (2) When the loss or damage to property creates a total loss, actual cash value means the market value of property in a used condition equal to that of the destroyed property, if reasonably available on the used market. (3) Otherwise, actual cash value means the market value of new, identical or nearly identical • property less reasonable deduction for wear and tear,deterioration and obsolescence. b. The word "vehicles", as used in the Businessowners Special Property Coverage Form, or Section I - Property of the Businessowners Coverage Form, means vehicles running on land or tracks, but not • aircraft. B. Businessowners Liability Coverage Form BP 00 06 or Section II - Liability of Businessowners Coverage Form BP 00 03 is amended as follows: 1. The following is added to Paragraph A.1.a.Business Liability: If we initially defend an insured or pay for an insured's defense but later determine that none of the claims, for which we provided a defense or defense costs, are covered under this insurance, we have the • right to reimbursement for the defense costs we have incurred The right to reimbursement under this provision will only apply to the costs we have incurred after we notify you in writing that there may not be coverage and that we are reserving our rights to terminate the defense or the payment of defense costs and to seek reimbursement for defense costs. 2. Paragraph B.1.e. Employer's Liability Exclusion applies only to "bodily injury" to "employees" of the . insured whose employment is not subject to the Industrial Insurance Act of Washington (Washington Revised Code Title 51). • With respect to "bodily injury" to "employees" of the insured whose employment is subject to the Industrial Insurance Act of Washington, Paragraph B.1.e. Employer's Liability is replaced by the following: e. Employer's Liability (1) "Bodily injury"to an "employee"of the insured arising out of and in the course of: (a) Employment by the insured;or (b) Performing duties related to the conduct of the insured's business. (2) Any obligation to share damages with or repay someone else who must pay damages because of • the injury. This exclusion does not apply to liability assumed by the insured under an"insured contract". • 3. Paragraph C.2.a.(1)Who Is An Insured applies only to "employees" of the insured whose employment is not subject to the Industrial Insurance Act of Washington(Washington Revised Code Title 51). With respect to "employees" of the insured whose employment is subject to the Industrial Insurance Act of Washington,Paragraph C.2.a.(1)is replaced by the following: (1) "Bodily injury"or"personal injury": (a) To you, to your partners or members (if you are a partnership or joint venture), to your members (if you are a limited liability company), or to a co-"employee" while that co-"employee" is either in the course of his or her employment or performing duties related to the conduct of your business;or 94-7912 4111 EDI110N 11-13 Includes Copyrighted Material of Insurance Services Office,Inc with its permission. W7912404 PAGE 4 OF 6 (b) For which there is any obligation to share damages with or repay someone else who must pay damages because of the injury described in Paragraph (1)(a). C. 13usinessowners Common Policy Conditions BP 00 09,or Section III -Common Policy Conditions of the Businessowners Coverage Form BP 00 03 is amended as follows: 1. Paragraph A.Cancellation is replaced by the following: A. Cancellation 1. The first Named Insured shown in the Declarations may cancel this policy by notifying us or the insurance producer in one of the following ways: a. Written notice by mail,fax or e-mail; b. Surrender of the policy or binder;or c. Verbal notice. Upon receipt of such notice, we will cancel this policy or any binder issued as evidence of coverage,effective on the later of the following: a. The date on which notice is received or the policy or binder is surrendered;or b. The date of cancellation requested by the first Named Insured. 2. We may cancel this policy by mailing or delivering to the first Named Insured and the first Named Insured's agent or broker written notice of cancellation at least: a. Five (5) days before the effective date of cancellation for any structure where two (2) or more of the following conditions exist: (1) Without reasonable explanation, the structure is unoccupied for more than 60 consecutive days, or at least 65% of the rental units are unoccupied for more than 120 consecutive days unless the structure is maintained for seasonal occupancy or is under construction or repair; (2) Without reasonable explanation, progress toward completion of permanent repairs to the structure has not occurred within 60 days after receipt.of funds following satisfactory adjustment or adjudication of loss resulting from a fire; (3) Because of its physical condition,the structure is in danger of collapse; (4) Because of its physical condition, a vacation or demolition order has been issued for the structure,or it has been declared unsafe in accordance with applicable law; (5) Fixed and salvageable items have been removed from the structure,indicating an intent to vacate the structure; (6) Without reasonable explanation, heat, water, sewer, and electricity are not furnished for the structure for 60 consecutive days;or (7) The structure is not maintained in substantial compliance with fire, safety and building codes. b. Ten (10) days before the effective date of cancellation if we cancel for non-payment of premium. c. 45 days before the effective date of cancellation if we cancel for any other reason. 3. We will mail or deliver our notice stating the actual reason for cancellation to the first Named Insured and the first Named Insured's agent or broker at their last mailing addresses known to us. 4. We will also mail or deliver to any mortgageholder, pledgee or other person shown in this policy to have an interest in any loss which may occur under this policy, at their last mailing address known to us, written notice of cancellation prior to the effective date of cancellation. If cancellation is for reasons other than those contained in Paragraph A.2.a. above, this notice will be the same as that mailed or delivered to the first Named Insured. If cancellation is for a reason contained in paragraph A.2.a. above, we will mail or deliver this notice at least 20 days prior to the effective date of cancellation. 94-7912 4111 EDIDON 11-13 Indudes Copyrighted Material of Insurance Services Office,Inc with its permission. W79124O5 PAGE 5 OF 6 5. Notice of cancellation will state the effective date of cancellation. The policy period will end on that date. 6. If this policy is cancelled, we will send the first Named Insured any premium refund due. If we • cancel, the refund will be pro rata. If the first Named Insured cancels, the refund will be at least • 90% of the pro rata refund. The cancellation will be effective even if we have not made or • offered a refund. 7. If notice is mailed,proof of mailing will be sufficient proof of notice. 2. Paragraph H.1.Other Insurance is replaced by the following: 1. With respect to property insurance provided this Coverage Form: a. You may have other insurance subject to the same plan, terms, conditions and provisions as the insurance under this policy. If you do, we will pay our share of the covered loss or damage. Our share is the proportion that the applicable Limit of Insurance under this policy bears to the limits of insurance of all insurance covering on the same basis. b. If there is other insurance covering the same loss or damage, other than that described in a. above, we will pay only for the amount of covered loss or damage in excess of the amount due • from that other insurance, whether you can collect on it or not. But we will not pay more than the applicable Limit of Insurance. 3. Paragraph I.3.Premiums is replaced by the following: 3. The premium must be: a. Paid to us prior to the anniversary date;and b. Determined in accordance with Paragraph 2.above. Our forms then in effect will apply. If you do not pay the continuation premium, this policy will expire on the first anniversary date that we have not received the premium. 4. The following paragraph is added: M. Nonrenewal a. We may elect not to renew this policy by mailing or delivering written notice of nonrenewal, stating the reasons for non-renewal, to the first Named Insured and the first named Insured's • agent or broker, at their last mailing addresses known to us. We will also mail to any mortgageholder, pledgee or other person shown in this policy to have an interest in any loss which may occur under this policy, at their last mailing address known to us, written notice of nonrenewal.We will mail or deliver these notices at least 45 days before the: (1) Expiration of the policy;or (2) Anniversary date of this policy if this policy has been written for a term of more than one year. If notice is mailed,proof of mailing will be sufficient proof of notice. Otherwise,we will renew this policy unless: (1) The first Named Insured fails to pay the renewal premium after we have expressed our willingness to renew, including a statement of the renewal premium, to the first Named Insured and the first Named Insured's insurance agent or broker, at least 20 days before the expiration date; (2) Other coverage acceptable to the insured has been procured prior to the expiration date of the policy;or (3) The policy clearly states that it is not renewable, and is for a specific line, sub-classification,or type of coverage that is not offered on a renewable basis. This endorsement is part of your policy. It supersedes and controls anything to the contrary. It is otherwise subject to all the terms of the policy. 94-7912 4TN EDITION 11-13 Indudes Copyrighted Materid of Insurance Services Office,Inc with its permission. W1912406 PAGE 6 OF 6 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY.PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. LII;)4 FARMERS W2274 INSURANCE 1stEdition WASHINGTON EXCLUSION-ASBESTOS,SILICA OR SILICA-RELATED DUST This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the: BUSINESSOWNERS COVERAGE FORM BUSINESSOWNERS LIABILITY COVERAGE FORM A. The following exclusion is added to Section B. Exclusions of the Businessowners Liability Coverage Form or of Section II-Liability of the Businessowners Coverage Form: 1. Applicable To Business Liability Coverage This insurance does not apply to: Asbestos,Silica Or Silica-Related Dust (1) "Bodily injury", or "personal and advertising injury" arising, in whole or in part, out of the actual,alleged,threatened or suspected inhalation of,ingestion of,exposure to,existence of, or presence of,asbestos,"silica"or"silica-related dust"; (2) "Property damage" arising, in whole or in part, out of the actual, alleged, threatened or suspected inhalation of, ingestion of,contact with,exposure to, existence of, or presence of, • asbestos,"silica"or"silica-related dust"; (3) Any loss, cost or expense arising, in whole or in part, out of the abating, testing for, monitoring, cleaning up, removing, containing, treating, detoxifying, neutralizing, remediating or disposing of,or in any way responding to or assessing the effects of,asbestos, "silica"or"silica-related dust",by any insured or by any other person or entity; (4) Any loss, cost or expense arising, in whole or in part, out of any supervision, instructions, recommendations,warnings or advice given,or which should have been given,in connection with asbestos,"silica"or"silica-related dust";or (5) Any loss, cost or expense arising, in whole or in part, out of any obligation to share damages with or repay someone else who must pay damages in connection with asbestos, "silica" or "silica-related dust". B. For the purposes of this endorsement,Section F. -Liability And Medical Expenses Definitions is amended as follows: 1. The following definitions are added: a. "Silica" means silicon dioxide(occurring in crystalline, amorphous and impure forms),silica particles,silica dust or silica compounds. b. "Silica-related dust"means a mixture or combination of silica and other dust or particles. 2. The following definitions are amended: a. "Bodily injury"is amended to include mental injury,anguish,distress or fear of cancer or other injury, illness or disease caused by or related to asbestos, "silica" or"silica-related dust", or exposure to asbestos,"silica"or"silica-related dust". b. "Property damage" is amended to include actual or threatened loss of property value,loss of equity, loss of use, loss of rents or other economic injury caused by asbestos, "silica" or "silica-related dust"or exposure to asbestos,"silica"or"silica-related dust". 94-2274 1ST EDITION 2-15 Includes Copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office,Inc.with its permission. W2274101 Page 1 of 1 GtA • FARMERS INSURANCE • Dear Valued Customer, Have the growth of your business and rising labor costs reduced the accuracy of the payroll or revenue shown on your policy? Have increased costs and inflationary trends reduced the protection provided by your policy? Building and Business Personal Property insurance limits, once adequate, may no longer meet today's repair or replacement costs. To help compensate for these inflationary trends, the limits of insurance for Building and/or Business Personal Property coverages have been increased by a modest percentage. To keep your policy current with rising labor costs and normal business growth, the payroll and/or revenue have also been increased by a modest percentage. This renewal offer includes the adjusted limits of insurance, payroll, revenue, and premium for your policy. The adjustments are relatively small, and they're based on estimated increases in the past year's construction and repair costs,as well as other inflationary factors,such as rising labor costs and normal business growth. These increases do not guarantee adequate coverage for any loss; they are based on estimates. It is possible, for example, that updates or improvements to your property or increased sales might cause your individual needs for coverage to be greater than the amount provided by these adjustments. If you have not reviewed your policy recently, the effects of inflationary changes over time create the likelihood that the increases we made are less than the increases you need for optimal coverage. These changes are made to better serve your insurance needs, and we encourage you to contact your Farmers agent,who will be pleased to help you with a comprehensive review of your policy. Acceptance of these changes does not waive the provisions of the coinsurance clause or any other policy clause. Thank you for choosing Farmers.We appreciate your business. 25.6312 12-13 A6312201 Page 1 of 1 254312E02 • THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY.PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. tlf; FARMERS X7122 INSURANCE 1st Edition LOSS PAYMENT CONDITION- PROFIT,OVERHEAD,AND INCREASED FEES This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: BUSINESSOWNERS COVERAGE FORM BUSINESSOWNERS SPECIAL PROPERTY COVERAGE FORM APARTMENT OWNERS PROPERTY COVERAGE FORM CONDOMINIUM PROPERTY COVERAGE FORM With respect to coverage provided by this endorsement,the provisions of the applicable Coverage Form apply unless modified by this endorsement. Paragraph 6.d. of Sub-section E. Property Loss Conditions of Section I - PROPERTY of the Businessowners Coverage Form, Paragraph 6.d. of Section E. Property Loss Conditions of the Businessowners Special Property Coverage Form and the Apartment Owners Property Coverage Form, and Paragraph 5.d.of Section E.Property Loss Conditions of Condominium Property Coverage Form is amended as follows: Sub-paragraph(1)is amended to add the following: (f)We will not pay for the increased fee,charge or cost attributable to a general contractor's profit and overhead or other similar fees or charges, unless you have incurred and paid for them and they are reasonable. This endorsement is part of your policy. It supersedes and controls anything to the contrary. It is otherwise subject to all the terms of the policy. J7122-ED1 6-16 Page 1 of 1 93-7122 J7122101 Policy Number: 60622-79-90 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY.PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. . E, AN FARMERS Edition INSURANCE LIMITED TERRORISM EXCLUSION (OTHER THAN CERTIFIED ACTS OF TERRORISM); CAP ON LOSSES FROM CERTIFIED ACTS OF TERRORISM This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the policy number indicated above. SCHEDULE The Exception Covering Certain Fire Losses (Paragraph B.2.) applies to property located in the following state(s): California, Hawaii, Iowa, Illinois, Massachusetts, Maine, Missouri, North Carolina, New Jersey, New York, Oregon,Rhode Island,Virginia,Washington,Wisconsin,West Virginia Information required to complete this Schedule,if not shown above,will be shown in the Declarations. A. The following definitions are added with respect to the provisions of this endorsement: 1. "Certified act of terrorism" means an act that is certified by the Secretary of the Treasury, in accordance with the provisions of the federal Terrorism Risk Insurance Act to be an act of terrorism pursuant to such Act.The criteria contained in the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act for a"certified act of terrorism"include the following: a.The act resulted in insured losses in excess of$5 million in the aggregate, attributable to all types of insurance subject to the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act;and b.The act is a violent act or an act that is dangerous to human life, property or infrastructure and is committed by an individual or individuals as part of an effort to coerce the civilian population of the United States or to influence the policy or affect the conduct of the United States Government by coercion. 2. "Other act of terrorism" means a violent act or an act that is dangerous to human life, property or infrastructure that is committed by an individual or individuals and that appears to be part of an effort to coerce a civilian population or to influence the policy or affect the conduct of any government by coercion, and the act is not certified as a terrorist act pursuant to the federal Terrorism Risk Insurance Act. However, "other act of terrorism" does not include an act which meets the criteria set forth in Paragraph b. of the definition of"certified act of terrorism"when such act resulted in aggregate losses of$5 million or less. B. The Property Coverage Form attached to this policy is amended as follows: 1.The following exclusion is added: EXCLUSION OF AN"OTHER ACT OF TERRORISM" We will not pay for loss or damage caused directly or indirectly by an"other act of terrorism".Such loss or damage is excluded regardless of any other cause or event that contributes concurrently or in any sequence to the loss. But this exclusion applies only when one or more of the following are attributed to such act: a. The terrorism is carried out by means of the dispersal or application of pathogenic or poisonous biological or chemical materials;or b. Pathogenic or poisonous biological or chemical materials are released,and it appears that one purpose of the terrorism was to release such materials;or 93-6351 2ND EDITION 1-15 Includes Copyright Material of Insurance Services Office,Inc.,with its permission J6351201 PAGE 1 OF 3 J6351-ED2 c. The total of insured damage to all types of property in the United States, its territories and possessions, Puerto Rico and Canada exceeds $25,000,000. In determining whether the $25,000,000 threshold is exceeded,we will include all insured damage sustained by property of • all persons and entities affected by the terrorism and business interruption losses sustained by • owners or occupants of the damaged property. For the purpose of this provision, insured damage means damage that is covered by any insurance plus damage that would be covered by • any insurance but for the application of any terrorism exclusions. Multiple incidents of"other acts of terrorism"which occur within a 72-hour period and appear to be carried out in concert or to have a related purpose or common leadership will be deemed to be one incident. With respect to this item,B.1.c.the immediately preceding paragraph describes the threshold used to measure the magnitude of an "other act of terrorism"and the circumstances in which the threshold will apply,for the purpose of determining whether this exclusion will apply to that incident.When the exclusion applies to an "other act of terrorism",there is no coverage under this Policy. 2.Exception Covering Certain Fire Losses The following exception to the Exclusion in Paragraph B.1. applies only if indicated and as indicated in the Schedule of this endorsement. If an "other act of terrorism"results in fire,we will pay for the loss or damage caused by that fire, subject to all applicable policy provisions including the Limit of Insurance on the affected property. Such coverage for fire applies only to direct.loss or damage by fire to Covered Property.Therefore, for example, the exception does not apply to insurance provided under business income and/or extra expense coverage or endorsements that apply to those coverages. C. The Liability Coverage Form attached to this policy is amended as follows: 1.The following exclusion is added: This insurance does not apply to: TERRORISM "Any injury or damage"arising,directly or indirectly,out of an "other act of terrorism". However, this exclusion applies only when one or more of the following are attributed to such act: a.The total of insured damage to all types of property exceeds $25,000,000. In determining whether the$25,000,000 threshold is exceeded, we will include all insured damage sustained •• by property of all persons and entities affected by the terrorism and business interruption losses sustained by owners or occupants of the damaged property. For the purpose of this provision, insured damage means damage that is covered by any insurance plus damage that would be •• • covered by any insurance but for the application of any terrorism exclusions;or b.Fifty or more persons sustain death or serious physical injury. For the purposes of this provision, serious physical injury means: (1)Physical injury that involves a substantial risk of death;or (2)Protracted and obvious physical disfigurement;or (3)Protracted loss of or impairment of the function of a bodily member or organ;or c. The terrorism involves the use, release or escape of nuclear materials, or directly or indirectly results in nuclear reaction or radiation or radioactive contamination;or d.The terrorism is carried out by means of the dispersal or application of pathogenic or poisonous biological or chemical materials;or e. Pathogenic or poisonous biological or chemical materials are released,and it appears that one purpose of the terrorism was to release such materials. With respect to this exclusion, Paragraphs C.1.a.and b.describe the thresholds used to measure the magnitude of an incident of an "other act of terrorism" and the circumstances in which the threshold will apply for the purpose of determining whether this exclusion will apply to that incident. 93-6351 2ND EDITION 1-15 Includes Copyright Material of Insurance Services Office,Inc.,with its permission J6351202 PAGE 2 OF 3 J6351-ED2 , 2.The following definition is added: a. For the purposes of this endorsement, "any injury or damage" means any injury•or damage covered under any Coverage Form to which this endorsement is applicable,and includes but is not limited to"bodily injury","property damage"or"personal and advertising injury"as may be defined in any applicable Coverage Form. D. APPLICATION OF OTHER EXCLUSIONS The terms and limitations of any terrorism exclusion,or the inapplicability or omission of a terrorism exclusion, do not serve to create coverage for loss or injury or damage that is otherwise excluded under this Policy. E. CAP ON CERTIFIED TERRORISM LOSSES The following limitation applies to property and liability coverage for any one or more"certified acts of terrorism"that are not excluded by the terms of Paragraph D. If aggregate insured losses attributable to terrorist acts certified under the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act exceed $100 billion in a calendar year and we have met our insurer deductible under the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act,we shall not be liable for the payment of any portion of the amount of such losses that exceeds$100 billion,and in such case insured losses up to that amount are subject to pro rata allocation in accordance with procedures established by the Secretary of the Treasury. This:endorsement is part of your policy. It supersedes and controls anything to the contrary. It is otherwise subject to all the terms of the policy. 93-6351 2ND EDITION 1-15 Includes Copyright Material of Insurance Services Office,Inc.,with its permission J6351203 PAGE 3 OF 3 J6351-ED2 ail FARMERS Personal Umbrella Declaration Page INSURANCE Policy Number: 60519-98-57 Premiums(item 1) Effective: 10/30/2017 12:01 AM ®~ Policy Premium $323.00 Expiration: 10/30/201812:01 AM Named Insured(s):Craig L Goodwin This is not a bill. 5315 N Vista Ct Your bill with the amount due will be mailed separately. Spokane,WA 99212-1639 craiggoodwin2@gmail.com Underwritten By: Farmers Insurance Exchange 6301 Owensmouth Ave. Woodland Hills,CA 91367 Rated Exposures(Item 2) Exposure Type • Quantity Exposure Type Quantity • Owner Occupied Residence 1 Motorized Vehicle 3 Youthful Driver 1 Schedule of Underlying Insurance(Item 3) You have told us you have underlying insurance policies with liability limits listed below.If the underlying policies terminate or the liability limits are less than shown below,in the event of a covered loss we will only pay those damages we would have paid if the limits and policies were in place as scheduled.You must keep the coverages and limits below in effect to avoid gaps in your protection. Limit of Insurance Insurance Carrier Policy Number Coverage (in thousands of dollars) Farmers Insurance Company of 188519463 Auto Liability 250/500/100 Washington Fire Insurance Exchange 957472294 Homeowner 300 5315 N Vista Ct,Spokane,WA Limits(item 4) Limit Limit 4feCovType (each occurrence) Coverage Type (each occurrence) General Liability $1,000,000 Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Not Covered Retained Limit $250 farmers.com Policy No. 60519-98-57 Questions? Manage your account: Call your agent Richard Splichal Ins Agy Go to www.farmers.com to access In at(509)921-8966 or email your account any time! rsplichal@farmersagent.com 56-6178 1st Edition 4-15 10/31/2017 Page 1 of 2 • Declaration Page(continued) Driver Information Name DriverStatus Name Driver Status Craig L Goodwin Covered Noel Elizabeth Goodwin Covered Nancy)Goodwin Covered Policy and Endorsements This section lists the policy form number and any applicable endorsements that make up your insurance contract.Any endorsements that you have purchased to extend coverage on your policy are also listed in the coverages section of this declarations document: 56-52773rd ed.;E0117 1st ed.;S79273rd ed.;J6951 1st ed. Other Information • Go Green by logging onto Farmers.com or contacting your Farmers Agent. *Information on Additional Fees The"Fees"stated in the"Premium/Fees"section on the front apply on a per-policy,not an account basis.The following additional fees also apply: 1. Service Charge per installment(In consideration of our 2. Late Fee:$10.00(applied per account) agreement to allow you to pay in installments): 3. Returned Payment Charge:$25.00(applied per check, - For Recurring Electronic Funds Transfer(EFT)and fully electronic transaction,or other remittance which is not enrolled online billing(paperless):$0.00(applied per honored by your financial institution for any reason including account) but not limited to insufficient funds ora closed account) - For other Recurring EFT plans:$2.00(applied per account) 4. Reinstatement Fee:$0.00(applied per policy) - For all other payment plans:$5.00(applied per account) One or more of the fees or charges described above may be If this account is for more than one policy,changes in these fees are deemed a part of premium under state law. not effective until the revised fee information is provided for each policy. Countersignature Authorized Representative farmers.com Policy No. 60519-98-57 Questions? Manage your account: Call your agent Richard Splichal InsAgy Go to www.farmers.com to access In at(509)921-8966 or email your account any time! rsplichal@farmersagent.com 56.6178 1st Edition 4.15 Page 2 of 2 494 FARMERS Farmers Special Personal Umbrella Policy INSURANCE Your Farmers Special Personal Umbrella Policy offers protection tailored to your needs.It is written in a non-technical easy-to-read style. Please read this policy to make sure you understand the coverage it provides.Your Farmers®agent will help you with any questions you might have. Farmers Insurance Exchange 4680 Wilshire Boulevard,Los Angeles,CA 90010 The contractual obligations of this policy are assumed only by the issuing Company named in the Declarations. 3rd Edition farmers.com 56-5277 3rd Edition 1-00 Page 1 of 10 Farmers Special Personal Umbrella Policy(continued) Index • Agreement 3 16.Insured's Dog 5 17.Corporal Punishment,Sexual Molestation or Mental Abuse 5 Part I-Definitions 18.Racing or Speed Contests 5 1. Aircraft 3 19.Statutorily Imposed Vicarious Parental Liability 6 2. Auto 3 20.Association Loss Assessment 6 3. Bodily injury 3 21.Pollutants 6 4. Business 3 22.Lead/Lead Poisoning 6 5. Business property 3 23.Payable to an Insured 6 6. Damages 3 24.Sale or Transfer of Real Property 6 7. Insured 3 25.Personal Injury-Oral or Written Publication 6 8. Occurrence 3 26.War 6 9. Policy period 3 27.Drugs 6 10.Personal injury 3 28.Real Property 6 11.Pollutants 4 29.Punitive or Exemplary Damages 6 12.Property damage 4 13.Real property 4 Part IV-Limits of Liability 6 14.Recreational vehicle 4 15.Relatives 4 Part V-Severability of Interests 7 16.Residence premises 4 17.Retained limit 4 Part VI-Defense of Suits Not Covered 18.Underlying insurance 4 by Other Insurance 7 19.Watercraft 4 Part VII-Conditions Part II-Coverage 4 1. Duties After Occurrence,Claim or Suit 7 Part III-Exclusions 2. Defense;Settlement 7 3. Appeals 7 1. Workers'Compensation 4 4. Suit Against Us • 7 2. Aircraft 4 5. Other Insurance 7 3. Professional Liability 4 6. Our Right to Recover Payment 7 4. Intentional Acts 4 7. Assignment 8 5. Business Property/Business Pursuits 4 8. Termination 8 6. Watercraft 4 9. Changes 8 7. Damage to Property 5 10.Concealment or Fraud 8 8. Nuclear 5 11.Death 8 9. Directors and Officers 5 12.Maintenance of Underlying Insurance 8 10.Discrimination 5 11.No-Fault/UM or UIM 5 Part VIII-Reciprocal Provisions 8 12.Communicable Disease 5 13.Home Care Services 5 Part IX-Special State Provisions 9 14.Recreational Vehicles 5 15.Autos 5 READ YOUR POLICY CAREFULLY. • This policy is a legal contract between you(the policyholder)and us(the Company).It contains certain exclusions. • farmers.com 56.5277 MI edition 1-00 Page 2 of 10 Farmers Special Personal Umbrella Policy(continued) Agreement (2)you and any person in 7.a.(1)and(2)above,using We shall provide the insurance described in this policy for the autos(with a reasonable belief that they are entitled coverages and the limits of liability shown in the Declarations of to do so)not owned by you or furnished for your this policy.In return you will pay the premium and comply with regular use;or policy conditions. c. any trustee of your estate or living trust while acting within the scope of their duties as such;but only to the Part!-Definitions extent that underlying insurance provides coverage for In this policy, a loss at the full limits shown. "you"and"your"mean the"named insured"in the None of the following are insureds: Declarations and spouse if a resident of your household We "us"and"our"mean the FARMERS INSURANCE EXCHANGE. a. the owner or lessee(or their agents or employees)of any auto or watercraft loaned to or hired for use by you or Other words are defined as follows: any person named in"a.(1)"and"a.(2)"above or on your 1. Aircraft-means any device used or designed for flight or their behalf; including self-propelled missiles and spacecraft,except b. any person(other than those described in"a.(1)"and"a. model or hobby aircraft not used or designed to carry people (2)"above)using autos or watercraft while employed or or cargo. engaged in the business of selling,servicing,repairing, 2. Auto-means a land motor vehicle,trailer or semi-trailer, maintaining,parking,docking,mooring or storing including farm tractor,trailer and implements. autos or watercraft,and any person(other than those 3. Bodily injury-means bodily harm to,sickness or disease of described in"a.(1)"and"a.(2)"above)or organization as any person.This includes death,shock,mental anguish or respects acts or omissions of the person so employed or mental injury that result from such bodily harm,sickness or engaged. disease. c. any person(other than those described in"a.(1)"and"a. 4. Business-means any part-time or full-time trade,profession (2)"above)using an auto(without reasonable belief that or occupation. they are entitled to do so)owned by,loaned to or hired for 5. Business property-means: use by you or on your behalf. a. property,including personal property and real property, 8. Occurrence-means: with which a business is conducted;or a. with regard to bodily injury or property damage,an b. property rented or held for rental,in whole or in part,to accident,including continuous or repeated exposure to others. substantially the same general harmful conditions,which 6. Damages-means the total of damages that the insured results in bodily injury or property damage during the must pay(legally or by agreement with our written consent) policy period;or because of bodily injury,personal injury or property b. with regard to personal injury,offenses committed damage caused by an occurrence covered by this policy, during the policy period,even if the resulting injury and reasonable expenses incurred by the insured at our takes place after the policy expires. request. 9. Policy period-means the time between the effective date • 7. Insured-means: and the expiration date as shown on the Declarations.In a. you and the following residents of your household except the event of cancellation,the effective date of cancellation as respects autos and watercraft: shall become the expiration date of the policy and the policy (1)your relatives;and period will be amended accordingly. (2)any person under age 21 in the care of a person 10.Personal injury-means injury arising out of named above. a. false arrest,wrongful detention or imprisonment,or malicious prosecution; b. as respects autos and watercraft: b. wrongful eviction,wrongful entry,or invasion of the right (1)any person using(with a reasonable belief that the of private occupancy;or person is entitled to use)a watercraft owned by, c. libel,slander,defamation of character or invasion of loaned to or hired for use by you or on your behalf; privacy. farmers.com 56.5277 3rd Edition 1-00 • Page 3 of 10 • Farmers Special Personal Umbrella Policy(continued) • 11.Pollutants-means any solid,liquid,gaseous or thermal insured for any claim or suit that is covered by this insurance but irritant or contaminant,including smoke,vapor,soot, not covered by other insurance as described in"Part VI-Defense fumes,acids,alkalis,chemicals,and waste materials.Waste of Suits Not Covered By Other Insurance"If a claim or suit is materials include those which are intended to be or have made for damages excluded from coverage under this policy,we been recycled,reconditioned or reclaimed. have no obligation to defend such claim or suit. 12.Propertydamage-means: Once our limit of liability has been exhausted by payment,our a. physical injury to or destruction of tangible property.This obligations under this policy including any duty to defend are includes all resulting loss of use caused by such physical deemed completed and no further coverage continues beyond injury or destruction.All such resultant loss of use shall the date on which such payment is made. be deemed to occur at the time of the physical injury that caused it;or Any expense we incur as the result of providing a defense or • b. loss of use of tangible property that is not physically settling a claim or suit outside the United States of America injured.All such loss of use shall be deemed to have (including its territories or possessions)or Canada will be part occurred at the time of the occurrence that caused it. of and not in addition to the limit of liability.Our obligation to 13.Real property-means land owned as property,along with defend any claim or suit ends when the amount for net loss we natural resources and permanent structures located on the pay equals our limit of liability.In countries other than the United land. States of America(including its territories or possessions)or 14.Recreational vehicle-means a self propelled land vehicle Canada,where we cannot handle the case ourselves,we will designed for use off public roads. advance the cost for someone else to handle the settlement or 15.Relatives-means persons living with you who are related to defense,if we have given that person our written consent. you by blood,marriage or adoption. Partin-Exclusions 16.Residence premises-means the family dwelling and separate structures or that part of any other building where We do not cover damages: you reside,including the grounds on which the dwelling and 1. Payable to a person eligible for payments voluntarily separate structures are located. provided by any insured or required to be provided under a 17.Retained limit-means the greater of: worker's compensation,unemployment compensation,non- a. the total limits of liability of any underlying insurance occupational disability benefits law,occupational disease law providing coverage for damages as the result of an or any similar law. occurrence; 2. Arising out of any insured's ownership,maintenance,use, b. the underlying limits shown in item 3.of the Declarations, chartering,operation,loading or unloading,entrustment which are the minimum to be maintained by you for to others or supervision of any aircraft;or arising out required underlying insurance;or of vicarious parental liability,whether or not statutorily c. the amount shown in the Declarations as"self-insured imposed,for the actions of a minor child using such aircraft. retention." 3. Arising out of the rendering of or failure to render 18.Underlying insurance-means the insurance scheduled in professional services by or on behalf of any insured. the Declarations. 4. Either expected or intended from the standpoint of an 19.Watercraft-means any craft,boat or vessel designed to insured.This exclusion does not apply to damages for transport persons or property on water. bodily injury if such insured acted with reasonable force to protect persons or property. Part 1i-Coverage 5. Arising out of business or business property of an insured unless covered by underlying insurance described in If a claim is made anywhere in the world against any insured, the Declarations.Our coverage is no broader than the we will,subject to definitions,exclusions,terms and conditions underlying insurance,except for our Limit of Liability. of this insurance,pay damages caused by an occurrence 6. Arising from the ownership,operation,maintenance,use, in excess of the retained limit on the insured's behalf.The entrustment to others,chartering,loading or unloading of: • amount of damages we pay will not exceed our Limit of Liability a. watercraft: as explained in"Part IV-Limits of Liability"We will defend any (1)26 feet or more in overall length;or farmers.com • 56-5277 3rd Edition 1-00 Page 4 of 10 Farmers Special Personal Umbrella Policy(continued) (2)powered by an inboard or inboard-outdrive motor(s) 13.Arising out of home care services provided to any person on having more than 50 horsepower;or a regular basis(meaning more than 20 hours per week)by or (3)powered by one or more an outboard motors with at the direction of: more than 25 total horsepower;or a. any insured; b. personal watercraft,jet ski,jet sled,wet bike or similar b. any employee of any insured;or waterjet-driven craft under 12 feet in length,operated by c. any other person actually or apparently acting on behalf a person standing,sitting or kneeling on the craft,and of any insured. used for recreational purposes. This exclusion does not apply if such damages are covered This exclusion does not apply: by underlying insurance scheduled in the Declarations of a. for newly acquired watercraft,obtained during the this policy.Also,this exclusion does not apply to: policy period,if we are informed within 30 days after the a. home care services provided to the relatives of any watercraft is obtained and an additional premium is paid insured. to us;and b. occasional or part time home care services provided by b. if such damages are covered by underlying insurance any insured under 21 years of age. scheduled in the Declarations of this policy.Our coverage 14.Arising out of the ownership,maintenance,use,operation, is no broader than the underlying insurance,except for entrustment to others,supervision,loading or unloading of our Limit of Liability. any recreational vehicle owned by,rented to or controlled 7. For property damage to: by the insured,while away from the residence premises a. property owned by any insured; owned by,rented to or controlled by the insured.This b. autos,aircraft,recreational vehicle or watercraft exclusion does not apply if such damages are covered by rented to,chartered,used by,or in the care,custody or underlying insurance scheduled in the Declarations of this control of any insured;or policy. c. property rented to,used or occupied by,or in the care, 15.Arising out of the ownership,maintenance,use,operation, custody or control of any insured or for which any entrustment to others,supervision,loading or unloading of insured has agreed to provide insurance. any auto owned by an insured.This exclusion does not apply 8. For which an insured under this policy is also an insured if such damages are covered by underlying insurance under a nuclear energy liability policy or would be an insured scheduled in the Declarations of this policy. but for exhaustion of its limits of liability.A nuclear liability 16.Arising out of the ownership of any dog by any insured, policy is a policy issued by American Nuclear Insurers,Mutual unless such damages are covered by underlying insurance Atomic Energy Liability Underwriters,Nuclear Insurance scheduled in the Declarations of this policy. Association of Canada,or any of their successors. 17.Arising out of corporal punishment,molestation or abuse of 9. Arising out of any act,error or omission of an insured while any person by any: serving as a member of a corporation's or organization's a. insured; board of directors or as an officer of a corporation or b. employee of any insured;or organization.This exclusion does not apply if such corporation or organization: c. person performing volunteer services by or on behalf of any insured,person for hire,or any other person who a. was formed as a not-for-profit organization; is acting or who appears to be acting on behalf of any b. does not involve an insured's business;and insured. c. such insured serves without remuneration other than for 18.Arising from any insured's sponsorship of or participation by incidental out-of-pocket expenses. any insured in any organized or agreed upon racing or speed 10.Due to discrimination in any way connected with a violation contest or demonstration involving any auto,watercraft,or of any State,Federal or local governmental Civil Rights law. aircraft,or in practice or preparation for any such contest or 11.For benefits payable to you or any other insured under any demonstration. No-Fault,Uninsured or Underinsured Motorist Law. This exclusion does not apply to sail boats if such damages 12.Resulting from transmission of a communicable disease by are covered by the underlying insurance scheduled in the any insured; Declarations of this policy. farmers.com 56-5277 3rd Edition 1-00 Page 5 of 10 Farmers Special Personal Umbrella Policy(continued) 19.Arising out of statutorily imposed vicarious parental liability 26.Caused directly or indirectly by war,including undeclared for the actions of a child or minor. war,civil war,insurrection,rebellion,revolution,warlike 20.Arising from your share of a loss assessment charged act by a military force or military personnel,destruction against you as a member of an association,corporation or or seizure or use for a military purpose,and including any community of property owners. consequence of any of these.Discharge of a nuclear weapon 21.Arising from any pollutants found in the atmosphere,or in will be deemed a warlike act even if accidental. surface or subsurface land or water,whether or not owned, 27.Arising out of the use,sale,manufacture,delivery,transfer leased or otherwise controlled by the insured. or possession by any person of a controlled substance(s) 22.Resulting from lead or lead poisoning,including: as defined by the Federal Food and Drug Law at 21 U.S.C.A a. bodily injury,property damage or personal injury Sections 811 and 812.Controlled Substances include but arising out of,resulting from,caused by or contributed are not limited to cocaine,LSD,marijuana and all narcotic to by the toxic or pathological properties of lead,lead drugs.This exclusion does not apply to legitimate use of compounds or lead contained in any materials; prescription drugs by a person following the orders of a b. any cost or expense to abate,mitigate,remove or dispose licensed physician. of lead,lead compounds or materials containing lead; 28.Arising out of the ownership,maintenance,use or entrustment of any real property owned by,rented to or c. any supervision,instructions,recommendations, controlled by the insured.This exclusion does not apply if warnings or advice given or which should have been such real property is covered by underlying insurance given in connection with parts(a.)or(b.)above;or described in the Declarations of this policy. d. any obligation to share damages with or repay someone 29.Which are punitive or exemplary. else who must pay damages in connection with parts (a.),(b.)or(c.)above. Part IV-Limits of Liability Lead poisoning includes,but is not limited to: Regardless of the number of insureds,claims or injured persons, a. sudden,accidental,deliberate,or repeated exposure to the most we will pay as damages resulting from one occurrence lead or products,objects or substances comprised of or is the amount in Item 4 of the Declarations,subject to the containing lead;or following: b. ingestion of lead in any form or substance,whether 1. If underlying insurance and this policy cover an occurrence accidental or deliberate,but this does not apply to the we will pay only those damages which exceed the total unintentional discharge of a firearm. applicable limits of underlying insurance. 23.Arising from liability: 2. If underlying insurance terminates or its liability limits a. payable to any insured;or are less than shown in Item 3 of the Declarations,we pay b. whenever damages are due directly or indirectly to an only those damages we would have paid if underlying insured. insurance had not terminated or its limits lessened. 24.Whether direct or consequential,which result from the sale 3. If an underlying insurer does not pay damages because or transfer of real property,including but not limited to the of bankruptcy or insolvency or the insured's failure to following: comply with a provision of underlying insurance after a. known or unknown property or structural defects; an occurrence,we will pay only those damages which b. known or hidden defects in the plumbing,heating,and we would have paid if the underlying insurance had electrical systems; remained in full force and effect at limits as scheduled in the c. known or unknown soil conditions or drainage problems; Declarations of this policy. or 4. If underlying insurance does not cover damages covered d. concealment or misrepresentation of any known defects. by this policy,we will pay damages which exceed the 25.For personal injury arising out of oral or written publication retained limit in Item 4 of the Declarations. of material when a willful violation of a penal statute or ordinance has been committed by or with the consent of the insured. farmers.com 56-5277 3rd Edition 1.00 Page 6 of 10 • Farmers Special Personal Umbrella Policy(continued) Part V-Severability of Interests (2) names and addresses of the injured and all This insurance applies separately to each person insured. witnesses. This provision shall not increase our Limit of Liability for one b. If information regarding a claim is received or if legal occurrence as described in Item 4 of the Declarations. action is begun,the insured must immediately send us a copy of every notice,demand,report,summons Part VI-Defense of Suits Not Covered by Other or other legal papers. Insurance c. The insured must cooperate with us in the investigation,defense and settlement of a claim or If a claim is made or suit is brought for damages excluded from suit. coverage under this policy,we have no obligation to defend such d. You and any involved insureds agree to do all you claim or suit.If underlying insurance does not cover damages can to protect any right you or such insureds may covered by this policy,we will: have to recover from others.We are entitled to any 1. At our expense and with attorneys of our choice,defend such recovery up to the amount we have paid for the insured against any covered claim or suit.We are damages. not obligated to pay defense costs,including attorneys' 2. Defense;Settlement.Except as provided in Part VI,we are fees for any claim or suit where the insured selects an not required to take charge of the investigation,defense attorney not chosen by us because there is a dispute or settlement of a claim or suit.We have the right at any between the insured and us over coverage.We may time to join you,any insured or the underlying insurers investigate and settle any claim or suit at our sole in the investigation,defense and settlement of a claim or discretion.Our obligation to defend any claim or suit suit.If the underlying insurance limit is paid,we have ends once we have paid our limit of liability described in the option to defend a claim or suit.We may investigate Item 4 of the Declarations. and settle a claim or suit which we feel is appropriate. 2. Pay costs taxed against the insured in a suit we defend. 3. Appeals.We may appeal a judgment in excess of the 3. Pay interest accruing after a judgment is entered in a suit applicable underlying insurance limit or the retained we defend.Our duty to pay interest ends when we offer limit.We will pay all costs,taxes,expenses and incidental to pay that part of the judgment which does not exceed interest of such appeal if made.Our liability for damages our liability limit. does not exceed our liability limit for one occurrence, 4. Pay premiums on bonds required in a suit we defend plus the cost and expense of the appeal. for bond amounts not in excess of our Limit of Liability. 4. Suit Against Us.No action shall be brought against us: We pay the cost of bail bonds required of an insured a. unless you and any involved insureds have complied because of an accident or a traffic law violation.We are with the policy provisions;and not required to apply for or furnish bonds. b. until an insured's obligation has been determined by All amounts incurred in items 1.though 4.immediately trial and final judgment or by agreement signed by preceding,except settlement of claims or suits for damages,are us. in addition to our Limit of Liability.You shall promptly repay us No one shall have a right to join us as a party to an action those damages we paid within the retained limit. against any insured. If we are prevented by law or otherwise from carrying out this 5. Other Insurance.This insurance is excess overall other provision,we will pay amounts incurred with our written consent. applicable insurance(except insurance purchased to apply in excess of the sum of the underlying insurance Part VII-Conditions limit and our liability limit),covering the same loss. 1. Duties After Occurrence,Claim or Suit. 6. Our Right to Recover Payment.If payment is made a. If an occurrence is likely to involve coverage under by us,we may join you,any involved insured and any this policy,you shall promptly advise us or our agent underlying insurer in exercising the insured's right of of: recovery against any party. (1) how,when and where the occurrence took place; and farmers.com 56-5277 3rd Edition 1-00 Page 7of 10 Farmers Special Personal Umbrella Policy(continued) The insured shall not prejudice such rights after loss. fact or circumstances material to issuance,continuance Recoveries shall be distributed in the following order to: or renewal of this insurance. a. repay the parties(including you)who paid in excess 11.Death.If you or a resident of your household dies,we of our liability limit; cover: b. repay us the amount we paid;and a. with respect to your property,the person having c. repay the parties(including you)to whom this proper temporary custody of the property insurance is excess,if they are entitled to any until appointment and qualification of a legal remainder. representative; • A b. the legal representative of the deceased but only different distribution of recoveries may be made to settle a claim or suit if all parties agree. with respect to the property of the deceased covered under the policy at the time of death. Reasonable expenses of obtaining recovery shall be 12.Maintenance of underlying insurance.You will maintain • divided among all parties in the ratio of their losses for your underlying insurance policies in full force with no which recovery is made. change to more restrictive limits or conditions.lfyou fail 7. Assignment.Your rights and duties under this policy shall to comply with this condition,your coverage will continue not be assigned without our written consent. as if your underlying policies had not been altered.If you • 8. Termination. acquire an additional auto,watercraft or real property, a. Cancellation.You may cancel this policy by returning you must notify us as soon as possible. it to us or by notifying us in writing of the cancellation Part VIII-Reciprocal Provisions • date.We may cancel this policy by notifying you in p writing at least 30 days before the cancellation date. This policy is made and issued in consideration of your premium If this policy is canceled,you may be due a return payment to us.It is also issued in consideration of the power premium,to be refunded with the cancellation notice of attorney you signed as part of your application and the or within a reasonable time after the cancellation information you gave to us on your application.Some of your date.If you cancel,your return premium will be statements actually become part of the policy which we call"The computed on a short rate basis;if we cancel,premium Declarations"When you signed the power of attorney authority will be computed on a pro rata basis. on your application,you authorized the Farmers Underwriters b. Non-renewal.If we choose not to renew this policy, Association to execute interinsurance policies between you and we will notify you in writing at least 30 days before the other subscribers. end of the policy period. Nothing in this policy is intended,or shall be construed,to create c. Our notice may be delivered or mailed to you at the either: address in the Declarations. d. Proof of mailing is sufficient proof of notice. a. A partnership or mutual insurance association;or e. If the law in your state specifies other requirements, b. Any joint liability we will comply with such requirements. We may sue,or be sued in our own name,as though we were an f. Automatic Termination.This policy will automatically individual,if necessary to enforce any claims which arise under terminate at the end of the policy period if you or this policy.In any suit against us,service of process shall be upon your representative do not accept our offer to renew the Farmers Underwriters Association,Attorney-in-Fact. it.Your failure to pay the required renewal premium as Membership fees which you pay are not part of the premium. we require means that you have declined our offer. They are fully earned when you are granted membership and If other insurance is obtained,any similar insurance coverage is effective.They are not returnable.However,they may afforded under this policy will cease on the effective be applied as a credit to membership required of you for other date of the other insurance. insurance which we agree to write. 9. Changes.The terms of this policy may not be changed or We will hold the Annual Meeting of the members of the waived except by endorsement issued by us. Exchange at our Home Office at Los Angeles,California,on the 10.Concealment or Fraud.We do not provide coverage for first Monday following the 15th day of March of each year at 2:00 an insured who purposely conceals or misrepresents any p.m.The Board of Governors may elect to change the time and farmers.com 56-5277 3rd Edition 1.00 Page 8 of 10 Farmers Special Personal Umbrella Policy(continued) place of the meeting.If they do so,you will be mailed a written or fact or circumstance relating to this insurance,before or after printed notice at your last known address at least ten days before the loss.All statements made by you or on your behalf,in the such a time.Otherwise,no notice will be sent to you. absence of Fraud,shall be considered as representations and not The Board of Governors shall be chosen by subscribers from warranties.Any such statement that arises from an error shall not among yourselves.This will take place at the annual meeting or be used as a defense of a claim under this policy unless: at any special meeting which is held for that purpose.The Board 1. the statement is on a written application,and of Governors shall have full power and authority to establish such 2. a copy of the application is attached to this policy when rules and regulations for our management as are not inconsistent issued. with the subscribers'agreements. The,representation must be material and we relied upon it. Your premium for this policy and all payment made for its When the application that you signed is attached,it becomes a continuance shall be payable to us at our Home Office or such part of the policy. location named by us in your premium notice.The funds which Texas you pay shall be placed to your credit on our records.They will 1. Part VI-Defense of Suits Not Covered By Other Insurance is be applied to the payment of your proportion of losses and amended as follows: expenses and to the establishment of reserves and general a. Item 1 shall read: surplus.The Board of Governors or its Executive Committee has the authority to deposit,withdraw,invest and reinvest such "We may defend you against a claim or suit for damages. funds.You agree that any amount which the Board of Governors We may investigate and settle a claim or suit we feel is allocates to our surplus fund may be retained by us.Also,after appropriate." provision is made for all of our liabilities,it may be applied to any b. Paragraph 2 of item 4 shall read: purpose deemed proper and advantageous to you and other "We pay amounts incurred,except settlement of claims or policyholders. suits for damages in addition to our liability limit.You shall This policy is non-assessable. promptly repay us for damages we paid you within the retained limit." Part ix-Special State Provisions 2. Under Part VI If you live in a state shown below,this policy is subject to the The following supplementary payments shall be included in provisions applying to your state. the policy: Illinois (1) all expenses incurred by us; Under Part VII,Condition 8 Termination item c.is deleted and (2)the cost of bonds to release attachments; replaced by the following: (3) prejudgment interest;and c. Our notice will be mailed to you at the address in the (4) reasonable expenses incurred by the insured at the Declarations. insurer's request,including actual loss of earnings up to Under Part III-Exclusions,delete Exclusion 29. $100 a day. North Dakota 3. Under Part VII The time of inception of this policy as shown on the Declarations Condition 2 shall read: Page and any schedule or endorsement attached shall be 12:01 "2.Defense,Settlement.We are not required to take charge a.m.Standard Time-on the day coverage begins,but not prior of the investigation,defense or settlement of a claim or suit. to time applied for,and the time of expiration shall be 12:01 a.m. We have the right at any time to join you or the underlying Standard Time the day following the day of expiration. insurance insurers in the investigation,defense and Oregon settlement of a claim or suit.If the underlying insurance Under Part VII-Conditions,item 10.Concealment or Fraud is limit is paid,we have the option to defend a claim or suit. deleted and replaced by the following: We may investigate and settle a claim or suit which we feel is Concealment,Fraud,Application.This policy is void if any appropriate" insured has willfully concealed or misrepresented any material farmers.com 56-5277 3rd Edition 1-00 Page 9 of 10 Farmers Special Personal Umbrella Policy(continued) Utah provision of underlying insurance after an occurrence,we Under Part III-Exclusions,item 6,in order to comply with Utah will pay damages which exceed the retained limits in Item 4 state law,the definition for personal watercraft is amended to of the Declarations.The second sentence of item 3 and the include crafts under 16 feet in length. words"not in excess of our limit of liability"in item 4 of Part VI,Defense of Suits Not Covered By Other Insurance,are Wyoming deleted from this policy.The last sentence of item 3 Appeals Under Part IV-Limits of Liability,item 3 is deleted and replaced under Part VII,Conditions is deleted from this policy. by the following: 3. If an underlying insurer does not pay because of bankruptcy or insolvency or the insured's failure to comply with a This policy shall not be effective unless countersigned on the Declarations Page by a duly authorized representative of the Company named on the Declarations Page. The company named on the Declarations has caused this policy to be signed by the Officers shown below. FARMERS INSURANCE EXCHANGE by Farmers Underwriters Association, Attorney-in-Fact &A-A"— • 24)/Le Secretary Vice President • farmers.com 56-5277 3rd Edition 1-00 Page 10 of 10 FARMERS Policy Endorsements INSURANCE Special State Provisions-Personal Umbrella Policy(S7927-3rd Edition) It is agreed that item a.of Definition 3- Bodily Injury is amended to read as follows: a. Mental or bodily injury,shock,sickness or disease,except a disease which is transmitted by an insured through sexual contact; It is agreed that Exclusion 12,Communicable Disease is deleted from this policy. It is agreed that Part VII-Conditions are amended as follows: Condition 6-Our Right to Recover Payment,item b is amended to read as follows: b. repay us the amount we paid.We shall be entitled to recover only the excess which you have received from the wrongdoer after you are fully compensated for your loss;and Condition 8-Termination,item a.,b.,and f.are amended to read as follows: a. Cancellation. You may cancel this policy by returning it to us,by notifying us in writing,or by verbal communication when cancellation is to take effect. We may cancel this policy by mailing or delivering written notice to you or your representative and any mortgagee,lienholder, pledgee or other person named in the policy to have an interest in any loss which may occur under this policy.Such notice will be mailed or delivered to your last mailing address known to us.If notice is mailed,proof of mailing shall be sufficient proof of notice. We may cancel this policy only for the following reasons: (1) Non-payment of premium.We may cancel at any time for non-payment of premium,whether payable to us or our Agent.We shall mail or deliver the notice to you at least 10 days before the date cancellation takes effect. (2)Any other reason.We shall notify you at least 45 days before cancellation takes effect and such notice will be accompanied by the actual reason for cancellation. If you or we cancel this policy,we shall return the pro-rated unused share of the premium. b. Non-Renewal We may elect not to renew this policy.We may do so by delivery or mailing written notice to you or your representative and any mortgagee,lienholder,pledgee or other person named in the policy to have an interest in any loss which may occur under this policy.Such notice will be mailed or delivered to your last mailing address known to us at least 45 days before expiration date of this policy and will be accompanied by the actual reason for the non-renewal. f. Automatic Termination This policy will automatically terminate at the end of the policy period if you or your representative do not accept our offer to renew it.The renewal premium notice will be sent to you at least 20 days prior to the expiration date of the policy.Your failure to pay the required renewal premium as we require means that you have declined our offer. 90-7927 3rd Edition 5-10 This endorsement is part of your policy.It supersedes and controls anything to the contrary. Itis otherwise subject to all other terms of the policy. farmers.com Policy No. 60519-98-57 (Continued Next Page) Page 1 of2 Policy Endorsements(continued) Part Ill-Exclusions-Personal Umbrella Policy(E0117- 1st Edition) Under Part Ill-Exclusions,item 28 is deleted and replaced by the following: 28.Arising out of the ownership,maintenance,use or entrustment of any real property owned by,rented to or controlled by the insured.This exclusion does not apply if such damages to real property are covered by underlying insurance described in the Declarations of this policy. 91-0117 1st Edition 3-02 This endorsement is part of your policy.It supersedes and controls anything to the contrary. It is otherwise subject to all other terms of the policy. Endorsement Regarding Reciprocal Provisions 06951 - 1st Edition) (Applicable only if this policy is issued by the Truck Insurance Exchange or Farmers Insurance Exchange) Under Reciprocal Provisions in your policy,the paragraphs appearing above"Membership fees which you pay are not part of the premium"are deleted and replaced with the following: This policy is made and issued in consideration of your premium payment to us.It is also issued in consideration of the information you gave to us during the application process,some of which is set out in the policy Declarations,and in consideration of the Subscription Agreement,which is provided to you and is incorporated herein by reference.You acknowledge that you have read,understood and agree to all the terms and conditions of the Subscription Agreement.Among other things,the Subscription Agreement appoints your Attorney-in-Fact,authorizes your Attorney-in-Fact to execute interinsurance policies between you and other subscribers and to perform various functions,and addresses compensation of the Attorney-in-Fact. Nothing in this policy is intended,or shall be construed,to create either: a. A partnership or mutual insurance association;or b. Any joint liability. We may sue or be sued in our own name,as though we were an individual,if necessary to enforce any claims which arise under this policy.In any suit against us,service of process shall be upon the Attorney-in-Fact as shown in your Subscription Agreement. 93-6951 1st Edition 3-13 This endorsement is part of your policy.It supersedes and controls anything to the contrary. It is otherwise subject to all other terms of the policy. farmers.com Policy No. 60519-98-57 Page 2 of 2