2018, 02-06 Study Session MINUTES SPOI{ANE VALLEY COUNCIL MEETING STUDY SESSION Spokane Valley City Hall Council Chambers Spokane Valley, Washington February 6, 2018 Attendance: uuncilmembers Staff Rod Higgins,. Mayor Mark Calhoun City Manager Pam Haley, Deputy Mayor Cary Driskell, City Attorney Brandi Peetz, Councilmember Erik Lamb, Deputy City Attorney Linda Thompson,C:ouncilxnembcr CheIsie Taylor, Finance Director lien Wick, Councilmember Mike Stone, Parks& Rec Director Sam Wood, Councilmember Bill Helbing., City Engineer Arne Woodard, Councilmember Gloria Mantz, 1?ngineering Manager Morgan Koudelka, Sr. Admin. Analyst Marty Pralattiuk, Planner Ienry Allen, Senior Engineer Mark Werner,Police Chief Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Mayor Higgins called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.an. ROLL CALL: City Clerk Bainbridge called the roll, all Councilmembers were present. ACTION ITEMS: I, First Reading Ordinance 18-003, Amending Street Standard s—Henry Allen After City Clerk Bainbridge mead the ordinance title, it was moved by Deputy Mayor Haley and seconded to advance rChnellrce 18-003, amending Street Standards, to a second reading; Via his PowerPoint, Engineer Allen went over the proposed update to the street standards. It was noted Chapter 5 was not included and Mr. Allen said that is because there are no proposed changes in that chapter. There was also brief discussion about the logistics of performing a traffic impact analysis.- Mayor Ifiggins invited public comment;no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation_in Favors Unanimous. Opposed:None. Motion carried. 2. First Reading Ordinance 18-004, Updating Subdivision Regulations •Marty Palaniuk After City Clerk Bainbridge road the ordinance title, it was moped by Deputy Mayor Haley and seconded to advance Ordinance 18-004 updating subdivision regulations, to a second reading. After Planner Palaniuk went over the background of the proposed amendments, Mayor Higgins invited public comment. No comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: in Favor: (Jnattimous- Oppose •None. Motion earned. 3. Motion Consideration: Street Maintenance Option to Renew—Bill 1 lelhig It was moved by Deputy Mayor Haley and seconded to authorize the City Manager tofrraliae and execute the 2018 option year contract renewal with Poe Asphalt Paving in the amount of$1,366,663, After City Engineer Helbig briefly explained the background of this renewal option, Mayor Higgins invited public comment. No comments were offered. Vote by Ac;elanw tion: In Favor: Unoollmous. Opposed.- None. Motion earned. Council Study Session:0}2-06-201 a Page 1 of 3 Approveal by Coonoil:02-27-2003 4. Motion Consideration: Street Sweeping Option to Renew- Bill Helbig It was moped by Deputy Mayor Haley and seconded to authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute the 201 ' option year contract renewal with AAA Sweeping in the amount of 490,200.00.. After City Engineer Helbig briefly explained the background of this renewal option, Mayor I liggins invited public comment. No comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation. in Favor•, Unanimous, Opposed: None. Motion carried. NON-ACTION ITEMS: 5. Spokane Housing Authority(SI IA) Re-authorization—Erik Lamb; SI LA Director Pam Tietz Deputy City Attorney Lamb introduced SHA Executive Director Pam Tietz,who he explained,brought this re-authorization to our attention, As noted in his February 6, 2018 Request for Council Action form, Mr. Lamb explained that the Authority recently determined that several requirements contained in the original authorizing documents, including our Resolution 03-047, were burdensome and inflexible thereby making it difficult for the Authority to conduct its business in the most efficient manner; he said that we as well as the City of Spokane and Spokane County were approached by the Authority to work on documents that would allow more operational flexibility with things such as meeting times and specific personnel. After hearing from Ms_Tietz about several changes made in the SHA to improve flexibility and customer service, and of their efforts to continue working with other area partners, there were no objections from Councihnembers to move this forward for an ordinance first reading. 6.Pre-Law Enforcement Academy Training—Mark Werner, Morgan Ioudelka, and Tony Anderson Senior Administrative Analyst Ioudelka explained that our police department is in the midst of a wave of retirements,and the department is struggling to fill those vacancies;he said the department is meeting those challenges and finding some successes, but having a pre-law enforcement academy will be another lad to help fill vacancies more quickly. Chief Werner said from the point of hire in the last four years, there has been a loss ratio of 32,1`"/a and he wants to address how to mitigate that, and this is a way to obtain more successes;he said sometimes after an eighteen-week academy and [he new hire gets in the training ear,they. realize the job is not what they thought it would be; be also mentioned there are limited academy spots throughout the state, and sometimes the wait to get into the academy can be three or four months; all of which creates more cost as more people work overtime waiting for new hires.Chief Werner i ntroduced Mr_ Anderson,who is an instructional systems designer, and who has been with the Sheriff's Office for several years, and who prior to that had been involved in a criminal justice training enter for many years. Atter Mr. Anderson went through the PowerPoint explaining about the current training process for the basic deputy, future training solutions, training enhancements, resources needed to meet the vision, desired outcomes and strategic assistance; Chief Werner said this pre-academy would start with four officer candidates and would be more of a pilot program. Mr.Koudelka also went over the cost impact and service legal impact estimate, which was included as part of the council packet material. Council voiced no objections to the academy. 7. Spokane Valley Police Department Vehicle Color and Graphics—Mark Werner, Morgan Koudelka After Mr. Koudelka went through his PowerPoint explaining and showing examples of the options for police department yell isle color and graphics,there appeared to be Council consensus to go with option 1A, the two-tone partial wrap, and to make the words "Spokane Valley" a little Iaarger, and `xPolice! a little smaller.Mr.Koudelka said he will work with the City Manager to refine the graphics as noted,and to move this fhrward_ 8.Advance Agenda—Mayor Higgins Deputy Mayor Ilaley said that there has been an idea raised about the senate taking remote testimony at some of the community colleges,and they would like to try that on a smaller sale,and she suggested perhaps using our Council chamber. Mr. Calhoun said he will have to determine who at the state to talk to regarding Council Study Session:02-06-2018 Page 2 of 3 Approved by Council;02-27-2018 IT issues and to get their IT department and our IT department talking to dctcrm inc what could be aceommoclatecl,and said we would have to figure out their schedule and make sure there are no conflicts in this roam- Mr- Calhoun said staff will fbllow up on those issues and report back to Council,. Council. concurred. Councilmember Thompson said she has more infonnation to share on launching of the Youth Voice Event and would like to include that on a figure agenda. There were no objections from Council. 9. Council Cheek-in—Mayor Higgins There were no additional Council comments, 10. City Manager Comments—Mark Calhoun City Manager Calhoun reminded everyone that there will be no evening Council meeting next week as the winter workshop will be held in this room beginning at 8:30 a.m., and hopes to conclude by 2:30 p.m. Councilmember Woodard said he is up for jury duty so won't know until Friday night if he will be able to attend. Mr. Calhoun said if someone.ain't make it,he is willing to do a one-on-one if that person desires. City Attorney Driskell briefed Council on several pending bills: (1)SB 6408 concerning body worn cameras and having those records exempt under the Public Record Act as exposure [o those records could be offensive to some,and there is a need to protect people as well as their residences, including the identify of domestic violence a victims; and he asked if Council wanted to support this bill or not take a position. There WAS consensus from about five Councilmernbers to support the bill.(2)SR 598, grandparents rights for visitation;he mentioned the 4"district opposes this and after briefly explaining the bill,asked if Council wanted to support, oppose, or not take a position. There was Council consensus from about four Councilmembers to oppose the legislation. (3)SB 2952 the Appleway Trail as amended,which rather than the legislature renaming the Trail, the bill directs the City 10 rename it. Mr. Driskell also noted the legislature would pay for the signage;that this bill passed out of original comm ittee but nothing is scheduled at this time. Councilmernber Wood voiced his opposition to the City being directed to change the name. Mayor Higgins suggested not doing anything but to wait to sec if this gets out of committee, and Mr, Calhoun noted this information tonight was intended as an update. Councilmember Wick said he would like to go on record as being opposed to the change. Courleilmember Woodard said the word "opposed" is stronger than he wants, but that rather he would like an opportun ity to discuss this and have publ is comment from our citizens, and that postponement was a reasonable request, and also mentioned he feels there is no need to do anything further until we know where or if the bill is moving, Mr. Driskell said he will continue to update Council as he receives more information. It was moved by Deputy Mayor flaky, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 7:58 p.m. T /if Feraviii- A P AbOIHJ L.R.Higg'llto ,L { ( .hristine Bainbridge, City Clerk Council Study Session:O2-06-2018 Pagc 3 of 3 Approved by Council!02-27-2018