Ordinance Summary 18-010 City of Spokane Valley 10210 E.Sprague Spokane Valley,WA 99206 {509)720-500I1 NOTICE OF ORDLNANCE PASSED BY SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL The following s the titleandsummary of Ordinance No. 18-010 passed by the Spokane Valley City Council on the 10'1'day of April,2018: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOK.:AN'F VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY. 4't'ASFIINGTON, GRANTING A NON-EXCLUSIVE FRA,_NCI1ISE TO MOBILiTIE, LLC, A NEVADA LIMITED LIABBILiTI'COMPANY TO CONSTRUCT,MAINTALN AND OPERATE TELECOMMUNICATIONS IONS FACILITIES WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIChI ITS-OF-WAY()11 THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,AND OTf-I R MATTERS RELATING THERETO. Section I defines certain words and terms within the ordinance; Section 2 grants Mabilitic a franchise for a period often years;Section 3 explains that no right-of-way fee is imposed for the ieiiu of this franchise; Section 4 sets out specific provisions regarding City use;Section 5 addresses recovery of costs;Section 15 contains the non-exclusivity clause; Section 7 deals with non-interference with existing facilities;Section 8 discusses construction standards; Section 9 allows for the protection of monuments: Section 10 grants authority for tree trimming at grantee's expense; Section 11 includes an emergency response; Section 12 states Grantee is responsible becoming familiar with and understanding the one-call system; Section 13 states facilities shall be constructed in a safe and operational condition; Section 14 discusses movement of Grantee's teleconutmnications facilities for others; Section 15 addresses Grantee's acquisition of any new telecommunication facilities; Se:etion 16 addresses dangerous conditions and the authority of the City to abate; Section 17 concerns hazardous substances: Section la states that Grantee shall coinply with all environmental protection laws and hold the City harmless Fro any damages arising as a result of Grantee's failure to comply with such laws;Section 19 explains the process for any relocation of teleaornmunications facilities; Section 20 speaks to abandonment of Grantee's telecommunications facilities;Section 21 states Grantee shall provide maps and records at no cost to City;Section 22 concerns limitation on future work; Section 23 addresses reservation of rights by City to refuse ally request for a permit to extend facilities; Section 24 cuncerna remedies to enforce compliance:Section 25 states r11at City ordinances and regulatiolns, will be adhered to; Section 26 states the City may vacate any property subject to rights granted by this franchise according to state and local law;Section 27 includes indemnification language;Section 28 states Grantee.shall procure and maintain insurance as noted;Section 29 addresses performance bond relating to construction activity; Section 30 states that the City and Gt`uniee reserve tine right to rnodify the terms of this franchise upon written agreement of both parties: Section 31 speaks of forfeiture and revocation; Section 32 states this franchise may not be assigned or transferred without written approval of the City; Section 33 states that acceptance of this ordinance from Grantee must be no later than fid days after passage; Section 34 addresses survival:Section 35 speaks to severability: Section 36 addresses renewal;Section 37 provides for notice;Section 38 states where any litigation between City and Gratnteee moist occur,whether if filed in the state court or it in the federal Court:Section 39 contains a non-waiver provision;Section 40 states that this franchise constitutes the entire agreement;.rod Section 41 provides for an effective date. The fatal text of Ordinance 18-010 is available at the City of Spokane Valley City offices as identified above. A copy will he mailed upon request to the City Clerk_ Christine Bainbridge,City Clerk Published:April 27,2018 1 certify that 1 het levethe foregoing summary, to be a true and complete summary of OrdinanecNo. 18-010. that the summery provides adequate notice to the public of the c{, Es of this ordinance, and that the original ordinance is on file with the City Clerk. 1116.41::: • au Cl Christine Bainbridge,City Clerk , SUPERIOR COURT ofWASFIII G'TON fur SPOKANE COUNTY In the Matter of AFF[DAVTTofPLI LICATION NOTICE OF ORDINANCE PASSED Ry Spokane:Vakley City COuootl NO. Ordinance N0,18.010 LEGAL NOTICE STATE of WASIIINGTOr County of Spokane MICHAEL HUtE'MAN being first duly swum on oath deposes and days that he is the EDITOR.of the Spokane Valley News Maid,a weekly newspaper.That said newspaper is a legal newspaper mid It it now and has been for more limo six months prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to,puhit hod in the nglish language continually as a veekly newspaper in Spokane County,Washington,and it is now and during all of said dmc'ham printed 1.1 an office mta? tained ar the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper,which said ncv:spapnr had been approved um a legal newspaper by order of the superior Court of '.he Stale of Washings ii in and for Spokane County.That the following is a true copy of a Legal Notice as if was published in regular 1s$ags commencing Aro the 27th day of April,2018,and ending on the 27th div of April,2418,all dates inclusive;and that such'ewspaper was regularly disaihuted to its subscribers during all oisaid period: C'OV of Spokane 417aley Spra Ito cedes $polone 0m WA aera75 _ tKY om LLEY of The Intlo'mng la Cho,1n0 dad summary ore Ordvrance Na.16510 pawed b1 Iho 4pocana Nailer e¢y Cauore an the 151h -.: C dsytt+pru aalp SUR M-_irtrip anon- Rr N Atl ORDINANCE OF THE COW ne r -o t7efpac inn spc7icnRE MAZY.SPOKANE eolorDI 774ca th day of April„2015 WAP iNG13374 GRunl'Iht©A meiN•EX- 410 0 I 1 li,� CLUSIVE RPNCI412E rfl 1,40211.111E �aB 1 cg.A14 tr.t 5tEt�`of Washington L.LC.ANEVADA LIMITEn LIABRrTY @,' \ fl:t "r:P CVI7nt Of GDNSTRUCCONSTRUCTmalnlain i4 L+. f 1}p 0 COMPANY Tri `aro eutraLi leksemmlm>calleris fatllll es- ;° [O • mein the yub4e nghl nunnery nl Nle 04 . �,. �[' \' ❑FyOFCNvE vALLY,AND MEW MMT- e '�i{}� k a, I ramify that 1 know or have satisfactory TVPS RELATING T AErO. o-•O !• 4ry evidence [Kiat Seolloo 1 derra*soriet worea arm lawn -' ,; f 1 r Minhaet Huffman is the person who appeared before rn *Kilo rho pltllrarce'Sepno772 grad.1dt} _ • Dye and said person r cltcow[n gad that h[ signed this bide a iNneh®rt far a omse.sr Lae'Irene; &Edong eaokins lhm no rghl.af-ray fee A r $L.1L is Inloorod roe Ihq term or Ohio rraempa ; 63ru L„ hm nt and acknowledged it to he his fine. 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In a gra and operal w ,} i.(�r[� l0eme pn Sateen IC decureresrrevem I I ! -d .7 of Granoeis Iehcumo atteallons lernllrec- Icem ahem Sealfny ma Lelown_e Grarrlet°n .bn 02 Jn yr any[rer9 lelmoornn�,nig7115n CCW. .& on 16 aadrtSsan[wagers.: ppndllionc and l aulhorily fir IMn Ci, It ebale;Sacllan 17 ccncorra:hawed. Ova eau Jarmo;Ss;llon 15 slake Mar G,anteeshall peniep hIIh all envhomnenlal puleeaer.Iano and hold 1Mr Gas hynll . Frani any claurttrya arising es o recoil al Granlep4 faiiura rc.a3mply ralIl,extreme; 0021150 19 ek0Iweg the manes for any ,Mlneany,el Wlptommunirtelloals faunas. 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