2017 Accomplishments Presentation *Wane� 201 7 ACCOMPLISHMENTS ��ley 2017 COUNCIL GOALS I . Continue to work with state and federal legislators toward financial assistance for both the Barker and Pines Road Grade Separation Projects. 2. Develop a strategic plan for financing and completion of all grade separation projects. 3. Continue and expand, where possible, economic development efforts. Complete the development of implementation strategies for the retail and tourism studies that were completed in 2016. 4. Pursue a sustainability plan in connection with the City's Street Preservation program, to include sustained funding in the City's Street Fund #10I and Pavement Preservation Fund #311 to address concerns beyond the year 2021 . 5. Evaluate and discuss increasing cost to public safety, including law enforcement. Continue the ongoing process to develop long term solutions to controlling costs while better serving the community. 6. Pursue financing for Browns Park, Balfour Park and ApplewayTrail amenities. I . Continue to work with state and federal legislators toward financial assistance for both the Barker and Pines Road Grade Separation Projects. 2. Develop a strategic plan for financing and completion of all grade separation projects. 2017 COUNCIL GOALS Part of 2017 Legislative Agenda TIGER 9 grant application (November 2017) INFRA grant application (October 2017) Working towards completing the design for both the Barker/Trent and Pines/Trent Grade Separation Projects. 2017 COUNCIL GOALS Barker/ Trent Grade Separation Estimated Cost $ 19,000,000 - , , . i (gw Fund #3 12 $ 1 ,421 ,000 - 3A '' .,� Ca��0�v g1 ate. >"c IIP!". BEET $2,209,000 � \ A -��� � ": - ifL -..,p(,..,,. t4 � �x, Federal earmark $721 ,000 -' 'rt 4-1 4 2017 Washin ton $ 1 ,500,000 . .4' ar State Legislature ..--- Y` _ , N H FP $6,000,000 ,� ' k' FMSIB $3,800,000 ` ' Total $ 15,651 ,000 Still needed $3,349,000 2017 COUNCIL GOALS Pines/ Trent Grade Separation Estimated Cost $21 ,000,000 2016 General Fund property acquisition $500,000 2017 General Fund $ 1 ,200,000 2018 Budget earmark $721 ,321 Total $2,421 ,321 Still needed $ 18,578, 679 2017 COUNCIL GOALS 6 3. Continue and expand,where possible, economic development efforts. Complete the development of implementation strategies for the retail and tourism studies that were completed in 2016. . It �� SPOKANE T FIND PROPERTIES q ' WHERE TRI�LIITION 1 `I, VALLEY 2tortoESprat.ueAe., `7.4eets-Oiphitrnrt 1 ,-1,DOM/2L/]UW M]Uecorwmicdrn evelopent@spokanevallevo rt p{ SookanPValIPV WA 99906 �Y j'aj `- i amh " I MI ' —r BUSINESS CLIMATE INDUSTRIES PROPERTIES t� BUSINESS RESOURCES LIVING HERE ABOVi V.E ^� e''ry, r. r • owes[ ww .SpokaanneVVaalleyEuag r,. WHERE TRADITION ME -�;AMBIT 1 .•�, _ ,rB.,.T.I�,,,kH..r ,..... _ ,... ,r,.. , ___ _ __ ..----- 44 : ,, '" ''r, W SPRKANE VALLEY • WELCOME TO SPOKANE VALLEY,WASHINGTON . , Spokane Val ley is a city of tradition,family values and a unique quality of life that makes it easy to call home.With low taxes.robust transportation,streamlined WHERE TRADITION permitting,and an attractive suite of incentive programs for businesses,Spoken a Valley is a city of ambition that makes it easy for businesses to expand or relocate. eetS 4 tIb.ri Spokane Valley is a thriving,family-friendly 2017 COUNCIL GOALS coonmunity poised for growth and committed torte ' -rte prosperity far hath business and its citizens. • Learn more at www.SpokaneValleyED.org r `' 4 Y ! SPOKANE VALLEEEY y $ 4. Pursue a sustainability plan in connection with the City's Street Preservation program, to include sustained funding in the City's Street Fund #101 and Pavement Preservation Fund #311 to address concerns beyond the year 2021 . Discussed with Council at February 14th Workshop Discussed throughout the 2018 budget development process 2017 COUNCIL GOALS 5. Evaluate and discuss increasing cost to public safety, including law enforcement. Continue the ongoing process to develop long term solutions to controlling costs while better serving the community. Approved a 5-year extension to the Law Enforcement Service agreement with Spokane County Updated cost methodology for Public Defender Interlocal Agreement Completed extension of Precinct Lease Agreement szooLIo .., . rey 2017 COUNCIL GOALS 6. Pursue financing for Browns Park, Balfour Park and ApplewayTrail amenities. Included $200,000 in 2018 budget for Browns Park path and lighting. Sought from 2017 Legislature $540,000 for Appleway Trail amenities on the University to Pines section. • Set aside $721 ,000 of General Fund surplus reserve balance for Balfour Park i 3 Pines to r , • verween 2. OrriverVIty to Pines i I.Corbin to City Limit 4 ., Completed 2014 Completed 2008 , Completed 2015 ..: I/n.r.olf 4 . , . - in i' , , • 1 .. •: , — we.A • ). ,4 T__'7 WIN 0 Iii, 111;12k14421`x4 ''S • . ^ ,=_,_-- ,, , _ . . --•=•••,. ' Al • -.... ir .. -•- - Evergreen to Sullivan I '':-: 5,43niversity to City Vail . Design 2018 4. Sullivan to Corbin .. Design 2018 Construction 2020 Construction 2018 N *AI Construction 2019 WE 2017 COUNCIL GOALS R i • ..... Spokane ADMINISTRATION Valley®COUNCIL CITY CLERK CITY MANAGER CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION CITY COUNCIL - REGIONAL REPRESENTATION PARTICIPATION I . Emergency Communications Board 911 2. Greater Spokane Incorporated Board of Trustees (GSI) 3. Greater Spokane Valley Chamber of Commerce Board 4. Growth Management Steering Committee of Elected Officials (GMA) 5. Hotel/Motel Advisory Committee (TPA) 6. Mayor's Association of Northeast Washington 7. Spokane County Housing & Community DevelopmentAdvisory Committee (HCDAC) 8. Spokane Regional Clean Air Board 9. Spokane Regional Health District Board 0. Spokane Regional Transportation Council (SRTC) 1 . Spokane Transit Authority (STA) 2.Visit Spokane Board of Directors I3.Wastewater Policy Advisory Board COMMITTEES - MEETINGS - RESO - ORDINANCES Total Meetings 47 k Regular Council Meetings 20 AN IWASII4NG k_ WU Ali WO..OVNIIALY.WAYAVASxINUTOTI ASH WIIGIOCIRIPAf Study Sessions 22 R.,.NrNn N..nN,.,,„, 1W,,,..N..No,,.KV ,.NCCOUN. Y1C.IIS Special Meetings 5 �N..:�F NO,TN w,,.N. k.,ry.�,,, °,�,�,°�.a�, Ni. �iv..�� ol Ow 20 — Resolutions passed 14 — Ordinances passed Spokane Valley City Council Committees �;A of SVIdC „ con Finance Committee 2. Governance Manual Committee OdYnes 17-0.A. 3. Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC) 13 CITY CLERK Public Records Requests - 288 Recorded Documents — 66 Records Management Legal Notices Published — 188 Archived storage boxes — 240 Liquor License Applications — 37 Archived file storage boxes destroyed — 71 Marijuana License Applications — 6 Archived boxes sent to State Archives — 65 Liquor Special Occasion License Applications — 33 Files/Documents destroyed — 7,924 Address files scanned and destroyed — 4, 142 Contracts processed - 287 i CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION Negotiated updated cost methodology for Public Defender Interlocal Agreement to better reflect services received and more accurately allocate costs to all jurisdictions Negotiated revised terms to the precinct lease and maintenance agreement with Spokane County including I 0 year term length extension Secured State Office of Public Defense Grant for $ 17,500 to help offset the costs of additional attorneys hired to meet caseload standards Successfully negotiated a new law enforcement contract that segregated City costs, simplified the cost methodology, enhanced control over services, and strengthened identity as well as increased performance measures and reporting requirements CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION Completed re-worked law enforcement cost methodology with the County Budget Office Completed competitive process and negotiation for new solid waste collection services contracts providing $ I .5 million in savings Completed analysis of Regional Animal Control Model leading to a full review of Animal Control Services by the Advisory Board Presented and finalized agreement for Commute Trip Reduction HUMAN RESOURCES SPOn�llie jvdlley " HUMAN RESOURCES Conducted 75 interviews, filling 30 positions Facilitated the City Hall move-in process transitioning staff to the new building Supported City management and employees through the restructure and consolidation of Public Works and Community & Economic Development Departments Attained the WellCity Award for the 7th consecutive year reducing City health care costs by 2% Revised compensation and sick leave procedures in response to Initiative 1433 weIcity 18 Processed 193 separate payroll actions Supported the City Council in moving to alternative health plans Facilitated the annual employee appreciation events Successfully passed the 20I 7WCIA audit concerning fleet management Facilitated a workplace safety review of City Hall by Spokane Valley Police OFFICE OFTHE CITYATTORNEYVa11ey ;.SPOn�l " OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Mission —To assist in implementing Council policy by providing clear legal direction and meaningful assistance to Council, and to staff who implement City programs. Maintain a positive and creative workplace. Numerous presentations and drafts of sidewalk snow removal options, culminating 20-month process with adoption of new Code requirements; with assistance from Spokane Valley's Executive Assistant Elisha Heath, implemented new sidewalk snow removal requirements Significant participation in negotiating and drafting revisions to the interlocal agreement with Spokane County Library District for new library site Significant participation in negotiating and drafting revisions to the interlocal agreement for law enforcement services Significant participation in overseeing construction-related issues with new City Hall, including issues with closing out the construction contract OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY - CONTINUED Assisted Community & Public Works regarding large proposed development on southern part of the City Provided advice and guidance to Council and City Manager regarding proposals relating to parental rights Significant participation on developing new proposed regulations and franchise agreements for small cell telecommunication facilities Assisted Community & Public Works in resolving numerous contract and compliance issues relating to the Sullivan Bridge West project Provided support on many public record requests and related issues Significant participation in assisting the City Manager and Council in identifying and responding to broad spectrum of legislative agenda issues Advised and assisted with issues related to 20 18 lodging tax revenue distributions OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY - CONTINUED Primary support to all departments on contract issues Provided training to staff, Council, and other elected officials on various issues, including contracts, open public records, open public meetings, and sidewalk snow removal Provided general advice and guidance to senior management on a broad range of municipal and management issues Significant participation in completion of solid waste collection services RFP resulting in three long- term contracts and substantial savings over existing solid waste rates Assisted with implementation of Comprehensive Plan Update and related development regulations Assisted and advised numerous development and land use issues related to marijuana uses, including conducting and winning an appeal regarding a specific property Developed amendments to purchasing and procurement regulations Contracts Reviewed - 342 Work Orders Processed - 280 Number of Open Litigation Matters - 63 Number of Closed Litigation Matters - 37 Public Record Requests Processed - 24 Average Number of Days for Completion of Tasks - 19 24 FINANCE & Spokane INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Va11ey ' FINANCE 2018 Annual Budget Completed the 2016 annual financial report and related audit process conducted by the State Auditor's Office. Wit Result was a "clean" opinion with few audit recommendations. :; 5 f i1,,p 411111 Worked with the City Manager's office and all other departments to Aw complete the 2018 Budget development process. 10210 E.Sprague Ave. Spokane [, Spokane Valley WR94208 Val ley 509.720.5000 wrvwspokanevaileyorg 6 FINANCE •00000 Worked with other departments to implement the reorganization of the Ar ,v ss Community & Economic Development and Public Works departments into the new 49 � Community & Public Works Department. ag 96688 B8 30r Included developing a new account structure to accommodate the B72Tg '°ey2�e reorganization. • Worked with the City Manager and Community & Public Works to evaluate funding needs for the Street O&M and Pavement Preservation Funds and the effect on Real Estate Excise Taxes. This is an ongoing evaluation. Moody's Investors Service upgraded Spokane Valley's bond rating from Aa3 to Aa2 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Facilitated the move of the City's network to the new City Hall with minimal disruption to operations. Worked with the contractor to design and install new audio/visual equipment in Council Chambers. 0th Technology Refresh 155 desktop computers 35 tablets INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Worked with the Parks & Recreation Department to upgrade the audio/visual equipment in the Great Room at CenterPlace. Closed 849 Helpdesk calls. Maintained network availability of 99.9% during normal business hours in 2017. CITY OF COMMUNITY & PUBLICWORKS Spokane ENGINEERING valley CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM TRAFFIC STORMWATER SOLID WASTE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM TRANSPORTATION PLANNING • Coordinated with SRTC's Technical Transportation Committee (TTC) and State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) STREET PRESERVATION PROGRAM Continued work on Implementing Street Preservation Program Utilized grant funds and City funds to maximize preservation program CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESIGN PROJECTS: • Mission Avenue Street Preservation — Pines to McDonald 1.-.4-_ . a Mission Avenue Street Preservation - McDonald to Evergreen i ,„,..! 0:i j Mission Avenue Reconstruction Project (Flora to Barker) ` r Pines (SR-27)/Grace Intersection Safety Project = o¢ Indiana Avenue Preservation — Mirabeau Parkway g to Evergreen �. Euclid Avenue Preservation — Flora to Barker Appleway Trail — Sullivan to Corbin 0, 1201 16:20 Saltese Preservation `4. to `�* _ .a , 9 Avenue Sidewalk — Raymond to University , , L i. y I =L _ .. 7.140,0 l s '. L CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESIGN PROJECTS (CONTINI IED): 1 -- = '' _. • Sullivan Euclid PCC Intersection Project , , 7 ,s. „,_ ,;, `}„,,„„.4 .....„ ITS Infill ProjectMr,, - Bowdish Road & I2 Avenue Sidewalk Project 4-.f ,. University Avenue - I 6th to 24th University Avenue - 24th to Dishman Mica Barker Road Grade Separation Project - Phase Pines Road Grade Separation Project - Phase Citywide Signal Backplates T Citywide Reflective Signal Backplates Sprague Avenue Preservation — Sullivan to Corbin 33 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT P CONSTRUCTED PROJECTS: • Mission Avenue Street Preservation-Pines to McDonald $495K F Indiana Avenue Preservation-Mirabeau Parkway to Evergreen $520K Sullivan Road West Bridge Replacement $ 15.8M Saltese Preservation $965K r 9th Avenue Sidewalk $200K " • ; - Sullivan Euclid PCC Intersection Project $ I .75M • Bowdish Road & 12th Avenue Sidewalk Project $575K � ONGOING PROJECTS: f ' �1 _ - r` R. _ __ :■ • Euclid Avenue Preservation – Flora to Barker - —T - A Ua 0 • Appleway Trail – Pines to Evergreen d • Citywide Signal Backplates • Citywide Reflective Signal Backplates r , 1N STORMWATER = r k A DRAINAGE SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS: .. - l� .w, . __ ■ Installation of 23 new catch basins $58K ------a- - --. ._.._____ -Th'------- ----,=- T Replaced 12 drywells $96K , 4.21 .,,..„ ,,z,::-.,:i .,,,..:::.„,..,,,,: Decommissioned 8 drywells/pipe sumps $8K -.; •r Improved drainage at 92 locations $325 K r" ;, , 4,4 INSPECTIONS: •, Investigated 17 reported spills -5. F- . Over 1, 100 dr ell debris inspections ., , . . . Over 900 swale condition assessments Vr OPERATIONS: • Responded to 200 storm drainage calls $: ✓ Swept up over 1.300 cubic yds of street debris Cleaned over 1,400 structures _ Maintained 12+ acres of irrigated turf Ala, .„ :, ,t,.aL,,,, 'h;",.« s. -.,. _ *!..,, i TRI.\ FFIC "' eW { a� ` qq1� ' , 1 -, Conducted 144 ADT counts r ++ y��i.' ` - Produced traffic plans for 12 major CIP projects Responded to 233 C.A.R.E.S. RequestsSTOP iv,. P ' s- Replaced vehicle detection system at 2 intersections • ' ' '* - " "` Installed battery backup systems at 3 intersections _ to ___ /M - , 8 cDonald SafetyProject Coordinated repair and sought reimbursement at 0 4,,.. �� _ •t . 10 locations damaged as a result of vehicle crashes - ___ . , I +' - Installed new HAWK Traffic Signal at SR 27/ApplewayTrail A -- j-,..... — I Worked with Library District to produce "How To" video egimillasam -- "Irpf �, 41, City's first HAWK signal -. , ,_.4,t, ,u Reviewed over 50 developer's proposals related to traffic items 7, ,.--, 4, Reviewed Traffic Modeling & roadway geometrics for BNSF Grade Separation projects ---_. -r !1 .20 1 7 TRA FFI a /MPRO VEMEN TS _._.._.._^_ �"" , L �. i :.......1 -I i Argonne&Trent: fp\ i i New Detection& i 1'...•� Install Battery Back-up ``.•_•d Euclid&Sullivans~ I i Signal Upgrade Park&Ruder 1r 1 ry.RR Crossing IemeL, / i? aZp R��iiilll � �; ...-- ,_: ►•...•�' SR27 Indiana: I i •^'� Argonne&Knox: RR Crossing Improvement I{ ►� ► Install Battery Back-up 11 ` I. 1- ! i i T� Indiana&Evergreen: i .•1 Argonne,Trent to Mission: I Detection Upgrade 1 Timing Modifications l �r i I 1 Evergreen&Mission Connector: --- i I New Dectection • i i - - - - - - i Broadway&Ella: ¢J i I Damaged RRFB Replaced - i _y.el- is �'•• r SR27 @ Appleway Trail: • I. . Installed New HAWK Signal - !"<, i � i ..._t .1 IL..; .„ \4 r', nth&McDonald: ! -••-••- - i -••,- Flashing Beacons $` ----A...^) is 16th&Sullivan: N. , - J Damaged Cabinet Replaced X i A i 2017 Traffic Improvements } Safety Project _ '' Date 2/8/2018 • Signal/Operations Upgrade i 37 Signal Timing Work . '� u ' CIP Project ,'.Li Esnl,HERE.DeLoame,Mapmylndia.43OpenStleelMap con[iibuto rs.and the GIS near community SOLID WASTE _________ , ■ Third full year of program operations , 111't' P g P 1.., PI��� kik `' �° ', i Renegotiated solid waste contracts . , II iJ "f11 I 4,� = a Al dl! la ,I���lil Annual curbside clean-up program provided ,,. ±' --- 4,- ,,- t - a x z _ ► �� T s let. ... ... ,. ...., ,- . ._ ___..... __ Transfer Station: Garbage Yard Waste Recyclables :.-„,-!,1-____— - - " (Tons) (Tons) (Tons) _,, . mak Commercial 59, 160 85 Haulers Td01111dlllia. 1111111111118 1i MI Self Haul 12,717 4253 = - �� _ _ - , --ter o ` o Total 77,877 4328 507 4 COMMUNITY & PUBLICWORKS ane STREET MAINTENANCE Valley " Street Maintenance Contracts — (Poe Asphalt —AAA Sweeping) Poe Asphalt contract $ 1 .366M Contributed $ 1 ,038,000 toward Pavement Preservation Placed 4,800 tons of Asphalt I Cracksealed 83 lane miles ' ; Maintained over 50 miles of gravel shouldered roadways, , sidewalk and curb repair = Completed $ 150K in stormwater repair projects ilok "' z Managed sweeping and vactor services contracts -=. , °_—fw AAA Sweeping contract — Street Sweeping $490K AAA Sweeping contract -Vactoring $ 189.9K - �~ _, Geiger Work Crew — (7,280 man hours worked) ,, { '¢ ..,,,..'..,&- � ;. Mowed and maintained 105 acres of dry land grass Removed 130,260 lbs of garbage/vegetation from City right-of-way Cleared ice and snow from City bridges 40 Snow and Ice Removal 82 snow days with at least a trace of snow 63.5 inches of snowfall Completed four full City residential plows Applied 184,570 gallons of liquid deicer Applied 1 ,850 tons of granular deicer Total Snow Operations - $ 1 ,280,522 ($500,000 from Winter Reserve Fund) -4 4 4ir. t. 41 COMMUNITY & PUBLICWORKS ane ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Valley " LONG RANGE PLANS Reviewed amendments to the comprehensive plan Evaluated and recommended amendments to development regulations Responded to annexation requests Continued analyzing tourism strategies SPOKANE VALLEY TOURISM ANALYSIS PHASE II PROJECT PROFILES ak PRESENTEE YO [syer Eyakrne Yal., Spokane Valley 1111111411111146 PREPARED BY Comprehensive Plan amR,ry,arKt. 01743 AC10P1EDDECEMEEH 2016 CEDINANCENC,16-DIE BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Assisted 22 new and existing businesses Responded to five Requests for Information from ADO (including Amazon HQ2) 5 K N Recruited a large manufacturer bringing an estimated 150 n V P A ` LQ EY manufacturing jobs -ECCNOM C OEVE« °,tn - Coordinated the development of industrial recruitment brochures Streamlined permitting for industrial development in vacant CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY industrial land ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT TOOL BOX Continued improving business assistance:Available Properties, November2017 Incentive Area Map Refined Economic Toolbox identifying various local and state incentives for business development ..,re Engaged retail recruiter 44 PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT Conducted Survey of Roadway Pavement Condition Integrated pavement management with other _ _ City programs to maximize efficiency and cost _ savings 11.3'.-<,,- ;'-:-,-,.,_ ¢ -- Coordinated with utility providers to align -- � .�X . y ` �' pavement improvements with their capital ` "Z - projects _ , . , ., 4i LL P - Prioritized pavement improvement projects - - - with economic development initiatives :: ` = M � � Researched software to assist with pavement ` _ management TRANSPORTATION PLANNING Used Geographic Information Systems to integrate transportation planning with land use and economic development Amended the 2017Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Developed the 2018-2023 SixYearTIP Coordinated with SRTC on State Transportation Improvement Program Assisted WSDOT with statewide Economic Vitality Transportation indicators and City Safety Program Coordinated with neighboring jurisdictions on transportation projects SRT SPOKANE REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION (DIJN(IL PLANNING & GRANTS Grant FundingApplications Submitted — 13 Valued At $61 Million Grant Funding Applications Awarded — 6 Awarded At $ 10.3 Million Transportation Improvement Board — 2 grants awarded for a combined total of $2. 19 Million. 0 Barker Road Grade Separation Project: New e_ National Highway Freight Program - $6 million award received Roundabout Washington State Legislative DirectAppropriation - $ 1 .5 million . + . received ';, Community Development Block Grant — Recommended funding of $453,895. Over STRATEGIC MARKETING • Enhanced Economic Development websites Completed digital marketing campaign to increase awareness at a national level '" I ''' INHERE TRADITION MEETS AMBITION • Completed eight"testimonial" recruitment videos featured online and - . on social media ;--, In partnership with Visit Spokane P U K A N F 0:4 VALLEY 1.mo. Completed a two-minute culinary video Updated city specific tourism brochure for regional distribution Secured professional photography services to expand our portfolio of photos Spokane 8 Initiated transition to a full-service email marketing service. creative by nature PUBLIC INFORMATION ■ Expanded Twitter to include Council/PC agendas, City Hall updates, community meetings, and other important community updates. Twitter followers — 377 followers lir ■ HotTopic issues: 3 Printed HotTopic distribution: 48,000 Email update subscribers: ■ Coordinated internal/external materials and outreach on City Hall address • Media releases: 832 changes • HotTopic: 961 ■ Coordinated with all departments for City Hall Grand Opening • Traffic Alerts: 790 ■ Coordinated with Traffic Engineering and SCLD to produce HAWK signal informational video 49 Completed and closed out Department of Ecology 2015-2017 Coordinated Prevention Grant solid waste alternatives outreach and communications REGIONAL PARTNER COORDINATION • Continued collaboration with Visit Spokane Participated with Spokane-Kootenai Real Estate Committee to develop the regional real estate report Expanded involvement with the Greater Spokane Valley Chamber of Commerce Served on the Spokane Regional Planning Technical Advisory Committee Participated in Spokane Regional Transportation Council (SRTC) committees and working groups Attended meetings for Regional Site Selector po f 1 GREATER SPOKANE smi-c creative VALLEY CHAMBER b OF COMMERCE ERCE SPOKANE REGIONAL IKAHSPGRTATION (OMR 50 nature �{� COMMUNITY & PUBLICWORKS BUILDING & PLANNING CONSTRUCTION PERMITS ISSUED 5,000 4,500 4,763 4,000 4,349 3,500 3,961 3,993 3,000 3,431 2,500 2,000 1,500 - - 1,000 500 2013 2014 2015 2017 52 PERMIT VALUATIONS - * in millions $262.5 $273.5 $300.0 $250.0 $ 173.9 $200.0 $150.0 $ 1 1 1 .9 $98.2 $100.0 $50.0 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 53 2017 MAJOR PROJECTS Maverick @ Sullivan $3. I M • Katerra, Inc. foundation, $35 M Maverick @Argonne $3.3 M Riverside Place @ Coyote Rock, $2.5 M Sportsman's Warehouse $ 1 .5 M Pinecroft, $3.4 M CVSD, Riverbend Elementary School $ 12.8 M Capul Stoneworks, $ 1 .8 M CVSD, North Pines Middle School, $2 I .4 M Tuesday Morning, $ 1 .5 M Providence Medical Park, $ 1 M UPS Package Sorting Facility, $ 1 .4 M Carter's Oskosh Valley Mall, $ I M Avista: Dollar Rd. Phase 11, $2 1 .6 M Sprague Ave. Apartments, $9.3 M AutoNation Honda add, $3.5 M WEB PORTAL USE Total Applications Received vs Applications Received Online 47.37% 51.03% 27.96% 39.62% 55 • Total Applications Received • Total Applications Received Online PLANNING - PROCESSED 121 LAND USE ACTIONS 30 27 30 23 25 20 13 14 15 8 111 io 4 s 2 a 111 I 0 56 BLA SHP SUB BSP FINAL CPA SEPA ADE CODE ENFORCEMENT - PROCESSED 522 COMPLAINTS 400 380 350 300 250 200 150 120 100 50 4 18 0 57 Stop Work order General Nuisance Property CODE ENFORCEMENT - 11617 E CARLISLE AVE Jaer:r] F\ Fete 12 2018 02 SEPM- � � �'\ � r!1 A n 15,2618 1d.56AM � 41'''''',..- �. � ll ? . i 't .•�' i 711 i yl ' : r .P -�► ,.fir f • I. x �y}y� off 4 PARKS & RECREATION PARKS ADMINISTRATION AND MAINTENANCE S0°#.\41 pokane CENTERPLACE REGIONAL EVENT CENTER RECREATION AND AQUATICS Valley® SENIOR CENTER 59 PARKS & RECREATION PARKS ADMINISTRATION & MAINTENANCE s ,, �, r ,P ..:` i ' �� . r . :::,*:;....:::: ,_,_,a_....::".____t_i, ._, ,______, _ =_I_____. ,- aka ti n l& Niffio..._ ii' I , r„ - d 1 meq. ' r - . . . if +r .C.;6 �" a• reds • : Y 7) 1, ..,e.. i.. '—r7.74: '.,t ")r n,.,- . .-4 4,4.. Y-4, --,-- *WNW.;�( l'!\; - I.� / i - �._`, -- - 3' vrk:,,., r'�'" - eft itch' .:_;_j iar.- - � ii r r. - , u v'.i.. ' y R R Maintained all park facilities. w , 411 . . ".�. `' . • Park facility reservations were over 500. 60 PARKS & RECREATION PARKS ADMINISTRATION & MAINTENANCE • Administered 29 Special Event Permits with ,f,, ' 77 Nr . .; = q_ f ; ' i.' ,, � �'�;� a �„� '� an estimated 79,000 total participants. �•. k ', ��,: P P ,, , E t .. • Events included 14 walks/runs, 2 bike rides, ,g,rg,,y . - 3 car shows, Valleyfest, BBQ feed, a '-, ;i,.. . 1 � A block party, etc. r , " G i S i. �.. flit r, 'Mk F e.i �e. s -, , gill V:41 :1' -_-... 61� PARKS & RECREATION PARKS ADMINISTRATION & MAINTENANCE Worked with KSPS to bring The Wall That Heals, the Vietnam -1-- Veterans Memorial Replica and — - :',7 r 7i" - '1' -k ' • , Mobile Education Center, .... ...„ 0 ,- ,,,,, , ----.._ . • _ to Mirabeau Meadows. 1 — 10 4; 7- -.-, ON 1 ,40 ,.- 1ag.,ior Thr 1.`n114.31 HEMS . I. --- ,,, 62 PARKS & RECREATION PARKS ADMINISTRATION & MAINTENANCE • Worked with Public Works on the design and bid package for the Sullivan to Corbin section of the Appleway Trail. • Assisted in construction management of the Pines to Evergreen section of theApplewayTrail. r �.,�-�- - f. JF - `C.. _ -� - ' „r 1 �'_ rte it - MICK ■i - - 'r ;-, .7'7 r .:= ° it 63 PARKS & RECREATION PARKS ADMINISTRATION & MAINTENANCE Finished splash pad at Browns Park. • Added splash pad to Edgecliff Park. , 1. .v, •0% • ,,,,,yi 1111V . -. ' — , i . "-i- , . .---0.P.- ..'f,,1 ,• '''‘..0- 1 - -- 1 , % .. 1.;,,.. - tkN • .„. •,..,,.:• k f1,1.211 lai hi ----- ___ f - _ - ... 160111101 . - - k . 1 * ' ._.-. - . Added trees and dog agility elements to Valley Mission Dog Park. 64 PARKS & RECREATION PARKS ADMINISTRATION & MAINTENANCE /l b rr--, + fi' a S y z F „ - . ' .: ''; ''. -. . r. 4.. , =. _ ..4, 1 --. '4.oot o , tviv- t e tr. .. I I i - ; u !. ,, -gid V % rII i , 1- 4` . ,ok _ . - _ • i, P i 111.�� -- 4 �l t'L ' p+ V Connections •••5:1,.$„., S: r,•,,.1 ,. .tet ; - =4 e °"R� t' - - [ _ .'?''1.:_,:'.'410' I � gid �'f} .� _ ^." '''' llit—..--' All— II ' '• l V . ,. ,,_Hosted Valleyfest at Mirabeau Point Park and CenterPlace. 65 PARKS & RECREATION CENTERPLACE REGIONAL EVENT CENTER ♦♦ , , ; norlms _ s- �l�� Yil - f, .a... ", ::,..4 41 All l �ti�, 6� ak 11 II .. _:. 1.111 N___ , ..'-'LL--'_:% Ilk 4 ire le A i 1 iii UMPQUp .c,1 01:44. J\ "ill t p lit .1 f ..=-.- - 0 J� .� ot 1 r _S;; � _t_fill ��1r111: , . �. i ' , , i ' :7,r A.A.4 -- 7-1 Hosted Valleyfest at Mirabeau Point Park and CenterPlace. 66 PARKS & RECREATION CENTERPLACE REGIONAL EVENT CENTER CenterPlace West Lawn Master Plan was developed and approved by City Council. This will accommodate future large community events and weddings. Hosted Crave! Food and Drink d � ., ' ' . ` r,= Celebration for the first time, .- . P , �, '�.r,1. k S T and is planned again for 2018. .. '-, , �c f Y' � kr . rte �� ` i .r. - . ti I. i� ; 0 �' - n " .i, ,_ 0 - -i i T • 8n i y' ` r �` . __.1 1 I. ?L' �t l _ to if If__ ,,, . ......____ _ ___ , i . . ,.. a ( S may, illyyr5,10C0 EMr wj -- .- = Hosted Spokane Oktoberfest ri for the first time, and is planned again for 2018. 67 PARKS & RECREATION CENTERPLACE REGIONAL EVENT CENTER No vitlea hoecp)rM Relesnp uwrdeMwNeruranew 8lnnwa. — •,. FAQ =..'''` - .„ �.. -" • Repaired a motor 1004 n I RI II terminal leak within the � . �� �; � � - chiller system. _.�.-r 1'f-giros.. -- - f 4420, ......._ } 1 h1 ,ter: 4 Y , • The Great Room/Dining Room = AV Sound System was upgradedNM' ii and expanded, including a high . trill tech video wall and additional Replaced carpet in monitor screens throughout. three meeting rooms. 68 PARKS & RECREATION CENTERPLACE REGIONAL EVENT CENTER maglinpl �� • Hosted annual INPRO Participated in the Northwest's �., <<Wedding Tour and Show. Premier Bridal Festivals in both r fall and winter and various , business fairs. r �i Nil . �' I ",rfir- `ll -43` i, l.. 1 If --*t. e :, , ‘ c A , . , , ,„ , iwilit Yip 9 r,. ,, ,,,..„:;,, .._,, , ,,,. , it 11 , lEi y •► r �yyff���ll ; ' ,�. In Hosted our own Open House 60.`__ `` of CenterPlace, highlighting ' our facility and our caterer, ;,: - 4 ,•--_ c Le Catering. li 1 k `4 '' „, ," \ ) CenterPlace hosted over 1 ,041 events in 2017 and booked 370 reservations for 2018. 69 U PARKS & RECREATION RECREATION • Hired and trained seven summer staff for Summer Day Camp Program, k F.„TEXNWAsIltNOToNv,�ENs,I, lie 11 plus 10 (volunteer) youth in the Counselor in Training Program. - nN- 1-��A11,0AI j - -T ... _ ,_.. . . Served 519 happy campers during the I 0-week Day Camp. T 1 4 H ,,'i:o.▪'.„„ hr.,,,, 1 .. ,91i.s gibi.....7—Er. , ,..,,_ 'i� ,...,,,,t„ ” ,, 'mss .E• :s �� AJ ,I i -,i,.- d Nfi-i''' l''''- 411 L + X1, 1 +`' #, is , it 1„ 1 i. - i '`..t p t '_' i' 4 f--Y 1 ..11 ��,777SSS ml 4t - CT/ ' 4411 -. . . . .. , ▪ ,_ . , r , ,, ., k 1%, .' r :,,; ' �\a ` a' r 7 � �. ^ fi '"' ' r.7 •r VDi ty ' ..,.. / - .. YINF" . _ .- 141 IF . • iJ p1 4,,,,, :4 , 'i," ' - ► 7 + i.1°' L. ,WAlipir . ■ 1 .,k.., , .21,... , ,.. ;'..°4 .;-..;.. , ,,,... ...,;.':=.;; -- .. . ._••• ',,, _ .,.., '.- t i .,- , 1.0,....4. „.. , . ....., ..mr______, id ,=, 14.1i mlitorillip - - i ili t, 1.7, \, ._, , , .,..:,...„ ________ _______. ,.. _ 70 PARKS & RECREATION RECREATION IT'S ALL ABOUT THE FREE! a 1 ' r '.1 ' ' -. 4 c . ', 1, .4"... i ' .. i iii,4(!. .-_ 0 - — ., ..... ---i;— e-* 4, ;-1117.toir, . A• MK '1 • Provided three free Summer -- " Offered Free Summer Park Program and served 2,35 I eager children, includingfree Outdoor Movies in the Park, - ,— --4. F _ =: g serving over 750 viewers. The " , ---=� breakfast and lunch through EVSD Meal 1 movies were sponsored in part by 4 ` Program. Waste Management ---41 � '� and WSECU. Free Fun Friday events in July were enjoyed. PARKS & RECREATION RECREATION • Hosted 10th annual Breakfast With Santa, with 485 attending, ' , and coordinating 45 high - school volunteers. • ,,a . ,,t, ' 4 1 , • ... 1 ;,,,,, ----- _,— / ip k,. , t * mi., , J ra., , „7,_g., , i i _ _ tiiil ":-. --'e i ' `, * 1 : 43i y re er -4k. r -- . _.. - , .7% litt t '''' • i., .\ l i 117. r � _ 0, iiiiiL .1"••• ___,0 lir 1 V iiiiiL --, 7* 10, 4. ".-;-- — "Oh.._ " ' '� ® Held our 5th annual Winter Break Cool Camp. 72 - - PARKS & RECREATION AQUATICS Had over 34,964 open swim, 1 ,490 swim lesson, 884r water exercise, and 157 swim team participants. --"Ill � oWi'I ii.n. 41,14 —Summer Day Camp campers had several trips to the ` ' f pools. i it` f �._ . ' I' I Fir a -A . .,, r„, . . ..i .:.:!,,v:, - -- ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„,.,„,„,....„„, ..,... ....,„. ,„ . ii ..:. . , ... 4 ' _ ,_ __ _ . ,,,,,,„ -'�`.--,,,.«.ow4,....,.„.„,_,..7.7„,z,.....„„„„,„,,,„,,, s „„„„ C. r.-_ frfrsrrr _ - ...,.:fr . -.1,i- s �. - _,„, „ . _.c .yam_- !!!f1{{: .. ,f r • 1 If +i ky . iti r- f h lR\ 4 :KA 1C'!a NEC o it .�,.�/4ii i{ .r _- ,I.. -.,_1_ ��. .. li= -� / 73 PARKS & RECREATION r AQUATICS Held 6th annual "Paws in the Pool" There were numerous pool repairs to all three pools, dog swim event. including a new pump, boiler bypass, and lap drains and i plumbing. -.► iir wpm" w` ti4ii�Sp� 9 r �F' ( WA. BEN11/4" J f I *'v44,5d�� t • `' SLSSlip — — V ti i II ipi, li 1 \ I = Ai,.. . ,, ; 1 i k,L. , • , ar L. ., 4... ,,,3/4, , , _ 4111P— —114111:"."1 141.-4 :i' .,rt _ d . ._ , s, _ _ . 7' .moi► "`��� 74 PARKS & RECREATION SENIOR CENTER /111 _ Hosted the 6th annual -.1M _ -�.� -,. 1(iv :fest `_, _ Senior Empowerment ' k' " "°�` .a� Resource Fair, along with • •r - _ lir h ',,:fr 1 �� an Open House too. • _ Community Colleges of I jr' . ? , - ' , ., y Spokane ACT 2 classes are ..; NI r TM _ ► �� I ,..1,-. _f—- �� i�_ rp °\ � \ � �/ enc r - _ x held here. We sponsored an �,, , •, %', � Art Show with ACT 2 111F-04 li 4, students and instructors selling their art. 75 PARKS & RECREATION SENIOR CENTER • Continued to provide a wide variety of programs, events, activities, classes, seminars for health and well being, and general information for services and/or assistance. Mir 4. Ju--, ca, i 1— ? ' ' t ,v- .t -. I •- ,yam_ s r ---•.\\ .-. . r l r ati3 \ 1 — I 1 11 k 1+ J. n. �N �r fes_ III low 1 0 76 SPOKANEVALLEY kane POLICE DEPARTMENT Valley " SPOKANE VALLEY POLICE DEPARTMENT PATROL DIVISION Total citizen initiated calls for service (CFS) increased to 44,210 in 2017 (highest level in SVPD's history). CFS receiving deputy response were also at a new high 27, 102. Nevertheless, citizen complaints per 1 ,000 officer incidents decreased nearly 9% in 2017. Use of Force incidents were also down 24%. Most commissioned personnel attended the Crisis Intervention Training, an 8-hour class, with some completing the 40-hour class. 78 SPOKANE VALLEY POLICE DEPARTMENT Spokane Valley reported traffic collisions down 8% from 2016. The unit maintained high productivity in its traffic enforcement. SVPD Traffic Deputy Todd Miller made 218 DUI arrests in 2017; this includes 36 arrests for marijuana intoxication and 14 arrests for impairment due to other drugs (27 DUI arrests and 8 blood draws were done while training new deputies). The Traffic Unit investigated five fatality and six serious injury traffic collisions. In cooperation with SCSO,Traffic Investigators utilized the FARO Laser Scanner throughout the year on numerous traffic collisions; they also assisted with seven major crimes incidents using the FARO Laser Scanner to map the crime scene. 79 SPOKANE VALLEY POLICE DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC SCHOOL 481 drivers participated in the program in Spokane Valley Continues to provide the option of attending an educational class in lieu of paying a fine Voluntary Program Positive evaluations from those who attend 80 SPOKANE VALLEY POLICE DEPARTMENT INVESTIGATIONS: INTELLIGENCE-LED POLICING ILP continues to evolve within the Spokane Valley Investigative Unit (SVIU) SVIU continues to work directly with Patrol to target criminals in Spokane Valley who are the prolific, repeat offenders or who show some sort of organization or structure among their enterprise Search Warrants: 13 ILP residences, recovering nearly $ 100,000 in stolen property from one residence Combined SO and SV Property Crimes Task Force operated out of the SVPD during first half of 2017; 174 arrested for 727 felony and 180 misdemeanor charges Second half of 2017 SVIU had 185 arrested for 1 ,894 felony and 98 misdemeanor charges Excellent collaboration between SVIU and the Patrol Division as well as the community lends to the Unit's success 81 SPOKANE VALLEY POLICE DEPARTMENT CRIME PREVENTION The Spokane Valley Police Department is committed to providing educational training to Spokane Valley citizens and businesses in an effort to better protect themselves from criminal activity. In 2017, SVPD Crime Prevention Deputy Chris Johnston provided the following training and assessment services to the community: 33 Active-Shooter Presentations 32 Personal Safety Presentations 37 Business/Community Security Surveys 12 Workplace Violence Prevention Presentations 82 SPOKANE VALLEY POLICE DEPARTMENT HIRING/RECRUITMENT In 2017, 13 officer candidates and 6 lateral deputies were hired by the Spokane County Sheriff's Office Does not include the 10 officer candidates processed in 2017 but hired in 2018 as we did not have an academy to send them to until February 2018 SCSO/SVPD recruitment team participated in: 7 Public Safety Testing Events 4 Civil Service Open House/Workshops 8 Campus/Military Installation Recruitment Visits 7 Career Fairs and Events in the Region Completed a comparison audit of hiring process with Civil Service to reduce the time between testing and point of hiring 83 SPOKANE VALLEY POLICE DEPARTMENT VALLEY PRECINCT Continued our efforts on remodeling of the old booking area to facilitate more workstations Implemented Sheriff's Employee Tracking Software (SETS) throughout ALL divisions of the Sheriff's Office Software development has been in the works for approx. five years and is instrumental in tracking schedules, training and overtime drivers Implemented new employee evaluation software Continue to make enhancements in SCOPE Investigative support personnel to assist detectives in reviewing surveillance video and making victim call backs In cooperation with McDonald's, implemented "Coffee With a Cop" Program to engage in a dialogue with the community 84 CITY HALL OPEN HOUSE & RIBBON CUTTING Design: 10 Efficiency, tradition and functionality Materials represent: .� bb- River, orchards, agriculture and opportunity L- I A. t1 t Designed to accommodate reasonable expansion during its 50- 100 year expected life use. Pie 4,4F. Welcome to your building Spokane Valley! 85 Total Project Cost: , '—•-----.-- ~-- = - Project Funding: $ 14, 150,000 . -iiiiim 1 $6.3 million cash $7.85 million LTGO bond Land acquisition _ ,=- ;� xi•: Design services , — _st .. , � "` �` Bond repayment over 30 years 4 ,s Construction & related , lit , _. . ' .=Ma _ _ Annual bond payment: $399,888 sales tax '� Annual interestrate: 2 9 I - o Furniture, fixtures, & '' ; .# lF .r 40'.. ' �' ' ,or equipments w. < r� : r , is s S ' : ' Full basement .00( w r '" " ` `°' • 4 L. "•• ` `Landscaping • - p . �, r ► Ft,Hardscaping v . . � ; . . Undergrounded utilities �' • Pf " Permit fees PROJECT WAS DELIVERED ON BUDGET IN TERMS OF BOTH TIME AND MONEY 86