09-147.00 WSDOT: 44th Avenue Pathway r ~ ` AGENCY ' Vlfashington S#ate ~ Qeparbnerrt of 'iransportation Loca i A9e n cY A9ree m e nt S u p p l em e nt Agency Supplement Number City of Spokane Valley 2 Federal Aid Project Number Agreement Number CFDA No. 20.205 STPIJL - 4010 (001) LA 6223 ACataloq of Federal Domestic Assistancel , The Local Agency desires to supplement the agreement entered into and executed on June 19, 2006 All provisions in the basic agreement remain in effect except as expressly madified by this supplement. The changes to the agreement are described as follows: Project Description Name 44th Avenue Pathway Project No. 2 Length 5600 LF Termini Woodruff Rd to Sands Rd Description of Work ❑ No Change The project constructs within ROW a 5' wide pedestrian path on the north side of 44th Ave. from Woodruff Rd to Sands Rd. The project will widen 44th Ave. to include two (2) four foot wide bike lanes on each side from Van Marter Rd to Sands Rd. Reason for Supplement Project Prospectus was revised May 1, 2009 to include above revised scope. Release of Additional Design funds. Does this change require additional Right of Way or Easements? ❑ Yes 0 No , Estimate of Funding T e of Work (1) (2) (3) (a) (5) yp Previous Supplement Estimated Total Estimated Agency Estimated AgreemenUSuppl. Project Funds Funds Federal Funds PE a. AQencv ~ 12,600.001 32,550.001 45,150.00 I 45,150.00 100 % b. Other • ~ 12,700.001 I 12,700.001 I 12,700.00 c. Other , I I I I Federal Aid d. State I 1,000.001 I 1,000.001 ~ 1,000.00 Participation Ratio for PE e. Total PE Cost Estimate (a+b+c+d) 26,300.00 32,550.00 58,850.00 I 58,850.00 Right of Way f. AQencv % g.Other I I I ~ I Federal Aid h. Other Participation I I I I I Ratio for RW i. State j. Total R/W Cost Estimate (f+p+h+i) I I I ConstrUCtlon k. Contract I ( 1. Other m. Other n. Other 100 % o. Aaencv Federal Aid I I I I I Participation P• State Ratio for CN q. Total CN Cost Estimate (k+l+m+n+o+p)~ r. Total Prolect Cost Estimate (e+l+q) ~ 26.300.00 32.550.0D~ 5&$54.OQ 58.850.00 The Local Agency further stipulates that pursuant to said Title 23, regulations and policies and procedures, and as a condition to payment of the Federal funds obligated, it accepts and will comply with the applicable provisions. Agency Official Washington State e'artment of ransportation , ey By , ~ . , p~± Tltle Director of Highways an Local Programs j 1"1UL~ 2 7 ZonU~ q Date Executed [ DOT Form 140-041 EF Revised 112007 . Ce9 -1y7 . ` s \ _ ~ . Washington State Transportation Building ~ Department of Transportation 310 Maple Park Avenue S.E. Paula J. Harnmond, P.E. P.O. Box 47300 Secretary of Transportation Olympia, WA 98504-7300 September 9, 2009 _ - 3 _ 5_7000 : 1-500-833-6388 Mr. Neil Kersten 1; _,r•~ r..rsdot.wa.gov ~ Public Works Director 5 P-P 15 2009 . City of Spokane Valley J 11707 East Sprague Ave., Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206-6124 ~y City of Spokane Valley 44th Avenue Pathway STPE-4010(001) FUND AUTHORIZATION Dear Mr. s en: Enclosed for your information and file is a copy of Supplement Number 2 to Local Agency Agreement LA-6223 for the subject project between the state and your agency. This supplement modifies the funding for this project to the amounts shown below: PHASE TOTAL FEDERAL SHARE Preliminary Engineering $582850 $58,850 . All costs exceeding those shown on this agreement are the sole responsibility of your agency. WSDOT authorization to proceed with right of way and/or construction is contingent upon receipt and approval of your environmental documents. WSDOT authorization to proceed with construction is contingent upon receipt of your Right of Way Certification. All future correspondence relating to the project is to be submitted to your Region Local Programs Engineer, Keith Martin at (509)324-6080. Sincerely, ~ Steph ' e Tax Manager, Program Management Highways & Local Programs Division ST:jg:sas Enclosure cc: Keith Martin, Eastern Region Loca1 Programs Engineer