PC APPROVED Minutes 02-22-18 4linutcs Spokane Valley Planning Conunissioo Council Chambers—City Hall February 22,20181 I. Chair Rasmussen called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m. Commissioners,staff and audience stood for the Pledge of Allegiance. Secretary Horton took roll and the following members and staff were present: James Johnson Cary Driskell, City Attorney Danielle Kaschmitter Eric Lamb, Deputy City Attorney Timothy Kelley Lori Barlow, Senior Planner Michelle Rasmussen Marty Palaniuk, Planner Matthew Walton Micki Harnois, Planner Su .annc Stathos, absent Karen Kendall, Planner Mike Phillips, absent Deanna Horton, Secretary of the Commission Mary Moore, Office Assistant Chair Rasmussen moved to excuse Commissioner Stathos and Commissioner Phillips from the meeting. The vote on this motion was five in favor, zero against and the motion passed. II. Agenda: It was moved by Commissioner Johnson and seconded to approve the February 22, 2018 agenda as presented. The vole was five in favor, zero against and the motion passed, ELL Minutes: It was moved by Commissioner Johnson and seconded to strike the February 8,2018 minutes from tonight's agenda. The vote on this motion was five in favor, zero against, and motion passed IV. COMMISSION REPORTS: There were no reports. V. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT There was no report, VI. PUBLIC COMMENT: There was no comment, VII. COMMISSION SION BUSINESS: i. Findings of Fact CTA-2017-0005—Wireless Telecommunications Amendment Deputy City Attorney Erik Lamb presented the Findings of Facts specifically identifying the modifications requested by Planning Commission for their approval as follows: a) Maintain a requirement for a separation for 250 ft, between small cell facilities. b) Maintain the requirement that if the separation is not possible, for applicants to make a good faith attempt to co-locate on the same pole. If co-location is not possible, new facilities within the 250 feet would be allowed. c) Maintain requirement that small cell facilities be located at least. 20 ft. above grade unless technically infeasible. d) Maintain requirement for providers to bury or integrate Facilities into surrounding unless technically unfeasible, e) Add a requirement that the applicant provide evidence that the small cell facility design will not impact the structural integrity of the utility pole on which it is placed f) Add allowance for "unified design enclosure" to allow combined antenna and equipment enclosure of up to six cubic feet in volume in lieu of separate antenna and equipment enclosures, g) Make such other minor grammatical and minor corrections recommended from the public comments. Commissioner Johnson moved to approve the Findings of Fact for CTA-2017-0005. The vote on this motion was five ill,favor, zero against and the motion passed ii. Public Bearing: 2018 Comprehensive Plan Amendments, 02-22-2018 Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 of a Senior Planner Lori Barlow gave a presentation to the Commission and audience, which introduced the 2018 Annual Comprehensive Plan Amendment process_ She explained this meeting is for the Planning Commission to conduct a public hearing and to take public comments on the proposals. Ms_ Barlow explained the findings of facts had been scheduled for March 8 but have been deferred because of an appeal filed on the SEPA decision for CPA-2018-0003. She stated all Comprehensive Plan amendments are required to submit a SEPA review, and a Determination of Non-Significance was issued for all with a comment and appeal period. During the 14-day appeal period, an appeal was received for CPA-2018-0003. A hearing on the CTA-2018-0003 appeal is set for March 15,2018 in front of the llearing Examiner and a decision is expected within a couple weeks thereafter. a. CPA-2018-0001 A privately Initiated Amendment to change the Comprehensive. Plan Land Use Designation from Single Family Residential (SFR) with a Single Family Residential Urban District (R-3) zoning to a Multifamily Residential (MFR) designation with a Multifamily Residential(MFR) zoning, Choir Michelle ACISMUSSUI read the public hearing rules and opened the public hearing at 6;28 Planner Micki I ham 0 i s introduced Comprehensive Plan Amendment CPA-2018-0001.This project site is 300 feet east of Valleyway and Pines Road. The applicant for this project is Robin Petrie who requests to change existing land use designation from Single Family Residential to Multifamily Residential and the zoning from R-3 to Multifamily Residential, Ms, I larnois explained the differences between the two zones taking into consideration the land use and the zoning that exist near the sites and in this area. Ms. Harnois said one comment had been received from the City's traffic engineer depending on future development, it would require a trip generation letter. The traffic engineer also stated that the capacity on the existing road would not be an issue. No public comments were received regarding this site. There were no questions from Commissioners Chair Rasmussen opened the floor for publictestimony: Sarah Neelan, 12420 E Mansfield Ave. Apt 5.: Ms. Neelan said she was representing Steven Arsey who resides at 12522 r Valleyuway She said the area is an open space for all sorts of wildlife and to take that into account; and to please keep it rural and not urban. Hass Peterson 12525 E Olive Ave.. Mr. Peterson described the area as single family homes and he feels the zoning being proposed is out of character. There were no further public comnierats and Chair Rasmussen closed public hearinng.f ar CPA 2018- 0001 001 at 6:37 pin. b. CPA-2018-0005 A City Initiated Amendment to expand Neighborhood Commercial(NC) designation and zoning to eliminate split designation of Neighborhood Commercial(NC) and Single Family Residential (SFR) and the associated zoning of NC and Single Family Residential Urban District 3) Chair Rasmussen opened the public hearing or 6:381.3,m,for CTA-2018-0005 Planner Karen Kendall explained CPA-2018-0005 is a City initiated Comprehensive Plan Amendment correcting a mapping error on the land use designations and zoning maps from the 2016 Comprehensive Plan update wit ich split the zoning.The site is located in the Northeast corner of the City and is bordered to the north by Forker Road and Progress Road, which are both urban minor arterials. Ms. Kendall explained that the need to correct this mapping error is to expand the Neighborhood Commercial Designation and Zoning to elim inate the split znn ing of'the parcel, The current site is in a 100 year floodplain and there is a Conditional Letter of Map Revision application in the final review stages with FEMA to modify the boundaries of the floodplain. There is an 500 foot wide easement in the corner of the property that runs north/south and a TypeF stream in the Northwest corner of the property. The correction will result in more appropriate boundaries of the Neighborhood Commercial land use designation and zoning and Single Family Residential land 02-22-2015 [Tuning Commission Minutes Page 3 of$ use deli 'iatiori and 1-3 zoning.The City received comments from Public Forks and the Spokane County Environmental Services, but no public comments. There were no questions from Commissioners Chair Rasmussen invited public testimony; there were no comments and Chair Rastnu.s.sen closed public iesiiinany for CPA 2018-0005 at 6:43 p.m. h. CPA-2018-0005 A City Initiated Amendment to expand Industrial Mixed Use (1MU) designation and zoning to eliminate split designation of MU and Single Family Residential (SCAR)and the associated zoning of1Ml! and Single Family Residential Urban District (R-3) Chair 'mussen Opened the public hearing at 6:48 p.m.for CPA-2018-0006 Planner Karen Kendall explained that CTA-2018-0006 corrects a mapping error that took place during the 2016 Annual Comprehensive Plan update.This site is located east of the intersection of Trent Ave. and Sullivan Rd. The proposal is to expand the Industrial Mixed use designation and zoning which would eliminate the split zoning of the parcel. The area is 15 feet wide along the easterly side of the site.The 15 feet wide area to be included in the Industrial Mixed Use designation contains stormwater facilities that serve the existing development The site is currently zoned Industrial Mixed Use and R-3. The amendment will correct a mapping error and will eliminate the splitzoning of the pared. There were no public cornrnenis and Chair Rasmussen closet/public hearing for CPA 2016-0005 al 6:45 p.m. c. .m- c. CPA- 018-0004 A Privately Initiated Amendment request to change the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation from Single Family Residential (SFR) to Neighborhood Commercial (NC) and to change the Zoning District from Single Family Residential Urban (R-3)to Neighborhood Commercial (NC) Chair Rasmussen Opened the public hearing a1 6:46 p.m.for CPA-2018-0004 Planner Marty Palaniuk presented CPA-20111-0004, explaining this is a privately initiated amendment to change the land use designation from Single Family Residential and R-3 zoning to Neighborhood Commercial. The Neighborhood Commercial designation is to provide neighborhood scale commercial development. such as offices and retail that serve a neighborhood. This site is on the southeast corner of University Road and 7'11 Avenue- University is an arterial street surrounded by Single Family Residential uses. The parcel adjacent to the proposed site was changed in 2016 during the legislative Comprehensive Plan update to Neighborhood CommerciaL If the amendment is approved it would also be designated as Neighborhood Commercial. During the legislative update,the City evaluated intersections along sonic of the arterials south of Sprague, and various parcels were re-designated in those neighborhoods as Neighborhood Commercial. Staff received comments from the City's Senior. Traffic Engineer who evaluated the intersections at 81 Avenue and University Road as well as 4°' Avenue and University Road and he stated if intense development occurred, it would meet the level of service requirements. Staff received public comments regarding traffic in and out.of the site as well as traffic along 7t''and 8'h Avenues.- This property is part otaplat from 1954 and some of the comments received have mentioned them were some covenants that could apply to the plat. Mr. Lamb explained the City Attorney's office receival a letter regarding the covenants. The covenants would preclude business, commerce and industrial uses from operating on the site. I lowever, with regard to restricted covenants, those are privately enforceable under Washington law. The Supreme Court has agreed that cities do not have authority to enforce private covenants. Citizens could seek a private action to preclude commercial, industrial or ally other development. We do allow single family residential under the neighborhood commercial so there is not a conflict. Commissioner Walton Neighborhood Commercial zones are in Spokane \Talley. Mr. Palaniuk responded that staff evaluated the area of the City south of Sprague and at most of the arterial intersections of li h, 166, 32°d Avenues, University, Evergreen and Sullivan Roads and designated 02-22-2018 Planning Commission Minutes Page 4 of S those as Neighborhood Commercial. This was done during the legislative update. Commissioner Johnson asked for some examples of a commercial business that would be allowed in the Neighborhood Commercial zone. Mr. Palaniuk responded some of the things the Permitted Use Matrix allows include retail, gas stations, medical office, anti kennels. The intent is to provide neighborhood scale commercial uses to serve the neighborhood, Commissioner Rasmussen asked how the City mitigates traffic. problems. Mr. Palaniuk replied that any time development occurs; the City evaluates the traffic impact and may require a traffic impact analysis to identify improvements or restrictions to the proposed development. Chair IRasrnusseii opened t. e public hearing on (TA- 2018-0(I4 at 6.58 pm. Ray Siebert, 10719 E. 8th Avenue: Mr, Siebert said that he is against changing the land east of University on lar'Avenue from Single Family Residential to Neighborhood Commercial. We have a protective covenant on the old Orchard Subdivision, which has been in effect since 1954. We want to keep the covenant and keep this being a nice place to raise a family. The City illegally changed the property east of University on gu' Avenue to commercial when there was a protective covenant_ Mr. Siebert stated the neighborhood had hired a lawyer to protect them if this change goes into effect. .lane Siebert, 10719 E 8°' Avenue: Ms. Siebert said she is against the land change at 7u`Avenue and University Road. She said the property has a covenant and the municipal code states the City is supposed to follow them. She said she received a letter from the City Attorney stating the City has no authority under the Washington law to enforce or validate restricted covenants, By not enforcing the covenant, she said the City is definitely invalidating them. The covenant is binding unless by the majority of the residence owners ague to change them. There was a traffic analysis from the Senior. Traffic Engineer,which showed that there would he an additional 208 trips a day with this change. "I"his much traffic would affect their neighborhood, property values will go down and it will increase crime. Ms, Seibert stated she does not feel the neighborhood was informed well enough when the change to the parcel at Sth Avenue and University Road occurred in 2016, City Attorney Cary Driskell suggested changing the time 1 im its from three minutes to one and one half minutes in order accommodate everyone in the room who wished to testify this evening. The Commissioners agreed to this change, Mike Erma', 10806 F 8th Avenue: Mr, firmer shared his concern about crime, traffic and more people; he said the covenant was important in the 1950's so please leave it alone. Mark Conrad, 10804 E 7th Avenue: Mr. Conrad shared he is opposed to change because the property values will decrease anti traffic will increase; it does not fit the form or area.. Lacey Zieler, 10811 F 7th Avenue: Ms. Zieler shared her concerned for the children's safety and more traffic. William Braid, 11216 F 7t Avenue: Mr. Braid said he is concerned for the children in the area and putting commercial in will increase traffic and crime, and he asked the Commission please do not approve this. Ken Hoffman, 10719 E 7°' Avenue: Mr. I loffinan shared his concern about traffic, the value of property; said he bought in under the covenants and he is opposed to this change. Lonny Green,10715 E 7°'Avenue: Mr. Green shares his concern this will lower property values, and increase crime and traffic, Jim Brown,10714 E 6th Avenue: Mr. Brown shared lie is opposed to the plan and concerned about traffic. He said University is a racetrack. Andrew Wtll, 10723 E 7th Avenue; Mr. Wall said he is concerned for children,more traffic and property values. Candice Wall,10723 E 7"`Ave. Ms. Wall said she is concerned about more crime,foot traffic and children safety. 02-22-2018 Planning Commission Minutes Page 5 of Shcrce Tucker, 11372.E 7th Ave. Ms. Tucker said she is concerned with traffic, crime and safety of children, Heather Bryant, Schmautt family representative: Ms. Bryant shared in 2016 the corner of 8th and University, was changed to Neighborhood Commercial. Currently the family has no plans to develop the property and the site would stay the same. There is a blind spot at 8`'°Avenue and University Road and by expanding onto 7th, it would eliminate the blind spot. If rezoned the covenant would take precedence. Al Merkel, 3927 S Sunderland Drive: Mr. Merkel shared he is opposed to this amendment because the covenants arc in place. He said he knows the amendment is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, but when you see neighbors like this coining out, the City should take note and let the neighbors resolve these issues in a non-adversarial way. Kurt Campbell, 10714 E 86 Ave.Mr. Campbell shared his concern about more traffic, Scott Smith,10819 E 8{h Ave.Mr. Smith shared his concern about more traffic and cutting between streets to get to the businesses. Seeing there was no further comment on CPA-2018-0004 Chair Rasmussen chased the public hearing for CPA 2018-0004 at 7.21 pm. d. CPA-2018-0003 A Privately Initiated Amendment request to change the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation from Single Family Residential (SFR)to Corridor Mixed Use (CMU) and to change the Zoning District from Single Family Residential Suburban (R- 2) to Corridor Mixed Use(CMU) Chair Rasmussen Opened the public hearing,for CPA-2018-0003 at 7:22 pm, Mr. Palaniuk explained CPA-2018-0003 is a privately initiated amendment to change the parcel from Single Family Residential and R-2 zoning to Corridor Mixed Use which allows commercial, light manufacturing, retail and office uses. This site is in the Ponderosa neighborhood along Dishman-Mica, south of the railroad tracks, along Bowdish and Sands Roads. The SETA determination was appealed. 'l'he majority of this site is in the 100-year floodplain. There was a subdivision in 2010 and the entirety of this lot was designated as an easement for stormwater treatment. A Conditional Letter of Map Revision was approved by FEMA to raise the level of lots one through six of the short plat and remove them from the floodplain.Chester Creek runs north of the site in a channel i.rtiich is south of the railroad tracks. he stream is a'l'ype F, which means fish could be in the stream. It requires buffering if development should occur.This site also has alluvium soils, which are soils deposited from water action made of granulated silt and they do not drain well_ The Comprehensive Land Use designation is Single Family Residential with a designated density of one unit per acre up to six units per acres. The area is single family. Corridor Mix Use allows commercial uses along transit corridors. Corridor Mixed Use is located along Sprague and Argonne, Mullen, Evergreen, Sullivan and Lishman-Mica. The R-2 zone height limit is 35 feet. Corridor Mixed Use has an unlimited height limit but transitional regulations would be applied to any development and would serve to limit the height adjacent to residential uses. The site would have a limit in height since it is next to residential uses. Staff received comments from Dept. of Fish and Wildlife who commented they were concerned about the Type F stream and said it would require buffering if development occurs.Staff received comments from the public regarding traffic, access in and out of site,access for fire safety,that the development does not tit,and concerns about the floodplain,and crowding in schools. Commissioner Johnson asked if there was a minimum setback for access onto Bowdish and how far off the intersection would the access have to be toward the south, Senior Traffic Engineer, Ray Wright explained at that location there would need to be a minimum of 60 feet of separation from the intersection. Currently staff is looking at the infrastructure to sec if the streets can accommodate the ,growth, 02-22-201 S Planning Commission Minulcs Page 6 e f 8 Commissioner Kelley said there were concerns about escaping a forest fire in that area and traffic issues. Mr. Wright stated he did not believe a second access is required. With the rezoning, there would be an additional 800 trips over a 24-hour period;and peak traffic would be 10%ofthat, This does not address the fire but it would handle that volume easily. Chair Rasmussen asked about a couple of parcels which appeared to be land locked and how would rezoning effect those Mr. Palaniuk replied they are City owned parcels and are not developed, Ms. Barlow stated those properties are partly encumbered for drainage purposes by the City. Chair Rasmussen asked if they are zoned R-2 and Ms. Barlow confirmed they were. Commissioner Johnson asked does that extend all the way to University, Mr_ Lamb replied that a change in zoning would not change access because they are privately owned and would remain so. If there were any access issues, those would be addressed at the time of development. Commissioner Johnson said the background information stated there were 24 acres available for commercial mixed use. He asked if this was before the nearby IGA planned project. Mr. Palaniuk responded this reference does include the ICA project. Chair Rasmussen invited public comment, Mr. Todd Whipple, Whipple Consulting Engineers representing the applicant: Mr. Whipple explained his firm looked at the zoning code and get out the Comprehensive Plan and they try to be consistent with the existing land use and future land use and what is adjacent to the property. The site has a railroad track and Chester Creek so from a development perspective they assume that since Corridor Mixed Use is adjacent to the property there is no reason to not to change the land use. As the applicant, he requested the Commission to leave the hearing open for additional testimony after the SEPA appeal hearing and before the Commission issues its findings. Al Merkel,2925 S. Sunderland Drive: Mr. Merkel stated the property is a flood zone and shaved concerns about wildlife. Heidi Workman, 11406 E 44th Avenue: Ms, Workman shared concerns of fire evacuations and the overcrowding of school. Christian Workman, 11406 a 44th. Avenue: Mr. Workman shared that any kind of soil contamination from a flood can contaminate the stream. Rebecca Readiner, 11321 E 42'1 court: Ms, Readiner shared concerns about the flooding and traffic_ Megan Williams, 11401 E Sundown Drive: Ms. Williams voiced her concern about fire, safety and traffic. Dave West,4007 S Forest Meadow Dr,Mr. West requested the Commission look at the letter and attached picture he submitted as he is concerned about the flood encroaching on his property, As more and more development occurs upstream the flood will continue to encroach more onto his property. Darrell Thom, 4409 S Hollow Court. Mr. Thom shared concern about access and tire evacuations, lle said he has been promised an extra access point for fire access. Bev Thorn,4409 S Hollow Court. Ms.Thom said she is concerned property values will decrease. She said have been told there would never be any development because ii is a floodplain. John Grevner,3907 S Sunderland Drive. Mr, Grevner shared he is a wildiand fire investigator and the last tire was a nightmare; and said he agrees with all that has been said, Steve McNulty,4106 S Hollow Cana. Mr.McNulty is concerned about reducing property values, traffic, access to the property, traffic accidents, and that it will be harder for emergency response and evacuation, lle said he is a geologist and the semi silty sandsdo not drain well and then ponding occurs. Lot 7 is platted as a blanket drainage easement. We agree with staff report. Annette. Conrad, 10920 E 46th Avenue: Ms. Conrad shared concerns about t access, flooding, bald eagles that come every year and the wildlife. 02-22-2018 Planning Commission Minutes Paw 7 of 8 Dave Johnson,11307 E Sundown Drive: Mr.Johnson concurs that the Commission has to oppose this. It is a single family residential and we do not want anything else. Mark Bruder, 4105 S Hollow Court: Mr. Broader shared that any time modifications are made to the land the flooding gets worse, and said he opposed this John Boyd, 4024 S Forest Meadow Drive: Mr, Boyd expressed his thoughts for lot 7 explaining if we planted obscuring trees, the taTes would suck up the water, giving great access for the water to drain down through the silt soil and it would make an exquisite site or riding area. Robert O'Dell, 11425 E 441h Avenue::Mr, O'Dell shared he is opposed to the development and concerned about drainage and the disruption of the wildlife corridor. Jerry Johnson, 4506 S Skipworth Road: Mr. Johnson said he is concerned about the property values dropping, Shawn Johnson, 11311 E Sundown Drive: Ms. Johnson expressed concern that property values will drop, wildlife concerns and she will have more water in her yard. She said there was a sign, which said there would be one home on the proposed lot, and if there is more, it will only raise the water on her lot, which is ankle deep now. Galen Pavliska, 11321 E Sundown Drive: Mr, Pavliska shared the property is a flood zone and in his backyard. 1 le is concerned his property value will drop; he said he is opposed to this. Kent Mayer,4308 S Locust: Mr. Mayer shared the Comprehensive Plan was done less than two years ago and he thinks we need to stick to the plan. He said this is not an improvement. He asked if the 150 homes that are not built yet at the other end of 44th Avenue were included in the traffic ana lysis. Keith Cohen, 12216 E 37"1 Court: Mr. Cohen shared concern that bringing in multifamily homes will bring in crime. Renee Porter,3515 S Woodward Road: Ms. Porter expressed this does not fit this property and runs along railroad tracks and a two-lane residential road. This property is over a mile away from a transit stop. Barney's. I larvest foods,just right up the road, is planning to put that exact plan into place and not infringing on anybody's property or property values. Paul Henderson, 11303 E Sundown Drive: Mr. Henderson explained he was the first to buy in front of the subject parcel and his hack yard is pure mush and he opposes the amendment. Oliva Brookshire, 4520 S Skipworth Routl Ms. Brookshire is concerned when bringing in multifamily homes that it will bring in renters, which brings in more crime, Barbara Roads,11315 E 46th Avenue: Ms. Roads explained this is a floodplain,and on the wrong side of the railroad tracks for commercial development and concerned for the impact on schools. Vicki Moore,4215 S Forest Meadow Drive:Ms, Moore its concerned for the safety of her special needs child who walks to the bus every day in front of the driveway that would be built. She has safety, traffic and wildlife concerns. Denise Shnauge1, 10613 E 4611' Avenue: Ms. Shnaugel is concerned about dealing with Diamond Rock. The property is a floodplain, there are only two exits - Bowdish and Schafer, and that will limit getting out. Megan Knolls, 11406 E 481h Avenue: Ms. Knolls is concerned about traffic accidents will occur, and she opposes the amendment. Heather Harvego,4015 S Forest Meadow Drive: Ms.Harvcgo is concerned about flooding and traffic. More traffic noise. She said we do not want it. It will not help the neighborhood it will only hurt the neighborhood. Caleb Collier, 11307 E 42`r" Court: Mr. Collier shared he served on council and suggests a good solution with this vacant land would be a park. 1 le said a number of neighbors would contribute to the cost of purchasing this land, and the City might mediate some of the costs with it. 02-2.2-2418 Planning Commission Minutes Page 8 of 8 Sandra Bright, 11024 E 43"d Avenue: Ms. Bright is concerned for the safety of the children near the railroad, wetlands,wildlife and traffic concerns. Patrick Miller, 11302. E Sandstone Lane: Mr. Miller shared he is not against people coming into our neighborhood but in the right way, and he wants to keep R-2 zoning. Debbie Plant,4318 S Forest Meadows'Drive: Ms, Plant shared we are a single family residential development and that it should stay an R-2. Logan Crumborg, 4311 S Hollow Street: Mr. Logan explained that between fire hazards, the railroad and wildlife,this plan is ludicrous. John Pierce,4027 S Forest Meadow Drive: Mr. Pierce concurs, Al Mollya,4224 S University Road: Mr, Mollya said he thought this area was a protected wetland area. He shared there is not enough technology to protect all the water movement and he is against it. Troy Hoffman, 11308 E Sundown Drive: Mr. 1 laffinan requested we go visit the site and then see that the development will not.fit. 'This development is not necessary, and it will only benefit the developer. Rudy Worley, 11311 E Sundown Drive: Mr. Worley shared that his property abuts this project. and his home has water damage, and he is opposed, Last summer it was truck after truck of fill material. Everyone is excited about the development at.Harvest.Foods. As this fill continues to go into this spot, our homes are continuing to be damaged. lie is in favor of R-2 zoning_. 'Wayne Gruver,11404 E Sundown Drive: Mr.(hover shared this site is a swamp. tie is concerned for the children who ride bikes to go get ice cream. He said there are only two exits Schafer and Bowdish and the engineer needs to have a real traffic study. Jacques Plant, 4318 S Forest Meadow Drive: Mr, Plant shared that his home does not have adequate water pressure and with construction and development, he. will have even less water. pressure, Les Baker, 11413 E 4.5t'`Avenue:Mr.Baker is concerned about the disruption of wildlife and said the coyotes will move into the residential areas_ Seeing no one else who wished to testify', Chair Rasmussen closed public hearing at 8:32 pm Ms. Barlow informed the audience that public comment is closed as far as the Planning Commission however, written continents will be provided to the City Council. She wanted to remind the Commission about the appeal. The I tearing Examiner will be hearing the March 15, 2018 and a couple weeks later, we will have a decision on the appeal. 'l'he matter will not be in front of the Planning Commission,until the Hearing Examiner issues a decision. It.will be brought back at a typical meeting,without further noticing to the property owners, She advised the audience to check the City's website and/or go to the Planning Commission page and see the agenda, or sign up for the mailing list to be notified. VII. GOOD OF THE ORDER: '1'he Commissioners thanked everyone for their participation. VIII. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Johnson moved to adjourn at 8:48 p.m. The vote on the motion was unanimous in favor, zero against, and the motion passed. 9 -, - IL V' Michelle Rasmussen,Chair Date signed 41_414,6t4i-iljtx* lite' aiy Moore, Secretary