2018, 02-27 Regular Format MTNCITI S City of Spokane Valley City Council Regular Meeting Formal Meeting Format Tuesday, February 27, 2018- Mayor 018Mayor Higgins called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Attendance: Staff Rod Higgins, Mayor Mark Calhoun, City Manager Pam Haley, Deputy Mayor John I Iohrnan, Deputy City Manager Brandi Peet; Councilmember Cary Driskell, City Attorney i,indaThompson, Councilmember Erik Lamp, Deputy City Attorney Ben Wick, Co oneilmember Mike Stone, Parks &Rcc Director Sam Wood, Councilmember Bill Helbig,City Engineer Arne Woodard, Councilmernbcr I Ienry Allen, Senior Engineer Marty Palarniuk,Planner Mike Basinger, Economic Dcv, Manager Gloria Mintz, Engineering Manager Adam Jackson, Planning/Grants Engineer Lesi i Brassfield, Economic Dev. Specialist Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk WOCATION: Pastor Mike Szott of Living Hope Community Church gave the invocation- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Council, staff, and the audience stood for the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: City Clerk Bainbridge called the roll; all Councilmembers were present. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: It was moved by Councilmember Woodard, ,seconded and amarai nously agreed to approve the agenda, 11VTRODI TION OF SPECIAL GUESTS AND PRESENTATIONS: nla COI Ii IITTEE,BOARD,LIAISON SUIMIARY REPORTS Councihnember Wood: said he attended an STA (Spokane Transit Authority) mecling where they did a recap of 2017 showing an increase of approximately 9,000 new rides, and that they are within budget; he also mentioned the STA van grail], and that the deadline to apply has passed; and said that sales tax revenues are up 9% over last year. Councilmember Peetz: reported that she attended the 9-1-1 Board meeting where they discussed the migration of the community building for fire and police dispatch, and that they hope to get this completed in April, Councilmember Woodard; said he attended a community leader luncheon where Multicare representatives explained about their business; attended some Chamber of Commerce events; mentioned the Health]hoard meeting and continued discussions about vaccinations and that the Board is trying to decide if they want to ask for a state law to el i m i nate the exemptions. Councilmember Thompson: said she attended her first Health District meeting,and is now on the Outreach and Education Committee working with other jurisdictions about Health Uistrict policies; said she also attended a I Inman Rights 'l'ask Force meeting, that she will be a conduit for information from them, and Minute.. Regular Council Meeting:02-27-2015 Page 1 of 5 Approved by Council!03-13-201g they talked about education; attended two Washington Policy Center legislative luncheons and spoke with several state legislators about Spokane Valley issues; said she attended the Chamber of Commerce Gala and it was a fun event and she enjoyed seeing and celebrating the teachers ofthe year, said she also attended [he Association of Washington Cities(AWC) legislative meeting in Olympia where they had great classes as well as a reception for newly elected officials. Councilmembcr Wick: gave a lengthy report on several transportation issues including a Chamber of Commerce Transportation Committee meeting where they discussed the 1-90 Liberty Lake Vicinity,and he distributed copies of the accompanying PowerPoint prepared by WSD(Yl s.Regional Administration Mike Gribner, which included information about Barker to l iarvard, the Barker Road Interchange, Henry Road, and the Harvard Road Interchange; said he attended some SRTC (Spokane Regional Transportation Council)meetings and that they will be issuing a call for projects and they can take certain projects off the top and one he mentioned was associated with the SRTMC(Spokane Regional Transportation Management Center)which manages the fiber optic signals;he mentioned the idea of a study concerning what to do with Division when the North/South Corridor is complete; and another study on the Colfax Pullman Highway interchange that is not doing well; he mentioned that Commissioner French is now the chair of the SRTC and thrat Mr. Wick is the vice chair; he also noted the Secretary of Transportation will be in Spokane next Thursday to talk about transportation issues. Mr. Wick noted he also met with the Good Roads Associa(ion and they have renewed the effort to bring back the concept of a regional TBD (Transportation Benefit district) and they are interested to hear Spokane Valley's views; he mentioned the also went to Olympia. Deputy Mayor Haley: said since the last formal Council meeting, she attended six STA board meetings, and she is on three different boards,and is chair of their External Relations; said they discussed the Central City line and it looks like they might not receive federal funding; she noted the van grant program where they give away eight to twelve vans and she encouraged people to apply for this program,and said that this year they will give a van to a group who picks up homeless people willing to work. Deputy Mayor Haley said she also went to the AWC Legislative meeting in Olympia where the she attended very informative and important classes, MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor I l iggins reported he attended Fire District#8's annual award banquet held at CenterPlace; went to a Chamber of Commerce lunch; and spoke with the WSU Chancellor about how Spokane Valley might lit in with their plans; said he attended a OSI (Greater Spokane, Inc.) meeting where Mr.. I lohman and Mr. Basinger gave a notable report on business development. PROCLAMATION: Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month After Mayor Higgins read the proclamation, it was accepted with thanks from Ms. Darci Ladwig ol'the Arc of Spokane. PUBLIC COMMENTS After Mayor Higgins explained the process,he invited general public comments. Mr. Rocky Sanson, Spokane Valley: said he has Checker Cab, auto sales and other businesses and that his business has grown since he started here four years ago; he extended kudos to Spokane Valley's Receptionist Roxanne Crafton for her exceptional customer service in helping him with the business license process;said it appears things are now changing and our City is becoming less friendly;and mentioned that maybe Spokane would he better for his business. Ms,Jane Sehert,Spokane Valley: spoke of a subdivision near 8)1i and University; said she was at the hearing last week for that subdivision #18-004; said if the area allows commercial, traffic will be terrible in the neighborhood;that she would welcome duplexes or single family residential,but not commercial. Mr. David Jackson, Spokane Valley: he thanked the Mayor for coming to Centerl'lace's Senior Center and having lunch with him, that it was a fun time and he encourages Councihnenrbers to take a friend to the Senior Center. Minutes Regu I r Council Meeting:02-27-2018 Page 2 of 5 Approved by Council:03-13-2018 1. CONSENT AGENDA: Consists of items considered routine which are approved as a group. Any member of Council may ask that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. Proposed Motion:I move to approve the Consent A;&endu. a. Approval of claim vouchers on Feb 27, 2018 Request for Council Action Form,Total: $3,962,840,05 b. Approval of Payroll for Pay Period Ending Janirnty 31,2018: $519,185,11 c. Approval of Payroll for Pay Period Ending February 15,201 g: $329,560.63 c1. Approval of January 30,2018 Council Meeting Minutes, Study Session e. Approval of February 6,201 8 Council Meeting Minutes, Study Session It was moved by Deputy Mayor Haley, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the Consent Agenda. NEW BUSINESS: 2. Second Reading Ordinance 18-003, Street Standards- Henry Allen,Micki Harnois After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Deputy Mayor Haley and seconded to approve Ordinance 18-003, amending street standards,_ Senior Engineer Allen explained about the need CO update our Street Standards, which is mostly due to the FHWA's (Federal I lighay Administration) request to have us update the maintenance responsibility section to ensure infrastructure funded with federal funds is adequately cared for, but also to addressee changes to implementation of the Standards, and to account for our City's organizational structure change. Mr.Allen noted that there have been no changes in the ordinance since the first reading. Mayor Higgins invited public comment; no comments were offered. Councilmember Wick again mentioned his desire to have a future agenda item to discuss street lighting. '!'here were no objections from Council. Vote by Acc?hrnalion: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed.' None_ Motion carried 3. Second Reading Ordinance 18-004, Subdivision Regulations- Marty Palaniuk After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Deputy Mayor Haley and seconded to approve Ordinance 78-004 updating subdivision regulations, Planner Palaniuk explained the background of this amendment, that it clarifies and defines "legal lot" and adds language to allow development on a non-legal lot by an innocent purchaser;eliminates the width requirement for corner lots and the ratio of lot width-to-depth requirement; eliminates language requiring the arrangement of lots and streets in conformance with approved plans; modifies the requirement for a minimum 15' border easement; and amends the definition of a flag lot. Mayor Higgins invited public comment. Mr. Bruce Forman, Spokane Valley: spoke about an agenda listing 18-004 and of his inability to Find information on our website concerning that; said he finally found the first reading but couldn't follow it and said he thinks it is referring to sonic sort of CTA number; said he saw a posting in the paper about it and said ho would like to have more time to read it and see what it is all about City Manager Calhoun said there might be some confusion; that during the public comments section, Ms. Sebcrt talked about an item that our Planning Commission addressed in a public hearing this past Thursday night;. he explained that Ordinance It-00/1 and that particular comp plan amendment share the number 004, and said there is no connection between what Council is€oing tonight and last week's Planning Commission hearing. Mr. Palaniuk said that CPA (comp plan amendment)2018-0004 concerns a land use map amendment;and said he will give tonight's concerned citizens his contact information in case they have further questions.There were no further public comments. Vole by Acclamation_Irr I*'avor. Unanimous. Opposed: None. Motion carried. 4. Second Reading Ordinance 18-005 Spokane Housing Authority(SHA)Reauthorization—Erik Iamb After City Clerk Bainbridge road the ordinance title, it was moved by Deputy Mayor Haley and seconded to approve Ordinance 18-005 reauthorizing the joint Spokane Housing Authority, Deputy City Attorney Lamb re-briefed Council on this ordinance, which will give more flexibility and efficiency to the SHA. in their operations; and again making note that this would represent no financial obligation to Spokane Valley. Mayor Higgins invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: in 1'avor: Unanimous. Opposed. None. Motion carried Minutes]Regular Council Meeting:02-27-201R Page 3 of 5 Approved Iv Council:03-13-2018 5. Motion Consideration:Appleway Trail—Mike Basinger, Gloria Mantz, Mike Stone It was moved by Deputy Mayor Haley and seconded to authorize the City Manager to pursue option 4. I-Option #4: As suggested by the Spokane Regional Transportation Council (SRTC), repackage the two projects to completely find the design and construction of the Evergreen to Sullivan segment as initially conceived, and forgo the University to Balfour Park project By combining the funds from both projects, there will be $2.4 Million available which can fully fund the Evergreen to Sullivan segment This option will allow the City to evaluate the trail extension west of University through a Comprehensive Plan Amendment in 2019. This option will require pursuing additional ,grant opportunities to fund the trail west of University which could range from $860,000 to $1,650,000, depending on the location of the western termini of the Appleway Trail.] Mr. Basinger began the PowerPoint presentation by explaining a little of the project's background and description, followed by Parks and Recreation Director Stone going over the scope of the project in the University to Balfour Park, and Evergreen to Sullivan areas_ Mr. Stone also noted [hat although development has been limited to date, it has only been a few years and we are already transforming that overgrown area to a l i near C i ty park;said he also hopes in the near future to.ach i eve a theme for the sections; said for the one section not yet constructed between Evergreen and Sullivan, he hears from some members of the public about getting from one end of the trail to the other,and tonight he hopes to talk about an option to close that gap a little more. Ms. Mantz then went through the various stated options; said staff has frequent meetings with SRTC about funding; said once we begin a phase, we have len years to get into the next phase; adding that we currently do not have enough funds to construct those two sections. Ms. Mantz again explained Option 4, noting that is the option suggested by SRTC; said staff will do some planning and pursue adcli[ional funding, and that staff recommends option 4. Mayor Higgins invited public comments, Ms. Nina Fluegal, Spokane Valley: said she lives along that trail and walks it often and she is still disappointed about what it doesn't have;not enough garbage cans or benches; and there are beer and liquor bottles and growing weeds, as well as huge puddles where the snow has melted; said she feels we should forgo that University to Balfour Park section as it is very premature since we are still trying to get the library in place,which may or may not happen; asked who maintains the trail and keeps it clear in the winter; said people can only use the trail eight months out of the year.There were no Further public comments. Council discussion included budgeting and finance,and Couneilntember Wick asked about including snow plowing and trail maintenance in the next budget. Mr. Calhoun said this issue will be addressed more at the June budget workshop and Council can discuss about conning up with more money for snow removal; said he approached Senske about snow removal, and for liability reasons,they have no interest in clearing the trail. Mr. Stone added that he is not aware of any public trail that is plowed throughout the year, and Mr. Basinger agreed adding that even if the trails are not plowed, they arc still used_ Coun.cilniember Woodard said he is willing to discuss this more at the June budget workshop, including the idea of running a plow down the trail, but that he is not interested in increasing the budget al this moment. Vote Jay .Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed:None. Motion carried, PUBLIC COMMENTS: After Mayor I[igg ins explained the process,he invited general public comments. Mr.John Harding,Spokane Valley: said as a taxpayer he wants to propose that each year Council tell people what projects will be coming up that taxpayers will have to pay for so the taxpayers can prioritize the projects and decide whether or not to have a bond levy; said he would like reports to tell what projects are important the costs,and how they would be funded so citizens can make more informed decisions on how best to prioritise projects_ There were no further public continents. Minute Regular°Nord l Meeting_02-27-2018 Page 4 of 5 Approved by Council;03-13-2018 ADMINISTRATIVE TRATIVE REPOR'T'S 6. Potential Grant Opportunities (i-MS113)• Adam Jackson Planning and Grants Engineer-Jackson went through his PowerPoint explaining about the potential grant opportunity through FMSIf3, which is the Freight Mobilily Strategic Investment Board, which Board facilitates freight movement between and among local, national and international markets which enhances trade opportunities, and that they work toward solutions that lessen the impact of freight movements on local communities, Mr. Jackson explained some of the criteria to receive a EMS113 grant, as well as some of the histoiy of City projects awarded and not awarded; the 2018 recommended projects and a summary of those projects and the projects funding. There was some Council discussion about sidewalks and bike lanes, and of a shared use pathway instead of those; with Mr. Jackson further explaining that staff will be applying for grants for both the Argonne Road and Barker Road projects; and that a motion for these projects will be coming to Council in two weeks. 7. Crave Contract—Lesl i Brassfield, Mike Basinger Aller Ms. Brassfield went through the PowerPoint describing some of the facets of tourism strategy, including event development, themes, goals and actions, Spokane Valley events, Crave 2017 and the planned Crave 2018, Council discussion included cost or affordability of attending the event, broadening the event to include other activities, projections for attendance, ticket sales so fur, and hotel data. Ms. Brassfield mentioned that Vision [Marketing received $30,000 through the City's Lodging Tax revenue appropriation to support this year's Crave event, and the City proposes to supplement those funds with $20,000 in currently budgeted 20 J$ Economic Development marketing funds, Council concurred to move this forward for a motion consideration at an upcoming meeting. 8. Advance Agenda —Mayor 1 Iiggins Coune:ilmember Wood voiced his concern with the nationwide opioid epidemic, said this was discussed at the I!milli Board meeting, but he would like Spokane Valley to do its share to educate the public on this, and suggested having a presentation from the Health Board oi' putting something in our Hot Topics newsletter_ Mr. Calhoun explained that we have no staff with experience on this other than Chief Werner, and said we can work with the Spokane Regional Health Board to have someone come in and make a presentation. After brief Council discussion on this topic, it was agreed to this put this item on the pending items on the Advance Agenda. Councilmember Wick mentioned that Burlington Northern is planning a second track and perhaps we could review that topic. Mr. Calhoun said he will work with Couneilinembcr Wick and report back to Council. Councilmember°W ick also mentioned about having Representative Cathy McIvIorris Rodgers to attend a meeting and Councilnrea rber Woodard said he has been trying to do that. 9. Department Reports Department Reports were for information only and were not reported GI' discussed. CITY MANAGEROM ENTS City Manager Calhoun had no additional comments, It was moved by Depuiy Mayor Haley, seconded and unanimously agreed to a oum. The meeting adjourned at 8:03 p.m. ratiTr_ ATTEST: I..R. 11igggi�' or 9441 Christine Bainbridge,City Clem minutes Regular Council Meeting:02-27-201.8 ['age 5 of 5 Approved by Condi:ID-13-2618 SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING Tuesday, February 27, 2018 6:00 p.m. Regular Meeting GENERAL CITIZEN COMMENTS SIGN-IN SHEET YOUR SPEAKINC TIM]' WILL GENERALLY BE LIMITED To THREE MINUTES This sign-iii sheet is for making comments not associated with an action item on tonight's agenda. If you wishto comment about an individual action item on tonight's agenda (such a a .otion to approve an ordinance, resolution, or contract) the Mayor will ask for coimnc s on I ose items once that item is reached on the agenda. Please sign in if ou wish to make public comments. NAME TOPIC OF CONCERN YOU r YOUR CITY OF l HIENCE " LEASE PRINT WILL SPEAK ABOUT IC) L 4 C PC) CA VAI)C• 1441), e. 6 art- ctk Vit..i, Please rote that once information is entered on thalami, it becomes a public record subject to public disclosure. Amok WSDOT 1 -90 Liberty Lake Vicinity MIKE GRIBNER, Eastern Region Administrator Spokane Valley Chamber of Commerce, Jan. 25, 2018 I-90/Barker to Harvard iy .. • - y r r , ,._r a _1 Y — �' .— —+a ,___ . _ 4 Ft _ r w 1011 iePr �� L 4 L f . .' ,� 1 r _. ' _ - _t.S��� �..�_ - � 1.� _. ...._ �. -. -.--.4.-.-. ... ... - __. -- .- __.__`• - ___._._ _ _ ,.�. - _ .,. _��_ -,--,� ' -may '~ 1.....1 WSDOT and its partners propose to utilize the. funding available for the Henry Road Interchange, Connecting Washington project on these practical solutions which will address needs at the Barker Interchange, Harvard Interchange, and local network connections. • Wi WSDO T Barker Road Interchange �. r - - A A I l'' . 3 irlifil '.- -.ow ", . 40 -. 4 _ 1 1,I - - 1 1 al a ,, }Y ,yam 1 4,{ .yam. K �� "1 '�_ -• .. _ - • • Address existing congestion at the Barker interchange north ramp terminal with intersection improvements (probable roundabout) 3.9 million (est. ) - DT Henry Road I V . r i r�k x ,./ ra ii .‘ i ,, _ ,.....,„ ,., -.4. .. 1"+by 4YE --- .. _ . f a 4 • improve connectivity of the Liberty Lake street system by connecting Country Vista Drive to Mission Avenue with a two- lane city street. • Project will be done so as to not preclude future 1 -90 connections. • $14.0 Million (est.) 4 7i WSDOT tik. , Harvard Rd. Interchange :� ' ,x,, r i Aii orel Aril ok- - - - n rty j ifit:9 ;- ' *--ill -., r� • '1` w 1 ., 14 • Address congestion across 1-90 by adding a third lane/new bridge across 1-90 for northbound traffic. • $4.5 million (est) • Improve 1-90 westbound on-ramps from Harvard Rd. • $4.0 Million (est.) WI WSDOT Mike Gribner, PE Regional Administrator Eastern Region Washington ton State Department of Transportation tion 509-324-6010 gribneni@msdot.wa.gpv W DOT