17-002.08 MDM Excavation: Euclid Ave Reconstruction I. R 9 I 1 I CHANGE ORDER NO: a i DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO: 17-002 . Ce. PROJECT: Euclid Avenue E econetructton Project CONTRACT DATE: 5/4/2011 PRIME CONTRACTORMOM Construction,Inc dba MOM Excavation CIP NO: 251'' 1 DE CPIFTION aF CHANGES . i This change order grants a winter suspension in accordance with Section 1-08.6 and pays for work neccesary to I temporarily open Euclid Avenue and ensure access is prd!tded to adjacent landowners during winter. The change order grants additional working d`aya per tate attached COSV 12/11/17 letter. The City wilt plow Euclid Avenue t between Tactility Rd and Barker Rd during the winter suspension. The project will resume within a week after the Sullivan a Road inland Asphalt plant Is open for the season In April,2018. MDM will schedule and pave the remaining topllft on a , Saturday to reduce they impact to adjacent bcsineases. Shoulder work,conducted under a City approved trafifo control plana using naggers with one lane open.completed prior to-dosing Euclid Avenue for paving will not be counted as working days. i 119.01112: Descriotlori l n Quantity Unit Price' 11.j 1 800 Winter Suspension Demob and Rernob LB 1 $2,500.00 ;2,500.00 801 Winter Suspension Signage LS 1 $770.72 $770.72 802 RoadWay Excavation Intl.Haul CY 23 $18.00 $414.00 803 Crushed.Surfacing Top Course,2 In.Depth SY 402 $3.30 $1,328.60 i 804 Adjust Edeting Water Valve EA 10 $98.50 5985.00 805 Adjust Eltisting Manhole EA 14 $467.00 $8,538.00 806 Adjust E,dstiti Drywell/Catchbasin EA 4 $467.00 $1,868.00 1 807 Eden Rd Curb&SIddWaik IMMddtflcatiorts FA EST 1 $1,400.00 $1,400.00 808 Winter Suspension Pavement Marking LS 1 $1,964.14 ;1.984.14 Total Amount of this Change Order(incl.Tax): $ . 17,788.48 FH` !CAL COa.":FLETION Original Contract Working Deys:,_ 80 . Revision By This Change Order. 13.5 , Revisions by Prior Change Orders 41 Total Revised Contract Working Days: 134.5 _ , CON r'PACT AMOUNT • THESE CHANGES RESULT IN THEPOLL OWING ADJUSTMENTS OF TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT: ORIGINAL TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT...... •-__ _,_ $ 2293;403:15 •00TQTAj.PRIOR,CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER AMOUNT(aaccon coin S 419,403.07 TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT PRIOR TO THIS CHANGE ORDER .... $ 2,712,806.22 ! NET THIS CHANGE ORDER 4 1'f,7t18.l6 TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUN11NCI.UDING THIS C ROER . _ I 2,730,572.68 CONTRACTOR AACEPTA,NCE: .�� UTE:. /2-/7-,7 The bontrector hereby acce{tts this a stment under.the terns oI Section 1-04.4 ofthe original contract RECOMMENDED BY: r,,y''" ----" DATE: pi '/2•/4.j' SV Project Menem APPROVED BY: ! 6E4// „�.a4. .--�. DATE: I Z ^ /q-i 7" sedum*Ober*copMineVert hemmer - APPROVED BY: - DATE: 1,1..g.0-17 APPRO/EDBY: . . I/ L di DATE; I2 Zf-i 1 ATTACHMENTS: 12/12/17 COSV Letter-ori Winter Suspension Claim OI r utbm: ORIGINAL TO: City of Spokane valley aeries Onlce COPIES TO: Conti actor,~PW Protect FIs.Project bre peclor,Rowe Deportment r:n.cu Form Qr5/'ni.