2009, 09-29 Study Session AGENUA SPOKANE VALLEY GITY CUUNCIL STUDY SESSION FORMAT Tue4day, Septembcr 29, 2009 6:00 p.m. CITY HALL CU : CIL CHAh1BERS 11707 East Sprague Avenue, First Floor (Please Silence Your Cell P6ones During the Meeting.) DISCUSSION LEADER SITB.TF.CT/ACTiVITY GOAL ACTION 1TEMS: 1. Ken "[liompson Firsi Reading Proposed urdinance 09-025 Advar►ce Ordinarice Substantial Need [public comment] to a Second Reading Can• [)ri;kcll First Reading 1'roposed (_)rdinancc 09-030 :1dN,ance Ordinance Gable Franchise [public comment) to a Second Readinu NON-AC'f IOIY ITENiS: 3. Morgan Koudelka County Contracts Presentation Discussion/Information 4. Mike Stone Aquatics Contrart Discussion/]nformation 5. Mike Stone Parks Maintenance Contcact Discussion/lniormatic>n 6. Da%,e Mercier Pft'.IIR11173i'y Leg15I3tIVE; .agenda viscussion/Infornnation 7. Councilrnembers t:ouncil Exterrlal Coiilmittez Report, Disc u»it►nrJnfi>rlnation 8. Mayor Munson Advance Agenda Discussion/inforiliation 9. Informatio» Only (tivill not be discussed or reported) (v) Traffic lnterloca! Agreement; (b) Response to Fublic C.'omm~.~rtls; (c) Communit}~ Detielaprrtent hfvnthlti' kepor[ 10. Mayor Munson C'ouncil Check in Discussion/tnfuriiiation 11. Uave ti-1en.ier City %Nlariager C:ommenis Discussionllntannation ADJOLJ1WN No[e: Ualess otherwise noted above, there witl be no public comments at Council Study Ses.sinns. Hawever, Council always reserves the right to request information [rom the public aad stafl as appropriate. During mectings held by the City af Spokanc Valley Cotmcil, thc Council rescrves the right ta takc "action" on any itcm lisied or suhscquently added to the agenda. The term "acliun" means to deliberate, discuss, review, consider, evaluate, or make a collective positive or negative decision `OTICE: lndividuats planning to attend the meeting who requirc special assistance to accommodate physical, hearin& or othrr impairments, glcase cantact the Ciry Clerk at (509) 921-1000 as soon as possiblc so that urrungements may be made. Study Stssion Agrnda, Stpttmhcr 29, 2009 F'sge I ot 1 I CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: September 29, 2009 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business 0 new business ❑ public hearing ❑ admin. report ~ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: First Reading Proposed Ordinance 09-025, finding a substantial need to levy an increase in property taxes. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: State budget law PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: The 2010 proposed revenues were presented to the City Council at a public hearing on Aug 11. Staff mentioned an increase of 2.9% ($299,500) in property tax receipts was expected. The public was invited to offer comment at that hearing. Additional public hearings were held September 8 and September 22 to consider the entire 2010 proposed budget including property tax revenues. BACKGROUND: State budget law requires we make our revenue projections known and conduct a public hearing to consider input from the public. At the public hearing on August 11, special mention was made of property taxes. Two additional public hearings were held in September. The City is allowed to levy a 1% increase over the highest lawful levy or an increase equal to the implicit price deflator (inflation), whichever is less. There is a chance that inflation may be a negative number which could decrease our property tax levy in 2010. In order to avoid a potential decrease in property tax revenue, the City should find a substantial need to levy the increase which staff expects to be 1.05%. We expect our sales tax (down $2.8 million) service fee revenue (planning and building fees down $388,000) and gambling tax (down $100,000) to . be less in 2010 than in 2009. We also expect our General fund costs to continue to increase. These factors result in a substantial need to the City. A finding of substantial need requires Council pass the ordinance with a majority plus one vote in favor. OPTIONS: State law requires an ordinance be passed confirming our desire to levy the allowable increase in property tax. A second option would be for the council to decide not to pass the ordinance and reduce the budget accordingly. Council also has the option to advance the ordinance to a second reading, or suspend the rules the adopt the ordinance. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Staff recommends council suspend the rules and adopt ordinance 09-025 finding substantial need. - BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The proposed ordinance increases the city property tax levy by an estimated $299,500 for 2010 operations. STAFF CONTACT: Ken Thompson, Finance Director . CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY 2010 PROPERTY TAX INCREASE FINDING OF SUBSTANTIAL NEED . 9-29-09 CITY IS ALLOWED A 1% INCREASE OR AN INCREASE EQUAL TO INFLATION, WHICHEVER IS LESS, PLUS NEW CONSTRUCTION & IMPROVEMENTS INFLATION IS A NEGATIVE.00848 Proposed with Without Sub Sub. Need Need B C INFLATION EQUAL TO 1.05% -0.848% 2008 LEVY FOR 2009 BUDGET $ 10,500,000 $ 10,500,000 INFLATION INCREASE/(DECREASE) $ 110,250 $ (89,040) NEW CONSTRUCTION & IMPROV. $ 189,434 $ 189,434 2010 LEVY $ 10,799,684 $ 10,584,434 DIFFERENCE COLUMNS B & C $ (215,250) USING $7,100,000,000 A.V. $ 1.52 $ 1.49 RATE- LEVY $ 10,799,500 DRAFT . CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHIlNGTON ORDINANCE NO. 09-025 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, DECLARING A SUBSTANTIAL NEED TO LEVY A 1% INCREASE IN REGULAlt PROPERTY TAXES FOR THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTON IN SPOKANE COUNTY, PLUS ADDITIONAL REVENUE RESULTING FROM NEW CONSTRUCTION, IlVIPROVEMENTS TO PROPERTY, NEWLY CONSTRUCTED WIND TURBINES AND ANY INCREASE IN THE VALUE OF STATE ASSESSED PROPERTY FOR THE YEAR COMMENCING JANUARY 1, 2010; TO PROVIDE REVENUE FOR CITY SERVICES AS SET FORTH IN THE CITY BUDGET. WHER.EAS, State law authorizes the City of Spokane Valley to levy an increase in regular . property taxes upon the taxable property within the corporate limits in order to provide revenue for the 2010 General Fund budget of the City; and WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley is authorized to levy $3.60 per thousand dollars of assessed valuation deducting therefrom the highest levy collected by a Fire District within the Spokane Valley city limits and also deducting the Spokane Valley Library District levy; and WHEREAS, RCW 84.52.020 requires the City Council on or before the 30`h day of November to certify budget estimates to the clerk of the Spokane County Board of Commissioners including amounts to be raised by taxing property within the limits of the City; and WHEREAS, the City Council pursuant to notice, held public hearings on August 11, September 8 and September 22, 2009 on the proposed budget estimates for 2010 including revenue sources which will fund the provision of City services, projects and activities; and WHEREAS, sales tax receipts are estimated to be $2.8 million less than 2009 receipts and VVHEREAS, service revenues (building and zoning fees) are estimated to be $388,000 less than 2009 fees; and WHEREAS, gambling tax receipts are estimated to be $100,000 less than 2009 taY; and WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley is a Washington Taxing District with a population of more than 10,000; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley has determined that due to the decreasing revenues listed above and increasing expenditures (substantial need), there is a need to increase the property tax levy by 1% plus additional revenue resulting from new construction, improvements to property, newly constructed wind turbines and any increase in the value of state assessed property to ensure adequate funding for the City General Fund in 2010. . _ NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington, do ordain as follows: Section 1. The City Council of the City of Spokane Valley hereby declares a substantial need due to decreasing revenues and increasing operating costs. Ordinance 09-025 Substantial Need Page 1 of 2 DRAFT Section 2. 2010 Lew Rate. There shall be and is hereby levied and imposed upon real property, personal property and utility property, as defined in RCW Chapter 84.04, 84.55.005 and 84.04.140 in the City of Spokane Valley, Washington a regular property tax for the year commencing January 1, 2010 in the total amount of $10,799,500. The regular property tax levied through this ordinance is for the purpose of receiving revenue to make payment upon the general indebtedness of the City of Spokane Valley, the general fund obligations and for the payment of services, projects and activities for the City during the 2010 calendar year. The purpose of this ordinance is to establish the levy amount as permitted by law. The City expects the dollar amount of the property taac levy which includes additional revenue resulting from new construction, improvemetrts to property, newly constructed wind turbines and any increase in the value of state assessed properties to be $10,799,500 which is $299,500 greater (2.9%) than the 20081evy which was collected in 2009. Section 3. Notice to Snokane Countv. Pursuant to RCW 84.52.020, the City Clerk shall certify to the County Legislative Authority a true and correct copy of this ordinance, as well as the budget estimates adopted by the City Council in order to provide for and direct the taxes levied herein that shall be collected and paid to the City of Spokane Valley at the time and in the manner provided by the laws of the State of Washington. Section 4. Severabilitv. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance shall be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or _ unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionally of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance. ' Section 5. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days after publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof in the official newspaper of the City as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council this day of , 2009. Richard M. Munson, Mayor ATTEST: Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Approved As To Form: Office of the City Attomey Date of Publication: Effective Date: - Ordinance 09-025 Substantial Need Page 2 of2 ' CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: September 29, 2009 City 11f9anager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business 9 new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: First reading - Ordinance 09-030 amending Cable Code, SVMC 3.65 GOVERNING LEGISLATION: 47 United States Code § 201, et seq.; SVMC 3.65 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Numerous discussions with City Council regarding granting a cable franchise to Comcast, and related discussion of adoption of a comprehensive cable code. BACKGROUND: As Council is well aware, staff has been negotiating with Comcast for a replacement franchise to ' the one Spokane Valley inherited from Spokane County upon incorporation. During those negotiations, a recurring theme for Comcast was a concern that a new entrant competitor could come in and get better terms from the City, which would put Comcast at a competitive disadvantage. As a result of those discussions, staff determined that , it would be advantageous for the City to adopt a more comprehensive cable code that establishes what our minimum expectations would be for any cable provider requesting a franchise. The essential terms that any franchisee would be primarily interested in are the franchise fee (5% of gross revenue), PEG contribution (.35 cents per subscriber per month), customer service standards, technical requirements, and density buildout requirements. OPTIONS: Request additional changes; place on agenda for a second reading. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR tiliOTiON: I move that advance Ordinance 09-030 to a second reading. BUDGET/FINANCIAL INiPACTS: NA STAFF CONTACT: Cary Driskell, Deputy City Attorney; Morgan Koudelka, Senior Administrative Analyst ATTACHMENTS: Proposed draft cable code revisions DRAFT CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 09-030 AN ORDINANCE OF 'I'HE CT!'Y OF SPOKANE VALLEY, STATE OF WASHINGTON, REPEALING EXISTING SPOKA.NE VALLEY MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 3.65 IN ITS ENTIRETY AND ADOPTING NEW PROVISIONS RELATING TO FRANCHISING AND OPERATIOr' OF A CABLE TELEVISION BUSINESS IN THE CITY, AND OTHER MATTERS RELATED THERETO WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley currently has limited City Code provisions relating to the franchising and operation of a cable television business in the Gity; and WHEREAS, a comprehensive cable code would establish minimum standards for persons or entities operating or desiring to operate a cable television system in the City; aild VN'HEREAS, a comprehensive cable code would help ensure the City's continiied co~mpliance with FederaI lativ requirements regarding rough consistency beriveen franchisees. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Spol:ane \'alley, Spokane COl1Illy, Washington, ordains as follotvs: Section 1. Pu ose. "I'lie purpose of this Ordinance is to adopt a comprehensive Cable Code for the Cirir of Spobane Valley. Section 2. Repealing Spokane Valley„ Municipal Code Chapter 3.65. Spokane Valley Municipal Code Chapter 3.65, and all of its sections as currently adopted, are bereb}p repealed in their entirety. Chitptei- .5 ~ ~:~~~~;r•--~~-~•c~~-~~;~.:._~. ~ews~ ~ 3.65:0?-9-C-able 4A'-; : i+iii:14,e--~ . r2'C- :1i~it tfi~. ai.. t2C+ 'i : 4~~65-.-Reeofd5: 3.65.099 'e. . _ . , . . 3-.66: 120 Violation NefteeF-, • • i! ~ UTdlilailCe 09-030 CaUIve Pac 1 of 3 DRAFT All--t;aes-eel!z~e4ufstiftllt-ta--6m--eliapt - be-t~- . • Yt= . , 2003T c~. _ . fraitehise fCiz 44 "frmehise ~n . u~}Y t:t'~ • Y • t Z. Definiflems 11 11 • r . f idiag ~f ' . . t . , • B. "Gity n ~ > > er- n n ~:*tiSt , . tfi , > bonds, > iens SE , } , . n n • • • , 1 business • P. (04 2003). 3-.6 5.040++ane htse-€ee--.A-FH01j1q-. . serl' ~ i- . (QFd. 20 , X- C~5.05 ing yeafi , _t:~~~ , 2003. ~~-~'t~:~}t'C: -.^'~~-tii !1=}:1? -~Cc-°*-t~~~t'-E~ii::fis~{;r~--~'t~f~r•~i~ Pi=~~:~f'~i.7;1~ tl}Ci~t~~-{~1:=1~-. 3:6 , . ci . ti . (QFd. 20 , . . . . . . . . Begkmifig t Memb 31st, _ , , . , . . . , • ~~--19 M3; {3f-d. ''~T "z1{~- 93-}: Ordinance 09-030 Cab(e Page 2 of 32 DRAFT Saeb pefseii~t3:Z7it'~.~rt'~c~i tg-01-e--ft!}'tE~iiti-t+-~-~-~it'--G . • . • his . (Ord. , 2003). 3. . . . . . , . the . fria 3.65.040, . . i imem* . > nquent > ► ?r . . . . , . • date P, r f . . . , . (Gfd. 20 § 10, .2003)-. 3.6-55.110 . . . . . Meney f , mess ef sueh fee, shall, •f upen f previded, hewever., fiet• 7 A'd. 20 1',-a---20035)r• 3,66-4.120 aiioi *ee--Femdty: N . . . , . , . , . . . ~ 65.130. , misdefne . . i , 7.80 , " . (Ofd. 2 - . 'r-IT-STOW$t-a--s--te-n3ah-e--rule&: . (Qfd. , . . . > > , > . shapter-, . . . . . . 9 2003*. . • Ordinance 09-030 Cable Page 3 of 32 DRAFT . fi . beefre3% it~ed-~--~~lz-ff.. - r_W4ee . _ . , ecdon 3. Ado tiQ ng Spokane Valley Municipal Code Section 3.65.010. Spokane Valley Municipal Code Section 3.65.010 is adopted as follows: 3.65.010 Defiuitions For the pr~.p ose of this C Ler the following words and terms shall have the meaning set forth below: "basic cable service" shall mean any service tier which includes the lawful retransmissioa of local television broadcast signals and anv public, educational, and governmental access prowammintt reguired by a franchise aQreement to be carried on the basic tier. " le AcY' means the Cable Communications Polic,y Act of 1984, as amended by Cable Television and M N,and the Te,lecommunications Act of 1996 Consumer Protectign end ComQetition Act of 19 arne.ndments twreto. "cable advisoCy _board" shall mean a Citv or regional cable advisory board as established by ordinance or interlocal agreement. "cable service" or "service" sha11 mean (A) the one-wav transmission to subscribers of (:i) video programming or liil other proWamming servic end ~(B) subscriber interaction, if any, which is reuired for the selection or use of such video pro arm'un or other RM,~ra,^mming-service. "cable system" or "s.y_.stem" shall meaa a facilit,,y, consisting of a sei of closed transmission paths and as,sociated signal eR necation. receQtioaLand control equipment thai is designad to provide cable service which includes video rpmming and wfiich is provided to multi ip e subscn ers within a community but such term shall not include: CD a facili , that serves onlv to rqtransmit the television signals of one (1_) or more television broadgag stations; 2 a ility that serves on1X Subscn'bers without using any.public right-of-way, -fpke (3) a facility of a c;ommQn carrisr which is subject. in whole or in uart, to the provisions of 47 U.S.C. ~ 201 et seq,- exce,.pt that such facility shall be considered a cable system (other thaa for nuroose~ of 47 U.S&IJ 541(c)) to the extent such fscility is used in the transmission of video proQrammin~t direcitY to subscribers, unless the extent of such use is solely to provide interactive on-demand services,; (4) an op.~n video s`rstem thai complies with 47 U.S.C. § 573: or (S) any facilities of anv electric utility used solely for operating its electric utilitv svsiem. For the puMse of a franchise~cable svstem shall mean e Arantee's cable facilities servicing the City. Ordinance 09-030 Cable Page 4 of 32 DRAFT "channel" shall mean a aortiQa of the electromagnetic frequenc rLspectrum which is used in a cable systc:r» f-irid ~vhich_is c~~~aE~lgpf a_televi.;ion_channtl. as tzl_e~ isioii cliarlnel i;~ de ined by the FCC. "l":ity- tueans the City of Spul.ane Valle}s aWasllinttOn lTlunicipal corporaliC>>i. "City Manage' means the City„Manager or desi¢n«. "complaint" shall mean a subscriber contact with a&rantee to express a grievance or dissatisfactiuc: concerning cable service, Complaints do not include matters not within the scope of a frmchist agreement A complaint mav be verbal ar in writin but necd nm inclu;le initizal coiitac_tti «hcre .111 issue is r,on~ptlv resolved to the subscriber's satisfactior;: "construction" or "construci" shall mean di~inQ. ~~~~►~ati~~v~__ 1.~~_ia~_. _~~t~•t~:ii~~~~. ~~~~:►_ad removiag= and replacing of a facilit\. "FCC" shall mein [ti~- F~-~t~r~1 C'~•~ f; ~ ; ~ , _ , , . . ~ ` . .t.~= - ' - ...C property necessarv to furnish and deliver cable television servicAm including but not limited to wim~. cables, conduetors, ducts, conduits, vaults, manholes, podestals, amnUfiers, aaliapcm aad atiachment& neeessarv or incidental to the distribution and use of cable television services. "franchise" shall mean the nonexclusive ristht and authority to construct, mainiain. and opec•ate a cable Ustem through use of public rig~ts-Qf-wav in the City uursuant to a contractual agreemen~ a~.proved by the Gity Cauncil, and executed by the Ci and a grantee• "franchise area" shell mean the entire &gQ=~.hic area withia the Citv as it is now constitut+od or may in the future be constituted. "svrantee" shall mean anv oerson r comoratian sumtod a fr=chise under this chepter. "gross revenues" means all revenue derived directly or indirectty by agrantec, or by agrantee's afTiliates from the operation of a Qrantee's cable system to provide cable senices ia the franchise area Gross revenues include by. wav of illustratian and not limitation, monthly fces cbarged tubscribers for cable services includiog basic service and ell other tiers of cable service: pav-per- view service: cable service installation, disconagetioa change-in-service and reoonnection fee& leesed access channel fecs, late fm, pgvmeats receiveti by a Arantee from pmgrammers for camage of cable services an the cable system and raco¢nized as revanue under generallya-gopted accounting principles ("GAAP") revenues from rentals of cable system eguiument such as oonYerters; advertising revenues f'ncluding laW, regioaal, and a pro rata share of national advertising carried on the cable system in the franchise areal net of commissions due to advertising Mncies that arrange for the edvertising, buy and as reco¢nized as revenue under GAAP; additional outlet fees, franchise fees, and revenues from home shopping cha~nels Gross revenues shall not include (i) bad debt, provided, however, that all or part of any such bad debt thai is written off but subsepuentlv collected shall be included in g[gss cevenues in the period collected: (ii)@BY capital coatributioa refenenced in subsections 13.8: (iii) anxpa Ments by the City to a grantee for I-Net maintenance or expansion: or (iv) a.av taJCes on services furnished by a mntee wtuch are imposed direcily ou aay subscriber or user by the State, City ar other governmental unit and which are collected by a g[aantee on behalf of Ordinance 09-030 Cable Page 5 of 32 DRAFT said governmental uni~ The franchise fees are no uch a tax and are therefone included in s~ross revenues. "lackout device" shall tnean an optional mechanical or electrical accessorv to a subscriber's terminal which inhibits the viewing of a certain program, certain chennel, or certain channels provided bv wa~ of the cable svstem. "maintenance or maintain" shall mean repair. restoration, replaGement, renovation and testinQ of the cable svstem or componeots thereof so as to ensure that it operates in a safe and reliable manner and aS mg t11Ted bY th1S ChBptet. "non-commercial" 4hall mean. in the contexd of PEG Chaanels, that Qroducts and services are not Id vi e PEG Channel. ne term will not be interpreted to prohibit a PEG Channel operator oc erora~ rrimer from independentlv f i.e. not in the coatext of an tY elevised programming) soliciting and on_a PEG channel, or from receiving financial support to produce aad transmit video programming a owled.ging a contributioo. in the manner of the corooration for public broadcastinst. A PEG channol operator or propammer mav cablecast informational programming. regarding Citv eveatg~, Projects and attracti4ns of interest to residents so long as the forimat for such ro ing~ consistent with the u pr oses for which PEG resources mav be used. "normal business hours" shall mean those hours during which most similar businesses in Citv am open to serve customers. In all cases, "normal business hours" must include some eveninu how& at least one 1 night par week and/or some weekend hours. "normal onerating conditions" shall meaa those semce conditions which are within the cantrol of t. Those conditions which are not within Xfie control of a Arantee include, hut are not limited to, nahual disasters. civil disturbanceS power outages. teleph ane network outages, and seve~e weather oonditions. Those conditions which are ordinarily within the control of a_gMpjft include, but ate not limited to, saecial Qromotions, paV-oer-view events, rate increases reg,ular ptak oc seasonal demand periods. and maintenance or upMde of the ceble system. "PEG" shall mean anM channel set aside forpublic use. educanal use., jpvernmental use without a channel usage chgxe "Person" shall mean an individual or legal enft suc,h as a cQrporatioa ar pjrtnership. `!preaaium service" shall mean pav tGle,.rision offered on a per channel or or progLam "publicpropert'~~ shall mean an r real estate or anv facilitv owned by the City.. "Public Works Diroctor" shall mean the Sjpkane Vallev Public Works Director or his/ber designee. "ri t-of-way~ shall mean all property, and the space above and below, in which the Citv has aay form of owaership, title, or interrest, inctudin~ easements and adiacent utility strips, which is held far public roadwati ar dedicated for compatible utility purposes. regardless of whether or no an roadwav or utilitv exists thereon or whether it is used. * roved or maintained for public use. "service interruption" shall mean the loss of picture or sound on one (1 or more cable channels. Ordinance 09-030 Cable Page 6 of 32 DRAFT "service tiec" sshall mean a specific set of cable services which am made available as and anly as, a aup forpurchase by suhscribers at a separate rate for tlie group. "standard instnllation" shall inean thase that are located up to one hundred twent},-five 125) feet from the existing distribution system. Grantee shall comQly with applicable FCC regulations mgarding cominercial iniallatiaas as raay now or bereafter arise. "subscriber" shall tneau anY oerson who lawfully roceives cable service via the svsteni. "video ro ing" shall een vrogtamming provided hy._or v.-nerall}_ considcrecj_ro111n.,:rable to Scctiuu 4. Adoptiifg, 5.poi.ane Vailc} Ntumcij2ai ~~dc, Jpokanc 1~►ii~~ Municipal Code Section 3.65.020 is adopted as follows: 3.65.020 General Proviaions A It is unlawfiil to engage in or commence construction, operatioo, or maintenance of a cable oommunications svsiem without a franchise issued under this chanter, except as may be otherwise provided by state or federal law. The cauncil may, bv ordinance, award e nonexclusive franchise to construct, operate and maintain a cable communications system within all or aev nortion of the citX to any oerson, whether Mrati.ag under an existing franchise ar noL who makes apnlicatioa for authority to furnish a cable communications svstem which complies with the terms and conditions of this chapter; pmvide(L that this section shall not be deemed to reguire the urant of a franchise to eny aarticular perso~ or to pmhibit tfie council from restricting the number of franchisees should it determine such a resiriction would be i❑ the public interest. Anv franchise for the constmciion, maintenance and operaiion of cable television systems using the public streets utilit3, easement& other public ri,ghts-of-way or places shall conform generally to ihe provisions of this chapter, except as mav be otherwise set forth in the ordinance granting such franchise. B The p!rovisions of this chapta mav be incorporatod by soecific reference in any franchise agroenaeat gpproved under this chaptec. However, in the event of aqy conflict or ambiguity arising,. between the provisions of any franchise asMment and those of this cheater. the provisions of the franchise a2raement shallprevail. Section S. Adopting Spokane Valley Municipal Code Section 3.65.030. Spokane Valley Municipal Code Stction 3.65.030 is adopted as follows; 3.65.030 Noo-Ezclmvitv. The ¢rant of auifiority for use of the Cily's rights-~f-way under dus chapter is not exclusive and does not establish priority for use over other fra.achise holdets. Qermit holders end the Citv's own use afpublic property Nothing in anv franchise a¢reement made under this chapter shall affect the ri&t of the City to grant to eny other person e similar franchise or rig,tit to occup,y and use the rights-of-waN, or any part thereof.. Section 6. Adopting S.pokane Valley Municipal Code Seciion 3.65.440. Spokane Valle), Municipal Code Section 3.65.440 is adopted as follows: Ordinance 09-030 Cable Page 7 of 32 DRAFT 3.65.040 Fraachise Issuance Prior to the .grantin o chise, the citv council shall cond,Uct a public earin to dete ine e following.. A. Initial franchise; 1. T_ at the public will be ben,efited bv the granting of a fraachise to the a lican • 2. That the aaplicant has the r uisite fmancial and technical resources, and capabilities to build, operate and mainta.in a cable television system in the a ea; 3. That the applicent bas Aq conflicting inte~ests., either financial or commerciaL which w'il 1 be contrarv to the interests of e Ci - 4. Thet the e IpD 1C8I1t will com~lv with sU terms and conditions _placed upoa a franchisee by this artiGle; 5. That the applicant is capable of comalving with all relevant federal, state. and local regulations pertaining to the construction, operation and maintenance of the cable facilities and svstems incorporated in its apnlication for a frenchise; 6. That the public rights-of-wav have the capgcitv to accommodate the cable conmynications s em: 7. That the apRlicaat is capable of inecting buildout threshold requiremeuts as se,cifiod in SVMC 3.05.090• 8. That the proposed franchise is consistent wiith the city's_present and future use of the public rits f-wav to be used bv the cable communications svstem; 9. That the benefit to the public from the cable communications svstem outwei s t a potential disru-ption to existinQ users of the Qublic nisthts~.~f wa,y to be used bv the cable communications Z%gm and the resulta.nt inconvenieace which may occur to the public: and 10, That all other conditions resulting from the suant of the frenchise have b n considered by the Ci and that the Citv detpmines that thc grant is still in the public' best interest. B. Renewal franchise. 1. at the a~.,pplicant tas compiiod with ihe terms and conditions of thc existin¢ frenchise,; 2. That the Qualitv of the aaolica~t's rp~vious service has been reaso~ble in light of communi nee • 3. That the applicant's proposal is rea.sonable to meet the future cable relat mmunitX needs and in~rests talcinginto aocount the cost of ineeting such needs and interests 4. That all other conditions resulting from he rant of the franchise have been considered bv the Citv and that the citv deiernaines Xhat tfie grant is still in thc u lic's best interest. Section 7. Adopting Spokane Valley MuniciQal Code Section 3.65.050. Spokane Valle„y Municipal Code Soction 3.65.050 is ~dopted as follows: 3.65.050 Fee. A. In all franchises made under this chapter, the grantee shall pav to the City five percent 5%) of its annual gross revenues in the City, pursuant to 47 U.S.Cj 542, throu out the full term of the franchise agreement. Pavment shall be due no later than 30 days from the end of each calendar Quarter, after which interest shall accrue at the rate of l% per month. In the event all or a-portion of the franchise fee bas not Ordinance 09-030 Cable Page 8 of 32 I)KAFl been paid within 60 days of the end of each calendar quarter, a penalty in the amount of 10% oftll,.: del inquent amount shal l be added to the outitanding. anount AU franchise fem interest_~ind I~l-nalti:, shall constitute a debt of the Ci , aad mav be collected by any means allowed under the 1~: B No acceptance bv the Citv of anv "vment fram erantee shell be coastrued as an acivrV Lilqi Ll':~- amount paid is in fact the correct amount, nor shall such acceptance of pvment be coastrued as a release of eny claim the Gitv ma.y have for further or additional sums Myable under the orovisions of the franchise Agreement All amountspaid shall be subiect to auditina and recomputation bv the Citv. C Grantee acknowledges and astrees that the franchise fees pavaTble_bv grantee to Cit.y pursuant to a franchise agreement, as well as capital support provided bv gmtee for PEG 2au3pment and facilities are authoriied under the Federal Cable Act and shall not be deemed to be in the aature of a federal, state or local tax. D. Franchise fees subject to audiL Upon reasonable prior written notice, durina normal business houm at the _,,rantee'sprincipal business office, the Citv shall have the right to iQ,~ect t6e grantee's fnancial records used to calculate the City's franchise fees. The CitY shall provide to the grantee a final reaort setting forth the Citv's findinp in detail, including any and all substantiating documentation In the event of an alleged underpavment, the gmtee shall have thirtv (30) da,ys from the receipt of tbe rep,rt t4 provide the City with a written response agreeing to or refuting.the re.sults of the audiL including anY subsiantiating, documentation Grantee shall review and the Citv shall be entitled to review grantee's historical financial records used to calculate the Citv's franchise fees consistent with the currentlv Applicable state staiute of limitations. fi Failure to complv with this section, txcept alleg&d undeWyments under subsection D. above, shall consiitute a material breach of the franchise aMment pursuant to SVMC 3.65.380. Section 8 Ado.pting Spokane Vallev Munici~al Code S~cction 3.65 460 S~kane Vallev ~uiunicipal Code Secdon 3.65.064 is adopted as follows: 3.65.064 Competitive Eqaity A The City reserves the ri t to Rrant more than oae franchise The City shall amend a franchise, as rec}uested bv the g,rantee if it amts additional cable service franchises or similar multiple channels of video pmgramminst authoriz-afians that contaia material teRns ar cvnditions which are substanUallv more fevorable or less burdensome to the competitive entitv than the material terms and conditians containeci in a Qreviouslv ¢ranted franchise A word-for-word identical fraochise or euthoriration for a cornoetitive entity is not required so long as the regulatory and financial burdens on each entitv are aenerallY pguivalent taking ioto account anv difference in the number of subscribets served the nwnber of PEG c,hannels and a.g=a~ te suptaort provided. the level of fees and taxes imposed, the term of the franchise. snd all other circumstances affectinR the relative burdens. B NotNvithstandinQ anv urovision to the contrar}-, at an), time prior to the commencement of a Rrantee's thirty six month renewal window provided bv Section 626 of the Cable Act, that a non-wireless facilities based eatity, leeally authorized bv state or federal law, makes evailable for nurchase bv subscribers or customerscable services or multiple channels of video pro ing within the franchise area without a franchise or other similar Iawful authorization aranted by the City, then a grantoe shall have a ri t to request franchise amendments that relieve the grantee of rettulatorY burdens that create a competitive disadvanta..ge to the franchisee In requesting amendments, the gmtee shall file a petitioa seekin¢ to Ordinance 09-030 Cable Page 9 of 32 DRAFT amend the fratichise. Such petition shall: (1) indicate thepresence of such wireline competitor; and (2) identifv all material terms or conditions which are substantially more favorable or less burdensome to the competitive entiri. The City shall act on the petition within 120 days. C. In the event an application for a ne%, cable television fraochise is filed with the City proposing.,~t serve the fmachise arean whole or in ~the Citv shall a4tifv the ra~q, ntee. Section 9. Adoptin& Spokane Vallev Municipal Code Section 3.65.070. Spokane Vallev Muaicipal Code Section 3.65.074 is adapted as follow~: 3.65.070 Tases. As is eonsistent witti applicable law., nothing contained in any franchise a reement Aranted under this chapter shall be construed to except thentee from any applicable tax, liability or asses men authorized bv law• Section 10. Adoptiog Spokaae Vallev Munici,pal Code Section 3.65.080. Spokene Vdley Municipal Code SeGtion 3.65.080 is adopted as follows: 3.65.080 Cable Svstem Saecifications. A. Prior to entering into a franchise agreement, and dq&g the term of the franchise aureement, the grantee's cable system shall meet or exceed the fallowing ~pecifications: hybrid fiber coaacial, fiber-to- the-node s em architectuM, with fiber-optic ceble de lo from tfie headend to the node and coaxial cable deploy.ed from the node tQ subscribers' homes. Active and passive devices capable of passing a minimum of 750 MHz and coable of delivering high-qualitv analqg or dittital video si¢nals meeting, or exceedinQ FCC technical auali.tjr standands. Cable s)Mm nodes d~.signed for future segme~tation as necessarv to maximize shared bAndwidth. B. A, Qrantee shall comply with all applicable technical standards of the FC;G as uublished in subpBTt K of 47 C.F.R. § 76. To thc extent those standards are altered„ modified., or amended during the term of the franchise agreemenL the Rrantee shall comply with such altered. modified or amended sLandards -A7thin a reasonable asriod after such standards become effective. The Citv shall have, upon writtm mguest. e rit to review tests and recor ds~.r~equirad to be p~ormed_,~ursuant to the FCC's rules. C. In accordsnce with aaplicable law, the City shall have th_g ri t to regulate arid insQect the construction, operation and maintenance of the cable system in the aublic rigtits-of-waY U~on reasonable prior written notice and in the Qresence of ihe Mtee's employee, the Citv may review the cable system's xechnical Mrformance as nectsM to monitor the grantee's oompliance with__th Qmvisions of the franchise agrecment. All equi~nnent testin¢ under a techaicalerformance review shall be conducted bv the grantee. Section ll., Adoptin.g Spokane Valle,y Muntciual Code Section 3.65.090. $pQkane Valln Municipal Code Sectian 3.65 090 is adopted as follows: 3.65.0 Cable Service. A Sub,ject to the densitv considerations listed be1Qw except in areas reserved for public travel or utility access not ,~et_opened and accepied by the Citv as public rit-of-waY that the grantee is specificallv and Ordinance 09-030 Cable Page 10 of 32 DRAFT 1avrfi~ilrc~llibitec~ froEn c~eQ1c~ in i1s csb~le ~~sfe~r► b~' the ow-ner1c~qveloWrti tl~.~ tr~n~~ ~h~li ,~rr~~vide eable servic~ as follows: - 1. A new entrant gLan#ee shall commence construction within 1 20 days vf t~c granting o#` a franchise. fihe citv council m~y gMt an gxtension Ihereof for gogd cause shown. ~rovide~. b+~~~ever, t.haat for" ~lic ation for such an extension rnust be ~"~1ed by the gMtee within the 120 day Wriod. .~vv entrant grar~~11 ~,prroviding ~~ic► t~a subsc ~'rbers wiihin 244#a~ of the gmtka of s franchisc, t tee s'~all ha~re r,.,~mpl+~t+~d buildout ~rith'n a1l ~ of th_pitv widiin 36 I A now eaqp mon~ of the gmnting of a franchise. The city council Magr~nt an eactension thereof for good cat,W 5hown, pra•ided. however, that farmal $pRli~tion for,~uch an ea€tensian must be filed by the gmtee with¢n the -16 month riM. and ttie maximum extensi~n ftlioNN°abte is trt) to six additional r~~nth-~,, 4, A1`eas '~U~seo lloiiI1 [i4l +..'e?i`.~,... ;~,r- x • . , ' .13? `:l,a . } . ~6 f\ 1~ a , i F, E i 1 ~ 1'f:~iffliL~ 411;,°.ILLNVW??A 't1l~Yl t~ii.~`.',' 3, fL: byAc cl ei1. B. Act~ss to csbIe serviu s"- Il uot be deziied to wi~-group ut WietiLial able subsct ibcrs because ut tb~in;(ome c~f the pxatential cable subs~cri~rs ~ar the ar+~a in which suc'~ gMup reside~, ,ll r~sidat~t<; mquestinp,csble service and livi within a stan~da~ ir~stal[atia►n a~' one hu~ndre~d ~nt~- f v4_ f~t sha! ` have the cable installed at no mpre than the prevailing-published installation Egte. k the event a rMue~: is made for +cable service and the residenoe is more #.haan a stsndard inst?allation f one hundred twv~n~ - ~~ve #'eeL_~uch ins#alIation shall bc cample#.ed o-n a tirne and rrraterral cost basis for that portion of th,, smice lino_ ~~ctending 6evand ane huridred twentv-f ve feet - -Q. Upgn M,uest through the +desEizteted Ci1.`v repMsentative. t~~e Lo-r-aiitee slia~~ pi,ovid~, withaui c:h~rg~_- and th`oughout the tenn of the fmnchise ag~nent. one outleL one convertff. if n~ss~c~ir, cable service rand expanded basic c ble sen►i~ (Le, toVether the co~iytle,t of sixtv charnels u: pmgramming) ar tb~e~ an.Ioe or digital equiva1ent of such service tiers vfferei bX_gmtee to tht= Gitv's administra:tive.-buildiaus ass desianate~ ~y the ~.'ity, fire statian(a),police stationLsl 1ibmries and state accredited K-12 nubjxc and pn*vate wboo1Cs. 1, ~f thy dmp line to such huild'ang-gxeeeds as?Gandard installation dron one huadred twen -five fee the tee will acoornmcxi,ate the ~ip up to thr~~ h~~c! feet '~e ~ilv_c~r v~er s~~a ,provides the neEessa attachment Wint foar aerial service or cgnduit pgthwAy for u~nderground s~ice, If the necssga nathnLay is not provided the Ci1 or otther agencv Mgm to pgy th_o incrennental cast of such dimp in excess o#` +vne hundr~~ oLventy-fve feet or the necessary distributian li~~ extensivn of the +;,able system, including the cost ofsMch exsM labar and ~ght of ~nuy, materiats. The recipient of the service ihil1 se~~~ure $ny ne.oessary n 2. The cable servi_will nat te used for ccrmmercia1l vusnd the vut[e1s will net be lvoLed on to the pubfi+~ exce;~t~n~ one outlet ta be loe,at+ed in a pubiic lghbv nf snr~ver~~a~ in areas W buildin that will 'ke, used by the p,ub1ic for viewingpublic,go e_rqm nta1,qr eduSa3ional channels. The City uFill take reasona1ale p[ppautions _tv pnev~~~ any um of the mnyr,'cable Clrdinance 09-030 Cable Page I 1 of 32 DRAF7' system in any manner that results in inapprovriate use loss or dama$e to the cable system. Lzracitee herebv reserves all ri ts it may have under the law to seek p.ayment from CitY for liabilit,y or claims $riswg~out of the Qrov_ision and use of the cahle service reQuired bv this section. 3. Lf additional outlets of cable servic,e sre orovided to such buildings, the building occuvant wilj paxthe usual installation fee if an . U. Grantee shall extend the svstem t4 anv portion 2f the City after the date of the franchise agreement, when dwellings can be served by extension of the svstem oast dwellin p gquivalent to a densitv of seven dwellings per one-quarter mile of cable contiguous to the sys.tem. Grantee m.$~uetition the Ci for waiver of this reauiremeat~ such waiver to be granted for aood ceuse shown. Such extension shall ~ grantee's cQS►t. In areas not meetingthe reauirements of seven or more dwellipILper one-quarter mile, for mandatorv extension of service, vrantee shall provide, upon the reQuesr t of an,y ootential subscribers desiring sccvice, an estimate of the costs teauired to extend service to such subscribers. C'irantee shall then extend service upoAI uest aad uMn ~.a =ent of an amount e ual to the reasonable va1ue of actual time and materials to be incurred bv ~~antee for such extension. Anv customer drop not exceeding a stand,ard inStallation of one hundred twentv-five feet will be 5-ee of charge to the customer other than normal installadon fees. For drops ia excess of oae hundred tvvent r-five fetL Mee ma,y assess kin amount equal to time and materials. Section 12. Adouting Spokane Vallev Munici Code Section 3.65.100. Spokane Vallev MuniciQal Code Sectian 3.65.100 is adopted as follows: 3.65.100 Pro,g, tkmmin g, A. All final rogr,nmin_g decisions remain the discreti4n of grantee in aa:ordance with a franchise a~Zreemant made under this c ter rovided that grantee notifies Catv and subscn'bers iun writing thirt~ , nnd furtber sub'ect to gmntee's sipal 31_Lxior to anv channel additions, detetion& or real_ignmeAft da carria~,te obligations hereundar and pursuant to 47 U.S.C. § 531-536., atid further subiect to City's rigb Qursuant to 47 U.S.C. 545. B. A grantee shall pmvide at leasl the following initial broad cateQories of proM'amminLa to the eatbeni such categories are reasonably evailable: 1. Educatianal orog~..m.mi g; 2. News, weather and informaiion; 3. S2orts: 4. General entertainment including movies; 5. Children, familv oriented_; 6. Arts, culture and performing arts; 7. Foreign languege promramming; and 8. Scienceldocumenta. C. A grantee shall offer to all subscribers a diversity of video romming_services and it will not eliminate any broad categories of pmgramminQ_.without first obtaining the written Wroval of the Ci + such aaproval not to be unreasonablv withheld. D. AZpantee shall noti in writin th it of its intent to eliminate anV broad cater o~y F of QrogMrnming noted in subsection B. above. The Cirir, or its designee, shalt make a determination on such r..equest not Urdinance 09-030 Cable Page 12 of 32 f_>li. : ! f iater than sixtv days aftec receint ot lhe requcst by erantec;. !n the event that ihe Gity mal:es an a~'. determinatioa such detecmination shall be in writingz along with a cancise statement of the re ason, therefore. In the event the Citv fails to rtlake a determination within sixty davs after recei~r.; from nte ,grantee shall have the right to make the deletion contained in its written mque -Section 13 Adopting Snokane Vallev MunicitMl Code Smtion 3.65 110. SpukA►►c aii'L . Mciaal Code Section 3.65.110 is adopted as follows: 3.65.110 Rates. A Throup-hout the term of any frenchise agreement made under this Ghaater and upon mquest by the City, the grantee shall provide an updated cate card to the City that details applicable rates and chargs for cable services provided under the franchise agreement This does not reauire the arantae to file rates and charstes under temporary reductions or waivers of rates and charRes in conjunction Nvith promotionW camWBM. B A grantee shall provide a minimum of thirty days' written notice ta the Citv and each Subscriber before chaoging a"nY rates and ch es. C City mav regulate ratcs for the orovision of cable service provided over the "em in accardancx with applicable federal law in oarticular 47 C.F.R. Part 76 subpart N. In the event the City choQSes to regulate rates it shall, in accordance with 47 C.F.R. § 76.910, obtain certification from the FCC, if applicable The Gity shall follow all a,palicable FCC rate regulations and shall ensure that appropriate personnel are in place to administer such regulations City reserves the right to regulate rates for anv future cable services to the maximum extent allowed bv law. Section 14. Adoptiatt Spokane Vallev Municiaal Code Section 3.65.120. Spolcane Vallev Municipal Code Soction 3.65,120 is adopted as follows: 3.65.120 PEG and Local Pro&ramminQ. A Any suantoe shall make available ane full-time noa-commercial multi-iurisdictiooal PEG channel (the "government channel") for future activation and ioint use by the City, the Ciri of Spokane and/or Snokane Counh+ for eovernmontai eccess.programming. The City shall provide grantee with a minimum Of fo ,-five dayl grior written notice of an initial meeting to develop an implementation plan for activation of the government channel. B Commencing an tht effeetive date of a franchise g.ranted under this chapter, and throughout the term of the franchise, grantee shall deliver those PEG chaanels with whom the City has contracted foc service, p,p to a maximuin of six channeLs Grantee shall coatinue to deliver those PEG channels so loog as the Citv's contracts are valid and the PEG channels have content to distribute. The Citv shall provide copies Qf all PEG channel contracts. and contract renewals, to grantee within thirty davs of execution. C The grantce will endeavor to vrovide the subscribers in the franchise area with the other regional PEG channels so long as the PEG programmers offer them for use on the cable svstem. D. All PEG channels provided to subscribers undec a franchise made pursuant to this chapter shall be included by grantee sub'ec~ t to applicable law. For atl PEG channels not under grantee's control, erantee Ordinance 09-030 Cable Page 13 of 32 DRAFT shall insure that there is no material d_e~~.radation in the signal that is received bv g=tee for distribution bv &rantee over the cable Mtem. E. The City shall be responsible for all urowamming,,. requirements for the eovernment channel, including but not limited to scheduling, plavback, training, staffing, copyright clearances, and equipment.. maintenance and repair, unless resnonsibilitv for administerinQ the government channel has been designAted to a third ~arty, which shall then become resRonsible for a11 progammin tg~uirements under this section. F. The graatee shall-provide the PEG chaaaels as part of the cable serviceprovided to W subscribea. at no additionW charge. If channels are selected throug a ruenu svstem. the PEG channels shalbg displayed as prominentlv as commercial pro mming choices offered by-grantee. A&rantee will u,Lg reasonable efforts to minimize the movement of Citv-designated PEG channel assi ents and maint in common channel ass'Wments for cOmpatible PEG proing. G. At such time as a grantee converts its basic cable service tier from an analog to a digital format, the such Ci 's PEG channels will be carried on the digital ptatform and grantee shall install, at its sole cost bers beadead equipment to accammodate such channels. Such PEG channels shall be accessed bv subscri throu use of stand,ard di¢ital equipmeat comnaiibte with gmtee's cable sVem. H. rantee will remit to the Citv as a cauital contribution in suWrt of PEG ca~tal requirements an amount equal to thirtv-five cents aer subscriber per month to be paid to the Citv on a quarterlv basis for the life of the franchise. The Citv shall allocate all amounts under this subsection to ~EG ca...~tal uses exclusivel~. Grantee s. h not be respgnsible for QavinR the PEG canit~tl cQntribution with res ect to tis or bad debt accowat~: Consistent with 47 C.F.R. & 76.922, grantee may, in its sole discretion. add the cosz of the PEG c.anrtal contri ution to the price of cable services and to collect the PEG calLital contTibution from subscribm. In addition, consistent with 47 C.F.R. ~ 76.985, alt amounts paid as the PEG c,~ital cantribution may b_,g separatel), stated on subscribers' bilis as a Ci ty of Saokane Val1ey PEG ca~tal contribution. Upvn mrantee's writtea req,uest and e a reed upmk both oartie& the City shall provide the wntee vvith documentation showing ex,penditures for PEGopital use of the previous fiscal veM' PF,G capltal contribution and showing, the budgeted use of the current year's PEG funding. In the event the CitX cannot demonstrate thai PEG ca,_ !p tal fundin,g was used or budReted fQr PEG capital needsj?-rantee's PEG funding obligatioas goine forward shall be reduced byan gguivalent amount. 1. Within ninetv davs of request, the g'antee shall provide an esiimate of costs associated with the canstruction and activation of one return path ca,pable of trancmittin v~ ideo programming to enable the distribution of the Citv's gecific government eccess p~ammingto subscribers on the multi- jurisdictional PEG~c6annel. The retum line sball rua from a location to be determined bv the City to the grantee's facilities. Within two hundred seventv davs of the City's directive, the grantee shall construct and activate a return line in accordance with the cost esdmate previousl~.provided. The City agcm to pU the costs of the retum line within sixtv days of construction / activatian and recein, t of an invoice from the tee. Section 15. AdoQting Spokane Vallev Municipal Code Seciion 3.65.130. Spokane Va11eY Munici Code Section 3.65.130 is adoas follows: 3.65.130 Institutional Netwark Connections. Ordinance 09-030 Cable Page 14 of 32 nR:9 FT ~I I Upon re uest of ihe Gity, a Rrantee shall investigate and provide the Ciiy a plan with a cost based on eidier a managed network or ihe most cost ef#icient connectiaA utilizing curneat techaolc- t~. accommodate the City's reasonable broadband cap,acity needs for a non-commercial connection betwee: the Citv's facilities For the nur,Roses of this section, non-commercial meaas privaie networi selling th~ c4mmunications from and amonQ th~ City and other up blic ageacies and excludes leasingor re broadband capacity to a thirdpgrty for anX..,,purpose. After receiving amuuest ftm the Citv. t~nt shall provide the City a plan including an estimate of the construction costs, within ninetv days Th: sost estimaie sha11 include the fully allocated construction cost from ihe nearest arantee identified fiber access location to the requested site(s)including. but not limited to, site construction, fiber, labQr, materials and gmtee provided eauip,mentt The Gity shall pav all of Arantee's desiga engineering costs associaied with developnaent of the reauested plan and cost estimate(s), if the Ciiy does not accepied the plan for construction To auorove tfie gMtee to perform the work the Ciiy shell provide the grantae with written authvrization to comnlete the connectivity construction and a purchase order in the amount of the cost estimate. Any connectivity construction shali be performed and cocnpleted within six mont6s afteT the Citv authorizes the work be performed, unless the parties agree in writinR to a different completion date prior to commencement of the work in order to accommodate AMial considerations of the Ci r. Section 16. Adopting Spokane Valley Municipal Code Section 3.65.140. Spokane Vallev Municipal Code Section 3.65. ] 40 is adopted as fol lows: 3.65.140 Parental Cootrol. A. A Rrantee shall provide subscriber controlled lockout devices (audio and visual) at a reasonable charge to subscribers upon their request. B As to anY program which is transmitted on a channel offered on a per channel or per prog,ram basis, grantee shall block entirel,y the sudio and video portion of such program from roc,epdon by_ank subscriber who so requests. Scrambling of the signal shall not be sufficient to compiv with this pr2vision. Section 17. Adopting Spokane Yallev Municipal Gode Scction 3.65.150. Svokane Vallel Municipal Ccxle Sectian 3.65.150 is adopled as follows: 3.65.150 Recoverv of Costs. AgmnLoe " reimburse the Citv for all costs of one publication of an ordinance authorizing a frenchise made under this chanier in a local and mquired legal ooticesprior to arW public hearing v;Sgidingthe frenchise, coniemporaneous with its aoceotance ofthe franchise. Section 18. Adopting Spokane VaUev Munic_ipal Code Section 3.65.160, Spokane Valla Municipal Code Section 3.65.160 is adopted as follows: 3.65.160 Least Interference. The Ciiy shall have prior and suoerior right to the use af its rights-of-way for installaiion and ~naintensnce of its facilities and other Aovernmental purposes. Work by.,.grantee in the rit-of-wav shall be done in a manner that causes the least interference w7th the riehts and reasonable convenience of I Ordinance 09-030 Cable Page 15 of ')2 DRAFT rp opertv owners and re$ideots. The owners of all faciliUes, uublic or private, installed in or on such public pro rties prior to the installation of the facilities of tbe grantee, shall have oreference as to the positioning and location of such utilities with respect to the grantee. Such preference sball continue in the event of the necessitv of relocatin¢ or changing the grade of anv such risrht-of-way. Disputes betweea the grantee and other part ias over the use. pursuant to a franchise Uereement of the n:ghts-of-wa„y shall be submitted to the Citv for recommended resolution. No franchise under this chapter shall, in any way, prevent or prohibit the Ci from using anv of its n'of-wa„L_.or aff_ect its iurisdiction aver them or any,rRari of them. The City hereby retain i fu ~olice cfower to make all changes, relocataons. rep~ m4intenance, establishments, improvements. dedications ur vacation of same, including the dedicaiion. establishmeat, mainten~ snd impr+Memeat of all new riQhts-of-way. SecrioA 19. Adopting Snokane Valley MuniciQal Code Section 3.65.170, Spgkane Va11eX Municipal Code Section 3.65.170 is adopted as follows: 3.65.170 Conatruction Standarda All work authorized and re4uired hereunder shall comQl~ wiffi t enemlly_apQlicable Citv codes and regulations. Grantee shall also comQl~► with all a lt~t~ icable federal aad state reguladons. laws and_precdces. Grantee is responsible for the supervision. condition, and qualitv of the work done• whether it is bv itself or by~contractorsLassigns or agencies. Sectioa 20. Adopting Spokane Vallev Muaici Code Sqgtion 3.65.180. Spakane Va1leX Municinal Code Section 3.65.180 is adoQted as follovvs: 3.65.180 Restoration After onstrnction. I f in connection with the construction, aperatioa maint~:~. unQra,~ d, rt,pair or recement of tbe cable svste;n, agrantee disturbs, altem or damages any public or private urope tfie rantae a,Qrees tbat it shall at its own oast and expense pqy for anv damage and reulace and restore anY such propertv to a condition reasunably comgarable to the condition existing immediately vrior to the disturbance. Whenever ¢rantee disturbs or damaes any ri t-of-wav ar other public properW._suantee "l complete the restoration work .vithin a rea.sonable time as authorized bxthe Citv's Public Works Director. Section 21. Adoatin& Saokane Vallev Municipal Cade Section 3.65.190. Spokene Va11eX Municipal Code Section 3.65.190 is adopted as follows: 3.65.1 Obstruction Permits ReQuired. pfiate obstruction Mrmits from the City_pursuant to the Saokane Grantee shall applv for and obtain aQpro Valley Municipal Code. Grantee shall pay all generalt a, licable~ernnit fees for the c~eguisite Citv nermits and reimbwse the City for all gene I a licable fees incumed bv the CipLm the examination, insMtion, and a,pproval oaf grantee's work. Section 22. Ado~ating Spokane Valley Municival Code Section 3.65.200. Spokane Val~ MuniciQal Code Section 3.65.240 is adopted as follows: 3_65100 EmerEency Respanse. Ordinance 09-030 Cable Page 16 of 32 DRA F7 The grantee shall maintain with the C ity an emergeocy response number pror iding an emerQency.,Z~~ response for the Citv to use in case of an emerggncx After being notified of an emergency._ grantc ~ shall cooperate with the Citv and malce everv effort ta immediatelv respond with action to aid Qrotectioa the health and safetv of the public Section 23. Adoptiog Spokane V al le Mu -1 ~,1t1,,; •~•~•:I ~ifi:-• C':"`~ ~i~ 110 t~ ?j;,r~±~'~ 1 , . ' I a ~i, "~t. :i: : . , . , ~ ~Jl:ll4l 13:I1 lil~!I~• ~I'i l~i i.~!`ill.c:i.!a~. la ..1: ~.1:~. 1..•_ ~li~l.li. . i. - . . . . to grantee's fac i 1 ities in the ri¢ht~ys Section 24. Adopting Spokane Vallev Muaicinal Codo Section 3.65.220. SQokane Vallev MuniciQal Code Section 3.65.220 is adopted as follows: 3.65.220 Environmeatal. Grantee shall complv witfi atl applicable state and federal laws coacerning environmental protectiota relatiog to grantee's facilides in the riht-of-way. Section 5. Adopting Spokane Va-li-ey Munici Code Section 3.65.230. Seolcsne Valley Municitaa_ 1 Code Section 3.65.230 is adopted as follovvs: 3.65.230 Movement and Relocation of Facitities. A. Relocadon of facilities at the request of a third,p,Aty_ If anv removal, cepl8c,ement, modification or disconnectioa of the cable svstetn is required to accommodate the oonstruction, operation or repair of the facilities or equipment of another Ci cable franchise hfllder(sl. grantee shall, after at leW fl~rt~days advance written notice, take action to effect the necesM chang_Mquested the reMgnsible entityas long as the other franchise holder(s) vav for the grantee's time and material costs as.sociated with the proLect acd grantee is issued a permit for such work by the City. 2. The gmtee shall, un reasonable Qrior written request af anv subscriber, relocaie its aerial disbributioa cable facilities undsrnround, as long as the subscriber oavs for the mntee's time and material cogs associated with the pWject and grantee is issued a pennit for _sus.h work kLt-hg QW. 3. In the event an under,ground coaversiop of cable facilities is reauired as part of the ~tr~oet improvement condition(s) of a new land use develooment, not associated with e City desianated capital improvement project a franchise shall in no wav limit the grantee's right to bill and collect in advance all time and material costs associated with the undeMound conversion of the cable system from the person responsible for the land use develo~.ment project. 4. At the request of anv persoa holding a validpermit and u,pon reasonable advance notice and pavment by the permit holder of grantee's expenses of such tempora ~r~ change, arantee shall Ordinance 09-030 Cable Page 17 of'32 DRAFT temuararil}, raiset lower or remove its facilities as neces to accomtnodate a psrmittee of the Cit . B. Relocation at Re4uest of the Ci y. l. Upon at least sixty davs prior %ti7itten notice to grantee, tlie City shall have the ri,ghi to require ran ee to relocate anv part of the cable svstem within the rights-of-wav when the saferi, health or welfare of the public requires such chan M and the exDense thereof shall be paid bv ¢rantee. The Ci , may, at its optioa, provide more than sixtx da„ys notice. After receiFt of such notice, grantee shall complete relocaiion of its facilities at least five da,s priar to commencement of the project or an agLved upon date bv both arties. Should ¢rantee fail to remove or relocate My such facilities by the date established by the Citv, the City ma,y effect such removal or relocation, and the expense thereof shall be_~id bygrantee, including all costs and exaenses incumed bv the City due to gantee,s delav. If the Cit~+ rec~uires grantee to relocate its facilities loc8ted within the rits-of-wa„y- the City shall make a rea.sonable effort to provide grantee with an alternate location within the ri t-of-wa .~f ppblic funds are available to anv person using such ri~,thts-of- way for the u se of defraying the oost of UX of the foreg~oing,.._the granteq-mav make Wlication f4,r such funds. 2. ju the case of relocation Orojocts where the oonversioa of overhead utilities is within a Ciiv capital imvroveinent project, then the, gantee shall pgALcipate in the ioint trenchinQ aortion of the Proaect, and grantee shall pa,y to the Citv ¢raatee's pgrtion of the traffic control and trencb costs. .mcluding excavation and other associated costs, trench bet~ding, end backfill commensurate with grantee's ppgportionate share of treach usage. However, if hids from the Ci r it's designated contractor for placement of grantee's conduits and vaullsl.pedestals in the supplied ioint trench. in the reasonable e, tiM.,niioa of the gMtee are not acceptable, the grantee shall ave the option to utilize contractor(s) of its choice to compleie the reauired work., so loag as use bv ¢rantee of its contracto s does not detay_ft Citv oroject. The Ci _ or its designaied contractor shall coocdinate with the grantee's contrector(s) to urovide reasonable Aotice and time to complete the placemenx of the graatee's facilities in the su.pp,plied.ioint trench. 3. Nothing in a franchise made under this chaater shallprevent the City from constructinQ any public waric or capital impeovement Further, the Citv shall have the right to require gmntee to relocate, remove, replace, modifv or disconnect grantee's facilities and equipment located in th,~ ' it of-wayo ur on an ►other p~ropertv of the City in the eveat of an emergeney or when pecessarv to protect or further the health, safetv or welfare of x.he e_„neral public. and such woA shall be tDerfornned 4Lgrantee's expense. Followin&notice bv the Citx. ¢i-antee shall relocate, remove, replace, modifv or disconnect an)of its facilities or equipment within anv rittht-of-way-, or on anv other propert}, of the City. 4. If the grantee fails to complete the above work within the time Qrescribed bv the City, 'ven the nature and extent of the work, or if it is not done to the Citv's reasonable satisfactioa, the CiW may cause such w rk o done and bill the reasonable cost of the work to the grantee. includine all reasonable costs and expgiase,s incurred by the City due to grantee's delav. In such, event, the Citv shall not be liable for 4ny d to ao rtion of Q,rantee's cable strstem• Grantee shall pav the City within nineiv days of receipt of an itemized list of those costs. The City shall iv~~ e consideration to anv circumstances outside the grantee's control preventing grantee's completion of work. Ordinance 09-030 Cable Page 18 of 32 DRAFT ~ 5ection 26. Adoptuig Spol:ane Valle} Municigal Lode Section 3.65.24U. Spulane Vallev Municipai Code Section 3.65,240 is adopted as fotlows: 3.65.240 Tree Trtmming, A grantee shalt have the auth2[jV to conduct pminR and trimming for access to cable lystem facilides i.a the rights-of-wav subiect to compliance with applicable City Code relatintt to the same as adopted or amended All such trimming, shall be done ai the Qrantee's sole cost and eUense. The ¢rantee be resaonsible for any damage caused bv such trimminst. Sectloa 27, Adopting Spokane Vallev Municipal Code Section 3.65.250, Suok= Valley MuniciM Code Section 3.65.250 is adopted as follows: 3.65.250 VacAtion. The Citv mav vacate any C.tty road. ri t-of-way or other City_roperty which is subiect to rigbts graoted by a fmnchise under this chapter, but the gra.ntee shall be provided notice of such vacation proceedinAs and the onnortunit3T to secure future use rights as allowed under the CitY's Municipal Code. Section 28. Ado.pting Spokane Valley Municipal Code S tion 3.65.260. Sp2kane Valley Municipal Code Seciion 3.65.264 is adopted as follows: 3.65160 Abandonmeat Qf Grantee's Facilities. No facilitv constructed or owned by agrantee may be abandoned %tiithout the express written consent of the Gi Section 29. Adopting Spgkane Vallev Municipal Code Section 3.65.270. Spokane Vallev Municipal Code Section 3.65170 is edo,pted as follows: 3.65170 Msps, Book% and Records. A. Grantee "ll provide to the Citv Won request: 1 route manthat depicts the gmeral krgatioa of the cable svstem facilities placed in the rights- 4f way. The route man shall identify cable svsUem facilities as aerial or under&rvund aod is nat mguired to depict cable bes number of cables, electronic equipmeni, and service lines to individual subscribers Th+e &mntee sWl also provide. if mquested, an electmnic format of the aeriaVundec¢round facilities in relation to the riQht~y centerlinc refemce to allow the CitY to add this infortnation to the Citv's GIS omgram: snd 2 A cM of all FCC filinga which relate to the opgration of the ceble svstem in the franchise area. B To the extent such requests are limited to sp@cific facilities at a given location within the franchise area in connection with the construction of any Cit3- vroject, grantee shall coooeraie with the Cily, upon tfie Ciri's reasonable request, to field locate its facilities in order to facilitate design and planning of CiLy improvement prajects. I Urdinance 09-030 Cable PaQe 19 of 32 DRAFT C The City has the riQht to inspect books and records of grantee which are reasonably necessaa to monitor a Rrantee's compliance with the provision of cable services Within receipt of written natice from the Ci to inspect a grantee's baoks and records under this section, the grantee shall within five business davs or e mutually a¢reeable date and time, accommodate the City's request at the grantee's business off ce in the Citv, during noraial business hours, and without unreasonablv interfering with the grantee's business operations. All such documents pertaining to financial matters shall be preserved and maintained in accordance with gra.ntee's siandard record retention nolicy except for fiaancial racords which aregoverned b,y SVMC 3.65.050(D). D. The Citv has the ri t to uest a coRy of the b~ks and recards that are noi identified as proprie or confidential For pw=se of this section, the terms "proprietary or confideatial" include but are not limited to, informatioa relating to the cable V em desiM customer lists, marketing vlaas, financial information unrelated to the calculation of franchise fees or rates Rursuant to FCG rules, or other informatiQo that is reasonably determined by the grantee to be competitivelv sensitive. 1. The City shall have a rijzht to inspect but the grantee shall not be required to release infortnation that it reasonablv deems to be pmprigtM or confidential in nature provided that this shall not prevent the retease of such propri~,tarK or coafidential documents for aurposes of aav enforcement proceeding -vvhene appropriate leg,a„J ste-ps are available to address gra~ntee's concems rggardin¢, canfidentialitv In the event the grantee asserts that certain information is prorietarv or confidential in nature, the grantee shall identa, eng erally the information wliich it deems proprietary and confidential and the rmons for its confidentiality in writing to the City_Fsch pase of such information provideri will be cleariy marked as "proprietary and confidential." The Citv a~s to treat anv information disclosed by the gra,atee as confidential and only to disclose it to those emplovees, representatives. and agents of the Citv that have a ~eed to know in order to enfarce the franchise asuegment and who agree to maintain the confidentiality of all such inf rmation. The Arantee shall not be required to provide customet information in violation of Section 631 of the Cable Act or any other epplicable federal or state privacy law. 2. Informalion submitted to the Ciiy may be subjeci to insuection and cop, 'ymg under t6e WashingtQn Public Disclosure Act codified in RCW 42.56. The City shall timely_pmide a graic tee with a cQpy Qf py public disclosure rquest to ins Qr qm documentation/iaformaiion which the._grantee has provided to the Gitv and merked as "proprie and confidential" prior to allowin&any i_nspection and/or copving as well as provide the grantee with a time frame, consisteat with RCW 42.56.520, to provide the Citv with its written basis for non-disclosure of the requested documentation/information. In the event the Cit.y disagMes with the grantee's basis for non-disclosure. the City agrees to withhold release of the Mguested documentation/information in din.ute for a reasonable amount of time to allow grantee an opao^ty to file a legal action under RCW 42.56•540• Sectioa 30. Adopting Spokane Valley Muaicival Cvde Section 3.65.280. Spokane Vallev Munici~al Code Section 3.65.280 i as follows: 3.65Z80 Rep4 tr~ A. File for Public Inspection. A grantee shall maintain at its business office, in a file availabla forpublic inspection during, normal business hours, those documents reguired pursuant to the FCC's rules and regulations. Ordinance 09-030 Cable Page 20 of 32 DRA F'T P. Complaint File and Reports. Agrantee will keep an accurate and comarehensive file of all complaints reg,arding the system and grantee's actions in response to those complaints in a manner Gonsisteat with theprivacv rights of subscribers. Upan thirty day,s written requestg'antee will provide a report to the Ci t t contains total number and summarv of all complaints received by cate~o ,ry. lensrth of time taken to resolve and acdon tal:en to urovide resolution. C. Annual Report. No later than March 31st of each vear. if requested bv the Ci y, rantee shall file a written report with the Gitv, which shall include: 1 a summsrv of the previous calendar year?s accivities in development of this system, including but not limited to services be¢un or dmpped. number of subscribers (including..gains and losses) different classes if homes passed, and miles of cable distribution plant in service (includiny ; aRplicable 2 an audiied financial statement, including a statemeiit Qf income, a statement of retained eami ,_n~,~ a balance sheet, a statement of soumes and applicatious of funds, a fixed asset statement showing for each account or category, the original cost and accumulated deareciation balances and activitv, and a depreciatian statement shawing the detailed calculation of depreciation expense for the year. The statement shall inglude notes that s.,pecify all sitn i ficant accounting nQlicies and practices upon wfiich it is based (includin& but not limited to, depreciation rates and methodology. overhead and intrasvstem cost allocation methods. and basis for interest exaense). A summarv shall be provided compgWg the current vear with previous vean since the be innin.g of the franchise The statement shall contain a summM of franchise fee pavmeats and any adjustment thereio as spmified in Ci Code. In any year the City re~uires an audited financial statement pursuent to this subsectiom aad an audited financial statement in cQmpliance with this subsection is provided by LZmtee_,._that grantee shall not be Muired tQ submit another sudited fiwcial staxement far that vear which otherwise maybere uired. 3. a current statement of cost of anx construction by component categan►; 4, a summary of com lain identifving the number and nature of comDlaints and their dis,Qosition; 5. if agrantee is a coMoration a list of officers end members of the board and the officm and board members of any varent corporaiion: 6 a list of all pgtners or stockholders holdipg oaeyercent or more ownership interest in e gMtee and anY v=et corporation; provided, however, that when an y_parent corooraiion has in excess of one tbousand shareholders and its shares are publicly traded on a national stock exchange, then a list af the twenty larges# stockholders of the voting stock af sue6 e4Wration shall be disclosed: 7. a copv of all af a erantee'S written rules and rgRulations applicable to subscribers and users of the cable system: 8. any addiuonal iaformation related to oQe~rahon of the cable svstem as reasonablv requested the Ci . Ordinance 09-030 Cable Page 21 of 32 DRAFT D. Cust m r Service Repgrts. Grantee shall maintain a quarterly compliance specific to the system in the franchise area and shall provide such report to the Ci,t„y at the!~t quest of the Citv Such report shall demonstrate grantee's compliance with the customer senrice standards set forth herein. E. Grantee shall, upon request of the Citv, mal:e available to the Public Works Director a descriptiQn af construction plans for the following twelve months. F. Grantee shall, upon request of the City, make available a cop,v of the final report an each proof of performance test of each technical parameter defin in Part 76 of the Rules and ReRulations of the FCC. Section 31. Adopting Spokane Vallev MurUCipal Code Section 3.6J.290. SQokane Vallev Muaicipal Code Section 3.65.290 is ado~ted as follows: 3.65.290 Cttstomer Service Standards A. A strantee shall comply in all respects with the customer service standerds contained berein. ~O,ble federalstate and local laws and rejulation4 B. A gmtee shall comRl... v at all times with all $.pph nnw ing discrimination, as adoated or amende. C. Inoroviding service, eaantee shall maintain a convenient local customer service location in either the Ci .ty of Spokane Vai or the City of S~okane for receivinst subscriber payments. handlin bg illin~ guestions, eguipment replacement and dis nsing customer service information. Also, the grantee will endeavor to acc,ommodate a bill pavment location in the City-_as long as there is an acceptable 3'd party vendor available to support the service in accordance with the grantee's business prectices. D. When similar complaints have been made bv a number of subscribersor w+here ather evidence exists which, in the reasonable iudgmont of the Ciri, casts doubt on the reliability or quelitv of the cable service, the City, notwithstanding any other provisicins of this franchise agreement, shall have the right and authorittv o reguire thai sumtee test, anaJvze and reQort on t6e performance of the system reladve to -prior written notice from the Citv, the granteg applicable technical standards of the FCC. UQon 30-day shall fulty coogerate with the Citv in performing such testing and shall reaare a written reQort of the results. if Muested. E. A granx,shall safisfiLthg co mtection and service standards as outtined belaw. 1. Cable syst m office hours and telephone availabilitv: a. Grantee will maintain a local, toil-free or collect call telephone access liue which will be available to its subscribers twentv-four hours a day, seven davs a week. i. Tr4ined rantee reQreseotatives will be ava.ilable to re~Mnd to customer tele hone jnquiries during normal business hours. ii. After normal business hour~ the access line mav be answered bv a service or an 8utomated res,ponse sxstem. including an answering machine. Inquirias received afler normal business hours must be res.ponded to by_a trained grantee rgpresentative on the next business daY. Ordinancc 09-030 Cable Page 22 of 32 D1L41:j. b. 4Jnder namia1 operating _ conditions. tel+ephone a.~swer time ~customer Mresentative including wait time shali o e ec nds when the cortn tion is made. If the cail needs to be transferred, tMjer tirne sha11 not execed ihiM speonds. These standards shall _be met no less then nlr~~lv peMn~ of the time ~der nor~al o~~a conditigns, mmurW oc~ aq_ erlybasi§. c. Grantee shal1 ~ossess eqLtipment to measure comr~ ian~ee N%rith the te1eor~e ar~sweriniz ' st.and$rds above. d. Un+der iiormal operating conditions,. the CListomer will receive abu si_nai 1ess t~~~~l three rcent vf the ime. "t ~eas# durinL -pe e. Gustomef service center and bi~~ ~y-ment _I catioi~s witl be o norntal businm'urs. 2. tn"lOuta es d ServiCaIls. Under uqriiiLaj qp4er$ci~~ condiugns. eact1 ±of M1, followin,g standar+ds will be met nn less than ~~e!y-f ve pereent of the time Measured Qn a ctuarterly bmis_ a. Standard ' ati will ~rformei widiin seven business days afterr an order hss bmn placed. i, ThL "UMintment vrindvw" altera.aEives for installations, serviee ~lls and other rnstaDlation activitie~ will be either a ~Mif°ic time or, at maxirmum, _a hour time block dun'ne norrnal bausiness hours, (Uantee m" sc'hedule service calls and othec installation ectitifities aut.side of nvrmal business bourrs for e gVress convenience of th+e custoa~er.) ii. Grantee maLEat canrel sn a~~o~nt~~rat ~rilth ~~~t€~mer a~~r the cl~ Wu1od ~~tme~t, busin~ n th ~ b~sin~ day~ r tc~ t~e scb iii. If gLaptqq's reMsentative is runnm&jat+e for aan aRggiqtment with a custamer and wi11 nat be ab1e ta k+eep 1the apNinntment as scheduled. the gxantee shall us its best ef~'t~rts o cc~n#a+ct the c~utoznec~~or to t~e t~m~ L~~ s~~~duEesd ImM at a -6= wbich gpMintMent. The_a.ppaintmeat witl tg cpsc,heduiei as nogt is g nven.ient far the c~~~~mer. _ jv, 1lntler na~l o~erg~i~,~~nditions, if ~tee cannot Zrform within the times specified in Wlicable customer staLndadthe_grantee shall offer th pb%riker a cred.it ~,~1 ta the charge fa~ a standard installation or ftr comon.sad.ion of eQual or Mater rralue, For non-standard instailation. mwtee-,shall afi~empt to contact a subscraber rre~ue~ting ~~~t~~~E~ ~f Ghar;~es within seven business da s of receiving th+e request by the Saubscriber. 1~is subsectiou dces na1 apql'~~ to the introduction of new iDroducts and senr3oes whe~ ~tee is utilizing aDhased inixcduciian. b. ExcIuding canditians bond the cc~ntrol of grantee, grgItMv~iil b~n workin-m -Qn ,qM after the "service interr°u tione" pr~~ w ar~d in no eveni lat+er ffirn tweniy-hur b ini~tion becomes knowaz. G-rantee_ must in a+ctia t_ ather serui robl ms the next bu!jiness d~ after natification of the setvice Mblem. Grantee shall Ordinance 09-030 Cab1e Page 23 vf 32 DRAFT resolve all service interruptions to the extent reasonably nossible within fortv-ei¢ht hows under normal oerating conditions. i. In t.hose cases where service as not restored within twen-four hours du unusual circumstances, the reasoas far the dela-shall b.g fullv documented in an outa$e log, ii. Under normal operating conditions, if after nvenjy-four liours service is not restored to a subscriber, grantee shall, upon a subscriber's re,uest,Lnrov~ ide a refund or credit or other compgnsation of _Yual or gmter value. T iii. As subscribers are connected or reconnected to the svstem,Zrantee shallbv ber apnropriate means such as a card or brochure, furnish geoeral subscri information (including b„ ut not limited totterms of service and procedures for making, inquiries or cocn,plaints. includinQ the name, address and local telephone number of the employee or employees or a~~at to whom such inauin complaints are to he addressed) and furnish information concerniag_the Ciri+ office responsible for the administration of the franchise agreement, includinR the address and telephone number of seid office. 3. Communication~ betwecn ¢rantee and subscribers. a. Notifications t subscribers. i. Grantee shall provide written information on each of the following areas ai the time of installation of service, at least snnuallv to all subscriberstiand at any-fi= Wn request to subscriber or the City. 1. Products and services offered. 2. Prices and options for prosmnmiservices and conditions of subscription to prost,ramming and other services. 3. Installation and service maintenance policies. 4. Instructions on how to use the cable service. S. Cbannel uositions Qf the proga rmm' .u, carried Qn the svstem: and W&the address and 6. Billing and complaint procedure.s, includ telephone number of the Citx b. Rate/ProgomminA Changes. i. Subscribers will be notified of anv changes in rates ro ing services or channel positions as soon as possible in writing. N4tire must be '~ven to subscribers a minimum of thirtv daxs in edvance of such changes if the changes are within the contr ol of the grantee. In addition, the grantee shall notifY subscribers thirty davs in advance of any significant chanAes in the other information reguired by this section. Grantee shall not be re4uired to urovide prior notice of any rate changes as a result of e rMlaiorv fee, franchise fee or other fees, tax, assessment or charge of an r~kind i~sed b~ federal agenc~ state or City on tbe transaction between the grantee and the subscriber. Ordinance 09-030 Cable Page 24 of 3 2 I) 1k'.-i T.7 CJf grantee notifies Ciiy and subscribers in writing thi a days urior to snv channel @dditions, deletioas or realignments directed to each subscriber individual k through mailed notice or as an insert or addendum to the subscriber's rnonthl \ bill email or other means reasonablv calculated to eive the subscriber and thL City advanced natice, and further subject to Mntee's signal carriage obtigationhereunder and pursuant to 47 U.S C& 531-536, and further subject to City'~ ri~,ghts pursuant to 47 U.S.C. § 545. Location and relocacion of the PEG channel, Aall be aoverned bv the franchise a,u,reement, and further to categorv requirements contained within the franchise Ureement. c. Biliing• i. Bills wiU be clear, concise and understandable. Bills must be fulty itemized. with itemizations including., but noi limited to, basic end premium service charges and equipment charRes. Bills will also clearlv delineate all activi during ,the billing period, includinA,optional charges, rebates end credits.. ii. Billiog complaints shall be responded to promRtly, but in no event latar t within sevea davs of receipt. d. Refunds. Refund checks will be issued pmmutlv. but no later then eitherr, i, the subscriber's next bitling cvcle following t~e~olution of the request or thiriv davs, whichever is earlier, or ii, the return of the equipment supplied by-grantee if service is terminated. e, Gredits. Credits for secvice will be issued ao later tban the subscn'ber's next bi 'n cvele followina tfie determination that a credit is w~ted. Subscriber Charges. A list of grantee's cwTent subscriber rates and charges for cable servict shall be maintained on file with City and shall be available for public inspection. F. Agrantee shall comptv witfi all applicable federal and staie privacv law& includuut Section 631 of the Cable Act and regulations ado~ ~ pursuant thereto. Section 32. Adopting Svokane Vallev Municipal Code Secaon 3.65304. Spglgm,e V ll~ Municipal Gade Section 3.65.300 is adopted as follows: 3.65.300 Cable Advisory Board. City reserves the rit to maintain a Cable Advisory Board for advisorv purposes onlv,_The grantee arees to coopgrate with reasonable req.uests for informaiion, through the desigLaated Ci representatim o su rt the Cable Advisory Board. I Ordinance 09-030 Cable Page 25 of 32 DRAFT Section 33. Adovting Suokane Valley Municipal Gode Section 3,65.310. Sp,Q_kaae Vallex Municipal Code Section 3.65.300 is adoQted as follaws: 3.65.310 Citv Ordinances and Regulations: In the event of a conflict between the Municipal Code and rezulations and the terms of a fianchisegranted under this c ter the terms of the franchise shall control subiect to the limitation of the City's exercise of the police__powers set forth below. Subject to federal and state preemption, t~e maierial temns and conditions contained in the franchise ma,y not be unilaterallv altered bv the Ci y through su uent amendments to an,y ordinance, rsftulation, resolution or other enactment of the Citv, exceDt within the lawful exercise of the City's polic,e power. Graatm has the right to challengre anv Citv ordinance or regulatian that conflicts with its right.s under a franchise. A tuantee's riahts under a franchise are subject to the police powers of the City to adopt and enforce Qrdinances neces.sarv to protect the health, safetv and welfare af ke public, and grantee ag[ees to comply with all a.pplicable laws and ordinances enacted by be Citv nursuant to such power so long as the same do not unduh, discriminate a a.inst ntee. Section 34. Adopting Spokane Valley Municjpal Gade Section 3.65.320. Spokane Valley. MuniciWal Code Section 3.65.320 is adouted as follows: 3.65320 I ademnification. A grantee shall, ai its sole cost snd expcnse, indemnif), and hald harRileg the CityLits officialsboards cammissions, agents and emplovaes against any and all third vartv claims, suits, causes of actioa, proceeding& and 'u~ents for injurv, loss, or damUe arising out of the construction, reconstruction, use, operation. ownershiQ Snd maintenance of the cable svstem under a franchise agreemen4 except that no such requirement shall aavlv where such claim suit& causes of actions, proceedin .,and iudgments for dama e are ocxasioned by,the active aegligence. ¢ross negligence or intentional acts of 1he CiV or its officials. board.s. cammissions, agents and emplQyees while actia on ehalf of the Ci 'Iriese damages shall include. but not be limited to, claims made a.gainst the Cit}- by the franchisee's emDloyees from which the franchisee would otherwise be immune under Title 51 RCW, penalties arising out of ca i t infringements and damages arisinst out af any failure by the qrantee to secure consents fmm the owners., authorized distributors or licensees ofprogms to be delivered bv the grantee's cable svstem wheiher or not any act or omission comnlained of is authQrited, allowed, or prohibited by a franchise ap-eement, Indemnified eoenses shall _include, but not be limited to, all out-of-vocket expenses, such as costs and attornevs' fees, and shall also include the reasonable value of any services rendered bv the Office of the City Attome,yor any outside consultants employed_by the City. Grantee shall not be required to providc Citv for orogmmmg.cablecast over the access channel administeredby City. indemnification to The Citv_s_hall give the arantee timelv written notice of any cl,aim ar of the commencement of any actaon, suit r o er Qroceeding covered by ~e iademni!y in this sectioa but failure to give notice is not~ d,efease to the indemnification obli tga ions exceut to the extent of actual prejudice. In the event any such claim arises, the Citv or anv other indemnified partv shall tender the defense thereof to the gantee and the graatee shall have the obligation end duty to defend, through services of competent counsel satisfactory to the City, settle or compromise any claims arising thereunder. If the Cit,y determines that ft is nccessarv for it to employ sevara se,l, the costs for gLch KWme counsel shall be the res i ilitxof the Citv. Section 35. Adopting Spokane Valley Municipal Code Section 3.65.330. SpQkane Valley Municipal Code Section 3.65330 is adopted as follows: 4rdinance 09-030 Cable Page 26 of 32 DRAFT 3.65330 Insurance. A Upon the granting of a franchise agreement under this chaater and following simultaneously with the fi,'ng of Xhe acceptance of a 5-anchise agreement and at all times during the term of a franchise agreement, the. graatee shall obtaia, pav all premiums for, and deliver to the Citv. written evidence of pavment ofpremiutns for and a certificate of insurance, naming the City as an additionat insure& with a ~ wmpany licensed t4 do business in the State of Washington with a rating by A.M. Best and Co. of not less tw "A" oc equivalent, for the following,: l. A comprehensive commercial or general liabilitv insurance policv or policies, issued by an insucance carrier liceased tQ do business in the State of Washington Said policy or tglicies shall pav oa behalf of and defend the City. its officials, boards, commissions, agents or emplovees from anv and all claims by any verson whatsaever (including the costs defense costs, attornevs' fees and interest arisine therefrom) on account of personal iniur, bodily injuly Qr death of a person or persons or damages toprop,ggY occasioned by the operations of the grantee under a fra.nchise aMement, or alleged to have been so caused or occurred, with a minimum combined single limit of $1,000.000 Rer occurrence, and $2,000,000 general ag¢re atg e far personal injurv, bodilv inj,_urX aod propertv damage. 2 A eompreheosive automobile liability insuranceMlicy or oolicies, issued bv an insurance carcier licensed to do business in the State of Washington. Said volicy or policies shall pav on behalf of and defend the City, its ofFcials boards. commissions. agents or ernployees froin any and all claims by anv aerson whatsaever (including the costs, defense costs, attornevs' fees and interest arising therefrom for bodilv injury 8ad proaertv damage occasioned bv any vehicle operation of the grantee, or alleged to have been so caused or occurred, with a minimum liabilitt of $1 .000.000 Wr person and $5,000.000 in anv one accident or occurrence. B Not less tlian thirtti• days prior to its expiration Qrantee shall deliver to City, a subsiitute, renewal or reQlacement policy,or bond conformin tR a the.provisions of this Chapter. Sertion 36. Adopting Spokane Vallev Municiaal Code Section 3.65.340. Snokane Vallev Municipal Code Section 3.65.340 is adopted as follows: 3.65340 Performance Bond. A Within siaty days of the ef'fective date of a franchise, grantee will provide a perforniance bond to the Cit,y in the totat sum of $250,000, which will remain in effect for the term of the franchise. The performance bond is to ensure the faithful performance of su-antee's obligations under the franchise including, the pavment bv the arantee of any oenalties, claims, liens fees or taxes due the City which arise by reason of the operation, maintenance, or consUvction of the cable svstem within the franchise gea. B lf a franchise is terminata or upgn expiratioo or renewal, or transfer of a franchise, the Ci will ceturn the original bond or sign the necessary documentaiion to release the bond promptiy if Mtee does nvt owe funds to the Citv or is not in default of a material provision of the fraachise. Section 37. Adopting Spokane Valley Municipal Gode Section 3.65.350. Spol:aae Volley Municipal Code Section 3.65.350 is adopted as follows: Ordinance 09-030 Cable Page 27 of 32 DRAFT 3.65.350 Remedies to Enforce ComlaUance, A. This sectiQn does not applY to revocation of e franchise agreement. Whenever ithe Ci see t enforce a franchise agreement, it shall first provide written notic.e to the grantee of the aature of the problem and requested action, to eg ther with anv analicable time frame for re,soonse. Anv time limits here or in a franchise agreement mav be modified by written stipulation of the City and grantee, eaceat time limits relating to revocation of a franchise a¢mgment or where otherwise required by law wust be approved by tne citv council. B. Except in caw Qf urgency or public need relating to manastement of the public rigbt-of-wav as re~asanably determined by the Citv, the grantee ha,s~y dW from receipt of such notice to gnond in vvriting to the City official sending the notice: 1. contestinst it; or 2. accepting it and ap-reeing to cure as re uq esied within time limit5 specified; or 3. requesting addirional time or other modiftcations. In such event, Qrantee shall vromptl,~take all remnable steps to cure the default, kee~'m.g the Citv informed as to the stevs to be taken and a pmjected completion date. C. If the Citv is not satisfied with the grantee's response, both parties shall meet informally to discuss the matter. If these discussions do not lead to resolution of the problem, the City shall nQtifv the Lzrantee in writing. Grantee uiav thereafter reguest a hearintheneafter as 12rovided in this franchi$e. D No provision of a fianchise is intended to affoct the riqht of eithor narly to seekjudicial re 'ef from a violation of an,y.nrovision of a franchise, or any regulation or directive under a franchise. The existenoe of other remedies under a franchise does not limit the right of either partv to recover moaet,arv damagg& or to seek iudicial enforcement of obliptions bv spocific perfonnancG, iniunctive relief or mandate, or any other remedy at law or in equity. Section 38. AdoQting Spokane Valley Municipal Code Section 3.65.360. Spokane Valley Municipal Code Section 3.65.360 is adopted as follows: 3.65.360 Liquidated DamWes, A. Because grantee's failure to camplv with the provisionspf a franchise agreement witl result in damage to the Citv and because ii will be impractical to determine ttie actual amount of such damae the CitY and Mtee hereby aM upon and specify certain amounts set forih hereafter in this section wiiicb represent both varties' best estimate of the damaAes. Uama,ges associated with non-pavtnent of franchise fees are not subiect to this section. B The City shal! Vecifv anv damages subiect to this section and sha11 include such information in the notice sent to grantce req,uired under SYMC 3.65.350, Such a notice mtay provide for dama¢es sustained prior to the notice wb,ere so provided, and subseQuent thereto uending compliance by grantee• C. To the extent that the Citv elects to assess liquidated dama¢es as provided in this section, and such . liquidated damages have been paid, the parties ag,ree that this shall be the C' s sole and exclusive Ordinance 09-030 Cable Page 28 of 32 DX:=IITT damage remedy in lieu of ectual damages: provided, howeyer, this shall not_limit_the riv-ht of the City to setk ecitiitable or other rel.ief as reser%•ed in SVNIC 3.65.370. D Unless otherwise provided liquidated dacnages do not accrue after the timel filing of a request for hearing., by,grantee until the time of a decisian from the hearing Nothing, im this section prevents the parties from settling anxdispute relatung to liauidated damages bv muriw stipularion. E Grantee may cury the breach or violation within the time sper.iFied to netition fc,r reN h:%% tt-i che c_~M"s sitisfaction. ~vhereupon rio li uidated dama<`es are as,esseci. l.i.After tultilli»v, the proLedurz rcyuireii unclcr SVN1C 3.65. 35(i, ~!rantec 1ua; tliirtN iimls tt? ) sucli amounts or grantee M seek review of anv assessment of liq,uidated damages under SVMC 3.65.36(). Liguidated damMs shall be immediatelv„~vayable from the rerfc►rrnance hon~, _if revie~v is not sousht or if not paid within the thirtv daKoe~y the gmtee, c Schedule of Liauidated Damages Liquidated dainages are set u.> iullo~Y5 Ali uniuuuus ai;4rue day, but nat beyond the number of days to exceed the amaunt af $10,000 per twelve month period unle~- specifically provided Nothingmguires the Citv to assess liquidated damages, actinR in its solQ discretion but such event does not oWrate as weiver or estoppel upon the City. Damages resulting froll failure to pav franchise fees or PEG capital contributioas may be rec.overed in whole, without limivl-':. H. Pursuant to the requirements outliaed herein, liq.uidated damages sball nat exceed the fol i amounts: 1 Five hundred dollars per day for failure to provide cable service as promised in Section 3 65 070 of this chapter; one hundred dollars Wr day for material departwe from the FCC technical perfortnance standards. fi dollars per day for failure to provide the PEG channel or any PEG fee related thereto which is required hereunder; Qne hundred dollars per day for each material violation of the customer service standards; twenty five dollars per day for failure t4 provide reports or ootices as mguired by this chapter, and one hundred dollars per day for @nv tnaterial breaches or defaults not eownerated herein. 2 Where g[antee has throe or more of the same violation or breach events (an "event" mav involve multiple customers but is discrete in time ar circumstances) within anv twelve mQnth period. all applicable dmneges amounts ere doubled. Sectioa 39. AdopiinQ Suokane Valley Municipal Code Section 3.65.370. Snokane Vallev Municipal Code Section 3.65.370 is adopted as follows: 3.65.370 Heartngs. Grantee may request a hearing as follows: A Grantee fites a wTitten request within fourteen davs of receipt of a decision it wants reviewed with the ~„ity Manager. The request does not sta,y the effect of the decision or obliRation to comply or exercise of any remedx available to the Citv except as othecwise provided. The Ci y Mana e~ r may conduct the hearing or aanoint an alternate bearings officer, who shaU not be the persoa issui.ng the order or sucb person's subordinate For matters exceeding $25,000 reasonably estimated valuo in s.antroversv as detecmined by the Cit.y Manager, the g.rantee may file a request that the Ci , Hearings Examiner oonduct Ordinance 09-030 Cable Page 29 of 32 DRAFT the hearinq. A reasonable filing fee may be sd bv the HearinD. Examim or eg, nera.lly.applicable ordinances. B. The hearing mav be informal and shall be conducted within twenty- days, with at least ten davs prior notice to both sides The ofl'icial conduciing the hearing is responsible to keep a record of anv materials submitted and shall record the hearing bv video or audio taK. for matters exceeding $25.000 reasonable estimated value amount in controversv. A written decision sball be issued within ten days. Either partv may ap,Qeal the decision to a court of competent iurisdiction within thirtv days. C. Except where othervvise orovided, at the conclusion of the City hearings orocess if grantee remains in defaulL it shall correct said default in fifteen davs or as otherwise ordered b,y the City, In the event the rantee oes not cure «-ithin such time to the City's reasonable satisfaction, the Citv may: 1. seek specific pecformance of anti, provision that reasonabl,y lends itself to such remedv as an alternettive to damages, or seek other e4uitable relief; and/or 2. assess liquidated damages resulting from~r,antee's default if not alreadv done or await the conclusion of the judicial process. D. Where grantee seeks judicial review and ultimately orevails, any money iudgment against the C~ shall be uaid or may thereafter be offset bv Arentee, in grantee's discc~etion, a~ainst further franchise fee payments due to the City. In such event, grantee shall notifY the City at least sixtv davs nrior to aaaly the offset• E. Nothing in this section Wanits the Ci ' ri t to seek to revoke a fraachise agmment in accordance with SVMC 3.65.380, Section 40. Adoptin¢~Saokane Vallev MuniciW Code Section 3.65.380. Spokane Valley Municipal Code Section 3.65.380 is adopted as follows: 3.65.380 Revocation. A. The Citv ma revoke a franchise agreement mede under this chapter and rescind all righLs and privileAes associated therewith in the followinR circumsiances: 1. Grantee abandons e cable system, fails to cure a non-pavment of a quarterly frauchise fee within 0 daYS of the reauired Mment dates or terminat~,s the cable system's operations; or 2. Grantee has a pattem of fa.iling to perform the material obligations listed under SVMC 3.65.360A.(8); or 3. Grantee attempts to evade any maten'al orovision of the franchise agreem.ent or practices M fraud or deceit upon the City or subscribers. B. Prior to revocation of a fra.uchise a=ment, the City shall give writtea notice to the wantee of its intent to revoke the franchise ag,reemeot, settin& fotth the exect nature of the nancompliance. The Rrantee shall have thirtx days from sucb nodce to object in writing~ and to state it,s reasons for such objection and orovide anv explanation. In the event the City has not received a timely and satisfactorv response from the ranteeT it majr then seek a revocation of the franchise a=ment by the City Council in accordance with this section. Ordinance 09-030 Cable Page 30 of 32 DRA FT C T'he grantee maY file a revocation hearings request within 14 days of the Giri's wriiten notice of intent to revoke the franchise with the Cily Hearings Examiner. The f ling fee shall be established by separate resolution, and is considexed an a,poeal of an administrative decision Anv revocation hearing under this subsection shall be consistent with SVMG 17.90, exceat as s.pecificallv set forth below. This shall provide the grantee a fair ovuortunitv for full,parcicipatiQn, including the ri t to be rep~resented by legal counseL and to introduce evidence. Within 20 days of the hearin¢, xhe Hearing Examiner shall issue a recommendation to the citx council At the nea~t available citv council meeting with notice provided to the grantee, the city council shall review the Citv Hearing Examiner's record and recommendetion, allowring the grantee an opvortunitv to state its position on the matter reserving the rieht to set reasaaablc time limits Within siM days after the xeview, tbe cit,y council shall dctermine whether to revoke the. franchise aga'eemeAt: Qr if the breach at issue is cApable of being cured by the grantee, direct the grante~ to take appropriaie remedial action within the tune and in the manner and on the terms and conditions that the ciV council determines am rrusonable under the circumstances The cily council shall issue fl written decision and shall transaut a cop,y of the decision to the g-antee Anv appeal of the decision by the city council shall be to Spokane Countv SuNrior Court within thirty (30) days of adoption of the decision Upon tirnelv appeal, the effect of the revocation is staved Rgnding.final judicial resolution, but this shatl not affect accruai of penalties or the right of the Cily to take anv other enforcement action, including curing the default at ffantee's expense and liabiliri, also subject to iudiciat review. The parties shall be entitled to such relief as the court may deem appropriate. D The city council ma,y in its sole discretion take eny lawful action that it deems ap, r~opriate to enforce the Ci 's rights under the franchise aMment in lieu of revocation. Section 41. Adopting Spokane Vallev Munic_inal C'ocic Szctii,n 3.05.7190. 5~~k-)};ane \'a1(~-y 3.05.390 C:011clitiO►is ufSalC. ~reenieut ib IaMUII~ [erliliilatud. aiid tsic If g renewsl of a franchise a¢reement is ueiiied ur a frwicliise ap Cily lawfully acquires ovmership of the cable sxstem or bv its actions lawfullv effects a transfer of ownership of the cable system to another verson, anv such acquisition or transfer shall be at a rice deterniined Pursuant to the provisions of the Cnble Act. Section 42 Adopting Spokaite Vallev N'lunicipal Codc Section 3.65.400. Spokane Vallcy Municipal Cade Section 3,65.400 is adoptecl a,; follows: 3.65.400 Trnnsfer of RIg6ts. ~A franchisemnted under this eha ter may not be assigned or transferred without the writteii approval ot' the Cit,y pursuant to theprovisions of the Cable Act However, grantee ean assign or transfer a fi-~nchisc without approval of but uaon notice to the City to aax varent affliate or subsidiary af grantee or to eIn entitv that ecquires all or substantiallv all the assets or Nuity of ¢rantee bv merg,er, sale, consolidation or otherwise and for transfers in trust obtained to finance construction or operations of a cable system b~ pledg,in tg he system as callateral. Seetion 43. SeverabiliLy. If'a«y section, senteilce, ciause or pilrase o1 this Urdinance SlioulcI be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity cli- uneonstitutionalitv shall not affect the valiclitv or constitt3tiori:!! itv of ~iny othcr sect4v. ~Ontence. clau;~ 01, ,(A'd1i< (-Vdin-ance. Urdinance 09-030 C;able I'a~e ~ 1 ui':')' DRAFT Section 44. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective five days after publication of the Ordinance, or a summary thereof, in the official newspaper of the City. Adopted this day of .2009. City of Spokane Valle}- Richard M. Munson, Mayor ATTEST: Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Approved as to Form: Office of the City Attorney- Date of Publication: Effective Date: Ordinance 09-030 Cable Page 32 of 32 . CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 9/29/09 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information 0 admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: County Contracts GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Interlocal Agreements; RCW 39.34 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Approved Model Agreements July, 2006 BACKGROUND: The City of Spokane Valley has contracted with Spokane County for all public safety services and several additional services since incorporation. Recently several communication failures and large cost increases have made it difficult for the City to effectively appropriate the correct budgeted amounts for County contracts. This presentation demonstrates the challenges facing the City. OPTIONS: N/A (Comment Only) RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: N/A BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The County Contracts illustrated in this presentation have an $18.7 million impact on the City budget and the increase between 2008 and 2009 is $1.5 million or 9%. STAFF CONTACT: Senior Administrative Analyst, Morgan Koudelka Administrative Analyst, John Pietro ATTACHMENTS PowerPoint Presentation ~ City of Spokane Valley- 2009 Public Safety Service Agreements with Spokane County: Morgan Koudelka, Senior Administrative Analyst John Pietro, Administrative Analyst September 29, 2009 Public Safety Contracts ❑ Animal Control ❑ District Court o Communications o Emergency Management ❑ Pre-Trial o Public Defender o Prosecutor ❑ Law Enforcement ❑ Jail ❑ Geiger z 1 ~ Contract Components and Process o Main cost components... ■ Salary and Benefits ■ Maintenance and Operations ■ Indirect Costs ■ (Offsetting revenue) o Settle and. adjust features ■ Costs estimated based on budgeted amounts and usage history ■ Twelve equal payments ■ Reconciled to actual costs and actual use after year complete s A Indirect Costs ❑ Direct Service Departments ■ Police ■ District Courl ■ Animal Control ❑ Central Service (support) Deparhnents ■ Human Resources ■ Facilities Maintenance ■ Purchasing o Indirect costs are those costs that direct service deparlments incur from work performed by central service departments a 2 I ~ ~ The Positives ❑ Ci#izens recognize quality services prpvided by Cvuniy oSpokane Valley Staff maintain gvod relationships vith direct service departments ❑County direct service depat-tmenfis responsive to requests foz in#'ormation ❑ County direct service departrnent heads/stakebalders cooperative and accom.modating during preparatian of recent consultarit reparts for Spakane Valley ~ ~ Challenges for 2009 ❑ Lack of notification ■ Geiger-Eleetronic Romp, Manitaring (EiiM) costs shifted ko city ■ 5igni#icant Proserutor and Pubiic Dcfcnder Attorney salary increases ■ Two years, af Cast of Living Adjustmenls (CflLA) in one year's salary and benefits totals ~ Staffing lcvel changcs (Cam►nun ications, L aw lEnforoement & Geiger) ~ indirect cast increases-insuFance, IiifoTmax10f1 S}'SLe1x15, campus security, and purchasing up as much as tvvo hundred percent from 2008 ❑ Irnpact 4f other users an rateslcosts ■ Washington State Fatrol initiated case decresse ~ Gommunication technician hoars allocable to Law Enforcernent increased and oiher department's bours decreawd t] Contract violations a Depreciation casts (incurred prior ta incorparation) entered in#o cost plan ~ Regional tax cvilection costs entered inzo Xhe cast plan ❑ Extensive review and re-review extends the cantract approval process ■ Difficult t,a verify cer#ain amvunk5 3vi#h informakion given 6 ~ ~ . . . . . ~j Methodology arz.d Ca1culation Eff ors Corrected During Cxty's Review o Xmproper Depreciatian and Reg,ional Costs included o Spokane Valley infraction deputy attQrney hours overstated ❑ Prosecutor costs added ta Anirnal Cnntrol indirect rate calculatian (rather than removed due to segarate prosecutor cvntract) o Distriet Caurt pasition salaries incorrectly calculated leading ta understated totals -for felany and civil small claims division (which Spok$ne Valley does not pay #hrough contract) and vverstated rnisdemeanor salary totals {which Spokane Valley pays 'khrough contract} ❑ 7mproper Depreciatian nat removed frnm a11 support departrnents 7 L - - ~ Comparison Between First a.nd Last Versions of Estimates Received 2069 Flrs! 2U09 L85E Cvrllr8Ct AmOUM Cantrad Amuanl D3fFerence Anlmal C.o~'~roa 8 340,699 S 385,537 ffi 5,162 oIsIrlaCouri 4 923.677 5 E99..057 5 23.66u Comrnunitatiens E 255,927 S 258,515 S (2.565) EmergenCyr Sanrlces S 931443 S 90,598 S 2,865 Pre•Tria1 5 92,465 S 61'E9m $ 145 PNSewlor 5 485,369 $ 439.294 $ 8,074 PubliC D2rBndef 5 436,488 S 434,758 $ 1,732 Law lEnterecrnent 5 15.538.575 $ 15.201.734 $ 335,641 TWal $ 55.138,4d~ $ 17,762,451 5 974.491 8 4 i Animal Control ( O.B1 % Inaoaso ) $400,000 I 3332.839 sM5,537 $350,000 ~ $300,000 i $250,000 I $200.000 $150,000 ' $1ao,ooo I $50,000 I . 2008 Cootract 2009 Contract ❑ Slight increase in indirect rate from 24.71% to 25.45% a Slight decrease in Spokane Valley usage rate from 48.44% to 47.44% 0 4.3 % inerease in estimated revenue collected (revenuc reduces the total contract amount) s ~ ~ District Court ( 20.249G(nerease ) $1,000,000 5899,e17 $900,000 I $748.327 $800,000 $700,000 $600,000 ' I $500,000 I ~ $400,000 saoo,ooo ~ $200,000 $100,000 . 2008 Contract 2009 Contraet o Spokane Valley percentage of court cases increased from 18.02% to 20.45% o Salary and benefits increased 8% due to COLA and increase to County's retirement system contribution rate ❑ Indirect cost rate increased from 17.79% to 19.92% due to a 48.03 % increase in campus security costs allocable to District Court ,o 5 Impact of the Decrease in Washington State Patrol Initiated Cases ❑ 2008 contract estimated usage rates based on offenses beNveen July 2006 and June 2007 0 2009 contract estimated usage rates based on offenses benveen July 2007 and June 2008 o Offense totals are multiplied by a weighted hour factor which is detcrmined by the County time spent on each type of infraction ❑ Wcighted Spokane Valley usage rate is indicated below I( zooa 20as Offense Category Spokane Valley Spokano Counly VaAey Rate Spokane Valley Spokane County Valley Rate Infradions I I 9,751 I 59,743 I 16.32% I ~ 9,764 I 55,302 I 17.8696 DV•Misdemeanor I I 315 I 883 I 356796 ~ I 297 I 829 I 35.8396 DUI I I 139 I 2.115 I 8.575b I 194 I 1.787 I 110.E8% CriminalTraffic I I 1,420 I 5,825 ~ 24.384b I 1,457 ~ 5,825 I 25.01% Caminal NT I ~ 844 I 2,574 25.02?6 I 647 2.460 I 26 96°h Totaf I I 12,289 I 71,140 18.02°6 I 12,359 68,143 I 20.45:b 11 ~ ~ Communications ( 55.49 St increase ) • $300.000 I $250,000 s258,515 I $200,000 I $166,262 $150,000 I $100,000 I $50,000 s- . 2008 Contrac! 2009 Contract o Salary and benefits increased 30% due to correction of position error, COLA, and increase to County's retirement system contribution rate ❑ Percentage allocable to Law Enforcement increased from 61.04% to 75.28% ❑ Costs have doubled in tNvo years 12 6 ~ Emergency Management ( s.,s 9LInc.case) $700,000 $90,000 -1 $85,291 $90,538 $80,000 i $70,000 i $60,000 •I $50,000 $40,000 $30,000 $20,000 I $10,000 I 2008 Contract 2009 Contract o Salary and benefits increased 7% due to CO[.A and increase to County's retirement system contribution rate ❑ lndirect rate increased from 29.72% to 31.65% 13 ~ Pre-Trial ( 44.00 SL increase ) $61,880 $70,000 I I $60,000 $50,000 I $42.959 I $40,000 I I $30,000 I " $20,000 I ~ $/0,000 I I 2008 Contract 2069 Contraet ❑ Salary and benefits increased 14% due to COLA and increase to County's retirement system contribution rate o Spokane Valley's percentage of total misdemeanors increased from 26.54% to 30.55% due to a slight increase in the number of Valley misdemeanors and a slight decrease in the total County misdemeanors o Indirect rate increased from 9.80% to 19.45% largely due to County IT staff s implementation of pre-trial applicatian softNvare 14 7 f ~ ~ Public Defender ( 28.89 %increase ) $500,000 I $434,756 $450,000 { $400,000 ~ $350,000 -1 3337,309 $300,000 i $250,000 i $200,000 ~ $150,000 ~ $100000 $so,ooo ~ E_ . . 2008 Contract 2009 Contraet o Salary and benefits increased 18% due to a substantial attorney's salary increase ❑ Spokane Valley usage rate increased from 32.46% to 34.45% 1s ~ Prosecutor ( 33.69 %incroase ) $600,000 5479,294 $500,000 $400,000 - $358,524 S300,000 I $200,000 I $100,000 . . 2008 Contract 2009 ContraN ❑ Salary and benefits increased 12% due to a substantial attomey's salary increase o Spokane Valley percentage of all misdemeanor cases increased from 29.72 to 34.98% due to a significant reduction in the number of Washington State Patrol initiated cases 1s ~ 8 Law Enforcement ( 5.37 % incroaso ) $16,000,000 $14,428,758 $15,201,734 $14,000,000 i S12,000,000 - I $10,000,000 I $8.000,000 $6,000,000 ~ $4,000,000 i $2,000,000 I ' . . . 2008 Contract 2009 Contract o Equipment and Technology costs were eliminated from the 2009 budget ❑ Indirect rate increased from 8.09% to 9.03% n ~ ~ . Jail (18.70 9S Increase ~ $500,000 I $360,701 $428,145 $400,000 $300,000 I ~ $200,000 $100.000 I s- 2008 Contract 2009 Contrnct o Spokane Valley housing hours increased 14.77% 18 9 Jail Jall Day RateslFeee ~ Oaiiy Housing $81.30 Rate S84 8 1 I ■ 2008 O 2009 3850 Booking Fee /Xi/~ " . $111 88 !!!d ~ $0.00 $20.00 $40.00 S60.00 $80.00 S100.00 S120.00 o Boaking fec increased 30.11% due largely to thc elimination of offsetting revenue From Jail Intake Pees ❑ lbtal bookings recorded decreased from 33,912 to 30,710 (decrease in number of bookings results in increase to booking fee) 19 ~ ~ Geiger Corrections Center 182.46 4S incroasc ~ E600,000 I S500,000 5478.886 ~ I $400,000 I $300,000 $282,464 -I I $200,000 $100,000 I I S- . . 2008 Cootracl 2009 Contrad 0 148.19% increase in Electronic Home Monitoring (EHM) daily rate from $19.32 to S47.95 o EHM costs shifted from participant to jurisdiction ❑ Total Spokane Vfllley confinement program days increased from 2,749 l0 3,908, corresponding to an mcrease in annual confinement costs &om $236,739 in 2008 to $345,628 in 2009 zo 10 Geiger Daily Rates Goigcr [btry ibtes ~Mj/l'~~~~~~~~~~ 547.95 I $4308 IYOrk Crew $83 68 IOo 2008~ E43.51 worr lmie.o s61.7e 2009 588.12 ConBncment S8&44 1 I i $20.00 $40.00 $60.00 $80.00 i100.00 o Costs of Work Crew and Work Release programs increased from 2008 to 2009 while the use decreased during same time period (driving rates up) o EHM costs were increased due to greater anticipated participation in 2009 but rate was calculated based on low, outdated use numbers (driving rate up) 21 ~ All Contracts Comparison: 2008 Contract vs. 2009 Contract I 2008 Conuact 2009 Contract ~ S Oved(Under) I % change ~ Animel Control ~ t 332,838 5 575,537 ~ S 2,698 I 0.8196 I D[strlet CouA I $ 749,727 ~ S 899,817 I $ 151,490 ~ 20.2496 Communications I S 166,262 I E 258,515 I $ 92,253 ~ 55.48% Emergency Management ~ $ 85,291 ~ $ 90,538 N S 5,247 ~ 6.1576 Pre-Trtal I $ 42,959 ~ $ 61,860 ~ $ 18,901 ~ 44.00% Publle Detender I $ 337,109 I S 434,766 I $ 97,447 I 28•899b Prosecutor ~ $ 358,624 ~ $ 478,284 ~ S 120,769 ~ 33.69% ~ Law Enforcement ~ $ 14,426,758 ~ $ 15,201,734 I i T74,976 ~ 6.379L Jail ~ $ 360,701 I S 428,145 I $ 67,444 I 18.70% Geigar Corrections ~ $ 262,464 I i 478,086 ~ S 216,422 ~ 82.46% 7ota1 I $ 77,121,435 I $ 18,669,082 ~ $ 1,647,646 ~ 9.04% 22 11 ~ ~ All Contracts Comparison: 2009 Budgeted vs. 2009 Contract I 2009 Budgeted 2009 Contrad I Over/ (Undeh I 76 change Animal Control I $ 333,575 S 335,537 I E 1,962 I -0.5995 D'tstritt CouR I $ 787,200 $ 899,817 I $ 112,677 I -14.31% Communiptlon3 ( $ 176,800 I $ 258,515 I $ 81,715 -46.229b Emergnncy Managemont I $ 121,800 $ 90,538 I $ (31,362) 25.73% Pre-Trial ~ $ 47,400 I $ 61,880 I S 14,460 I J0.61% Public Defender I $ 351,500 I $ 474,756 I S 113,256 I -23.69;b Prosccutor I $ 374,900 I $ 479,294 I S 104,394 I -27.85% Law Enforcement I $ 17,054,909 I $ 15,201,734 I $ (1,853,175) I 10.87°k Jait I $ 404,200 I $ 428,145 ~ S 23,9d5 I S.92SG Geiger Correctlons 5 278,200 I $ 478,886 I $ 200,686 ~ -72.14°b Total $ 19,930,584 ~ $ 18,669,082 I 5 (1,261,502) I 6.33% 23 l ~ ~ Impact on Spokane Valley ❑ Staff Time ■ Large costs increases without accompanying explanations ■ Verification documentation not always present o Budget Shortfalls ■ City adopts budget well before County ■ Contract estimates not received until contract year has begun. o Strained Relationship ■ City is compelled to ask numerous questions, and constantly ask for supporting documentation due to lack of communication throughout the year. The County feels like it is peppered with questions from the City. 24 12 _ i Suggested ColTective Actions ❑ Collaboration of City and County in improving efficiency, measuring performance and assessing custoiner satisfaction of contract services. ❑ Quarterly communication between County and City identifying actions that will impact the cost or service level of the services provided to the City. o Greater involvement of County department heads in the contracting process. o Explanations provided and meetings scheduled for estimated and actual cost delivery to City 25 , 13 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: September 29, 2009 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information 0 admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Aquatic RFP Process Update GOVERNING LEGISLATION: N/A PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Approval of original Aquatic Facilities contract with the YMCA in 2005. BACKGROUND: Similar to the process used by the City in 2005, a Request for Proposals has been prepared for the Operation, Maintenance and Prograrnming of Aquatic Facilities for the three outdoor swimming pools. Currently these services are being provided by the YMCA and their contract expires December 31, 2009. The current contract is divided into two parts - and administrative fee and actual expenses. This RFP was advertised for interested parties beginning September 11. Proposals are due on September 25. Staff will be reviewing the submitted proposals and determining a recommendation through a selection process outlined in the RFP. Staff will be bringing a contract recommendation forward for Council consideration on October 6. The term of this contract is proposed to be one year with four one-year renewals. OPTIONS: 1) provide additional direction to staff. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: None. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: This aquatic operation, maintenance and programming of Aquatic Facilities contract is funded through the Parks and Recreation General Fund Budget. STAFF CONTACT: Michael D. Stone, Director of Parks and Recreation ATTACHMENTS: None CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: September 29, 2009 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information E admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Park Maintenance Contract Process Update GOVERNING LEGISLATION: N/A PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Approval of the 2009 contract renewal with Senske. BACKGROUND: Currently these services are being provided by Senske Lawn & Tree Care and their contract expires December 31, 2009. Staff has developed a"bid package" for the park maintenance services for the Parks and Recreation Department. All work under this contract will be considered a"public works" which means state prevailing wages will need to be paid by the Contractor. The bid package will be publicly advertised on September 25. There will be a pre-bid tour to familiarize potential bidders with our parks and facilities. Bids will be opened on October 16. Staff will be bringing a contract recommendation forward for approval on October 27. The term of this contract will be for one year with six one-year renewals as was discussed with the City Council recently. OPTIONS: 1) provide additional direction to staff. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: None. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: This park maintenance contract is funded through the Parks and Recreation General Fund Budget. STAFF CONTACT: Michael D. Stone, Director of Parks and Recreation ATTACHMENTS: None CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY - Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 9/29/09 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business 0 new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Preliminary Legislative Agenda GOVERNING LEGISLATION: None PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Annually, the Council considers various legislative topics to determine how best to protect and promote the interests of the City. As the "short" session of the Washington Legislature approaches, it is once again time to consider what matters the City Council wishes to promote on behalf of the City. BACKGROUND: Most government associations are strive to adopt a Preliminary Legislative Agenda in October in order to gain attention for potential inclusion in the Governors' Budget in advance of the upcoming session of the Washington State Legislature. Hence, Spokane Valley would do well to adopt such an agenda by October 13. Please refer to the attached Preliminary Legislative Agenda offered for Council consideration and discussion. OPTIONS: 1. Discuss an initial legislative agenda. 2. Revise the proposed agenda. 3) Give the matter further thought. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: None at this time. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Dave Mercier and Mayor Munson c,,;OoValleyo 2010 Legislative Agenda Adonted bv Council 2009 The following is the initial legislative agenda adopted by Council: Eieht Principle Items of Interest: 1.) Street utility enabling legislation: Council has seen several presentations regarding Spokane City Councilman A1 French's proposed street utility legislation and has previously shown support of the legislation. The proposal enables legislation to allow local control and determination by city councils and local electorates to decide if it is a tool they want to use in their community to attend to street maintenance functions. 2.) Increased state funding for the 911 system: Rates applied to telephone and other bills that generate revenue for the 911 systems are set by state legislature and have not been revised for a long time. Many 911 centers are advising their constituents that they are not able to hold a budget below the current revenues and llave expressed a need for state relief. 3.) Seek S300, 000 for the acquisition of park land adjacent to the Park Road pool and Centennial Middle School. Spokane Valley has a population of 89,440 people but only 172 acres of public parks-drastically below the 6.25 - 10.5 acres/1,OOOpopulation (559 - 938 acres) specified in the Parks Master Plan. Spokane Valley has successfully partnered with the State Legislature in the acquisition and development of Greenacres Park, adjacent to Central Valley School District's future elementary school. We want to ask the Capital Budget Committee for support in replicating our success in co-locating public assets in under-served and economically distressed neighborhoods. 4.) Lativ Enforcement District enabling legislation: Law enforcement needs and resources vary in jurisdictions across the state like those for fire prevention and suppression. More tools are needed to best consolidate, deploy and pay for law enforcement services. Use of fire districts has proven to be a viable system for the provision of essential public services and many jurisdictions may derive benefit from providing law enforcement services under a similar system. S) Securing state funding for statetivide communications interoperability infrastructure: Locally the citizens have approved a sales taix increase that includes 1/10`h of 1% for communication equipment; however, the revenue is insufficient to fund all five items within that initiative. Interoperability is a statewide concern and according to the Association of Wasllington Cities, there is a$400 million problem to be resolved. 6) Reasonable legislation related to the "cap and trade " provision.s of climate control regulations under consideration: Council has heard repeated reports on the climate control and change regulations being discussed in Olympia as well as Washington D.C., using the term "cap and trade" in reference to efforts to reduce our carbon footprint. We want to be aware of the options under consideration for regulatory for enactment. 7) Access to enhanced state fuel puf•chasing power. We have a desire to determine if there is a way to access enhanced state fuel purchasing power related to the large amount of fuel purchased by state, county and city organizations to operate government vehicles. Exploration of inethods that aggregate governmental purchasing power that may drive down the cost of the fuel purchases is wananted. 8.) Provide support for the Association of Washington Cities' legislative agenda items that serve the best interests of the City of Spokane Valley. Spokane Valley 2010 Legislative Agenda Page 1 of 1 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: September 29, 2009 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information 0 admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Council External Committee Reports GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: City Councilmembers serve on various local and/or regional committees. The purpose of this item is to provide an opportunity for the Council representative to confer with the entire Council and shape a corporate position or significant policy questions before the various committees. OPTIOfVS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGEl'/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF/COUNCIL CONTACT: Councilmembers ATTACHMENTS: DR.AFT ADVANCE AGENDA For Planning Discussion Purposes Only as of September 23, 2009; 4:30 p.m. Please note this is a work in progress; items are tentative To: Council & Staff . From: City Manager Re: Draft Schedule for Upcoming Council Meetings October 6, 2009. Studv Session Format, 6:00 p.m. [due date Mon, Sept 281 Action Items: 1. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance Finding Substantial Need - Ken Thompson (15 minutes) 2. Emergency Resolution and Motion, Contract Snow Removal - Neil Kersten (15 minutes) 3. Motion Consideration: Aquatics Contract - Mike Stone (10 minutes) 4. Motion Consideration: Pines/Mansfield Project Change Order Approval- Steve Worley (10 minutes) 5. Motion Consideration: Interlocal Public Works Contract (streets, striping, lights) Neil Kersten (15 minutes) Non-action Items: 6. Residential Lighting - Christina Janssen (20 minutes) 7. COOP Addendum - Mike Jackson (15 minutes) 8. Discussion of Impacts, Initiative 1033 - Councilmembers (25 minutes) 9. Council External Committee Reports - Councilmembers (10 minutes) [xestimated meeting: 135 minutes] T/iursdav, October 8, 2009: 6: 00 - 8: 00 p.m. AWC Regional Meeting, Spokane, Washington Doubletree Spokane City Center, 322 NSpokane Falls Court EXECUTIVE SESSION: Tuesdav, Oct 13, 2009; 5:00 p.m., Labor Neaotiations (pendif:g) October 13, 2009, Formal MeetinLy Format 6:00 p.m. [due date Mon, Oct 5] 1. Consent Agenda: Payroll, Claims, Minutes (5 minutes) 2. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance Adopting 2010 Budget - Ken Thompson (5 minutes) 3. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance Amending Cable Code - Cary Driskell (10 minutes) 4. Motion Consideration: Mayoral Appointment for Planning Commission Vacancy -Mayor Munson (10 minutes) 5. Motion Consideration: adopt 2010 Legislative Agenda - Mayor Munson (10 rninutes) 6. Motion Consideration: Council Position, Initiative 1033 [pro and con public comments] (30 rninutes) 7. Admin Report: GSI Presentation of Marketing plan for the SARP - Robin Toth (15 minutes) 8. Admin Report: Comp Plan Quarterly Update - Greg McCormick (10 minutes) 9. Admin Report CTA 05-09 Amendment - Mike Basinger (20 minutes) 10. Admin Report: Sprague Appleway Corridor EIS - Steve Worley (20 rninutes) [*estimated meeting: 135 minutes] October 20, 2009, Studv Session Format. 6:00 p.m. [due date Mon, Oct 121 Non-action Items: 1. ICMA Law Enforcement Study Discussion (confirmed) - Dave Mercier (90 minutes) 2. Report on Amending 2009 Budget - Ken Thompson - (15 minutes) 3. Proposed Resolution Adopting Fee Schedule - Ken Thompson (10 minutes) 4. Council External Committee Reports - Councilmembers (10 minutes) [*estimated meeting: 125 minutes] Draft Advance Agenda 9/23/2009 4:34:11 PM Page 1 of 3 October 27 2009, Formal Meetiug Format 6:00 p.m. [due date Mon, Oct 191 1. PUBLIC HEARING: Amend 2009 Budget - Ken Thompson (10 minutes) 2. Consent Agenda: Payroll, Claim Vouchers, Minutes (5 minutes) ~ 3. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance 09-017, Code Amendment CTA-0 1-09 - Karen Kendall (15 minutes) 4. First Reading Proposed Ordinance CTA 05-09 - Mike Basinger (15 minutes) 5. Motion Consideration: Park Maintenance Contract - Mike Stone (10 minutes) 6. Admin Report: Related Court Services Study - Morgan Koudelka; Anne Pflug,Wa Dept of Commerce (45 min) 7. Admin Report: Fall Batch Code Amendments (includes ADU & Ord 08-006)- Tavis Schmidt (20 minutes) 8. Admin Report: Street Standards - John Hohman (15 minutes) 9. Info Only: Department Reports * [*estimated meeting: 135 minutes] November 3. 2009, Tentative No Meeting (election night) November 10, 2009. No MeetinLy, Council Attends NLC, San Antonio Nov 10-14 November 17, 2009. Formal Meetiniz Format 6:00 p.m. [due clate Mon, Nov 9] Proclamation: Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week 1. Consent Agenda: Payroll, Claims, Minutes (5 minutes) 2. First Reading Proposed Ordinance to Amend 2009 Budget - Ken Thompson (10 minutes) 3. First Reading Proposed Ordinance to Adopt Street Standards - John Hohman (15 minutes) 4. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance CTA 05-09 - Mike Basinger (10 minutes) 5. Motion Consideration: Court Services Alternative Analysis - Morgan Koudelka (30 minutes) 6. Admin Report: Lodging Tax Recommendations to Council - Ken Thompson (20 minutes) 7. Info Only: Department Reports [*estimated meeting: 90 minutes] November 24, 2009. No Meeting, Thanksgiving Week December 1, 2009, Studv Session Format, 6:00 p.m. [due date Mon, Nov 23] Action Items: 1. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance to Amend 2009 Budget - Ken Thompson (10 minutes) 2. Motion Consideration: Allocation of Lodging Taac Funds - Ken Thompson (15 minutes) Non-action Items: 3. Council External Committee Reports - Councilmembers [*estimated mceting: minutes] December 8, 2009, Formal Meetina Format, 6:00 p.m. [due date Mon, Nov 30] 1. Consent Agenda: Payroll, Claims, Minutes (5 minutes) 2. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance Adopting Street Standards - John Hohman (15 minutes) 3. Motion Consideration: Ratification of Collective Bargaining Agreement - John VVhitehead (15 minutes) [*estimated meeting: minutes] December 15, 2009, Studv Session Format, 6:00 p.m. [due date Mon, Dec 7] Action Items: ' 1. Mayoral Appointments to Planning Commission - Mayor Munson (15 minutes) 2. Appointments of Councilmembers to Various Committees - Mayor Munson (20 minutes) Non-action Items: 3. Council EYternal Committee Reports - Councilmembers (15 minutes) [*estimated meeting: 50 minutes] December 22, 2009, No Meetin2. Christmas week Draft Advance Agenda 9/23/2009 4:34:11 PM Page 2 of 3 ~ ~ ~ December 29, 2009, Formal Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m. [due date Mon, Dec 21 ] 1. Consent Agenda: Payroll, Claims, Minutes (5 minutes) 2. Info Only: Department Reports [*estimated meetiog: minutes] Januarv 5, 2010 Studv Session Format. 6:00 p.m. [due date Mon, Dec 28 Action Items: 1. Council officer elections (20 minutes) Non-action Items: 2. Council External Committee Reports - Councilmembers ['"estimated meeting: minutes] Saturday, Jao 9, 2010: Tentative Winter Retreat (Special Meetiniz) CenterPlace Conference Room 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. OTI3E, R PENDING AND/OR UPCOMING ISSUES/MEETINGS: ADA Plan Affordable Housing Participation Alternative Analysis (contracts) City Center Report to Council City Hall Sales Purchase Agreement Comp Plan Qrtrly Update (Jan, April, July, Oct) Concurrency Court Services Alternative Analysis (rescission of Dec 12009 termination) Development Agreement Ord 09-015 exp 2-26-2010 East Gateway Monument Structure # Firearms Code Amendments - Cary Driskell Franchise Agreements (Dec 2009) Impact Fee Reyuest Central Valley School District Lexipol Policies - Police Dept [January 2010] Northeast Housing Solutions City Membership # Overweightlover size vehicle ordinance (2009) Site Selector Review (March 2010) Stimulus, Phase 2 Strategic 1'ransp. Financial Plan - Dave Mercier Street Standards (and UDC Title 24) Transportation Benefit Dist (2009) a. Establish ord.; (b) set public hearing; (c) draft resolution; (d) ballot language Transportation Impacts Use Agreement (Cary Driskell) Water rights Zoning Notice Process = Awaiting action by others; doesn't allow for time for public or council comments] Draft Advance Agenda 9/23/2009 4:34:11 PM Page 3 of 3 CITY OF SPOKr41VE 1lALLEY Request fvr Council Action Meeting Date: September 22, 2009 Cityr 1Vdanager Sign-off: Item: CI~~ck aIf that ~pp1y: ❑ cansent ❑❑Id business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing N information ❑ admin. report C] pending legislatian AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Spokane County Traffic Interlocal GO1lERNING LEGISLATION: PRE111OUS GOIJNCIL ~CTI~~ ~~~EN: BACKGROUND: Attached is the proposed interlacal agreement with Spokane County. This interlacal covers traffic signs, signals and pavem-ent markings. The current interiocal expires an October 15, 2009. OPTIDNS; RECOIVIMENDED ACTIDhI l7R MC]TEC3N: BUDGET/FiNANClAL IMPACTS: S7A~~ ~ONYACT: Neil kCersten ATTACHMENTS: County lnt-erlocal Agreernent DRAFT Return to; Daniela Erickson, Clerk ❑f the Board Board of County Commissioners - 1116 W. Broadway Spokane, Washington 99260 INTERLOCAL AGREE11~ENT FOlt ROAD MA.INTENANCE SERVICES IN THE CITY OF SPOKAlYE VALL1EY (October 15, 2009 -I}ecember 31, 2010) - TMS AG1~~M:EN7', rnade and e-ntered into hy and between Spakane Caunty, a palitical subdivision of the State of Washingtan, having offices far the transactian of business at 111 6 West Broadway A.venue, Spokane, Washington 99260, hereinafter referred to as "CDUNTY" and the City o#' Spokane Va[ley, a mLinicipal corparation of #he State of Washington, having offices for the firansaction of business at the Redwood Plaza, 11707 East 5prague A►.venue, Suite 106, Spokane Valfey, Washing#on 99206, hereina-fter referred ta as "CITY," ,jaintly hereinafter referred to as the "PARTCES." The COUItiITY and CITY agree as #'ollows. , SECT~~N NO. 1: ~~ITALS A.ND FiNDING-S (a) The Board of CQunty Cornmissioners of Spolcane County has the care of Caunty property and the rnanagement ofCounty funds arrd business under RCW 36.32.I20(6). (b) Counties and cities may contract with each otber to perforrrti certain functions which each may legally perform under chapker 39.34 RCW O;nterlocal Cooperation Act). (e) The City of 5pokane 'Llalley desires to utilize the services of Spokane County for the purpose of providing traffic sign, signal and pavement marking rriaintena.nce services an the public riglits- of-way in the Cifiy. SECTx[)N NO. 2: DEFLNXTIDNS (a) Agreement: "A.greement" means this Interlacal A.greement between the CITY and COUNTY regarding trafFc maintenance services including signs, signals and pavement markings. (b) Citv: ",CZTY" mearrs the City of Spokane Valley. (c) Caunt-v: "COUNTY" means 5pokane Caunty. (d) Ma.intenartce and Onerations: "Maintenanee and C?perations" and W&O" shatl mean (1) those ciass cades (3000-5999 and 7000-9999) used by 5pokane County in its budgetary process as prescribed by the BARS manual advpted by the State of Washingtan under chapter 43.$8 RCW so long as - such expenditures are directly at#.ributable and prapartionate to services rendered to CITY under the terms of this Agreement, TiN'IEA RLOCAI. AGREEMENT RDAD 1ViAIlMdTENANCE SERVICES Page 1 of 15 DRAFT (e) Services: "Sarvices" means those services identi~'ied in Exhihit A-l. ' (f) Ccamoensatzvn: "Campensation" means that methadology set forth in Exhibit A used to establish the arnaunt of money which the CITY wi11 pay the COUNTY For providing Services, (g) Cani#al ImDrovemen#: "Capital Impravement" shall mean the capitalizatian threshald adapted by the Caunty during the term af the Agreement. 'I'he County shall give the City advance notice of any increasc in the capitalizattvn threshold. Any stich expenditure will be coded as prouit3ed for in the BARS-manual adopted 6y the 5tate ofWashington under T~CW 43.88. (h) [.JneQntrallable Circumstances: "Uncontrollable Circumstances" means the fallaNving events: riots, wars, civii disturhances, insurrections, acts of terrorism, external fres and #lvads, valcanic eruptians, lightrring ar earthquakes at or near where the 5ervices are perfarmed artdfor that directly affoct providing of SuCh Services, (i) Report: "Report" shall mean the Invoice Supporting Documcntafiion set forth in ExhEbit A-4. SECTION NO. 3: PURPOSE The purpase of this Agreement is to reduce to wrifiing the PARTTE5' understanding as to the terrns and canditions under which -the COLTNTY will pravide Services on behalf of the CITY. It is xhe intent af the PARTrES that Services to be prQVided by the COUNfiY w-ill be cvnsistent with the CITY'S CouncfllManager form of government provided for in chapter 3 SA.13 RCW. SECTION NO, 4: DURATIONIWITHDRAWAL ~ . This Agreement si3all cammence on C)aober 15, 2009, and run through December 31, 2010, un[ess one of tiie PARTIES pravides ilotice as set farth in Section 7. At the canclusion of the initial terrrr, this Agreement shall automatically be reiiewed from year to year thereafter effective January Ist to Decem6er 3151. Ail renewa3s shall be subject to all terms artd conditions set farth herein. - The PARTIES recapiize iz is highly unlikely that Exhibit A-2, setting -f'orth the new billang rates for each ycar's Services, will be available at the start af any renewai time frame. Accordingly, until a new Exhihit A-2 has been prepared and agreed to between the PARTrES, the PARTIES agree that the COUNTY will bill the GITY and the CI`IY will pay the COUNTY at the sarne billing rates paid in the previaus year. Upon the PARTLES agreement an a new Exhibit A-2, xhe CrTY and CC7UNTY will reconcile payments to date under #he previQUs years billing rates with the new billiiig rates. Any undcrpayment for any Services wil! 6e due in the ~'irst payment due following reconciliation. Any averpayment for any Services wil1 be credited to the -first tnonthly payment dtie faIipwing the reconciliatian. The PARTIES agree that no interest sflall be awing by either Party to the other Party for any overpayment ar underpayrrient determined as a result of the reconciliation. Any Pat-ty may withdraw at any time from this Agreement for any reasan wha#soever upan a minimum of 180 days written natice as provided for in Section 7 to the other Party. INTERLDCAL AGREEMENT RDAD NIAINTENAl~~~ ~~RVICTS Page 2 of 15 DRAFT SECTION NO. 5: COST OF SERVICES AND PAYMENTS The CITY shall pay the COUNTY the costs for Services provided under this Agreement as set forth in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference: The COUNTY CEO shall advise the CITY Manager as soon as possible of any anticipated or unanticipated capital improvement costs that arise during the contract period. Any such capital improvement costs shall be amortized over the useful life of the improvement, and the increased cost in the Agreement resulting from the improvement sha11 be calculated by the PARTIES and paid within 30 days of receipt of request by the CITY. Any capital improvement for which the COUNTY seeks reimbursement from the CITY must be necessary to fulfill the requirements of this Agreement. The COUNTY will bill the CITY for the cost of Services monthly, by the 15th of the month for the previous month. Payments by the CITY will be due by the Sth day of the following month. At the sole option of the COLJNTY, a penalty may be assessed on any late payment by the CITY based on lost interest earnings had the payment been timely paid and invested in the Spokane County Treasurer's Investment Pool. The CITY may dispute any monthly billing. Pending resolution of any dispute, the PARTIES agree that the CITY shall pay timely that portion of the bill that is undisputed. In the event the CITY disputes any monthly billing it shall include in conjunction with the monthly payment a letter stating with specificity the basis for the dispute. The PARTIES agree to meet within thirty (30) calendar days of the COUNTY's receipt of the documentation letter, stating the basis for the CITY disputing any monthly billing to resolve the matter. In the event the PARTIES cannot mutually resolve the matter within the thirty (30) calendar day time frame, unless otherwise agreed by the PARTIES, the matter shall be resolved pursuant to the Dispute Resolution provisions set forth in Section 17. The selection of arbitrators as provided for in Section 17 sball commence within thirty (30) calendar days of the running of the thirty (30) calendar day time frame. Any resolution of a disputed amount through use of the arbitration process identified in Section 17 shall include, at the request of either Party, a determination of whether interest is appropriate, including the amount. SECTION NO. 6: RELATED RESPONSIBILITIES IN CONJiJNCTION WITH PROVIDING SERVICES The COUNTY or designees agree to attend staff ineetings as requested by the CITY Manager. The COUNTY or designees agree to meet upon request by the CITY Manager or his/her designee to discuss any Service provided under the terms of this Agreement. The CITY agrees the COUNTY may use the COUNTY'S stationery in conjunction with providing Services under the terms of this Agreement. SECTION NO. 7: NOTICE All notices or other communications given hereunder shall be deemed given on: (1) the day such notices or other communications axe received when sent by personal delivery; or (ii) the third day following the day on which the same have been mailed by first class delivery, postage prepaid addressed to the COUNTY or the CITY at the address set forth below for such Party, or at such other address as either Party shall from time-to-time designate by notice in writing to the other Party: INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT ROAD MAINTENANCE SERVICES Page 3 of 15 DRAFT GOCJNTY: Spokane CQunty Chief Executive Officer . . or hisfher authorized representative 11 16 West Braadwa}F AvenUe Spakane, Washingtan 99260 , CITY: City of Spokane Valley City IVlanager or hislher autharized representative Redwood Plaza 11707 ;East Sprague Avenue, Su~te lOd Spaka.ne Valley, Washington 99206 SECTI[31V NO. S; RLPORTI1VG Reports - The COLTNTY shail provide the CITY with reports documenting actual usage under this Agreement at the same time each invoice requesting payment is made, Linless otherwise mutually agreed hy the Parties. 7'he Pa.rties agree that the termino]ogy "reports documenting usage" means tha.t type of in€ormation providecf by th~ COUNTY ta the CI'T`Y i« the 2004 agreement for 5ervices. 5uch repo€ts shall be in a farmat as rnutually agreed to between the Parties. The content andlor format for such reports may be changed from time-to-time by written agreernent between CITY and COUNTY staff. Records Review -The ~IT~.' shall be allowed to conduct random TCvieWs of the records generated ay the COlTNTY in perfarmance of tliis Agreemenf. The CI'I'Y will provide the COl1N'T~Y with reasonable advance natice of the recvrds reviews. The Parties agree that they will anake best effarts to achieve a resolutian of any pQtential records confidentiality issues, including entering into confidentiality . agreements or otier similar mechanisms that wil1 allow disclasure of the necessary infarrrtation to accurately canduct a recards review. If tkie CITY wil! 6e all€awed ta view only fihose records directly relating to Services provided wifi.hin CITY's corparate boundaries, then tl~~ ~~'LNTY mus# keep a log of origina1 dacuments used to charge the CZTY, and those dvcuments rmust have jden#ifying nurnbers or letters so the original saurce documents can be casily retrieved. ' SECTxON ND. 9: COLTNTERPAR'F5 This Agreement may be executed in any number of courLterparts, eacli of which, when sa executed and delivered, sha11 be an ariginalr but such cou«terparts shall together canstitute but ane and the same. SECTI(?N NO, 10; ASSIGNIVMNT No Party may assign in whale or part its interest in this Agreement withaut the written approval of tha other PART"Y. SECTION NO. 11. CO'C.lN'TY EMk~~OYEES "X'he CO[JNTY shall ~ppoint, hire, assign, retain and discipline all emplvyees performing Services under this Ag,reement according to applicable callective bargaining agreements arid applicab1e st-ate and federal laws. The COUNTY agrees to meet and confer with Ciie CITY with respect ta staff that is assigned to pravide Services. Issues of discipline or gerformance will be speciically handled according ta ~OUN7'Y policies. - XNTERLOCA.L AGREEMEIYT ROAD MAINTENANCE SERVICES Page 4 0f 15 DRAFT SECTION NO. 12: LIABILITY (a) The COLTNTY shall indemnify and hold harmless the CITY and its officers, agents, and employees, from any and all claims, actions, suits, liability, loss, costs, expenses, and damages of any nature whatsoever, by any reason of or arising out of any negligent act or omission of the COUNTY, its officers, agents and employees, relating to or arising out of performing Services pursuant to this Agreement. In the event that any suit based upon such claim, action, loss, or damages is brought against the CITY, the COUNTY shall defend the same at its sole cost and expense; provided that the CITY reserves the right to participate in said suit if any principle of governmental or public law is involved; and if final judgment in said suit be rendered against the CITY, and its officers, agents, and employees, or jointly against the CITY and the COUNTY and their respective officers, agents, and employees, the COUNTY shall satisfy the same. (b) The CITY shall indemnify and hold harmless the COUNTY and its officers, agents, and employees, from any and all claims, actions, suits, liability, loss, costs, expenses, and damages of any nature whatsoever, by any reason of or arising out of any negligent act or omission of the CITY, its officers, agents and employees, relating to or arising out of performing Services pursuant to this Agreement. In the event that any suit based upon such claim, action, loss, or damages is brought against the COUNTY, the CITY shall defend the same at its sole cost and expense; provided that the COUNTY reserves the right to participate in said suit if any principle of governmental or public law is involved; and if final judgment in said suit be rendered against the COUNTY, and its officers, agents, and employees, or jointly against the COtJNTY and the CITY and their respective officers, agents, and employees, the CITY shall satisfy the same. (c) If the comparative negligence of the Parties and their officers and employees is a cause of such damage or injury, the liability, loss, cost, or expense shall be shared between the Parties in proportion to their relative degree of negligence and the right of indemnity shall apply to such proportion. (d) Where an officer or employee of a Party is acting under the direction and control of the other Party, the Party directing and controlling the officer or employee in the activity and/or omission giving rise to liability sllall accept all liability for the other Party's officer or employee's negligence. (e) Each Party's duty to indemnify shall survive the termination or expiration of the Agreement. (f) The foregoing indemnity is specifically intended to constitute a waiver of each Party's immunity under Washington's Industrial Insurance Act, chapter 51 RCW, respecting the other party only, and only to the extent nECessary to provide the indemnif ed Party with a full and complete indemnity of claims made by the indemnitor's employees. The PARTIES acknowledge that these provisions were specifically negotiated and agreed upon by them. (g) The COUNTY and the C1TY agree to either self insure or purchase policies of insurance covering the matters contained in this Agreement with coverages of not less than $5,000,000 per occurrence with $5,000,000 aggregate limits including professional liability and auto liability coverages. SECTION NO. 13: RELATIONSHIP OF THE PARTIES The PARTIES intend that an independent contractor relationship will be created by this Agreement. The COUNTY shall be an independent contractor and not the agent or employee of the CITY, that the CITY is interested only in the results to be achieved and that the right to control the particular manner, method and means in which the services are performed is solely within the discretion of the COUNTY. Any and all employees who provide Services to the CITY under this Agreement shall be deemed employees solely INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT ROAD MAINTENANCE SERVICES Page 5 of 15 DRAFT of the CDUNTY. The COL]A1'TY shall be salely respansible far the conduc.t and actions of all employees under tiis Agreerrient and any liability that may afitach thereta. Likewise, rio agent, employee, servant or _representative of the CYTY shall be deemed ta be an employee., agent, servant nr representa-tive vf the CC}UNTY for any purpose, SECTION NO. 14: 1VY{]DIFYCA'TYON This A,greement rnay be modifed iri writirrg b}r mutual wriiten agreement of the PAR'fIES. SECTIUN NO. 15: FROPERT'Y AI~ ~QUYP'11EN7` The ownership of all property and equipment utilized in conjunction with providing the Setvices shall rernain with the original owner, unless specifically and mutually agreed by the PARTIES ta this A~ree~nent. 5ECTID1V 1VO. xG; ALL ~ITENGS CONTA.EXED HIERETNIB'DrNG EFFECT This Agreement contains terrns and conditions agreed upon by the PARTIES. The PAR t1ES agree that -there are na otlier understaridirig,s, oral or otherwise, regartiing ttle subject mattcr af this Agreement. No changes ar additians ta this Agreement shall Ue ualid or binding upon the PARTIES unless such change or addition is in writing, executed by the PARTIES. This Agreement shall be b'wding upon fihe PARTIES hereta, their successars and assigns. SEC7'ION lYO. 17: DISPiT'TE RES[]LUTION , - Any dispute between the PARTIES which cannot be resolved between the PARTIES shall be subject to arbitratioll. Excep-t as provided for to the contrary herein, such dispute shall first be reduced to writing and considered by the COUNTY CEO and the CITY Manager. If th~ ~OUN'TY CEO artd the CI.TY Manager cannat xesolve the dispute it vvill be submitted to arbitrati4n. The pravisians af chapter 7.04 RCW shall be aRplicable ta any arbitration proceeding- The COUNTY and the CTTY shall have the right to designat+e ❑ne person eacll to acC as an arbitrator. The two selec#ed arbitrators shall then jointly seject a third arbitrator. The decision of the arhitration panei shall be 6inding on the PARTIES afid shall be subject to judicial review as provided fvr in chapter 7.04 RCW. The c.osts of -the arbitration panel shall be equally split betwee« the PARUFS. SECT1ON NV. 18i YEl,1 V,1:.r S,l„l,l, iJLATIV1~4T e This Agreement has been and shall be canskrued as having been made and delivered within the Sta#e of Washingtoii and it is iinutualiy understood arid agreed by each party that this Agreement shall be govei-rted by the laws of the State ❑f Washington both as to ialterpretation and performance. Any action at law, suit in equity or judicial proceeding for the enfprcemertt of this Agreement, ar any provision hereto, shall be instituted only in caurts of campetent jurisdiction within 5pokane Cuuiity, Washingtan. ~~CTIOrr rrO. 19: s~~ERA]BrLYTY The PARTIES agree that if any parts, terms or pravisions af this Agreemertt are held by the courts to be : . illegal, the valld[t}r of the rcznaining porkions or provisions shall not be affected and the rights and INTERLCICAL AGREEM,ENT ROA1] MAIJ1ITENANCE SERVICES Page 6 of 15 DRAFT obligations of the PARTIES shall not be affected in regard to the remainder of the Agreement. If it should appear that any part, term or provision of this Agreement is in conflict with any statutory provision of the State of Washington, then the part, term or provision thereof that may be in conflict shall be deemed inoperative and null and void insofar as it may be in conflict therewith and this Agreement shall be deemed to modify to conform to such statutory provision. SECTION NO. 20: RECORDS All public records prepared, owned, used or retained by the COUNTY in conjunction with providing Services under the terms of this Agreement shall be deemed CITY property and shall be made available to the CITY upon request by the CITY Manager subject to the attorney client and attorney work product privileges set forth in statute, court rule or case law. The COUNTY will notify the CITY of any public disclosure request under chapter 42.17 RCW for copies or viewing of such records as well as the COUNTY'S response thereto. SECTION NO. 21: HEADINGS The section headings appearing in this Agreement have been inserted solely for the purpose of convenience and ready reference. In no way do they purport to, and shall not be deemed to define, limit or eatend the scope or intent of the sections to which they pertain. SECTION NO. 22: T1114E OF ESSENCE OF AGREEMENT Time is of the essence of this Agreement and in case either Pariy fails to perform the obligations on its part to be performed at the time fixed for the performance of the respective obligation by the terms of this Agreement, the other Party may, at its election, hold the other Farty liable for all costs and damages caused by such delay. SECTION NO. 23: UNCONTROLLABLE CIRCUMSTANCESlIMPOSSIBILITY A delay or interruption in or failure of performance of all or any part of this Agreement resulting from Uncontrollable Circumstances shall be deemed not a default under this Agreement. A delay or interruption in or failure of performance of all or any part of this Agreement resulting from any change in or new law, order, rule or regulation of any nature which renders providing of Services in accordance with the terms of this Agreement legally impossible, and any other circumstances beyond the control of the COUNTY which render legally impossible the performance by the COUNTY of its obligations under this Agreement, shall be deemed not a default under this Agreement. SECTION NO. 24: FILING This Agreement shall be filed by the County with such offices or agencies as required by chapter 39.34 RCW. SECTION NO. 25: EXECUTION AND APPROVAL The PARTIES warrant that the officers executing below have been duly authorized to act for and on behalf of the Party for purposes of confirming this Agreement. , INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT ROAD MAINTENANCE SERVICES Page 7 of 15 DRAFT SECTION NO. 26: INITIATIVES The PARTIES recognize that revenue-reducing initiative(s) passed by the voters of Washington may substantially reduce local operating revenue for the CITY, COUNTY or both PARTIES. The PARTIES agree that it is necessary to have flexibility to reduce the contracted amount(s) in this Agreement in response to budget constraints resulting from the passage of revenue-reducing initiative(s). If such an event occurs, the PARTIES agree to negotiate in good faith to achieve a mutually agreeable resolution in a timely fashion. SECTION NO. 27: COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS The Parties shall observe all federal, state and local laws, ordinances and regulations, to the extent that they may be applicable to the terms of this Agreement. SECTION NO. 28: DISCLAIMER Except as otherwise provided, this Agreement shall not be construed in any manner that would limit either Party's authority or powers under laws. SECTION NO. 29: SUPERSEDE This Agreement shall supersede and terminate that agreement between the Parties entitled "INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN SPOKANE COUNTY AND CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY REGARDING PROVISION OF ROAD MAINTENANCE SERVICES" executed by Spokane County on March 7, 2006, and executed by the CITY on I'ebruary 16, 2006. SECTION NO. 30: ASSURANCE ~ The CITY shall pay the COUNTY the true and full cost of all Services provided under this Agreement. The intent of the Parties is that neither Party will subsidize the other and that the CITY will not subsidize any other jurisdiction that is receiving similar services. 1NTERLOCAL AGREENIENT ROAD MAINTENANCE SERVICES Page 8 of 15 DRAFT , IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the PARTIES have caused this Agreement to be executed on date and year opposite their respective signatures. BOARD OF COUNTY COMNIISSIONERS OF SPOKANE, COUNTY, WASHINGTON DATED: TODD NIIELKE, Chair ATTEST: MARK RICHARD, Vice Chair Daniela Erickson BONNIE MAGER, Commissioner Clerk of the Board DATED: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Attest: By: Title: City Clerk (Title) APPROVED AS TO FORM ONLY: Office of the City Attorney INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT ROAD MAINTENANCE SERVICES Page 9 of 15 DRAFT EXHIBIT "A" TRAFFIC MAINTENANCE PROVISIONS SECTION NO. 1: COST OF SERVICES AND PAYMENTS In consideration for COUNTY providing services as set forth herein, CITY shall pay COUNTY for annual costs (monthly bills will include costs by activity for direct labor for each employee, supervision, employee benefits, equipment rental, materials and supplies, utilities, subcontracted work and permits) after receipt of invoices and supporting documentation to include copies of timecards, updated material costs and quantities, and summary reports for labor and equipment charges as identified in Exhibit A-4, and overhead costs as described in Exhibit A-3. Standard labor rates can be affected by overtime, extra holiday pay, shift differential, labor contracts, and on-call rates. Labor and equipment rates are shown in Exhibit A-2 for 2009 and will be reviewed and modified when required. COUNTY will nofiify CITY in writing of any changes to or modifications of the labor and equipment rates. Estimafied costs for requested services in future years will be provided by the CITY as a part of annual budget discussions. CITY shall pay COUNTY for the full cost (including salary, benefits, supplies, materials, equipment, and administrative overhead costs) of providing CITY with rapid-response staff in responding to ernergencies as outlined in Section 2B of this Exhibit. SECTION NO. 2: COST OF SERVICES AND PAYMENTS A. Countv Resnonsibilities - Services COUNTY will provide traffic maintenance services as identified in Exhibit A-1. The CITY will direct these services within the limits of COUNTY'S operational workforce and equipment. Actual levels of service provided by COLJNTY will be those adopted by CITY and COUNTY in annual budget processes. COUN1 Y is a contractor for CITY and will provide services requested by CITY so long as such services are within COUNTY' S ability to provide. Achial services provided by COUNTY shall be of the type, nature and magnitude subsequently negotiated between CITY and COUNTY during the PARTIES' annual budget and planning processes. After adoption of budget and plan, within the constraints of the base level services program described, CITY may request adjustments to individual tasks in order to meet specific needs. COUNTY shall consider all such requests and, whenever practicable, alter the work program as necessary. COUNTY is a contractor of services only and does not purport to represent CITY professionally other than in providing the services requested by CITY. B. COUNTY and CITY Coordination COUNTY will identify specific liaisons for traffic, maintenance services to handle day-to-day operational activities related to basic and discretionary services. CITY will identify a liaison for the same purposes. The liaisons will meet regularly with the CITY to review scheduled daily work activities, future planned work activities, completed work activities and the overall performance of this Agreement. INTERLOCAL AGREENE NT ROAD MAINTENANCE SERVICES Page 10 of 15 DRAFT - Emergency work, including 911 calls, will be re#'erred directly to COLNTY persannel. COUNTY wi11 maintain an emergency contact list with the CITY and 911 djspatch centers. Emergency work to grotect public safety andlor graperty will be handled as COUNTY andl'ar CITY liaisons deems necessary. Ernergency work may include, bu-t is not limited to repair of traffic signal malfunctions, or replacement vf downed stop signs. CITY liaison will be informed ofthe incident as soon as practicable. Non-emergenoy citizen requests, during regular CITY operating hours, will be referred tv ~ITY. CITY will be responsible far prioritizing requests and arranging with COUNT'Y far work to be done. C. CITY Resannsihilities In cnnjunctian with CDUNTY providing the services descxibed in Subsectians A and B of this Sectian, CITY, in executing this Agreement, does: (1) Cvnfer an COUNTY the authori,ty to perform the traffic maintenance services within CITY lirnits for the purpases of car-rying put this Agreemenk. - (2) Agree that when COUNTY provides engineering and administrative services for CITY, County En~ineer may exercise all the powers and perfvrrn all the duties vested by law or b}~ resolutic~n in -the City Engineer or other ofFicer rr department ofthe City charged with street administratian. (3) Adop-t by reference all ordinanoes, resolutions and codes necessary to provade autharity for COUNTY to perform the services under this Agreernent. . Attachrnent List: ' A-1 Services - A-2 2009 Emplnyee and Equipment Rates 11-3 Overhead Cast l~efini#ion A-4 Invoice Supporting Dacumentatian INTERLOCAL AGREEMIENT ROAI] NIAINTENANCE SER'4ICE5 Page 11 nf 15 DRAFT EXHIBIT A-1 . SERVICES Spokane County will provide traffic maintenance services within CITY limits of Spokane Valley at the levels described in Section 1 of the Agreement, as follows (actual levels of service provided by COUNTY will be those adopted by CITY and COUNTY in annual budget processes). Traffic maintenance service levels as set by CITY shall reflect City policies and may or may not be similar to County policies. CITY shall be solely responsible for setting service level policies for all roadway features. COUNTY is merely a contractor for purposes of implementation of City policy. A. Traffic Maintenance - The following are examples of traffic maintenance services provided by COLJNTY. Actual services will be in the magnitude, nature and manner requested by CITY. (1) Sign Maintenance: Replacing faded sign faces and broken posts, straightening leaning posts, relocating signs for visibility, maintenance of vandalized signs or signs damaged by vehicle accidents, removal of signs when appropriate, manage sign maintenance records. (2) Crosswalk Marking: Refurbishing, installing new, and removal when appropriate. (3) Stop Bars Marking: Refurbishing, installing new and removal when appropriate. (4) Arrows/Legends Marking: Refurbishing, installing new and removing when appropriate. (S) Curb Painting: Maintenance of curbing and islands. , (6) Striping: Painting linear road stripes on pavement, such as centerlines, edge lines, radius and channelization, and removal of line, stripes or symbols from the pavement. (7) Repair and replacement of street light heads, poles, wiring or bulbs in existing street lights which are incorporated within traffic signal systems. (8) Utility Locating: 'Locating underground traffic facilities for utilities or other digging operations. (9) Signal Maintenance: Replacing and cleaning light systems for signal and flasher displays and signs, installation and repair of vehicle detector loops, checking and adjusting signal timing, examining traffic signal operation to assure it is operating as intended, inspecting hardware for wear or deficiencies, testing and repairing of electronic control devices and components, repair or replacement of signal and flasher displays, supports or wiring external to controller cabinets, testing of new and modified cabinets and control devices, traffic counter testing and repair and preventative maintenance. (10) Flasher/Crosswalk Preventative Maintenance: Examining to assure equipment is operating as intended and inspecting hardware for wear or deficiencies and repairing components as required. INTERI,OCAL AGREEMENT ROAD MAINTENA.NCE SERVICES Page 12 of 15 DRAFT • - ~ -EXIMIT A-2 I Ilry A EiL'~CALAGREE141'.ENJl .14ZOAD MAINA lC+i'IA.1*4CE S1GRV 1CES ! age 13 of 15 DRAFT EXH[BIT A-3 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT ROAD MAINTENANCE SERVICES Page 14 of. 15 DRAFT ' EXIMIT A-4 BILLING DOCUMENTATION The following items are available throughout the billing cycle to the City by the County to aid in auditing the monthly bill for services. 1. Copies of employee time cards. 2. Current County costs of inventoried items. 3. Current costs for contracted materials. 4. Current rental charges for fleet vehicles. 5. Summary Reports of Labor and Equipment. INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT ROAD MAINTENANCE SERVICES Page 15 of 15 EXHIBIT A-2 SPOKANE COUNTY SIGN AND SIGNAL MAINTENANCE 2009 Standard Labor and Equipment Rates MAINTENANCE WORKERS MONTHLY HOURLY 1.5 X 2.5 X EQUIPMENT CHARGES HOURLY TITLE CLASS RATE (a) RATE RATE (b) RATE (c) TYPE CLASS RATE X-tra Help (5 month position) 2231XI $2,7581 $15.91 1 $17,39 $28.99 1.5 Ton Truck TCL4M ~ $11.00 Traffic Signal Technician 2 1 23111 $8,7031 $50.21 1 $44,73 $74.55 Bucket Truck ~ TCL36 $7.50 Traffic Signal Technician 3 23121 $9,4291 $54.401 $49.43 $82.38 Class 4 Truck ~ TCLS4 $12.00 Chief Traffic Signal Technician 23131 $10,0231 $57,821 $53.27 $88.79 Heavy Use Truck ~ TCL6L $7.50 Traffic Sign Technician 1 22421 $6,9141 $39.891 $33,15 $55.25 112 Ton Truck PU1J2 $3.75 Traffic Sign Technician 2 1 22651 $7,5951 $43,821 $37.56 $62.60 Compact 4X4 P4X4C $4.65 Traffic Sign Technician 3 1 22741 $8,0471 $46,421 $40,48 $67.47 Mini Van VANMC $4.00 Traffic Sign Technician 4 1 22871 $8,5331 $49.231 $43.63 $72.71 Midsize Sedan ~ CARMD $3.00 Chief Traffic Sign Technician 1 22831 $9,8201 $56.651 $51.96 $86.60 Striper Truck ~ PTRKC $15.00 ADMINISTRATION & MANAGEMENT MONTHLY NOURLY SOT 2,5 XTITLE CLASS RATE (a) RATE RATE (d) RATE (e) Engineer 3 2335 $10,846 $62.57 $45.63 n/a ~ (a) The "Monthly Rate" is the loaded labor rate per month for the class of employee at a top step placement, including benefits and L&I expenses (b) The 1.5 X rate is the overtime labor charge per hour worked over normal working hours. (c) The 2.5 X rate is the overtime labor charge per hour worked for working recognized holidays. (d) Supervisors are paid Straight Overtime (S0T) not the 1.5 X rate of the Technicians. (e) The straight overtime rate is also applied to recognized holiday pay resulting in 2 X not 2.5 X allowed for Technicians. Note 1: Call-out after normal working hours is chargetl a minimum 3 hours at the 1.5 X overtime rate. Note 2: All rates are based on the most current labor contract available. Note 3: Spokane County reserves the right to utilize any qualified worker for the City of Spokane Valley contracted work, Exhibit A-2, Page 1 of 1 EXHIBIT A-3 ' ADMINISTRATION PERCENTAGE CALCULATION SHEET _ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY BUDGET EXPENDITURES 2008 ACCOUNT TITLE Actual A-gencv Orq- 4000000 50800 Beginning Fund Balance - 51999 Reimbursable 2,985,591 Administration 54310 Management 165,997 54320 Undistributed Fringe 2,744,919 54330 General Services 2,753,189 54340 Planning 654,170 54350 Faciliites 242,716 54360 Training 303,724 54370 Undistributed Indirect Labor Cost 1,895,543 Total Administration 8,760,258 Miscellaneous 59119 Principal-General Government 847,763 59200 Interest 279,133 59443 Capital-Equipment 20,904 Total Miscellaneous 1,147,800 59700 OperatinQ Transfers Cost Allocation 1,110,737 Public Works Administration 150,500 Permit Center Bonds 238,409 Sewer Construction - Transfer to 010 for Geiger Spur Expenditures - Total Operating Transfers 1,499,646 Maintenance 54230 Roadway 4,715,502 54240 Storm Drainage 979,629 54250 Structures 143,331 54261 Sidewalks 5,802 54263 Street Lighting 156,626 54264 Traffic Control Devices 1,644,795 54266 Snow & Ice Removal 6,767,850 54267 Street Cleaning 694,272 54270 Roadside Development 1,160,361 54290 Maintenance Administration 1,077,080 Total Maintenance 17,345,248 Construction 59510 Engineering 521,970 Exhibit A-3, 1 of 2 59515 Construction Engineering 638,242 59520 Right fof Way 319,467 59530 Roadway 9,305,718 59540 Storm Drainage 277,569 • 59550 Structures - 59561 Sidewalks 144,289 59562 Special Purpose Paths 80,534 59563 Street Lighting 32,486 59564 Traffic Control Devices 866,412 59570 Roadside Development 285,820 59590 Construction Administration 98,925 Total Construction 12,571,432 Agency Org 4000000 Subtotal 44,309,975 Agencv Orq 420000 Engineer Grants 5000 Unclassified 2,677,235 Agency Orq 4210000 State Grants 5000 Unclassified 2,118,457 Total Expenditures 49,105,667 ORIGINAL PERCENTAGE CALCULATION Administration 8,760,258 - Miscellaneous 20,904 Operating Transfers 1,499,646 - TOTAL ADMINISTRATION 10,280,808 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 49,105,667 Less: Grant Reimbursed Expenses (11,595,059) TOTAL COUNTY EXPENDITURES 37,510,608 CALCULATI ON Pct Admin to Total Nonreimbursed Expenditures 27% Exhibit A-3, 2of2 - S°T'p6k.ane ;ooWVaIIeY 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhallCspokanevalley.org September 24, 2009 Mr. Tony Lazanis 10626 East Empire Avenue Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Re: Public Comments Dear Mx. Lazanis: During the public comment period of the September 22, 2009 Council meeting, we understood you to ask for a copy of what was budgeted and spent in 2008 and 2009. That information is enclosed. Sincerely, Christine Bainbridge Spokane Valley City Clerk /cb Encs: Expenditure Status Report for 2008 (126 pages) Expenditure Status Report for 2009 (146 pages) 2008 Final Budget 2009 Final Budget Community Development POk~ane ~ Monthly Report 40;000 VaMy July and August 2009 PERMIT CENTER Revenue Permits Permit revenue for the month of July 2009, was $ 105,832 and for August $179,731. ' In preparing the report, the department pulled ali new revenue reports and updated some monthly figures from what had been previously reported. This adjustment resulted in an increase shown of approx. $ 15,000. Year-to- date revenue is $960,884. Year-to-date revenue is down from last year by 41 2009 Permit Revenue $460.000 :<oo,ooo 5350,000 $300,000 $250,000 - s2oO.o00 - s,so,oao - - - - - - - $100,000 $so,oao - - HL so Jan Feb Mat Apr Mey June .Uy Aup Sept Ucl Na+r Dec 0 2009 Remnue • 0 2ooe Rewue Land Use Land Use revenue for the month of July was $ 10,733 and for August $ 11,982. ' In preparing the report, the department pulled all new revenue reports and updated some monthly figures from what had been previously reported. This adjustment resulted in an increase shown of approx. $ 14,000. Year-to-date total is $161,358 and revenue is down from last year by 16% , 2009 Land Use Revenues ~ s5o,oo0 sao.oao - - ' ~ . s3o.oo0 ; . - - - - - s20,000 $10,000 $o .an Feb mar aai uay .k,ne .wy Aug sao oci Nav oec ■ Revenue2009 o Revenue 2008 I ~ Page 1 of 8 , Community Development pokane VaM ~ Monthly Report y July and August 2009 Valuation The valuation' for July 2009 was $.7,748,984 and for August it was $24,555,682. 2009 Permit Valuaaon $50,000,000 $40,000,000 $30,000,000 520,000,000 ~ , s10,000,000 _ $o - , - , , . Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 2009 Valuation [l 2008 Valuation ~ Office of Financjal Management Permit Information (Permits Issued) Dweliing July 2009 Residential New Separate Demolition Units Structures Dwellin Units Permits Demolished Single Family Residence 11 1 Duplex Tripiex 4-Plex ~ Apartments July 2009 Commercial New Tenant Buildin s Im rovements Additions y 2 16 ~ I ' Per the currently adopted Master Fee Schedule, valuations reported above for commercial and residentiai construction permits are "assigned based on the value of the construction work as stated by the applicant or the value calculated by the Building Official using the latest valuation data published in the 8uilding Safety Joumal by the Intemationa! Code Council, whichever is greatest." Page 2 of 8 opoo ,°ji~~ ~ ~ Communit~► I+~veic~pmer~t ~ Monthly Repor# %I ley ~ ,;oO Ju~ ~nd Au ust 2009 Dwe11ing ~ August 2003 Residential New Separate Qemolition !lnlts Structures Dweliin Units P"ormits Demollshsd Single Farnily Residence 6 Du lex 1 - Tri lex 4-Plex ~ Apartments August 2009 Neyv Tenant Commercial Buildin s Improvements Additions - ZO 17 Permit Ac~~ritw Certif~cate of Occupancy The Community Development staff issued a Certfficates of Occupancy in the month of July far Granite Pointe Building C. !n August Permits Issued Corrrmunity Deuelapment issued a total of 305 permits in Ju1y and 275 in August, 2009 The total perrrrits issued for the year is down about 24°!0. Significant +commercial perrnits %nc1ude a demolition permi~ for #he Rite Aid siteq Chester Mini Storage Bldgs 7 & 8, Granite Painte Phase 2 and 12310 E Mirabeau Parkway #5i30 2009 Constr+c#ion Permtls Issued a~ 4oa - - - - - i 35a - ; ~ 7011 1 ' 1 _ ~ ~ , 1'~ I-~ I I 100 I II w 'D .J~n Feb Mor ApF ~ Megr Juris ,kly Auq sw (ck Na+r [ec M pwmftB 19 f ~ R 221 2a Wz 30 275 I t 2005 Pwnft [7~4:2r 214 323 ~ 296 311 411 284 381 318 1 238 166 Page 3 of 8 crr"`i Me Community Development g Monthly Report w ~ July and Au$ust 2009 Land Use Applications In the month of July there were 2 temporary sign applications, 1 premilinary binding site plan, 3 preliminary short plat and one accessory dwelling unit approved. . During August there were 2 Administrative exceptions, 5- Boundary line adjustments, 4 final short plats, 3 temporary sign permits and 5 pre-application meebngs. Commercial Pre-application Meetfngs During the months of July and August, Community Development staff held 15 commercial pre-application meetings which included a gas stationlconvenience store, 5 short plats, portable classrooms, virtual golf expansion, a mobile home park, and a new office warehouse building SEPA Determinatlons Five SEPA determinations were issued in July and August, including a Determination of Non Significance (DNS) for Granite Pointe and Hamilton Apartments, a 29-lot short plat, 13,000 sf warehouse addition and a text amendment. Hearing Examiner The Hearing Examiner conducted one hearing during the month of August for a 29-lot short plat. Buslness Licenses This information will be updated next report Home Occupation Permits Staff approved 4 home occupation applications in August, And 9 in July. Entertainers Licenses Staff processed 10 Adu1t Entertainment licenses for the month of August, and 3 in the month of July Other Staff called a meeting with the Rite-Aid developers to clarify their outstanding requirements, which are minor. Customer Service The Permit Center staff assisted 958 customers at the counter and handled 932 customers' inquires by phone in the permit center during July and August, averaging approx the same amount each month. Staff provided an average target date of 10 working days for Commercial projects, 5 working days for Residential platted and 10 working days for Residential un-platted. This target date represents the time to first comments issued to the applicant. Page 4 of 8 Community Development Monthly Report ~ley* u9ust 2009 Y and A 4;00 Jul lnspectlons Rlght of Way For the month of June, the Right-of-Way inspector performed 1058 inspections in July and 641 in August. 2009 Right-of-Way Inapectlons 1200 t000- i 800 600 400- 200- - i - - - - - o . , . I Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jurse July Aufl Sepi Ott Nov t)ec 1■ 2008 ■ 2008 Building Piease note the structure of reporting building inspections has changed. The Department wiil break-out residential and commercial inspections only. There were 649 residentiai inspections performed in July and 222 commercial inspections. In August 582 residential and 219 commercial inspections were performed. Plans Examiners reviewed 71 proJects July and August and have 3 pending projects were awaiting review at the end of month. Staff also issued 12 over-the-counter permits for those months. Bupoing Inspeetions Performod 700 - - Goo 600 - 800 600 - - - - 400 40C . ~ _ _ - 300 300 200 200 100 100 0 , - - 0 Jan Fa.b ' Mar Apr AAA. r Jtm I .1u1 Aup Sep ~ Oct Kov Qec 2009 Residmlitl 221 237 304 257 302 028 0 0 0 0 0 0 some 2ppq Commaelal 220 1se 149 te1 143 1a9 0 0 0 0 0 0 2008 ResiderttUl 206 230 332 353 398 408 648 423 4e3 452 352 306 --o-200Q Commorctal 128 1~5 132 161 142 153 167 ~ 256 112 241 297 1Eb I Page 5 of 6 SG04e Community Development Monthly Report Wley, July and Au$ust 2009 Development Engineerfng During the month of July and August, the Development Engineering Inspector performed 8 commercial site inspections and 1 residential inspection. U PDATES Planntnq Planning Commission The Planning Commission met finrice during July making recommendations regarding amendments to Municipal Code regarding Community Facilities, and once in August for a public hearing regarding amendments to the Hearing Examiner rules. SpraguelAppleway Revitalizatlon Plan City Council adopted the SARP on June 16, 2009, making the effective date October 1, 2009. Staff continued with weekly SARP training and getting the document ready for publication. City Center Project City Hall property negotiations continued during the month of July and August City Center Environmental Impact Statement and Planned Action Orclinance (PAO) The draft EIS has been submitted to staff for initial review. CTED Regional Collaboration Grant Project The Collaborative Grant is over. A final report is anticipated in January 2010. The Planning Technical Advisory Committee (PTAC) will be developing a scope of work for the next phase. Growth Management Steering Committee of Elected Officials The Steering Committee of Elected Officials (SCEO) met at the City of Spokane Valley in the Council Chambers on August 26. Susan Winchell, Director of the Boundary Review Board provided an update on the Collaborative Planning effort. Spokane County staff provided an overview of two proposed amendments to the Urban Growth Area. Greg McCormick, PTAC Chair, informed the Steering Committee that a recommendation on the proposed amendments would be presented at their next meeting. 2010 Comprehensive Plan AmendmentslUpdates Staff sent notice to City Council and department heads on September 2, requesting possible updates for the 2010 Comprehensive Plan Amendment cycle. Staff is developing a docket for the 2010 amendment cycle and would like to incorporate relevant changes to ensure the Comprehensive Plan is current. Code Amendments Residential lighting amendments are scheduled for a public hearing in September. A citizen initiated code amendment for affordable housing density onuses was submitted in July. Additional Batch Amendments are currently being worked on and are scheduled for Planning Commission review in September. Shoreline Master Program In July the department interviewed the three top consultants and selected URS to assist in the Shoreline Master Program. Team members met DOE staff to discuss inventory materials. In August the team put together a tentative staff work program and a public parficipation program. As of late August staff have been working on GIS mapping materials in preparation for the field inventory work which will begin in September. Also, in August staff notified the property owners within approximately 200' of the shoreline of the City's update process, as well as the fact the consuttant may be conducting field visits. . Page 6 of 8 °TYCommunity Development ' , Monthly Report l~ August 2009 JuI~I and i, - - - - - - - - , Tevelopm=ntEncYtnee-HnL,---- Street Standards The Street St,~r September 24 Departmer-r : - . . . . . Energy Grant ' Staff presentEa trie Enc,gy vrarit Nr;;Nusai tu c,';c ir-, application by the June 24, 2009, deadline We have received feedback that the application looks good with some minor tweakina Training Mary SwanK attenaea a itaiflifly CUU(Se IOf N11Ci-05ui1 LXcci, btgIflfliilq diiU Mary Kate McGee attended flood zone regulation training at the WABO meebng Scott Kuhta attended a Recycled Land workshop Other Micki Harnois attended the AWC Conference and two workshops focused on land use development and its impacts. Lori Barlow attended the Eastem Washington Pianners' Forum. Code Comelfance Citizen Action Requests Code Compliance officers received 89 Citizen Action Requests for the month of July and 98 in August. Total year-to-date reported violatlons are 608 compared to 785 by this time last year. Page 7 of 8 pnd~~e Community Development Monthly Report 11e • y July and August Zoos 2009 Code Total Violations Reported - by Category 120 - - - - - - 100 80 - - - - 60 - - - , 40 - - - - - - - 20 ' I I 0 Jan-09 Feb-09 I AAar-GG 1pr-0~-,- 'May-09 , Jun•09 Jul•QS Aug-09 Sep-09 Od-09 NOv-09 D8C-09 ~ 1-- - - - - ■ Salid W'asEe 11 6 ~ 27 1 24 25 16 15 19 0 Siflns 4 22 39 34 49 9 37 39 Property 9 3 13 15 13 8 21 21 Junk Auto 9 5 17 10 18 11 4 11 ~m Environmentai 0 0 0 1 O 1 0 1 'o Complaint• No Vloladon 0 0 2 5 3 2 4 1 ~p Cleac Vfew Trianflle ~ 0 0 0 5 2 8 8 B Tota( 33 36 97 94 111 50 89 98 Rjght-of-Way Site Distance Compllance The policy has been completed and Code Compliance has now begun cataloging priority areas. City parks are the first priority following the school districts. The officers have designated one day per week for the work. UPCOMING DATES OF INTEREST Sept 24 Planning Commission Hearing on Street Standards and Residential Lighting, siudy session on batch code amendments Oct 1 Developer's Forum at City Hall Oct 1 Special Planning Commission Study Session - code amendment regarding affordable housing Oct 7 Open House regarding 10-year review of the County Urban Growth Areas, hosted in the City's Council Chambers Oct 8 Planning Commission meeting - public hearing on Affordable Housing amendment, batch code amendments, recommendation of public participation plan for the Shoreline Master Program, Street Standards deliberations Page 8 of 8