Resolution 17-020 Health benefits CITY OF SPOK AN IC VALLEY Spool KAN IC COUNTY,WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 17-020 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, REPEALING A IND REPLACING RESOLUTION NO. 13-002, SPECIFYING THE INSURANCE PIANS AINHI HEALTH RELATED BENEFITS FOR CITY EMPLOYEES ANI)COITNCILMEMBi+RS,AND OTHER MATTERS RELATED THERETO. WHEREAS, the City Council adopted Resolution 13-002 on March 26, 2013, which superseded Resolution Na 11-012, and provided medical, dental and other benefits for its eligible employees and Council members through the Association of Washington Cities(AWC)Employee Benefit Tru.t,or other means; and WHEREAS,, the City Council desires to adopt the specific plans and contribution rates for each designated plan. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington, as follows; Section I. Medical Insurance. The City Council hereby specifies the Asuris Northwest Health 250 Plan, the Kaiser Permanente Access PPO Plan and the Kaiser Perrnariente $200 deductible Plan for Councilmembers and employees. The City shall pay 100% of the premium of either health plan for the Councihnember, spouse and dependents, The City shall pay 80%of premium increases in addition to the amount the City paid in 2015 for the employee, spouse, and dependents. applicable to each ctnp]oyec coverage category_ The City shall provide a Premium Only Program (POP) allowing employees to pay their share of the pretnium costs through pre-tax income. Employee participation in the,POP progratn is voluntary. Section 2. Dental Insurance_ The City Council hereby specifies the AWC Trust Washington Dental Service Plan P with Orthodontia Rider PIan Il as the currently authorized employee dental plan for eligible Cityemployees and Councilmembers, The City shall pay 100% of the premium for the employeefCouncilmeniber, spouse and dependents, as required by the AWC Employee Benefit Trust Underwriting rules. Section 3. Life Insurance.The City Council hereby specifies the A WC Trust Life Insurance Plan at two times the sum of annual earnings rounded up to the nearest $1,000 with the accidental death and dismemberment (A[) D) option as the currently authorized employee life insurance plan for eligible City employee: and Councilmembers. The City shall pay 100% of the premium for the employeeiCouncilmember, }-:rnployeeslCounci]nieirihers shall also be authorized to acquire additional supplemental or dependent life insurance coverage through the plan on a self-pay basis through payroll deduction pursuant to AWC underwriting rules. Section 4. Long Term Disability Insurance. The City Council hereby specifies the A WC 'Trust Standard Insurance Long Term Disability Plan Option 1 (60% benefit; 90-day elimination) as the currently authorized long term disability plan for City employees. The City shall pay 100% of the premium for the employee as required by the AWC Employee Benefit Trust Underwriting rules, Section 5. Employee Assistance Programa, The City Gunnell hereby specifies the AWC Trust Employee Assistance Program as the currently authorized employee assistance program for eligible City kesolul ion 17-D2O Spc6 rying Tnsuranut Pluns and I Iealth Re]atecl Benefits ?ago I of 2 employe sfCounciltncmbers_ The City shall pay 100% of the premium for the employee/Councilmember as required by the AWC Employee Benefit Trust Underwriting rules. Section G. Vision Care.The City Council hereby specifies the AWC Trust Vision Service Plan (VSP) $25 Co-Pay plan as the currently authorized vision care program for eligible City employees/Councilnrembers. The City shall pay 100%of the premium for eligible employees/Councilmembers as required by the AWC Employee Benefit Trust Underwriting rules. Section 7. Health Reimbursement Arrangement Account The City shall establish Health Reimbursement Arrangement Accounts for eligible Councilinemhers. The City shall also make contributions to these accounts in the amount of the deductible determined by the plan chosen by the Councilmernber and number of persons covered. The contributions to these accounts by the City shall be used for medical expenses as determined by the plan requirements. See tion 8. Review and Adoption. Unless otherwise provided for by contract, the City Council shall periodically review the insurance plans and health related benefits of City employees) ounei]mcmhers, Changes to the health related benefit programs shall be specified and approved as part of the annus] budget adoption process,or adopted separately by resolution of the City Councii, Section 9, Repeal of Resolution. The City Council hereby repeals Resolution No. 13-002. ,� Section 1,0. Effective Date. This Resolution shall be effective January 1,201R. Adopted this 12th day of Deeernher,2017. I Cif Spokane Valley 1 :37...., L.R. Hib - "r ATTESTi .tom �. ristine Bainbridge,City Clerk Approved as to form: Of ie f the Cit to y R c's[Slutio i 17-020 Specifying,Inxuearnce Maim and I]eo]lEY Related Benefits 1'agc 1 oft