PC APPROVED Minutes 04-12-18Minutes Spokatte Val]ey PIanating Com mis.0on Council C hamhcrq — City Ball April 12, 2018 I. Chair Rasmussen cafled the meeting to order at.fi;02 p.m, Commissioners, staff and audience stood for the pledge of allegiance. Secretary Deanna I loxton took roll and the fallowing members and staff were presertt; James Johnston Cary Driskell, City Attorney Danielle Kaschrnitter, absent, excwed Lori Barlow, Sen i€ar Planner. Tim Kelley Jenny Nickerson, Assistant Building Official Mike Phillips Henry Allen, l ngittcer Michelle Rasmussen Marty Palaniuk, Planner Suzanne Stathos, absent - excused Klatt Walton Deanna Horton, Secretary for the Commission Hearing no objections, Commissioners Stathos and Kaschmitter were cxcu, ed from the April 12, 2018 meeting - 11. AGE NDA: Comm ission er Johnson moved to accept the April 12, 2018 agenda as la resented. The vote on the motion cas f ve inf near-, aero against toad the motion passed 111. 11w+ INUTIE S: Commissioner Johnson moved to approve the March 22, 2018 minutes as presented. T ae vote on the motion was five in frxvor, zero a ain.5r and the emotion passed, IV. C[?M1VTlrSSTON DEPORTS: Tho Commissianccrs had tip reports - V. .ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT: Senior Planner l,nri Barlov►r explained the open space in the rnixed use zones discussion was not on the agenda for the evening, las it haat been moved in the minutes, the City had been anticipating the: docision to the: SEPA appeal for CPA -2018-0003. Shc said there had been a scheduling Issue for the hearing on the SEPA appeal and the hearing had taken place on March 27, 2018. Once the decision regarding the SEPA appeal is received, the Comprehensive Flan Amendments would he returned to the agenda- The open space discussion would he placed on the agenda subject to the Comprehensive Plan Amendment doliburatiions. V1. PUBLIC. COMMENT: °There was no public;. comment. VII. COMMISSION ION BUSINESS: Ji. Study Session: CTA -2018-0002, A privately initiated code text amendment to the Spokane Valley municipal Cotte to sallow ledging in the Incl iastr'ial zoite, Planner Marty Palaniuk presented tes the Conunission an overview of the privately initiated amendment requesting to add lodging as a supplemental use to the Industrial zone. Mr. Palaniuk cxplaine d lodging is a pertr,ilted use in the Mixod Use, Corridor Mixed L1sc, Regional Catnmcrcial, and lndu.9trial Mixed Use acnes. The proposal requests to add a `PIC' in for permitted or conditional use permit in the supplemental language for the Industrial zone in the Permitted Use Matrix. The supplemental language would state that the hotel/motel would need to have frontage on a principal arterial and if the building footprint ►were greater- than 25,000 square feet, a Conditional Uw Permit. (CUP) would be rcquared. He mentioned that staff had rcviowed the language prop€ wd and if the Commission recommends approval of the proposal, revised language would be recommended that was cunsistcnt with the language and format of the SVMC. The staff revision suggested an "S" in the Permitted Ilse Matrix, which references the Supplemental tJse Regulations; it is further suggested that the supplemental language be placed under- the Lodging Beading„ rather than the industrial beading. .All sta:tf,�ugge.sted revisions are mein-sulastantive to the proposed language. Mr. Pgalaniuk said there air, only three areas in the City this proposal would apply to, in the east along Broadway Avenue in the Yardley ai-ea, north of the: river along Sullivan and north of the river along Barker. Barker is not currently classified as a principal arterial, but there are plans to reclassify it in the fixture. Much of the area along Broadway would be restricted because it falls 2418-44- l2 Planning C oirunissiran Minules E'age 2 of 3 under an airport hazard overlay and high intensity uses, such as a hotel are not permitted in an airport hami'd zine. In looking at otherjurisdictions, Pasco and Richland allow hotels in their heavy industrial zones. Spokane allows it with a CUP, Spokane County only in light industrial. K.enncwick docs not allow hotels in an industrial zone, but in a Business Park zone, and Fcdcral Way allows the use in a Coin mercial Enterprise zone. Yakima and Liberty Lake do not allow them in any industrial zone, A C onditional Use Permit is heard by the Hearing Examiner. [le reviews them case by case and can impose conditions bascd on the impacts to the surrounding devclopment_ Commissioner Johnson asked how the 25,000 squame foot number was choson. Mr_ Palaniuk replied this ►vas the number the applicant proposed. Most of the .s.maIler hotels iia the area are under this footprint based can rescareh Mr. Palaniulk bad crone, except for the Miraabeau Hotel, Commissioner Walton asked if there was a specific project prop6sed. )iris. Barlow stated no project has been submitled since it currently is not an allowed use. Commissioner Rasmussen confirn ed that Barker Road is currently not a principal arterial now, but that them are plans to reclassify it in the future. ii. Staily Sessioa: FEMA Floodplain review processes Engine= Henry Allen presented to the Cotnmissionors the process for how to modify a FEb A floodplain. The City has six Special Flood Haz$rd Areas (S) UTA) or 100 -year floudplains. Those are aromas having a 1% annual chance in any given year to flood. Currently four of them air, under review, Worker Dravv, SalteselShelley Lake, Central Park and Hlenrose_ Development can occur in a floodplain and ehangtes to the floodplain boundaries can change based on development, topography ehangcs, mapping errors and proposed changes to the boundaries. N.6r. Afien explained several scenarios where the floodplain can be changed_ All changes need to be based on current cone itiuns and supported by scientific data. A homeowner could prepare materials and submit to F rMA to have their structure removed from the floodplain because the home is above the Base Flood Elevation FE), The documentation is prepared and sant to FEMA for review. Then FEMA deto mines if it meetq the criteria and sends back a determination. These do not change the map and takes two to three months. These are Letter of Map Amendments (LOMA or LOMA-F if fill has been used). If a development wants to build in the floodplain, they }prepare the necessary docmmcnts, explain what they are going to build, haw they will mitiguW the floodplain, prepare engineering analysis and send it to FMA for review and comment, They receive a Conditional Lencr of Map Amendment (CLOMR). Aftcr the development is built, they send the as-builts are sent to FEMA, If the as-builts are the same as the proposed information, there FEMA sends back to Letter ofMap Amendment and the map is changed. Thin can take :several months or years, depcading on the scale, The Forker Draw Alluvial Fan started .scoping in 20 10 and the property owner received the CLOMR March 15, 2018. Developments can change the map by bringing in fill to mitigatethe floodwaters, this is referred tc) by a Letter of Map Ameendmcnt based on Fill or at CLOMB-F, if the `-F' is on the end, it is based on -additional fill being brought into the site as a mitigation measure° Whon (lie map has topographical and scientific data discrepancies, data is collected, engineering tudies are conducted, and reviewed. Information is then sent to FEMA fur revicw and comment_ Then the Map is updated, This can take several years. altjcsc C'reeklFlats to Shelley Lake beg;rn in 20 til and sent to FEMA for aeview and comment tin March 8, 2018. VM. GOOD OF THE ORDER- There was nothing for the good of the order. 2018-04-12 PImming Commission Minaim Page 3 of 3 X. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Johnson movuci to adjourn (tic meeting at 7;461 p.m, The voce on the rmodon was unanimous infavor, the rnotion passed Michelle Rasmusscn, Chair Manna Horton, Secretary - - r ' Bate signed