8TH E 15319 EPISCOPAL CHURCH OF THE RESURRECTION ADD �,-o;��istatUS A�t,��� ENGINEE�R'S R�`vi�1��T SH.E.ET os,-H 15319 As Built Plans Received Buiidings File B99142 Road Plans Approvecl Companion Files: I�'ew Road Standards �-15-9� Mylar Rclatcd Files: Hcaring Building De�t I39900S606 Technical Review: Preliminary Revie�v: 09/23/1999 ]0:00 Type 131dg Pre-Application Laree T_ot Blclg. Square �eet Date Receivcd: 09/l7/1999 I�'o. Lats: �o. Acres Project �iame I��PISCOPf1L CHURCH OF THE RESURRECTION ADD Site Address 08TH E. 15319 1'1r. 6T11, N. STH, E. ST CHAIZLES, V�'. SUT_T_NA1�' Range-To�vnship-SecUOn: 44 25 23 f'ARCEL(S): (first 20) Applicunt Conditiuns Mailed: 4�231.2247 45231.2245 45231.2249 Tim Rundquist Ftood Zone No ��l�ater Source 10 N. Post St 601 Sev�rer Source SPOKANr, �'l�A 99201 School Dist Phone F�re Dist 1 (�09) 838-4255 Fhone Dist Owncr �.PISCOPAL CI-(URCH 1 �319 E. 8th Av VEIZADALL, �VA 99037- Bu�lcling Ph: 477-3675 Planning Ph: 477-2205 Contact: JULIE Si-IATTQ Uate Submitte llescription Initials L=ng Need Technically Complete L'no Need Harvard Rd Mitigation Cng Neeci Draina�e Plans Eng veed Traf6c Analysis Eng Veed Other I�r�g f�ay Fees Received Fng Final Plat �ees Completed Copy to Accounhn� I�ng priority I�ees Rece�ved Notice to I'ublic N�tice to Public 1 3 4� 6 Completed or Needs to be s�gned Design Deviatian Dates (In-Out) tiond quanties Tor draina�e item calculated Hearing Date Uccision App I�en Cond Appld I3CC Appealed to QCC Decision App Den Cond Appld Court Appealed to Court Decision A�p Den Cond Appld Stamped ���ylars t� Secretary (Sandy) Stamped 208 Lol Plans to Secretaiy (Sandy) �3_ w 9p �r,� -1�. I�L� �'G���iQ ���s s _a�_9� S� s .�'r��� S�-' ��-°O I'� c�,r.� �^---/�n %�1� r� 990(18(06 [�t�� n Date: 11/�2/19 Pagc 1 of 2 �ro�cct Nun bc �p�JJ11Ca� O TFIIS IS VOT A PERMIT Penalties will be assessed for commencing work �vithout a permit 1 L�O/L• ........ti11.1. C{� ..J.•L:•.�.ti�vY••:•:: •l.�:.�::J:.:�.�:.1�.�.`::.�.14•.ti411L•.`.M1•.YY.Y: V:.Y:.Y::::.�•: ;;V�M1V:�� Pro�ect Inform Permil Usc: CHURCH ADDITIOY Cont�ct: Tlvi RUl�1DQUIST Address: 10 N POST, STE GO1 Setbacks: Front 1�5 Lcft: Right: 92. Rear: NA C- S- Z SPOKANE WA 99201 Phone: (SU9) 83$-4255 .::.::::.::::.:.:�.::.:.:.:�.::.:�:�:::::::::::::::::::::..:..�:::.:..:::.:.....:::::::...:..::.::::.:::.::::.:�.:....:..::::.::.::...:.::-:L...... Scte Infornzatcon r..,..........- ..................r..................... ::4 �i i `.'�':.�::.':.�:1.':!.�::}::l::::::l Plat Key: 002751 Name: VERA District: S P�rccl Number: 45231.2247 SiteAddress: .15319 E 8TH AVE O«�ner: Name: EPISCOPAL CI3URCH VERADALE, WA 99037 Address: 15319 E 8TH AVE Location:: VER VERADALE, WA �9037 Zoning: UR-3.5 Urban Residential 3.5 Watcr District plQ V�RA Hold: Area: 0 Sq Ft Wicith: 0 Dcpth: 0 Right Of Way (h): 0 Nbr of Bldgs: 1 Nbr �f D�vellings: (1 r.Yf:`1:1:....... n: ti o ia rn v v In vi e eti R f De�artment Revie��� BUCLDING Re���e��� Coordinator Comments' BUILDING Plan Rc��ie��� Z Comments: BUILDING Landuse Revie��• Comments: l 1 c BUIL.DING En��ironmcntal (SEPA) J Comments: ENGINEER Site Drainage Re�•ie��� _�ci� ���C!�o_ 1_ ENGINEER approach Pcrmit COIllIIlEIl1S: r��..c� 1 UTILITIES litilities (se���er) Q C� f l. 2 l V. r�j\� i l.� l �7 �--F-" tii ;�:-��t I ,►�`C� COIIlY31CIlt$: C {r L.` 2 t�. �L FIRE UISTRIC�i' Fire District Rcvic��� 1 a V �.�J COIllIllClitS C 1 L l f I ti J l .ti l. t.- F ��TTER �F �RAl�T�iVIITTA� Cvur�ty �r�gineers I��vember ],�i, 19�9 I Jae] i,ee, �'.E. :11rCetro En�ineerin�, Inc. f�4-�15� �e. ,Road Starm Pl�an R��i��v �uret�r �stim��e E�ai�coFal �hur�� Addition �5�19 L�. 8th Jaej, hav� re�ri�we� ya�r dra�nage report and civil plan recent�y su��ni�ted. The si�� drain�ge plan and re�art are in a�r�erall camp��ance wjth the Spokane �ounty `�iS14�'. The road imgrovements meet the �p�kane �ounty `�RS�"' �ith the ea���p�ion of th� pa�ement s��tivr�. A�enu� is de��gnated as a Minor Arteri�.l an the �rterial �oac� �lat�. �Che applicabl� pavement sectior� is the minimum a�ter�a.] s��tio� per �a�e �4 of t�e r�ad �tandards. An iC �qu�l or better" alt�rnative �ectia� rn�.y be u�ed to e��m�i�ate the t�rra pa�i�rg �na�eria�i� for the srna�l �rno�nt �o�`pa�ing �nv�lved. �See �nc�osec� �arl� �Tp} A p�rfarmance �ur�t� for th� ��unt�r rc�ad ianprovement� will be nec��sary shauld a building permi� be destr�d p� to com�letion of th�ir c�ns�� The su�ety amount has �een �stimated and is encl�sed. Please f�rw�ard t� tt�� app�opriate developer �g�nt. P�ease submit �(3} paper capie� af the re�i�ed plan fc�r a�c�ptance f�r cnnstr�ction arrd p�rmittin�. The Engineers can ma�e a�r di�risi�� r�lease ❑f the b�ilding permi� upvn pian acceptance and rece�pt o�t�e suret�. I may �ae reac�red at 477-'�257 ar at ��?-'��55 (fax}. �in�e� Ga�ry 1Vyberg, P�an Rev�ev�r E�gineer :�nclasu��s: .��r�C-�I� �3ravving Surety E�t�rnate gwnlg:lcomrnents:b99 ��r 1.d�c �l�O BOND ESTIMATE 1 PROJECT: 8TH AVE. EPISCOPAL CHURCH NAME: gwn/Metro Engr. DATE 16-Nov-99 DRAINAGE ITEMS UNITS QUANTITY PRICE COST 1) Drywell Type A EA 1350.00 0.00 2� Drywell Type B EA 1700.00 0.00 3) Grate Type 1 EA 320.00 0.00 4) Grate Type 2 EA 345.00 0.00 5) Grate Type 4 EA 300.00 0.00 6) Backfill For DW CY 17.25 0.00 7) Concrete Inlet EA 800.00 0.00 8) C.M. Pipe 10" Dia. LF 24.00 0.00 9) C.M. Pipe 12" Dia. LF 27.00 0.00 10) C.M. Pipe 15" Die. LF 29.00 0.00 1 1) C.M. Pipe 18" Dia. LF 30.00 0.00 12) Precast Manhole EA 1500.00 0.00 13) Solid lid EA 325.00 0.00 14) Ditch Excavation CY 10.00 0.00 15) Sod SF 0.70 0.00 NON STANDARD DRAINAGE ITEMS 1) Wilbert Vault Curb Inlet EA 250.00 0.00 2) 0.00 3) 0.00 4� 0.00 5) 0.00 g) 0.00 DRAINAGE SUBTOTAL 0.00 16) Monuments EA 185.00 0.00 17) Barricade LF 35.00 0.00 18) Street Signs EA 90.00 0.00 OTHER SUBTOTAL 0.00 GRADING, SURFACING, CURB, AND SIDEWALK 19) Rough Grade CY 40.00 10.00 400.00 20) Top Course CY 20.00 15.50 310.00 21) Base Course CY 20.00 15.50 310.00 22) Asphalt Concrete Tons 55.00 46.00 2530.00 23) Curb Type A LF 7.50 0.00 24) Curb Type B LF 8.50 0.00 25) Curb Type R LF 8.50 0.00 26) Sidewalk SQ YD 17.50 0.00 NON-STANDARD ROAD ITEMS 1) Sawcut Remove Existing Pavement LF 2.50 300.00 750.00 2) Replace Existing Approach LS 1.00 750.00 750.00 3 0.00 4) 0.00 GRADING AND SURFACING 5050.00 CONSTRUCTION TOTAL S 5,050.00 SURETY AMOUNT S 5,000.00 4 i y f.i h �J 1 N 1 i RU1�DW�1Y� CONS1'RUC'I'!ON BONI)-SPUICANE CQUN'I'Y f llo���l N�. F A 7 9 5 7 s��ok�l�e ca c��b����er r�i� i� S C 19 0 2 6 II/ 12 4 718 KNOW ALL DY TI�ICSE P1tESEN'I'S, lli��t (�lci�el���cr), �s "1'RINC�I'AL," Ronald W. Rosenberqer, Jack L. Ni�lom dba: Ponderosa Construc�:ion ar�ci BONDING CUNIPANY Con .r��t�_Fio i np a�d �nsurance Comnanv a corporation organized a��d cxistiii� widcr tl�e (aws nf Uie Sl�tc of W a�h i L1,q t o n ancl autl�oriz.ed to tr�ns�ct a surety busi�iess in tl�e Slate of Wasl�inglon, ns "Surety," �re held �t�cl firn�ly bourid unlo 4 �Yti Spokai�e County, political subciivisio�� oC ll�e State of �V�sliii�glo�i, ns "Obligce," in tlic pcnnl su�n of r, j• i;:: ..1,,. Y. i. i v e T h o u s a n d a n d 0 0/ 10 0 1)oll�rs (S 5, 0 0 0. 0 0-�- �1: r i .f��t,ri'� ;'i Y. �.�j. :la�vful'�itoncy of.�tt�c',Un�tcd;Slnlc of Ai��cr�cr� tor ilte p�yi�iciil.a� �r�1�iwli��ha�Pci�ic�p�l'� ��tI�S ��t�',� it l i ��jl ri�`.;� �Y �tn°� a.�'�.r, rw..:.-•. h' i,� ';����:`�t;,-1ie�r�� �c' r�� �c����ii��st,r St1CCQS50iS.titt�I `nssi6i�s;,,jotntt�.t�rid�sa�r's�!ly; .t�r��1,�` t� 1; i t-,`:�•�w 'y:: 1 ���4�..��.r �v ^a.- j.�T.� t', x.' a.,�.a.,��,.,f 1 •d' ',C" ��Z .Ia+��' �N tt, ��6`t h �tny ur J a n u a rv �y r' I A, ��L ='t. y,ws; 'c n r'�h. BONDING COh�iPANY: S'�ontracto�s Qond i ng and I nsurance ComaAnv ���,�r�s4: 1213 Val 1 ey Street, PO Qox 9271 Ctry, Sc��c: S e a t t 1 e, ��J A z��► Co�tc: n q_ n�� i Pl�oncff: 206-622-7053 509-326-2244 I3y: J ��C�r,.C'J,,< Mark S Hz��i tt 1�itle: Attorne.y-i n-Fact I�RtNC1P�1L (cicvclo>>cr): P o n d e r s o a C o n s 1; r u c t i o n �cici�css: 72-74 E. Mi 1 es Avenue Cily, St��tc: wayden Idaho zi Cocle: �33�i35 ['I�onc�l: 208-772-5018 lU Z�� i o i }f J�•� A t O l< N L q 91 ,�i C C7 �a` ��1 U N 1 l DIVISION O� �NCINE:[RiNG Ai�JL� ROnDS n I�i>>isiorv or'r�-�►� I'u��i_ic Wou�:s I�r•i�nu�r�+•ii:Nr �Nilli�ni I�. Johns, !'.E., County Cn�inccr I�cnnis A•1. Scotl. P.L'•., I�irrrtu� I� .�.GR�EMEN TO 1. 1 .l' J.1 I �NGINL;LR'S AG1Z�Ln�iLNT NUM�3�It This a ree»>ent becw�en S okac�� Count acicl ��E ���o�°r9L E� y t�rrs�ir c-�i U�'�/hl UC ?HC L�L���Z'�-"Il 0�1� �vliose interest in tl�e pr�ject is ��r� ��t� P/LcUrL ��.e. u�ve,er, ageiu, eic.� is ci�terccl into tl�is l�`�� ciay oF �C�'`��C��'� 19 ."I'l�is abrcement is ��pplicablc to tl�e pcuject k�lo�vl� as: �r�s�r �r�c `I'l�at tl�c it�clividuals ai�d parcics named I�crein as li�vin� a�� interest in tlie above clescrit�ed prop�rty or �rojcct a�rec to tl�c f�Ilowij��: 1. Reimbursc Spokane Cou►�ty for �roject rcview and inspcctio�i fe�s as s��ecifiecl in Cl�aptrr 9.14 of tlic Spokane Counly Code. The fe�s will be based on actual salary costs incurrccl by Spokane COUII(y C01' �I'O�CCI I'CVICIVS 111(J Of II1SOCCtlOI1S 1)IUS �l ten percent adniinistrativc cliar•gc, and �vill be billec] ii�oull�ly as accruecl. flny billinb atnouiits clue, incluclin�; ai�y expeilses i�icuri•ecl in ti�e collectioii oF an overduc FICCOUII� ii�ust be paici E�rior to tl�e County's �ccept7iicc of tl�e project f�r filii�g. If a proj�ct is approvecl �c�d/or fil�d willi a balance still o�vin�, the unpaid balai�ce sl�all be j���icl witliin 30 d�iys of the invoice clatc. 2. '1'I�c uncicrsignecl abrecs that llies� [ccs arc clue a��cl ��ayablc upon recei��t �f tlic billin� as s��cciCiccJ ��buve. 3. nny invoiccs i�oc paicl tivitliiii 30 clays of ll�c; invoicc cla�c �vill �c coiisicici ciclinyucnt. IC aiiy outstanciin� balance oci tlie accoui�t for tliis project is iiot paid witl�in 30 days �f the invoice clace, i:� �'t:r�licc� rcvic:v3 c�f l!?c O�rc.�jcc! ctuc�lnici�ts wili Uc c�n�iuctccl ui�til tf�c cr�lic•c accuuut �al���tcc is paicl. Any balanee on elie aecount for this projeet not paicl �vitl�in GS cla�ys of the invoiee clate �nay i�esuit ir� lc�;al action ur tlie inili��tio�� of �ll�cc collectiou ��cuceclures, i►�clucli��b rc;fcrral t� a eollection age�iey. 'I'he Sponsor will be liable 1'or a��y ancl �ill exE�e��ses incurrccl by tl�e Couiity for the collectio�i of overdue accoui�ts. 4. 'I 'l�e n�ontl�ly billin� shoulcf.be sent to tl�e atte»tioi� of: N A M C: �HC ,��/S�.C�/-'i�c, U/1Gt� Ut= %C�� 1 l 0�v �DDRESS: /�3 �q !�i C1TY, STA'1'E: V��Y.I-Ac.c A_1�� ZII' C4DE: l'E-IONE f!: ��OG 1 �Z�"�0`�s(J I unclerstat�d li�at fai(ure to pay tliese fees may result iii clelay ii� complctioi� or a����roval of cl�e I�roj�ct or o�l�cr possible sa�iccions. O lt tllis f�e agrEet»ent is cotnpleted by someone otl�er tli�ui tlie Sponsor (i.c., tl�e project oweter or a principal i�� tlie firm sponsoring the project), such ��s tl�e E���i��eer clesibnin� llic project, ti�en �vritten autliorizatioi� fro►�i tlie Sno�isor specilically �iutli�riziub ilie Abeiit t� cxccute tliis �ec �lbrecnicut is auached to tltis I=ec AbreEmei�t. SIGNATURE By: v �d �t�'. T:�2/ 19�1 I l2.� /l,� (PRINT NAMC) 1tL'1'UIZN I'LLLO�'Y COI'Y 'r0 SI'OKANL COUN'1'Y LNGIN�L1tS k��a�reefee.�oc 2I1/9G 1 U2G ��Y I3ruaclw.�y Avc S���lcan� ��'A 992GU-U I7U (SU�) 45G-3GUU 1� �1Y: (SU9) 45G-22�3 '1'llll: (SU9) 324-31 GG r r� Notice of Application The Spokane County Divisio�i of Buildin� and Plannin� (Revie�v Authoriry) has published this �lotice of Application to pro>>ide the opportt�nity to comment on the described proposal. The comment period is 14 calendar ciays from the dat� issued during ���hich u�ritten comments may be submitted to the Re�-ie�v Authority. The file may be eYamined behveen the llours of 5:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. 1�londay throu�h Friday (except holidays) at the Division of Bui(ciins anci Planning offices in thE Public ���orks Building, 1026 tiV. Broad�vay, Spokane ��'ashington. Questions may be dirrcted to the Project Coordinatoi listed belo�v. PRO.TECT 99008b06 O��'vEit: �.PISCOP�IL CHURCH PH��1F: (�09) 000-0000 CONT�CT: TIVI RINDQUIST PHO\E: (�09) 835-425� aPPLICFITION D��'E: 14-Sep-99 DETER1vII�f1T10\ OF COI�IPLETEtijESS: 02-No��-99 SITE ADDRESS: 1�319 E 8TH AVE GE�ER4L LUC�TION: Sec-23 T�4 Range-44 PEIRCEL �(Ui��IB�R: 45231.2247 PE20JECT: CHLTRCH ADDITIO� 70�TI\jG: UR-3.� O"CHER PER���iITS: na FURTHER STUll[ES: na E\�VIRONV1FtFTAL DOCUv1E�ITS: Review of existin� de��elopment reaulations. proposal zoning, and typical recotnmended conditions and/or miti�atin� measures indicate the likely State Environmental Policy Act tlueshuld determination will be a Determination of Nonsignicance. �VRITTE�i COvINIEti�TS: �`'ritten comments may be submitted regardiiig the proposal and the enviromental revie��� process. All comnie�lts rrcei��ed �vithin 14 calendar days of the date issued belo�v �vil! be considered prior to rnakin� a decision on this applicatiun. Pursuant to �VAG197-11-35� this may be the onlu conunent perniiod for this project. DEV�LOP��I�NT REGULATI0�1S: Spokane County Zonin� Code, Spokane Counry Subdivision Ordinance, S�okane COl1riTV Standarcls for Roads and Sewer Construcrion, Spokane County Guidelines for Storn�water i��Ianaoemenc atid tlie re`ulations of t��e Spoka+le Re�ional Health District are the primary re�ulations applicable to site cie�jelopment. CO�ISISTAt1CY: ln consideration of the above referenced development regulations and typical conditions ancilor miti� measures, the propasal is found to be consisten with the "type of land use", lc:vel of development", infrastructure", and "character of development". ACTIO�: This decisian is not subject to a fi�h�re public hearin�. REVIE�ti% AUTIIORITI ]ulie Shatto Aruject Coordinatar James L.lvianson, Director Spokane County D�ivision of Buildin� and Planniil� 1026 �Vest Broad�vay A��enue Spokane, ��'.�199260-00�0 (�09)477-3675 ;,o, o Datc,� Isstte�l: S'i�itttturc�: J.__1__..�� v- ti t i �.�1�, �1"��T�C��Nf�I�iT.A� �HE�I{�.�5'� �`1��� 19�-1 �.��b� S�o��rr� �.nvironrner�ta� C�rc�inan�e Secti�n I �0.23D�1� �'�Ri'05E �?F ��1��'C��.��' '�'l�e Stat� �nviror�me�i�a�-�alicy �c� {�E��} chapt�r 43.�1� RCU�, �eq�ires �Il goverrzrnen.�al ag�n�ies �c�nsid�r eh� en�ir�z impacts o� a prop�s�l 6efar� making decisions, �1n �n�irt�n.m�n�a1 frr��rac� sxat��n��t {LI�} rnust '�e prep�red f�r al� proposals with probab�e significan� ac�verse srnpacts or� the quali�y� of th� en�►iranrnene. �'he �urpose of this checkli�� is �o p�-o�ide ir�f�rrnatior� �o he�p yQu �nd ��e a�ency ��e��i�y impac� fro� y�ur prapvsal �and t�a redu�e �r a�roid irnga�zs from t�� pr�posal, i� c�n be dc�nc� and t� 1��tp t�� a�enc� d�cide �vh�t,�xer an F�� is re�uir��i. ��'�TST"�:C1C7'�[��� A,�'1'L�"�'�1N�` �"l�is envxronmer��a� �he�klist asks you t� .desc�-ibe same �asic ir��arma�i�r� a�au� �r�ur proposal_ �overnmen�al a�encies u�� this ��ecl�ist �cr deterr�ine whct�e� tlie enviro�rne�t�1 i�npacts �r �a�r pr�p�sa� are signific:�nt, rer�uirin� ���p�rati,an c�f an �I�. �ns��r the questxan� briefly, wit�i the rn�s� pr�cisc iz��arma�ir�n k.no��t�, ar �ive the 6est d�scri�tiar� you c�.ns �o� must ans��r eac� ques�ian �ccurate�y and care���ly, to the ���t o� your 1 _�no�led�e. most c:�.ses, you s�oult� ��e able to ar���er �he �}uestionS �r�� y�ur owr� �bser���,tion� ar pr'aj�� p�ans �Fit�:vu� t��e ne�d �o kir� e�cper�s. you r�al�y do r�ot kr�n�v t�e answ�r, c�r if a qu�s�i�� does n�� �pp�y to your pro�c�sa�, ��rite ""�da not kno�v" or "daes nat apQl�". �otnp�et�e ans�cv�rs t�e �uesCiar�s naw ,r:�ay �vc�id u��c�ssaty dela�s �at�r. ��orr�e queszions ask �bo�� g���rnmenza� r�gulations, suc� as ��ning, sfia�elinc, and 1�.n�1rna� c�esigr��uons. A,ns��Fer th�s� qu�stion, i� ��u can. If ya� l�av� o�lems, th� governr�ental agen�:ies c� �ssi�t you. The �h�ec4�i�t q����cians apply� to alI pa� a� ��aur prvpos�l, even if yau ���n x� do ther� o�er periad �f tirz�e o� vn di�rerene parc�l� �of land. .�.�tach an�r additianal informatian that �vill h��p c�escri�re �our p�o�os�l or i�s env�ranfnencal �ffect,�, �'�e agcn�� ta which �ou submit t�iis che�k�ist �nay ask �o� �o explain y�ou�` �s�rez �r p��uid� a�diti�n� �nft�rrr�a�is�n re�son.�b�� related �c� de�'�rm�n�ng there ma� be si�r�i�zc�n� adverse ir��pact. �,I.�� C}F C'�ECI�r�S'�"F[�R ��f�I�I1'RC�TE�7'PR�PQ.�ALS: Coir�g���e this che��ist �or r�or�-pr�j��� p�o�asals, even thaugh qu�szion� ma� be ans�v�re� "does �ot �.pp��." L�T �1�F�TTIU�i, e��'nplete �t��e SCTPT'�..E�E��'AL SI-�ET FC7R i�t��°PRQ]EL1 AC`FIO!d5 �part I��. ��r nan-pro�e�-r �.cu�ns t�e r��er�r�c�s in �he c�ie��tli�t t� t�ne �ror�Is "pro��ct, ��agPlar_�nt,'� �nd. �roge�% or �it� 5�1D1?�{� �l� f��C� 3S prc�gc�sa� 16 �3r€�T�7C1S�C a i 3.fiC� TM r�i fecte.c� g�o�raphic: �rea, ��5�7�CClV�l�{, y 1 L, i �1 A. BACKGROUND FrLE/PRO,�CTNO. 1. Name �of proposcd project, if applicable: �/��of'� G�r� �1 0� 7�-' v�� �t 5 9 �.L=ar �t 2. Name of applicant: C k� G,�U�'....�� 3. Address and phone number of applicant and contact person: �y/c/ �s' �r.� GO 1r� I� l l /�`I l.J �?C.1 i� t�' �J' 4. Date checklist prepared: 5. Agency requesting checklist: 1�I��?.1 L-�' C/%✓�'Y 1� /.J1 r-� I-'� i.� �v,� r�,0. 6. Proposed timing or schedule (including phasing, if applicable): j�} o�; �u r1 a�. �-1 "-t `a il t�- t tr z o 0 0 Spoklnc Environnae��31 Ordina.nce Chccklist Page 1 of 19 R r A. BACKGROUND �concinucd�: 7. a. Do you have any plans for future additions, expansion, or further activity related to or connected with this ptoposal? If yes, explain. b. Do you own or have options on land nearby or adjacent to this proposal? If yes, explain. /1 8. Y.ist any environmental information you know about that has been prepared, or will be prepared, directly related to this proposal. �r��L� J �i�.�-'"`�i l� %'�l'-�i^ fi�' 9. Do you know whether applications are pending for governmental approvals of other proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposal? If y�s, explain 10. List any government aoprovals or permits that will be needed for your proposal, if known. C�1 G. �/�lr' f �'�—'�=�.�''4 Spokane Environmcnca� Ordinance Chc:chlist Page 2 of 19 1 i' 1 A. BACKGROUND �concinued�: 11. Give a brief, complete description of your proposal, including the proposed uses and the size of the project and site. There are several questions later in this checklist that ask you to describe certain aspects of your proposal. You do noc need to repeat those answers on this page. ��'9 �'a /�Y>�J �l �'/�J �'"O ��"l �:1t� �G�r'�'l�-�.<= Gc.�/ �'r�. /�,l.�t..�.� �`.���1�-� �T `��R-/,� L�-�v��l����_/�- 12. Location of the proposal. Give sufficient information for a person to understand the precise location of your proposed project, including a street address, if any, and section, township and range, if known. If.a proposal would occur over a range of area, provide the range or boundaries of the site(s). Provide a.legal description, site plan, vicinity map, and topographic map, if reasonably available. While you should su6mit any plans required by the agency, you are not required to duplicate maps or detailed plans submitted with any permit application rela�ed to this checklist. ✓��;�'.f f�. ?�7 �,.7 W t l IP V2..� d �..P �i C� !i` L.� l �J 7 `l� "t.�°7--� =��1;P�.l�rr i •t l�l �.l> /�-i� N� 1 `t '�U �,!1 /?..`1"'�►� 13. Does the p�oposed acrion lie within the Aquifer Sensitive Area (ASA�? The Priority Sewer Service Area? The City of Spokane? (See: Spokane County's ASA Qverlay zone Atlas for boundaries�. ,rt �c �1�' 1� `-t�?'1'� 1 Spokane �nvironment:�l Ordinance Cnec�:lisc Pagc 3 of 19 EVALUATION FOR AGENCY USE ONLY TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT B. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS: 1. EARTH a. General description �of the site (circle one): flat, rolling hilly steep slopes, mountainous, other: Lt�; Y"���t�a i`-' �7J �s� t °t� D b. What is the steepest slope on the site (appro�mate percent slope)? C� l, _n c: �Xlhat general cypes of soils are found on the site (for example, clay, sand, gravel, peat, muck}? If you kno�v the classification of agricultural soils, specify them and note any prime farmland. /wiJ' r�:.! �"_.._•�"9'�! �j 1 �L�L.-� y ...a� S +a�'a p I� d. Are there surface indicauons or nistory of unstable soils in the immediate viciniry? If so, describe. e. Describe the purpose, type and approximate quantities of any filling or grading proposed. Ind.icate source of fill. 1=1 f��L— /l�3'L�J 1a.('���/�r s,•-..� f f �i`� i l l��xJ �-9,�;��� ,I f. Could erosion occur as a result of clearing, construction, or use? If so, generally describe. l�.J (Q Spokane Environn�entai Ur�inancc Checl:list Page 4 of 19 EVALUATION FOR AGENCY USE ONLY B. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS (Continued): g. About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces aher projecL construction (for example, asphalt or buildings)? g� h. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion, or other impacts to the earth, if any: 111U 2. AIR a. What type of emissions to the air would result from the proposal (i.e., dust, aucomobile, odors, in�ustrial, wood smoke) durir�g construction and when the project is completed? If any, generally dcscribe and give approxunate quantities, if known. t�t��'7� b. Are there any off-site sources of emissions or odor that may affect your proposal? If so, generally describe. l�,�') c. Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to air, if aiiy: l��i v S�okane E►�vironmr:nt:�! Ordin::�-:cc Checklist Pa�e 5 af 19 CVALUATION �'OR AGENCY USE ONLY B. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEVIENTS (Continued): 3. WATER a. Surface: 1) Is there any surface water body on or in the immediate vicinity of the site (including year-round and seasonal streams, saltwater, lakes, ponds, wetlands)? If yes, describz type and provide names. If appropriate, state what stream or river it flows into. 2) �Xlill the project require any �vork over, in, or adjacent to (within 250 feet) the described �vaters? If yes, please describe and attach available plans. Iv 3) Estimate t��e amount of fill aad di material that �vould be placed in or removed from surface �vater or wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would be affected. Indicate the source of fill macerial. 4) Will the proposal require surfa�e water �vithdrawals or diversions? Give general description, purpose, and approxi.mate quantities if known. S) Does the proposal lie Rfirhin a 100-year floodplain? If so, note location on the site plan. f�-'� Spokane En��ironmencal Ordir::.-�ce Cnecklist Page 6 of 19 r E1���..L�ATION Ff]R AG��VCY USE �[�L1C EIVVIR�]NMENTA,L £.L�MEI�"TS [Continucd)= �o�s tk�e prop��a� in�c�Ive ar�y disch�.rg�s c�f waste rnaterials t� sur�ace �vaters? so, descri�� tk�e type of� �raste ar�d anxi�ipat�d valume o� di��harg�. b. �roua�d: 1} �i11 gro�,nd�ater �re �ithdra�vn, or wrill wa�er b� disc�iar��d ta grou�ti water? �i�e general des�cription, purpos�, ��1� ��3�3I'C1Xi�I'1��� (�Ll�[1�1C1�5 il xIT{l'9VI1_ D�s��ib� �sraste mat�rial �t��t' will be r�i��harge� in�c� the �rour�d f��r� septic �an�s or a��er sax�it�ry wast� treatrr�ent fa�ili�. L��scrib� the gener�I size a� �e s�rs�em, th� nurr�ber of su�k� th� nu�'ber o� ho�ses to be s�i ��f app�ica6i��, or t�e nurnb�r o� persons t�e �st�rr��5� are expect�d Ca serv�e. L�escri6� an� s�s��ms, ❑rh�r tl�an ��ios� d�si�ne� for the d��pc�s�1 of s�.nitary �cvast�, inst�li�d fQr t�e �urpos� disc�a�g�n.g fluids �e�ow t�e ground sur�a�e �i�ncludin� sy�s��rns suc�i �s t��se ��r t.�e di�pc�sal a� stQrrn wate� ar �rair���e fram �lo�r dr�ai�is}. Desc� che type ❑+f sy�em, amo��� of �n��eri�. �c� b� -di�po�ed of �h.raug� th� ��s�ern a�d types of ���enals l.ikel� �o be dispased a� �ir�c��dii�g �a��na�s w�.�c�x m�y �nt�r �the s��t�ra i���ver��nr1� �ehrvu�h spills or as result af fire figk��in.� a�tivit�es �pokitr�t� �n�firo��rt�era�� �rc€in:��e �h�c��isz �'age o� 19 ���►�v�Tio�r r�r� 9 AG���T� �J�� C�I�L�' ��I�IR4I��VIEIV� A�. �L,E�E�TTS (Ca�#�ntsed�: 1�i11 any c�.�micaYs �espe�ial�y► argar�ic s�lver�zs �rr p�tro�eurx7 fi�els� �tvred �n abvve graunt� or underground s��rag� t�n�s? If sc�, vv�tat types and �uan�ities o� mater�als wil� 1be stored? 5� �h�t p� mea�ures �vi�� be tdke� �c� en�u�r� t�iat le�ks or spi��s �f an}� cherr�.icals �t�red ar used on sfte �ill nat 6e ��o�wed �a percalate grc��n�wat�� ��his ir�clude� measur�s tc� �e�g cherzti���s aut o�t �is,pasal syst�ms d�s�ribed in 3b��� and 3b{3�? S c. �.�Ta�er Runo�f �i�cluc�ing �torrn w�ter} 1� �escribe th� so�.rce af runo�� ��nc�uding s�c�rm �vater� and rt3etho� of �ollectian, a�.d, dispa�sa�, it ar�� �inclu�e quan�it�es, i� �nown�. 1�h�re �ill this �vate� flo�r? �kll this water t��ar into oth�� �-a�e�'s? I,f s�, desc�ibe. �1 f-f �fill an� ch�r�i�als �e s�o� harfd�ed c�F used 4n th� �iz� i� Io�atian �h�r� a�pil� or ieak wil� dr�in, �a surface or �ro�snd�va��r ar a star� �v�.��r d�pasa.l systern ��scha.rgzn� ta skarf�.ce �r groundwa��r? �l �ould �as�e rz e�ter �r�tsnd or �u�fac� waters? s�, gen�ra�� descr�b�. �pakar�� ���virocz�r�ent:�l OrdtE�:�nce ��eck��st �'age S o� 19 EVALUAT[ON FOR AGENCY USE OI�1LY B. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS (Continued): d. Proposed measures to reduce or control surface, ground, and runoff water impacts, if any (if the proposed action lies within the Aauifer Sensitive Area be especially clear on explanations relating to facilities concerning Sections 3b(4), 3b(5), and 3c(2) of this checklist). Z v ��l� /t �,.7 U.1 L r- 4. PLANTS a. Check or circle types of vegetation found on the site: �C, deciduous tree: alder, maple, aspen, other evergreen tree: fir, cedar, pine, other �!t shrubs grass pasture crop or grain w�t soi� plants: cattail, buttercup, bullrush, skunk cabbage, other water plants: �rater lily, eelgrass, miifoil, other other types of vegetation b. What kind and amount of vegetation will be removed or altered� t f=,� k l.r ls 1 L `q,.:�l '`i`�,..�f ��~i�u� l t 4 1 t_� f f'_�, i� t (�'�..�-`---.E..1 �..,��..t�-..} l�;'� i�../ t�a. c. List threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. d. Proposed landscaping, use of native plants, or other me ures to preserve or enhance vegetation on the site, if any: 1���� �=I��_ Y J l 1 I i Y ti �f S �i R a Spokane �nvironcz�en�a! Ordi�ance Checl:l�s� Pa�c 9 of 19 E�AL�JATI(]IV �'�T�. x ACEf�1CY U�� 4���' P, ENVIF��IVVSEN�A,L �LE11+IEi�lTS ��ass�inu�d): 5. �NIi1l��L� a. Ci��1e any �ird� and anirnaIs which h��� �ee�r observ�d or� or n��r t��e site or �.re kno�vn ta bc on or r�ear the site: �ir�s: ha�rk, �ierc�n, ea�I�, songbit Qther: imamma��: d��r, bear, elk, 6eav�r, �tl��r: fish: bas�, salmon, �rour., h�rring, ��e��fi�h, ot�ier; b. �.ist any threatencd or �ndangerecl speci,es kn�wn to b� on or ne�r t�e site. Is the sit� par� �f a�.igrativn r�ut�� If s�, explair�. d. �'rc�pos�ci measures t� preserve �r enhance wildlif�, if �.n�. EN�R�Y A�ID Y�iA1�.A�. �ESC��.1RC�'S a. �T��t k,�.nds ener� {�lectric natural gas, �il, wo�t� �t�ve, solar� �il� be u�ed �o ��e� [�e campl�tec� �rojec�'s erierg}r �e��s? Describc w�ez�er it wi� �e use� �vr heati�g, manufacfiu.r�.ng, ctc. p� r� j r���� 1'�`..�� �.�.r� 4�. 4' r''4 j a .f��[r S a^S.�.lr �!Y i r r Ail� }i� 9 P b. �Io��d y�o�r �r�j��t ���t t�x� p�te�tia� u�� o� st��ar energ�'by adjacer�� �r��er�i�s� If sa, gener��}� describe. S�c���ne �zivironm�L c:�l C�r�lna�.c� �:�ec�:yis� Pa�e 1D o� 1� j EVALUATION FOR AGENCY USE ONLY B. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMLNTS {Continued): c. �What kinds of energy conservation features are included in the plans of this proposal? List other proposed measures to reduce or control energy impacts, if any: r�. 7. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH a. Are there any environmental health hazards, including exposure to to}cic chemicals, risk of fire and explosion, spill, or hazardous waste, that could occur as a result of this proposal? If so, describe. 1) Describe special emergency services that might be required. l+..l ,f�...�� 2) Proposed measures to reduc� or control� environmental health ha�ards, if any: b. Noise 1) What types of noise exist in the area which may affect your project (for example: traffic, equipment, operation, other)? �a 't� 2) What rypes and levels of noise would be created by or associated with the project on a shon-term or a lona term ba.�is (for example: traffic, construction, operation, other)? Indicate �vhat hours noise �vould come irom the site i/ �•t..�` ��d Ci s t 1 i.� v t„�-,• �,ft_0 �s' -O�� 1 s 0 If" ,d Spokane Enviconmental Ordi:l�.nce Chec!�:list Page 11 of 19 EVALUATION FOR AGENCY USE ONLY ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMCNTS (Continued): 3) Proposed measure to reduce or control noise impacts, if any: 8. LAND AND SHORELINE USE a. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties? �`c. t�� �-_.°�""'1 �4: �..s 6. Has the site been used for agriculture? If so, describe. c. Describe �ny structures on the site. 1 -'1 t�`.�°t�'��°' d. ��Vill any structures be demolished? If so, which? e. ��1hat is the current zoning classification of the site? S -:'r'.- Spokanc nvironnien:zl Ordin:��ce Checklist Page 12 0� 19 r I �����lATIOiV FC�FL AGENCY USE C)1�LY ��'�EVI�OIV�II�NTAL ELEAr1`iENTS (�ontinued)= f. VJhat is che �urren� �omp���ier�siv� �'lan �iesign�tion of �he �ite? g. a�pli�a�l�, v��iat i5 t�� �currenz shore�ine rn�ter p�ograx�. desi�na�ic�n of the site? r h. Has �ny par-� �f �he site b�en classi�ie� as an "e.nvi�onrnenta��� sen�itave° area? �f so, sp�ci�. P�� i, 1�ppr�ximatel.y haw r�any peaple �ould resid� �r work in eh� completed praJ��? r.� �p j i i �1 G _.�F �r f th i� j. �pproxir�ate�y how rn�n.� p��pl� would the cornpl,�ced �royect dis�la�ce? �C. Pro�c�sec� m�as�re� to a�r�id or reduce displacer�ent irn�act�, if any: 1, Pr�posed �ea.sur�s tc� en�r�e th� propasal is �c�mpacible �vith ex�st�ng a�d pr�ject�d land us�s a..nd �Ians, if a..ay: �v�r.� f� S�)p��En� �.riv]�Di]Rl�tlC31 ra�a��nce Che�l�li�t �a�c 13 oF 1� EVALUATIOV FOR AGEIYCY USE ONLY B. ENVIRONMENI"AL LLEMENTS (Continued): 9. HOUSING a. Approximately ho�v many units would be provided, if any? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. I��l� b. Approximately how many units, if any, would be eliminated? Indicate whether high, middle, or lo�v-income housing. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control housing impacts, �f any l� 10, AESTHETICS a. �Ylhat is the tallest height of any proposed structure(s), not including �ntennas; what is th� principal ex�erior building material(s} proposed? 1'� �.1 1 `v% I f I b. �.X/hat vie�vs in the immediate viciniry would be altered or obstructed? /U c. Propos�d measures to reduce or control aeschetic impacts, if any: �+1a� Spokane Environment:il Ordina.nce Cnecl:lisc Page lf of 19 EVALUA'1'ION FOR AGENCY USE ONLY B. CNVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS (Continaed): 11. LIGHT AND GLARE a. What type of light or glare will the proposal produce? What time of day would it mainly occur? a� �lL� 1 a/.� 7 I��'�°' �r �1.� /L 1 l��r�-�P:'�� b. Could light or glare from the finished project be a safety hazard or interfere with views? c. What existing off-site sources of light or glare may affect your proposal? d. Proposed measures to reduce or control light and glare impacts, if any: �.1 C... E-� L l; z- o"r 1J i,. o r-� r•: C, t�?.�►'y_e; t I :.!-"7' 12. RECREATION a. 1�lhat designated and inforrnal recreational opportunities are in the immediate vicinity? b. ��Iould the proposed project displace any e,usting recreational uses? If so, describe. N�� Spokane Environment:�l 4rdin�nce Checklisc Page l� of 19 �����A'�i I�N �O�Ft 7 ���1 l�� 4�� �NVI�L4NiVIEN'T"AL �LEN��IVTS �Cv�t;nucd): c. Ho�r rr�an� �arking spa�es �auld the comp�eted �r�aect hav�? I�Ic�� �nany would the pr��ect elitninatc? d. �fill tlne �r�pas�l require as�y new roads or stree�s, ar impro�em�nts to �xis�ing roacls or s�reets, not includir�g driveways? I� sa, gen�ra�I�r descri�e �ind���te whe�her gu�Iic ��Y�{r�t��' �i� '��'�si' �r�..v ti e. l�il� th� pr�ject use �or �o�cu� in th� irn�iediate vi�i�it�r of} �►ate�, rajl, or air zransporta�ian� If so �,en�ra��y �escri�]�e f. �o� man� vehicular trips per �a� w�uld b� geIIer�ted 6y �eh� c�rnp�eted pcaject? �f kno�wn, indicate �v�en pea� v�lun�es would �ccur. ��r������s g. ��c�pc�se� m�a�ures to ��duce t�� �c�r��ro� trar�spor�ation irr�pa�ts, if a�y: I5. �'UB�.IC SEk�'V`�CES a, �fQtil� t�x� praj�ct �esult �n an incre�sed r�eed f�r p�ablic,serv���s �for �e:carr�al� describe. fir� prc�tec�fan, p��ic� prc��e�tinr�, he�lth c�re, schaols, c�zhe��. �f sa, ge� y Spol�::�r;c �.n� �ironrzzz��:�� C} :d3��n�� �he�cklis� P:��e 17 of ��1 EV�tI,UAT[OiV FOI2 AGC(�1CY US� ONLY B. ENVIRONMLNTAL ELEMENTS (Continucd): b. Proposed measures to reduce or control direct impacts on public services, if any. t� 16. UTILITIES a. tilities_cu re .aila_ble at the sit �ectrici �tural wat refuse s rvic J elephone, anitary se �r, sept�c system, other. •,r u. Describe the utilities that are proposed for the project, the utiliry providing the service, and the general construccion activities on the site or in the immediate vicinity which might be needed. ..e+- b"�'7••1 ��G..+.� �.w i b'��� •ar `a.+�.. r �s �1' l���`�. C. SIGNATiTKE I, the undersigned, swear under the penalty of perjury that the above responses are made truthfully and to the best of my knowledge. I also understand that, should there be any willful misrepresentation or willful lack of full disclosure on my part, the a�encv may �vithdraw any determination of non-significance that it might issue in reliance upon this checklist. Date: Proponcnt: ��T-�� �1-s'�F'�l Proponcnt: �.�r�� r/`�' (Ple�se type or print) C� �ibnature) Address: /U b�(.�/�ii' �Z�%J� City, State, Zip: i/1-� /�n�Y�"/��/ �G,�`�t� ��17�1 Phone• c� �i' /f" Person completing the form: Date: v Phone: S�oklnc F_nvironmenczl Ordinan:e Cnecklis� Page 1S of 19 FOR STAFF USE ONLY Scaff Member(s) Reviewing Checklist: ��v v� U Based on this staff review of the environmental checklist and other pertinent information, the staff: A. �'0 Concludes that there are no probable significant adverse impacts and recommends a determination of nonsignificance (DNS�. B. Concludes that probable significant adverse_environmental impacts do exist for the current proposal and recommends a mitigated determination of nonsignificance with conditions (MDNS). C. Conclud�s that there are probable significant adverse environmental impacu and recommends a determination of significance (DS). REFER TO FEE SCHEDULE FOR FILING FEE Spoklne En��ironn�ent:�! Ordin=.r.ce Checkiisc Page 19 oE 19 1 �cii�ii���i�cT �a�c-r�d��t������� ��r. 2 L� 6� �i�� CnJ U�l �i �"u L�, urcl�itecture uncl ofl goo� lhir�ys UATE .tQB NO. 6 `r' �po p.� AiIENfION nE Yo �s�°.�,�' �1 ���r— ��J_,� WE ARE SENUING YOD U Atlachecl Cl Under se�arate cove� via tt�e followir�y ilems: D Shvp Drawings �Prints D Plans Cl Samples U Speciticali�ns Copy ol Letter t7 C1�ange Order U COPiES UliTE N0. DESCFiIP`CION �QJ�o� l ��.Q� nN�1 ������e�� Q �'�i ��Q��a�v�u�r��GiNFF.R 1"HESE ARE TR/1NSMf�T�D as checked beiow: �vr /1pE�rovaf t] A�proved as Submilted Cl Resubmil Copies tnr Apnroval O For Your Use U Approved as Noled L7 Submif •Copies tor DislriUulion (J As Flequesled L7 peluri�ecl tor Corteclions O hel�t�► Corrected P�ir�ts U For F�evlew aric� C�rt�rT�enl U [1 FOR 8lDS UU� i9 1'I�INTS RETURNEU A1=Y'E�i IOAN TO US t�EMA�KS COPY TO s�GNE�: ��C'Yi.rz� tiNr�d-� 1! enctosures are i�ot as noted, kindly noiily us al or�ce. rrnnl n�1n Anry7 r v �;K �ti�,��1� ;ANE COUNTY ENGINEER'S OFF 1026 W. Broadway Avenue, Spokane, �V� ��992�0 Phone: ��09) 477-3600 Second Floor Fax (509) 324-7655 SC /9oZ��' y�/� DATE: ��6 �ZC�� FAX �s� 7� �D� TO: CONIPANY: C� CITY/STATE: Number of Pages (including cover sheet): FROM: �7'� �I��7 �E S�r �r MESSAGE: f 1 I �1 P�oject T�ansm ittal Division of Building ._Planning Tuesdav. December 07. 1999 Site Address: 15319 E 8TH AVE Project Number: 99008606 Parcel Number: 45231.2247 Zoning: U R-3.5 Fire District: FD 01 A licant: RUNDQUIST PARTNERSHIP 509 838-4255 ���E� pA V�C� �E� Confact: TIM RUNDQUIST (509) 838-4255 81 10 N POST, STE 601 �p4�," 9 SPOKANE WA 99201 g Permit Use: CHURCH ADDITION Building Landuse Engineer Utilities Health Fi�e Dist Assesso� c.� '7� i� i `p""�� f -Q. Comments 3RD SUBMITTAL Coordinator JShatto Puge 1 of 1 L 1 r 1'yoject T�arzsjnittal. .Uivis of .13uildi�t� .Pla����i,z� Fridav.lVoveyfzbe`• 12. 1999 Site Address: 15319 E 8TH AVE Project Number: 99008606 Parcel Number: 45231.2247 Zoning: UR-3.5 Fire District: FD 01 Applicant: RUNDQUIST PARTNERSHIP (509) 838-4255 Contact: TIM RUNDQUIST (509) 838-4255 10 N POST, STE 601 SPOKANE WA 99201 Permit Use: CHURCH ADDITION Building Landuse Engineer Utilities Health Fire Dist Assessor x u �X Comments DRAINAGE SEWER Coordinator .1Shatto REVISIONS Pnge 1 of 1 7 ..i r, a Project Transyt�tittal Division of Building Planning Tuescl�zy, November 02, 1999 Site Address: 15319 E 8TH AVE Project Number. 99008606 Parce/ Number. 45231.2247 Zoning: U R-3. 5 Fire District: FD 01 Applicant: RUNDQUIST PARTNERSHIP (509) 838-4255 Contact: TI M R U N DQ U I ST (509) 838-4255 10 N POST, STE 601 SPOKANE WA 99201 Permit Use: CHURCH ADDITION Building Landuse Engineer Utilities Health Fire Dist Assesso� X �1�� �d X C��'2 {�r�. �C Comments 1 ST SUBMITTAL Coordinator .1Shatto �ag�> of 1 Project Number: y90U8GOG Im�: 1 �ppliCat Date: 11/02/19 Pagc 1 of 2 THIS IS NOT �1 PERMIT Penalties will be assessed for commencing work without a permit Proiect Inf��rmcrtion: :::•.'.'.V::'.':. •.::.1titi \tiY:.\•Jh L•t•:::::.:�::. lV.Y 1 Y l�•:: •:.•.:•:.•:.''J:. 4Y: Y. .....ti V::.� ..............�'ff....� :t•:•_t:_•::.._... .•::.�:1:.•.•.ti.Y.....t.....�........LY.�........::.:::::::' Y �f.1:::.:L:�::: ...�..ti:•.�:.: ::1.ti :.tiLtiY.YA' ::•.�L•.Y:.Y:. Pcrmit Use: CHURCH ADDITION Contact: TIM RUNDQUIST Address: 10 N POST, STE 601 Setbacks: Front 195 Left: Right: 92. Rear: NA C- S- Z SPOKANE WA 99201 Phone: (509) 838-4255 Site Infvrmation: .�,..r �rr{rr:::::::::::: Plat Key: 002751 Name: VERA District: S Parcel Number: 45231.2247 SilcAddress: 15319 E 8TH AVE O���ner: Nacne: EPISCOPAL CHURCH VERADALE, WA 99037 Address: 15319 E 8TH AVE Location: V E R VERADALE, WA 99Q37 Zoning: UR-3.5 Urban Residential 3.� Water District: O10 VERA Hold: Are�: 0 Sq Ft Width: 0 Depth: 0 Right Of Way (ft): 0 Nbr of Bldgs: 1 Nbr of D«�ellings: 0 Review Infarmation: �..�.�::::..�:..��..««��:::.sr.��.�. ,....,..._t:...:...�....::::::•. s•. s. s�:�a•......:::•::>::•>:•+:a�.�.�:::::�:::> Department Revie�`� BUILDING Revie�v•Coordinator Comments: BUILDING P13n Revie�v Comments: BUILDING Landuse Revie�v Comnients: BUILDING Em�ironmental (SEPA) Commcnts: ENGINEER Sitc Drainagc Rcview Comments: ENGINEER :�pE�roach Permit Commcnts. UTILITIES Utilitics (sc���cr) Co�»mcnts' �IRE UISTRICT Firc District Rcvic��� Con�nients: Projcct Ntimber� 990086(I6 IriV: 1 '���}'ilC Vate: 11/O2/1� Page 2 of 2 rl'HIS IS NOT A PERMIT Penalties will be assessed for• commencing work without permit ::::r.::: Pernz�ts. Building Aermit Contr�ctor: UNKIYOWN Firm: UNKNOWN Address: UNKNOWIY I'honc: (000) 000-0000 UNKNOWN, WA UNKNOWN Buildin� Characteristics Const Catcgory: Addition Nbr Of Dt�Jellings: Occupant Load: Building Height: Stories: Bldg W x D: x Building Sq Ft: Sprinklers: Rcq Parking: Handicap Parking: Critical Materials: This Application: Total Project: Description Grp T�•pc Natcs Sta Ft Valuation Sq Ft Vatuation C�-I[JRCH A-2.1 V1I-IR �,343 $254,934.10 4,343 $2�4,934.10 WAREHOUSE S-1 V1HR 4,343 $98 4,343 �98,5$6.10 Totals: 8,686 $353,520.20 8,686 $3�3,�20.20 Item Descriotion U��its Un�t Desc Fee Amount COMMERCIAL VALUATION 1 Y OR BLANK $2,165.00 PLAN RE�JIEV� FEE 1 Y OR BLANK $1,407.2� ENVIRONMENTAL REVIE�w t Y OR BLANK $75.00 COM�VIERCIAL SURCHARGE 1 Y OR BLANK $785.90 STATE SURCHARGE 1 Y OR BLANK $4.�0 Pcrmit Total Fees: $4,437.65 tr i P ment u�� t a a S rv: v .r Operator: JAS Printed B��: JAS Print Date: 1�l02/1999 Permit T�rne Fee Amoi�nt Invoicc Amount Amouni Paid Amount Owin� Building Pernlit $�,437.b� $�,437.65 $0.00 $4,437.65 �=�,�137.6� ��,437.65 $Q.00 $4,437.65 •.•.h�.\ l No es. :..................,,<�x�.:�.::::�.::::�. :•:::r.�:.. �r ....a..... ......1.............r..................... �t OFFI CE OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON e Project: EPISCOPAL CHURCH SANCTUARY Address: 15319 E. 8th Tax Parcel 45231.2247/.2248/.2249 Permit Type/#: Commercial Building No. 99008606 Engineer's File B99142 Contact: Tim Rundquist Reviewer: Gary Nyberg, 477-3600 Ext. #257 Meeting Date/Time: 09/23/99 10:00 a.m. The County Engineering Deparfment has completed a preliminary review of the above-referenced project. The following items must be�received and accepted prior to release of the building permit: ITEMS OF SPECIAL IMPORTANCE ARE IN BOLD PRINT 1. An 'Agreement to Pay Fees' must be completed and received by the County Engineers prior to review of the civil plans project. (See yellow form enclosed) 2. A site drainage plan 8� report shall be prepared by a Professional Civil Engineer pursuant to the Spokane County `GuideJines for Stormwater ManaQement'. (See attached blue forms for minimum plan requirements) Record or "As-Built" drawings must be prepared by the Sponsor's Surveyor or Construction Engineer, as outlined in the Spokane County `Stondords for Road and Sewer Construction' for any on-site drainage improvements or off-site road 8� drainage improvements. Drawing certification must be made prior to issuance of the final Certificate of Occupancy by the Division of Building Planning. PIEASE NOTE:. Soil Conservation Service(SCS) maps of this vicinity indicate 'Garrison' complex sandy loams which are pre-approved by the County Engineers for standard drywell use with conventional drainage systems. 3. The subject properfy is affected by the "Findings and Order" and the "Conditions of Approval" for the following land use action: Spokane County Ioning Change No. 60-42 There are no known special engineering conditions or requirements from the above action(s) which are applicable to this project. 4. The subject property is within the following special regulatory zones which may affect the development plan: The Aquifer Sensitive Area(ASA) which requires trecttment of stormwater runoff by '208' grassy swcles from developed su�fcces subject to contaminants. Spokane County Engineers The urbon PM 10 Non-Attainment Zone which requires dust-control surfacing on vehicular parking areas and traveled ways. (See SCAPA Comments) 5. An Approach Permit must be obtained at the permit center for any new or altered access points to 8th Avenue. 6. Parking and traffic circulation patterns shall be shown on the site plan along with the appropriate pavement marking and signage, for approval by the Spokane County Engineer. The arrangement of parking stalls, turning radii, and travel clearances shall be in accordance with standard traffic engineering practices, zoning regulations, and fire code. Back-up maneuvers to/from a County arterial are prohibited, and parking shall comply with RCW 46.61 `Rvles of fhe Road'. 7. Utility Condition: Permittee is responsible for arranging for all necessary utility adjustments, relocations, or improvements as required for completion of the project, including completion of the required road improvements. The developer needs to contact the purveyors of each caffected utility regarding private service or utility district improvements, and their design standards, policies, and approvals. 8. Road Information 8� Requirements: The County Arferial Road Plan identifies this segment of 8th Avenue as a Collector Arteriol. The existing right-of-way is adequate for existing and expected road needs. The Spokane County road standards require a sidewalk for streets in the urban area for residential or commerciol areas. A standard 6' cement sidewalk will need to be constructed along the 8'h Avenue property frontage. In summary, the following items must be received and approved prior to the Engineering Deparfment releasing its porfion of the permit: Agreement to Pay Fees Drainage Plan Report Please direct all submittals to Julie Shafto of the Division of Building and Planning. Spokane County Engineers r i M1 i �l'��I� ������Q�'l �l'[l�S����'Cl� �e�t��g�af�`lrr�� s �.��o:o� �cou�rr ��a�r���� ����s��� ��'����c��r�� �l��r���� �r�cnsrr�it`ta� �a.te; 7�u��day, �`e,����n�i� �4,19.�� Si�� �4�dr�es.s. 1 �319 E 8�H A1f P�oje�# 1Uurr��er: 99008���, ,i Pa��e# N�r�7�e�: �5�3'� .2�4� ��orrr��: UR-�.5 Fir'e Dis�rl��: FD D't s 'I�Y��+e�' �r'st����: VEF�A r4p�v#�c�r��t: RU�J�QIJI�`� P�F�TNER�1� 8�$-42�� �or����r: �in� ��t������r ��a�� ��s-���� 1 N PQS7, �T� 6�1 SP�I�ANE �Ill�l 93��1 C]c�ecrpar�#: r HLlR�l� A�DlT1�N r. Per�rt��t �Ise: `PA� F�R�3'�23�99 �..��x �►Jo� �arr��ents� PR�P��� �20� SQ� FTl�ER �L��DR ��iUR�H �[�DITI�N. �UNC�A� C�1�lL1f �1��f��►??f��C� �'�I� ��D��+t��IV�I?C� PJar� Reviernr �pokan� �acrnt� Air Polfu�iar� �anafus� UVa�er �is#�i�t �rre Dis��ci� C�ty o� S�avkara� �Vater� D�1IlSf�l? af �f?��f���l'f17� ��ty �f Spokar�e �ewer �3�v�sfon� of Lfti�f#�es Wa �ep� �f 7'rans��r���i�r� �nvr"r��rra�nf�! F#���t#� ��stric� �r'�e�y L�k�e �ewer ���r�ir��fo�r �1Sf����o r Project Number: 99008606 Inv AppliClti0rl Date 9/14199 Page 1 of 1 THIS IS NOT A PERMIT Penalties wiil be assessed for commencing work without a permit Proiect Inforntactt O/`• L K `L ��yy� ti tiN\� K�.VN�y� y� K'.•1..11}� 1\t1�:Y1�Y4� yy'.tti1•.1t11�.5M1LV 5M\\ti`ltt�tit1Y\NM1Yh\NM1tiN��, N\V1A\`.\`�•.N4Y.ti4�4V�\11yy��YAtiN1\YANNY.\\•.M•.�yy titi�t:::LYAY.IMH.Y.VA�.N\1•.1\ �W�K"µ� \NM1K�a��\\��\\GLN���r�\KN�\��N�N\�K\KNN��t\nK\; i�NN\K 1\11�X1K\NNKtit\\\NNM1N�IKK\N\\N\N\�N\\"�KN\ Pemut Use: PAC FOR'8�23/99 10:00 CHURCH ADDITION Contact: �TIl1�i RUNDQUIST y Address: 10 N POST, STE 601 Setbacks: Front 195 I.eft: Right: 92. Rear: NA C- S- Z� SPOKANE WA 99201 Phone: (509) 838-4255 Site Information: ZCCtfYW'Ax�S:� �+n�v:>..�.�#tf�.'Ch'�fi#{�'�:ti'rk5��.<�K�.fif\if :+Y.?S.C�?'.7�+f Y.<.��'x4<��fVr.•rr.r�•:�) Plat Key: 002751 Name: VERA District: S� Parcel Number: 45231.2247 SiteAddress: 15319 E 8TH AVE Owner: Name: EPISCOPAL CHURCH VERADALE, WA 99037 Address: 15319 E 8TH AVE Location:: VER VERADALE, WA 99037 Zoning: UR-3.5 Urban Residential 3.5 Water District: 010 VERA Hold: A.rea: 0 Sq Ft Width: 0 Depth: 0 Right Of Way (ft): 0 Nbr of Bldgs: 1 ..Nbr of Dwellings: 0 Review Information £���\����r;::�.'�:vu�vavav.�v�i���::.�;i.�.;i3�:: ':�ww.y'M�r%�'� .:�33��t.�k�3>?,i3d.�'3�s4ti��3s'sa�3a:-:v.L��taaWx�,,�aE�v�'�?a3�3k;s�3ti3.uia��'�.. ,..•:=�+�ai�ktia�v,��hrvwsria3u:iu;?kki Department Review. '�F BUII.,BING Review �ooriiin�tor Comment's: �ermits 3a�.�'�a���v.v.�v�.wa�w��w.tiva�av.�v.wa�Va'��t�������auavv`.•:i: i.woawaw:`va+3.�w"�axa�s;a::a.wxoc«�: �•:v.:«���,���a�xti.:'va�v.ka'vs"�r. .�fi.`� �vaaoa�avxai ktiw tiki+'�"'rx`ti�1•s:"•'a?• ..:,waE�tia�ti�.�akt��� Builtling Permit Contractor: 'UNKN4WN Firm: ZJNKNOWIY��• Address: UNKNOW�T Pfione: (000) 000-0000 UNKNQ�WN, WA IINKNOWN Building Characteristics Const Category: Addition Nbr Of Dwellings: Occupant Load: Building Height: Stories: Bldg W x D: x� Bwlding Sq Ft: Sprinklers: Req Par�dng: Handicap Parking: Critical Materials: Pavment ,Summarv� \\N L\t\NhL\ti\`\N�ti:t\S11h`.Y411NN��\\\�y�� W Y:.Yf.V.1V.tN:•A•.V�1Y.t1•.� 11M11AtiNtMh""1X\ �4ti+4lNtt4-Kµ.y��.M1�µ� K�KV;4µ� ��µ�"•\N".lY.tit4::•.Nl1Y.`.Y4 \t"`"\t\ \��1'J.V�t\•.\�A 4 ���\�t` \\\\NIN�NN\\N� ���\\N\�CK NN�NNKVM4bN\�NM1�\�n�Y�K�W 1r(tiV`• V��l1�K,�t�a�� 1\�nQ\G C� NtiK\�\N\\\<N1N� �KKK«<�.tt Operator: JAS Printed By: JAS Print Date: 9/14/99 �OiVV �'.�SL{�taa�i��. �V .f \N\\KKti�\\\�\NK`.\\ YiAK���K.N.�NN�NA�N\N\\\\N��M\\�l\`�M�� V��1`KtNKM�N��aM1�NN�NMh�MK�M1N�.ti�\\ti44lMMN4�\\NNN YM�MN\k\NhLtiKNM1IVANL�M1\KVN�•.�\NK�WVW� \uv.MtiVKK�N�KkNK1KKYhanv��v�t1MM1K�V��tY.Vt•.KVV.�.v.•��\\V.� 11k+l ,]�Li y p a�.a�-�ci� 4 �1 1 L Q V O V V r 1 V 1 L' Y f r 'Y 5 S .13$ �.r.�, w�. ..�wu �]i SD ��k�� 1 �l 'S i�353 :,r r r �'y �tF. 1� 0 ,4{h 4�h �4th 4th 4ih w +rt�� �.L�Q� i.:.S:�i'.}f�_s F �I. l �J�11�� +ry eryy i 3T01 .�SD1 1 .2��Oi ,z. =°`�i, "'�:N VC� e 4lGF °9t; m i i� 1,� �:,�.''1� ,#'i>i'r' rs�` s` c] �e;�'_ ws,o x"- y� i ;3 t�<<�iL '�p i 1 y 1. `k t,�� x-�`` r i 0. r u� .r �z�2 5 '..S I �4 C12 s T rf C7 'A;S.^.n't_ I �.'i'�i, fr 1 1. 3703 J 1. 38�3 1. 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A ...,H.. 9....�� ��.f� 22 E z; a �xC 'T;i;SA x� {r„• .a: r,..�� .�.:i'�, .�iS .�..�i�T�,-;_ ;r :•rxsi=�f:�.x. e..; :,;k�i�C"VA%� 13� _r__ �3rac""" s�' �#!s r�.>: 3 ig{ xE'""'�-`' �.�""n'�#�€i:�E�'_� _��s 3� ,#�.s.;�� .,�a^i�s^, ,,,�,,,�-.a;3„`,,. r.,,�,........ "3k; a. z,-.�a���. aa.�. f:�'���'z'`'.. '�2"h:4. e�3,� ,.,s°, ,r�. ��c��B 1 f °�,•-:s� Parcel: 45231.2248 Owner: EPISCOPAL CHURCH CoOwner: �l 4.'231.24t��� �•r_s i.s:�� i 4 2.31.37� �:Z31.1:1 t «5242 9l 2: 1.37t Z 4..231.I:G�L 4. 4Z 9G.. Owner Ad ress 4 31.24t 24.�231.23(�2 15319 E 8TH AVE VERADALE WA 99037 g 3 �.:23 L 1.G� f=ZZ 14"v 4. ,3 :231 l:1 4 1 8 4 3 4231.33G 3 4. 4 Site Address 4 231.37 t ��?.31. lSu t ADDRESS UNKNOWN SPO 4 231.37 i -�4 4�23 L 3, C 4.'242 y 124 4 Z3 l. 27 S 4523 l. L'� l 4 1 Legal Description 4� �22 31 �+1 4. Z2 i.36 Si .''•23 l. l: l :231. l: f ?3 ].14G: Z31. Z:+ i2,4 2 1.36C VERA PTN OF THE WSACRES OF TR 141 LYG NLY OF THE FOL Z3� ��a DESC L 4 2.31.37�G '231.38 G �.Z3I.l.G 4'24Z9]'�3 �..23 l, 4:'Z31.L:c�3 ZI1.?�( 3 ��31.36C 1 N; BEG AT THE SW COR OF SO TR TH N283FT M/L TO TRUE 1.37�11 4 POB TH L38 2 1 s u �,03 4 Z 4.231. �.�J E80FT TH N130FT TH E132FT TH S90FT TH E110FT TERM OF S 0 41:23 l. 4GG' 1 4 a. 42 4.231. ZZ44 <�9!� 1. 2G3 l �I LN; 4.'Z3 19Z4 `J 4. 024 >Z3 l. Z9c 1 1. 2G3 Z�:231. 4"vG 4 31. 4l L� 4:'Z31.193: 4' 1.41.' �1.1�C�38 4 23 4v �23 t� �:'231. 4G 4 4,;23 l �.'231.29G 3 4:23 l. 2425 l. ?.i�39 3l.al' ".;23 I 4:23].?A3� g `Z31.?9G> 4�231. 4 231. 45? S 1.2G3 6 4 l. .4! GS 4`23 2Z4? 4: 1. 2' 231.29G7 4: �21.4C�,�, �Z31.411 1.29G 4.`231.1y2.`. 4.Z11.Z(i37 4 4:�3 l. 4G I G 4:Z45. 9l 4G 4 Z34.G3��8 4�'234.C�3 9 4 ;Z34 C�3(�7 4 23 4 G41 S 4.'23 4. "v3 l�`� 4. G31 4.234, i4114234.G4]� 4234.G2C�g 4:234.G2G9 4:234G2G4 �15�.14.G� G44234.G419 I 4`23 4. G42G 4.'• 23 4. GS 3 4 4. G3 l 4 4; 23 4. G3 G- 4S?,34�4;£*� Notice: This is not a legal document. Data depicted on this map is general subject to constar�t revision. ft is intended for reference use on�y. Legal documents should be obtained f�om the appropriate agency. P�rcel: �5231.�249 Dwner: E�lSCOPALCHI�RC�! a�,2.si.a�u 4S2_'�� 3��� 4.��3�.�:f ]�4 �3�.7�G�7 �c�OwT7er: 45�3 �.3 tG� t.36G: 4�4�4] �4 4 ?31.�� Own�C Address 1 i�� SZ31.1:7 S23 i, ]4G �4 i.7�GC 1��1 8TH AVE if��AdAL� V1fA 99037 �'�3 i. 4��1�.� 4:� 1 s�S�S i. �.G �3 i. t' 1. i 4: �3t.� 7.}.��� �ite Add r�ss 4.�2 t5 i 43�3 i, t� s AdDf��SS UN�ChJC�VIlN SP� 4�3 ].?�44 1. 1 4 1.41 4:Z31- /+..31 l�egal Descr��tian 4:�] L?.�a� a�� i4 �s� o��� �.�Q t V��A PT�I �F TH� 1N� ACR�� OF �R 141 QAF; BE� �AT 7k�E �IN �;1_31.�G3� 5�31.�G 4� i.4i 1 J }yi{ ��f\ 4.J� J Y� 1.�{ F SJ SD TR TM N26�FT TO TRUE P�B TH '�1�8FT MJ� TF� �8�FT TH �5�� �.�G�e 4 �.40 {�3 N� 34F`T� l _�31. 4�'r 4-• 4f�3 7. ��G TH E132FT T�1 S9DFTTki �910FT TH 7� PT 265FT N O'F 7NE 5��31.1��� 4: .2G3� 3].�Z 7 i �3 s�3 2�G L�E I ��.�G�: DFS�TRTHV'VTO��IJ�PDB ��,dG 5��- 41G ].�03G 4:Z.3].?.�47 4 4. `23�.24� 4�31. 4r S� 1. ��G J �5�.31.i4�: �1.�G37� 4 �l.d�i 4�� 4.�.� i.4G i I ��734�4 3��:G3�7 4. �23 �4. G){.� .���4.�41a 4�34G3]+ 4G31�i 4:���,�i�G4 r y 45� 4. G�firB 4. G�C� J 1 4 4 45?34G4�9 4�.`7� 4, �4? G 4�3 4, �I 13 4'Z3 4. G3 4 7 4. 4 G� j �J J�� V� �����JLl� 45]�4G4�i 4�3k_�3iG 4� �4.4.G7 45 �4 3 �JF]��3VJ �T. �JL]�fkA""L' .2. y �JL.��V��� Y 4W 4.4� G� 4. 4 4# �x� �34. 4�� s� 4; 1 �i �J� ���"�.�J��i� �i�����► .�d u 1 a��'•1 i y Notice: '1`#��s.is nat a�leg�� d�mer�t. Data �ep�cted or� #his map is �er�eral 8� subjeat #v cot�starst re�+xsior�. lt is int�nd�d for reference use or�iy. Le�al d�cur�e�ts shauld be o�ta9ned �r�rn #he a��ropria#e agency. •'4 ��fCB�: Dwn�r: E�I�C�PALCHU��H ��s�.a�u 4�!3 C�l 4 �31.?S[ 1�4�1,�b�1 vOwner: �,5�3 I G 4�42 1 �4 i. 35G i Ow��r Ad€ir�ess 1 Z31,?�( iSl.' d y�I1. 1.`1'_ ��3 �4�. 1�3�9 E sTH �V� V�RADAtE 1NA 99[�3�-8828 ��a f A s� i. i� 1 a��t i. a a:�� �.a�� i 4: �3 i. 3 5�31. Site Address 4.231, 1 1. ti ��i aTH AvE vE� I '��3i.� �4��3L4! 2 +��31. �fi 4.`�3 l. 7��$ Leg�1 Descriptivr� ���i.�4 i V�l�A �147 Vl��AC EXC N4�DFT 8 EXG a 3 4�3�.�.G3� 5�3�.AGG 4 7.�1.41 �.4 1.41 �fi �:ZI ],?.��8 4 1,4G 5�3 l� ���'1 �i 3�.��{� Z�� ��.�V�J y 7 J L�A. 4 3].4CR 6. �F] G a, l �.7C��F, �3 i.�4G r d_ 1. 4G 19 1 7. �9 G g �1.�G37 �5�� 4,�4..�i4� i#�2. 4� 1.4�;1�+ 4 3 G3 4. `3.3 4 G� g :23 4. Cr� t�` i p" 45?34.04�} 4�34.�+31� 4;�34fi��� �{�.�4G7t�4 I 4�34.�'�GB `'��L��.��fi4 4:�4.�i� 19 4�5�3 4 G4�G 4:��4, �3 4'3.3 4, G3 a �S� 34.��G� 4� 4 �j 4 3�.�4`G �Z34.45Gi� 'tJ43�.L`Y�� 1 1 I �1 �'GS���S�V �J y V F �J�� J 1 F I 4��4.���V� 4i�� 45Z34.�4G� 4� 4. G� 4: f` 34.d�G4 J 4 4 �i J �J V �J T. TJY �����,�J��'� ���,�{�1�i .iJ 4 4 No#ice: Th4s is no� legai do�umer�t. �Qsta �depic�ed on thls map is gener�l subjec# to c�nst�r�t revisian. It is intended for reference use nr�ly. Lega1 doc�rraen#s sho�ld be from the apprc�p�ate ager�ey. C� a j Page 1 of 2 Wayne McGavran From: John Hohman Sent: Wednesday, May 31, 2006 7:26 AM To: Wayne McGavran; Alysa Wiyrick Cc: Henry Ailen Subject: RE: Commercial Project List Recommendation Ok to all your recommendations. Thanks. -----Original Message----- From: Wayne McGavran Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2006 8:15 AM To: Alysa Wiyrick Cc: John Hohman; Henry Allen Subject: Commercial Project List Recommendation Alysa, The following is a. list of t�ie comnzercial projects I chec�ed with a recommend.ation to close each witki no furtlier action required. 1. B00015—Strip Mall-Barker N. 1201 (Warranty Expired on 4/15/03) File not found. 2. BO1115—E. Valley Sr. Housing Ctr. (Bank states bond closed) 3. B96026—Bill Knowles Spec. (Bank states bond closed) 4. B96089—Eagle Point Apartnients (Bank sta.tes bond closed) 5. B96093 N. Pines Venture Spec. Bld (Bonding Co. no longer e�ts) 6. B96125—HAV Western Shop (Bank sta.tes LOC closed) 7. B96139—Spring�eld Retail Center (Bank states LOC closed) 8. B96140—Wa1t's Mailing Addition (File not found) 9. B96158—Delay Spec. Retail Bldg. (File not found) 10. B96216—Boulder Creek Leasing (No record in file log) 11. B97005—Monaco Enterprises (Bank states LOC closed) 12. B97178—Rite-�id Drug Store (�ond ��Vai��ed by County) 13. B97193—Spokane Teacher Crd. Un (Bank sta.tes bond closed) 14. B98003—Comfort In�l Addition (Bank sta.tes bond closed) 15. B98099—Zografos Medical Clinic (No bond info. In file) 16. B98159—Orchard Crest-Everg. S. 222 (Bond compa.ny will not release info.) 17. B98231—Beringer Place 48 Apt. Unit (Bank states bond closed) 18. B98078—L�dig Construction (Ba.nlc states bond closed) 19. B98080—Velis Dental Office Add. (Ban.k sta.tes bond closed) 20. B99125--Parrot Mech-Knox E. 10020 (Bonding Co. states bond closed) 21. B99142 Episcopal Church (Bank states bond closed) On all, but 4, of these projects, I talked to the bonding companies and was told that the bonds ��ere no longer active. The other 4 projects we «�ere unable to locate the files or bad no record of the files in t.lie file log. These projects were done several years ago, 1998, a11d t.herefore it «�ould be reasonable to assunie tliere would not be any Public Works concern.s or any recourse even if there ��vere. 5/31/2006 y .�'roject �'�ans�zittal Division of Building aj�icl Code Enfo�c Ti�ces�lav. Jarzr.ctlrv 1 S, 2000 Site Address: 15319 E 8TH AVE Project Number: 99008606 Parcel Number: 45231.2247 R��`����.D Zoning: U R-3.5 Q a Z�OQ Fire District: FD 01 EriG �vUN1Y Applicant: RUNDQUIST PARTNERSHIP (509) 838-4255 Contact: TIM RUNDQUIST (509) 838-4255 10 N POST, STE 601 SPOKANE WA 99201 Permit Use: CHURCH ADDITION Building Landuse Engineer Utilities Health Fire Dist Assessor t �--c�, lS.�--� Comments SITE REVISIONS Coordinator �Shatto Pna e 1 nf 1 EPISCOPAL CHURCH 4F THE RESU CTIUN DRAINAGE REPURT ���J�� o a �o Project No. 99-050 o Q� o�� 10/28/99 r �J�S� o 0 4 w�s�y '�o�► IC DOCU.��i��'r OFFiCiAL PU6�. ro� SPOKANE COUNTY ENGINEER�� UFF��� O e�� Q, '�PS�''�`� 'C� pR �����rt j+:'� s �G PROJECT SUBMiTTAL EXPiRES 7�2i/�r' R����� TO COUE�T`� ��l�!r�v ENGINEER'S STATEMENT: The design improvements shown in this set of calculations conform to the applicable editions of the Spokane County Stantlards For Road And Sewer Const�-uctron and the Spokane County Guidelines For Stormwater Management. All design deviations have been approved by the Spokane County Engineer. I approve these calculations. Prepared By: Metro Engineering, InG S. 324 Sherman St. Spokane, WA 99202 Ph.: (509) 624-9351 Faac: (509) 624-8153 DRAINAGE REPORT Project Description The site is located at 15319 E. 8th in the Spokane Valley. The proposed project consists of an addition onto an existing church building, paved parking lot, landscaping and site improvements. As part of the project, necessary drainage improvements will be installed. Drainage Analysis Please reference the Grading/Drainage Plan. The soil on site is Garrison soil, per the SCS soils map (attached), which is pre-approved for the use of drywells in Spokane County. The site will ha�e one (1) drainage basin, which is essentially the entire site. Runoff from the site will drain to a"208" swale. The swale will drain via a standard Spokane County drywell. The calculations for the "208" swale and drywell are attached. 1 SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON SHEET NUMBE (Joins sheet 67) R. 44 E. R. 45 E. I+ �c---� .I PA GIF GgA CHICAGO MlLWAUKEE ST PAUL AND i i i a i i i I I Veradale Gm8 t 5P GgA II GgA S'lt k� guE I II Ro ii g V�+w�� �ON �1' I; r.• GmB \mB r� �3 24 CkC NcA Central Valley PoA 1, �i,'%� Schoo! PeA �i�d Gm8 i 11h PsA �i BaC� St GgB Ggq J SzE'• �„Co HtB e ae Q �v v 1 HSB GmB HsB Bs8 UhB PsA. I LaB Bs8 0� PsA BkD 'Z'� HvC �o SxB �r La6 BkC PsA m Cn6 N �G 1 psp' UhB I ekc cas ese GmB G A Bf8 Ht6 �b8 Ba8 HtB 0 Bb6 Ca 25 Pse 3' i HhA N SxB c--'' Co8 c i� StC BsB BkD i GgA HhA HvC GmB Cu8 II B5B La6 il �SB Ggg II �uE R StC Mc6 i� GgA 1 Nh� Sx8 fl 1 �YV SALTESE `_t I II C RO C II GmB SLC p En�E7ER r �l li ii II Cue Cu6 SxE !I II il V HvC f� Ps6 1 Gm6 II ii II PsA Bb Ps' stc ,�L ---�!-__=__====�1 Psa v Kc HvC HsB Ps6 y II SPC v PSA fl Kc StE HhA II Gg8 r HhA HvC HvC rl N cA 4 SPC GtA GtA la8 I! Cu6 HvC N SxB C II SzE I! 3 J GRA VEL McB 6 PsA i� 3: PrT NcA StC P5B l� Q Ba8 HvC f! 4� c� y� SsC II Cn8 SpC SDC Ss�••' HhA StE K� Kd Ba8 Uh6 l StC i SsC SpC �I CnB UhA KC Oa8 Ba6 Da Hs6 I StC 'i 1� v U 1 �SOC SrC StC StC �cn 1 �UhA �Jh �'x 8at: (Joins sheet 85) �h° �Q Is i� 1 a�-� ���y�� �r�e._ I `7 0 I E_! v�`-� �{��r c�! ..a b ``t f,- Z�a�s�j a j �j��,� G� 2 r t i�• l b... `�.�_.�.�._...o o i, o -;c��.� 1 p o C� ��e.,� i 3 �'��S o c ••s ;f Ll d r�� 1 r BOWSTRING METHOD (TEN YEAR STORM DESIGN) PROJECT: EPISCOPAL CHURCH DETENTION BASIN DESIGN BASIN: SITE DESIGNER: JGL GRAVEL BED PROPOSED DATE: 27-Oct-99 0 Gravel bed floor length 0.00 Soil perc rate (inlhr) 0 Gravel bed floor width 0 Gravel Bed Depth Total Area (calc. 3.18 Time of Conc. (calc.) 5.00 Composite "C" (cafc.) 0.45 Time of Conc. (min) 5.00 Area (Acres) 3.18 C Factor 0.45 208 Impervious Area (sq. ft.) 53108 4500 Pond floor area Valume Provided (cu. ft.) 208: 2250 storm (total): 4500 surface: 4500 u/g: 0 Outtlow (cfs) 0.3-� 0.00 Area C" Factor 1.42 l S� .TY� p rY w e f I #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 Time Time Intensity Q dev. V in V out Storage Inc. Inc. (min.) (sec.) (in.lhr.) (cfs) (cu. ft.) (cu. ft.) (cu. ft.) (#1'60) (A*C"#3) (Outf."#2) (#5�#6) 5.00 300.00 3.18 4.52 1818 90.00 1728 5 300 3.18 4.52 1818 90.00 1728 10 600 2.24 3.19 2236 180.00 2056 15 900 1.77 2.52 2522 270.00 2252 20 1200 1.45 2.06 2685 360.00 2325 25 1500 1.21 1.72 2756 450.00 2306 30 1800 1.04 1.48 2813 540.00 2273 35 2100 0.91 1.29 2849 630.00 2219 40 2400 0.82 1.17 2917 720.00 2197 45 2700 0.74 1.05 2948 810.00 2138 50 3000 0.68 0.97 3000 900.00 2100 55 3300 0.64 0.91 3096 990.00 2106 60 3600 0.61 0.87 3211 1080.00 2131 65 3900 0.60 0.85 3415 1170.00 2245 70 4200 0.58 0.82 3548 1260.00 2288 75 4500 0.56 0.80 3665 1350.00 2315 80 4800 0.53 0.75 3694 1440.00 2254 85 5100 0.52 0.74 3847 1530.00 2317 90 5400 0.50 0.71 3912 1620.00 2292 95 5700 0.49 0.70 4043 1710.00 2333 100 6000 0.48 0.68 4165 1800.00 2365 208 SWALE REQUIREMENT Required grassy swale pond storage volume Impervious Area x.5 in./ 12 in./ft. 2213 cu. ft. provided: 2250 cu. ft. OK! POND STORAGE REQUIREMENT 10 YEAR DESIGN STORM Ma�dmum storage required by Bowstring 2365 cu. ft. provided: 4500 cu. ft. OK! 8TH AVENUE EPISCOPAL CHURCH 1 RATlDNAL E�IJATiQI�I (FL�U�f CALCk�LATIOi�� PRpJEC�� EP1S��PAL CHUR�H BAS�N: SI�E QESlG�lER: J�I� ASSUME S MIN. TlME DF CQNCENT�ATIQN aATE: 2��Dct�99 Tc [averf�nd} Tc {gutter} Ar�s '�C" A•C Ct 0.�� L� 0 1.2� 4.� �.1?�1 �9 15Q.�D 1.92 �.15 �.288 L'� (A� 70 �.2 5�.� �.OD 0.� fV(A� Q.� B 0 �1.D0 �.9� �(A) 0.02 n 4.�U2� �.0� �.�0 s �.010 Q.� �C �.1� �.11� U.� TaffiI A Cor�p "C" L1(B) 0 �c {�u) �.�a �.98 �.4� �1�6) �D 0 Tc�A+B) 4 4.�4 ����I TC {8} 0�.� Tc(#�ot.) �.OQ C!(�t.} �].DO Ir�t�nsiky 3.1 S A 1 _�996 �fP �2.SQ`15 R 0.05�0 1! Q. T� �tota3) Tc ��verland� Tc �gutter} T�(gu� �.0� 7c [oa�r�and� C#'�Li"N!S"0.�}"0.6) Q�est� �.1� C# 0�.'� 5 L1 Length �f DverEand Flow Hold�ng Q.� N- ftic#ian factar of r�ve�land f�ow (.4 for aver�g� gr�ss �ov��) S �ver�ge slo�e o� ov�rfand #louv Tc (gutt�r} �er�g#h (R.}{Velocit� (#�.Ise�.�160 B= Bo##ar� wid#h of guk#er or d�#ch �1 irrv�rse �f cro�s s�ap� one c�f dit�h �2 inverse vf cros� sfope two of ditch de�h af #low in g�tker ��timate, check es#imate witF� Flavir) Anea d""�+d'��"��9 ��2} W�tted p�rimeter= B"d+(�fsirt�atr�{1f�'1}�+11sir��a�n(9fL2��� F#ydr�ulic Ra�ius= F� A��aJU�Jetted Perimeter 11e�acily =1.48EIn�F�".�7"s"_� �I�v+r Ve�oc€ty'Area n 0.016 for aspF�alt s= fangit�in�l s�v�e of gut#er s- R �G�/ JA �Z6 P� n mittal S'°°,� �aoo o�ect T a s F� Division o Buildin and Code Enfo�cement E f ���g .f g Wednesdav. Janicarv 26, 2000 Site Address: 15319 E 8TH AVE Project Number: 99008606 Parcel Number: 45231.2247 Zoning: U R-3.5 Fire District: FD 01 Applicanf: RUNDQUIST PARTNERSHIP (509) 838-4255 Contact: TIM RUNDQUIST (509) 838-4255 10 N POST, STE 601 SPOKANE WA 99201 Permit Use: CHURCH ADDITION Building Landuse Engineer Utilities Health Fire Dist Assessor r' %�C v J' Comments REVISED LANDSCAPE PLAN Coordinator .1Shatto C j Pnge I of 2 i l r r C .i 1 1" r C. _.��C 5 1V1�'TRO ENCINEERING, �NC. e ��R CE(VED S. 324 Sherman LETT�+ R QF TRANSMITTA� Spokane, WA 99202 N 2 2 2002 (509) 924-935] fax: (509) 624-8153 SPOKANE COUNTY ENGINEER T�: Date: 11 /20/2002 Job No: 99-051 Spokane County Building Department Attention: John Larson Re: Episcopal Church of the Resurrection 1026 W. Broadway Record Drawing Spokane, WA 99260 WE ARE SENDING YOU: Attached Under separate cover via the following items: Shop Drawings X Prints Plans Samples Copy of Letter Change Order Specifications Mylar Co�ies Date No. Description 1 1 Record Grading and Drainage Plan r C• 'a 'THESE ARE TR.ANSMITTED AS CHECKED BELOW: I For approval Approved as submitted Resubmit copies for approval X For your use Approved as noted Submit copies for distribution X As requested Retumed for correction Return corrected prints For review and comment For bids due Prints returned after loan to us COMMENTS: Please call me if you have any questions. Thank you! COPY TO: Gary Nyber,�; Spokane Co. En�. Dept. SIGNED: Bobbi Rollins Joel e, P.E.