Agenda 04/26/2018 OKane Valley K Spokane Valley Planning Commission Regular Meeting Agenda City Hall Council Chambers, 10210 E. Sprague Ave. April 26, 2018 6:00 p.m. I. CALL TO ORDER II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. ROLL CALL IV. APPROVAL OF AGENDA V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: April 12, 2018 VI. COMMISSION REPORTS VII. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT VIII. PUBLIC COMMENT: On any subject which is not on the agenda. IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS: i. Public Hearing: CTA-2018-0002, a privately initiated amendment to Spokane Valley Municipal Code 19.60 and 19.65 to allow hotel/motel in Industrial zone. ii. Study Session: Open Space requirements in Mixed Use zones Public Comment X. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER XI. ADJOURNMENT Minutes Spokane Valley Planning Commission Council Chambers—City Hall April 12,2018 I. Chair Rasmussen called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m. Commissioners,staff and audience stood for the pledge of allegiance. Secretary Deanna Horton took roll and the following members and staff were present: James Johnson Cary Driskell,City Attorney Danielle Kaschmitter, absent,excused Lori Barlow, Senior Planner Tim Kelley Jenny Nickerson,Assistant Building Official Mike Phillips Henry Allen,Engineer Michelle Rasmussen Marty Palaniuk,Planner Suzanne Stathos, absent-excused Matt Walton Deanna Horton, Secretary for the Commission Hearing no objections,Commissioners Stathos and Kaschmitter were excused from the April 12,2018 meeting. II. AGENDA: Commissioner Johnson moved to accept the April 12,2018 agenda as presented. The vote on the motion was six in favor, zero against and the motion passed. III. MINUTES: Commissioner Johnson moved to approve the March 22,2018 minutes as presented. The vote on the motion was six in favor,zero against and the motion passed. IV. COMMISSION REPORTS: The Commissioners had no reports. V. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT: Senior Planner Lori Barlow explained the open space in the mixed use zones discussion was not on the agenda for the evening, as it had been moved in the minutes,the City had been anticipating the decision to the SEPA appeal for CPA-2018-0003. She said there had been a scheduling issue for the hearing on the SEPA appeal and the hearing had taken place on March 27, 2018. Once the decision regarding the SEPA appeal is received, the Comprehensive Plan Amendments would be returned to the agenda. The open space discussion would be placed on the agenda subject to the Comprehensive Plan Amendment deliberations. VI. PUBLIC COMMENT: There was no public comment. VII. COMMISSION BUSINESS: i. Study Session: CTA-2018-0002, A privately initiated code text amendment to the Spokane Valley Municipal Code to allow lodging in the Industrial zone. Planner Marty Palaniuk presented to the Commission an overview of the privately initiated amendment requesting to add lodging as a supplemental use to the Industrial zone. Mr. Palaniuk explained lodging is a permitted use in the Mixed Use,Corridor Mixed Use,Regional Commercial, and Industrial Mixed Use zones. The proposal requests to add an `P/C' in for permitted or conditional use permit in the supplemental language for the Industrial zone in the Permitted Use Matrix. The supplemental language would state that the hotel/motel would need to have frontage on a principal arterial and if the building footprint were greater than 25,000 square feet, a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) would be required. He mentioned that staff had reviewed the language proposed and if the Commission recommends approval of the proposal,revised language would be recommended that was consistent with the language and format of the SVMC. The staff revision suggested an "S" in the Permitted Use Matrix, which references the Supplemental Use Regulations; it is further suggested that the supplemental language be placed under the Lodging heading,rather than the industrial heading. All staff suggested revisions are non-substantive to the proposed language. Mr. Palaniuk said there are only three areas in the City this proposal would apply to, in the east along Broadway Avenue in the Yardley area,north of the river along Sullivan and north of the river along Barker. Barker is not currently classified as a principal arterial, but there are plans to reclassify it in the future. Much of the area along Broadway would be restricted because it falls 2018-04-12 Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 of 3 under an airport hazard overlay and high intensity uses, such as a hotel are not permitted in an airport hazard zone. In looking at other jurisdictions, Pasco and Richland allow hotels in their heavy industrial zones. Spokane allows it with a CUP,Spokane County only in light industrial. Kennewick does not allow hotels in an industrial zone, but in a Business Park zone, and Federal Way allows the use in a Commercial Enterprise zone. Yakima and Liberty Lake do not allow them in any industrial zone. A Conditional Use Permit is heard by the Hearing Examiner. He reviews them case by case and can impose conditions based on the impacts to the surrounding development. Commissioner Johnson asked how the 25,000 square foot number was chosen. Mr. Palaniuk replied this was the number the applicant proposed. Most of the smaller hotels in the area are under this footprint based on research Mr. Palaniuk had done, except for the Mirabeau Hotel. Commissioner Walton asked if there was a specific project proposed. Ms.Barlow stated no project has been submitted since it currently is not an allowed use. Commissioner Rasmussen confirmed that Barker Road is currently not a principal arterial now,but that there are plans to reclassify it in the future. ii. Study Session: FEMA Floodplain review processes Engineer Henry Allen presented to the Commissioners the process for how to modify a FEMA floodplain. The City has six Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHA) or 100-year floodplains. These are areas having a 1% annual chance in any given year to flood. Currently four of them are under review,Forker Draw,Saltese/Shelley Lake,Central Park and Glenrose. Development can occur in a floodplain and changes to the floodplain boundaries can change based on development, topography changes,mapping errors and proposed changes to the boundaries. Mr. Allen explained several scenarios where the floodplain can be changed. All changes need to be based on current conditions and supported by scientific data. A homeowner could prepare materials and submit to FEMA to have their structure removed from the floodplain because the home is above the Base Flood Elevation(BFE). The documentation is prepared and sent to FEMA for review. Then FEMA determines if it meets the criteria and sends back a determination. These do not change the map and takes two to three months. These are Letter of Map Amendments (LOMA or LOMA-F if fill has been used). If a development wants to build in the floodplain, they prepare the necessary documents, explain what they are going to build, how they will mitigate the floodplain, prepare engineering analysis and send it to FEMA for review and comment. They receive a Conditional Letter of Map Amendment(CLOMR). After the development is built,they send the as-builts are sent to FEMA. If the as-builts are the same as the proposed information,then FEMA sends back a Letter of Map Amendment and the map is changed. This can take several months or years, depending on the scale. The Forker Draw Alluvial Fan started scoping in 2010 and the property owner received the CLOMR March 15,2018. Developments can change the map by bringing in fill to mitigate the floodwaters,this is referred to by a Letter of Map Amendment based on Fill or a CLOMR-F, if the `-F' is on the end, it is based on additional fill being brought into the site as a mitigation measure. When the map has topographical and scientific data discrepancies, data is collected, engineering studies are conducted, and reviewed. Information is then sent to FEMA for review and comment. Then the Map is updated. This can take several years. Saltese Creek/Flats to Shelley Lake began in 2010 and sent to FEMA for review and comment on March 8,2018. VIII. GOOD OF THE ORDER: There was nothing for the good of the order. 2018-04-12 Planning Commission Minutes Page 3 of 3 IX. X. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Johnson moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:06 p.m. The vote on the motion was unanimous in favor, the motion passed. Michelle Rasmussen,Chair Date signed Deanna Horton, Secretary CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Planning Commission Action Meeting Date: April 26, 2018 Item: Check all that apply ❑ old business ® new business ® public hearing ❑ information ❑ study session ❑ pending legislation FILE NUMBER: CTA-2018-0002 AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Public Hearing -Amendment to the Spokane Valley Municipal Code(SVMC) DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: Privately-initiated code text amendment to SVMC 19.60.050 and SVMC 19.65.080 to allow a hotel/motel in the Industrial Zone subject to a conditional use permit (CUP)if the building footprint exceeds 25,000 square feet. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: SVMC 17.80.150, and SVMC 19.30.040; and RCW 36.70A.106 BACKGROUND: The Planning Commission conducted a study session on the proposed amendment at the April 12, 2016 meeting. The proposed amendment is a privately-initiated code text amendment to SVMC 19.60.050 and SVMC 19.65.080. Staff has provided alternative amendment language that is more congruent with the way the SVMC is organized and utilized. SVMC 19.60.050 Permitted uses matrix identifies the uses that are permitted in each of the zoning districts. Hotel/motel uses are not a permitted use in the industrial zoning district as indicated by a blank cell in the permitted use matrix. The proposed amendment would permit hotel/motel uses in the industrial zoning district with the application of supplemental use regulations. The proposed amendment adds language to SVMC 19.65.060 Supplemental use regulations to outright permit a hotel/motel use with a building footprint up 25,000 square feet in the industrial zoning district on parcels with frontage on a principal arterial. It is further proposed that a hotel/motel use with a building footprint greater than 25,000 square feet in the industrial zoning district with frontage on a principal arterial would be allowed subject to the approval of a CUP. Principal arterials with frontage in the industrial zoning district are limited to Sullivan Road north of Interstate 90 and Broadway Avenue West of Interstate 90. Future principal arterials with frontage in the industrial zoning district consist of Barker Road north of the Spokane River. Under the current zoning regulation, the hotel/motel use is permitted in the Mixed Use (MU), Corridor Mixed Use (CMU), Regional Commercial (RC), and Industrial Mixed Use (IMU) zoning districts. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Conduct the public hearing and deliberate on the amendment. The Planning Commission will adopt findings and make a recommendation on the amendment to City Council on May 10, 2018. STAFF CONTACT: Lori Barlow, AICP, Senior Planner/Marty Palaniuk, Planner RPCA Public Hearing for CTA-2018-0002 Page 1 of 2 ATTACHMENTS: 1. Staff Report and Findings CTA-2018-0002 2. Applicant Proposed Amendment SVMC 19.60 and SVMC 19.65 3. Staff Revised Amendment SVMC 19.60 and SVMC 19.65 4. Staff Presentation RPCA Public Hearing for CTA-2018-0002 Page 2 of 2 COMMUNITY AND PUBLIC WORKS CITY BUILDING&PLANNING Spokane STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION CTA-2018-0002 STAFF REPORT DATE: April 18,2018 HEARING DATE AND LOCATION: April 26, 2018, beginning at 6:00 p.m., Spokane Valley City Hall Council Chambers, 10210 East Sprague Avenue, Spokane Valley,Washington 99206. PROPOSAL DESCRIPTION: A privately-initiated text amendment to SVMC 19.60.050 and SVMC 19.65.080 to allow a hotel/motel in the Industrial zone subject to a conditional use permit(CUP)only if the building footprint exceeds 25,000 square feet. APPROVAL CRITERIA: Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan, SVMC 17.80.150, 19.30.040. SUMMARY OF CONCLUSIONS: Staff concludes that the proposed amendments to SVMC 19.60.050 and SVMC 19.65.080 are consistent with minimum criteria for review and approval, and with the Comprehensive Plan. STAFF CONTACT:Martin Palaniuk,Planner and Lori Barlow,AICP, Senior Planner ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit 1: CTA-2018-0002 Application,attachment and proposed amendments to chapter 19.60.050 SVMC,and chapter 19.65.080 SVMC. Exhibit 2: Staff revised proposed amendments Exhibit 3: Presentation BACKGROUND INFORMATION 1. APPLICATION PROCESSING: SVMC Chapter 17.80, Permit Processing Procedures. The following table summarizes the procedural steps for the proposal. Process Date Application Submitted February 21,2018 Determination of Completeness February 26,2018 SEPA—DNS Issued March 23,2018 Published Notice of Public Hearing: April 6,2018 Department of Commerce 60-day Notice of Intent to April 18,2018 Adopt Amendment PROPOSAL BACKGROUND: The proposal is to allow hotels and motels on sites with frontage on a principal arterial in the Industrial zone. If the building footprint is greater than 25,000 square feet,the use would be subject to a conditional use permit. The proposal modifies the SVMC 19.60.050 Permitted Uses Matrix and SVMC 19.65.080 Lodging- Supplemental Use Regulations. The intent is to allow hotels/motels in the Industrial zone, but keep the hotel/motel location on the perimeter of the industrial areas to minimize conflict with industrial related activities,such as truck traffic and hazardous operations. The Applicant has Staff Report and Recommendation CTA-2018-0002 noted its view that hotels are needed in the Industrial zone to provide proximal lodging for commuting workers — an evolving trend where workers commute to the job, but maintain permanent residence elsewhere. Analysis: Currently hotels and motels are allowed in four zones, (see Table 1 below) without supplemental regulations. The proposed amendment would permit hotels and motels in the Industrial zone only if the site has frontage on a principal arterial. This limits potential sites to Industrial zoned properties adjacent to North Sullivan Road (in the NE corporate limits) and a limited area along Broadway Avenue (in the westerly corporate limits)that lies outside of the Airport Hazard Overlay Zone(AHOZ). Pursuant to SVMC 19.110.030(1)(E)(1)(f),high intensity uses are prohibited. Table 1 Current Zoning Allowances for Hotels and Motels Parks and Open Residential Mixed Use Commercial Industrial Space R-1 R-2 R-3 MIR MU CMU NC RC IMU I P05 Hotel/motel P P P P The development regulations pertaining to a hotel/motel use in the zones that currently allow hotels and motels were compared to the Industrial zone. The only difference in the regulations was that uses located in the Industrial zone are exempt from landscaping requirements for the site and parking areas (See Table 2). In the absence of setbacks, height requirements, etc, in the Zoning Code, the International Building Code(IBC)and the International Fire Code(IFC)will determine any setbacks,height etc.,It was noted that transitional regulations are called out where properties of more intensive zoning abut less intensively zoned properties. However, a review of the areas affected by the proposal notes that these circumstances do not exist and therefore transitional regulations would not be triggered. Table 2 Zoning Regulations Comparison Regulations Zones MU/CMU/RC/IMU I Setbacks N/A N/A Lot size N/A N/A Lot coverage N/A N/A Density N/A N/A Height N/A N/A Landscaping Required for site and parking areas Uses in the Industrial Zone are and Fencing pursuant to chapter 22.70 SVMC exempt from the landscaping Fencing, Landscaping and requirement for the site and parking Screening areas; fence regulations are the same Signage Required to same standard—based on"Nonresidential Zones" Parking Required to same standard-based on"Use" The lands capacity analysis presented in the September 2015 Existing Conditions Housing and Economic Trends Report prepared for the Comprehensive Plan update identified that the City had at that time 1250 net buildable acres of commercial and industrial lands,with the majority of the lands located in the industrial Page 2 of 5 Staff Report and Recommendation CTA-2018-0002 zones. The analysis concluded that the city had sufficient capacity for commercial,industrial and residential development for the twenty year planning horizon. Exhibit 3.Buildable Commercial and Industrial Land Net The intent of the Industrial zone (I) is to provide Net Underutilized Net Buildable lands for industrial development (manufacturing, Zone Vacant Acres Acres Acres Share 1-2 379 208 587 46.9% processing, fabrications, assembly, disassembly, I-1_ 201 65 266 21.3% ' and freight-handling) - uses that could have MUC 105 4 109 8.7% significant noise,odor,or aesthetic impacts. Non- RC 44 52 96 7.7% industrial uses should be limited to preserve CMU 37 47 84 4.5% industrial land viabilitybut ancillaryuses should c 28 29 57 4.5% 0 25 7 32 2.5% be permitted to serve the industrial uses. GO 9 5 14 1.2% vc 3 2 5 0-4` The proposed CTA-2018-0002 also includes Total 831 419 1,250 104.0%0 amended language that provides that if the proposed hotel/motel has a building footprint greater than 25,000 square feet, a conditional use permit is required. The proposed language would allow a development with as many floors and rooms as the site could support without a conditional use permit (CUP)because the total square footage is not linked to a CUP. This language suggests that a three—story, 75,000 square foot hotel or motel with a 25,000 square foot footprint could be constructed without a CUP,but a smaller 2 story hotel with a total area of 55,000 square feet and a footprint of 27,500 square feet could require a CUP However maintaining a footprint of 25,000 square feet or less leads to a more intense use of the land with vertical construction and results in preserving lands for industrial uses. For comparison to understand the scale of such a structure the new city hall building has a total area of —43,000 square feet and three floors; a current building permit for a hotel includes a total area of 29,000 square feet and will include over 200 rooms. If the CUP process is linked to a footprint rather than the total square footage, a CUP may never be required by virtue of design driving vertical development. Impacts from a hotel or motel use would generally be addressed by the City's development regulations or other agencies with jurisdiction,i.e.fire,water,sewer. The SVMC would address site development impacts such as drainage, access, parking, signage, etc., Traffic impacts are typically addressed through the concurrency requirement and mitigated through the SEPA review process. Large trip generators are typically required to provide a traffic study. Discussions with the Assistant Building Official note the following: • The Building and Fire Codes (adopted by reference pursuant to Title 24 SVMC) generally dictate property line setbacks and other protective measures where hazardous or dangerous uses occupy buildings/sites. The Building and Fire Codes dictate property line setbacks due to the fact that the development under consideration generally has no control over the existing or future development of an adjacent site. • If a large industrial parcel is developed with a hotel and the developer wishes to utilize the remainder of the site for a hazardous industrial use,there could be restrictions which would dictate no-build areas or fire lanes to provide the protection normally afforded by the property line setback requirements. A review of the regulations in place notes that all anticipated impacts from this use,including location and proximity to other uses,would be addressed by existing regulations. Page 3 of 5 Staff Report and Recommendation CTA-2018-0002 The Applicant has noted that the market requires lodging uses to be proximal to the work place to provide convenient alternatives for workers who may commute during the week and maintain a permanent residence elsewhere,or lodging for the increased number of persons involved in routine visits that involve short term stays and desire to be close to the site. Currently lodging is allowed in the four zones discussed above. The analysis discussed in this report did not consider whether allowing lodging in the Industrial zone would result in a significant shift of lodging uses to the industrial areas from the corridors based on land values, nor consider the impacts to the industrial land capacity by allowing additional non-industrial uses. The location of the land along arterials in the Industrial zone suggests a limited customer base with a direct correlation to the viability of the site for hotels and motels. Requiring that lodging sites have principal arterial frontage minimizes the opportunity for development and leads to a conclusion that the impact to available industrial lands would be marginal. A. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS SPECIFIC TO THE MUNICIPAL CODE TEXT AMENDMENT 1. Compliance with Title 17(General Provisions) of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code a. Findings: SVMC 17.80.150(F)Municipal Code Text Amendment Approval Criteria i. The City may approve Municipal Code Text amendment,if it finds that (1) The proposed text amendment is consistent with the applicable provisions of the Comprehensive Plan; Staff Analysis: The proposed amendment is supported by the Comprehensive Plan and is consistent with the following goals and policies: Goal ED-G1: Support economic opportunities and employment growth for Spokane Valley. Goal ED-G4: Collaborate with relevant economic development stakeholders, including the business community,to grow a strong and healthy regional economy; Goal ED-G5: Support and encourage the development of a strong workforce that is globally competitive and responds to the changing needs of the workplace. Goal ED-G6: Maintain a positive business climate that strives for flexibility, predictability and stability. Goal LU-G3: Support the transformation of commercial, industrial, and mixed—use areas into accessible districts that attract economic activity; Goal LU-G4: Ensure that land use plans, regulations, review processes, and infrastructure improvements support economic growth and vitality. Goal LU-P12: Maintain a robust supply of productive industrial land. (2) The proposed amendment bears a substantial relation to public health,safety, welfare,and protection of the environment; Staff Analysis: The amendment bears substantial relation to public health, safety, welfare and protection of the environment. The amendment allows hotel and motel uses to locate proximal to concentrated work environments in specific areas that limit conflict with industrial uses, and maintain adequate opportunities for industrial development within the industrial zone. Further,anticipated impacts of the use would be addressed by existing regulations. Page 4of5 Staff Report and Recommendation CTA-2018-0002 b. Conclusion(s): The proposed text amendment is consistent with the approval criteria contained in the SVMC. 2. Finding and Conclusions Specific to Public Comments a. Findings: No public comments have been received to date. b. Conclusion(s): In the absence of public comments, staff makes no conclusions. 3. Finding and Conclusions Specific to Agency Comments a. Findings: No substantive agency comments have been received to date. b. Conclusion(s): In the absence of substantive agency comments, staff makes no conclusions. B. OVERALL CONCLUSION The proposed code text amendment is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan policies and goals. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff makes no recommendation on the privately initiated code text amendment. However, if the Planning Commission recommends approval of the code text amendment, staff has revised the proposed code text amendment to be consistent with the terminology and format of the SVMC with no substantive changes to content(see attached). Page 5 of 5 April 18, 2018 CTA-2018-0002 Staff Revised Code Text Amendment Language 19.60.050 Permitted Uses Matrix Parks and Mixed Open Residential Use Commercial Industrial Space R- R- R- 1 2 3 MFR MU CMU NC RC IMU I POS Lodging Bed and breakfast PPP P P Hotel/motel P P P P Recreational vehicle park/campground S 19.65.080 Lodging. A. Recreational Vehicle Park/Campground. 1. The maximum net units per acre shall be 15; 2. Recreational vehicle stalls shall average 1,500 square feet; 3.Accessory uses including management headquarters, recreational facilities, restrooms, dumping stations, showers, laundry facilities, and other uses and structures customarily incidental to operation of a recreational vehicle park are permitted as accessory uses; 4.A minimum of 15 percent of the gross site area shall be set aside and developed as common use areas for open or enclosed recreation facilities. Recreational vehicle stalls, private streets, storage, utility sites, and off-street parking areas shall not be counted as meeting this requirement; and 5. The recreational vehicle park shall meet all Spokane Regional Health District and City regulations regarding sewage and B. Hotel/Motel in Industrial Zone 1. A hotel/motel use is allowed in the "I" zoning district on sites with frontage on a Principal Arterial. If the proposed hotel/motel use has a building footprint greater than 25,000 square feet, a conditional use permit pursuant to 19.150 SVMC is required. Staff Revised Code Text Amendment Language—CTA-2018-0002 Page 1 DEVELOPMENT CODE TEXT AMENDMENT APPLICATION ;%MY10210 E Sprague Avenge 1 Spokane Valley WA 99206 Phone: (509)720-52401 Fax:(509)720-50751 permitcenterrdspol:anevallev ora STAFF USE ONLY Date Submitted: ,Received by: Fee: PLUS 8: File#: f.-T - DIA - 00o FART I — REQUIRED MATERIAL "THE PLANNING DIVISION WILL.NOT ACCEPT YOUR APPLICATION IF THE REQUIRED MATERIALS ARE NOT PROVIDED" O Pre-Application Meeting Request(include copy of staff worksheet from meeting) • Completed Application Form ❑ Application Fee ❑ Notice of Public Hearing packet for 400-foot notification.(Please note:DO NOT submit the notice of public heating packet until you have been contacted by the City.Addresses must be current within 30 days of the Planning Commission public hearing.) FART II —APPLICATION INFORMATION APPUCANT NAME: Taudd A.Hume Stacy A.Bjordahl-ParsonslBurnetttlBjordahl/Hus a LLP MAILING At ss: 159 S.Lincoln St,Ste 226 CITY:Spokane STATE: WA ZIP: 99201 PHONE: 252-5066 FAx:252-5067 CELL: EMU.:thum pblaw.biz SECTION(s)OF CODE PROPOSED TO BE AMENDED(INCLUDE CODE CITATION): 19.80.050 Permitted Uses Matrix: 19.65 Supplemental Use Regulations. SUMMARY OF REQUESTED A _MENT(s): Request to allow hoteUnmtel in the Industrial zone. A hotel/motel with a building footprint up to 25,000 square feet would be permitted outright(subject to development standards) and a hotepmotel with a building footprint greater than 25,000 square feet would require a Conditional Use Permit. PL-O8 V1.0 Page 1 oft • Iiokane Valley TEXT AMENDMENT APPLICATION REASON(S)FOR CODE AWENDMENT(S)::See attached. Is THE PROPOSED AMENDIYENT CONSISTENT WITH THE APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Yes-see attached. DOES THE PROPOSED AMENDMENT BEAR A SUBSTANTIAL RELATION TO THE PUBLIC HEALTH,SAFETY,WELFARE, AND PROTECTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT: Yea-see attached. PART III -AUTHORIZATION (Signature of appicant) 1, / , (print name) swear or affirm that the above responses are made truthfully and to the of my k *1 edge. r gOrt .....---�`. a i I _ (Signature) ,�/ e) NOTARY STATE OF WASHINGTON) ss: COUNTY OF SPOKANE ) r SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 21- day of Ll Cv I. ,20/4) NOTARY SEAL NOTARY SIGNATURE .= =.+►i++. Notary Pubic in and for the State of Washington Notary Public State of Washington STACY BJOR©AHI, Residing at �ei1e-d es��n� My Appointment Expires Jul 14,2019 My appointment expires:j.L I t.l /Ltt SO t I PL-0e V1.0 Page 2 ort ATTACHMENT TO DEVELOPMENT ODE TEXT AMENDMENT APPUCATION Reason for Code Amendment: There is a significant need for hotels/motels in the City of Spokane Valley and the Industrial zone in particular. The typical workplace is evolving where employees are now commuting to Spokane for the workweek rather than making a permanent housing relocation, which is creating a huge demand for hotel rooms by those employees who travel to Spokane for the workweek and return home on the weekends. In addition,companies are hosting more suppliers, vendors and customers who travel to Spokane for a short 1-2 day stay. These visitors desire to stay in close proximity to the company;thus increasing demand for hotel/motel rooms. The data compiled from local sources demonstrates the need. Specifically,supply of hotel/motel rooms in the City of Spokane Valley has only changed .26%in the last 7 years,while demand has grown 10.2%. Is the Proposed amendment consistent with the applicable provisions of the Comprehensivej'lan: This amendment is supported and requested by members of the City's business community who have identified having additional hotel and motel rooms as a priority to support industrial and commercial businesses. The City's Economic Development goals support a change to allow hotel/motels in the industrial Zone. See ED-G1(Support economic opportunities and employment growth for Spokane Valley); ED-G4(Collaborate with relevant economic development stakeholders, including the business community,to grow a strong and healthy regional economy); ED-G5(Support and encourage the development of a strong workforce that is globally commpetitive and responds to the changing needs of the workplace); and ED-G6(Maintain a positive business climate that strives for flexibility, predictability,and stability.) The City's Land Use goals also support an amendment that is responsive to the needs of the local business community as well as the demands of employees and employers working and living"out of a suitcase." These Land Use Goals include: LU-G2(Provide for land uses that are essential to Spokane Valley residents,employees,and visitors); W-G3(Support the transformation of commercial, industrial, and mixed-use areas into accessible districts that attract economic activity);and LU-G4(Ensure that land use plans, regulations, review processes, and infrastructure improvements support economic growth and vitality.) While the City does not have a specific adopted Transportation Policy to reduce vehicle trips,wear and tear on City streets, or a reduction in vehicle emissions,the proposed amendment will enable employees to live" closer to work,which will reduce impacts to the overall transportation system. The proposed amendment is consistent with the City's Housing Goals,which allow for a broad range of housing opportunities to meet the needs of the community. See H-G1. In this case, hotel/motel rooms provide housing for employees who"live" in the City during the workweek. Finally,the proposed amendment is consistent with the City's polices to provide supportive regulations for new and innovative development uses on commercial, industrial,and mixed-use land.The integration of hotels into industrial business parks is being demanded of the technology businesses that desire to locate in the City of Spokane Valley. Growth of new tech businesses and hotel/motel rooms needed to accommodate industrial users is necessary to provide productive industrial land. The absence of expected amenities such as full-service higher-end hotels by businesses looking to locate in the City of Spokane Valley will interfere with the City's goal of maintaining a supply of productive industrial lands. Does the proposed amendment bear a substantial relation to the public health,safety,welfare.and protection of the environment Yes. As discussed above,the amendment is needed and supported by the Comprehensive Plan policies which policies were adopted because they bear a substantial relationship to the public health,safety, welfare and protection of the environment. Assuming this amendment is adopted by the City Council,when a specific site is proposed for a hotel/motel,the project will be reviewed by City staff for compliance with the Spokane Valley Municipal Code(e.g. transportation concurrency)and subject to SEPA review. PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY MUNCIPAL CODE (new text in underline &italics) 1) Amend CHAPTER 19.60(PERMITTED USES) as follows: Lodging R-1 R-2 R-3 MFR MU CMU NC RC IMU I POS Hotel/Motel P P P P/C 2) Amend CHAPTER 19.65 (SUPPLEMENTAL USE REGULATIONS) as follows: 19.65.060 Industrial, heavy. C. Hotel/Motel. A hotel/motel is allowed on sites with frontage on a Principal Arterial. if the proposed hotel/motel has a building footprint greater than 25,000 square feet, a conditional use permit pursuant to Chapter 19.150 is required. s1olcsmmm1 jUalleyA Planning Commission Meeting Public Hearing CTA-2018-0002 — A Privately Initiated Code Text Amendment April 26, 2018 PROCESS : : •Li o© •z2 Study Session Administrative ct wN o •� April 12-2018 Report TBD •� r a ;94) CO78 el W Public Hearing Ordinance 1st : . - April 26, 2018 t Reading TBD i •z• `'..' cm, cit c•j . cz d : Findings of Fact Ordinance 2nd CII May 10, 2018 Reading TBD 1.4 o 40 4 nV( 1 ( 1A1 , A A Today Proposed Amendment Overview 3 Privately ❑ Title 19 SVMC — Zoning Regulations initiated � SVMC 19.60.050 Permitted use matrix amendment to allow Add "P/C" in the Industrial Zone (I) column Hotel/Motel Uses allowing hotel motel in the Industrial Zone on sites 0 19.65.060 — Industrial, heavy with frontage on Add supplemental use language for hotel/motel Principle "I"�� Arterials in the I zone Proposed m ndmAnt e e 19.60.050 Permitted Uses Matrix Lodging Bed am:: breakfas: PPP P F H� I'iii t l F' F F D F.ecreeticraI vehicle parkcern grILiri S Add a "P/C" to the "I" column indicatin • the use is permitted subject to supplemental use regulations and conditional use permit. Proposed m ndmAnt e e 19.65.O6Olndustrial, heavy. A. Hazardous Waste Treatment and Storage. Hazardous waste treatment and storage Add shall comply with the provisions of SVMC 21 .40.900 through 21 .49.063. supplemental B. Mining_ Existing mining operations may continue to operate and expand within the boundaries of an approved mining operation that, as of the date of SVMC 19.65.060(B) use language to was in continuous and lawful operation, or which had received a Washington State $VMC Department of Natural Resources County or Municipality Approval for Surface Mining Form. New mining operations are prohibited. (Ord. 16-018 § 6 (Att_ B), 2010)_ 1 9.65.060 for C. Hotel/Motel_ hotel/motel in the "I" zoning A hotel/motel is allowed on sites with frontage on a Principal Arterial_ If the propose.: hotel/motel has a building footprint greater than 25,000 square feet, a conditional usedistrict permit pursuant to Chapter 19.150 is required_ Current Zoning Hotel/Motel permitted in the following zones: ❑ Mixed Use (MU) ❑ Corridor Mixed Use (CMU) ❑ Regional Commercial ( RC) ❑ Industrial Mixed Use ( IMU) NO ih il 19 U --' a Wellesle . - 0' 1 Zo n i nMap ■ g v gI 1 uclid --- s„' Euclid• ■ Awe ? �Clr,�ve •Euclid Ave Ave r tt ■ { � _ % I ,e rsfield .9 __->';f: rf Aveni --- Ind na Ye -”` f rr • :7,7 Zones S _ hUssionA10111r) h113sian -- `' 3 _ p Mission Ave\clei"93' Id Broadway ; .� , • I I rfi - * B .:dwa ' c . Ave$ that ,._. Tw.- -- .,_ _._. �, �Z-.�� 5 I'll!" _ 1 .Jr,_ currently A..'-= �je ' 4`IhA, sih Ave m = p allow I16th - - ED� Ji . . -- ‘f ■% U Ave el ■' , 18th AV:1� ■ hotel and ---..,., - f'- -.0 hAve IIll 24thAve � motel . . rigiarilm?•• 3 dAve , • ■ • uses I i � Legend 1v LP 2 J - Zoning ii 44th Ave MU a CMU + ■w■ - RC = INIU Industrial Zone Intent ❑ Allow all types of industrial uses ® Examples: manufacturing, processing, fabrication, assembly, disassembly, and freight handling • ...,..f, „,:,,,,,•.,A, >~ . . . i.�ir` J �, Ya i a s _ %" + - a` C P , • e: — - ._ _ ..l �l __ tlwY ryn � v+ t ', iJ:i Irmo ; .�t IIID a . �,�! \Fr A. Orb —i Broadway Avenue Industrial Area Sullivan Road Industrial Area Industrial Zone with Street Classifications a iik_ - t• Principal Arterial "� l I 3w elk■ Ave -j i •., BroadwayAvenue ;..,,- ./�\ ° i't ��--W Future F Euglid i r Principal Ave E.dk e +� 1p '`i CdA �s Buckeye• q°•, ka tae Av.' a ▪ rye Arterial+'�. pole .� �'E�1y� jJ �Ya aanslfBltl Ave Intliana Avc •� ; Knox Ave •y 4 �� i Ion Aiye _ Mission Ave � -- apkn Mission Awe LW Barker Road Sh . g, ,, m Broadway i ¢ F • ` L 1 ,. LL` .tea a $ sruatlway Ava – Ave 9raaaY yIPr.pj A'• y" '' 1 ro a aW` . _ Sprague Ave ■ _ ' •, 3rd AasEar A jas, h:F ah ma - C 4th Av . • II a BPhA j� i 2 8th Aye ''`; €. �.,Ave . 16th Ara �11 '�—...y .� 44,4. iv Principal Arterial h + 24th Ara I' pye/ 24th Ave � Iir m's-�— „ Sullivan Road /.-1% 32Nd Ave 1I. i i • si na �yV,a rc Legend `` 44th Ave �T' tl Zoning FederalFunctinnalClassDesc 1.61. _. I —Urban Major Collector �`-r Urban Muer-Arterial ▪to —Urban Other Principal Arterial pasmoweim il Industrial c. tWellesleMap m , ■ et • ;/Pyr rimMIR ._ reAve o- �` at If �ctceyefir ■ g�uti elive �' ■• 1A+.., 4 ' rv. ans5eld � J i �r noxAve Ave = 'ntifi • • i 4,' VVsI'e. ,tri e ZoningMap "l• — 6( Ave :, -` Buckeye iv 0e+0 a Ave _ ___,/ , s u Iwa9n Mansfield — r� fr ilil nax Av ;_ fi' Ave + 1 Indiana vs � tt 6 Areas that would Sh w. . : � IOa, ! _� ! q MissianAve c ..; 8- .- �: C Broadway •' .—se.'--- ji ri a _ allow `� r = ; �. 2 -0 B ..:1 d .ve _ a- r i 4J�u •nom st Hotel Motel if - - Hotel/Motel A 1 a . • '--,, ,n A ` ` 4th Ave I r • Amendment is &thAve � EL = - = ,; c71. 2 • 16th ,u .M1 � .g ■ r lig Approved. U Ave �D 16th k pp - • ifi C3. 4.h Ave 2 Ni 24th Ave ig lig ...4,..r—Z14 — 32nd Ave ■ mamma 01 _ "I" zoned parcel adjacent i to a Principal Arterial •g, 4 r •` th Ave a 1E00% Airportz r rHa a d e ly a Much of the industrial area along the Principal Arterial portion of Broadway High Avenue is in the Airport Hazard Overlay. Intensity Euclid I uses are ietisc Av. CP Bucks 9 I i notroe $ . / �' i_.. . ., permitted - in the AHO � MFsSi r ^ ` '' ' emu it mi 04 7:11 sa d •■ C- _- . BF • ■ 3rd AY 1-EZ I 'pleY r 4th Aver 4th Av-o r. . ,_ r .:1---)C a Vicinity Map Sample Hotels / Motels 811 rn e,f j lkill C _ . WA :.,, II f: ....'°''' ' )'-,.'' 1 WA 29.0 Rodeway 4 • 11.- I -,.., , ,..,„, : _ . ___.29D.-=--- - WA 290, -, La Quinta -40, ---,..„ ... - q ° [ Inn & , 14 Inn ,....,-- - '4,-. ',. , Krnser Aturrunum •- ,,,,----------=1---, . -_ - 1 . Suites ... ----,e' .,..._„.__ .°- 4, CO'i I a ...;‘,7, ..,--'''''- .1' .,,,,,....A.2.WA'A e "2. WA 290 -.. — • _,..-"''''' _ ---=.- .290,---- ** -----__ _...,,,,A,, ___,,-„,. ‘. Recrd Prerna POI'1E - -4 LE., - - ---,--:0:;vribcri.-!. _.-•...-----r----'-,: I ' i -1244!4.111' 1\ ' ' i -East Fehtsibn-Memo EdSlfolli510,AverlUe EllirAyei.le -— _ -_, - East Masson/warm, Spokane Va • * , . g 1 ] ** •.. osamay a,en.e. 5 _1 sam easaduray Auemze WA27 Eat,Broadway Aserse4 t• 5 ,E 1 I -i, - 2 2 Easi Cpwde everoe -"-'-'.:: 1.f.e Ot, - 190 Bus i 99 B 1, FaSr sprar,..t awal.a I cff•.I., g.,_ \, I 90 BUS P4L..-'7..0f:de"' 141R ir. . ‘ My Space , .14_ ,... __ -- :ist eth Avenue .., Doshmar, ‘ .g. WA 23 E it Extended .,filis Altgrurch' ,2 t a. i Resoulq es C-, 2 Conservabor, % • [ I Stay 1-lotel/Motel .; Area teait icriAven.e: EasttEmmei,e WA 27 BSC 9601 Issqffisa, - I I es a) I . \ F \ II a \ I i'L '7T I 1.1b1 0-1 Existing Hotel /Motel — Recent Development „., My Place Extended Stay Hotel — 16106 E Indiana Ave. E_ M.Place Hotels , p .4- • : LL --L. . k' � Constructed in 2014 c. N; .,\ _1, • Only hotel constructed in the z `!M -� . - , City within last 5 years i ` ¢+ c* 1 r` =, ` I I'. � • Building Footprint = 10,040 sf ,� —`-_' w • Site = 55,717 sf , - • Features 64 guest rooms p*--s r , _ , _ .. , . ii. - , . :_,, . , i p — Existing Hotel /Motel — In Industrial "Area " La Quinta Inn — 15520 E Kiernan Ave. r to Const uc din 1997 4 • SC Zoning Light Industrial when di La Qointa Inn•& $o-nes Spokane Valley t-� built N ' Current zoning CMU ", Building Footprint = ItiApproximately 15,000 sf 1St --7- ,_ ; \. • Site = Approximately 63,500 sf f F_ , _ • . __ 4f • Features 65 guest rooms s 1( pati- » (] s ■r~-... ......... .........11111t....". - ExistingHotel Motel — in industrial district -aim zoning Rodeway Inn & Suites — 6309 E Broadway Ave. IMP - ... r •• -. � . � : • Constructed in 1955 .,:. • Remodeled in 1998 8y inn&Slates x t, L • Zoned B-3 in 1998 it ' iiii;57-.. 4 . 1 \ • Current zoning: Industrial k+.1. +,,t),* ~,�' ✓ `� �- Building Footprint: ,ir • 2 buildings each _ . 3 approximately 10,000 sf • Site: Approximately 86,000 sf • 70+ guest rooms \, ...„.. edway L C?Tits. L•,'i,'C�' II Ec` - ,____ t °�' (, ,r:3 —:------;— --L.—'"-4-.:- '1 ..1 { , �"' gar ta Jurisdictional Survey - Are Hotels and Motels Allowed in the Industrial Zones Jurisdiction Allows Hotels in Industrial Zones Limitations Spokane Yes / Conditional Light Industrial > 60,000 sf — CUP Heavy Industrial > 20,000 sf - CUP Spokane Yes / No Light Industrial - Permitted County Heavy Industrial — Not Permitted Richland Yes / No Medium Industrial — Not Permitted Heavy Manufacturing - Permitted Kennewick No Not Permitted in any industrial zone Permitted in "Business Park" zone Pasco Yes Permitted in light, medium & heavy industrial zones Yakima No Not permitted in light or heavy industrial zones Federal Way Yes "Commercial Enterprise" zone Liberty Lake No Not permitted in Light Industrial Staff Revised CTA Language 18 Title 19 SVMC — Zoning Regulations Staff Revisions 19.60.050 SVMC Permitted use matri are not substantive, but Add "S" in the Industrial Zone (I) column intended to allowing hotel motel utilize consistent language and 1 9.65.080 - Lodging format with the Add supplemental use language for SVMC hotel/motel in the "I" zone taff ReTAAmemdment 19.60.050 Permitted Uses Matrix Lodging Bed and break:fas- P a P Heel:i77c�t l P P P P R.e': eaticr,.al vehicle park campground Add an "S" to the "I" column indicating the use is permitted subject to supplemental use regulations. StaffAmendment SVMC 19.65.080 Lodging . Hoteoivlotel in IrLdustJ raI Zone 1. A hotel/motel use is allowed in the 'V zoning district on sites with frontage on a Principal Arterial. If the proposed hotel/motel use has a building footprint greater than 25,000 square feet,. a conditional use permit pursuant to 19.150 SVMC is required Add supplemental use language to SVMC 19.65.080 for hotel/motel in the "I" zoning district 21 QUESTIONS CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Planning Commission Action Meeting Date: April 26, 2018 Item: Check all that apply: n consent n old business Fl new business n public hearing n information Fl admin. report n pending legislation FILE NUMBER: N/A AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Public Comment - Admin Report - Open Space Requirement for Residential Projects in Mixed Use Zones DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: N/A GOVERNING LEGISLATION: SVMC 19.70.050(G) BACKGROUND: At the March 8th and March 22nd meeting, the Planning Commission discussed SVMC 19.70.050(g) which stipulates that residential projects with more than 10 units located in mixed use zones must provide open space at a rate of 210 square feet per unit with specific exceptions noted in the SVMC. During the recent discussion the Planning Commission asked for the following additional information: 1. A survey of various Washington cities to identify open space standards utilized. 2. Provide mixed use project definitions and examples. 3. Identify options for discussion that may address the open space requirement in the mixed use zones. The survey, definitions and examples are included in the attached presentation. The scenarios noted for Planning Commission consideration and/or discussion include the following: • Vertical Mixed Use versus Horizontal Mixed Use — Understanding the dynamics of the different types of mixed use development may lend itself to requiring open space for one type versus the other. For example, requiring open space for a horizontal mixed use project,but not for a vertical mixed use project. • Multi-family project versus a Mixed Use Project—similar to the differing types of Mixed Use projects, it may be appropriate to treat them differently. For example, require open space for the traditional multi-family project, but not for the mixed use project. • Corridor Mixed Use versus Mixed Use Zone — Rather than looking at the project type, focus on the zone and consider whether open space should be required in each of the zones. For example since 90% of the Mixed Use Zone is within 1300' of a form of public park, than remove the requirement for open space for all Mixed Use Zoned properties, but still require it in the Corridor Mixed Use Zone. RPCA SVMC 19.70.050(g)Discussion Page 1 of 2 • Increase the threshold distance from a public park — Currently the requirement is triggered if a project is farther than 1300' from a public park. That distance is approximately 1/4 mile which is generally a 5 minute walk. The distance could be increased to reflect 1/3 mile, which would be generally a 7-8 minute walk. • Increase the unit threshold — Currently the requirement is triggered if the project, either straight multi-family or mixed use, has more than 10 units. The number of units could be increased. • Adjust the amount of open space to be required — Currently the amount of open space required is 210 square feet per each unit compared to 10% of the lot for multifamily in the Multifamily Residential Zone. As noted in the graph previously provided the area required continues to increase with the number of units. The amount required could be reduced, assigned a maximum amount, or create incentives to provide certain types of amenities which would reduce the amount of open space required. For example if roof top space, or private balconies, etc., are available additional open space is not required. • Leave the regulation as is; or • Delete the regulation. Note that the scenarios above are not presented in any particular ranking order nor advocated by staff. The scenarios are presented for discussion purposes only to assist the Planning Commission with developing a solution to the issue. Also, the Planning Commission determined that public comment would be appropriate at this stage of review and took comment at the March 22 meeting. The item has been appropriately advertised, and the Planning Commission may take comment during this meeting. Following comment, the Planning Commission should discuss the regulation and provide further direction to staff. OPTIONS: Discussion RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Discussion STAFF CONTACT: Lori Barlow, AICP, Senior Planner ATTACHMENTS: 1. SVMC 19.70.050 2. Open Space Requirement Comparison Tables and Charts (provided for reference) 3. Multifamily Development Location Map (provided for reference) 4. Power point Presentation RPCA SVMC 19.70.050(g)Discussion Page 2 of 2 Spokane Valley Planning Commission Meeting April 26 2018 Overview of SVMC 19.70.050(G) Open Space Requirement in Mixed Use Zone Administrative Report Open Space Requirement (SVMC 19. 70. 050(G) - Current Regulation) In mixed-use zoning districts, projects with residential components shall provide 210 s.f. of open space per dwelling unit...conforming to ...SVMC 19.70.050(F) and eligible for reduction...provided, that: 1. The requirement does not apply to development of less than 10 new dwelling units; 2. ...does not apply to residential development located within 1,300 feet of a public park; and 3. A fee in lieu of land dedication may be assessed for the development of public parks and open spaces to meet the needs of the residents of the mixed-use zoning districts. Council will determine this assessment and review it on an annual basis. ....., r _----r 1 i. Zones where w�i,..i$Y - •i I. ,,, .„..,, ,, regulation applies „ ,eE..« _ ,,,,... � d , ,E.... ; (......................nos,....se4- e. Manse J 4CnQx . ,.. 1 . Mixed c .. —= t_ --. Mi..ian mis..„. v _ l 'ai a Missiony c g ' Use ( MU ); fi w®rn w ��” Broadway roa4w$y 01 '° .1 ti r: S e ��77 a n d d M1J" _ - - T - - _ $- WI • '14 —_ 41 I .. 8th a b 11v v. i I 1! m...41.4)11 41•44.,jinn II _. 2 . Corridor ..� , , 12 ril � �� ,.th • 1. - 24. S, I Mixed Use h : 24111 (CMU ) 1__1ek/132nd-11^ _ Legend Zoning mu Exceptions . ,to the ` - - ), jimilliOns , . � 7re, r open space = i • � x „, Euclid ` E . - 4 requirement ,d ® B° •:a pm►6fl77 MansAal- I Knox A �} 061.:1, 004:00:11,:eir'. .\If rrte�.. % Iasi. .. moi_ 1a- b �. II .yo 1 • MU and CMU1p ii-lo LL • • • • - zoned sites �� y 3rd —u / �,. • that lie c „- iaLIA • -.■.=lllllllll.11 1W .. 1' 1 Lam%.• W amu• • within 1300' 16 1 ,,t � of public \I AO r,_ I lig Legend parks and ,••• 1 Parks 13(1[]ff buffer II er4or rk MN Parks trails liot-li• ,. Pppleway Trail �• ".. Centennial Trail Zoning ivMU CM U4 Survey of Open Space Requirements for projects in Mixed Use Zones Open Space Amount Additional Requirements Required Multifamily Mixed Use Yakima No 10% of lot shall be landscaped adjacent to parking lot Richland No Impact fees for parks West Richland Yes 150sf/du* 150sf/du* Impact fees for parks- *50% must be grass Kennewick Yes If density > 300sf/du =1st Minimum area set aside for open 7du/acre 200sf/du = rest space shall be 500sqft Pasco Yes-thru PUD 35% of lot Federal Way Yes 400sf/du - 25% Range from Fee in lieu of open space up to 50% must be usable 100-150sf/du open space Vancouver Yes 10% of lot 15-20% of lot None Boise, ID Yes-thru PUD Through the CUP process properties exceeding 1 acres shall provide 3 amenities Vertical Mixed Use t ,� a __. Buildings \r, 00-0 . _,--iii 1 . . 10. 115°--P- $ 104 ' PPP 141111 Different uses in the same building b • Li+w - work I= - . l 5 � r .010lilt1 6ti itool ik 0#0,:' -.1 IF 1111 1111P \r‘: voi -.4„ . , , Ill! i *,. . ..,. _, - .-- .10 \:, .___, ir 1 1 � 5. ' , Spatial and Residential Temporal Mixed- er ical Mixed-use Live - Work rr 3T T cal Block Use Buildings Commercial 1 iffor The Matilda S okane _: ���� f. ,,, Next to the Gonzaga Campus ,�,�i;1�M�i�� � �+'� '�' - ` r �,j 1!: I IM I ili7 - j1i ' ` �,�' 4 , =NNW 111 : B a: 9 %.;;;...- Tillitiiiill / / —r— — T. —r fil01,1., p - J U ■ ! rt 0' .0",.. g3 - t` +..hid`_ . • Ground Floor Retail .•• Irk ' um . ►*'��:`.; .,' _4 • Residential Units Upper Floors 111M II '� ' _ ''` 11411.'11. 11:. 41 °1 �� „'- • Roof to lounge, and BBQspace -� - � �� p g , p ` .Ami : 1 .- , .-1 ' L: rj - ', ,Lis �;I�� � • Garage/covered parking spaces *� t ��a • Covered bicycle storage r • Secured - limited access - ' building x a.... -, R. SEARCH THIS AREA �`�O ' yy p, L`- - +�-:f.ad .�a 1a,x.laaJdall aI:�J �j>ll _ i 7 6' -1e . -- 23 1 iti ,.. .. . ... 1rime- 1 n " ... .. i ,a .'14,. •f M .47- I, .., he EI z ,.r. r ior } l I 1 {. t - . MI ■ `ter r irr...: -.,.r 41 lit• — att +- p ,..: 411F,., ..:7.. , :.:5!. - • ��,[ Q .* p ;, , die �'- "' > ■■■ ♦ - ,.. 9.. - _ _ - Image ure:dJ:hi 0zma 000ek United states rums aroorca Pc"hfem ..",4°'',,..-„may i[VIII 1 1t. :ate __ ': 4 L - STP "I.Y �' - +., �+. F • _ r ` � Small Scale Mixed Use p,, , - Brownes Addition '1111E777 ilim 1 Horizontal Mixed use Blocks .. vat,til Live - Nark •1 r_..i.1.le I aim rl ai G 4Combines �� iii. 1-- - yilkt - i ; single-use . , .041 buildings with aiii . , - 1 r N. range of land y ; c t go0 ' uses within one - ., block. ,�.. \%,5, �5 � . AO Horizontal ontal Mixed--Use Typical Block N ii.iii " ']I ^ • '-'#4 BRIDGE AVENUE ' ' :t .. . ' ...‘- - . .1..4,-4. ,,,.. , ii'...fli.,J...Judi A • i .,..-... te-.4, .- .,.44.... . ; - - .---,..,. . .- - •.' .--..,. -, , .i..- ,... i i- - r - ,..-11'1 ' g , 7 'Mt' . , ip ', =Li r ..., ,,-- , i ' I 1 �, i. ,,,.....is 77 'J�J�>• . `- ••Ilr E'KIT i..•• ..1._ I_,__ .. �' f iI , L.' °. m` '-11 v 40 ri,: :1,-7 . It li _iligi,, ,, 0 sip Is W r f•• .4110111K_ 4 li.,,-- -- 4 • - e ,tom w ioiK "�5 _ a r _ Allk` `'SUMMIT.. o .PARKWAY "O 4,. • *.i1 'F I- OLMSTED _- ■ I . .„ al oi _ ANI Z BROTHERS, Jif is 1 111 rt1111 GREEN - -rt. 2 I lis!,! ,M,--1 Da. .0 il - 1.1_7-� = ` �` -_ ____i • - _. = riI 1, k. e _I_Q_k Lt.NT � 1 7e$ _ ' CENTENNIAL TRAIL r # «+� f — LEGEND - 1110 .„-) ii. l MODEL HOME TOWNHOME RESIDENTIAL LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL Kendall Yards . MID-RISE RESIDENTIAL 110 HIGH-RISE RESIDENTIAL MixedUse Development EXISTING COMMERCIAL BUILDING N • • —ip• '�is�, - •y. _ - .a- v. ��^ —e Fes'._ �•..�-s- is +r%'!� ti�t 1- •F R -4- _,�„__' — _ ---eF,•a lP r• L.. iy 4_C� fir +# z— Fes! + {''4s Y • . i- .. , Kendall yards J W , lap . , ,, ; 1 714141.t Y., - - 7 ' Ill'ilniMilligP11411nlit 4 :, _ • - F y • 4.• fil II a _ 4 :: f t iiiiiiiiiiihart, • w 4 I Discussion Items Scenarios that Vertical mixed use versus horizontal mixed use the Planning ❑ Multi-family versus mixed use Commission Zones: Corridor Mixed Use versus Mixed Use may discuss at their n Increase distance from public parks discretion Li Increase unit threshold n Adjust the amount of open space to be required u Make no changes or delete requirement Next Steps Discuss the merits of the regulation Determine if: Regulation should Regulation should Regulation should remain as is. be modified be deleted • Forward • Provide direction • Provide direction recommendation to staff to to staff to Council develop draft • Begin CTA • Begin CTA Lprocess process