2018, 07-10 Regular Format MINUTES City of Spokane Valley City Council Regular Meeting Formal Meeting Format Tuesday,July 10,2018 Mayor Higgins called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Attendance: Staff: Rod Higgins,Mayor Mark Calhoun, City Manager Pam Haley,Deputy Mayor John Hohman,Deputy City Manager Brandi Peetz, Councilmember Caty Driskell, City Attorney Linda Thompson, Councilmember Erik Lamb,Deputy City Attorney Ben Wick, Councilmember Chelsie Taylor, Finance Director Sam Wood, Councilmember Mike Stone, Parks &Rec Director Arne Woodard, Councilmember Mark Werner, Police Chief Bill Helbig, City Engineer Gloria Mantz, Engineering Manager Adam Jackson, Planning/Grants Engineer Colin Quinn-Hurst, Sr. Transportation Planner Mike Basinger, Economic Dev. Manager Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk INVOCATION: Pastor Mike Graef of the United Methodist Church gave the invocation. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Council, staff, and the audience stood for the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL City Clerk Bainbridge called the roll; all Councilmembers were present. APPROVAL OF AGENDA It was moved by Deputy Mayor Haley, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the agenda. INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUESTS AND PRESENTATIONS COMMITTEE,BOARD,LIAISON SUMMARY REPORTS Councilmember Wood: said that he attended the STA (Spokane Transit Authority) Board meeting where they noted sales tax revenue was up 9% over 2017 actuals; van pool ridership was down 11.5%, and the year-to-date figures are down 13%;said there is more revenue and less ridership so some work needs to be done to increase ridership; said he also attended a ribbon cutting of a new restaurant in Liberty Lake. Councilmember Peetz: said she attended the Ponderosa Dedication and it was great to see some of her former teachers;went to a Chamber of Commerce business connection breakfast; also went to the Altitude Trampoline ribbon cutting which she said was probably changed because no one else was there so she got a tour; attended the AWC(Association of Washington Cities)Conference in Yakima and learned a lot and hopes some of that information will be included in an upcoming meeting; said as she was attending the AWC Conference she missed the 911 board meeting, but there are a lot of things going on now as they work to reconfigure their board and discuss interoperability with regional partners. Councilmember Woodard: said he also attended the AWC conference; went to several Chamber events; attended a government affairs meeting with Mr.Furman from the US Small Business Administration Office of Advocacy and that it was explained that they"take on the government"to try to show the reason why it doesn't function as intended, and said perhaps we could bring Mr. Furman to a Council meeting at some Minutes Regular Council Meeting:07-10-2018 Page 1 of 10 Approved by Council:07-24-2018 time; attended the 40th Anniversaiy for Life Flight at Felts Field; and went to the Hutton settlement achievement dinner. Councilmember Thompson: reported that she also attended the 40th Anniversary of Heart Flights and that she spoke with the CEO who has been doing those flight for almost 40 years and as they continue working with public safety they will be changing their language in their documents to not include the word "accident" when it involves impaired drivers and traffic collisions; went to the Methadone Clinic where Representative McMorris Rodgers was doing a tour; she mentioned an upcoming meeting July 24 at the Ruckelshaus Center to look at the Growth Management Act, but since that is a Council meeting night she will not be able to attend, but hopes someone from staff or someone else could go to represent us. Councilmember Wick: said he had the opportunity to present a flag flown over the Capital Building in Washington, D.C. wherein Representative McMorris Rodgers presented a flag for former Spokane Valley resident Dick Behm; said Mr. Behm's grandson achieved his eagle scout award and will be the third generation to receive such with a ceremony at CenterPlace, and that he was able to extend congratulations on behalf of our community;said he attended numerous SRTC(Spokane Regional Transportation Council) meetings and was involved with an RFQ (request for qualifications) for IT (internet technology) services as they went out for a bid to private companies to manage their IT infrastructure;said they are also preparing for their call for projects,which this time is being done once every five years, and this time instead of trying to get jurisdictions to match which projects fix the grant categories,they want to know what the best projects are within the region and will make the grant monies match the projects; said they have also launched an education series,the first of which was about roundabouts, which was hosted at CenterPlace; said he also attended the AWC Conference in Yakima and as part of that toured some sports complexes; and one of his favorite conference dealt with a group called "Save your Communities" which is about empty buildings and how they were able to put a tour together to tour those buildings; that there was certain criteria the building owner had to comply with to clean up their buildings, and that there were eleven buildings on the tour,30 people went on the tour, and within a year they had ten of those eleven empty buildings filled. Deputy Mayor Haley: said she also attended the STA Board meeting and that it is interesting that while ridership is down, income is up so people are obviously still buying the monthly passes,just not riding as much; said she also attended the AW Conference which she too found very interesting. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Higgins reported that he attended a ribbon cutting for a new business "Just Right CPR"which is a new concept for our area as they are a mobile unit which goes around teaching CPR, and suggested we might want to take a look at that. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Mayor Higgins explained the process for giving public comments, and said that based on tonight's long agenda and in the interest of keeping the agenda manageable,each of the two public comment segments on tonight's agenda will be limited to thirty minutes. Mayor Higgins invited public comment. 1. Rev. Genavieve Heywood, Spokane Valley: she read her comments about her previously offering Council a draft mission statement; mentioned her disagreement with the action taken at the July 3 meeting where Councilmember Wick was removed from two committees. 2. Mr.Jeff Brodhead, Spokane Valley: he read his statement regarding the purchase by Hydro One Limited of Avista Utilities, and said he hopes that this Council will take a stand in opposition to the sale. 3. Ms. Lelani Delong, Spokane Valley: said she wanted to give a history lesson, and said that Councilmember Woodard has a track record of being questionable and of not serving the best interest of Spokane Valley, at which point Mayor Higgins asked if this is a political statement. She replied it is not. She said that Mr. Woodard has a history of losing$280,000 to the County that could have been used for a sidewalk. Mayor Higgins stopped the speaker as he said this is a political statement, but she denied it was political and said it was just a fact and is on the record. Mayor Higgins replied that he does not believe it is on the record,and again she replied that it is. Ms.DeLong said she wouldn't say that part;and she continued her statement by stating that Sam Wood has been on the Board of Health and he never attended the meetings, Minutes Regular Council Meeting:07-10-2018 Page 2 of 10 Approved by Council:07-24-2018 and she said that neither of these two are showing a lot of competency in these areas yet they are the ones replacing Mr. Wick on his committees; she said Mr. Wick is respected within our state on transportation, he received a certificate from the Association of Washington Cities,and a nomination to the FMSIB Board; and said she doesn't understand why someone so respected isn't being maintained on those committees; and why individual feelings are being valued over the best interests of our City. 4. Mr. Tim Lape, Spokane Valley: said he was approached by numerous people embarrassed for the City of Spokane Valley because of the manner in which a motion to remove Mr. Wick from his two committees, took place; said it was a similar situation with Mike Jackson where there wasn't notice and full disclosure to all the Councilmembers which he said got the City in some trouble; said transparency is Council's striveable hallmark; and the actions that took place on July 3 just prior to the 4th of July holiday weren't transparent; it wasn't on the agenda, all councilmembers were not notified in advance of the upcoming motion, and said there wasn't sufficient notice to Spokane Valley citizens to comment; said he doesn't believe that is a right way to conduct Spokane Valley business. 5.Ms. Sally Jackson, Spokane Valley: said she was born here and has always opposed this City as an extra layer of government and the expense of it;just like this building, that every time she goes by it she said it makes her scream at the size of it for a city of this size; said when she was working against the City a member from the Spokesman Review asked her why she was so opposed; and she said that she was happy with the County and we will get the same thing in the valley, we won't get intelligent, fair-minded reasonable people as councilmembers--some maybe, but not all; she questioned if this is a representative form of government; said a lot of older people will cone in and not understand the art of compromise; and this is an example;we have Mr.Wick,who is intelligent and who cares about the area,and he's here because he wants to make a difference, and instead of some of you welcoming you,you cut him out; she said that's not a representative form of government, and it's like dumping Mike Jackson that cost us so much money or running out Mr. Hafner and Mr. Grafos, which is because you cut them out of decisions and that's not right, and if members of Council don't understand that this is a representative form of government, they shouldn't be in their position of city councilmember. 6.Ms. Jennifer, Calvert, Spokane Valley: she read her prepared statement about her concern in the process where Mr. Wick was removed from this committee positions. 7. Mr. Ed Pace, Spokane Valley: spoke in favor of the action Council took last week making the reassignment of committees; said all seven were elected by residents and the job is to represent them, not the state or the county or the STA or Health Board of SRTC;just to be a regular person and not someone who is brilliant or who has technical expertise; said that's why we have staff; and said any Councilmember is fine on any board; said he trusts Councilmembers to do their jobs and thinks they are doing their jobs; said Council serves at the Mayor's pleasure and he can appoint you and remove you and it's no big deal; said an item can be brought up and voted on with no previous announcement; said everything Council did was good and he thanked Council and encouraged them to keep up the good work. 8.Ms. Donna O'Leary, Spokane Valley: said it was unsettling to watch last week's video when Mr. Wick was moved from two committee appointments; said she looks to leadership to be respectful even when opinions differ; said the Mayor was quoted as saying the move had nothing to do with SRTC; she said Mr. Wick is an upstanding community member and deserves respect; and she is embarrassed and appalled. 9. Mr. Tim Hattenburg Spokane Valley: said a lot of people are wondering what happened to the trust and transparency as there appears to be a lack of transparency; said Mr. Wick was a very important person in helping getting funding for projects and his experience means a lot. 10. Ms. Jan Young, Spokane Valley: said she was appalled and outraged that Council created a situation that didn't give concerned citizens an opportunity to comment as no advance notice was given;by removing Mr. Wick she said we have lost a valuable member on the SRTC; said lack of transparency has become clearly self-evident and citizens deserve better; said those actions were by design but the motives remain a mystery. 11.Mr.Dary VanDusen,Liberty Lake: said he has spoken at previous meetings about his concern on Baker and Trent and that he is pleased to have a man of Mr. Wick's integrity; and said he was surprised, disappointed and baffled by Mr. Wick's removal and hopes he will be reinstated. Minutes Regular Council Meeting:07-10-2018 Page 3 of 10 Approved by Council:07-24-2018 12. Mr. Tom Towey, Spokane Valley: read his statement questioning the procedure in which Mr. Wick's committee assignments were changed. 13. Mr. Chuck Hafner, Spokane Valley: said as a former Councilmember he realizes the difficulties there are in making decisions, especially making the right decisions, and that today's decisions have future impacts; in listening to last week's meeting, he said shades of the past came back to him as this current action was taking place, and because of actions of this particular majority of this Council, we lost many qualified staff who were influential in making present and future goals of our city; said these extreme actions on Council's part have resulted in a toxic atmosphere and working environment for those who work for the city;said we were once envied as a city of the future, but the present thinking is we are not the model city we were when we established the city and other municipalities looked at us for our leadership and direction,but he said that is no longer happening;and said that no matter what people say tonight,he knows Council will not reverse the decision made about Mr. Wick's removal from the committees. 1. CONSENT AGENDA: Consists of items considered routine which are approved as a group. Any member of Council may ask that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. Proposed Motion:I move to approve the ConsentA,enda. a. Approval of claim vouchers on April 21, July 10, 2018 Request for Council Action Form, Total: $1,959,725.72 b. Approval of Payroll for Pay Period Ending June 30, 2018: $477,455.88 c. Approval of Resolution 18-005, in Support of SRTC to join AWC Trust After City Clerk Bainbridge mentioned that la above contained a typo and should have read July 10, it was moved by Deputy Mayor Haley, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the Consent Agenda. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 2. CenterPlace West Lawn Update--Mike Stone As Parks and Recreation Director Stone prepared to go through his PowerPoint on this topic,Mayor Higgins mentioned that this item is in preparation for the next agenda item concerning the economic analysis of tourism venues and events. Mr. Stone explained about the goals, objectives, and key issues for the CenterPlace West Lawn and North Meadow Master Plan;and he showed the maps, legends, and before and after photos during several phases of the project. NEW BUSINESS: 3. Motion Consideration: Economic Analysis of Tourism Venues&Events—Chelsie Taylor Mayor Higgins announced that prior to making a motion,he would like to discuss these ten project options as shown on the spreadsheet as Council may want to narrow these ten down to two or three; and suggested getting consensus from Council on whether or not to pursue each item as it is discussed. The Fairgrounds site was discussed,and Mr.Hohman stated that when Community Attributes did this study for us,the Fairgrounds was identified as a building that they would like to re-build for different trade shows and fill up some time slots for seasons when hotels are more looking for room nights. Councilmember Wick said he is aware of ongoing needs for the site as he has served on that Board for several years; there were other ideas such as perhaps having a separate entrance, or even to split up the fairgrounds. City Manager Calhoun also noted that the Fairgrounds requires no land acquisition, is already owned by the County, and of all ten projects, this would be the only one that would address activities during the off hotel months. It appeared that several Councilmembers were in favor of this project. The HUB Complex was also discussed with Councilmember Wick commenting that perhaps we could title it something other than the HUB Complex. Councilmember Peetz agreed with this project; said she visited some sports complexes in Yakima and likes the idea of a sports complex, but feels our city dollars should stay in the valley; said she too would like to focus on this but not necessarily call it the HT JB. Councilmember Woodard mentioned that the HUB is outside the city limits and a sports complex is Minutes Regular Council Meeting:07-10-2018 Page 4 of 10 Approved by Council:07-24-2018 predicated on three agencies coming together; i.e. our city, the County, and maybe Central Valley; said Spokane Valley would be the one to spend the money to build it and that is of great concern to him; said it doesn't make a lot of sense to put our money on something in someone else's jurisdiction. Deputy Mayor Haley agreed and in summary, said the idea of having something like the HUB is a priority, but have something in our city limits. Browns Park was also mentioned with Councilmember Woodard stating that he is in favor of working toward the park's completion, but would not be in favor of a bond for the balance of the work. Mr. Calhoun remarked that having recently come up through the budget workshop, Council adopted a Master Plan for that park and we are slowly working to implement that; and that city crews will be installing another eight courts this fall. It was then moved by Deputy Mayor Haley and seconded to approve that Council limit future discussions of this topic to the following venues or events: the Fairgrounds, the HUB, and the CenterPlace expansion.Mayor Higgins invited public comments. Ms. Peggy Doering, Spokane Valley: said she was present in February when thisproposal came forward and that she is excited to see some of the changes Council is viewing; said she saw today in the paper that Central Valley School District is not going to build where they were going to at the Saltese Flats, but they are going to buy the gun club; said she doesn't know if that original property is in Spokane Valley but it is near a conservation area and where Council has acquired land for a park; said she knows it is not on the bullet list, and asked if this was started with the hotel/motel tax funds, the $2.8 million to invest and set aside to develop into a sports complex, and asked if that tax money is involved or if this is just for a bond issue. Finance Director Taylor said the intention is that money would be involved in this process, and any money awarded would have to go through the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee application process. Ms. Doering said she would like Council to have them view this as being in the Spokane Valley city limits, and going back to look more at what the hotel/motel fund set aside; said she was on the committee at the time and she would recommend looking at that tighter; said she thinks these are all good concepts and she supports the investment back into the City of Spokane Valley; said one of her ideas is the Spokane River and said there are some opportunities that maybe should be re-evaluated along with some other organizations that are working on river development. Mr.Ed Pace, Spokane Valley: said he would like to reemphasize the point made by Councilmember Woodard and perhaps Ms.Doering to keep Spokane Valley tax dollars in the city limits;said he realizes this is lodging tax money which many Spokane Valley residents don't pay, but it is still our tax money and he would like to keep in within the City limits. There were no further public comments. Councilmember Woodard added that the category"special events" can mean a lot of different things, and anything we can draw that uses the assets of the City that are part of our trademark— like the River and open areas; said we need to look at those when they come forward. Councilmember Thompson said that this is an exciting process and the potential with CenterPlace is incredible;that she would be open to things like a farmer's market and completing the master plan to bring in more tourism; likes the idea of keeping Balfour Park and is open to the potential to look at things for the river through partnerships.Mayor Higgins noted that this is not the end of this discussion and none of these venues are totally excluded from moving forward, we are just working to narrow down the list. Vote by acclamation on the motion to approve that Council limit future discussions of this topic to the following venues or events: the Fairgrounds, the HUB, and the CenterPlace expansion: In favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Motion carried Mr. Calhoun said staff will examine these more closely and bring these items back for future discussion. 4. Proposed Resolution 18-004, Master Truck Schedule—Bill Helbig It was moved by Deputy Mayor Haley and seconded to approve Resolution 18-004 repealing and replacing Resolution 12-013, the Master 'No trucks' and `local delivery only" schedule. City Engineer Helbig explained that this resolution modifies the master no trucks' schedule and comes on the heels of the presentation given last month concerning the 22nd Avenue traffic; said he and Senior Traffic Engineer Wright as well as maintenance crews looked at the roads and they can't handle the truck traffic. Mayor Higgins invited public comment; no comments were offered. Councilmember Peetz said she appreciates Minutes Regular Council Meeting:07-10-2018 Page 5 of 10 Approved by Council:07-24-2018 the work on this as there was an overwhelming concern with the area; Councilmember Wick expressed appreciation for expanding the no truck zone beyond 22"d and including the entire neighborhood; and Councilmember Thompson said it is frustrating that we can't do something about a neighborhood built under the County that affects traffic in our City, and said perhaps when a subdivision goes in next to us, that there could be some kind of discussion or agreement that addresses traffic in our community, Vote by Acclamation:In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed:None. Motion carried. Mayor Higgins called for a recess at 7:30 p.m., and reconvened the meeting at 7:40 p.m. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Mayor Higgins invited general public comments. 1. Ms. Kerry Potter, Spokane Valley: she commended citizen Bob West for giving his comments at last week's Council meeting concerning the committee removal issue; mentioned last week's carefully coordinated coup staged last week to remove Mr.Wick from the SRTC and the City's Finance Committee; she said Mayor Higgins did this in an embarrassing manner by not discussing it with Mr. Wick prior to the meeting; she said that former City Manager Mike Jackson was fired without reason in early 2016, and the City paid him a settlement to avoid being sued and Councilmembers Hafner and Grafos resigned in protest; she said Mr. Wick has gained recognition for his work on the SRTC and was looking forward to representing our City as the chairman-elect next year; said he has been nominated to participate on the Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board; said on July 12, SRTC will award grants to allocate all their funds for the next five years,and Mr. Wick was to have led that meeting; and she questioned the reasoning of removing our most qualified person just when funding decisions are being made;she asked if Mr.Higgins thinks Mr.Woodard is more knowledgeable on transportation issues,or if something happened that is more personal; or if this is working to get the three newest Councilmembers to resign. 2.Ms. Sylvia Passe,Spokane Valley: she spoke about Councilmember Wick's removal from the committee; said in reference to comments that offering that SRTC appointment was an olive branch is ludicrous; and to take it away without warning or discussion doesn't scream of transparency; said Councilmembers are acting like children. 3. Ms. Donita Mason, Spokane Valley: regarding the removal of Mr. Wick from the committees, that if there is a legitimate reason for that action,to document it; or if there is no legitimate reason,that it would be proper to put him back on those committees; said it should be about getting things done right and not about personalities. 4. Ms. Carol Allen, Spokane Valley: spoke regarding the removal of Mr. Wick from the committees; said the rationale given by Mr. Higgins amounted to 'I think it would be better;' she said the Spokane Valley citizens are not children and the mayor is not our parent; said she expects substantive reasons for such a removal with examples of why; said she knows the City's Governance Manual doesn't require reasons, but said as a citizen, she requires reasons; that he was well recognized by his peers for his expertise; and said even the most knowledgeable person assigned to that position will take a minimum of three months to get up to speed as a functioning member, and said this doesn't serve the City well; said she wants to know Council's rationale for removing someone who is competent, and replacing him with someone who may not even know what's going on. 5.Ms.Hollie Ann Kayukuk, Spokane Valley: said she is relatively new to the city;said she and her husband researched an ideal place to live, and after looking around the area, they decided on Spokane Valley even though their first decision was Spokane;said they have not been sorry they moved here;she said in learning the dynamics of this community, several of the city residents have told her Council can't be trusted; and said she hopes and she asked Council to reconsider reinstating Mr. Wick to the two committees he was removed from. 6. Mr. Jeff Beaulac, Spokane Valley: said he was on a board of trustees for the Evergreen State College, and as part of their training for being on that board, they examined the Open Public Meetings Act, and he mentioned violations of that Act can result in being fined a large amount of money; said he mentions this because Spokane Valley might have some problems with that Act; said this isn't the first time something like this has come up and has appeared as if a majority of the Council previously made a decision before Minutes Regular Council Meeting:07-10-2018 Page 6 of I0 Approved by Council:07-24-2018 that decision came up for the entire Council; he said he has heard that at one point, Spokane Valley was the envy of the State of Washington, but no one says that anymore; he said people usually hear about a controversy that has happened and we are the joke of the state; said he thinks that is what is happening here as the articles written about Mr. Wick's removal seem that decision was made in secret, because he said, that is how it looks; said he will be excited to see that manner changed and hopes that in 2019 and after will change the way it is for open meetings, and we will see a Council that respects that Act. 7. Mr. Matthew Saltsman, Spokane Valley: spoke concerning what he termed `illegal littering' with the `Pinch Paper' newspaper ads/flyers that are delivered from the Spokesman Review; said he called the Spokesman over 50 times on this issue and sometimes it would quit for a week, but then it would begin again; said he questions why this is legal; said he has to pay by the ton to get rid of them; he questioned. why there is no ordinance for this; said he called the Sheriffs Office who told him the only way anything can be done about this is to catch the person in the act; said if there is no ordinance, there should be. 8. Mr. Tony Lazanis, Spokane Valley: said he had a lot to do with us becoming a city; and he did a lot of door belling; said Councilmembers are wonderful people and people shouldn't admonish the Mayor; that he has a lot of authority and sometimes he just uses it; said the Mayor is a good man and does a good job for the little money he gets; and said he appreciates Council. 9. Ms.Nina FIuegal, Spokane Valley: said he likes Mr. Wick and the Council; said the concern is that not everyone here speaks for the valley; said the people voted in the Council;that when you stand with people who hold that sign, it sends a message that you stand with them, so apparently Mr. Wick found a way to work with Council and continue although removed from two positions; and said it would be nice to hear Mr.Wick's perception on what has happened and to hear how he feels about this. 10. Mr. John Harding, Spokane Valley: said he is sure this is a big deal to many,but this isn't to him; that there are a lot bigger fish to fly and he feels Mr. Wick will live through this; concerning Hydro One, said he doesn't think people understand the depth of the issue about asking another country to have control over our power grid; that if you talk to people in Canada you won't find anyone happy with what Hydro One has done; said they are billions of dollars in the red and said how they can merge with U.S. company is beyond him; that there were 200 customers who were 90 days in arrears; sounds like a problem; said we don't know who owns 50% of that corporation as Hydro owns 49%; that they won't tell us who owns the 50%. There were no further public comments offered.City Clerk Bainbridge mentioned that she received several e-mails, but the following e-mails asked to be made part of tonight's record: (1)from Lani DeLong voicing disappointment in the actions of Council at the July 3 meeting; (2) from Carmen Pacheo-Jones expressing concern with the removal of Councilmember Wick from the SRTC, and hope that Council will review that decision; (3) from Frank Coyle commenting about the action being taken without explanation and asking for the reinstatement of Ben Wick; (4)from Rebekah Mason asking for reconsideration of the appointment change of Mr. Wick; and(5)from Joan Berkowitz,opposing the change in committee appointment for Mr. Wick. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS: 5. Telephone Utility Tax—Chelsie Taylor Finance Director Taylor briefly went over the background of the City's telephone utility tax which was initiated in 2008, of the decline in revenues over the years,and of the results of the utility tax audit;that we contracted with Tax Recovery Services (TRS) in 2016 to conduct an audit of providers that engage in telephone business and pay the telephone tax to the City. Ms. Taylor said the audit was intended to assess if providers are accurately remitting all taxes owed to the City and whether any underpayment was a reason for the decline in tax revenues. Ms. Taylor said the fees paid to TRS was on a contingent basis out of the amount recovered, at a rate of 25% of revenues and penalties collected; that the City paid $99,716 of the amount recovered to TRS, leaving the City with $299,149. Finance Director Taylor also noted that corrections have been made by the companies included in the audit and future tax payments are expected to be based on the revised tax calculations; and that the amount recovered, especially when allocated over Minutes Regular Council Meeting:07-10-2018 Page 7 of 10 Approved by Council:07-24-2018 the period of the audits, does not appear to be a driving factor in the revenue declines. Councilmember Woodard mentioned that there are some pre-paid phones out there, such as TracFone, and he asked if that company was audited like the City of Spokane; and said that one company could have been $250,000 to $300,000 itself. Director Taylor said because of confidentiality issues with the Department of Revenue, she'd like to decline to state names. Councilmember Woodard asked if TracFone was one of those in the past that we received taxes from, and Ms. Taylor said she didn't know and would have to verify. Councilmember Woodard suggested that would be something to look into. 6. 11B Grant Applications—Adam Jackson, Colin Quinn-Hurst Planning/Grants Engineer Jackson went through his PowerPoint presentation explaining some of the history of the TM (Transportation Improvement Board), including how they are funded; he mentioned grant applications for a TIB grant are due by August 17, 2018;he went over the Urban Arterial Program (UAP) and the Sidewalk Program,and of the recommended projects,which include University Road preservation, Sprague & Barker Intersection Improvement, and the Adams Road Sidewalk. Mr. Jackson explained the funding request for the University Road Preservation Project, and of our suggested 40% match, or $1,250,000, and said that matching at 40% maximizes the TIB scoring potential, lowers the TM-funded amount to TIB's typical award range, and reduces the direct cost impact to the City when compared to self- funding elffunding the project. To clarify, Councilmember Wick said that Mr. Jackson stated that last the time we submitted a project for TIB funding, we were very close but we were beat out by one of our other projects; and last time we did a 20%match.Mr. Jackson confirmed that the last time we did a 20% match, last time our engineering phase wasn't complete;he said this is for the construction-only phase funding; so we are applying this round with that complete, and also the project was less expensive a year ago and we have updated the pricing to reflect current bids and the demand; so yes, he said it was a 20% match last year compared with 40% this year. Mr. Wick asked if the idea was that the 40% match would be taken from Fund 311, and Mr. Jackson concurred that is correct. Further, Mr. Jackson said if looking at the Fund 311 balance of$2.2 million a year for preservation projects, by doing it this way we can take just over half of that of or a 1.2 match and still have $1 million for other projects without touching REET. Councilmember Thompson asked about signaling on 32nd going west;said the new left turn is a little confusing because it doesn't have its own lane, and she asked if there was any change when talking about traffic signal upgrades.Mr. Jackson said he isn't sure which signals will be touched, but that he thinks there will be line item of signal improvements; and in terms of lane configuration, said he can't speak to the changes. Mr. Calhoun said staff is planning to come back to Council July 24th and we can bring that information at that point.Mr.Jackson continued going through the basics of the proposed projects. In discussing the Sprague & Barker Corridor Project, Mr. Jackson said staff feels this would be a safe project to submit to TM and not jeopardize being double funded, adding that SRTC likely has projects prioritized above this, and if it is selected,that selection process would occur before the SRTC window; it is a$1.6 million project with a 20%match; said we do not know if this will be a signal or a roundabout and the design, if awarded, would evaluate the considerations of those options. Councilmember Peetz said that she received an e-mail from a citizen who lives on the southeast corner who is concerned if this will be a signal or a roundabout; and she asked if there has been public input on this project. Mr. Jackson said he can't speak to this specific project concerning public outreach, and thinks it has not yet occurred; he said this is a part of our process with projects but has not occurred on this project yet; said staff is working with a consultant studying the south Barker corridor and this intersection is part of that and with that study they will be evaluating what types of improvements would be warranted. Mr. Jackson stated that the Adams Road sidewalk project is a$508,000 project, that it would start at 16th Avenue and would fill in the sidewalk gaps from 16th to about 22nd or 23rd but not to 24th because the need isn't there, and there are right-of-way conflicts and some full growth trees at one property which the owner Minutes Regular Council Meeting:07-10-2018 Page 8 of 10 Approved by Council:07-24-2018 does not want to remove; said the project doesn't need to extend to be successful as there are crosswalks at mid-block and at 24t''to accommodate pedestrians; said this is also on the Safe Routes to School. Councilmember Wick said he's not sure about the full 40% match, and suggested trying to preserve those funds. Mr. Jackson stated that with a $3.1 million project cost, that each year since 2014 or 2015, TIB funded maybe one project over $2 million; so as we reduce our match, we start to push the limits of what has historically been an awarded amount from TIB, and that helped direct the decision of 40%; and if this isn't funded,he said we would be preparing to spend those dollars, so this helps reduce the cost to the City. Councilmember Wick stated that we were on the edge of being awarded in the past and we were within that range of 20%match;and he asked if the costs have increased by more than 20%for this project.Mr.Jackson said he would have to look back at last year's request for those exact figures, but estimated it went from about$2.2 million to $3.2 million, and said part of that is increased costs and the other part is the severity of the road condition as it has deteriorated. There was apparent consensus from Council to proceed. Mr. Jackson asked for clarification on which direction to proceed concerning the 40% match when this comes back to Council in two weeks. City Manager Calhoun said staff will go back and look at that and at the 24th meeting, will give Council an assessment on a percentage match. 7. SVMC 2.75 (public records)Update—Erik Lamb Deputy City Attorney Lamb explained that several changes have been made to the state's Public Records Act, which has necessitated some of the proposed changes shown in the red-line version of the draft ordinance; he noted that the legislature has allowed cities to charge for electronic copies, and we adopted those charges in our fee schedule, but now need to incorporate them in SVMC 2.75 to allow us to collect those fees; said we have always complied with the Public Record Act and modify procedures when necessary. There was Council consensus to move this forward for a first reading of the ordinance. 8.Euclid Ave Preservation(Sullivan to Flora)—Gloria Mantz,Robert Lochmiller Engineering Manager Mantz went through her PowerPoint explaining this project, including the project location, existing conditions, project design,temporary traffic control, budget and funding, and that the bid opening is scheduled for July 13 with a bid award for Council consideration at the July 24 Council meeting. There was Council consensus to move forward as scheduled. 9. Advance Agenda—Mayor Higgins Councilmember Peetz said given the amount of overwhelming testimony, she moved to reinstate Ben Wick to the SRTC committee. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Thompson. Councilmember Wick said he appreciates the sentiment, but doesn't know if Council can have that discussion. City Attorney Driskell said that according to the Governance Manual,the recommendation for committee appointment is made by the Mayor with concurrence from Council, so the motion would be out of order to have Council tell the Mayor to make the appointment. It was determined the motion was out of order. Although not an advance agenda item, Councilmember Peetz said she received some e-mails about the Appleway Trail and weeds and cleanliness, and that members of her church will be getting together tomorrow at 6 pm to work on that trail as part of their service to the community. Councilmember Wick mentioned that it is his understanding that STA passes are no longer available for purchase at places such as Rosauer's Grocery store,and that perhaps a Councilmember on the STA Committee could look into that. Councilmember Thompson mentioned legislative preparation and policies that might be coining up, and that it would be good to be prepared prior to those policies rather than be reactive. City Manager Calhoun said that he and Mr. Driskell will be meeting with Ms. Brialma Murray from Gordon Thomas Honeywell to start the process moving for development of our 2019 Legislative Agenda and that staff will get a sense from Ms. Murray of what she thinks will be emergency issues; and he said this will item be brought to Council on the August 28 agenda. Minutes Regular Council Meeting:07-10-2018 Page 9 of 10 Approved by Council:07-24-2018 CITY MANAGER COMMENTS Mr.Calhoun said it is his understanding that come members of Council would like to discuss during a study session, some of the aspects of the recently attended AWC Conference; he said we could draft a one-page Request for Council Action form and set aside thirty minutes for discussion. Mr. Wick said he will forward some slides he has from some of the different presentations. Mr. Calhoun also mentioned the Ruckelshaus Center workshop at the AWC Conference,and of a related upcoming meeting July 201,which is of course, a Council meeting night, and that he will ask someone from staff to attend that meeting. And lastly, Mr. Calhoun reminded staff, and said that Council is invited, to attend next Wednesday's annual employee appreciation BBQ,which beings at 11:30 a.m. 10.Executive Session: Review the Performance of a Public Employee [RCW 42.30.110(l)(g)] It was moved by Deputy Mayor Haley, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn into executive session for approximately one hour and twenty minutes for two purposes, the first being to review the performance of a public employee and the second, which is completely unrelated, is to discuss pending litigation; and that no decisions will be made upon our return to open session. Council adjourned into executive session at 8:51 p.m.At approximately 9:52 p.m.,Mayor Higgins declared Council out of executive session at which time it was moved by Deputy Mayor Haley, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn. ;.1111 _ ATTES : L.R.Higgins, I ayo 1 dre.%CVl1 Christine Bainbridge, ity Clerk Minutes Regular Council Meeting:07-10-2018 Page 10 of 10 Approved by Council:07-24-2018 Agenda Item#l a CORRECTED: Page 4 was inadvertently omitted from the 07/05/2018 voucher list, which omitted page includes vouchers 7746-7758 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: July 10, 2018 Department Director Approval: 11 Check all that apply: CE consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approval of the Following Vouchers: VOUCHER LIST VOUCHER NUMBERS TOTAL AMOUNT 06/28/2018 44971-44976 $10,129.69 06/28/2018 44977 $950.00 06/28/2018 44978 $7.29 07/02/2018 44979-45011; 4619019 (-44994) $1,943,091.74 07/05/2018 7708-775846 $5,547.00 GRAND TOTAL: $1,959,725.72 Explanation of Fund Numbers found on Voucher Lists #001 - General Fund Other Funds City Council 101 --Street Fund City Manager 103 —Paths &Trails Legal 105—Hotel/Motel Tax 001.016.000. Public Safety 106—Solid Waste Deputy City Manager 120 -CenterPlace Operating Reserve Finance 121—Service Level Stabilization Reserve Human Resources 122—Winter Weather Reserve 001,032.000. Public Works 204—Debt Service CED -Administration 301 —REET 1 Capital Projects CED—Economic Development 302—REET 2 Capital Projects CED—Development Services-Engineering 303—Street Capital Projects CED—Development Services-Planning 309—Parks Capital Grants CED—Building 310—Civic Bldg Capital Projects Parks & Rec—Administration 311 —Pavement Preservation 001.076.300.576. Parks &Rec-Maintenance 312—Capital Reserve 001.076.301.571. Parks &Rec-Recreation 314—Railroad Grade Separation Projects 001.076.302.576. Parks &Rec-Aquatics 402—Stormwater Management 001.076.304.575. Parks & Rec- Senior Center 403 —Aquifer Protection Area 001.076.305.571. Parks &Rec-CenterPlace 501 —Equipment Rental &Replacement General Gov't-Council related 502—Risk Management General Gov't-Finance related, General Gov't-Employee supply General Gov't-Centralized Services General Gov't-Other Services 001,090.000.540. General Gov't-Transportation General Gov't-Natural &Economic 001,090.000.560. General Gov't-Social Services General Gov't-Capital Outlay General Gov't-Pavement Preservation RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to approve attached list of claim vouchers. [Approved as part of the Consent Agenda, or may be removed and discussed separately.] STAFF CONTACT: Chelsie Taylor, Finance Director ATTACHMENTS: Voucher Lists vchlist Voucher List Page: 4 07/0512018 8:16:08AM Spokane Valley Bank code : pk-ref Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 7746 7/5/2018 006712 006712 RICH,TAMMY (Continued) Total : 75.00 rR 7747 = 7/5/2018 006694 ROBLES, SANDY + PARKS REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND: GREENACRES 75.00 Total : 75.00 7748 7/5/2018 005136 ROHNER, HAYLEY PARKS REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND: DISCOVERY PL 75.00 Total : 75.00 7749 7/5/2018 006708 SCHOENLEBER, LIEZL PARKS REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND: DISCOVERY PL 75.00 Total : 75.00 7750 7/5/2018 006727 SITZES, LARISARAE PARKS REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND: GREAT ROOM 52.00 Total : 52.00 7751 7/5/2018 006129 SPOKANE HMONG ASSN. PARKS REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND: MIRABEAU MEQ 300.00 Total : 300.00 7752 7/5/2018 002345 SPOKANE MOUNTAINEERS PARKS REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND: MIRABEAU MEQ 75.00 Total : 75.00 7753 7/5/2018 006710 STOCK, ROBERT PARKS REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND: EDGECLIFF PA 75.00 Total : 75.00 7754 7/5/2018 006696 STRANGE, BRENDA PARKS REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND: MIRABEAU ME 75.00 Total : 75.00 7755 7/5/2018 006698 STUMM, ERIC PARKS REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND:TERRACE VIEV 75.00 Total : 75.00 7756 7/5/2018 002645 UNITED CHURCH OF GOD PARKS REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND: MIRABEAU MEQ 75,00 Total : 75.00 7757 7/5/2018 006706 WESCHE, SHANNON PARKS REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND:VALLEY MISSIC 75.00 Total : 75.00 7758 7/5/2018 006699 ZOLLINGER,TERI PARKS REFUND 001.237.10,99 DEPOSIT REFUND:TERRACE VIEV 75.00 Total : 75.00 51 Vouchers for bank code : pk-ref Bank total : 5,547.00 Page: 4 k SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING Tuesday, July 10, 2018 6:00 p.m. Regular Meeting GENERAL CITIZEN COMMENTS SIGN-IN SHEET YOUR SPEAKING TIME WILL GENERALLY BE LIMITED TO TAREE MINUTES This sign-in sheet is for making comments not associated with an action item on tonight's agenda. If you wish to comment about an individual action item on tonight's agenda (such a a otion to approve an ordinance, resolution, or contract) the Mayor will ask for comme s on .•ose items once that item is reached on the agenda. Please sign in if you wish to make public comments. NAME TOPIC OF CONCERN YOU YOUR CITY OF ' +. IDENCE PLEASE PRINT WILL SPEAK ABOUT RQ."• g-e,x -LVw)0087 Se�eep c9 •�.�-oc Qom, 'pa � �`ex-ra _ u ccSY Q{ jerr arts 4 /6 Yes -4001,4e &,:,"." 1 th 5; 4)� Volt,-7 7 Mc: SUS(1 \,\ Cik,, 1 z. ‘*). 1 ili--(cr‘, 1 )()\. WIU(At i \ \\,) 4c4,,,PF Le__Nay. -b6,.a),,-3 - 4' '4 S V , ? )03‘,. __AC-kS.$).1\ '4 'L ' .,r,v., e v.- em\vet u 0." -d (.3. resaphs40- ' ,,,e;1/ SV 1�0 r.r\o\ 0 l c A-is s v c c B-e-r, +-Jl Lk 'S V ildk, ,)i "1701 / t, A, un-- ,Sklyiv-i- e, Ap -,,,__ (5'V 07fr 1 &-i_ (di-et W d V�;v v SE:IN -772-4 tv p ui LA-1<-e-- Please note that once information is entered on this form, it becomes a public record subject to public disclosure. SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING Tuesday, July 10, 2018 6:00 p.m. Regular Meeting GENERAL CITIZEN COMMENTS SIGN-IN SHEET YOUR SPEAKING TIME WILL GENERALLY BE LIMITED TO THREE MINUTES This sign-in sheet is for making comments not associated with an action item on tonight's agenda. If you wish to comment about an individual action item on tonight's agenda (such a a otion to approve an ordinance, resolution, or contract) the Mayor will ask for comme s on +ose items once that item is reached on the agenda. Please sign in if you wish to make public comments. NAME TOPIC OF CONCERN YOU YOUR CITY OF ' IDENCE PLEASE PRINT WILL SPEAK ABOUT .�' v 176)(...k.9 •Jk-.1_4__ l.)a.,(q t/', �; ' U Doth A-s01) &AA LuieJ . s !/ Cyd U) tati ,0 ki,,,f2pAL \ .„„,, (3V ,rte;" p---14,14.1 f C h,r\t5 i cluf n ‘\/ -(7/0 + [JcryrU ./ ;1 Wil141111, fi o ?„,/ce.,00,f) /� 8e L1aL -60,g pot /e,i . .4 I/ Please Mote that once information is entered on this form, it becomes a public record subject to public disclosure. SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING Tuesday, July 10, 2018 6:00 p.m. Regular Meeting GENERAL CITIZEN COMMENTS SIGN--IN SHEET YOUR SPEAKING TIME WILL GENERALLY BE LIMITED TO THREE MINUTES This sign-in sheet is for making comments not associated with an action item on tonight's agenda. If you wish to comment about an individual action item on tonight's agenda (such a a otion to approve an ordinance, resolution, or contract) the Mayor will ask for comme s on 'ose items once that item is reached on the agenda. Please sign in if you wish to make public comments. NAME TOPIC OF CONCERN YOU YOUR CITY OF ' IDENCE PLEASE PRINT WILL SPEAK ABOUT i/4-h7 5,4e3-61,mt9p.) L E of ► r117 o L , U0-1 C e Please note that once information is entered on this form, it becomes a public record subject to public disclosure. SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING Tuesday, July 10, 2018 6:00 p.m. Regular Meeting GENERAL CITIZEN COMMENTS SIGN-IN SHEET YOUR SPEAKING TIME WILL GENERALLY BE LIMITED TO THREE MINUTES This sign-in sheet is for making comments not associated with an action item on tonight's agenda. If you wish to comment about an individual action item on tonight's agenda (such a a otion to approve an ordinance, resolution, or contract) the Mayor will ask for comme s on . ose items once that item is reached on the agenda. Please sign in if you wish to make public comments. NAME TOPIC OF CONCERN YOU YOUR CITY OF ' IDENCE PLEASE PRINT WILL SPEAK ABOUT /44/ TA 6 xi L z /+ 1 Please note that once information is entered on this form, it becomes a public record subject to public disclosure. Spokane Valley City. July 10, 2018 In January, I offered to you a draft mission statement for your consideration in your role as servants of the citizens of this city. At the time I asked that you especially consider the section marked values which reads: "In all respects, city government is dedicated to accomplishing its mission through: • Professionalism • Pride • Service • Fairness • Accountability I spoke about how the 2017 City Council fell short of it's potential in all these areas and asked that as the 2018 Council, you would be examples of the best of us. I asked that you make this a city known for civility, respect, integrity, and accountability. What happened at the Council meeting of July 3, 2018 in this Council Chamber severely stained our city. From the video of your meeting, it looked like four of you knew what was about to happen and the rest of the room did not. On the surface, it looked like this was planned. This action was not on the agenda and it was forced to proceed at that meeting. Ironically, this was on the night before our celebration of freedom from the whim of one person. The removal of Council Member Ben Wick from two committees done on July 3, 2018, has no integrity. Further, the lack of accountability, the lack of giving justifiable cause, is , unprofessional, unfair, shameful, and not in the service of our city. Submitted by Rev. Genavieve Heywood, Pastor Veradale United Church of Christ 611 N Progress Road Spokane Valley, WA 99037 Spokane Valley Draft Mission Statement offered October 10, October 24, 2017, January 9, 2018, and today, July 10, 2018 Our City Council shall provide visionary leadership in policy making that supports: Our Mission, Our Vision, and Our Values OUR MISSION The City of Spokane Valley Promotes social, economic, environmental and cultural well-being of the community, Ensures that resources are used efficiently and effectively as well with transparency and accountability in decision-making, Provides the prudent use and stewardship of local community resources, so that the citizens of Spokane Valley may realize the best quality of life possible through cost-effective governance. OUR VISION To accomplish this mission, city government is committed to provide citizens with: • A safe and clean community • Efficient, effective, transparent, and quality city services. • Infrastructure of adequate capacity to accommodate present and future needs. • Diverse opportunities for recreational, cultural, and economic development. • A well-managed and fiscally sound community. OUR VALUES In all respects, city government is dedicated to accomplishing its mission through: • Professionalism • Pride • Service • Fairness • Accountability This draft mission statement was written using the statements from Marion, Iowa; Pullman, Washington; and the Spokane Valley Governance Manual. Submitted by Rev. Genavieve Heywood, Pastor Veradale United Church of Christ 611N Progress Road Spokane Valley, WA 99037 OBJr,ICON to the Hydro-One proposed purchase of Avista Subject: OBJECTION to the Hydro-One proposed purchase of Avista From: Jeff Brodhead <jsbrodhead@wwdb,org> Date: 5/21/2018 12:01 PM To: "www.utc.wa.gov/comments,comments"@utc.wa.gov, "Sen. Mike Padden"<mike.padden@leg.wa.gov>, "Shea, Rep. Matt" <Matt.shea@leg.wa.gov>, "RepBobMcCaslin@updates.leg.wa.gov" <bob.mccaslin@leg.wa.gov> To the UTC Commissioners, NN N N NNNN noNNN Notice: On information and belief, this purchase of Avista Utilities may be proposed under the guise of another (foreign) utility "Hydro One Limited", but with intent to target resources (dams and other), within the boundaries of Washington State and other States, for purposes of hidden agenda. Please refrain from approval, until all possibly hidden agenda AND ITS BACKERS are investigated thoroughly AND THEN HESITATE AGAIN! MN NN r'NNN/VNNN As property owners, residing in Eastern Washington (and natural gas customers of Avista), W STRONGLY CBI EcT to and are concerned Nir the (proposed) sale of Avista to a foreign entity, especially Hydro-One! From the readings we have found, Hydro-One will be the next ENRON and possibly much worse. Please protect the energy resources of Washington State, effectively protecting the same for Idaho, Montana and these United States. Thank you. Regards, Jeff and Sally Brodhead 9711 E Mission Ave Spokane Valley, Washington jsbrodhead@wwdb.org P.S. As we are shareholders of and served by Modern Electric Water, we are very pleased with the service we receive from Modern Electric Water (a 1 of24 6/12/2018 3:51 PM }EJECTION to the Hydro-One proposed purchase of Avista co-op). We also receive great service from Avista Utilities (natural gas), though those services are rarely seen. Is there any reason, the residents of areas served by Avista cannot be given the opportunity to become THE OWNERS of the utility (e.g. a co-op), rather than the utility being sold as proposed? of 2 6/12/2018 3:51 PM CPM:0006940 Subject: CRM:0006940 From: "Roberts, Andrew (UTC)" <andrew.roberts@utc.wa.gov> Date: 5/22/2018 8:49 AM To: 170970 Jeff and Sally Brodhead <jsbrodhead@wwdb.org> Hello Jeff and Sally Brodhead, Thank you for contacting the commission. Your public comments have been received and will be made a part of the official record. To view documents associated with this case, please select "docket search" in the search bar on our website www.utc.wa.gov and enter the docket number 170970, then select the documents link. Thank you, Andrew Roberrt3 Regulatory Analyst, Consumer Protection (360) 664-1101 UthEitaes and ` rrar�sp,'citation Con-non on Respect. Professionalism. Integrity. Accountability. wvvw.utc.wa.gov of Y- F,/17/7111Rd•IVRPI .rte'" e'`e' 1`n��/Li1 7 17/4 (A)), 5-Jftor)( yg-L4 5.,( 0e7e,e .4± 5,-;-d. tst (e.)0_ ce:).1-01-- 5-(A-fp loyierei tde aerin sc.) -1-" , ) ("diftiktr ti)e-)te- (Lje:d r //zivri-rtut 1-(2- cs . A L a ill ely OffaS7TIOA) a (P.011V567 • 1 of 14(4t9d_ro6/12/2018 3:57 Pl Comments to Spokane Valley City Council on July 10, 2018 My name is Jennifer Calvert, residing at 1318 S Mica Park Dr. in Spokane Valley for more than 10 years. I have not been actively participating in coming to meetings of the Spokane Valley City Council, but the actions of the Council during its last meeting, on July 3, make me realize that I had better remedy my lack of participation immediately. I was dumbfounded when I was told about how the Council went about removing Mr. Ben Wick from the SRTC, as well as the Spokane Valley Finance Committee. Let me reiterate: it was not his removal that is the issue for me, although I do disagree with his removal because it seems to me that he is eminently qualified to be on the committee and that he is an important asset for our city on the committee; it is how the Council went about it. I watched the video of that portion of the meeting, and it was jaw- dropping to see that four members of the committee were just fine with voting on the committee changes without getting input and comments from the public. Oh, I know.... Mayor Higgins called for comments from the public, just like he is supposed to do. But since this item was NOT on the agenda, anyone who might want to comment was not informed that it would be discussed and therefore lost the ability to make a comment, since the committee voted down Ms Peetz' motion to put it on the agenda for the next meeting. (Why the hurry??). Additionally, three other members of the Council (Mr. Wood, Mr. Woodard and Ms. Haley) all apparently were fine with the total rush job, not being willing to put the item on the agenda for a meeting in which there would be more public attending and therefore making more comments. That speaks volumes, making me suspicious that this whole issue was decided previously by the four members who voted against putting it on the next agenda and then voted for Mr. Wick's removal. I wish to remind the Council members that you are all elected by the citizens of Spokane Valley... you work for US! Not the other way around! It is despicable for you to take this secret and underhanded method to get around having the public be able to give input on this motion. It is much more appropriate and transparent for the council to consider this on a night other than a study session night. You have made a mockery of the term "study session"! Sure, I realize that the rules of the Spokane Valley City Council "Game" say that Mayor Higgins can use his discretion to appoint and to remove at will, with no reasons required to be provided. But please!+w You cannot think that by doing that, you are truly best serving the people of Spokane Valley!! I'm here to say that if that's the way you want to play the game, I will work as hard as can to get you voted out and replaced by people that will truly respect the citizens, keeping us informed of the reasons behind the decisions and allowing us to help you make decisions with our input. You effectively shut us entirely out of this decision with your purposefully taking care of this item of business on a night that you knew we would not be there to object. That is shameful, and you will pay the price when the next election comes around. I hereby request that the Council reinstate Ben Wick immediately. If you really want to remove him from the RTC, you need to do it openly and honestly and with consideration of input from your constituents,.. not in secret and without stated reasons. -12-1/ Mayor---Council members First of all, thank you for your service to our community. I know how difficult it is making decisions that greatly impact our citizens and the work involved in making those decisions on a weekly basis. Having been Mayor, I do recognize that the Mayor has the duty and the responsibility, with the approval of the majority of the council, to appoint councilpersons to many regional committees throughout the county. I do not question that duty or responsibility. What I do question is the procedure in which this particular assignment was brought forward. As you can see tonight, lack of transparency in this particular action is a very real concern to many of our citizens. I would hope in the very near future that there would be a complete and accurate explanation of the reason for such a change which would also include the qualifications of the outgoing and the incoming councilman as it pertains to this position of responsibility on the SRTC board and the impact this change has on the City of the Spokane Valley. In watching the meetings of the past, I have had many feelings. Feelings of frustration sometimes, disappointment sometimes, and yes satisfaction sometimes of the decisions this council has made. But in watching this past Tuesday council meeting I experienced a different feeling, one of complete embarrassment not only for the citizens of the Spokane Valley but also for the council who is suppose to represent the citizens in all that they do. Your response to the citizens concern in this matter will indicate to everyone if your vision of the City of the Spokane Valley is the same as that of its citizens, and if we can rely and trust you in representing our best interest in the future. Again I thank you for your service to our community. Tom Towey 1111.1°111.11\1111111111k, Spokane Tilley 10210 E Sprague Avenue . Spokane Valley WA 99206 Office of the City Clerk: 509.720-5102 • cityhall®spokanevalley.org Memorandum To: Mayor and Councilmembers; Mark Calhoun City Manager From: Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk Date: July 10, 2018 Re: Comments regarding Committee Appointment Changes Although I have received several c-mails regarding the committee appointment changes made at the July 3, 2018 Council meeting,the attached e-mails are from individuals who asked that their e-mail be included in the public record for the July 10 meeting. E-mail from: 1. Lani DeLong voicing disappointment in the actions of Council at the July 3 meeting 2. Carmen Pacheo-Jones expressing concern with the removal of Councilmember Wick from the SRTC, and hope that Council will review that decision 3. Frank Coyle, commenting about the action being taken without explanation and asking for the reinstatement of Ben Wick 4. Rebekah Mason asking for reconsideration of the appointment change of Mr. Wick 5. Joan Berkowitz, opposing the change in committee appointment for Mr. Wick Chris Bainbridge From: Lani DeLong <lani_delong@comcast.net> Sent: Friday,July 6, 2018 8:43 PM To: Chris Bainbridge Subject: RE: board reassignments I apologize for being unclear. This was addressed to the council, 1 sent it to you to be part of the record. You were great. And yes, I also got my initials wrong,the SRTC. This entire episode has been unsettling and I should have reread my email more closely. Leilani DeLong From: Chris Bainbridge [mailto:CBainbridge@spokanevalley.org] Sent: Friday,July 6, 2018 4:47 PM To: 'Lani DeLong' <lani_delong@comcast.net> Subject: RE: board reassignments I have received your email and will include it as part of the record for the July 10 meeting. Since you have send this e-mail to me, I want to clarify, are you addressing your disappointment in my actions, or is this addressed to the Council? Also, please be aware that we haven't lost the chairmanship of the STA. I think you might mean the SRTC. Yes? Thank you — Chris From: Lani DeLong [mailto:lani delong@comcast.net] Sent: Friday,July 6, 2018 4:38 PM To: Chris Bainbridge <CBainbridge@spokanevalley.org> Subject: board reassignments. Please include this email in the public transcription of the July 10, 2018 city council meeting. The language for a study session reads: "Study sessions allow opportunity for Council and staff to review details and options regarding various items of business that will be brought to Council for their action at later meetings. Study sessions are conducted in a more informal meeting format and do not typically include items for action by the Council, nor time for general public comment. If action items are added to the agenda, an opportunity for public comment will be included just for those specific items." (Emphasis was my addition.) I am so disappointed in your actions at the council meeting of July 3rd. They are disrespectful to both the community of Spokane Valley and to Ben Wick personally. Your actions seem both petty and vindictive, and without concern for the 1 coming tasks concerning the bridging of the valley. We have lost the chairmanship of the STA at a time when many positive possibilities are before us. Open discourse and disagreement are vital to healthy discussion and lets us have perspective from many angles not just our own. Leilani DeLong 2 Chris Bainbridge From: Carmen Pacheco-Jones <carmen.pachecojones@yahoo.com> Sent: Saturday, July 7, 2018 1:12 PM Cc: Chris Bainbridge Subject: Fw: Regional Transportation Council Hello Chris, Can you please add my email to public testimony at the city council meeting. Thank you, Carmen Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone Begin Forwarded message: On Saturday, July 7, 2018, 9:03 AM, Carmen Pacheco-Jones<carmen.pachecojones a yahoo.com> wrote: Good Morning, As a Spokane Valley resident I am concerned about the removal of Councilman Wick from the Regional Transportation Council. Councilman Wick has done an outstanding job in this position, to be removed because of a"gut instinct" is unjust and unconstitutional. I hope that you will take the time to review your decision and act accordingly to the dignity of your position. Thank you, Carmen Pacheco Jones Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone 1 Chris Bainbridge From: Frank Coyle <fcoylel @me.com> Sent: Sunday,July 8, 2418 11:53 AM To: Chris Bainbridge Subject: Undignified As a longtime valley resident, I am quite alarmed at the vindictive behavior of some of the council members, notably the mayor. I would like to know the reasoning for the removal of one of the most qualified members from two important committees? Are you afraid you may be in danger of loosing financial control? It is amazing how we constantly hear of the Republicans "Draining the Swamp" in DC only to see they are going deeper into it and now we have the same petty nonsense going on in the Valley with our own "swamp" Mr Higgins you were re-elected with a small majority, did that not tell you something? Please remember you were elected to serve ALL the citizens of the valley, we are not here to serve you,so please do your jobs responsibly and behave like the adults you are supposed to be! REINSTATE BEN WICK NOW!! I would like this statement added to the public record. Elizabeth and Frank Coyle Members of Valley Indivisible Progressives. 1 Chris Bainbridge From: Rebekah Mason <rebekahkatmas@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday,July 10, 2018 12:53 PM To: Chris Bainbridge Subject: Fwd: FMSIB Hello Chris, I am unable to make it to tonight's city council meeting. Please include my email below in the public record. Thank you, Rebekah Mason Forwarded message From: Rebekah Mason <rebekahkatmas@gmail.com> Date: Tue, Jul 10, 2018, 12:36 PM Subject: FMSIB To: Hello, I am writing to ask you to re-consider appointing Ben Wick to FMSIB (Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board). I'm not sure why Mr Higgins took Ben off the board, but the SVCC should be listening to the community's concerns, not just the mayors. Also, it seems logical to have the city council member, with the most experience suited for the job, placed on the board, unless there is an ulterior motive. I feel that Mr Wick does an excellent job representing Spokane Valley. He is highly educated and informed for this placement and has the necessary background in transportation and freight. Ben has a great sense of integrity and I, along with many others, support him fully. Thank you for your time. Best, Rebekah Mason 1 Chris Bainbridge From: Joan Berkowitz <jberkowism©gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2018 3:41 PM To: Chris Bainbridge Cc: mayor/councilmembers; Rod Higgins; Brandi Peetz;Arne Woodard; Ben Wick; Pamela Haley; Sam Wood; Linda Thompson;Joan Berkowitz Subject: SVCC Members Conspire Against Ben Wick I was unable to attend last night's Spokane Valley City Council Meeting. Had I attended, I would have made the following statement. Please add the following statement to the public record. Thanks in advance for your assistance in this matter. Joan Berkowitz Spokane Valley Resident 509-714-3123 It has come to my attention that Rod Higgins of the Spokane Valley City Council has pulled Ben Wick from both the Regional Transportation Council and Spokane Valley Finance Committee for no apparent reason. Sadly, Council members Haley,Woods and Woodard voted in agreement to remove Ben....it appears all 4 council members conspired against Ben. Why was there no public comment or notice made of this decision? From all accounts Ben Wick has been an enormous asset to the SVCC and the Regional Transportation Council. There is no last minute substitute for the knowledge that he has accumulated in these roles. Sounds like the council members need to be reminded they are supposed to be serving the community, not the whims of the mayor or unprofessional "good ole boy" council members. The Spokane Valley community deserves better than what you have to offer. You are elected to serve the community and will be held accountable for any actions that are not held to the highest standards of professionalism. 1