2018, 04-03 Study Session MINUTES SPOKANE VALLEY COUNCIL MEETING STUDY SESSION Spokane Valley City Hull Council Chambers Spokane Valley, Washington April 3, 2018 Attendance: Counciimcmbers Staff Rod Higgins, Mayor Mark Calhoun City Manager Pam f laley, Deputy Mayor John Hohtnan,Deputy City Manager Biaiicli Pcctz, Councilmember Erik Lamb, Deputy City Attorney Linda Thompson, Councilmeml,er Chelsie Taylor,Finance Director Ben Wick, Councilmenber Mike Stone, Parks & Rec Director Arne Woodard,Councilmembcr Murk Werner, Police Chief 13,1] 1-iclbi , City Engineer Absrtt: Mike Basinger, Eco. Dev. Manager Sam Wood, Councilmcrnhcr Chad Bates, Eco.Dev Specialist Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Mayor I I iggins called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m, ROLL CALL: City Clerk Bainbridge called the roll, all Councilmembers were present except Councilmeinber Wood. It was moved by C ourawi member Woodard, .seconded and unanimously agreed to exe e Couneifmenb r Wood from tonight's meeting 1, 32' Avenue Sidewalk Project Bill Helbig City Engineer I leihig went through the PowerPoint presentation explaining about the project Iocation, existing renditions,project design,public outreach,temporary traffic control,and project cost and funding; and he noted that this project is scheduled to come before Council at the April 17, 2018 meeting fora bid award consideration. 2- Outside Agency, Allocation History—Chelsic Taylor After Finance Director Taylor went over the information contained in her April 3,2018 Request for Council Action form COMM ung the history and background of awarding funds to outside agencies,she then focused on three items for Council consensus consideration: (]) whether to increase the awarded total amount by $50,000 for a new total of$200,000; (2) whether [o split. [he funding so as to dedicate a certain percentage of funding to economic development agencies, and a certain percentage of funding to social service agencies; and (3) whether to establish goals for the award process. Council considered each item, and after discussion came to the following consensus: .(1) Four Councilmembers. agreed to increase the allocation to $200,000; and Ms. Taylor said this will be built into the budget for the June budget workshop, and Council can discuss that further at that time. There was some question and discussion about whether this would be for 2018 or 2019,and Mr. Calhoun said [he budget for 2018 is completed, so this would be for 2019 and if not spent in 2019, it would not he accessible, (2)After much discussion,the question came down to either standardize or leave it is as- Counciltuemher Wick suggested doing away with the distinction and Councilmembers appeared to agree. Ms. Taylor said staff will change the application to reflect that there are no longer two distinct categories and that applicants will be applying for a distinct pool of money. (3) On the question of whether to establish goals, specific or overarching, for the outside agency award process; alter this was debated among Councilmembers, Mayor Higgins asked which Councilmembers Council Study Session_04-03-2018 Page 1 of 2 Approved by Council=04-10-2018 were in flavor of having goals and which were not, and there was a Lie with three Councilmembers in favor and three against; and Mayor I Liggins announced that a tie makes it a dead issue_ 3. Greater Spokane, inc. Contract—Mike Basinger, Chaz Bates Mr, Basinger and Mr. Bates went through the PowerPoint slides giving some background on the GSI (Greater Spokane, lnc,) contract, as well as {]SI as the designated Associate: Development Organization (A[)O) for Spokane County, per the appointment from the Spokane County Board of Commissioners;they mentioned the GSI membership distribution, funding, our contract with them and the cost; and the various components of (ISI including base investment, economic development partnership service, 17.DPS (Economic Development Partnership Services)regional coordination, workforce,advocacy,and retention, expansion and recruitment, Couneiilmcmbcr Woodard stated that the goal of$.50 per person is G;SI's target and not ours, and GSI has no way to enforce that amount under our current contract, and Mr_ Basinger concurred, Couneilxnember Wick asked how they came up with that figure and Mr. Basinger said he was not sure. Mr. Bates said the population numbers come from the Office cit°financial Management, and in response to Mayor Higgins' question about when the next population figures might be available, Mr. Bates said that number is usually available April 1. Mr. Basinger said he thinks we might have already received our population numbers and was thinking it might he 9e1,O00. Mr_Calhoun said he thinks on .Aril I of 2017 it was 94,890, so probably on Monday of this week a new preliminary number would have been issued, and he asked Mr. Basinger and Bates if they could look up those figures tomorrow and c-mail Council with the figure. M.i-. Basinger said the O1'M usually sends that information directly to him, so as soon as he receives that, he will share that with Council and staff. 4.Advance Agenda—Mayor Higgins Gauncilmember Peetz said she has had several conversations about Spokane Valley's addressing standards, and said it appears we are currently the only one of the surrounding areas that does not use the standards; said having the correct standards in place could mean seconds or minutes if emergency services are trying to find a specific address; and said she would like to have that on the advance agenda_ Mayor I Liggins said he and Councilmember fectz have discussed this as well as he and Mr.Holtman; and Mr.Calhoun said that Mr. Hohman will be speaking with Chief Werner and will bring Council an administrative report in the near failure. Couneilmember Woodard stated that the Central Valley Girls Basketball team just won their tournament, and that he is not sure how best to recognize that, perhaps a key and a proclamation, but he feels that accomplishment needs to be acknowledged. Mr. Calhoun said that staffwill draft a proclamation and contact the team to let them know this and to schedule this for a future Council meeting so that they can be present. Councilmember'l"hompson said the Youth Voices would like to address the Council for a few minutes, perhaps at the May 22 meeting. Mr. Calhoun said staff will build that into the agenda. 5. Police Department Monthly Report This s for irilbri otion only and was not reported or&s° issed° 6, Council Cheek in-Mayor Higgins There were no Council comments_ 7. City Manager Comments—Mark Calhoun City Manager Calhoun had no comments_ It was moved by Det*rarty Mayor Horley, seconded and unanimously agieed ra adjourn_ The meeting adjourned al 7:01 p.m. Nwor 9A I L.R. Higgins, . jr.r. Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Council Study Session:011-033-2018 Page 2 of 2 Approved by Council:04-10-2018