17-108.03 David Evans & Associates: Barker BNSF Grade Separation Aft OsWashington State Department of Transportation Supplemental Agreement Organization and Address Number 03 City of Spokane Valley Original Agreement Number 11707 E.Sprague Ave.,Suite 106 Spokane Valley,WA 17-108.03 Phone: 509-720-5102 Project Number Execution Date Completion Date 0143 August 24,2017 January 31,2020 Project Title New Maximum Amount Payable Barker Rd/BNSF Grade Separation Phase 1 $2,496,891.04 Description of Work Phase 2 work includes surveying,environmental planning,geotechnical engineering,right of way plans and acquisition,public outreach support,BNSF railroad coordination,and preparation of Plans,Specifications and Estimate(PS&E)package. The Local Agency of City of Spokane Valley desires to supplement the agreement entered in to with David Evans and Associates,Inc. and executed on August 24,2017 and identified as Agreement No. 17-108 All provisions in the basic agreement remain in effect except as expressly modified by this supplement. The changes to the agreement are described as follows: Section 1, SCOPE OF WORK, is hereby changed to read: See attached Exhibit B,Scope of Services; II Section IV, TIME FOR BEGINNING AND COMPLETION, is amended to change the number of calendar days for completion of the work to read: contract end date is revised to January 31,2020. III • Section V, PAYMENT, shall be amended as follows: See attached Exhibit A.This supplement adds$2,302,275.61 to the previous contract amount of$194,615.43 for a total amount authorized of$2,496,891.04.The fixed fee amount is increased by$105,727.64,for a total of$125,235.39. as set forth in the attached Exhibit A, and by this reference made a part of this supplement. If you concur with this supplement and agree to the changes as stated above, please sign in the Appropriate spaces below and return to this office for final action. By:Debra Seeman,Sr.Associate By: Mdoir/- c.7-7 _ f;�% '41"1. Approving Authority Signature ich4eiClark,Vice President —/6 —/ Date DOT Form 140-063 Revised 09/2005 DOCUMENTS EXEMPT FROM PUBLIC DISCLOSURE The sixteen page(s) entitled "Exhibit A" contain(s) confidential cost and rate data and is(are) withheld from public disclosure pursuant to 23 USC 112(2)(E). Prenotification; confidentiality of data. A recipient of funds requesting or using the cost and rate data shall notify any affected firm before such request or use. Such data shall be confidential and shall not be accessible or provided, in whole or in part, to another firm or to any government agency which is not part of the group of agencies sharing cost data under this paragraph, except by written permission of the audited firm. If prohibited by law, such cost and rate data shall not be disclosed under any circumstances. You may petition for a review of our findings pertaining to any redacted or withheld documents pursuant to Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) 2.75.080; and obtain judicial review pursuant to RCW 42.56.550. Exhibit B Spokane do . City of Spokane Valley, WA Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation Project No. 0143 Phase II — Design, Right-of-Way, and PS&E Services Scope of Services Prepared by: David Evans and Associates, Inc. 908 North Howard Street, Suite 300 Spokane, WA 99201 D D 0 In association with HDR Engineering, Inc. April 4, 2018 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION 1 II. DESIGN CRITERIA 2 III. DESIGN SOFTWARE 3 IV. DETAILED TASK DESCRIPTION 4 TASK 1 PROJECT ADMINISTRATION—DEA&HDR 4 1.1 Project Management 4 1.2 Project Setup 4 1.3 Subconsultant Coordination 4 1.4 Quality Assurance Plan 4 1.5 Project Schedule 4 1.6 Monthly Progress Reports and Invoices 5 TASK 2 COORDINATION AND MEETINGS—DEA&HDR 5 2.1 Kickoff Meeting—DEA& HDR 5 2.2 CITY Coordination-DEA 6 2.3 Consultant Team Coordination and Meetings-DEA& HDR 6 2.4 City Council Meetings-DEA& HDR 6 2.5 Project Design Team Meetings-DEA& HDR 6 2.6 Stakeholder Coordination-DEA& HDR 7 TASK 3 QUALITY CONTROL/QUALITY ASSURANCE REVIEW—DEA&HDR 7 TASK 4 UTILITIES AND DATA COLLECTION—HDR&DEA 7 4.1 Utility Coordination and Verification -HDR 7 4.1.1. Highland Estates/Spokane County Wastewater Treatment Plant 8 4.1.2. Pioneer Water Company 8 4.1.3. Consolidated Irrigation District 9 4.1.4. Telecommunications 9 4.1.5. Avista Utilities(Power and Natural Gas) 10 4.1.6. Yellowstone Pipeline Company 11 4.2 Utility Verification Site Visits—DEA&HDR 11 4.3 Utility Matrix-HDR 12 TASK 5 GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING-BA 12 5.1 Evaluate Geotechnical Data and Needs 12 5.2 Geotechnical Engineering Services 13 5.3 Geotechnical Coordination 16 TASK 6 PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT PROGRAM—DEA&HDR 16 6.1 Public Open Houses 17 6.2 Property Owner Contact Meetings 17 6.2.1. Initial Owner Contact Meetings—DEA and HDR 18 6.2.2. Final Owner Contact Meetings—DEA and HDR 18 City of Spokane Valley Page i Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation—Phase II Scope of Services—Exhibit B TASK 7 NEPA COMPLIANCE-WIDENER 19 7.1 Design Assistance and Early Agency Coordination 19 7.2 Section 106 Report(Cultural and Historic Resources) 19 7.3 Noise Study 21 7.3.1. Sound Level Measurements 21 7.3.2. Construction Noise Impact Evaluation 21 7.3.3. Traffic Noise Impact Evaluation 21 7.3.4. Mitigation Analysis 21 7.4 Land Use Assessment 22 7.5 Environmental Justice Survey 22 7.6 Hazardous Materials Memorandum 23 7.7 NEPA DCE 23 7.8 SEPA 24 TASK 8 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYING AND BASEMAPPING-DEA 24 8.1 Develop Control Network 24 8.1.1. Property Owner Notification Letters 24 8.1.2. Control Network Planning, Research, and Office Preparation 24 8.1.3. Development of GPS Control Network 25 8.1.4. Vertical Control 25 8.1.5. Control Diagram • 25 8.2 Topographic Survey& Mapping 26 8.2.1. Topographic Surveying 26 8.2.2. Supplemental Topographic Surveying 28 8.2.3. Railroad Survey and Coordination 29 8.2.4. Utilities 29 8.2.5. Process RTK GPS and linework 29 8.2.6. Feature extraction 29 8.2.7. Basemapping 30 8.3 Boundary/Right-of-Way Surveying 30 8.3.1. Research 30 8.3.2. Field Survey 31 8.3.3. Develop Right-of-Way Determination 31 8.3.4. Prepare and File Retracement Record of Survey(10 sheets) 31 8.3.5. Set Monuments for Retracement Survey 31 8.4 Final Basemapping 31 TASK 9 BNSF COORDINATION AND SUBMITTALS—DEA&HDR 32 9.1 BNSF Design Phase A Package (Concept Railroad Submittal)—DEA&HDR 32 9.2 BNSF Design Phase B Package (30% Railroad Submittal)—DEA& HDR 32 9.2.1. Bridge Plans—DEA& HDR 32 9.2.2. Hydraulics Summary-HDR 33 9.2.3. Railroad Profile Grade Diagrams—DEA& HDR 33 9.2.4. Quality Control—DEA&HDR 33 9.3 BNSF Design Phase C Package (100% Railroad Submittal)—DEA& HDR 33 9.3.1. Bridge Plans—DEA& HDR 33 9.3.2. Railroad Profile Grade Diagrams—DEA& HDR 34 City of Spokane Valley Page ii Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation—Phase II Scope of Services—Exhibit B 9.3.3. Final Hydraulics Summary Report—HDR 34 9.3.4. Quality Control—DEA&HDR 34 9.4 Railroad Agreement—DEA& HDR 34 TASK 10 PRELIMINARY BRIDGE PLANS-DEA 35 TASK 11 INTERSECTION CONTROL ANALYSIS—HDR&DEA 35 11.1 WSDOT Peer Review Meeting—DEA& HDR 36 11.2 Final ICA—HDR& DEA 36 TASK 12 60%DESIGN—DEA&HDR 36 12.1 Title and Index/Vicinity Map—DEA 37 12.2 Roadway Typical Sections-HDR 37 12.3 Intersection/Channelization Plan Coordination—HDR& DEA 37 12.4 Roadway Alignment, Paving Plan and Profile Sheets-HDR 38 12.4.1. Channelization Plan Sheets 38 12.4.2. Alignment Plan Sheets 39 12.4.3. Roadway Paving Plan and Profile Sheets 40 12.5 Drainage Plans-HDR 41 12.6 Hydraulic Report—HDR&DEA 41 12.7 Channelization, Pavement Marking,Signing,and Sign Structure Plans—DEA 42 12.8 Intersection Plans-HDR 42 12.9 Maintenance of Traffic(MOT) Plans-DEA 42 12.10 Site Preparation Plans—HDR 43 12.11 Illumination Design and Plans-DEA 44 12.12 Preliminary Utility Plans-HDR 44 12.13 Bridge Design and Sheets-DEA 45 12.14 Detail Sheets—DEA&HDR 46 12.14.1. Industrial/Residential Access Detail Sheets-HDR 46 12.14.2. Drainage Detail Sheets-HDR 46 12.14.3. Roundabout Detail Sheets—DEA& HDR 46 12.15 Preliminary Special Provisions—DEA& HDR 47 12.16 Preliminary Opinion of Probable Cost—DEA& HDR 47 12.17 Basis of Estimate-DEA 47 12.18 Preliminary Design Submittal QC—DEA& HDR 48 12.19 Submit 60%Design Package—DEA& HDR .. 48 12.20 Design Approval-DEA 48 12.21 60% Design Review and Comment/Resolution Meeting—DEA&HDR 49 TASK 13 RIGHT-OF-WAY DOCUMENTS-DEA 50 13.1 Review Title Information and Data Collection 50 13.1.1. Collect Title Information 50 13.1.2. Title Company Coordination 51 13.1.3. Revise Working Total Ownership(TO)Map 51 13.2 Develop Right-of-Way Plans 51 13.2.1. Incorporate Parcel Lines 51 13.2.2. Parcel Alignment Files 51 13.2.3. Prepare Total Ownership Map 51 13.2.4. Prepare Official Right-of-Way Plans 51 City of Spokane Valley Page iii Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation—Phase ll Scope of Services—Exhibit 8 13.2.5. Attend Right-of-Way Plans Review Meeting 51 13.2.6. Revise and Submit TO Map and ROW Plans 52 13.3 Legal Descriptions 52 13.3.1. Legal Descriptions/Exhibits 52 13.3.2. Revise Legal Descriptions 52 13.3.3. Acquisition Parcel Coordinates 52 13.3.4. Stake ROW Acquisition Areas 52 13.3.5. Design Team Coordination 52 13.4 Monuments and Record of Survey 53 13.4.1. Set Monuments for Final Record of Survey 53 13.4.2. Prepare and File Final Record of Survey 53 TASK 14 APPRAISE AND ACQUIRE RIGHT-OF-WAY-HDR&DEA 53 14.1 Real Estate Services Management-HDR 54 14.2 Appraisal and Appraisal Review-HDR 54 • 14.3 Acquisition and Negotiation Services-HDR& DEA 56 14.4 Relocation and Negotiation Services-HDR 57 TASK 15 100%DESIGN-DEA&HDR 59 15.1 Title, Index and Vicinity Map Sheets-DEA 59 15.2 Survey Control and Found Monuments-DEA 59 15.3 Roadway Typical Sections-HDR 59 15.4 Alignment Plan/ROW Sheets- HDR 59 15.5 Site Preparation Plans-HDR 59 15.6 Roadway Paving Plan/Profile Sheets- HDR 59 15.7 Paving and other Roadway/RAB Details- HDR 60 15.8 Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control (TESC) Plans-HDR 60 15.9 TESC Narrative-HDR 60 15.10 Drainage Plans- HDR 60 15.11 Utility Plans-HDR 60 15.12 Utility Hearing Waivers-HDR 61 15.13 Landscape Plans- DEA 61 15.14 BNSF Bridge Contour Plans- DEA 61 15.15 Illumination Plans and Details-DEA 61 15.16 Intersection Plans and Details-HDR 61 15.17 Channelization, Pavement Marking,Signing, and Sign Structure Plans-DEA 61 15.18 Bridge Design-DEA 62 15.18.1. Barker Road over BNSF Bridge 62 15.18.2. Structures QC/QA Documentation 63 15.18.3. Preliminary Bridge Load Ratings 63 15.19 Maintenance of Traffic(MOT) Plans-DEA 64 15.20 Specifications and Proposal-DEA&HDR 64 15.21 Contract Time Determination-DEA&HDR 64 15.22 Opinion of Probable Cost-DEA& HDR 64 15.23 Basis of Estimate-DEA 65 15.24 QC Review of 100%Design Submittal-DEA&HDR 65 15.25 Submit 100%PS&E-DEA& HDR 65 City of Spokane Valley Page iv Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation-Phase II Scope of Services-Exhibit B 15.26 Project Development Approval- DEA 66 15.27 100%Design Review Meeting—DEA&HDR 66 TASK 16 AD-READY DESIGN—DEA&HDR 67 16.1 Prepare PS&E Package—DEA&HDR 67 16.1.1. Plans 67 16.1.2. Specifications and Proposal 67 16.1.3. Opinion of Probable Cost 67 16.1.4. Construction Time Determination CPD 67 16.1.5. QC of PS&E 67 16.1.6. Submit Ad-ready PS&E Package 67 16.2 Resident Engineer Files—DEA and HDR 68 16.2.1. Cross Sections-HDR 68 16.2.2. Grade Books for the project-HDR 68 16.2.3. Roadway Quantity Worksheets-HDR 68 16.2.4. Compiled Project Information—DEA&HDR 68 16.3 Bid Assistance—DEA& HDR 68 V. GENERAL ASSUMPTIONS 69 VI. DOCUMENTS TO BE FURNISHED BY CONSULTANT 69 VII. ITEMS AND SERVICES TO BE FURNISHED BY CITY 70 VIII. EXTRA WORK 70 IX. TIME FOR COMPLETION 70 X. MANAGEMENT RESERVE FUND 71 City of Spokane Valley Page v Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation—Phase II Scope of Services—Exhibit B I. INTRODUCTION • David Evans and Associates, Inc. (DEA) and associated subconsultants will provide surveying, environmental planning, right of way plans and acquisition, final Plans, Specifications and Estimate (PS&E), for the Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation improvements (PROJECT) under the direction of the City of Spokane Valley(CITY). The primary project objective is to improve safety by developing a grade-separated facility at the intersection of N. Barker Road and the BNSF Railway railroad tracks. Additional objectives include development of transportation facilities that allow a direct connection of N. Barker Road with SR 290 (E Trent Avenue). The CITY has selected design Alternative-05 from the Phase 1 alternatives design analysis, which will be moved forward into this scope of services as the preferred alternative. The project goals include: • Grade separate N. Barker Road and the BNSF railroad intersection; • Remove the existing at-grade railroad crossings at N Barker Road and N Flora Road; • Provide improved access to the industrial/commercial properties south of SR 290 and the BNSF Railway corridor; • Provide an appropriately controlled intersection for N Barker Road/SR 290 with a connection to existing E Wellesley Avenue; • Improve safety and intersection level of service (LOS); • Minimize right-of-way impacts; • Improve mobility on SR 290; • Identify and implement strategies that conform to WSDOT Practical Design Solutions, to achieve economical and cost effective solutions; • Obtain City Council and public support; • Build on the relevant portions of the FHWA and WSDOT NEPA Documented Categorical Exclusion (DCE) prepared for the entire suite of Bridging the Valley (BTV) projects and approved in 2006. This scope of services uses the following references for project team members: • CITY= City of Spokane Valley- Project Sponsor and owner of facilities within City of Spokane Valley rights-of-way. • WSDOT =Washington State Department of Transportation- Project coordination with review authority, and owner of facilities within State rights-of-way (Major Project Stakeholder). • BNSF = BNSF Railway (Major Project Stakeholder) • CONSULTANT or DEA = David Evans and Associates, Inc. (Prime Consultant on the project) • HDR = HDR Engineering, Inc. (Major Transportation subconsultant to DEA) City of Spokane Valley Page 1 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation—Phase ll Scope of Services—Exhibit B • BA = Budinger&Associates, Inc. (Geotechnical Engineering subconsultant to DEA) • Widener=Widener&Associates (NEPA & SEPA subconsultant to DEA) • The CITY's Traffic Engineering Consultant is currently Fehr& Peers—contracted directly with the CITY ii. Design Criteria As part of the design effort on this project, design criteria will be developed and approved by the CITY, WSDOT, and BNSF Railway. When developing design criteria, the CITY's standards will govern within CITY's rights-of-way, WSDOT standards will govern within State rights-of-way, and BNSF Railway's requirements will be met for portions of the project within BNSF rights-of- way. The CITY will designate the basic premises and criteria for the design. Reports and plans will be developed in accordance with the latest edition and amendments (as of the date of signing of this Agreement) of the following documents. Changes in any design standards or requirements after work has begun may result in Extra Work. WSDOT PUBLICATIONS: • Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction • Standard Plans for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction • Local Agency Guidelines (LAG) Manual • Design Manual • Right of Way Manual • Traffic Manual • Highway Runoff Manual • Hydraulic Manual • Bridge Design Manual LRFD • Geotechnical Design Manual • Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control Manual • Sign Fabrication Manual AASHTO PUBLICATIONS: • AASHTO's"A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets" 2011 • AASHTO Roadside Design Guide 2011 • AASHTO Load Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) Bridge Design Specifications, 7th Edition 2014 with current Interims • AASHTO Guide Specifications for LRFD Seismic Bridge Design, 2nd Edition, 2011. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PUBLICATIONS: • Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways (MUTCD) City of Spokane Valley Page 2 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation—Phase II Scope of Services—Exhibit B OTHER: • Washington State Regulations, Accessibility Design for All (ADA) • AASHTO Geometric Design for Highways and Streets • Transportation Improvement Board (TIB)funding design requirements • Standard drawings prepared by the CITY and furnished to the CONSULTANT will be used as a guide in all cases where they fit design conditions. • APWA General Special Provisions • AREMA Manual for Railway Engineering • Spokane Regional Stormwater Manual • Hydraulic Engineering Circular No. 22 • Union Pacific Railroad —BNSF Railway Guidelines for Railroad Grade Separation Projects III. Design Software Project deliverables will be developed utilizing the following software packages and associated versions: • WSDOT workspace will be utilized but plan sheets will bear the CITY's Title Block • InRoads©Version 8i, SELECTSeries 2 will be utilized as the project's design platform. • Consultant will provide Civil3D 2018 AutoCAD compatible reference files of the survey and design upon completion. • Bentley StormCAD, FlowMaster, CivilStorm, and/or other hydrologic and hydraulic software will be utilized for drainage design. • AG132 software will be used for illumination design • MS Excel will be utilized for spreadsheets. • MS Word will be utilized for word processing. • MS Project will be utilized for scheduling. • MS Power Point will be utilized for presentations. • Plan sets, specifications, estimates, memorandums and other documents will be submitted in an electronic file format(PDF, typically) • AutoTurn for MicroStation©Version 8i will be utilized to evaluate vehicle turning movements. • ESRI ArcGIS products will be used for the processing and presentation of geospatial information. City of Spokane Valley Page 3 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation—Phase II Scope of Services—Exhibit B Iv. DETAILED TASK DESCRIPTION TASK 1 PROJECT ADMINISTRATION — DEA & HDR 1.1 Project Management Project management will be on-going during the course of the project. The project manager will maintain communication with the CITY, WSDOT, and BNSF and will monitor the project's scope, schedule, and budget, will coordinate and communicate with the project's subconsultants, and other similar project management tasks. ASSUMPTIONS: 1. The tasks in this section assume that the project will be active from April 2018 to December 2019, or a total of 21 months. 2. For purposes of this scope it is assumed that project management will require 12 hours per month. 3. For purposes of this scope, it is assumed that HDR will require 4 hours of project management per month. 1.2 Project Setup DEA and HDR will set up project files including internal budget tracking spreadsheets, preparing the project's financial files, and the project's electronic and hard copy technical filing system. This will also include maintaining project files on the ProjectWise Server. ASSUMPTIONS: 1. DEA will continue into the Phase 2 contract the ProjectWise Server for the project and provide access to the other consultants, the CITY, WSDOT, and others as needed. 1.3 Subconsultant Coordination DEA will prepare subconsultant agreements for HDR, BA, and WA. This will include developing the draft of the subconsultant agreement, having management from each firm review the agreement, then issuing and executing the final agreements. 1.4 Quality Assurance Plan DEA will develop a project specific Quality Management(QM) Plan to identify quality assurance process for all project deliverables. The QM Plan will identify the Quality Management Team, procedures that will be used for quality assurance and quality control, the schedule of quality management tasks, and quality control protocol that will be followed. The QM Plan will be submitted to the CITY and WSDOT for review and approval. 1.5 Project Schedule DEA will prepare a schedule in Microsoft Project for the project through PS&E delivery. The project team will use the schedule, which will be updated monthly with actual milestone achievements, to check the budget, staffing levels, and where the deliverable schedule might be affected. These tools will be used to adjust staff City of Spokane Valley Page 4 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation—Phase II Scope of Services—Exhibit B assignments so that the schedule and fee commitments are met. Project team meetings will enforce the schedule and hold team members accountable for progress on their components of the project. Schedule updates will be submitted monthly to the CITY as part of the invoice package. DELIVERABLES 1. Project Schedule through PS&E 2. Monthly Project Schedule updates (21 months) 3. Updated Quality Management Plan 1.6 Monthly Progress Reports and Invoices The CONSULTANT Team will provide monthly progress reports and invoices in accordance with the CITY's standard procedures. Each progress report and invoice package will include the CONSULTANT Team's invoice showing all labor and direct expenses included for the period, the monthly progress report, and full documentation of labor hours and direct expenses charged for the period for DEA and each subconsultant. A total of 21 progress report and invoice packages (February 2018 to October 2019) will be submitted as part of this contract. ASSUMPTIONS 1. The invoice format that has been used for the Phase 1 contract will continue to be used for the Phase 2 contract. 2. Progress Report and Invoice packages will be prepared monthly for 21 months. DELIVERABLES 1. Monthly Progress Report and Invoice Packages 2. Monthly Project Schedule update TASK 2 COORDINATION AND MEETINGS — DEA & HDR The CONSULTANT will provide frequent communication throughout the project to facilitate • project decisions supported by the CITY. Regular meetings will be scheduled to monitor the progress of the project, to coordinate with team members, and to maintain accountability between all members of the team including the CONSULTANT, subconsultants, the CITY, and WSDOT. 2.1 Kickoff Meeting—DEA& HDR DEA and HDR staff will attend one (1) coordination meeting as scheduled by the CITY, to be held at the CITY's office. The objectives of the meeting are to provide the CONSULTANT team with a clear understanding of project goals and objectives, project schedule, work products, and roles for project participants. The CONSULTANT will prepare a meeting record and distribute to attendees within one week of the meeting. For estimating purposes, meeting attendees will include task leaders and subconsultant leads. • City of Spokane Valley Page 5 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation—Phase II Scope of Services—Exhibit B 2.2 CITY Coordination - DEA Coordinate with CITY staff for project data, design issues, and project updates. DEA project manager will provide bi-weekly check-in phone and/or video conferences with CITY. 2.3 Consultant Team Coordination and Meetings - DEA & HDR Following the CITY coordination meetings and bi-weekly check-in meetings, DEA will hold internal CONSULTANT Team coordination meetings/phone conferences to plan the work, relay information gathered during the CITY meetings, and discuss project issues that need to be passed along to the CITY for resolution. 2.4 City Council Meetings -DEA & HDR DEA and HDR will attend City Council Meetings at appropriate milestones to report progress to the Council and to support CITY staff representatives. Preparation for the City Council Meeting will include developing graphics to be used by CITY staff to develop Power Point presentations. ASSUMPTIONS 1. For budgetary purposes, DEA will attend up to four(4) council meetings; up to two staff members will attend each meeting. 2. For budgetary purposes, HDR will attend up to two (2) council meetings; up to two (2) staff members will attend each meeting. DELIVERABLES 1. Graphics 2.5 Project Design Team Meetings - DEA & HDR The Project Design Team is made up of representatives from the CITY, WSDOT, BNSF (when available to participate) and the CONSULTANT Team. Project Design Team meetings will be held to effectively communicate the project needs between each of the critical project stakeholders. Items covered at the meetings will include: • Environmental Documentation discussion and review • BNSF Coordination and Processing • Survey, Utilities, Drainage, Roadway, Bridge, etc. development and review • Practical Design opportunities and discussion • Quality Control/Quality Assurance Review • Change Management ASSUMPTIONS 1. Face to face meetings will occur once a month in the CITY's or WSDOT Eastern Region offices; key team members that need to participate but that cannot travel to the meetings will be included by conference call. 2. For budgeting purposes, it is anticipated that there will be 20 meetings lasting about two (2) hours each including travel. DEA's project manager will attend each meeting (in person or by phone). Various DEA and HDR staff will attend meetings as appropriate based on discussion items. City of Spokane Valley Page 6 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation—Phase II Scope of Services—Exhibit B DELIVERABLES 1. Meeting Agenda and Meeting Minutes 2.6 Stakeholder Coordination - DEA& HDR DEA and HDR will provide support to the CITY by attending various critical stakeholder meetings, as necessary. Stakeholders could include Spokane County, the school district, transit agency, and emergency services providers. ASSUMPTIONS 1. For budgeting purposes, assume up to 10 meetings; staff effort will be limited to hours identified in Exhibit D. TASK 3 QUALITY CONTROL/QUALITY ASSURANCE REVIEW— DEA & HDR Quality Control reviews will be conducted by the Quality Control Team prior to submittal of major deliverables. DEA will perform Quality Control Reviews on the following reports under this Task: • Draft and Final Technical Reports • Draft and Final survey mapping products • Draft and Final Environmental Documents • Draft and Final Geotechnical Reports • Draft and Final Public Involvement Materials HDR will perform Quality Control Reviews on the following reports under this Task: • Draft and Final Drainage Design Report • Draft and Final Intersection Control Analysis Memo ASSUMPTIONS 1. The Quality Control reviews for Design Phase A, B and C Packages for BNSF Review are included in other tasks below. TASK 4 UTILITIES AND DATA COLLECTION — HDR & DEA Data from the Phase I —Concept Development Design Services will be used and coordination with utility companies will be continued. Necessary tasks are detailed below. 4.1 Utility Coordination and Verification - HDR The purpose of this task is to build on the utility contacts that occurred with the Phase I effort, to notify the utility companies of the proposed project, to identify existing or planned major utility lines that may affect design elements, and to develop a protocol of how to best coordinate with the utility companies. Utility transmission, distribution, and service lines will be depicted on project mapping. City of Spokane Valley Page 7 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation—Phase ll Scope of Services—Exhibit B The utility coordination and development identified below will be accomplished by HDR. Meetings with each utility purveyor will be held at HDR's office to discuss the project and potential relocations, as outlined in the sub-tasks below. Two (2) HDR staff members will attend each meeting which are estimated to be 2 hours in duration, not including meeting preparation and drafting meeting minutes. 4.1.1. Highland Estates/Spokane County Wastewater Treatment Plant HDR will meet with Spokane County and Highland Estates to determine the current status of the wastewater treatment plant(WWTP). HDR will research the existing system components by obtaining plans for the WWTP from Spokane County or the Department of Health. ASSUMPTIONS 1. The WWTP is not in operation. 2. The WWTP has been abandoned in-place. 3. Highland Estates is currently served by a sewer service flowing to the west. 4. DEA will locate the current Highland Estates sewer service and display its manholes and pipe locations on the topographic survey (along with manhole dips). 5. Demolition of the WWTP will be included in the Site Preparation plans. • 6. The existing facility infrastructure can be removed without remediation of the existing soils and not be hazardous waste. 7. No geotechnical investigations into the soils or system components will performed. 8. DEA will locate all the above ground features of the WWTP and display them on the topographic survey. 9. HDR will draft the WWTP piping and major concrete infrastructure below ground not captured by the DEA topographic survey needed for removal on the Removal Plans. 10. HDR will hold one (1) meeting with a Department of Health and/or Spokane County representatives to obtain the WWTP plans. 11. HDR will hold one (1) meeting with a Highland Estates/County representative to confirm the WWTP is no longer used. DELIVERABLES 1. Meeting Minutes from the meeting regarding the confirmation of the WWTP no longer being used. 2. Copies of information and documents received from County or Highland Estates. 4.1.2. Pioneer Water Company HDR will meet with Pioneer Water Company to determine the current status of the wells and as-built information. ASSUMPTIONS 1. The wells are still in operation and may be impacted by the project. City of Spokane Valley Page 8 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation—Phase II Scope of Services—Exhibit B 2. Pioneer Water Company or their engineering representative will design the relocation of any of their facilities. 3. HDR will hold one (1) meeting with Pioneer Water Company to determine the current status of the well and main line(s) leaving the wells. DELIVERABLES 1. Meeting Minutes from the meeting 2. Copies of information and documents received from Pioneer. 4.1.3. Consolidated Irrigation District Based on the 30% design report from December 31, 2004, there are water lines that will require relocation. HDR will meet with Consolidated Irrigation District to determine the current status of their water lines within the project area. ASSUMPTIONS 1. The water line on the east side of N Barker Road will be relocated outside of the proposed construction limits. 2. Consolidated Irrigation District or their engineering representative will design the relocation of any of their facilities. 3. Water pressure calculations will not be required. 4. Consolidated Irrigation District No. 19 will provide required specifications for any proposed improvements. 5. HDR will hold two (2) meetings with a Consolidated Irrigation District representative to determine the current status of their facilities. One meeting will include research into the current system and a second meeting to discuss a proposed relocation or change to the system functionality. DELIVERABLES 1. Meeting Minutes from each meeting 2. Copies of information and documents received from Consolidated Irrigation District No. 19. 4.1.4. Telecommunications Based on the 30% design report from December 31, 2004, there are significant telecommunication lines that will require relocation. On the north side of SR 290, fiber optic lines extend east-west from a vault at the NE corner of the SR 290/N Barker Road intersection. There is also an existing fiber optic line south of the BNSF tracks that may require relocation. The report did not mention the number of companies present. HDR will meet with telecommunication providers to determine the current status of their facilities within the project area. ASSUMPTIONS 1. Two telecommunication utility companies are present in the project vicinity. 2. There are fiber optic lines that will require relocation. 3. Telecommunication utility companies or their engineering representative will design the relocation of any of their facilities. City of Spokane Valley Page 9 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation—Phase II Scope of Services—Exhibit B 4. HDR will hold three (3) meetings with the utility companies' representative to determine the current status of their facilities. One meeting will include research into the current system and another two (2) meetings to discuss a proposed relocation or change to the system functionality (relocation and conduit needs on the bridge). DELIVERABLES 1. Meeting Minutes from each meeting 2. Copies of information and documents received from utility companies. 4.1.5. Avista Utilities (Power and Natural Gas) Based on the 30% design report from December 31, 2004, there are power and natural gas transmission and distribution lines within the project area: • Power transmission lines cross over Trent Avenue about 500 feet west of N Barker Road. Since 2004, the poles appear to have been replaced. There is a single pole on the north side of SR 290 above a rock cut that the design team will retain and protect, if possible. • Power distribution lines are overhead on the east side of N Barker Road. Several poles are anticipated to require relocation outside the road construction limits. Also vertical clearances will need to be verified for proposed N Barker Grade Separation Overpass. • Natural gas transmission main (12-inch) is on an east-west alignment and may need to be relocated. • Natural gas distribution main lines are adjacent to the Consolidated Irrigation District's water mains. The mains are on the east side of N Barker Road and on the south side of the BNSF tracks, east of N Barker Road. The N Barker Road main is anticipated to be relocated to the east, outside the toe of the new fill slopes. The east-west main is anticipated to be protected in place. HDR will meet with Avista utilities to determine the current status of its services within the project area and power services for the proposed street illumination system(s). ASSUMPTIONS 1. HDR will hold three (3) meetings with an Avista representative to determine the current status of its facilities. One meeting will include research into the current system and another two (2) meetings to discuss a proposed relocation or change to the system's functionality (Transmission line clearances, distribution pole relocation, and gas line relocation). 2. Avista or their engineering representative will design the relocation of any of their facilities. 3. Avista will relocate their facilities prior to construction and provide the location and depth of their proposed facilities to HDR so they can be depicted on the City of Spokane Valley Page 10 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation—Phase II Scope of Services—Exhibit B plans. 4. Plan location will be provided from Avista in a CAD format along with a profile showing elevations in the same horizontal and vertical datum as the project survey mapping. DELIVERABLES 1. Meeting Minutes from each meeting 2. Copies of information and documents received from Avista. 4.1.6. Yellowstone Pipeline Company Based on the BTV 30% design report from December 31, 2004, there is a 10- inch petroleum pipe line along the south side of the tracks. Depending on the final bridge configuration, the pipeline could be impacted. HDR will meet with Yellowstone Pipeline Company to determine the current status of its services within the project area. ASSUMPTIONS 1. HDR will hold two (2) meetings with the Yellowstone Pipeline representative to determine the current status of their facilities. One meeting will include research into the current system and another one (1) meeting to discuss a proposed relocation or change to the system's functionality. 2. Yellowstone Pipeline or their engineering representative will design the relocation of any of their facilities. 3. Yellowstone Pipeline will relocate their facility prior to construction and provide the location and depth of their proposed facility to the HDR so they can be depicted on the plans. 4. Plan location will be provided from Yellowstone Pipeline in a CAD format along with a profile showing elevations in the same horizontal and vertical datum as the project survey mapping. DELIVERABLES 1. Meeting Minutes from each meeting 2. Copies of information and documents received from Yellowstone Pipeline • Company. 4.2 Utility Verification Site Visits—DEA& HDR Technical staff from the CONSULTANT team will perform site visits to obtain additional project information. This may include confirming or reviewing existing surface features, topographical, utility, boundary, environmental and other constraints. ASSUMPTIONS 1. A total of five (5) site visits will be required by DEA and three (3) site visits will be required by HDR during the course of the Phase II Design, ROW, and PS&E Effort. City of Spokane Valley Page 11 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation—Phase II Scope of Services—Exhibit B DELIVERABLES 1. Field Record from each site visit 4.3 Utility Matrix- HDR HDR will expand the existing utility matrix that will be used in identifying utility contacts and constraints for the preferred alternative. The matrix will be updated to include changes to the utility company contact information, likelihood of a conflict, any compensable property rights an existing Utility may possess, and a preliminary determination of relocation reimbursement with associated costs. DELIVERABLES 1. Final Utility Matrix TASK 5 GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING - BA Budinger and Associates (BA) is DEA's Geotechnical Subconsultant for this project. The services that BA will provide include geotechnical explorations, testing, and recommendations in forms of geotechnical design reports required for the project. Geotechncial reports will include geotechnical design recommendations for the design and construction of the BNSF overpass (Baker Rd. bridge), sign bridge foundations, pavement design and stormwater management facilities. 5.1 Evaluate Geotechnical Data and Needs BA will perform the following work: Previous explorations, including borings and subcontracted geophysical testing were completed by Budinger&Associates, Inc. (BA) in 2003 for preliminary feasibility and conceptual design purposes. In order to meet WSDOT and American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association (AREMA) guidelines for subsurface exploration programs for projects of this scope, BA proposes to supplement the existing subsurface data with additional explorations. BA's research of the existing data and experience in the project vicinity indicates natural soil conditions underlying most of the site could include outburst flood gravel deposits. The outburst flood gravels deposited in the site vicinity also typically contain varying amounts of cobbles and boulders. However, the previous geophysical data also indicates a possible softer zone located about 40 feet below site grade in the project vicinity. For this reason, we propose completing deeper borings to support bridge foundation design by air-rotary drilling methods to reduce the chance of drilling refusal caused by cobbles or boulders and to evaluate the softer soil zone possibly located beneath the bridge foundations. BA proposes completing the remaining shallower soil borings at the stormwater pond locations using hollow-stem auger drilling methods. A portion of the site near the proposed realignment of SR 290 possibly west and north of its proposed intersection with Barker is underlain by gneiss rock. Grade lowering (cutting) at the north end and north of the proposed intersection location will require some excavation of the gneiss. BA proposes to evaluate the surface condition of the rock through geologic mapping. BA will supplement the geologic City of Spokane Valley Page 12 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation—Phase ll Scope of Services—Exhibit B mapping and evaluate rock strength by completing a series of wireline rock cores. The results of the geologic mapping and rock cores will be used to evaluate the level of effort required by the contractor to excavate rock in this vicinity. Additional shallow explorations along proposed roadways will be completed by backhoe test pits. To the extent possible, BA will restore the site around each exploration to a level condition. However, full restoration of the site is considered Extra Work. 5.2 Geotechnical Engineering Services BA will perform the following work: The purpose of the geotechnical engineering services is to provide recommendations for site preparation and earthwork, and foundation design and construction based on site exploration, laboratory testing and engineering analyses. Specific scope of services will include: • Contact the one-call utility notification system and assisting in coordinating with BNSF, WSDOT and private land owners during siting of the explorations relative to underground utilities. • Support DEA in obtaining street obstruction permits for explorations within public rights-of-way. • Complete a geologic reconnaissance of the site, including evaluating and mapping the existing rock cut along the north side of SR 290 and possibly west of the proposed intersection. • Explore soil, rock and groundwater conditions underlying the proposed N Barker Road overpass site by drilling 13 borings, and excavating eight(8) test pits using a CAT Excavator. Specifically, explorations will be distributed across the site as follows: D Three (3) air-rotary borings at proposed bridge bent and abutment locations, drilled to depths in the range of about 50 to 70 feet below existing site grade. If rock is encountered a depth of less than about 50 feet below existing site grade, BA will obtain up to 10 feet of rock core. If rock is encountered below about 50 feet, BA will advance the air-rotary borings about 5 feet into apparent rock. D Five (5) air rotary borings at proposed storm water management facility locations drilled to depths in the range of about 25 to 30 feet. D Five (5) air rotary test borings with rock coring for the proposed SR 290 roundabout and related approach improvements. This location is understood to be underlain by gneiss rock. Advance to depths in the range of about 20 feet below existing site grade (depending on grading plans relative to existing site grades). D Eight(8) test pits excavated to depths in the range of about 8 to 12 feet below existing site grade at the locations along proposed alignments approaching the roundabout. City of Spokane Valley Page 13 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation—Phase 11 Scope of Services—Exhibit B • Each boring and test pit will be monitored by an experienced engineer or geologist from BA. Soil samples will be collected from the borings at approximate 2%-to 5-foot-depth intervals. Continuous rock core will be collected from the rock core borings. Grab and bulk samples of site soil will be obtained from the test pits. Relatively undisturbed (Shelby tube) samples might be collected if fine-grained (silt or clay) soil is encountered during drilling. Soil and rock samples will be returned to BA's laboratory for subsequent evaluation. Each boring, following its completion, will be backfilled in accordance with state regulations. Borings completed in public roadways will be patched with like material. Each test pit, upon completion, will be backfilled with excavation spoils, tamped into place, and the ground surface smoothed with the excavator bucket. • Provide potholing of existing utilities at locations selected by DEA, approximately as follows: two for the oil pipeline; two for other gas utilities; and two for waterlines. The anticipated depth is 5 feet for normal gas and water, but up to 14 feet for gas pipeline. • Perform laboratory testing to assess pertinent physical, chemical, and engineering parameters of soil encountered relative to the proposed construction. For budget estimating purposes, the assumed testing program includes: 2 R-Value/CBR tests; 2 modified Proctor tests; 10 gradation analyses; 4 percent fines passing the U.S. No. 200 sieve tests; 12 moisture content determinations; 6 cation exchange capacity and organic matter tests for swale bottoms; 5 rock point load index tests; and 3 rock unconfined compression tests. Laboratory testing will be completed in general accordance with applicable ASTM International (ASTM) standards. • Provide recommendations for site preparation and fill placement including: criteria for clearing, stripping and grubbing; an evaluation of the suitability of on-site soil for use as structural fill; gradation criteria for imported fill; guidance for preparation of subgrade soil, which will support pavements; and criteria for structural fill placement and compaction. Recommendations for allowable cut and fill slope inclinations will be provided as well as anticipated shrink and swell percentages. • Provide recommendations for design of drilled shafts, where shallow foundations are not feasible, at select bridge bent locations including: capacity versus shaft depth (penetration) for downward and uplift load conditions; estimates of single shaft settlement; and group reduction factors, if appropriate. • Prepare geotechnical seismic design criteria based on the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) procedures. • Conduct pavement layer thickness design based on vehicle type and traffic volumes provided by the CITY, and recommendations for hot mix asphalt (HMA) pavement construction including: criteria for base course thickness, gradation and required degree of compaction; and thickness and compaction criteria for HMA surfacing. Recommendations will be made for SR 290, N City of Spokane Valley Page 14 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation—Phase ll Scope of Services—Exhibit B Barker Road, N Flora Road cul-de-sac, the Private Road that connects to N Barker Road and runs east, E Wellesley Avenue, and driveway approaches. • Provide recommendations for surface and subsurface drainage, as appropriate, including an evaluation of the feasibility of subsurface disposal of stormwater, and design parameters; if appropriate. Ksat will be evaluated by both test pit infiltration tests and correlations of soil grain-size analyses to permeability found in the Spokane Regional Stormwater Manual (SRSM) and the WSDOT Highway Runoff Manual. Four of the test pits will be prepared and infiltration tested. • Prepare a Draft and Final written report containing findings, conclusions and recommendations. One round of comments to the draft report from DEA, HDR, the CITY, WSDOT and BNSF is assumed. The final report will address the comments. ASSUMPTIONS 1. No retaining walls are anticipated and are not scoped in this agreement. Geotechnical borings and reporting for any retaining walls that become necessary will be included in a supplemental agreement. 2. The exploration locations are accessible to truck-mounted drilling equipment. 3. Fieldwork will be performed during normal daytime hours (Monday through Friday). Street obstruction permits for explorations in public streets and private land access agreements will allow for 8 am to 6 pm work. 4. Access permission will be obtained by DEA prior to accessing private property. 5. BNSF will provide permission to access and drill and/or excavate test pits at proposed boring and test pit locations on BNSF ROW in a timely manner that allow for all drilling services to be completed under a single mobilization of equipment. 6. A BNSF-approved lookout or flagger, for two days as requested by BA, will be scheduled and provided by others. 7. Private underground utilities located on private property will be located by the current property owner. If this is not possible or acceptable, a private utility locator may need to be subcontracted at additional cost. 8. Temporary road building is not anticipated for truck-equipment access. Hydro- seeding, re-vegetation or other improvements are not included in this scope of work. 9. Cultural resources and environmental permitting required for exploration work will be coordinated under other tasks. BA will assist with preparing exploration plans, upon request. 10. It is assumed that contaminated soil will not be encountered during drilling of geotechnical borings or excavation of test pits.As such, BA will not provide field screening, which is used to assess possible presence of volatile and semi- volatile compounds in soil. If obvious contaminated materials (based on coloration or odor) are encountered, drilling will be stopped, the drill crew will be put on stand-by and BA will notify DEA. City of Spokane Valley Page 15 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation—Phase II Scope of Services—Exhibit B 11. Drill cuttings (non-contaminated) will be evenly distributed near the borings in undeveloped areas. If on-site disposal is not acceptable to BNSF, BA will collect the soil in drums on site and transport them to a facility approved by BNSF within 5 miles of the boring locations. DELIVERABLES 1. Draft Geotechnical Report(PDF) 2. Final Geotechnical Report(PDF) 5.3 Geotechnical Coordination DEA and HDR will provide coordination during the geotechnical effort as follows: • Coordination with BA in developing the work plan— DEA • Coordination with BA in developing the stormwater infiltration rates- HDR • Coordinating environmental and cultural clearances to initiate the work- DEA • Coordinating with WSDOT to obtain a General Permit to work within the SR 290 right-of-way- DEA • Coordinating with the CITY to obtain street obstruction permits- DEA • Notify adjacent property owners of pending field work including geotechnical borings/excavations— DEA(This is included in subsequent tasks). • Quality Control Review of both the Draft and Final Geotechnical Reports prior to submittal to the CITY—DEA and HDR. ASSUMPTIONS 1. DEA and HDR will review the Draft and Final Geotechnical Reports. 2. Coordinating with BNSF to obtain a Right of Entry Permit is covered under other tasks. 3. Specific sign structure foundation evaluation is not included and is considered Extra Work. TASK 6 PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT PROGRAM - DEA & HDR The public involvement process will be performed as described below and will be reviewed by CITY and WSDOT representatives prior to implementation. ASSUMPTIONS 1. A formal Public Participation Plan will not be prepared. 2. The CITY will conduct meetings with stakeholders and citizen action committees such as the Chamber of Commerce, bicycle and pedestrian groups, and other applicable stakeholders. 3. The CITY will send invitations to public meetings and project related events. 4. The CITY will be responsible for any press releases that are issued related to the project. 5. The CITY will be responsible for developing and updating a project website. The CONSULTANT team will provide necessary information to the CITY and the CITY City of Spokane Valley Page 16 Barker RoadBNSF Grade Separation—Phase II Scope of Services—Exhibit B will maintain the website. The CITY will provide the CONSULTANT team with any feedback from stakeholders/community member use of the website. 6. The CITY will be responsible for developing and distributing Fact Sheets and "Frequently Asked Questions". The CONSULTANT team will provide necessary information to the CITY so the CITY can publish and distribute this information. 7. Launching social media tools as a component of communication between the consultant team and the stakeholders is considered Extra Work. 8. Providing a virtual open house is considered Extra Work. 6.1 Public Open Houses DEA and HDR will prepare for and attend up to three (3) Public Open House meetings. The Public Open House Meetings will be held after Preliminary Design and right-of-way plans are completed, after 60% design, and then again after 100% Design Plans are prepared. CONSULTANT RESPONSIBILITIES AND DELIVERABLES-DEA • Provide sign in sheet • Provide project displays (up to seven (7) by each DEA and HDR for each Open House) • Facilitate Public Open Houses • Provide a summary of the Public Open Houses CITY RESPONSIBILITIES • Coordinate logistics for the meetings • Prepare, print, and mail postcards to the public and identified stakeholders. DEA will provide the mailing list developed as part of the Notification of Field Activities. • Provide facility for Public Open House • Advertise the Public Open House in the newspaper • Send open house notifications to local civic organizations • Attend Public Open House • Include Public Open House dates in City newsletter and on City website (if one is developed for the project) ASSUMPTIONS 1. Public Open Houses will last for six (6) hours including set up and take down and travel time. 2. Three (3) staff members from DEA and one (1) staff member from HDR will attend each open house. 6.2 Property Owner Contact Meetings CONSULTANT will support the CITY in conducting coordination meetings with property owners that will be impacted by the project. These meetings will occur at City of Spokane Valley Page 17 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation—Phase II Scope of Services—Exhibit B the owner's location and will conform to FHWA right-of-way requirements and WSDOT's Right-of-Way Manual. 6.2.1. Initial Owner Contact Meetings— DEA and HDR The CONSULTANT along with the CITY will participate in Owner Contact Meetings. The CONSULTANT Team will provide plans prepared under other tasks to support this effort. The purpose of the meetings is to explain design elements that affect the property owners (driveway approaches, fences, right-of- way acquisition, drainage, etc.) and to gather information that enables the design team to develop a more context sensitive design. ASSUMPTIONS 1. One staff member from DEA and one staff member from HDR (ROW PM) will participate in an initial contact meeting with up to 12 landowners accompanied by CITY staff to discuss the project and potential impacts to those property owners. 2. The meetings will be set up by the CONSULTANT and will occur between Preliminary Design and 60% Design phase. 6.2.2. Final Owner Contact Meetings— DEA and HDR The CONSULTANT along with the CITY will participate in Owner Contact Meetings. The CONSULTANT Team will provide plans prepared under other tasks to support this effort. The purpose of the Final Owner Contact meetings is to explain how design elements that affect the property owners that were discussed at the initial meeting were incorporated into the design. The draft right-of-way plans will also be brought to this meeting so that the Design Team can discuss right-of-way impacts of the project on the property owners. ASSUMPTIONS 1. One staff member from DEA and one staff member from HDR(ROW PM)will participate in the final contact meeting with up to 12 landowners accompanied by CITY staff to discuss the project with impacted property owners. 2. Since these meetings will prepare property owners for future right-of-way negotiation meetings, an appropriate right-of-way agent will also participate in the meetings as approved by WSDOT. 3. The meetings will be set up by DEA and will occur between 60% Design and 100% Design phases. DELIVERABLES 1. Notes from initial owner contact meetings (One (1) in-person meeting with up to 12 direct property owners) 2. Notes from Final owner contact meetings (One (1) in-person meeting with up to 12 direct property owners) CITY RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Attending all owner contact meetings City of Spokane Valley Page 18 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation—Phase II Scope of Services—Exhibit B TASK 7 NEPA COMPLIANCE -WIDENER FHWA and WSDOT approved a NEPA Categorical Exclusion (CE) for the entire suite of Bridging the Valley (BTV) projects in 2006, which included the Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation project. Environmental tasks included in this scope are focused on maintaining NEPA-compliance and developing a stand-alone NEPA document for the N. Barker Road/BNSF Railway Grade Separation Project. Widener and Associates (Widener) is a subconsultant to DEA and will provide all NEPA and SEPA planning work in the tasks below unless stated otherwise. 7.1 Design Assistance and Early Agency Coordination Early input into the formation of project components related to the alternative advanced for design will be provided to ensure pertinent components include provisions to minimize impacts to the surrounding environment. This coordination within the various design elements of the project will identify and incorporate minimization measures early in the design development phase of the project and will ensure that an appropriate range of solutions are developed prior to the agency coordination. Widener will assist the CITY in presenting the design component being evaluated to both the state and federal permitting agencies to identify the regulatory issues associated with one. Potential minimization measures for each design component being evaluated will also be identified during the coordination with agency representatives. Permitting issues and the recommended permitting process for design component being evaluated will be documented. ASSUMPTIONS 1. This effort will be accomplished with the graphics and design drawings required to complete reports and to conduct the open houses and that no other special presentation materials are required. 2. Widener will prepare meeting minutes and memoranda documenting the coordination activities with state and federal agencies, as required. 7.2 Section 106 Report(Cultural and Historic Resources) This work includes the preparation of the Section 106 report in accordance with the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) standards and guidelines. The work will include the subtasks included below. • Review pertinent literature on the archaeology, ethnography, and history of the project area to determine the existence of archaeological sites and to refine the probability of archaeological resources and traditional cultural places in the project areas. • Maintain contact with the local tribes for any information on historic Indian use of the project area. • Conduct a systematic field reconnaissance to identify previously recorded and/or unrecorded archaeological sites for the proposed project where ground- City of Spokane Valley Page 19 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation—Phase ll Scope of Services—Exhibit B disturbing activities are expected to take place. Field reconnaissance will consist of the traverse of pedestrian transects at varying intervals, depending on terrain throughout the proposed project area. Shovel probes (digging a hole with a shovel) will be excavated, as deep as feasible, and in areas expected to have a high probability for cultural resources. Shovel probes will be augmented through auger probes to explore the deepest possible deposits. Shovel probes will be screened in highly probable areas and in soil matrixes too dense to identify small chipping debris. • Documentation of all new sites will include mapping, photographing, and recording on Washington State Archeological Inventory forms and submitting to the state Office of Archeological and Historic Preservation (OAHP)for Smithsonian numbers. Every effort will be made to include Tribal cultural resources personnel in assisting the field effort. • Prepare Draft and Final Section 106 Report describing cultural resources identified in the project area to meet state and federal standards for reporting as outlined in the guidelines provided by the OAHP. The report will include summary background information appropriate to a cultural resources assessment of the project area, including environment, previous cultural resources studies, ethnography/ethno history, and history. A discussion of agency and Tribal consultation, methodology, the results of the investigation, and a map of located archaeological sites will be provided. Recommendations will also be extended to any cultural resources that may be significant. Monitoring of construction excavation recommendations may also be included. The historic structures inventory form and/or archaeological site inventory form will be attached to the report as an appendix. ASSUMPTIONS 1. No historical structures are anticipated and an historical survey will not need to be performed. 2. Rights-of-entry will be provided by the City and coordinated by DEA. DELIVERABLES 1. Draft Section 106 Report(PDF) 2. Revised draft Section 106 report incorporating CITY comments (PDF). 3. Final Section 106 report incorporating WSDOT comments (Three hard copies and one PDF) City of Spokane Valley Page 20 Barker RoadBNSF Grade Separation—Phase II Scope of Services—Exhibit B 7.3 Noise Study The purpose of the Traffic Noise Report is to evaluate traffic noise levels at sensitive receptors near the project that would be potentially affected by traffic noise and to identify potential mitigation measures. The Traffic Noise Report will be developed in accordance with the WSDOT Environmental Procedures Manual. 7.3.1. Sound Level Measurements After review of the proposed project alternatives Widener will visit the project area to identify potentially sensitive noise receivers and to take measurements of existing sound levels. The Consultant will measure existing noise levels during the peak hours to be used in calibrating the noise model. Measurements will be undertaken in accordance with WSDOT and FHWA guidelines and will be made with a Type 1 sound level meter. During these measurements, sources of existing noise and topographical features will be noted, and traffic speeds and vehicle numbers and mix will be noted. 7.3.2. Construction Noise Impact Evaluation The noise analysis will evaluate potential short-term impacts of noise from construction activities. Construction noise on nearby sensitive receptors will be evaluated based on estimates published by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of maximum noise levels of typical construction equipment in conjunction with simple distance attenuation. Computer modeling of construction noise levels will not be performed. 7.3.3. Traffic Noise Impact Evaluation The Consultant will evaluate traffic noise impacts using the FHWA Traffic Noise Model (TNM) to estimate future traffic noise levels for the alternative being advanced to design. The noise modeling will predict PM peak-hour Leq noise levels from traffic at a maximum of fifteen (15) receptor locations that could be affected by the proposed project and will consider existing conditions and design year conditions. Modeling to calculate noise contour lines is not included. 7.3.4. Mitigation Analysis The Consultant will identify mitigation measures to reduce noise levels during construction. If predicted long-term traffic noise levels from operation of the project would cause noise impacts, mitigation measures will be developed in cooperation with the lead agency and design engineers. Mitigation analysis, if required, will include evaluation of the effectiveness and general size and location of natural and man-made noise barriers using the TNM model. DELIVERABLES 1. Draft Traffic Noise Analysis Report for review by CITY with accompanying draft special provisions if required (PDF) 2. Draft Traffic Noise Analysis Report, incorporating the CITY's comments, for submittal to WSDOT/FHWA(PDF) 3. Revised draft Traffic Noise Analysis Report, incorporating comments by WSDOT/FHWA, for submittal for approval (three hard copies and PDF) City of Spokane Valley Page 21 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation—Phase II Scope of Services—Exhibit B 7.4 Land Use Assessment Widener will perform the following services to complete the land use evaluation: • Evaluate existing land uses along both sides of the project corridor. Direct and indirect impacts resulting from road improvements under the proposed widening will be evaluated. Existing and proposed land uses and current zoning in the project area will be identified. Generally, this includes a site visit to the project area to verify existing land uses, and written analysis of potential project impacts and mitigation measures. This includes impacts related to residential or business displacements or relocations, access disruptions, and right-of-way needs. Coordination with the CITY and adjacent jurisdictions in identifying future (proposed) land uses in or near the project area will be needed. A zoning map and/or existing land use map shall be prepared. • Review local plans and policies to determine the proposed project's • consistency with comprehensive plan, zoning ordinance, sensitive areas ordinance, and other relevant regulations. This requires coordination with the City of Spokane Valley and Spokane County to identify appropriate plans and policies to be analyzed. This analysis may be summarized within the Land Use discussion under separate heading of"Relationship to Plans and Policies." DELIVERABLES 1. Draft Land Use documentation (PDF) 2. Final Land Use documentation will be provided incorporating City comments (PDF) 3. Final land use documentation will be provided incorporating WSDOT/FHWA comments if required (PDF). It is assumed that WSDOT/FHWA comments will not alter the basic conclusion of the documentation or require further alternative studies. 7.5 Environmental Justice Survey Widener will perform the following services to complete an environmental justice (EJ) analysis: • Collect demographic data for the project area using local data sources and the US Census Data. • Identify any environmental justice populations in the area (minority or low-income populations). • Review public outreach activities to ensure potential EJ populations are offered an opportunity to participate in project planning and decision-making. • Identify any potential disproportionate effects to EJ populations from project activities and identifying how impacts could not be avoided or minimized and what mitigation measures could be implemented. City of Spokane Valley Page 22 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation—Phase ll Scope of Services—Exhibit B DELIVERABLES 1. draft EJ documentation (PDF) 2. Final EJ documentation will be provided incorporating CITY comments (PDF). 3. Final EJ documentation will be provided incorporating WSDOT/FHWA comments if required (PDF). It is assumed that WSDOT/FHWA comments will not alter the basic conclusion of the documentation or require further alternative studies. 7.6 Hazardous Materials Memorandum A Hazardous Materials Memo will be prepared to evaluate the presence, or likely presence, of potential hazardous substances within the physical limits of the project that would have an effect on the overcrossing project. Sites with potential for environmental issues/impacts include those that indicate current or past uses as service stations, battery shops, dry cleaners, chemical storage, or manufacturing facilities; sites with fuel or chemical storage tanks or drums present; or those with strong pungent or noxious odors. The scope of services for this study will include: • A review of the results of a federal, state, and local environmental database search provided by an outside environmental data service for listings of known or suspected environmental problems at the sites or nearby properties within the search distances specified by WSDOT. • A review of historical aerial photographs, fire insurance maps, city directories, chain-of-title reports, and tax assessor records, as available and appropriate, to identify past development history on the parcels relative to the possible use, generation, storage, release, or disposal of hazardous substances. An attempt to identify uses of the sites from the present to the time that records show no apparent development of the site, or to 1940, whichever is earlier. • Conduct a visual reconnaissance of the parcels and adjacent properties to identify visible evidence of potential sources of contamination. • A letter report that will summarize the results of this study. The letter report will briefly discuss the project activities and include a table ranking the parcels (low, moderate, high) by their potential for contamination from either on-site or off-site sources. A draft letter report will be provided for review and comment. Upon receiving comments, the letter will be modified as appropriate and made final. DELIVERABLES 1. draft Hazardous Materials Memorandum (PDF) 2. Hazardous Material Memorandum will be provided incorporating City comments (PDF) 3. Final Hazardous Material Memorandum will be provided incorporating WSDOT/FHWA comments if required (PDF). It is assumed that WSDOT/FHWA comments will not alter the basic conclusion of the documentation or require further alternative studies. 7.7 NEPA DCE A NEPA Documented Categorical Exclusion Documentation Form (CED)with supporting documentation will be prepared, as required by WSDOT for projects that City of Spokane Valley Page 23 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation—Phase Il Scope of Services—Exhibit B receive federal funding through WSDOT (Environmental Procedures Manual, Section 300.04). The CED will include the recommended NEPA determination (assumed to be a Class II, Documented Categorical Exclusion). ASSUMPTIONS 1. The project will be determined to be a Class II Documented Categorical Exclusion (DCE) and neither a NEPA Environmental Impact Statement nor an Environmental Assessment will be required. DELIVERABLES 1. Draft CED Form (PDF) 2. Final CED Form will be provided incorporating County comments (PDF) 3. Final CED Form incorporating WSDOT/FHWA comments if required (PDF). It is assumed that WSDOT/FHWA comments will not alter the basic conclusion of the documentation or require further alternative studies. 7.8 SEPA This work includes completing appropriate documentation including all needed studies, modeling, and analysis in accordance with State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) and SEPA Rules. This work includes coordinating with the CITY and DEA to address comments on the SEPA Checklist and provide support for the SEPA process. DELIVERABLES 1. Draft SEPA Checklist(MS Word) 2. Final SEPA Checklist(MS Word) TASK 8 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYING AND BASEMAPPING - DEA All work described below will be completed by DEA unless specified otherwise. 8.1 Develop Control Network 8.1.1. Property Owner Notification Letters DEA will create right-of-entry letters that will be approved by the CITY and mailed out in advance of any field work to adjacent land owners within the project limits. ASSUMPTIONS 1. Written permission (as opposed to notifying the property owner of intended access) to access private property(including BNSF and WSDOT right-of-way will be obtained by the CONSULTANT team with assistance from the CITY. 8.1.2. Control Network Planning, Research, and Office Preparation DEA will develop a control network plan before performing any field work per WSDOT standards (Section 13-03 of Highway Surveying Manual). Meetings will be held with the survey team and project manager. Following these meetings, a control plan will be developed. The project surveyor will research CITY, previous project control, FEMA Benchmarks, NGS datasheets and WSDOT records to determine the City of Spokane Valley Page 24 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation—Phase II Scope of Services—Exhibit B availability of existing control in the project area. The project surveyor will then conduct a meeting with the party chief to develop a plan to recover necessary existing control. 8.1.3. Development of GPS Control Network DEA will utilize Static GPS surveying and continuously operating Washington High- Precision Geodetic Network (HPGN) stations in post processing methods to establish a primary control network throughout the project corridor. DEA will carefully develop a localized projection so that ground distances are maintained throughout the project. WSDOT standard vertical and horizontal datum, NAD83 2011 and NAVD88 Geoid 12B will be utilized. Control coordinates will be reported in Washington State Plane North Zone and a conversion factor will be provided for future translations. Distances will be reported in ground distances. Primary control points will be used to develop the overall static control network placed within the project limits, previously defined, +1- 1000 foot intervals through the entire project site. These points will be monumented with aluminum caps and set in concrete and stamped with corresponding control point number. Up to eight (8) points are anticipated and will be set in locations beyond the anticipated disturbance area to the extent feasible. 8.1.4. Vertical Control DEA will establish vertical elevations from a local NGS Monument with a published NAVD88 elevation on multiple monuments throughout the project corridor using digital levels on horizontal control monuments established during the GPS Control Network effort(previous task) and project this elevation across the previously established control network. 8.1.5. Control Diagram DEA will develop a control diagram per WSDOT standards (Chapter 13-06.1). Included, but not limited to, in this control diagram as specified in Chapter 13-06.01, are established horizontal and vertical monument locations, HPGN stations used to establish horizontal project control, a coordinate list in state plane and local datum, and descriptions of each established control point. The project Control Diagram will also be used in the Project Control Report. ASSUMPTIONS 1. DEA will create a local datum plane for this project which will keep project measurements nearest ground distances using one combined scale factor that will be referenced to the Washington State Plane Coordinate System, North Zone, NAD 83 horizontal datum and NAVD 88 vertical datum. 2. DEA will search for and make ties on at least two nearest, and any other NGS published monuments within the project limits to verify vertical and horizontal accuracies are attained. 3. DEA will set or utilize existing monumentation on up to eight (8) points throughout the site for establishing primary control. DELIVERABLES 1. A control diagram and a project control report per WSDOT standards. City of Spokane Valley Page 25 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation—Phase II Scope of Services—Exhibit B 8.2 Topographic Survey& Mapping Barker Road Survey Limits ir eISN Privatee Road . a a Flora Road Survey Limits • 3 ., a wr .. rpt . > : •` K. h 290 ' ,.,,., .�»�•-�,�"' '..:.-.« • C , ,,aTrent AveISH , ;4 8.2.1. Topographic Surveying DEA will perform the topographic surveying for the project as shown in the images above. This will include approximately 5,300 linear feet of State Route 290 (Trent Avenue) at N. Barker Road, 1,800 linear feet of N Barker Road, 2,300 linear feet of E Wellesley Avenue, 600 linear feet of N Flora Road and 1,000 linear feet along Private Road (connection to Barker). The mapping will encompass the area shown in the survey limit exhibits, utilizing conventional surveying methodology in some locations, while deploying small Unmanned City of Spokane Valley Page 26 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation—Phase II Scope of Services—Exhibit B Aerial System (sUAS) technology on others. Any positional differences between data sets will be vetted and confirmed through quality control checks throughout the processing and map development as well as independent checks taken with conventional equipment within the limits of the project. • Conventional Survey Methodology- DEA will utilize conventional GPS-RTK surveying methodology to make one (1) cross section at each tie-in location, extending 25 feet beyond each edge of pavement at the locations where the design will tie back into existing roadways. Utility information will be collected with conventional methods for areas as specified under the utility section below. DEA will coordinate rail protection through BNSF in order to collect sufficient and accurate data with conventional surveying methods as specified under railroad collection section below on the rail and associated drainage courses. For conventional survey data, accuracies will be +/- 0.15'. • Small Unmanned Aerial System (sUAS) Methodology— DEA will utilize the benefits of photogrammetry from a sUAS to efficiently and safely collect the remaining field data, including surface features such as pavement and gravel edges, drainage courses, culverts, fences, curbs, guardrail, signs, sidewalks, buildings, and tree limits. The mapping based on sUAS data will be no greater than +/- 0.5 foot and the surface will only include breaklines for edge of pavement. For areas collected with sUAS, additional topographic or breakline features will not be included in this scope or estimate. To obtain imagery of the site to be used to develop photogrammetry derived ground points the field survey will be performed using a multi-rotor unmanned aircraft using photogrammetric equipment and structure from motion (SfM) processing methodology. This will be an oblique collect limited to 120m AGL (Above Ground Level). Passes will be collected relative to the wind conditions of the day at 30- 120m AGL. GSD is estimated to be 1.5-4cm/pixel at 400' AGL. ASSUMPTIONS 1. Scope items will be shown to the extent allowable by the resultant data captured by the sUAS. 2. sUAS operations will be conducted within Visual Line of Sight (VLOS) of the Pilot In Command (PIC) and/or visual observer(s) (VOs). 3. sUAS operations will be limited to a maximum altitude of 400' above ground level (AGL). 4. sUAS operations will be performed under the oversight of a FAA certified Part 107 remote pilot. 5. DEA has insurance covering sUAS operations. 6. sUAS operations will be performed during daylight hours (30 minutes before sunrise and 30 minutes after official sunset, local time, with appropriate anti- collision lighting). 7. DEA will not operate over any persons not directly participating in or aware of the operation, who is not under a covered structure, and not inside a non-moving covered vehicle. City of Spokane Valley Page 27 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation—Phase II Scope of Services—Exhibit B 8. DEA will report an accident to the FAA within 10 days if the sUAS operation results in serious property damage. 9. DEA will not operate if visibility becomes too limiting. Under 14 CFR Part 107, a three-mile minimum visibility is required from the remote pilot and crew at or near the ground station to the aircraft at all times. 10. DEA will not operate if wind becomes too strong to operate safely. Typically, this threshold is when sustained winds exceed 20-25 mph but varies with site conditions, visibility and other considerations. 11. sUAS operations are subject to acceptable late AM early PM sunlight windows. 12. DEA will check for temporary flight restrictions (TFR's) and any Notice to Airman (NOTAM's) affecting the flight the morning of operation. If required, DEA will file a NOTAM for this project's operation. 13. DEA assumes the site will accommodate the placing of discrete permanent survey marks, temporary aerial targets and have appropriate areas for vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) locations for the sUAS. VTOL locations will be within the CLIENT's project site unless arrangements are made with the impacted or adjacent landowners. 14. DEA requires all participants in the operation wear personal protection equipment (PPE) when in close proximity to the VTOL area, regardless of project site PPE requirements. PPE is not required by the sUAS operation when outside this area, however this waiver of PPE would be still subject to the site occupancy safety requirements (i.e. active construction, etc). 15. DEA will conduct an onsite safety meeting prior to the mobilization of the sUAS. DEA requires all participants of the operation to be present at this meeting to understand identified site hazards and assigned role requirements. 16. DEA will conduct the operation per our Flight Operations Manual and the Site Safety Plan specifically written for this effort. 17. sUAS will bear the appropriate aircraft marking required by the FAA during this operation. 18. DEA assumes they will not need a permit from WSDOT or the CITY to perform this survey to support this project. 8.2.2. Supplemental Topographic Surveying DEA will provide supplemental topographic surveying when needs arise during the design process. This may be adding on to existing topographic information, providing topographic information for additional surface features, etc. ASSUMPTION 1. It is assumed that time for one (1) day of a two-man crew and one day of a survey office technician will be necessary for Supplemental Topographic surveying. 2. DEA will locate the current Highland Estates sewer service and display its manholes and pipe locations on the topographic survey (along with manhole City of Spokane Valley Page 28 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation—Phase 11 Scope of Services—Exhibit B dips). 8.2.3. Railroad Survey and Coordination As part of the field topographic survey DEA will require access to an approximately 2,000 linear foot section of railroad near the N Barker Road and BNSF railroad intersection for a top of rail survey. DEA will coordinate schedules with BNSF. Railroad varying peak traffic times throughout the day can significantly impact survey production. This will also include the effort necessary to collect the top of rail topographic information (the top of each rail will be shot during the survey(left and right) along with approximately 1,000 feet of the south siding track east of N Barker Road). ASSUMPTIONS 1. A BNSF-approved flagger or lookout will be scheduled during DEA topographic surveying activities within the BNSF right of way. 2. DEA will be responsible for BNSF flagging costs. 8.2.4. Utilities Utility locations will be based on above ground evidence and as located by the utility purveyor. One Call Underground Locates will be called prior to the execution of the field work. It is assumed that the utility providers will mark their lines within the project area and that these lines can be recovered by DEA survey crews. DEA will also subcontract with Utilities Plus, a private locator, to attempt additional searches to recover additional utilities inside and outside the public right-of-way. These lines will be shown on the topographic map and identified. DEA will only obtain survey point data on the paint marks provided by the public one-call locator service and the private locates provided by Utilities Plus. DEA will obtain rim elevations and dip manholes in the project area to determine pipe inverts. ASSUMPTIONS 1. Up to six(6) manholes will be evaluated for elevation measure-downs. 8.2.5. Process RTK GPS and linework DEA will process RTK GPS from the primary control network and perform quality control and assurance checks on RTK data. DEA will process mapping data and prepare data to be imported into MicroStation/Inroads. DEA will process GPS linework to WSDOT standards using MicroStation/Inroads. Quality checks will be performed on the linework for accuracy and conformance to WSDOT standards. 8.2.6. Feature extraction DEA will extract from the UAV Photogrammetry point cloud additional features from the areas defined above including ONLY paint stripping, buildings, edge of pavement, and edge of roads. ASSUMPTIONS 1. Sign information will be placed in the base map on a level that can be turned City of Spokane Valley Page 29 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation—Phase II Scope of Services—Exhibit B off 2. Finished floor elevations and building footprints will be obtained for nearby buildings, including those recently or currently under construction 8.2.7. Basemapping DEA will compile acquired mapping data and developed in the preceding tasks into a topographic map. The topographic map will be developed in MicroStation© in accordance with the WSDOT standards. One foot contours will be developed as needed for design plans from the mapping data. In addition, DEA will obtain the Google imagery for the project area for inclusion in the project base map. The CITY may have access to more recent higher resolution mapping and may provide it to DEA for use in the mapping product if available. The following scope of work will be accomplished for this task: • Develop an electronic base map in MicroStation©. • Obtain Google imagery and incorporate into base map. ASSUMPTIONS 1. Limits of mapping area as described above. DELIVERABLES 1. Topographic field measurements of project area 8.3 Boundary/Right-of-Way Surveying 8.3.1. Research DEA will develop names and parcel information and order up to 12 title reports. DEA will research and analyze the following to determine the locations of the existing City, Spokane County, WSDOT and BNSF railroad rights of way boundaries within the project limits: • Transfer Deeds • Right-of-Way Plans • Records of Survey • Subdivision plats • Unrecorded maps • Land Corner Records • Railroad Right-of-Way • Deeds of Record • Title Reports DEA will consult with the CITY regarding any determined gaps and overlaps on the right-of-way. Research will be sufficient enough to re-establish the right-of- way of BNSF, N Barker Road, SR 290, E Wellesley Avenue, along N Flora Avenue, along the project corridor and up to 12 adjacent parcel boundary sidelines. City of Spokane Valley Page 30 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation—Phase II • Scope of Services—Exhibit B ASSUMPTIONS 1. DEA will provide up to 12 title reports. 8.3.2. Field Survey DEA will travel to the project site and search for and make field ties on right-of- way monuments within the project corridor along the BNSF right-of-way, SR 290, and the other roadways listed above. DEA will also make field ties on adjacent monumentation used to define the Public Land Survey System (PLSS) and significant monuments that are shown by record to exist along the right-of-way and boundary, (i.e. subdivision corners)to verify harmony along the boundary and identify if any conflicts exist. The intent of this field survey will be to identify field evidence sufficient enough to determine the right-of-way of BNSF, N Barker Road, E Wellesley Avenue, and N Flora Avenue along the project corridor and up to 12 adjacent parcel boundary sidelines. 8.3.3. Develop Right-of-Way Determination DEA will perform a preliminary determination of the researched documents to calculate and prepare search coordinates and maps for the right-of-way field survey. After the field survey and existing monuments are located and tied in the field, a final boundary determination of the right-of-way and centerline alignment of BNSF, N Barker Road, SR 290, E Wellesley Ave/SR 290 eastbound ramp, N Flora Avenue and Private Road will be performed by careful analysis of the researched documents and their relation to the monuments recovered in the field. In addition, up to 12 adjacent parcel boundary sidelines will be determined. 8.3.4. Prepare and File Retracement Record of Survey (10 sheets) DEA will prepare, set missing monuments and file a retracement Record of Survey with initial findings and existing boundary calculations and determinations for existing right-of-way and property lines. The Record of Survey will be reviewed by the CITY before filing with Spokane County. 8.3.5. Set Monuments for Retracement Survey DEA will set up to ten (10) missing and required monumentation used to calculate and create a determination on the existing right-of-way within the project site area. ASSUMPTIONS 1. It is assumed that right-of-way monuments will be set and a record of survey will be filed for right-of-way establishment following the retracement survey prior to finalizing right-of-way plans and legal descriptions. Up to ten (10) monuments will be set. 8.4 Final Basemapping DEA will import the right-of-way lines, parcel sidelines, centerline alignments, and tied monuments into the project's existing basemapping. ASSUMPTIONS 1. DEA will incorporate the above stated features and elements into the base map. City of Spokane Valley Page 31 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation—Phase II Scope of Services—Exhibit B DELIVERABLES 1. MicroStation DGN and CiviI3D 2018 AutoCAD DWG file (of the DGN reference files)with the completed base map with 1-foot contour mapping, a DTM, tied monumentation, and boundary linework for design purposes. TASK 9 BNSF COORDINATION AND SUBMITTALS — DEA & HDR The CONSULTANT will prepare submittals for BNSF Railway review in accordance with 'Section 5 Overhead Structures of the Union Pacific Railroad - BNSF Railway Guidelines for Railroad Grade Separation Projects'. These submittals will utilize the bridge plans developed under the preliminary and final design tasks and modify them as needed to meet the BNSF submittal requirements. This work will be performed by DEA and HDR staff. ASSUMPTIONS 1. BNSF Temporary Occupancy Application and approval was submitted and granted under the Phase I Design Contract. 9.1 BNSF Design Phase A Package (Concept Railroad Submittal)— DEA& HDR The CONSULTANT will prepare the Concept Plans and Site Pictures in accordance with Table 3-1 of the 'Guidelines for Railroad Grade Separation Projects'. DEA and HDR will conduct a one-day meeting and site visit with BNSF, CITY, WSDOT, and WUTC representatives. The concept will be submitted to BNSF for review. This meeting will also include displays and a discussion about any proposed design exceptions that the CONSULTANT team is proposing as part of the design package. This task includes HDR communication with BNSF to facilitate a meaningful and timely review and acceptance of the Design Phase A Package. ASSUMPTIONS 1. DEA will compile the BNSF Design Phase A Package. 2. Two (2) DEA staff(PM and Bridge Lead) and two (2) HDR staff(Transportation Lead and BNSF Coordination Lead) will attend the meeting; assume up to 2 hours duration. 3. The office portion of themeeting will be held at the CITY's office. 4. The CITY PM will attend the meeting. DELIVERABLES 1. Draft and Final BNSF Railway Design Phase A Package (Concept Railroad Submittal) - PDF 9.2 BNSF Design Phase B Package (30% Railroad Submittal)—DEA& HDR The following items will be developed for the 30% submittal: 9.2.1. Bridge Plans—DEA & HDR • DEA will prepare the 30% submittal bridge plans and will include responses to BNSF review comments from the concept submittal. The 30% Bridge Plans will show Plan View, Elevation View, and Typical City of Spokane Valley Page 32 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation—Phase II Scope of Services—Exhibit B Sections and the CONSULTANT's response to BNSF's comments on the Concept Railroad Submittal. Construction Phasing Plans and anticipated construction methods will also be included. Plans will depict top of rail profile for 1,000 feet from the bridge each direction. The plans will include General Bridge Notes, a summary of bridge design criteria, and Crossing Exhibit for crossings that will be closed. This submittal package will also include related Specifications and railroad coordination requirements in draft form. • HDR will review BNSF submittal requirements for the 30% Railroad Submittal Package for Bridge Plans at the start of this subtask. 9.2.2. Hydraulics Summary - HDR The 30% Railroad Submittal will include a Hydraulics Summary Report for culverts and drainage as it relates to the railroad. The report will document the existing and proposed drainage conditions to show existing drainage patterns are maintained. 9.2.3. Railroad Profile Grade Diagrams— DEA& HDR • DEA will prepare Railroad Profile Grade Track Diagrams for submittal with the 30% Design Package. • HDR will review BNSF submittal requirements for the 30% Railroad Submittal Package regarding Railroad Profile Grade Diagrams at the start of this subtask. 9.2.4. Quality Control—DEA & HDR • DEA will develop the majority of the 30% Railroad Submittal Package as discussed above. • HDR will provide a quality control review along with comments on the package that will be addressed by DEA prior to submittal to BNSF. • DEA will review those portions as detailed above developed by HDR. • HDR will review the entire submittal package. DELIVERABLES 1. Draft and Final BNSF Railway Design Phase B Package (30% Submittal Package) - PDF 9.3 BNSF Design Phase C Package (100% Railroad Submittal)— DEA& HDR The 100% submittal will be prepared and submitted to BNSF for review and approval, and will include responses to BNSF review comments from the 30% submittal. 9.3.1. Bridge Plans—DEA & HDR • DEA will revise the bridge plans to reflect the 30% design review comments. City of Spokane Valley Page 33 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation—Phase II Scope of Services—Exhibit B • DEA will finalize the railroad special provisions and railroad coordination requirements. • DEA will prepare 100% Bridge Plans which include Plan View, Elevation View, and Typical Sections. Finalized Construction Phasing Plans and anticipated construction methods along with the other sheets from the 30% submittal will be included. • DEA will prepare the 100% Specifications. • HDR will review BNSF submittal requirements for the 100% Railroad Submittal Package regarding Bridge Plans at the start of this subtask. 9.3.2. Railroad Profile Grade Diagrams—DEA& HDR • DEA will finalize the Railroad Profile Grade Track Diagrams as part of the 100% Design Package. The package will also include responses to BNSF review comments on the 30% submittal. • HDR will review BNSF submittal requirements for the 100% Railroad Submittal Package regarding Railroad Profile Grade Diagrams at the start of this subtask. 9.3.3. Final Hydraulics Summary Report—HDR The 100% Railroad Submittal will include a Final Hydraulics Summary Report for culverts and drainage as it relates to the railroad. It will also include responses to BNSF review comments on the 30% submittal. 9.3.4. Quality Control—DEA& HDR • DEA will develop the 100% Railroad Submittal Package as discussed above. • HDR will provide a quality control review along with comments on the package that will be addressed by DEA prior to submittal to BNSF. • DEA will review those portions as detailed above developed by HDR. • HDR will review the entire submittal package. DELIVERABLES 1. Draft and Final BNSF Railway Design Phase C Package (100% Railroad Submittal)- PDF 9.4 Railroad Agreement—DEA& HDR HDR will assist in the development of the railroad agreement between the CITY and BNSF for this Project. This task includes facilitating three meetings (DEA and HDR staff to participate) between the CITY, WSDOT, WUTC, and BNSF in addition to the meeting noted above at the concept stage. HDR will write the draft agreement, submit the draft agreement to the CITY, and make revisions based on input from the CITY. DEA will assist HDR in preparing the figures to accompany the Agreement. City of Spokane Valley Page 34 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation—Phase II Scope of Services—Exhibit B ASSUMPTIONS: 1. DEA and HDR staff will attend up to three (3) BNSF coordination meetings; each lasting two (hours), with two (2) DEA staff(PM and Bridge Lead) and two (2) HDR staff(Transportation Lead and BNSF Coordination Lead) attending the meetings. 2. Shoofly and track design will not be required. 3. WSDOT standard specifications will be used as the template for the railroad special provisions. 4. BNSF does not require an agreement with CITY or payment to go through the Preliminary Engineering Agreement process (Phase A, B, and C Design Packages).The exception would be if BNSF needs to hire a 3rd party structural review which is not anticipated or included in this agreement. 5. BNSF will provide timely approval of the Railroad Construction Maintenance Agreement. Otherwise additional contract time, scope of work and fees may be required. 6. Final Railroad Agreement to be prepared by BNSF and CITY. DELIVERABLES 1. Draft Railroad Agreement- PDF TASK 10 PRELIMINARY BRIDGE PLANS - DEA DEA will advance the preferred bridge type identified in Alternative 5 of the Phase I Alternatives Report, for the BNSF bridge, to the 30% design level. This plan set will be used for the BNSF Phase B Submittal Package. A conceptual level construction cost estimate will be prepared. ASSUMPTIONS 1. One three-span bridge carrying Barker Rd. over BNSF will be included. 2. No retaining walls are required for the project; cut and fill slopes are utilized. Design of retaining walls is considered Extra Work. 3. Bridge Sheets Include Bridge Layout, Construction Openings and Geometric Data and Bridge Typical Section; plans will be 11"x17" plan sheets. 4. Bridge 30% Cost Estimate will be based on cost per square foot of structure per the WSDOT Bridge Design Manual. DELIVERABLES 1. 30% Bridge Cost Estimate- MS Excel and PDF 2. 30% Bridge Plans— 11"x17" PDF TASK 11 INTERSECTION CONTROL ANALYSIS — HDR & DEA This work includes updating and finalizing the Intersection Control Analysis (ICA) report for submittal to WSDOT for approval of the preferred intersection control method. The ICA will follow the guidelines of Section 1300.05(1) Intersection Control Analysis of the WSDOT Design Manual. City of Spokane Valley Page 35 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation—Phase ll Scope of Services—Exhibit B 11.1 WSDOT Peer Review Meeting—DEA& HDR HDR, DEA, and the CITY's traffic engineering consultant will meet with CITY and WSDOT representatives to discuss the 2D layout of the roundabout (geometric review) to gather feedback and recommendations on the design. As part of this meeting, the Design Team will determine what is necessary to complete the roundabout Channelization Plan. ASSUMPTIONS 1. Prior to the Peer Review Meeting, the CITY's Traffic Engineering Consultant will prepare a weaving analysis of SR-290 from the roundabout to the east. 11.2 Final ICA—HDR & DEA HDR will prepare the Final ICA and update previous traffic analysis work completed in Phase I. This work includes the following: • Roundabout performance checks (including speed curves and speed differentials, sight distance triangles, and truck turning movements) • Conducting AutoTurn vehicle swept path analysis through the project area • Incorporating intersection design plan(s) • Incorporating cost estimates • Developing benefit/cost analysis • Preparing a Draft and Final ICA Report DEA will provide quality control review of the deliverables prior to submittal. ASSUMPTIONS 1. The CITY's Traffic Engineering Consultant will perform all the traffic analysis portion of the ICA including but not limited to: traffic volumes, Synchro and Sidra analysis, the no-action scenario, add opening year analysis, design year analysis, Safety analysis, speed consistency along SR 290, and speed data results. 2. One revision will be performed after WSDOT and CITY review. DELIVERABLES 1. Draft ICA Report- PDF 2. Final ICA Report- PDF TASK 12 60% DESIGN — DEA & HDR The following tasks will be accomplished in preparing the 60% Design Documents. The sheet count for this task is included in the table at the end of this section (11"x17" sheets will be used). As part of this task, the following discipline submittals will be reviewed by WSDOT Eastern Region prior to completing this design phase: • Intersection Plans • Channelization Plans • Roundabout Geometric Design (per Chapter 1320 of the WSDOT Design Manual) City of Spokane Valley Page 36 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation—Phase II Scope of Services—Exhibit B • Hydraulic Report • Illumination Plans 12.1 Title and IndexNicinity Map—DEA DEA will develop an Index/Vicinity Map showing the project location and a list of sheets included in the 60% design plans. This will also include pertinent General Notes, Legends, and appropriate abbreviations. 12.2 Roadway Typical Sections - HDR HDR will prepare typical sections for the project with two typical sections on each sheet. The Design Typical Sections will be adjusted as necessary for this task. Roadway typical sections are estimated as follows: • Four for SR 290- One for existing SR 290 at the westerly tie in, one for proposed SR 290 west of its intersection with Barker, one of SR east of its intersection with Barker, and one at the existing SR 290 easterly tie in. • Three for Wellesley Avenue—One west of the intersection, one after the EB Ramp, and one at the easterly tie in • Two for the EB SR 290 Ramp • Three for Barker Road—one for existing Barker Road, one of proposed Barker with turn lanes, one of proposed Barker without turn lanes • One for the Flora Road cul-de-sac • One for the Private Road connection to Barker Road • Two more for other miscellaneous roads as necessary ASSUMPTIONS 1. Intersections will be Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA); PCC Pavement intersections will not be included in the design. 12.3 Intersection/Channelization Plan Coordination—HDR& DEA HDR will prepare Channelization Plans for submittal to WSDOT for approval under task 11.4. This task is for coordination between the CONSULTANT and WSDOT. Prior to the first submittal and review, HDR and DEA will attend one 2-hour meeting with WSDOT to discuss the channelization plans. HDR will provide a PDF copy of the Draft Channelization Plans for review and comment by WSDOT. For budgeting purposes, it is assumed that WSDOT will review the Channelization Plans up to three times and WSDOT will provide one consolidated set of comments for each review into a comment resolution matrix. Upon receipt of each written set of review comments from WSDOT, HDR will finalize the previous draft Channelization Plans, incorporating the review comments where appropriate HDR will prepare a list of required design variances needed on the project. Preparation of the design variance documentation will be scoped through a separate amendment. City of Spokane Valley Page 37 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation—Phase II Scope of Services—Exhibit B ASSUMPTIONS 1. Plan sheets will be at 1" = 40'scale. 2. WSDOT will compile review comments into one comment resolution matrix document. 3. Up to three (3) submittals will be provided to WSDOT for approval. 4. Design Variance documentation is not included in this scope of work and is considered Extra Work. 5. Additional submittals and compiling review comments from multiple reviewers is not included in this scope of work and is considered Extra Work. 12.4 Roadway Alignment, Paving Plan and Profile Sheets - HDR The scope of work outlined under this task includes the following: • Development of Intersection/Channelization Plans (15 sheets to WSDOT only) • Development of Alignment Plan Sheets (6 sheets) • Development of Roadway Paving Plan and Profile Sheets (22 sheets) • Development of Intersection/Channelization Plans 12.4.1. Channelization Plan Sheets HDR will prepare Channelization Plans for submittal to WSDOT for approval. The channelization plans will be developed for SR 290, EB SR 290 Ramp and the section of E Wellesley Avenue that ties into WB SR 290, including the new vertical profiles. Plan sheets will show the level of detail outlined in WSDOT's Intersection/Channelization plan for Approval Checklist. WSDOT has authorized the CONSULTANT to develop the plans at a scale of 1"=40'. Plan sheets that show the horizontal and vertical alignment for the roadway segments outside of WSDOT ROW will be provided for information only. This scope assumes that the "information only" sheets will not include the level of detail outlined in WSDOT's Intersection/ Channelization plan for Approval Checklist. HDR will provide a PDF copy of a Draft Channelization Plans for review and comment by WSDOT. Scope for coordination with WSDOT is identified under Task 12.3. DELIVERABLES 1. Summary of required Design Variances- PDF 2. Draft Channelization plans— 11"x17" PDF 3. Final Channelization Plans—22"x34" mylars and a PDF copy of the after the final review comment cycle 4. Channelization Plan estimated as follows: City of Spokane Valley Page 38 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation—Phase II Scope of Services—Exhibit B 11411-13-111.:� r S»,'N {�y: { 7 X:7` tlB�I Xe t SR 290-HDR 2 2 EB SR 290 Ramp-HDR 2 2 E Wellesley Avenue-HDR 1 1 Detail Sheets 2 Barker Road—HDR(information 1 1 only) Typical Sections(information only) 1 TOTAL 9 6 ASSUMPTIONS 1. Plan sheets will be 1"=40' scale. 2. WSDOT will compile review comments into one comment resolution matrix document. 3. Provide up to three (3) submittals to WSDOT for approval. 4. Design Variance documentation is not included in this scope of work. 5. WSDOT-submittal Channelization Plans will not be included in the final PS&E bid Package. 12.4.2. Alignment Plan Sheets HDR will develop alignment plan sheets showing the geometric layout of the construction centerlines, including stationing, curve data and ties to survey control provided by DEA (SR 290, Barker Road, Wellesley Ave, EB SR 290 Ramp, Flora Road, and the Private Road connection to Barker Road). Alignment plan sheets will also include the geometric layout for the proposed Roundabout at the SR290/Barker Road intersection. At „ . r► SR 290-HDR 2 Barker Road-HDR 1 Wellesley Avenue-HDR 1 EB SR 290 Ramp-HDR 1 N.Flora Road-HDR 1 TOTAL 6 ASSUMPTIONS 1. Plan sheets will be 1"=100' scale. A total of 6 sheets are estimated. 2. DEA will provide the existing centerline alignments for SR 290, Barker Road, Wellesley Avenue, Flora Road at the proposed cul-de-sac location and the Private Road connection to Barker Road. City of Spokane Valley Page 39 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation—Phase II Scope of Services—Exhibit B 12.4.3. Roadway Paving Plan and Profile Sheets HDR will prepare roadway paving plan and profile sheets that will also depict drainage elements designed for the project, proposed right-of-way and easements limits, and existing utilities. Separate sheets will be generated for the paving plan and profile views rather than having plan and profile shown on the same sheet. The plan sheets used for the intersection/channelization plans (mentioned above)will be the basis for the roadway plan and profile sheets; however, new sheets will be created so the plans are produced on 11"x17" sheets at 1"=40' scale. The CONSULTANT will not develop the roadway paving plan and profile sheets until WSDOT has granted approval on the intersection/channelization plans. The CONSULTANT team will develop the proposed vertical alignment within the proposed grade separation project limits. This task also includes developing the preliminary roadway section templates required for the project in InRoads and establishing roadway cross sections. Superelevation data (shown as super- elevation diagrams on the profile sheets) will be included to meet current WSDOT and AASHTO Standards. This task also includes developing a grading model to optimize earthwork to balance as close as possible or to reduce import or export of material, providing roadside design services, and providing the level of effort to determine right-of-way need lines. DELIVERABLES 1. Roadway paving plan sheets and profile sheets estimated as follows: "741444„,;(44j-n''4 �.m- n`i�yt r ` A � d0 gip` �� !)i ,{� SR 290-HDR 4 4 Barker Road-HDR 2 2 Wellesley Avenue-HDR 2 2 EB SR 290 Ramp-HDR 2 2 N.Flora Road-HDR 1 1 TOTAL 11 11 ASSUMPTIONS 1. Plan sheets will be at 1"=40'on 11"x17" plan sheets. The Consultant will not begin work on the plan sheets until WSDOT approves the intersection/channelization plans. 2. An existing access road (within BNSF ROW) extends east from Barker Road, just south of the BNSF tracks. Maps identify this access road as N. Flora Road. Record of survey for the parcels does not identify this access road. Therefore, design of this access road to match the proposed improvements is not included in this scope of work. If the City determines that access is needed, the design will be considered Extra Work. 3. Plan sheets for side streets and local access roads will be performed under City of Spokane Valley Page 40 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation—Phase II Scope of Services—Exhibit B subsequent tasks in this scope of services. 12.5 Drainage Plans - HDR HDR will develop drainage design depicting existing and proposed drainage courses, storm sewer systems, stormwater treatment facilities, ponds, catch basins, and other facilities. Drainage facilities will be designed so their conceptual limits are established and required right-of-way needs can be factored in to project cost estimates. The final design elements and specifics of the drainage facilities will be detailed under 100% Design task. ASSUMPTION 1. Drainage facilities (other than grass swales and drywells)will be shown on stand-alone drainage sheets. Swales and drywell layouts will be shown on Paving Plans and detail sheets. 2. These sheets will include plan and profile sheets of storm sewers, culverts, and other proposed storm drain facilities 3. Since most of the drainage facilities are going to be grass swales and drywells (which are included in Drainage Detail Sheets), only six (6) Drainage Plan and Profile Sheets are anticipated.A storm sewer is anticipated for the roundabout. 12.6 Hydraulic Report— HDR& DEA HDR will prepare a drainage report in conformance with the WSDOT Hydraulic & Highway Runoff Manuals and the Spokane Regional Stormwater Manual. DEA will perform a quality control review of the draft and final report prior to submittal. ASSUMPTIONS 1. Swales with drywells will be the typical treatment and flow control method of stormwater. 2. Detention facilities are not required for the project. 3. Storm sewer may be needed to intercept runoff on the bridge and within the proposed roundabout to limit spread width. 4. Storm sewer system will not be required on EB SR 290 Ramp or the Wellesley Avenue realignment. Runoff will enter the roadside swales. No closed pipe system will be required. 5. Existing runoff from the north appears to be conveyed to the south to the existing BNSF right-of-way. This existing condition can be perpetuated by extending culverts under the proposed SR-290 improvements east of the SR 290/Barker Road intersection or new pipes can be installed to maintain existing drainage pathways. 6. New stormwater facilities for the project will be included in existing rights-of- way as much as possible. DELIVERABLES 1. Draft Hydraulic Report formatted consistent with WSDOT Hydraulics Report outline - PDF City of Spokane Valley Page 41 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation—Phase II Scope of Services—Exhibit B 2. Final Hydraulic Report documenting the final configuration and drainage facilities with responses to comments on the Draft Hydraulic Report- PDF 12.7 Channelization, Pavement Marking, Signing, and Sign Structure Plans — DEA DEA will prepare channelization pavement marking plans indicating locations for channelization and pavement markings. These plans will be created from the paving plan sheets and at the same scale so that the same match lines are carried through the plan set for clarity and efficiency. DEA will include on the plans signing and sign structure design indicating locations for proposed signs, instructions for existing signs (remove, relocate or protect), and locations for sign structures. The signing and sign structure plans will be developed in sufficient detail to depict sign legends and sign structure locations. ASSUMPTIONS 1. Signing and Sign Structure Details will not be included in the 60% Design set of plans but will be developed for the 100% Design Submittal. 2. Accessible Pedestrian Signals (APS) will be not be utilized for this project. 3. This work will be shown on 11 plan sheets. DELIVERABLES 1. Plan sheets 12.8 Intersection Plans - HDR HDR will prepare plan and profile sheets for the Barker Road/Private Road intersection. Driveways/access to residential or businesses will be detailed as described in a subsequent section of this scope of work. ASSUMPTIONS 1. Plan sheets will be at a scale of 1" = 20'. 2. Stop Control is assumed on the side streets for the intersection. DELIVERABLES 1. Plan sheets 12.9 Maintenance of Traffic(MOT) Plans - DEA DEA will prepare preliminary Maintenance of Traffic(MOT) plans, which include Traffic Control Plans and Stage Construction Plans, in accordance with MUTCD and WSDOT standards, as appropriate. The plans will depict construction stages, construction signing and other traffic control devices required during construction. Stage Construction plans will be developed for each stage so that sequential construction of the project can be understood. MOT construction drawings shall include all needed cross-sections, stationing, profile grades, and off-sets to build each phase. Permanent or existing drainage facilities will either be incorporated in the new alignment or temporary stormwater facilities will be designed as needed for City of Spokane Valley Page 42 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation—Phase II Scope of Services—Exhibit B each MOT phase. It is assumed that there will be three major stages as detailed below. • Stage I: Relocate utilities and construct most of the new SR 290/Barker intersection and SR 290 approach lanes. Construct a portion of the EB lane of SR 290 between Wellesley Avenue and the tie-in location east of Barker.Also, construct a temporary by-pass lane for WB SR 290 north of the existing alignment and east of Barker Road to provide adequate space for construction of the Wellesley Avenue connection. • Stage II: Shift WB SR 290 traffic onto the temporary by-pass lane and temporarily close Wellesley Avenue, allowing for the construction of the new connections of Wellesley Avenue and the EB &WB lanes of SR 290. The MOT plans will include detour signing for the closure of Wellesley Avenue. Reduce EB &WB SR 290 west of Barker to one lane in each direction to allow for completion of the tie-ins of the new alignment. • Stage Ill: Shift SR 290 onto new alignment, remove temporary by-pass lane, and reopen Wellesley Avenue. Barker Road/BNSF bridge would be built and the existing Barker Road/SR 290 intersection and the Barker/BNSF at-grade intersection would be closed. This stage would build remaining utility adjustments and Barker Road from south of the private road to its northerly terminus. The MOT plans will include detour signing for the closure of Barker Road. Upon opening of Barker Road, close the BNSF/Flora Road at-grade crossing and completely open the new facility to traffic. Based on the phasing detailed above, the following sheets are anticipated: 4#1ry`- R ��'T t ,✓k u".+'van .._. ' r t MOT Index/Overview Sheet 1 MOT-Generic Signing for shoulder work operation(Stage 1) 1 MOT—Temporary By-pass Lane Plan and Profile 1 MOT—Stage I Detailed Construction Limits and Terminations 3 MOT—Stage I Temporary Barrier Wall 1 MOT—SR 290 Lane Shift/Closure for west end tie-in 1 MOT-SR 290 Lane Shift/Closure for east end tie-ins 2 MOT -Typical Advanced Warning and Detour Sheets(Wellesley closure) 3 MOT—Temporary Improvement Removal 1 MOT -Typical Advanced Warning and Detour Sheets(Barker closure) 3 MOT—Typical Barker Lane Closure for single lane operation 2 MOT—Detail Sheets 2 MOT/Staging Sheet Total 21 12.10 Site Preparation Plans—HDR HDR will prepare preliminary Site Preparation plans to identify removal and demolition work. City of Spokane Valley Page 43 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation—Phase II Scope of Services—Exhibit B ASSUMPTIONS 1. Site Preparation Plans will be at a scale of 1" = 40'to match the roadway plans and will require 7 plan sheets. 12.11 Illumination Design and Plans - DEA DEA will conduct illumination modeling and develop Illumination Plans. It is anticipated that illumination will be required at the SR 290/Barker intersection and east of the intersection where Wellesley exits from SR 290. Barker Road south of the intersection and through the extents of the project will additionally be illuminated. Roadway, full intersection and Wellesley exit illumination design modeling will be completed. It is expected that there will be two new illumination systems, one for Trent that will be owned and maintained by WSDOT; and one for N Barker Road and associated local roadway intersections with N Barker Road that will be owned and maintained by the CITY. Each system will have its own service and will tie into the power source independently. Lighting levels will be established for both pedestrian and roadway lighting. The design effort will include modeling the project's illumination needs with AGI illumination modeling software and showing necessary luminaire locations on the preliminary Illumination Design sheets. ASSUMPTIONS 1. Coordination with Utility Company for power sources and associated locations will occur under subsequent tasks. 2. Illumination Fixtures will be LED. DELIVERABLES 1. Illumination plan model calculations and contours in AGI32 software—electronic file and PDF 2. Illumination Report- PDF 3. Luminaire locations will be shown on separate plans and will be refined and completed during 100% Design. 12.12 Preliminary Utility Plans - HDR HDR will coordinate with utility companies and develop Preliminary Utility Plans. Utility contacts will be confirmed, requests for any remaining utility company maps of existing utilities will be requested and an explanation of the project provided. The preliminary utility plans will be provided to the utility companies for their verification of location and to plan the relocation of any facilities necessary to the project. The utility packages will be provided to the utility companies to initiate the verification process and begin the coordination effort of confirming utility location and depth and confirming potholing/monitoring requirements. Found utilities will be included on the utility plans. These plans will show the locations of each existing utility based on plans provided by the utility companies, the CITY, WSDOT, and/or field verification. ASSUMPTIONS 4. Utility Plans will be at a scale of 1" =40'to match the roadway plans. 5. Utility facilities to be potentially relocated will be identified and a preliminary determination of whether utility relocations will be at project or company expense City of Spokane Valley Page 44 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation—Phase II Scope of Services—Exhibit B will be made. 6: Development of utility relocation plans is not included in this scope of work. 7. Assemble information received from utilities and update existing utility base file. 8. Preliminary Utility Plans will include a reference to each element of proposed utility work: either at project expense or at company expense. Work at project expense will be obtained and incorporated into the 60% Design cost estimate. 9. Proposed utility adjustments and relocation design will be recommended at 60% Design and refined and finalized during 100% design. 10. Coordination for illumination power service location will be accomplished under subsequent tasks. DELIVERABLES 1. Utility Plan sheets 2. Copies of utility submittal letters. 3. Existing utility base file for found utilities within the project limits. 4. Utility contact/conflict spreadsheet upkeep and completion as the utility coordination effort evolves. Ongoing documentation of coordination effort will be contained within the spreadsheet. 5. Preliminary costs for utility relocations at project expense will be obtained and incorporated into the cost estimate. 12.13 Bridge Design and Sheets - DEA DEA will develop structural design to the 60% completion level. This will include incorporating and addressing Preliminary Bridge Plan submittal review comments and developing the gross sizes of the main structural elements. In general, concrete reinforcing and other details will not be developed during this task and will be completed under subsequent tasks. The following sheets will be included: Sheet Title: Number of Sheets: Layout 1 General Notes and Geometric Data 1 Construction Sequence 1 Foundation Layout 1 Pier Abutment Plan and Elevation 4 Bearing Details 1 Framing Plan 2 Typical Section 1 Precast Girder Schedule and Notes 1 Girder Details 2 Intermediate Diaphragm Details 1 End Diaphragm Details 1 City of Spokane Valley Page 45 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation—Phase II Scope of Services—Exhibit B Expansion Joint Details 1 Traffic Barrier Details 3 Bridge Railing Type BP Details 2 Approach Slab Details 2 Total: 25 ASSUMPTIONS 1. Deck drains will not be necessary and the bridge will drain to catch basins located outside of the bridge structure in the approaches to the bridge. DELIVERABLES 1. 60% Bridge Plans 12.14 Detail Sheets—DEA& HDR DEA and HDR will develop the following miscellaneous details for the project. 12.14.1. Industrial/Residential Access Detail Sheets - HDR HDR will prepare approach plan and profile sheets 1"=40' (with plan and profile design on the same sheet)for industrial/residential properties whose access will be modified. Two approaches will be depicted on each sheet for up to four (4) approaches. 12.14.2. Drainage Detail Sheets - HDR HDR will prepare drainage detail sheets for each proposed drainage swale/facility. Swale details, drywell details, structure details, etc. will be included on the sheets. A stand-alone detail sheet will be prepared for each of the three (3) anticipated drainage swales. ASSUMPTION 1. Standard drawings for drywells and drainage structures will be referred to on the plans, but the actual detail will not be reproduced within the plan set. 12.14.3. Roundabout Detail Sheets—DEA& HDR HDR will prepare roundabout detail sheets. These will include: • 6 detail sheets for top back of curb plan and profiles • 2 detail sheets for curb and pedestrian crossing details • 1 detail sheet for the truck apron (geometry and apron cross section) • 1 detail sheet for the roundabout design data DEA will prepare one (1) center island landscaping detail sheet. ASSUMPTION 1. Through coordination with WSDOT Eastern Region, it is assumed that the roundabout will consist of HMA for the circulating roadways and intersection City of Spokane Valley Page 46 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation—Phase ll Scope of Services—Exhibit B connections and the truck apron will be PCCP. It is anticipated that one sheet will depict the truck apron geometry and that the contractor will follow standard jointing pattern on a radial pattern and based on PCCP thickness. 2. If truck apron jointing is requested to be designed based on truck movements, a supplemental agreement will be needed to prepare the detail. 3. A staging detail of the RAB is not required since the RAB will be built offline from traffic. 4. It is assumed that this HMA pavement recommendation would be confirmed by the geotechnical report. 5. The CITY will provide direction to DEA on the landscaping/hardscaping to be constructed within the roundabout center island. 12.15 Preliminary Special Provisions—DEA& HDR DEA will develop a specifications package and utilize the WSDOT Standard Specifications format. When applicable, WSDOT General Special Provisions (GSPs) will be utilized, or if necessary, project specific special provisions will be developed. WSDOT Amendments will be included. CITY special provisions will be incorporated into the package, as applicable. WSDOT PSE Program will be utilized to develop a specifications run list and populate the specifications package. DEA will lead this effort with support by HDR and BA. DELIVERABLES 1. Preliminary Specification— MS Word and PDF 12.16 Preliminary Opinion of Probable Cost—DEA& HDR Quantity takeoffs for the multiple design tasks will be developed for each design discipline and a preliminary cost estimate for the project will be developed. The cost estimate will take into account recent construction project bid prices in the project vicinity. The opinion of probable cost will also include right-of-way costs, construction contingencies, construction engineering, and contractor mobilization. DELIVERABLES 1. Preliminary Opinion of Probable Cost—MS Excel and PDF 12.17 Basis of Estimate - DEA DEA will prepare documentation to enable reviewers to easily track changes to project scope, cost, and schedule. The Basis of Estimate documents assumptions used and can eliminate overlap of future estimate assumptions. This allows project "knowns" as well as "unknowns"to be clearly identified. This document will be prepared in accordance with WSDOT's Design Manual Section 300.06(3), Basis of Estimate. DELIVERABLES 1. Basis of Estimate- PDF City of Spokane Valley Page 47 Barker RoadBNSF Grade Separation—Phase ll Scope of Services—Exhibit B 12.18 Preliminary Design Submittal QC— DEA& HDR A detailed review of the 100% Design Review Package will be completed by senior DEA and HDR staff not involved in developing the project design prior to Submittal. QC Review comments will be addressed prior to submittal to the CITY and WSDOT. . 12.19 Submit 60% Design Package—DEA& HDR The CONSULTANT team will prepare the 60% Design Submittal package based on the CITY's requirements and WSDOT's Design Manual and submit the package for review and comment. The submittal package for 60% Design Review will be compiled by DEA and will be submitted for CITY and WSDOT review. DELIVERABLES: 1. 60% Design plans—22"x34" PDF Nen Sheet -TOTAL: Title and Index/Vicinity Map 2 2 Roadway Typical Sections 8 8 Intersection/Channelization Plans(Not Included in 15 15 PS&E Set) Roadway Alignment,Paving Plan and Profile Sheets 28 28 Site Preparation Plans 7 7 Drainage Plans for SR 290 and Local Roadways 6 6 Channelization,Pavement Marking, Signing,and Sign 11 11 Structure Plans Intersection Control Plans 1 1 Maintenance of Traffic(MOT)Plans 21 21 Illumination Design and Plans 8 8 Preliminary Utility Plans 11 11 Bridge Sheets 25 25 Detail Sheets 1 16 17 Right-of-way Plans 12 12 Total 80 92 172 2. 60% Design cost estimate—PDF 3. Preliminary Special Provisions—MS Word and PDF 12.20 Design Approval - DEA DEA will prepare the Design Approval Memorandum following the outline shown in WSDOT's Design Manual Section 300.04(1) (July 2017). The following items will be included in the Memorandum: • Stamped Cover Sheet (project description) • A reader-friendly memo that describes the project City of Spokane Valley Page 48 Barker RoadBNSF Grade Separation—Phase ll Scope of Services—Exhibit B • • Project summary documents • Basis of Design • Alternatives Comparison Table • Design Parameters worksheets • Crash Analysis Report • Design Analysis (If Needed) • List of known Variances (If Required) • Channelization Plans and intersection plans • SR 290 alignment plans and profile • Current cost estimate with a Basis of Estimate • Completed Environmental Review Summary ASSUMPTIONS 1. The Design Approval Memorandum will follow the outline shown in WSDOT's Design Manual Section 300.04(1) (July 2017). DELIVERABLES 1. Draft Design Approval Memorandum- PDF 2. Final Design Approval Memorandum - PDF 12.21 60% Design Review and Comment/Resolution Meeting—DEA& HDR DEA and HDR will attend the 60% Design Review meeting with the CITY and WSDOT staff. DEA will prepare meeting minutes and distribute to the appropriate recipients by email. Prior to the meeting, DEA will assemble the comments received from the CITY and WSDOT in a comment response form. HDR and DEA will address the comments and identify comments that require further discussion at the 60% Design Review meeting. The compiled comment form will be provided to attendees at the 60% Design Review meeting and the comment form will be included in the 100% Design Review submittal. ASSUMPTIONS 1. There will be one 60% Design Review Meeting lasting two (2) hours. 2. Four(4) DEA staff will attend (Project Manager, Bridge Lead, Traffic Control Plan Lead, and Traffic Design Lead). 3. Four(4) HDR staff will attend (Transportation Lead, Roadway Lead, Railroad Lead (via phone), Drainage Lead). 4. The CITY will prepare a comment form with comments collected from CITY and WSDOT staff and will resolve difference between comments from different reviewers. The comment form will be provided to the CONSULTANT team prior City of Spokane Valley Page 49 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation—Phase ll Scope of Services—Exhibit B to the review meeting so the CONSULTANT can prepare to only address necessary comments at the meeting. DELIVERABLES 1. 60% Design Review Package TASK 13 RIGHT-OF-WAY DOCUMENTS - DEA 13.1 Review Title Information and Data Collection The project team will use County Assessor's information to supplement ownership boundary information. DEA will prepare a list of property owners in the project vicinity and review title reports and obtain and review supporting information. 13.1.1. Collect Title Information DEA will identify supporting title documents that will need to be obtained based on a review of the title reports. This could include items such as easement documents, quit claim deeds, or other items that affect land title. The following 12 Spokane County Tax Lot parcels are the properties to which our right-of-way scope of services apply: Parcel County APN Listed Property Owner 1 55061.9004 Jovi, LLC 2 55052.9029 Meadowhill Corp/ Baker Properties, LLC 3 55052.9028 Hart& Hart Enterprises, LLC (LC Eagle, LLC) 4 55061.9048 Cassell, Bradley 5 55061.9047 Cassell, Bradley 6 56314.9026 High-Est, LLC 7 55052.9021 Terrie Guthrie 8 55052.9022 High-Est, LLC 9 56323.9092 High-Est, LLC 10 55323.9162 High-Est, LLC 11 45011.9114 Inland Empire Distribution Systems 12 55065.0105 Centennial Properties, Inc. ASSUMPTIONS 1. All title reports and title report updates (assumed at 12)will be provided by the CONSULTANT(DEA). 2. Each title report will be ordered with a $10,000 liability insurance rating. If • additional insurance is required, then a scope of work and fee change will be required. City of Spokane Valley Page 50 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation—Phase II Scope of Services—Exhibit B 3. DEA will coordinate obtaining supporting documents through the CITY or directly with the title company. 13.1.2. Title Company Coordination Many times title information and supporting documentation disclose conflicts with each other or with title documents on adjoining parcels. DEA will identify these conflicts and coordinate with the CITY or title company to get them resolved. 13.1.3. Revise Working Total Ownership (TO) Map The findings from the tasks above will be added to, revised, or result in the removal of information from the Working Total Ownership Map. ASSUMPTIONS 1. It is assumed that a maximum of 12 supporting title documents will be reviewed and used in right-of-way resolution. 13.2 Develop Right-of-Way Plans DEA will develop the Official Total Ownership (TO) Map and Right-of-Way (ROW)/Limited Access Plans based on the right-of-way need lines and proposed access control objectives. The project team has tentatively identified 12 acquisition parcels affected by the project from 12 property ownerships. The project team will prepare the TO Map and ROW/Limited Access Plans in accordance with WSDOT Right-of-Way Manual (Section 1.8) and Plans Preparation Manual (Division 1, Right- of-Way Plans). 13.2.1. Incorporate Parcel Lines DEA will add surveyed cadastral data into the Working Total Ownership Map. 13.2.2. Parcel Alignment Files DEA will create an InRoads alignmeht file for each acquisition parcel. This will assist in determination of parcel area, closure checks, and in writing legal descriptions.Assume up to 12 parcels required. 13.2.3. Prepare Total Ownership Map DEA will revise the Working Total Ownership Map into an electronic Total • . Ownership Map that will be part of the Official Right-of-Way Plans. Assume two sheets. 13.2.4. Prepare Official Right-of-Way Plans DEA will prepare Official Right-of-Way Plans to support project acquisition activities. DEA will prepare a package consisting of the TO Map and the ROW plans discussed in the tasks above and submit it for review. Assume 12 sheets. 13.2.5. Attend Right-of-Way Plans Review Meeting DEA will participate in ROW plans review meeting that will include representatives from the CITY and the WSDOT. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss comments on the submittal and to clarify how best to address review City of Spokane Valley Page 51 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation—Phase ll Scope of Services—Exhibit B comments. The meeting will last for two (2) hours and will be attended by three (3) DEA staff members and one (1) HDR staff member. 13.2.6. Revise and Submit TO Map and ROW Plans DEA will address review comments obtained from the review meeting on the ROW package and updated WSDOT Plan Preparation Manual Checklists will be prepared. A final submittal package consisting of the revised TO Map and ROW plans will be submitted to the CITY and WSDOT for approval. DELIVERABLES 1. Draft and Final Total Ownership Map- 3 hard copy sets and PDF 2. Draft and Final Right-of-Way and Limited Access Plans—3 hard copy sets and PDF 13.3 Legal Descriptions DEA will develop and submit stamped legal descriptions for each acquisition parcel. The descriptions will conform to the WSDOT Right-of-Way Manual (Section 1.8) and Plans Preparation Manual (Division 1, Right-of-Way Plans). 13.3.1. Legal Descriptions/Exhibits DEA will use the MicroStation alignment files prepared in previous tasks to assist in preparing legal descriptions. Legal descriptions for up to 12 acquisition parcels will be prepared. DEA will provide review copies of the legal descriptions and exhibit maps for each acquisition parcel to the CITY and WSDOT for review 13.3.2. Revise Legal Descriptions DEA will revise the legal descriptions to address review comments. DEA will resubmit the legal descriptions and exhibit maps for each acquisition parcel to the CITY and WSDOT for final review and approval. 13.3.3. Acquisition Parcel Coordinates DEA will prepare a survey for field-staking the parcels. This will include right-of- way angle points and sufficient points along the right-of-way lines to define acquisition areas. 13.3.4. Stake ROW Acquisition Areas DEA will set inter-visible lath along proposed right-of-way lines and proposed permanent easement lines (for up to 12 acquisition parcels)to support negotiation activities. 13.3.5. Design Team Coordination DEA will coordinate with the acquisition team and answer questions and clarify information related to the survey stakes as necessary during acquisition activities. City of Spokane Valley Page 52 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation—Phase II Scope of Services—Exhibit B 13.4 Monuments and Record of Survey 13.4.1. Set Monuments for Final Record of Survey DEA will set missing and required monumentation used to create new parcels created from the right-of-way plans. Assume up to 20 monuments will be set as part of this task and 10 sheets required. 13.4.2. Prepare and File Final Record of Survey DEA will prepare and file a Record of Survey with initial retracement survey and new right-of-way parcels and right-of-way lines. The Record of Survey will be reviewed by the CITY before filing with Spokane County. This will be verified, filed and finalized post acquisition. Assume up to 10 sheets required. TASK 14 APPRAISE AND ACQUIRE RIGHT-OF-WAY— HDR & DEA The following scope of work details the necessary effort to acquire right-of-way for the project. HDR will accomplish this task unless specified otherwise. ASSUMPTIONS: 1. This scope encompasses services to complete right-of-way (ROW) acquisition and relocation for the Project. It is anticipated that the following elements of these services will be completed in late 2018 through 2019. Scope of services includes the following: 2. Ongoing management and administration of the ROW process. 3. Initiate and negotiate a maximum of 12 acquisition offers and up to two (2) relocation (commercial and residential) offers. 4. HDR shall coordinate with the CITY, as necessary, and in accordance with the Federal Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisitions Policies Act (URA), WSDOT LAG Manual guidelines, applicable State and local laws, and CITY administrative rules, to facilitate the acquisition of identified properties. 5. CITY shall provide HDR with available project information such as, but not limited to, the CITY's State approved ROW and limited access procedures, approved environmental documentation, and any pre-approved CITY ROW forms, including legal documents. 6. HDR and CITY agree to maintain clear lines of communication, determine and document the appropriate decision making process to achieve project goals and to provide open access to available data that is pertinent to the project. 7. HDR shall prepare for and attend the pre-project right-of-way meeting and up to three (3) project meetings, along with a project close-out meeting. 8. HDR shall order all appraisals and review appraisals for the project. 9. DEA shall order and provide HDR with all title commitments, or updated title commitments if they have been previously ordered. 10. HDR shall confer with CITY on proposed settlements over the approved offering price to determine whether to either increase or alter terms of the settlement. 11. HDR shall work directly with title and escrow to handle all closings. 12. All deliverables will be produced in accordance with the approved quality City of Spokane Valley Page 53 Barker RoadBNSF Grade Separation—Phase ll Scope of Services—Exhibit B j s control/quality assurance (QC/QA) process established by the CITY and the CONSULTANT team. 13. All deliverables prepared by HDR shall be provided to the CITY—one (1) electronic version and one (1) hard copy. DELIVERABLES: 1. HDR will provide the CITY a complete Right-of-Way package, including the Right-of- Way Certification letter that will be signed by the CITY and then submitted to WSDOT Local Programs for final right-of-way certification. 14.1 Real Estate Services Management-HDR HDR will provide general ongoing coordination, administration direction, and guidance for the HDR staff working on this project. HDR will provide monthly project updates on progress of work. HDR will also perform project management and administration for the following real estate services tasks as follows: • Prepare for and attend pre-project ROW and limited access meeting with the CITY. • Prepare and provide monthly updates of a landowner list, preliminary ROW and limited access cost estimate by parcel, and ROW schedule for the overall project. • Prepare and update ROW and limited access delivery schedule. • Prepare and submit invoices, including a tabulation of hours expended for each item. ASSUMPTIONS: 1. HDR will attend up to five (5) project team meetings to review the landowner list, preliminary ROW and limited access cost estimate by parcel, and schedule for the overall ROW project. 2. HDR will attend one (1) initial contact meeting with up to 12 individual land owners. 3. HDR will attend one (1)final contact meeting with up to 12 individual land owners. DELIVERABLES: 1. Landowner list- PDF 2. Preliminary ROW and limited access cost estimate—MS Excel and PDF 3. ROW Schedule- PDF 4. Meeting notes from meetings with individual land owners- PDF 14.2 Appraisal and Appraisal Review- HDR HDR will manage the appraisal process for up to 12 parcels. As part of the appraisal process, HDR's appraiser shall complete a project funding estimate (PFE). Administrative Offer Summary(AOS) reports will be prepared where appropriate in lieu of appraisals. HDR's appraiser and review appraiser shall meet all requirements - set forth in 49 CFR 24.103. HDR will perform the following work: City of Spokane Valley Page 54 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation—Phase Il Scope of Services—Exhibit B I 4 • Prepare an appraisal schedule for each group of appraisals assigned by CITY. • Prepare one (1) PFE including worksheets. • Develop AOS reports for eligible acquisition parcels. • Assemble all needed appraisal data and appraisal scope for each assigned parcel. • Send out landowner contact letters to all affected parcels in advance of the appraisal. • Prepare Before and After appraisal reports, as needed, for all assigned parcels and supply all completed reports to the appraisal reviewer selected by HDR. • Develop appraisal reviews for all parcels that are appraised CITY RESPONSIBILITIES: 1. Review and approve appraisal schedule. 2. Review and approve the PFE. 3. Approve Appraisal Reviews via signed Determination of Values. 4. Review and approve by signature all AOS ASSUMPTIONS: 1. HDR will manage their appraisal staff to develop the most expeditious schedule for delivery of all valuation deliverables. 2. CITY shall provide any available information to HDR that is needed to complete the assigned appraisals. 3. One draft and one final PFE shall be prepared. 4. There will be a maximum of 12 parcels appraised: a. There will be up to ten (10) partial acquisitions and two (2)full acquisitions. b. All will be before and after short form narrative reports or in AOS form where appropriate. c. It is anticipated there will be two (2) complex parcels. d. It is anticipated there will be ten (10) non-complex parcels. e. Comparable sales will be researched for four land use types, commercial, SFR, multifamily and industrial. f. The estimated delivery time is 60-90 days from assignment date. 5. There will be a maximum of 12 PFE associated worksheets. DELIVERABLES: 1. Appraisal schedule for each assignment 2. Appraisal management 3. PFE spreadsheets and worksheets 4. Administrative Offer Summaries City of Spokane Valley Page 55 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation—Phase ll Scope of Services—Exhibit B 5. Landowner Contact letters 6. Appraisal Reports 7. Appraisal Reviews 14.3 Acquisition and Negotiation Services— HDR & DEA HDR will perform the following work: • Track and update acquisition ROW schedule milestones. • Prepare and maintain electronic and hard copy parcel files. • Review title report(s) and title report updates supplied by DEA. • Review ROW plans or exhibits and legal descriptions. • Prepare documents and deeds required for up to 12 acquisition parcels. • Maintain current negotiator diaries. • Act as the agent of the CITY in negotiations. • Make up to three (3) contacts with each of the impacted landowners in an effort to negotiate a fair settlement. • If an impasse is reached during negotiations, the entire parcel file shall be turned over to the CITY for further action, including determination to eliminate acquisition of property. • Acquire Right of entry, easement, and fee acquisitions, as approved by the CITY. • Provide a justification memorandum for settlements above the approved offering price, for approval by the CITY. • Provide a condemnation cover memorandum and parcel file, as approved by the CITY. • Process all landowner payments through the CITY, clear all encumbrances, and manage escrow or in-house closing for all acquisitions. • Transmit completed parcel files to the CITY. CITY RESPONSIBILITIES: 1. Provide or approve all real estate documents and forms that HDR will use consistent with CITY acquisition practice. 2. Approve all administrative settlements. 3. Approve all landowner payments,and approve al encumbrances to be cleared. 4. Make prompt payment to the owner or Escrow Company for all approved acquisitions. ASSUMPTIONS: 1. HDR's title review responsibilities shall be limited to identifying the correct vesting from the title report and inputting that information into the appropriate acquisition documents. 2. HDR shall make a maximum of three(3)good-faith attempts at negotiations for each parcel assigned,with those attempts being defined as an in-person visit with landowner,a detailed phone conversation, or a substantive correspondence or City of Spokane Valley Page 56 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation—Phase II Scope of Services—Exhibit B • email exchange. 3. The initial acquisition schedule will be 45 days for each of the estimated 12 acquisitions. If no settlement can be reached within 45 days, CONSULTANT shall seek a paid possession and use (P&U) agreement. Should the landowner reject the paid P&U the CITY will determine what further action is appropriate under the circumstances. 4. HDR's acquisition duties shall be deemed complete if any of the following occur: A negotiated settlement approved by the CITY is reached and the necessary documents are executed; a paid P&U is secured and the acquisition file is transmitted to CITY; an impasse in negotiations is reached or; the offer to purchase is rescinded. 5. HDR will manage the closing process in house or contract directly with the escrow company for closing and title reports (DEA will provide title report updates). When the CITY receives acceptable documents from HDR, they will be signed by the CITY and returned to HDR for processing, recording and closing. HDR will be responsible for managing the preparation and receipt of all signatures for all documents such as Waivers of Compensation, Requests for Partial Re-conveyance, and satisfaction of all liens and encumbrances for each acquisition. DELIVERABLES: 1. Negotiation services 2. Right of Entry Packages 3. Offer packages 4. Administrative settlement memos 5. Paid Possession and Use Agreements 6. Executed acquisition documents or transfers to condemnation proceedings 7. Completed parcel files 14.4 Relocation and Negotiation Services - HDR HDR will perform the following work: • Prepare and maintain electronic and hard copy relocation files. • Track and update relocation right-of-way and limited access schedule milestones. • Interview potential displacees and estimate relocation costs. • Prepare a relocation plan. • Prepare and present all relocation documents. • Act as extension of the CITY's staff while serving as the CITY's relocation agent for affected parcels. Associated responsibilities include: o Preparation of Commercial Move Bids solicitation. o Obtaining and analyzing move estimates. o Computing residential relocation entitlements and obtaining the CITY approvals. City of Spokane Valley Page 57 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation—Phase II Scope of Services—Exhibit B o Monitor actual relocation of displacee from displacement sites. o Assist displaced persons and/or businesses with filing claims o Provide advisory assistance as required by law o Process relocation payments through the CITY. o Transmit completed relocation files to the CITY. ASSUMPTIONS: 1. HDR shall submit one (1) draft and one (1)final relocation plan to the CITY with up to four(4) updates to the plan. 2. The CITY will review and approve the relocation plan prepared by HDR within ten (10) working days. 3. There will be one (1) residential relocation and one (1) business relocation, for a total of two (2) parcels requiring relocation services. 4. The two residential properties that have access between North Del Rey Drive and the proposed SR 290/Barker Road intersection will continue to access off of SR 290. 5. CITY will provide approved relocation forms for HDR's use. 6. HDR's participation in any relocation appeal will be limited to supplying supporting documentation and attending two (2) meetings. 7. Relocation services will be deemed complete if any of the following occur: a. The Notice of Eligibility or offer to purchase is rescinded. b. Relocation payments are made and the site is cleared. c. The CITY allows displacee to maintain tenancy on the site after an approved replacement site has been identified and or relocation payments made. 8. The CITY will be responsible for claims monitoring or additional relocation services after vacation of the site, and relocation payments have been made to any diplacee. 9. At the end of the project(properties vacated and relocation payments made) all relocation files will be transmitted by HDR to the CITY with all original documents. DELIVERABLES: 1. Status reports, Meeting Agendas and Notes 2. Relocation files 3. Relocation plan 4. Relocation documents 5. Executed relocation forms City of Spokane Valley Page 58 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation—Phase II Scope of Services—Exhibit B • TASK 15 100% DESIGN — DEA & HDR DEA and HDR will incorporate 60% review comments and further develop the project design. This task'ncludes preparing 100% plans, specifications and estimate. The plans will be organized in accordance with CITY and WSDOT Design Guidelines. The sheet count for this task in included in the table at the end of this document. 15.1 Title, Index and Vicinity Map Sheets - DEA DEA will develop the Title Sheet for the 100% Design Package and include the Index and Vicinity Map Information from the 60% Design Package. 15.2 Survey Control and Found Monuments - DEA DEA will finalize the survey control and found monuments prepared as part of other tasks, format them to become part of the 100% Design Plan set, and include them in the 100% Design Package. 15.3 Roadway Typical Sections - HDR HDR will finalize the typical sections that were developed as part of the Preliminary Design tasks. HDR will make adjustments to the typical sections based on review comments. 15.4 Alignment Plan/ROW Sheets - HDR HDR will finalize the alignment plan sheets, developed as part of the 60% design package. Plans will include the ultimate right of way limits. Comments from the 60% review will be incorporated. 15.5 Site Preparation Plans - HDR HDR will finalize the Site Preparation plans which identify the location where existing asphalt, surface features and structures are to be removed within the project limits. ASSUMPTIONS 1. Plan sheets will be 1"=40' scale 2. One plan sheet will indicate demolition of the WWTP(no special detail or sheet will be created for this removal/demolition) 3. The existing at-grade railroad crossings at Barker Road and Flora Road will be closed. BNSF will remove the infrastructure at each crossing location, including the crossing panels, gates, and controllers. Demolition plans will not include removal of any items associated with BNSF facilities. 15.6 Roadway Paving Plan/Profile Sheets - HDR The Roadway Paving Plan and Profile Sheets that were developed as part of the 60% Design Package will be finalized. This will include calling out final roadside design elements including guardrail and bid items, finalizing modeling and earthwork design with an attempt to balance earthwork, and preparing the plans for construction. This task also includes preparing cross sections of the roadway at 50-ft stations (25-ft stations on curves). The plan will also include proposed paving limits for the roadways. City of Spokane Valley Page 59 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation—Phase Il Scope of Services—Exhibit B ASSUMPTIONS: 1. HDR will prepare cross sections for: • SR 290 Roadway • Barker Road • E Wellesley Avenue • EB SR 290 Ramp • Private Road (Connection to Barker) • No sections are needed for the Flora cul-de-sac 15.7 Paving and other Roadway/RAB Details - HDR HDR and DEA will prepare Special Detail Sheets when standard details cannot be used. It is assumed that HDR will develop 5 special detail sheets and DEA will develop 1 special detail sheet. HDR and DEA will finalize the 17 60% Roadway Design Details prepared for Private Road tying into Barker Road and the industrial/residential access approach plan and profile sheets defined above in the 60% Design Tasks. HDR will finalize roundabout details and will complete the coordinate tables. DEA will finalize one landscape detail. 15.8 Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control (TESC) Plans - HDR HDR will prepare temporary TESC plans to control stormwater runoff and offsite siltation or damage resulting from construction activities. The plan will outline Best Management Practices (BMP's) which may include silt fencing, wattles, seeding, mulching and other items and also show pertinent details. ASSUMPTIONS: 1. All standard details will be used for the temporary BMPs. 15.9 TESC Narrative - HDR HDR will prepare a TESC narrative that provides specific information about site conditions, analyzes risks, outlines management strategies, and contingency plans in conformance with the requirements set forth in the WSDOT TESC Manual. 15.10 Drainage Plans - HDR HDR will finalize the drainage design depicting existing and proposed drainage courses, catch basins, roadside drywells, etc. Storm sewer systems, along with plan and profiles of storm sewers and culverts will be finalized under this task. 15.11 Utility Plans -HDR HDR will prepare Final Utility Plans based on decisions made with CITY, WSDOT, and the utility companies. The Utility Plans will be modified to depict agreed upon utility revisions and relocations. The new utility locations will be based on information provided by each utility company and will be routed to the utility companies for review and comment. Final Utility Plans will be prepared in color. City of Spokane Valley Page 60 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation—Phase II Scope of Services—Exhibit B 15.12 Utility Hearing Waivers - HDR HDR will prepare Utility Hearing Waivers (six(6) anticipated) and coordinate execution of the waivers with the utility companies. No utility company agreements are anticipated. 15.13 Landscape Plans -DEA DEA will prepare Landscape plans in close coordination and consultation with the CITY and WSDOT. The plans will be simple and will be designed so no irrigation is needed. Potential sleeve locations for future irrigation facilities will be considered and incorporated into the plans if requested by the CITY. 15.14 BNSF Bridge Contour Plans -DEA DEA will develop plans depicting final Contour Plans around the proposed BNSF bridge. ASSUMPTIONS: 1. DEA will prepare a MicroStation DGN with one-foot contours displayed. 2. A DTM with finished grade surface will NOT be prepared or provided. 15.15 Illumination Plans and Details - DEA DEA will finalize the 60% Design Illumination Plan sheets. Additional adjustments to the plans will be made based on comments received at the 60% Design Review Meeting. This will also include coordination with the power company to determine power source and appropriate layout. Supporting documentation will be provided including voltage drop calculations. Illumination Detail sheets will also be added. 15.16 Intersection Plans and Details -HDR HDR will finalize the Intersection Control Plans and Details. Intersection Plans will be prepared for the Barker Road/Private Road intersection. 15.17 Channelization, Pavement Marking, Signing, and Sign Structure Plans - DEA DEA will finalize the channelization pavement marking plans indicating locations for channelization and pavement markings. DEA will also finalize signing and sign structure design and complete the plans for construction. Additional adjustments to the plans will be made based on comments received at the 60% Design Review Meeting. ASSUMPTIONS 1. Sign Specification Sheets =4 2. Channelization, Pavement Marking and Signing Sheets = 11 3. Sign Details = 4 4. Cantilever Sign Structure Details =4 5. Sign Legend Details= 6 City of Spokane Valley Page 61 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation—Phase 11 Scope of Services—Exhibit B 15.18 Bridge Design - DEA DEA will prepare 100% Design Structural Plans for the BNSF bridge in accordance with Preliminary Bridge reviews that have already been obtained and as discussed below. During the course of this activity, DEA will participate in structural review conference calls as required with WSDOT Structural Reviewers. The structure plans will be issued at what DEA consider to be a 100% level of completion. The following items are intended to be completed at the 100% Design Phase: • All clearance envelopes are shown and have been checked • Foundation type and layout is determined and shown correctly • Minor and major details are shown on the plans • Utility considerations have been identified and resolved • Right-of-Way needs have been established and depicted as appropriate on the plans • Fill slopes, drainage and guardrails considerations have been identified and resolved • An Independent Design Check has been completed for each bridge • Seismic Design will be in accordance with the LRFD GuideSpec The structure design group will prepare detail drawings in accordance with the WSDOT Bridge Detailing Manual, WSDOT Bridge Design Manual, and WSDOT Drafting guidelines. The following drawings will be included: 15.18.1. Barker Road over BNSF Bridge Sheet Title: Number of Sheets: Layout 1 General Notes and Geometric Data 1 Construction Sequence 1 Foundation Layout 1 Pier Abutment Plan and Elevation 4 Pier Details 2 Bearing Details 1 Framing Plan 2 Typical Section 1 Precast Girder Schedule and Notes 1 Girder Details 2 Intermediate Diaphragm Details 1 Deck Reinforcing Plan 1 Deck Reinforcing Section 1 End Diaphragm Details 1 City of Spokane Valley Page 62 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation—Phase ll Scope of Services—Exhibit B Expansion Joint Details 1 Traffic Barrier Details 3 Bridge Railing Type BP Details 2 Approach Slab Details 2 Utility Hanger Details 1 Miscellaneous Details 1 Bar List 3 Total: 34 ASSUMPTIONS 1. Deck drains will not be necessary and the bridge will drain to catch basins located outside of the bridge structure in the approaches to the bridge. 2. Bridge foundations are spread footings. DELIVERABLES 1. 100% Bridge Plans 15.18.2. Structures QC/QA Documentation DEA will perform structural QC/QA efforts. DEA will submit checklists, comment forms, and a copy of the independent design calculation check for the bridge that was developed as part of the 100% Design effort. The CONSULTANT team will not submit items of lesser importance such as intermediate backchecks, redlines, etc. ASSUMPTIONS 1. One hard color copy and one pdf electronic copy of each of the QC/QA documentation items listed below will be submitted as part of the 100% Design Package. DELIVERABLES 1. Independent Design Calculation check 2. Copy of Drawing Review Checklists for 100% Design Submittal 3. Copy of Engineer's Cost Estimate senior review documentation 15.18.3. Preliminary Bridge Load Ratings DEA will prepare design load rating calculations for the bridge in accordance with WSDOT Bridge Design procedures. Draft design load rating calculations and a Draft Summary Report will be prepared and appropriate QA/QC documentation will be prepared. WSDOT's Bridge Engineer will review the draft design load rating calculations and report and provide comments. DEA will revise the draft design load rating to address WSDOT's comments. Following construction, DEA will enter into a supplemental agreement (the future Engineer of Record agreement) to revise the draft design load ratings to reflect pertinent changes City of Spokane Valley Page 63 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation—Phase ll Scope of Services—Exhibit B during construction. The final design load rating calculations and report will be submitted as part of this future agreement. ASSUMPTIONS 1. Load ratings for the bridge will be completed using PG Super software in accordance with the latest version of the AASHTO Manual for Bridge Evaluation (MBE) and Chapter 13 of the WSDOT BDM. 2. DEA will enter into a supplemental agreement(the future Engineer of Record agreement)to revise the draft load ratings to reflect pertinent changes during construction. The final load rating calculations and report will be submitted as part of this future agreement. DELIVERABLES 1. Three (3) copies of the draft and final preliminary load rating calculations and summary report- PDF 15.19 Maintenance of Traffic (MOT) Plans - DEA DEA will finalize the Maintenance of Traffic (MOT) Plans and staging overview plans in accordance with MUTCD and WSDOT standards. Additional adjustments to the plans will be made based on comments received at the 60% Design Review Meeting. 15.20 Specifications and Proposal—DEA& HDR The CONSULTANT team will update the special provisions based on 60% design comments and expand on level of detail of specifications. DEA will lead this effort with support by HDR and BA. 15.21 Contract Time Determination— DEA& HDR DEA will determine the contract construction time in accordance with CITY and WSDOT standards. A Microsoft Project construction schedule will be included in this task and be submitted with the 100% Design Review package. HDR will review and comment on the Contract Time Determination schedule. ASSUMPTIONS 1. The electronic construction schedule will be subject to change based on information provided by the successful bidder. The schedule is provided for planning purposes only. 15.22 Opinion of Probable Cost—DEA& HDR The CONSULTANT team will prepare a construction cost estimate for bid items using cost estimating software and current WSDOT average unit price data. Cost estimates at 100 percent plan development will be completed and submitted for CITY and WSDOT review. The cost estimate will have an appropriate contingency for a 100% Design Cost Estimate. DEA will lead this effort with support from HDR and BA. City of Spokane Valley Page 64 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation—Phase II Scope of Services—Exhibit B 15.23 Basis of Estimate- DEA DEA will update the Basis of Estimate document prepared during Preliminary Design. The update will documents new assumptions or changed conditions that might affect the cost estimate. This document will be updated and prepared in accordance with WSDOT's Design Manual Section 300.06(3), Basis of Estimate. 15.24 QC Review of 100% Design Submittal—DEA& HDR A detailed review of the 100% Design Review Package will be completed by DEA and HDR Senior Transportation and Bridge Engineers not involved in developing the project design prior to Submittal. QC Review comments will be addressed prior to submittal to the CITY and WSDOT. 15.25 Submit 100% PS&E-DEA& HDR The CONSULTANT team will prepare the 100% design plans, special provisions, and estimate and submit to the CITY and WSDOT for review. The submittal package for review will include: • Project Specifications and Proposal • Construction Time Determination • Opinion of Probable Cost • Project cross sections at 50 foot intervals (25 foot intervals on curves) • Electronic base files via ProjectWise for review • The 100% Design Plans as described above and as included in the table below. ASSUMPTIONS 1. Quantities will be included in the project cost estimate. Q-Tab sheets and detailed project quantities will not be included in the project plan set. -v"^I ttw ,uhs �`;w , 4 Title,Index and Vicinity Map 2 2 Survey Control and Found Monuments 5 5 Roadway Typical Sections 8 8 Alignment Plan sheets 6 6 Site Preparation Plans 7 7 Roadway Paving Plan and Profile Sheets 22 22 Paving and other Roadway/RAB Details 2 21 23 Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control(TESC)Plans 11 11 Drainage Plans for SR 290 and Local Roadways 6 6 Utility Plans 11 11 Landscape Plans 4 4 BNSF Bridge Contour Plans 2 2 Illumination Plans and Details 11 11 Intersection Control Plans and Details 1 1 City of Spokane Valley Page 65 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation—Phase II Scope of Services—Exhibit B F �i"w,r+ A 'fitV.r1' ' 'r7'11111-97,,,*(7:47P-7?„-k°,4, e i�,-e- "'; ,'{'. lx 21'' Channelization,Pavement Marking, Signing,and Sign 29 29 Structure Plans Bridge Sheets 38 38 Maintenance of Traffic(MOT)Plans 21 21 Total 114 93 207 15.26 Project Development Approval - DEA DEA will prepare the Project Development Approval Memorandum following the outline shown in WSDOT's Design Manual Section 300.04(2) (July 2017). The following items will be included in the Memorandum: • Stamped Cover Sheet(project description) • Required environmental documentation • Design Approval documents • Updated Basis of Design • Updated List of known Variances (if applicable) • Updated cost estimate • Completed Environmental Review Summary ASSUMPTIONS 1. Project Development Approval will be valid for three (3) years will follow the outline shown in WSDOT's Design Manual Section 300.04(2) (July 2017). DELIVERABLES 1. Draft Project Development Approval Memorandum 2. Final Project Development Approval Memorandum 15.27 100% Design Review Meeting— DEA& HDR DEA and HDR will attend the 100% Design Review meeting with the CITY and WSDOT staff. DEA will also prepare meeting minutes and distribute to the appropriate recipients by email. Prior to the meeting, DEA will assemble the comments received from the CITY and WSDOT in a comment response form. The team will address the comments and identify comments that require further discussion at the 100% Design Review meeting. The compiled comment form will be provided to attendees at the 100% Design Review meeting and the 100% design review comment form will be included in the PS&E submittal. ASSUMPTIONS 1. There will be one Design Review Meeting lasting four(4) hours. 2. Four(4) DEA staff will attend (Project Manager, Bridge Lead, Traffic Control Lead, and Traffic Design Lead) 3. Three (3) HDR staff will attend (Transportation Lead, Roadway Lead, Drainage Lead) City of Spokane Valley Page 66 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation—Phase it Scope of Services—Exhibit B 4. The CITY will prepare a comment form with comments collected from CITY and WSDOT staff and will resolve difference between comments from different reviewers. The comment form will be provided to the CONSULTANT team prior to the review meeting so the CONSULTANT can prepare to only address necessary comments at the meeting. DELIVERABLES 1. 100% Design Review Package TASK 16 AD-READY DESIGN — DEA & HDR 16.1 Prepare PS&E Package—DEA& HDR DEA and HDR will revise the 100% Design plans, special provisions, cost estimate, and associated materials to address review comments. 16.1.1. Plans 100% Design Review comments will be addressed by DEA and HDR, details will be revised, and coordination as required between roadway and bridge designers on geometrics, traffic control, drainage, fencing, barrier and guardrail details, etc. will be accomplished. Required revisions, received by e-mail or phone, from the CITY or WSDOT two weeks prior to the PS&E Submittal will be incorporated. 16.1.2. Specifications and Proposal Referring to the latest WSDOT Standards, Specifications, and current Supplemental Specifications, DEA and HDR will make revisions to the Special Provisions and other elements of the project's Proposal. 16.1.3. Opinion of Probable Cost Final revisions will be made to the project's construction cost estimate to reflect comments obtained during 100% Design Review. 16.1.4. Construction Time Determination CPD Final revisions will be made to the project's Construction Time Determination CPD to reflect comments obtained during 100% Design Review. 16.1.5. QC of PS&E A detailed review of the PS&E Submittal Package will be completed by DEA and HDR senior-level Engineers not involved in developing the project design prior to the PS&E Submittal. QC Review comments will be addressed prior to submittal to the CITY and WSDOT. 16.1.6. Submit Ad-ready PS&E Package DEA will assemble the above described 100% Plans, Specifications, Estimate, Cost Estimate, and Construction Time Determination CPD estimate components. The Ad-ready PS&E Package will be submitted to the CITY and WSDOT for review. CITY and WSDOT will review the submittal concurrently. The Ad-ready PS&E documents will be reviewed and approved and then issued for bid advertisement. City of Spokane Valley Page 67 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation—Phase ll Scope of Services—Exhibit B ASSUMPTIONS 1. Required revisions, received by e-mail or phone, from the CITY and WSDOT prior to the PS&E Submittal will be incorporated. 2. The Ad-ready stamped bridge plans from this submittal will be used for the BNSF Phase C Submittal Package. DELIVERABLES 1. Opinion of Probable Cost(signed/stamped) - PDF 2. CPM Schedule for Construction Duration - PDF 3. Specifications and Special Provisions- MS Word 4. signed and sealed project plans for the CITY- 1 hard copy, bond paper, 22x34 5. signed and sealed project plans for the CITY— PDF, 22x34 6. Electronic deliverables will be provided to the CITY. 16.2 Resident Engineer Files—DEA and HDR DEA and HDR will prepare and transmit the Resident Engineer package to the CITY (one (1) electronic file and one hard copy). The package will be prepared in an easy to reference notebook and will include the following: 16.2.1. Cross Sections - HDR HDR will create a MicroStation DGN and a Civil3D 2018 AutoCAD DWG file (of the DGN reference files) with cross sections at 50-ft stations (25-ft stations on curves). 16.2.2. Grade Books for the project- HDR 16.2.3. Roadway Quantity Worksheets - HDR This includes worksheets demonstrating how roadway quantities were developed. 16.2.4. Compiled Project Information—DEA& HDR This includes compiling Design Approval signature sheets, field survey data and information, environmental permits and approvals, project contact information, utility waivers and/or agreements, Public Involvement Summary, and project CADD Files. 16.3 Bid Assistance—DEA & HDR DEA and HDR will be available to answer questions and to assist the CITY during the advertising and bidding process. This task assumes that up to 40 hours (20 hours for DEA and 20 hours for HDR) will be required for bidding assistance. DELIVERABLES 1. 100% PS&E package (hard copy and electronic) 2. Resident Engineer File Package (hard copy and electronic versions) City of Spokane Valley Page 68 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation—Phase ll Scope of Services—Exhibit B V. GENERAL ASSUMPTIONS This Scope of Services is based upon certain assumptions and exclusions, identified below and under specific tasks. The following assumptions were used in the development of this scope of services 1. The project management budget for the Scope of Services is based on a project duration from April 2018 to December 2019, for a total of 21 months. 2. The level of effort for a given work task is limited to the amount of labor and expenses indicated in Exhibit D. Out-of-scope services beyond these limits will be provided as Extra Work. The CONSULTANT reserves the opportunity to shift budget between work tasks and between labor and expenses. 3. WSDOT LAG agreement for cost plus fixed fee with a not to exceed maximum will be utilized. If the scope of services increases or decreases as it relates to this original scope of services, then an adjustment to the associated fees and delivery schedule will be executed once the CITY and the CONSULTANT mutually agree on the terms of the change. 4. CITY will provide all traffic engineering analysis services for this contract through a separate agreement with a third party/Traffic Engineering Consultant. 5. Alternative 5 from the Phase 1 contract is the alternative that will be advanced to Final Design and PS&E preparation. 6. WSDOT will review and approve project elements that could impact SR 290. 7. WSDOT Bridge and Structures will not review and approve bridge plans outside of WSDOT Right-of-Way. 8. CITY will submit reimbursement requests/coordinate with the respective funding and approval agencies involved in the project. 9. No retaining walls are anticipated with the project. If it is determined that retaining walls are necessary, their evaluation and design will be considered Extra Work. 10.All signs within the project limits will be replaced. 11. WSDOT Design and Local Agency Guideline (LAG) Manuals will be consulted for specifications and general special provisions. CITY Special Provisions will also be utilized where pertinent. 12. Opinion of Probable Costs are estimated values. Therefore, CONSULTANT makes no warranty that actual project costs, financial aspects, economic feasibility, or schedules will not vary from CONSULTANT's opinions, analyses, projections or estimates. 13. WSDOT standard bid items will be used for all items on the project unless unavailable for items specified by special provisions. 14. CITY will prepare the contract bid package and insert the CONSULTANT-prepared Special Provisions and bid proposal sheet. VI. DOCUMENTS TO BE FURNISHED BY CONSULTANT The documents, exhibits, or other presentations as described as Deliverables under SCOPE OF SERVICES ("Documents")will be furnished by CONSULTANT to CITY upon completion of the various tasks. Whether the Documents are submitted in electronic media or in tangible format, any use of the Documents on another project or on extensions of this project beyond the use for which they were intended, or any modification of the Documents, or conversion of the City of Spokane Valley Page 69 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation—Phase ll Scope of Services—Exhibit B Documents to an alternate system or format will be without liability or legal exposure to CONSULTANT. CITY will assume all risks associated with such use, modifications, or conversions. CONSULTANT may remove from the electronic Documents delivered to CITY all references to CONSULTANT's involvement and will retain a tangible copy of the Documents delivered to CITY which will govern the interpretation of the Documents and the information recorded. VII. ITEMS AND SERVICES TO BE FURNISHED BY CITY The CITY will provide the following items and services to CONSULTANT. CONSULTANT is entitled to rely on the accuracy and completeness of the items and services furnished by the CITY. CITY PROVIDED ITEMS: 1. All traffic analysis needs and analyzes required as part of this project. This includes traffic data, conclusions, and recommendations developed by the CITY from previous work or through current contracts with others. This would include the current study being developed for the Spokane Valley Northeast Industrial Area Planned Action Ordinance(PAO). This would also include five-year crash data. 2. Any NEPA Environmental research and mapping developed during Phase 1 of the project. 3. Printing and mounting displays for Public Meetings. 4. Site plans for proposed, future, or recently constructed buildings or developments in the project area. 5. Available record drawings and information on the current project and on public works and/or private projects in the immediate vicinity. 6. Aerial photograph of Project limits (electronic file). 7. The CITY will, through a separate agreement with another consultant, provide the necessary Capacity Justification Report as required by the Spokane Regional Transportation Council's (SRTC) Congestion Management Process VIII. EXTRA WORK All work not described above will be considered Extra Work. At the request of the CITY, the CONSULTANT will perform Extra Work as a supplement to this Agreement. This work may include: 1. Retaining Wall Design; 2. Design services for northerly extension of Barker Road; IX. TIME FOR COMPLETION After the PROJECT kickoff meeting is held, a schedule will be prepared based on CITY and CONSULTANT feedback. Following is an estimated PROJECT schedule: r 1 . 1 lw J�I�IJL" Project management and Quality Control April 2018 to January 2020 CITY and WSDOT Coordination April 2018—January 2020 BNSF Temporary Occupancy April 2018 City of Spokane Valley Page 70 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation—Phase II Scope of Services—Exhibit B pv n�+, �..;. Design,Cadastral,and ROW Surveying April 2018-June 2018 Geotechnical Borings April 2018-June 2018 BNSF ROE,Design Exception Meeting April 2018- May 2018 NEPA Document and Approval May 2018-December 2018 BNSF Design Phase A Preparation/Approval April 2018-August 2018 Preliminary Design Package May 2018- September 2018 Open House#1 T.B.D. Preliminary Bridge Plans for Approval August 2018 -October 2018 Channelization Plans for WSDOT Approval August 2018-October 2018 BNSF Design Phase B Preparation/Approval October 2018—January 2019 60%PS&E T.B.D. Right of Way and Relocation Plans preparation October 2018-January 2019 Open House#2 T:B.D. • Right of-way Acquisition October 2018-August 2019 100%PS&E October 2018-March 2019 Open House#3 T.B.D. Ad-ready PS&E Package for Bid April 2019-October 2019 BNSF Design Phase C Preparation/Approval June 2019-September 2019 Right-of-Way Certification October 2019 Construction Fund Obligation November 2019 Bid Advertisement December 2019 X. MANAGEMENT RESERVE FUND A Management Reserve Fund (MRF)will be created in accordance with LAG Manual to account for any unanticipated needs outside of the above listed Scope of Services. This fund can only be utilized with advance written authorization by the CITY. End of Scope of Services City of Spokane Valley Page 71 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation—Phase ll Scope of Services—Exhibit B