2018, 01-02 Study Session MINUTES City of Spokane Valley City Council Regular Meeting Study Session Format Tuesday,January 2, 2018 In the absence of a mayor, City Clerk Bainbridge called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Attendance Staff - Rod Higgins, Mayor Mark Calhoun City Manager Patti Haley, Deputy Mayor John Hohman, Deputy City Manager Brandi Peetz, Councilmember Cary Driskell, City Attorney Linda Thompson,Councilmember Erik Lamb, Deputy City Attorneys Ben Wick, Councilmember CheIsie Taylor, Finance Director Sam Wood, Couneilrnentbter Mike Stone, Parks Sc Rec Director Arne Woodard, Councilmember Bill Helbig, City Engineer Doug Powell, Building Official Mark Werner, Police Chief Carolbellc Btattch, Public Tnt'brmation Officer Mike Basinger, Economic Develop. Manager Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk UWOCATTON: Pastor Darrell Cole, Living l lope Community Church gave the invocation. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Members from Boys Scout Troop #400 led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: City Clerk Bainbridge called the roll; all Camel/members were present. 1. Council Officer Selections for Mayor and Deputy Mayor Chris Bainbridge Aller City Clerk Bainbridge explained the process of selecting council officers, as noted in [he Council's Governance. Manual, Ms, Bainbridge opened the floor for nominations for mayor. Conncilmeinher Peetz nominated Mr. Wick, and Counc ilmcmher Haley nominated Mr. I liggins. There were no further nominations and the nominations were closed. Each Councilmember completed a written ballot, and the ballots were collected by City Clerk Bainbridge. Once they were collected, Ms. Bainbridge announced the results of the ballots: those voting for Mr. Wick included Councilmembers Peetz, Thompson and Wick; those voting for Mr. l liggins included Councilmembers Haley,Higgins,Wood and Woodard, Mr. Higgins was declared Mayor, Ms. Bainbridge asked Mayor Higgins if he wished to conduct the voting for Deputy Mayor or if he preferred she do so, and he asked that she continue_ Ms. Bainbridge then opened the floor for nominations for deputy mayor_ Councilmember Thompson nominated Mr. Wick, and Counciltnember Wood nominated Ms_ Haley. There. were no further nominations, and the nominations were closed. Each Councilmember completed a written ballot, and the ballots were collected by City Clerk Bainbridge. Once they were collected,Ms. Bainbridge announced the results of the ballots_those voting for Mr. Wick for deputy mayor included Councilmembers Peetz, 'Thompson and Wick; those voting for Ms, Haley for deputy mayor included Councilmembers Haley,Higgins,Wood and Woodard. Ms. Haley was declared deputy mayor. Council Meeaiii ,Minutes!01-02-201 Pagel of 3 Approved by Council:01-30-2018 2. NE industrial Area Update—John I lohman, Mike Btasingcr Deputy City Manager Hohman explained that an Economic Development Comm ittee was formed in 2012 for the purpose of developing goals and projects they felt would make the most direct impact for our City; and one of those goals was to support industrial development by expanding and providing sower and water availability. Mr. Hohman explained that in an effort to move that Committee's initiatives forward, the City created an Economic Development Division to administer the development of long range plans, zoning, economic studies and strategies, and marketing as a means to promote the City inside and outside of the region_ Via the PowerPoint presentation, Mr. 1lohman went over the economic Development Committee recommendations;the developed, undeveloped and total acres in the industrial area;and mentioned the lack of adequate infrastructure including sewer and water,and roads the[ are undersized for trucks. Mr. Basinger then went over the land use map, main roads including the rail lines; mentioned the recruitment process including the City's recruitment packet and benefits for locating in Spokane Valley; went over a shor[ list of potential sites and staffs developed conceptual designs for meeting TINSF design guidelines, as well as a conceptual septic layout and cost estimate; mentioned some prospective recruitment and conceptual designs for some of those sites; and noted the use of Cil ; (geographic information system)for site cri[eria that included access to rail. Mr. I lohman went over the potential benefits and impacts of prospective companies; mentioned aterra's site and encouraged Council and the public. to visit. Katerra's website, adding that we will continue working with them to streamline the process for permitting. Mr, Hohman mentioned that for a future meeting, staff will bring Council a Planned Action Ordinance, with a goal of streamlining permitting, and making costs and expectations known early in the process_ 3. Ci[y Hall Maintenance Staffing.John Hohman,Doug Powell Deputy City Manager Hohman explained that staff solicited proposals from several local property management companies for facilities maintenance workers, and we only received one response, which covered maintenance at City Hall only. Mr. Hallman said the annual cost of a contract would be marginally more expensive than adding an in-house employee and said it is staff's recommendation to add such employee, and that this has been part of the City budget for 2017 and 2018 and has been included in the current employee count of 89,25, Mr. [lohman noted that such an individual could also take the lead in maintaining the Police Precinct and be available to assist with activities at CenterPlace, and said he feels the flexibility at a lower delivery cost also contributes to staffs recommendation to hire an employee, adding that a contractor would not do anything dealing with electrical.or mechanical,Aller brief discussion, there was consensus from five Couneilmcmbers,(excluding Councilmembers Pcetz and Wick)to move this item forward and have the City Manager recruit and fill the Facilities Maintenance position. 4.Training; Open Public Meetings Act,and Public Records Ac[ Cary Driskell, Erik Lamb City Attorney Driskell and Deputy City Attorney Jamb went through their PowerPoint presentation explaining the aspects of the Public Records Act, the Open Public Meeting Act, and the Appearance of Fairness Doctrine. 5. Advance Agenda- •Mayor Higgins Councilmember Thompson asked about the topic of youth activities and getting youth engaged on a project; and Mr. Calhoun explained that although this will not be part of an upcoming agenda, he and his assistant Ms. I leath will work with Councilmember Thompson on this issue. Councilmember Thompson agreed, 6. Council Check-in Mayor Hig ins 'there were no remarks from Council. 7. City Manager Comments—Mark Calhoun City Manager Calhoun gave a brief recap of the recent snow events as a result of the latest changes in the City's code concerning removal of sidewalk snow and ice; said the plows are attempting to place less snow on sidewalks, and we are hearing mixed reviews concerning those efforts, said slowing the plows means Council Meeting Minutes:01-02-2018 Pago 2 of 3 Appruvud by Council:01-30-2018 more expense as we pay by the hour,and lhat we will monitor the expenses as we move through the winter, and staff will give Council a report of the efforts at the end of the season; and he extended his appreciation [0 the snow plow operators and to City &beet Superintendent Shane Arlt, for all their efforts, It was moved by Deputy Mayor Haley, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m. t I ' - f://i, --7 1.1b,"""IP — ATTF:: L, , Higgins, a +. C7' / r } ' 't :A# tri =Christone Bainbridge,City Clerk Council MctlirLg MinuCes:01-02-2018 Page 3 of 3 Approved by Council:O1-30-2018 - ill- BALLOT FOR MAYOR BALLOT FOR MAYOR : , ; -. Write Name of Your Vote for Mayor Write Name of Your Vote for Mayor ,12-De //ii \'`IPA Name of C ouncilmernfuer Casing Vote Name of Counoilmernber Casting Vote 1 BALLOT FOR MAYOR [BALLOT FOR MAYOR OILS Write Name of Your Vote for Mayor / f Write Name of Your Vote for Mayor f , Name of Counoilmernber Casting Vote f 7:11. 561>r Name of Councilniember Cast 1g Vote 1 BALLOT FOR MAYOR BALLOT FOR MAYOR _ Write Name of Your Vote for Mayor 11i'+rite Name of Your Vote for Mayor -711 Mi \-)f:frt Name of Co�3ncilniorrrber Casting Vote i Name of C ouncilmetu ber Castng Vote 1 BALLOT FOR MAYOR Write Nor ou r Vote for Mayor td0476c� Nano of Counoi:rnember Casting Vote J BALLOT FOR DEPUTY MAYOR BALLOT FOR DEPUTY MAYOR Qpip„ a-1 , Write Name of Your Vote for Deputy Mayor : 4 i \A) -- Write Name of Your Vote for Deputy Mayor Name of emmcilrnembK Casting Vote PA,r(itrall V)tt-b2-) Name of Councilmember Casting Vote BALLOT FOR DEPUTY MAYOR BALLOT FOR DEPUTY MAYOR Wiite Narrie of 'Y■ur Vote for Deputy Mayor Write Name of Your Vote for Deputy Mayor -___JIL7( /Si dia Name of Gounci member Casting Vote Nan-e. of Councilrnernbor Casting to BALLOT FOR DEPUTY MAYOR BALLOT FOF DEPUTY MAYOR i% :. 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