16-011.01 WA ST TIB: Mission Ave Flora to Barker UAP Urban Arterial Program (UAP) TIB Project Number ‘116---) Bid Authorization Form 8-3-208(008)-1 INSTRUCTIONS: Enter or update all information on the form. Mail the signed Bid Authorization Form and ALL required documentation to the TIB Office at: 505 Union Avenue SE, Suite 350 ❖ Post Office Box 40901 ❖ Olympia, WA 98504-0901 For assistance with your project, contact Gloria Bennett, TIB Project Engineer at(360) 586-1143 GENERAL INFORMATION Lead SPOKANE VALLEY Agency Mission Avenue Length in Miles Project Name 1.00 miles Flora to Barker Rd Agency Contact Craig Aldworth Phone (509) 720-5001 Email caldworth@spokanevalley.org REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION Include the following items with your signed Bid Authorization Form Completed Plans and Specifications ►Final Engineer's Estimate Include verification of WSDOT review&approval of construction documents for projects on or adjacent to state highways PROJECT DESCRIPTION Describe the project as defined in the bid documents Reconstruct roadway from 2 lane to add new bike lanes, curb and sidewalk on each side with a planter strip, and a piped storm water system. Landscape the planter strip and the storm water swales. • CHANGES IN PROJECT SINCE APPLICATION Describe any changes that have been made to the proposed project since application During the design evolution, the centerline was relocated to provide parking for the Greenacres Community Church and the vertical profile of the road was adjusted in numerous places to avoid ROW conflicts. Also the final stormwater design requires numerous trenched crossings of Mission Avenue. These changes to alignment and grade made overlaying the existing roadway unconstructible and the design was revised to a total pavement reconstruction. TIB Bid Authorization Form Revised 9 April 2012-Generated by TIB Project Tracking System- 80208GIoriaBennett03212018123315 Page 1 of 3 Project SPOKANE VALLEY TIB Project Number Name Mission Avenue - Flora to Barker Rd 8-3-208(008)-1 PROJECT SCHEDULE Indicate only changes in project target dates(Month/Year)in the spaces below: Previous Schedule Current Schedule Bid Opening May 2018 May 2018 Contract Completion November 2018 November 2018 PROJECT COST ESTIMATE Update the costs to indicate the current estimated totals DESIGN PHASE CONSTRUCTION PHASE Design Engineering Right of Way Construction Construction Other Contract Amount Engineering 317,000 232,000 155,000 26,190 3,577,053 Phase Total 549,000 Phase Total 3,758,243 Total Project Cost 4,307,243 Include a cost breakdown of construction other items: $1,190 - Avist Utilities - Electric Service to 2 irrigation controllers $17,400 - Consolidated Irrigation District 19 - Water service for 2 irrigation controllers $7,600 - Consolidated Irrigation District cost to relocate meter boxes and hydrants DETERMINATION OF ELIGIBLE COST Enter the current estimated totals for Landscaping and Other Noneligible Cost Noneligible Other Noneligible Cost Total Landscaping Allowable Landscaping Noneligible Total Noneligible Cost Engineering Cost Landscaping 0 15,000 178,700 178,103 597 15,597 Total Eligible Project Cost 4,291,646 Include a cost breakdown of noneligible items Minor Change - $15,000 PROJECT COST CHANGE SINCE SELECTION $26,091 Include explanation of Cost Change 0.6%Decrease Final design is slightly less than the original estimate. TIB Bid Authorization Form Revised 9 April 2012-Generated by TIB Project Tracking System- 80208GloriaBennett03212018123315 Page 2 of 3 Project SPOKANE VALLEY TIB Project Number Name Mission Avenue - Flora to Barker Rd 8-3-208(008)-1 FUNDING PARTNERS Update funding amounts to indicate current funding based on the engineer's estimate Funding Partner Previous Funding Anticipated Funding SPOKANE VALLEY 823,002 1,142,157 TIB Funds 2,716,332 2,690,201 STP Funds 794,000 474,885 0 TOTAL $4,333,334 $4,307,243 Funding Partner Total is Correct AGENCY CERTIFICATION Certification is hereby given that all Local Funds and Other Funds associated with the Construction Phase of the project are secured. This project has been reviewed by the Legislative Body of the Administering Agency or agencies or its designee and is consistent with the agency's comprehensive plan for community development. ►Design work is complete for this project and is ready to be advertised. ►All applicable state laws and requirements have been met and incorporated into the contract documents. ►If the project is within a non-attainment area, the Lead Agency certifies compliance with all requirements of the State and Federal Clean Air Act. ►All right of way for this project has been acquired, or if right of way remains to be acquired a Possession and Use Agreement has been obtained for the parcels in question. All right of way required for this project has been acquired in accordance with state laws. ►For projects on or adjacent to state highways, WSDOT has reviewed and approved construction documents. _ �'/Z--- `'- 9-i8 Signature of Agency Designee Date Signed Joa,i No if.-vs-A, 0.5A-,TY C,%Y w9C.�G Typed or Printed Name&Title TIB Bid Authorization Form Revised 9 April 2012-Generated by TIB Project Tracking System- 80208GIoriaBennett03212018123315 Page 3 of 3