Ordinance Summary 18-001 City of Spokane Valley 110210 F. Sprague Spokane Valley,WA 99206 (509) 720-5010 NOTICE OF ORDINANCE PASSED BY SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL The following is the title and summary of Ordinance No. 18-001 passed by the Spokane Valley City Council on the 1611'day of January, 2018; AN ORDINANCE 01''THE Cl'I'Y OF SPOKANE VALLEY,SPOKANE COUNTY,WASHINGTON,AMENDING CHAPTER.7.05 OF THE SPOKANE VALLEY MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING CHRONIC NUISANCES AND O'T'HER UPDATES, AMENDING CHAPTER 17_]00 OF THE SPOKANE VALLEY MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING ADMINISTRATIVE CODE ENFORCEMENT PROCEDURES, AMENDING CHAPTER 17.11{) OF THE SPOKANE VALLEY MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING WAIVER OF CODE ENFORCEMENT APPEAL FEES, AMENDING APPENDIX A OF THE SPOKANE VALLEY N1UN]CIPAL CODE RELATED TO NUISANCES, AND O'T`HER.MAYl'L+RS RELATING THERE'T'O. Section I explains that the purpose ot'this ordinance is to amend the SVMC to provide for provisions related to chronic nuisances and to update other appropriate Code provisions related to nuisances and nuisance abatement procedures. Scelion 2 amends and updates several definitions in SVMC 7.05, adds a new definition of"on-going criminal activity related to the premises;'} and further amends language to clarify specific sections of 7.05 including amending the list of exemptions from the provisions of SVMC 7,05,040(K)(I) concerning noise; describes more explicitly the section concerning yard sales; and adds a new section 7.05.045 concerning chronic nuisances. Section 3 amends specific sections of 17.100 coneerning enforcement, authority and administration including an assessment schedule and abatement procedures; Section 4 amends specific sections of 17.1 1 0 concerning fees and penalties as well as provisions for waiver ofa code enforcement appeal fee; Section 5 amends Appendix A definitions and adds the definition .of"abate_" Section 6.speaks to severability, and Section 7 provides for an effective date. The full text.of Ordinance 18-001 is available at the City of Spokane Valley City offices as identified above. A copy will be mailed upon request to the City Clerk. Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Published: January 19, 2018 [ certify that I believe the foregoing summary to be a true and complete summary of Ordinance No. 1E-001, that [he summary provides adequate notice to the public of the c u,ten[s of [his ordinance, and that the original ordinance is on tile with the City Clerk_ • : � ' 7ristine Bainbridge, City Clerk SUPERIOR COURT of WASHINGTON J t SPOKANE COUNTY lit the Matter of AFFIDAVIT f>fPUBLICAT1ON NOTICE OF ORDINANCE PASSED By Steokanu Valley City C until NO. Ordinance No, 18-001 LEGAL NOTICE STATE of WASHINGTON County of Spokane MICHAEL HUFFMAN being first duly sworn on oath deposes and says that lie is the EDrIOlt of the Spokane Valley News Herald, a weekly newspaper. that said newspaper is a keel newspaper and it is now and has hccn for more than six months prior to the date of pubticati on hereinafter referred to,published in the English language continually as a weekly newspaper in Spokane County, Washington, and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper, which said newspaper had been.approved as a legal newspaper by order of the superior Court of the 'State of Washington in and for Spokane County. That the following is a trate copy of a Legal Notice as it was published is regular issues colnmeucing on the 19th day ofJ$uuary,2018, and ending on the 19th day ofJamot ry,2018,all dates inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its subscribers during all of said period • cityeA Spekefa Valley .15,210 E.Sprague - • Sprrkena ValWA Bafi 5g9} 20A400 N$TInE or O DINNCE PASSED ay SpOKAM VALLEY CITY COUNCIL Tie torrid-11)15 the title sad summary at Ordinance rio,t&061 passed Sy 1ha Spo- ken&+fallay City Council an the l61hdayr~I January,20TH: Y I2.LBEP ani ' URN to herrre itie. AN URoiNANCE OF THE CITY OF .OKEVY,SRoANOUNRti 3t117,9.e#E4,1147 tis 19th day of anuary,2015WASHINGTON, C f zE d X,05 rF Ti-IEE SPOKANEVALLEY ML1- State of Washington NICIPALooDE REOARDLNQ CHRONIC NUISANCES AND OTHER trPDATES. a" VON C:olanty of Spokane AMENDLNG CHAPTER 17-100•OF THE " ° 5 SPOKANE VALLEY MUNICIPAL CODE 1 14-• €i1:GARL)INt3 ADMINISTRATIVE CODE ; s I certify that I lmow or have sattist story evidence that ENFORGEMENTPROCEouRES.AMEND. ¢Q �} • INC CHAPTER 17.1sd OFTHE SPOKANE . + ' `e Michael I luffinan is the person who appeared before mc, VALLEY MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING WAIVER OF CODE ENFORCEMENT Fl }L-} o-" 0 #nand said person acknowledged that he signed this APPEAL FEES,AMENDING APPENDIX a mLk matrulnent hand acknowledged it to be his free and A❑F THE SPOKANE VALLEY MUNICI- P4°AL CODE RELATED TO NULSANGES., AND OTHER MATTERS RELATING ' ak.y.a- I voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the THERETO- Section 1 oxpraraa Thud the purpose of 0-5 tt4� instnitrit able ordinance Is la amend the SVPAO to A e y n provide for pre.4alons related to chronic r t e y nuisances end t°,update other appraprlate 'Code paavlslrxrs reialee Go-nusances anti —- n uleence abatement procedures Saelion Jolene ae ent2 2 emends and updaLee sexual definitions. In$VMC 7.115, arida a nays deri(J6an al Title'I ID Plabli 'an-going criminal aclivlly relaled to the prernfsee,'and further amends language My appoi.ntlmerit expires:05-15-20I9 to clarify s*ar^1a aeclioru of 7,05 iniad- [, Ing amending the list of exempilune from the praylrone of SUMO 7.05.04D(I41;1) o nncanNng nein;des+cribus mare explleilly the secli el aancaming yard hales;and adds a new seslia9 70,04r.rnr'cemning chronic euleancea.5ecllon 3 amends opaarfo Seo- iiuns al 17.100 4.nr:eviIng anlorcalllenl, aythorlty end edminssrs ori includregl are nssaaameni schedule And abatement procaduree;Sedan 4 amends spathic seciiana of 17.1tO concerning leas and psnallles es well as prav1Otons far waiver o ra cede anroroemer>t appeal fee;Section 5 amends A perdIuAdeanhwna and adds Ilia dellnllion of%bats.' Sachem speaks 10 sxverebillty;and Sullen 7pravldes for an allerlree date. The lull lead alOrdkianceibau0l isevaIIBbia a11h"e Oily or Spuksea Valley Oily aides es flora ted stove-Acoeywill henailedupon rnqueaa tote Gllp Clerlr. Christine gsinhri lle.Cily Clark putmllehed:JUrrxrarY 1E,2015