2009, 08-04 Special Executive Session AGENDA SPOItANF. VALLEY C17'Y COUNCIL SPECIAL NiEF,'I'1N(s Tuesday, A«~ust 4, 2009 5: 0 0 P. i~~i . Spoksine Valley City Iiall Council Chambers ] 1707 E Sprague Avenue Spokane t'al{ey, WA 99216 Call to Qrder bv Ntavur 1Zirh Nlunsun 1. FXFCtJTIVF SESSIUN: Proposed Niotion: to adjourn into Exccutive Session for appruYimately one llour to discuss land acquisifion and pending litigation; and that na action is anticipated thcrca('ter. Council m#oi.rrns iitlv Exectrtiti•e Sessiort, C'iti, Ila112'd I'loor Confererice Knnm. lleclare Council uut of Executive Session a. Council moves to Council Chambcirs b. Mayor Ueclares Council out of Executive Session c. ti'totian to adjourn the Special Nseeting Nute: Council's separate August 4 2009, 6:00 p.m. study session meeting will be held as usual iillhe Council Chambers. Executive Session Agencia 0$-04-09 Page 1 of 1