Resolution 17-019 Master Fee Schedule CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASTIINGTON RESOLUTION NO, 11-019 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASFUNGTON, AMENDING RESOLUTION 15-012 AND APPROVING AN AMENDED MASTER FEE SCHEDULE,AND OTHER MATTERS RELATING THERETO WHEREAS, it is the general policy of the City to establish fees that are reflective of the cost of services provided by the City; and WHEREAS, the City uses a resolution to establish fees for City programs, permits and serviecs, and periodically the fee resolution must be amended to incorporate new or modified services; and WHEREAS, on December 12, 2017, the City Council conducted a public hearing on this Resolution; and WI MARAS, Council desires to amend the Resolution and accompanying Fee Schedule. NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington,as follows: Section 1. Findings Regarding Public Records Fees. A, Statutory Public Records Pees- The City Council hereby finds and declares that calculating actual costs for paper copies of 11 inches x 17 inches or smaller,scanned copies, and providing electronic r-ecords would be unduly burdensome because of the diversity of the City departments, types of records, and information systems involved and budget restraints. Pursuant to chapter '12-56 RCW (the Public Records.Act) and based on such finding, the costs for such copies shall be set at the anlounts allowed by law. T1, Actual Public Records Costs- The City Council hereby findsthat the City will charge actual costs for paper copies larger than 11 inches x 17 inches, digital storage media devices (CD/MD, flaashdrives, USBs, etc.), envelopes, postage, and records sent to outside vendors for reproduction when providing copies in response to public records requests. Such charges shall be calculated based on the actual costs the City incurs in the most reasonable cost-efficient method as part of its normal operations purchasing and using ink, paper, and copier wear for large copies, such devices and envelopes, mailing envelopes or other packages, and when using outside vendor copying services based upon contractual or invoiced charges. Section 2. The amendments needed at this time are incorporated into the attached schedules and include new fees and changes to existing fees. Section 3. Repeal. To the extent that previous fee schedules are intonsistenl with those set forth herein, they are repealed in their entirety- Section 4. Effective Date. This Resolution shall be in till force and effect January 1, 2018, Approved this 12th day of December, 2017. rE ICi'tY e POKANE VALLEY • rstine Bainbri.ge, City Clerk App ove oral' L,R, f# w 01. r. Offic�fth y Altorney Resolution 17-019 Amending Fee Schedule for 2018 Page 1 of 14 MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Foe Schedule Page yE Schedule#: Planning hdk 8: Building 5 Schedule C: Parks andR mati10 § =» 0: AminiLrtivc 13 Schedule EOther es 14 Schedule p PoLice Fees 14 solution 019 Amending Fee S k ) for 2018 Pagee of 14 MASTERFEE SCHEDULE Schedule A — PlannIng FEE AMOUNT AMENDMENTS Comprehensive Plan.Amendment $1,500.00 Zoning or other code text amendment $1,500.00 APPEALS Appeal of Administrative Decision $1,050.00 Appeal of Huffing Examiner Findings $315.00 Transcript/record deposit on Appeals of Hearing Examiner Decisions $157.00 Appeal of Administrative Decision -Code Enforcement Final Decision pursuant to chapter 17.100 SVMC $500.00 unless otherwise waived pursuant to SVMC 17.110 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW STA'T'E ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT(SETA) Single Dwelling(when required) $100,00 All other developments $350.00 Environmental impact Statement(F.tS) Review, minimum deposit $2,200.00 Addenda of existing EIS Review $350.00 SHORELINE Substantial Development Permit $840.00 Shoreline Exemption $40.00 C:R1'1'1CAL AREAS Floodplain Permit not associated with a subdivision $315.00 Floodplain Permit associated with a subdivision $315.00+$52.00 per lot OTHER PERMITS Home Occupation Permit and Accessory Dwelling Units(ADU) $ ,1.00 Conditional Use Permit. $840.00 Temporary Use Permit $157.00 LAND USE ACTIONS Subdivisions Preliminary plat $2,324.00-I. $40.00 per lot Final Plat $1,424.00+$10.00 per lot 'lime extensions—file review and letter $80.00 Short Plats Prelim i n ary 2 to 4 lots $1,221.00 Final plat 2 to 4 lots $924.00 Preliminary plat 5 to l lots $1,424.00 - $25.00 per lot Final plat 5 to 9 lots $1,224.00 -I- $10.00 per lot Time extcnsiutts—file review and letter $80.00 Plat Alteration Resolution 17-019 Amending Fee Schedule for 2018 Page 3 of 14 Subdivision plat $682.00 Short plat $278.00 Plat Vacation $1,474.00 Binding Site Plan Binding site plan alteration $278,00 Change of Conditions $650.00 Preliminary binding site plan $1,674.00 Creating lots within final binding site plan via Record of Survey $500,00 Final Binding Siiie Plan $924.00 Aggregation/Segregation Lot line adj a sl.tncnt $105.00 Lot line el i m ination $105.00 Zero lot line $105.00 -I-$10.00 per lot SIGNS Review of permanent sign $50.00+$25.00 if public works review needed Review of temporary sign $50.00 NEW R E.S1DENTIAL SITE PLAN REVIEW $50.00 SHE PLAN REVIEW- PER DIVISION REVIEW $275.00 STREET VACATION APPLICATION $1,365.00 OT11 CR Administrative Exception $3 [5.00 Variance $1,575.00 Administrative Interpretations $100.00 Pre-application Meetings $250.00 Fee shall be deducted from land use application, building permit or commercial permit application fee when applic:a[ion is filed within one year of pre-application meeting. ZONING Zoning map amendments (rezone)* $1,650.00 Planned residential development plan $1,575.00 -I- $26.00 pct`lot Planticd residential development modification $525,00 Zoning letter $210.00 *II rc.rone is combined with other action(s), cost of other action(s) is additional • Resolution 17-019 Amending Foy.Schedule for 2018 Page 4 of 14 Schedule B —Building Fee Payment Plan review fees are collected at the time of application. Such fees may be adjusted during plan review. Overages or under payments shall be appropriately adjusted at the time of permit issuance. Plan review fees are separate from and additional to building permit fees_ Permit fees and any other unpaid fees shall be collected prior to issuance of the permit_ Fees for outside pr fessional services required during the permit process shall be paid by the applicant Examples of outside professional services include review by contract reviewers, special inspection or construction services, consultant services for special topics, surveying or other services required lo determine compliance with applicable codes. Fee Refund Policy: Refunds authorized under this policy apply only to Schedule B. PLAN REVIEW FEES • Plan review fees are non-refundable once any plan review work has been started. • Paid plan review fees may be refunded when an eligible request is received in writing. ▪ At a minimum, a $35,00 administrative fee shall be retained. • If the paid plan review fee is less than$35.00, no refund is authorized. • If the paid plan review fee is more than $35,00, the amount for refund shall be calculated at the rate of 100% of the paid plan review fee minus $35.00. P1aRN11"1 FEES • Permit fees arc non-refundable once work authorized by the permit has begun. • Paid permit fees may be refunded when an eligible request is received in writing. • At a minimum, a$35.00 administrative fee will be retained when fees arc refunded_ • If the paid permit fee is less than $35.00,no refund is aulfaorized, • If the paid permit fee is more than$35.00, the refund shall be calculated at the rate of 95% of the paid permit fee minus $35.00. For any application taken or permit issued in error, a full refund of fees paid shall he made. No portion of the paid fees shall he retained. FEE GENERAL Hourly Rate for City Employees $61.00 Overtime rate for City Employees (I.5 times regular rate) $92.00 Investigation fee: Work commenced without required permits Equal to permit feu Replacement of lost permit documents Hourly rate; 1 hour minimum Revisions to plans requested by the applicant or permit holder shall be charged the hourly rate with a minimum of one hour. Revised plans submitted in response to reviewer correction letters are not subject to the hourly assessment. Washington State Building Code Council Surcharge (WSBCC) $4.50 per permit. WSBCC Surcharge (Multi-Family) $'1.50 1st dwelling unit+$`2.00 each additional unit BUILDING PERMIT: Resolution 17-019 Amending Fee schedule for 2018 Nage 5 of 1d Building permit fees for each project are set by the following fees. The figures below shall be used to determine the building permit fees and plans check fees based on the value of the conslrodlion work as stated by the applicant or the value calculated by the Building Official using (he latest valuation data published in the Building Safety Journal by the international Code Council,whichever value is greater. Valuations not listed in the Building Safety journal: Buildisa 'e Valuation Per L4'I un re Foot Residential garages/storage buildings (wood frame) $19.00 Residential garages (masonry) $22.00 Miscellaneous residential pole buildings $1 Q00 Residential carports,decks, porches $15.00 Building Permit Fee Calculation Total Valuation Build in_ Permit Fee $1,00 to $25,00{}.00 $69.25 for first$2,000,00+ $14.00 for each additional $1,000.00 (or fraction thereof) Up to and including $25,000.00 425,001.00 to $50,000,00 $391.25 for first$25,000 -1- $10.10 $10.10 for each additional $1,0(10.00 (or fraction thereof) lip to and including$50,000-00 50,001.00 to 5100,000-00 $643,75 for first$50,000.00+ $7.00 for each additional $1,000.00 (or fraction thereof) Up to and including$1.00,000.0(1 $100,001,00 to $500,000,00 $993.75 for first $100,000 + $5.60 for each additional$1,000.00 (or fraction thereof) I Jp to and including$500,000.00 $500,001.00 to$1,000,000.00 $3,233.75 for first$500,000.00+ $1.75 for each additional $I,000.00 (or fraction thereof) IT to and including$1,000,000.00 $1,000,001 and up $5,608.75 for first$1,000,000.00 1 $3,15 for each additional $1,000.00 (or fraction thereof) plan Review Fee Calculation _ �'/� of Bitildin,Permit Foe Mans review fee (general) 65% Plans review fee Group R-3 occupancies(single family fess than 7,{)99 ski ft) 40% Plans review fee—Group R-3 occupancies(single family 8,000 sq fi or more) 65% Plans review fee Group U occupancies(sheds, barns, et.) 25% Initial Plan Review Fees are capped at $35,000 not including pass-through expenses for outside review as noted iii the"Fuc Payment"section of this schedule. Resolution ]7-019 Amending Fee Scljezlulc 1n-2015 Page 6 of 14 OTHER BUILDING PERMITS: Over-the-Counter Service $61.00 11a[ fcc Demolition Permit Single Family Residence $46.00 flat.the Commercial Buildings $[31.00 flat fee Garage or accessory building associated with residence or eonnnnercia] building $21.00 flat.fee Foundation Only: 25% of hui[ding permit fee Swimming Pools, over 2 feet in depth $52.00 I plumbing fees Re-roof(no plan review charge unless submitted for review) Based on Project Valuation Change of Use or Occupancy Classification Permit Hourly Towers, elevated tanks, antennas 1[ourly GRADING PERMIT: 100 cubic yards(Cu yd) or 1es.s $21.00 101 to 1,000 cubic yards $21.00 for first 100 en yd- I $7.00 each additional 100 cu yd 1,001 to 10,000 cubic yards $88.00 for first 1,000 eu yd I- $6.00 each additional 1,000 cu yd 10,001 Io I00,[}0{} cubic yards $154,00 for frst 10,000 cu yd+ $15.00 each additional 10,000 eu yd 100,001 to 200,000 ccibic yards $386.00 for first 100,000 cu yd+ $15.00 each additional [00,000 cu yd 200,000 or more cubic yards $5281.00 for first 200,000 en yd $15.00 for each additional 200,000 cu yd GRADING PLAN REVIEW FEE: 50 cubic yards or less No Fee 51 to 100 cubic yards $12.00 101 to 1,000 $21.00 1,001 to 10,000 $27.00 10,001 to 100,000 $27,00 for first 100,000 cu yd -�- $7,00 each additional 10,000 cu yd 100,001 to 200,000 $104.00 for first 100,000 eu yd $6.00 for each additional 100,000 cu yd 200,001 or more $166,00 Land Clearing Only (without earth being moved) $681.00 Paving Permit (greater than 5,000 sq- f -—new paving only) $263.00 Resolution 17-019 Amending Fee Schedule fir 2018 Page 7 of 14 YEE CI 1-KAT,PERMIT: Plan review tees for mechanical permits shall he collected at the time of application as noted in the "Fee Payment" section of this schedule. Permit fees shall be collected when the permit is issued. If submitted as part of a building permit application, the unit costs are added, but not the "basic" fee for issuing the permit, Mechanical Permit Fees A. BASIC FEES 1. Basic fee for issuing each permit. $37.00 2. Basic fee for each supplemental permit $8.00 B.UNIT FESS(iii addition to tlic basic fee) I, Installation or relocation of Furnaces and suspended heaters a. up to and including 100,000 btu $13.00 b. over 100,000 htu $16.00 2. Duct work system $11.00 3. Ham[ pump and air conditioner a, 0to3tons $13.00 b. over 3 tons to 15 tons $21.00 e, over 15 tons to 3{}tons $26.00 d. over 30 tons to 50 tons $37.00. e. over 50 ions $63,00 4. Gas water heater $1 1.00 5. Gas piping system. $1,00 per outlet 6. Gas log, fireplace, and gas insert installation $11.00 7. Appliance vents installation; relocation; replacement $10.00 each 8. Boilers, compressors,and absorption systems a. U to 3 hp- 100,000 btu or less $13.00 b. over 3 to 15 hp- 100,001 to 500,000 btu $2.1.00 c_ over 15-30 hp- 500,001 to 1,000,000 btu $26.00 d. over 30 ph 1,000,001 to [,7511,000 btu $37.00 e. over 50 hp-over 1,750,000 btu $63.00 9. Air Handlers a. each unit up to 10,00{}cfm, including ducts $1:3.00 b. each unit over 10,000 cfm $16.00 10. Evaporative Coolers (other than portable) $11.00 11. Ventilation and Exhausts a. each fhn connected to a single duct $11.00 b, each ventilation system $13,00 c. each hood served by mechanical exhaust $13.00 12.Incinerators a, residential installation or relocation $21.00 b. commercial installation or relocation $23.00 13.Unlisted appl lances a. under 400,000 btu $52.00 b. 400,000 btu or over $105.00 14_ IIood a. Type I $52.00 b, Type l I $11.00 15. LP Storage Tank $11.00 16. Wood or Pellet Stove insert $11.00 17. Wood stove system tree standing $26.00 PLUMBING PERMIT: Resolution 17-019 Amending Fee Schedule for 2015 Page 8 of 14 Plan review fees for mechanical permits shall be collected at the time of application as not .d in the "Fcc Payment" section of this schedule. Permit fees shall be collected when the permit is issued. if submitted as part of building permit application, the unit costs shall be added, hut not the 44basic" fee for issuing the permit. L y FEES A. ASIC 1. Basic tIcc for issuing each permit $37,00 2. Basic fee for each supplemental permit `8.00 B. UNIT FEES (in addition to the basic Fere) 1. Each plumbing fixture on a trap $6.00 each (includes garbage disposals,dishwashcrs,baektlow device,drainage,hot tubs,built-in water softener,water closets, lavatories,sinks, drains,etc.) 2. Water Heater $6.00 each 3. industrial waste pretreatment interceptor $16.00 (includes its Trap and vent, except kitchen type grease interceptors functioning as fixture traps.) 4. Repair or alteration of water piping,drainage or vent piping $6.00 each fixture 5. Atmospheric type vacuum breaker $6.00 each 6. Backflow protective device other than atmospheric type vacuum breakers $6.00 each 7. Medical gas $6.00 per outlet S. interceptors $6.00 each RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT: A traffic plan and traffic plan review is required if more than 50% of the width of any street is closed or if a single arterial lane is closed. A minimum plan review the of$61.00 (hourly rate for City employees) applies to all right-of-way pen-nits That require a traffic plan. if additional staff lime is required, it shall he charged at the hourly rate,. Category 1.Non-cut obstruction without clean up $73.00 2, Non-cut obstruction with clean up $110,00 3. Pavement cut obstruction, non-winter $168.00 4. Pavement cut obstruction, winter $210.00 5. Approach Permit $52.00 SIGN PERMIT: Sign permits shall he subject to assessment of planning division review fees as found in Schedule A. Sign Perm its shall also be subject to the assessment ofthe WSBCC fee as noted in Schedule fl"General"section. Signs mounted on buildings $48.00 per sign (flat fee) Sign and pole mounting $68.00 per sip (flat fee) Resolution 17-019 Amending Fcc Schedule, for 2018 Page 9 «f 14 Schedule C — Parks and Recreation ADMINISTRATIVE FEES Basic fees to be considered when applying nites Administrative Fee $32.00 Refuse Fee $52.00 AIJATICS Pool admission (age 5 and under) free Pool admission (age older than 5) $1.00 Pool punch pass(25 swims) $20.00 Weekend family discount• 1 child wider 13 free with paying adult At the discretion of the City Manager, the Parks and Recreation Department may on occasion offer free admission open swim days. Swimming Lessons $35.00 Swim Team Fee $45.00 Reservation(less than 50 people) $105,00 per hour*k Food fee (less than 50 people, if applicable) $25.00 Reservation (50-]00 people) $131.00 per hour** Food fee(50-100 people, if applicable) $52.00 Reservation (101-150 people) $157.00 per hour** Food fee (101-150 people, if applicable) $79.00 "Minimum 2 hours ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE PERMIT $10.00 CENTERPLACE Conference Center Wing Auditorium $79.00 per hour Auditorium $475.00 per day Auditorium $236.00 per half clay Auditorium w/Presentation System $52.00 per hour*** Auditorium w/Presentation SyFstcin $315.00 per day*** Auditorium va/Prescntation System $151:1,00 per half day*** Auditorium Deposit $52.00 Executive Conference Room $52.00 per hour Executive Conference Room Deposiil $52.00 Meeting Roam (day and evening use) $42.00 per hour Meeting Room $263.00 Per day Large Meeting Room $75.00 per hour i,arge Meeting Room $225.00 per half day Large Meeting Room $450.00 per 9 hr. day Meeting Room $131.00 per half day Meeting Room Deposit $52.00 Patio Event Package $5101.00 per event Portable Sound System $150.00 per event Platinum Package $500.00 per event *Requires rental of prey nia ion;sysier, .see next page Resolution 17-119 Amending Fee Schedule liff2015 Page 10 of 14 Great Room Kilehcn deposit $452.00 Multi-use/Banquet flail $105.00 per hour Multi-use/Banquet ball $540,00 ler 9 hr session Multi-use/Banquet Hall $1,575.00 all day(6 a.m.-1 a.m.) Small Dining Area $52.00 per hour Refundable Deposit $210.00 Refundable Deposit-Weddings $500.00 Stage $21 .00 per section per day Stage Removal $150.00 Table Settings(linens and tableware) $3,00 per place setting Pipe & Drape retrial. $100/day Chair Cover rental $3/chair per day Senior Center Wing I.ounge with Dance Floor $105.00 per hour Lounge with Dance Floor $850.00 per 6 hours Refundable Lounge deposit $210,00 Refundable Lounge deposit- Weddings $500.00 Meeting room (evening use) $42,00 per hour Meeting room (evening use) $131.00 per 4 hr session Meeting room (weekend use $262.00 per day Meeting room (weekend use) $131.00 per half day Meeting room deposit $52.00 Private Dining Room $52.00 per hour Private dining room deposit $52.00 Wellness Center $105.00 per hour West Lawn and CeiiterPlacc Rental the $3,500.00 per day Miscellaneous Cleanup fee $52 to $315.00 per event 1lastIHostess(after hours) $16.00 per hour Presentation System *** $262.00 per day (includes projector,podium, DVD/VCR sound system, camera system) Room Setup $26.00 per hour Satellite Video C".onfcrencing $262.00 per hour Sound System $42.00 per day Technical Support $42.00 per hour Television/VCR $7900 per day Touch Pad Voting System $121,00 base station per day -1- $16.00 $16.00 per keypad per day per hour LCD Projector $25.00 per hour I CD Projector $100.00 per day Coffee Service $25.00 service Linens Only $5.00 per table Wine glass only rental $.50 per glass Children's Birthday Package $175.00 per package Business incentive Rental Policy-The Parks & Recreation Director has the authority to reduce the room rental rate by one hr. when the rental meets the following criteria: minimum of 25 participants; utilize a Resolution 17-019 Amending Fee Schedule kw 2018 Page 11 of 14 classroom at CenterPlace eight or more times per calendar year; and use in-house caterer for a meal each reservation_ PICNIC: SHELTER RESERVATION (Fur groups fever than 200 people) Browns (up to five hours) $50.00 F dgecl iff(up to five hours) $84.00 Discovery Playground ft 1 (up to two hours) $35.00 Diseovely P[ayground #2 (up to two hours) $35.00 Greenacres large(up to five hours) $84.00 Mirabeau Meadows—shelter and stage(up to live hours) $S'1_00 Miraheau Springs shelter and dock(up to two hours) $250.00 Sullivan (up to live hours) $$4.00 Terrace View (up to five hours) $S4.00 Valley Mission(up to five hours) $84.00 EVENT RESERVATION —include.shelter (For groups of 200 or more people) Events include but are not limited to activities such as car shows, tournaments, or high-risk activities. The Parks and Recreation Director shall make the final delerminal.ion, General the(up to five hours): $157.00 Non-profit applications with proof of qualifying as a 501(c)(3)cntity (up to five hours): $84.00 VALLEY MISSION HORSE ARENA IA Rental is fur Fri-Suis $105.00 per weekend EVENT PHOTOS Mirabcau Springs shelter and dock $150.00 per hour BALL FEUD RENTAL/USE $26.00 hour.1 $15.00 each additional hour REFUNDABLE DAMAGE DEPOSIT Fewer than 200 people $75.00 Weddings, Special Events and events with 200 or more people $300.00 SPECIAL EVENTS (Sec Spokane Valley Municipal Code 5.15) Application Fee ${l0_[)0 RECREATION Recreation program fees are established at amounts to recover cosls, as specified in the ['arks and Recreation revenue policy. Resolufiun 17-019 Amending Fee Schedule iaar 2018 Page 12 gal`14 Schedule Y} — Administration COPY FEE Paper copies up to 1 I"x]T' (b/w or color) $0,15 per page'* Paper copies larger than 11"x17"(b/w or color) $0.87 per square foot* Scanned copies of paper records $0.10 per page Electronics records uploaded to email,cloud-based storage, CD/DVD, or flash drive $0.05 per every 4 electronic files or attachments* Records transmitted in electronic format $t).10 per Cali* Digital Storage Media Device(CD/DVD, flashdrive) Actual Cost* Envelope Actual Cost* Postage Actual Cost* Records sent to outside vendor for reproduction Actual Cost* Customized Service Charge _ When the request would require the use of IT expertise to prepare data compilations or when such customized access services are not used by the agency for other business purposes,the agency may charge the actual cost The agency must notify the rcquestor that it will be doing a customized scrvicc and can require a ]0 percent deposit.* *It is the intent of the City of Spokane Valley to recover the cost of providing public records when the total cost, including hut not limited to the per-page, devi.ec, envelope, or postage costs, amounts to $1.00 or more. Copy charges above may be combined to the extent more than one type of charge applies to copies responsive to a particular request, When combining fees associated with the request,the City will determine the total cost and charge accordingly. Copy charges arc assessed for each installment of records provided to the requester. A deposit of 10% may be required on public record requests. NSF CE I E CK RETURN FEE $26.00 CREDIT CARD TRANSACTION PROCESSING FEE 2.5%of transaction amount Applies to all City fees paid by credit card/debit card except for those fees under Schedule F—Police Fees (amount of the alarm fee is intended to cover the total cost of administering the false alarm program, incl uding,but not limited to,payment processing fees). ResoIuti Gn 17-019 Amending Fee Schedule for 2018 Page 13 01 14 Schedule .1C — Other Fees BUSINESS REGISTRATION Business Registration $13,00 annual Nonprofit Registration $3.00 annual Late Business Registration Fee: (charged in addition to the business registration foe) (SVMC 5.05.050) Failure to pay the registration fee by the applicable date shall result in a late fee of 50% of the annual registration fee. Failure to pay the annual fee may result in non-issuance of a Washington Slate license, as determined by the Washington Slate Department of Licensing. Adult Entertainment Establishment License, Live Adult Entertainment $1,575.00 Establishment License,Adull Arcar c $1!575.00 Adult Arcade Device License $157.00 Manager:License $157.00 Entertainer License $157,00 Late Adult Entertainment License Fee(charged in addition to the license tee) 7 to 30 calendar days past due 25% of license fee 1 to 60 calendar days past due 50% of license fee 61 and more calendar days past due 75% of license fee A. �en' of Administrative Determination — Adult Entertainment License Adult Entertainment T,icense denial, suspension or revocation pursuant to I[' 5.10 $1,050.00 TOW OPERATOR REGISTRATION FEE $105.00 annual OVERSIZED LOAD PERMIT FEF $26.00 STORM:WATER-UTILITY CI IAR E O1-DEVELOPED PARCELS: Each single-family unit $21.00 annual All other properties each $21.00 per 3}160 sq. ft impervious surface Schedule F— Police Fees FALSE ALARM RECOVERY FEE $65 per incident Amount of the fee is intended to cover the total cost of adminislering the false alarm program, including, but not limited to, payment processing fees_ Resolution 17-019 Amending Fee.Schedule for 2018 Page 14 of 14