1st E 9400 Appleway Septic Tank Service SPOKANE COUNTY DEPARTMI�NT OF �UILDING AND SAFETY w i NORTH 811 JEFFERSON SPO KAN E, WASH 1 N GTON 99260 (509) 456•36T5 I cert�fy that I have exam�ned this permit and state that the informat�on contained in it and submitted by me or my agent to comp�le said pe�mit is true and correct In addition, I have read and understan�l the IVOTICE p�ovisions included herein and agres to compiy w�th same All provisions of laws end ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not The granti�g of a permit does not presume to give authority to vlolate or cancel the provisions of any other state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. V V SiGNATURE OF APPLICATION OWNER OR AGENT DATE •oa wooassa ssa owTS� �woJ�e 9400 E 15T AV 0000307 Og/�3/84 OOQQ003g WENDLE LARRY W 3.E.P.A Fee B3S.0 8614 E SPRAGUE AV Plan Chk Structure Fee 4�ib3.8 e�Trt sn stn �POKANE WA 99�Ob-0000 w��uewNTr WENDLE� LARRY W eoMTwweTOw: woowsss v c�rvt s�c ►M �ieeass�� wwcN�sMO�NSSw: woowsss �f e�TVa s�a s�► v /'ARG6l• C6M�Yf TRS INf�tCT01� t �0�4�03�8 0999 M{.ATf LOT •LOCK IINAL 020542 003 028 �LAT NAMQ i 20�420328 :oMe.s soNe �s• s•t •-t ws• woo COMM 000 000 000 000 i vse o► ►aw�.�rs Itts1 PAID •rt CA CK CO NI OFFICE PUILDING �196.80 X /00 AODRtf{t COYNTSR A►� I I.AN• tXAMi OATti 9400 E 1ST AV 05/��/ D E P T a E V I E W W 0 R K 3 H E E T PLAN CHECK STRUCTURE TOTAL FEFS �ib3�80 Description N OFFICE Group B-� Type VN Square feet OOQ880 Occupancy Load 0000 V u a V l� 0 ���2,3�84 -0 4'425 *415.0'0 u DEPARTMENT APPROVALS ,,�.�,�,r This is not a Permtt AppilcaUon Type' 1se indl� ed) (Indicated approvals required In either'rele�e' or'refease wlth condltlona• D Fast Tradc Rrlor to permit issuartce.) E�ty Start Release Rstease w/cond 1 Hold 2 Environmentat Hsalth f mmerclat; O Residentlal W 1�01 Co��ege New Conatructlan. p Bldg aiteretlon/additlon �m O Additlo�el structure. APPLICATION Oondltlons Comments: 4 Prsnninp/Zonirrg: �Commerclal. O Cert ot Exemptlon; O Frontspe; �8� N 72f Jefferean O Setb�ks O lot w/d• 1 t• O ot s ze� 0 uee/mrte; O CU, varlance� zone change. shorellne. O fence; O Other Candlttons/Comments ��4{� /S' J/�t5� 20 x�S/ B�i�'t� Ss�iQ�� Enpinesrs: Commerclal� D Residential� O Flood Plaln; N 811 Jefieraon O dratnage new ac�cess/approac�� O fence; O lo� Improv ments Conditlona/Comments `'Y U �I�UV�� 3� r N 811 Jetierson �Z► �T Oondltlona/Cort�rt�ents: p�. Plan Exem Flre Prov. Conditlona/Comments: =U Project Representatfve ,Telephone Agencies Performing Speciel Inspectlon c Y O O 2. c 3 1 lndlcate abovs or attaeh �ndlUons roleUvs b iinal a� pullt spproval Z Indkats above o� altach roaaons br Aotd ��Ae��� +Z'1��� a i p l �7 Y 1 ��l r °i a' {o 1" 'yb' e Y r a `��M. 1 e 1 C._!s r f. 3 i t�'. J g �p.L� ,r.� t• �7J tY 1 4 d t Y� �i ���_�_J�.�.. �f o- '��1�� r ,t� �a �'M'�"''�� .Q� r o I i. .,t 'l ti w �r S Y t I G. M� �..�..+r..� �...►eo f �"T »t a r .�.,r d S..' 1 4 1 s t 1 Z y t `t�';'+�f V Y• i Q 1 a4 s r t i ..w ra.» �a t '.Ns �a,�� I ti i a Q1 �Di r ,.a 1 t t, !iy t 1 r Q� r iY ft `1~ 1� r t 7�,,�•�'�."'A �R��� •O.t��' i w� t t ._��Y��`..-- t l. 1L ...,�n, 1�'*`' �l34F��- 'T y ti� �j, �p o r i �K Z 4 c t13 1 V ...�r a +�p 1�►�'' tt� "4�'�a, 7 ��3'"� °0 �L• s t ,�=-f 1 4 y �a �-�u�i�� r v� p 1'1 .�l- :s� y j ,c 1 b /1r A.� 0 r �M 1 Z n wt --4P P .._--s=-- w .�r 1 w t t �s` M ���i 1 .r e w �1� p �1 1 t "'a J r+ t ,�/"t�1 En��'•� l r �r� E, j, t� 1 �I 2 ��3V0�� t 4 Li�� 1 G,St.R�'i.� �J �,o�i�- G� �j r t L ..-_•K- t ��N� $5i�p�`" 1 t� t'C Y 1 a o N `r r 1 y a ycr' R p� �Et t t r a �K ea cs r G G 1 3 �t N1 StS �Lt�l�l� ''�5 L�� J �i ti �A�� �u4� Q tiu��� a�'. M p 1 t-1 L i �u ���s 1 8 �M� i t ti, QOtNN Zo. t y t i 1 `���y1tt'� ti r 1 p 1 �ii,�, .��fli�G� f A� 1 PA�3 51� �.,�E��'t•l�' _'r0. t St�� a s v i t '`7 ���f7^'��►+ G`�fl1.+ e t r' t o L� *t 1 r z T u 'L f 1 4 9 b y i r t t N r i TF.! t� Ff t! E d n,,,,,�, r� 1���.'� 9,.4.. U y Q t ��1 P�-a� .''L, 'tf .r/✓'""� f r 1 a t 1 r t ��f A ���i..Y` t y r�.`.'"/'F G J V r�" I s f J F f s 1 1 w r t r P 1 dn 038 x THltESHULU OETEFtMI NAT IUN PRUPUSEO/FINAL UECLARATIUN UF SIGNIFICANCE/NUNSIGNIFICANCE I 1. Proponet Appleway Set ic Tank Servioe East 8814 Sprague Ave Contact Person Larry Wendel Phone 924-7030 1. County s Act1 on Keyuested 13ui 1 d� ny permt t/Land use �erm� t�_�_� Pursua�t to WAC 19�-1U-2U3, the Spokane County Oepartment of �u�ld�ny and Satety, a d�v�s�on ot Spokane County, has determtn�d that the county, as an ACTING AGENCY, is the LEAU AGENCY for the followiny pro�ect: Additional information for Phase�ll and Phase III of an office building not noted on the original checlist to be located at East 9400 First Avenue Th�s Nroposal has been deLerm�ned to not have a siy�n�ficant adverse �mpact on the env�ronment. An EIS is no t required under RCW 43.21C.030 (2)(c). This dec�sion is made after review by the county ot a completed`env�ronmental checkl�st ana other informat�on on f�le w�th the lead ayency. �*�*�*�***�********�***************************************�*******tt****�*** If y ou w�sh to exerc�se y our opt�on to rev�ew and comment as provide �n WAC 1y7-10-203(3)/197-1U-34U, please respond, �f appropriate, at y our earl�est opNortun�ty, not�ny particularly the due date for written co�nments. que Uate for Wr�tten Comments June 15, 1984 Proposed Ueclaration of Nons�ynif�cance Issued: May 2 3, 1 984 *�*�**t****�******�********w*****w**************#************�***�*�********** Contact: Spokane County Uepartment of Bu�ldiny and Safety North �11 J�fferson Street SNokane, WA yy26U (5U9) a56-3b75 Attent�on Kenneth E. Jettrey PKUPOSED DECLARATIUN FINAL DECLARRTIOM Name �R A�ark Holman Name James L. Manson Siynature: S�ynature. T t 1 e �4��� Ass istant Director T� t 1 e: D� rector y Oepartment: �uild�ng and Safety Oepartment: 6u�ld�ng and Safety Uate May 23 1984 Date MAILIN� LI57 TU y�A State Dep�. of Social Health Services Spokane County Planning Department Spokane County Engineering Department Spokane County Prosecuting Attorney Spokane County Health District Air Pollution Control Authority Spokane County Utility Department Agricultural Cooper�.tive Extension Building Q.S.C., Inc. Behm's Valley Creamery Valley Financial Center James E Wominach t� r y �i t 1 i ENVIRONMEN?AL CHECKLIST FtL� -�.t SECIT�IN/R�tG: �Z� tntroduct�on: ?he State Environmental Po11�y Act of 1971, Chapter 43.Z1C, RCVt, requires all state and local gove�nmental ageRctes to consider environmentaT valves both for their own actions and when licensing private proposals The Act also reavires that an Envl�onmental Impact Stateme�t be prepared for all ma�or actions slgnificancly (anci "adve�sely"� as per WAC 191•10) affecting the �vality of the physical environment. The purpose of this checklist 1s to help the agencies involYed determine whether 4r not a proposal ts such a ma3or aciion Please answe� the following questlons as completely as you ca� with the intormation presently available to yov. Please ansver questlons as "yes" or "maybe" 1f� 1n your opinion� even only sllght �mpacts wtll result. The revi�we�s of the checklist wf11 be aware of and cencern themselves aith the de9ree of impact, asking you for more iniarn+atton� if necessary. Where explanatio�+�, �f your answers are required, ar where you belteve an explanation would be helpful to government decision•makers, include your explanation in the space provided� or use additional oaqes. if necessarv_. You should intlude references to any reports or studies of which you are aware and wh�ch are re�evant to the a�swers yau provide. Camplete answers Lo these qvestions now will help a11 agencies invoived wtth your proposal to undertake the requ�red enviro�mental review without unnec- essary Qelay The follawing puestions apply to your total proposal� not �vst to the license for which you are currently applying or the flroposat for which approval is sought. Your answers should include the impacts wh�ch will be caused by your proposal when it ts completed, even thovgh completion may not occur until sometlme in the future This will allow all of the agenc�es which will be involved to complete their environmental review now, w�thout duplicating paperwork in the future No applicatton shall be processed unt11 the checklist has been completed and returned to the appropriate County departrrsent, State lav reouires ex�lanations for every "ves" and °maybe" answer on the checkllst. The person completing the forn+ may be required Lo provide explanatie� for "no" answers, and 1n some cases� more detailed informati.on to aid in a threshold determination. NOTE Th�s is a standard form being used by all state and 1vca1 agenctes tn the State ot uashington for various types of proposals Many of the questions may not apply to your proposal. If a questlon does not apvly� ,�ust answer 1t "no" and continue on to the next QueStlon. ENYIRONM�NTAL CNECKLIST FORM I. BACKGROUND 1 Name �f Droponent: �P�WAY SEPTIC TANK SERVICE ¢hane Number• 924-7030 2 Address Qf Proponent E. 8814 SPRAGUE 3 Oate Checklist Submitted: MAY 4, 1984 4 Agency Requ i ri ng Checic 1 i s t: BUYLDING OODES--SPOKANE (�OUNTY 5 Name ef Praposal� if Applicable: 6 Nature and 9r�ef Oesc�iption of the Proposal (�ncluding but not 11m1ted to its size, general deslgn elements, end other factars that w111 gtve an accurate understanding of tts scope and nature). Phase IZ--Complex for the staff and personal of Appleway Septic and Transfet. Phase ZII--Small office com�lex for investment b�t owner 6 rental to a businees desiring office space for thafr businees. 7 location of Aroposal (describe the physical setting of tt+e Proposal� as +rell as the extent of the land area affected by any environmental impacts.�including any other �nformation needed to qive an accurate understanding of the envirpnmental setting of the proposal): 9400 E, �iz9t 8 Estimated Oate for Completton of Propasal pHASF ZI July 1. 1984 PHA E 1987 9 List of all Pe m►�ts� Licenses or Goverr�ment Approvals Required for the Proposal (federal. state. and t oca 1•� nc 1 ud i ng re Zone s)• SPOKANE COUNTY tiEALTH DISTRICT 10a. Oo yau� or the owner �n Che event you da not own the sub�ett land� have any plans for future additions exvanc�an. or further act�v�ty related to or cannected with this proposal2 tf yes. explain• Construction of Phase III as shown in Qlens 6 specifications. 1 :•ugust. 1981 lOb Qo you own or have opt�ons on land nearby or adSatent to this prtiposal's location? If yes. explain NO 11 do you kncw ot any plans by others �ncludtng the owner which may affect the property covered by your proposal ar land ad3acent or nearby3 If yes� explain• 12 Attach any other application form that has been completed regarding the proposal; if ncne has been completed. but is expected to be filed at some future date� �escribe the nature of such applicatlon form: ll. ENVIR�NMENTAL iHPACTS (Explanativns of alt "yes" and "maybe" answers are requlred) 1 Earth. Wili the proposal result 1n: Yes Maybe No (a) Unstable earth condltions or in cha�ges 1n geologic sub9Rrva.Lures?. x (b) Oisrupttons, dispiacements, compaction or overtovering of the so11�. X (c� Change in topography ar ground surface retief features? X (d) The destruction, covering ar modificatlon of any vniqu� geologlc or physical features? x te) Any lntrease in wtnd or water erosion or so11s, elther on or oft the slte?. X (t) Changes in depositlon ot erosion ot beath sands, or changes 1n slltatton, depositlon or erasion which may modify the channel ot e river or stream or the bed of the ocean or any bay. tnlet or laket X ExQlanation; �e� �C) Placecnent of officee will chage ground selief featutes and diaQlace soil. 2 Air, W�11 the pro�osal result tn: Yes Maybe Na (a) Air emissions or deterio�atlon of ambient air qualtty�. x (by The creation of ob�ecttonable odors7. x �c) Alteration of a1r movement. molsture ar temperature. or any change in climate� elther locelly or reglonally? X Explanation: Q�'r �1'� 3. Water, Witl the proposal result in: Yes Maybe No (a) Change tn cur�ents� or the covrse or direction of water movements� tn ei ther mari ne or fresh waters? X {b) Changes 1n absorptioa 'rates, drai�age patterns� or the rate and amount ot surface water runofft X tc) Aiteratfions to the course or flow of flood watersl. A (d) Change 1n the amount of surface �rater in any water hody� (e) Discharge lnto surface KAter� or 1n a�y alteratto� of surtaee water quality� tncluding but notlimited to tempc�3ture, dls�olved o�ygen or turbl di ty? X (f� Alteratlon of the dlrection or rete of flow of graund wdtersl X (g) Change in the quantity of grou�d waters� elther through direct addltions or wlthdrawals, or through interception of an X aqui fer by cuts or excavatS ons? (h) Deteriaration in ground water qvality, either throuqh dlreet in�ectlon� or through the seepage of leachate� phosphates. detergents�waterborne vlrus or bacteria, or other substances x i nto the ground waters (i) Reduction in the amount of water othertirlse available for X p ubl i c aa ter suppl i es? 2 r Explanatfon: �B� PLACEMENT OF OFFICES WILL ALTER WATER AHSORPTION RATE 4, Flora. uill the proposal result 1A: Yes Maybe_ No (a) Change in the dlverslty of spectes, or n::�~er of any specles o� flora (including trees� shrubs� grass, crops, microtlora� and aquatic ptants)? X (b) Reduction of the numbers of any unique� rare or endangered spectes of tlora3 X (c) Introduction of new specles of ilora into an area, ar 1n a barrier to the norn�al replenishment of exlsting species7. x (da Reduction in acreage of any agricultural crop? x w Exvlanatlon: a S, Fauna. Will the proposal result tn: Yes M No �a� Chanqes in the dlversity ot species, or number ot any species of fauna (blyds� land animals lncluding reptlles� ftsh and X shelltlsh� benthic organisms,lnsects or mlcrofauna)7. (by Reduction ot the numbers of aay unique, rare� or endangered X specles of [auna? (c� Introduction ot �ew sp�cies ot fauna tnto an area� or result 1n a barrier to the mlgration or movement of faunat X (d) Oeterloratton of exlstln9 tlsh or wildllfe habttat7 X ExQI ana ti on: �r�� Q� ���'t� �rtae� S �l?,� 6. Noise. Yes MaYbe No (a) will the proposal lncrease exlsting nolse levels� X Explanatlon: fd�L�Te� 7. l.taht and G1are. Yes Maybe Fto (a) utll the proposal produce new 11ght ar glare� X Exo 1 a na ti on C E,.,C��� �.,1 8. land Use. Yes hlaybe No (a� W111 the proposal result tn the alteratian of the present or planned land use of a� area?. X Explanation. 9 Natural Resou�ces. W111 the proposat result 1n: Yes MaYbe No (a) Increase tn Lhe rate of use of any natural resources? X {b) �epletion of any nonrenewable natural resourcet X Ex�lanation: 11�,.'� t,L� Q.� L a 10. R1sk ot Uqset. Does the praposal involve a rlsk of an explosion or the Yes Ma�be No release of hazardaus substat�ces (including� but not 1lmited to� 011, pesticldes� chemicals, or radiatlon) in the event of an accident or upset condt t1o�s? X �x�lanatton: 11. Population. W111 Lhe proposal alte� the locatlon� dlstrlbutlon, denstty. Yes M_aybe No or growth rate of the hc�nan populatton of a� arenl X Explanatlon• �2, �Housing u111 the proposal affect exlsting housing, or creete a demand for Yes M� No a�d�t�onal housing? X Explanation: 13. Transvo�te t1 an/C1 rcul aL1 on. Wi 11 the proposal resul t t n: Yes Ma� tto (a) Generation of addttional vehl�ular movement? X (b) Effects on exlsting parking facillties, or decnand for ner+ parking? X (c) Impact upcn existing transportatlo� systems? X (d) Alterations to present pdtterns of circulatlon or movement x of peopl e and/or goodsl (e) Alterattons to +reterborne� ratl or a1r traffic? X (f) I�crease in tra�ftic haxards to motor vehicles. btcyc11 sts or pe�estri ans? x Explanatlon: Slight sdditson of vehicular trafffc moving to and from office buildinq� at ag�roxiatiatelY 8:00 am and 5:00 pm. 14. Public Services. W111 the proposal have an effect upon, or result Yes Maybe No 1n a need for new ar altered governmental servlces 1n any of the follawtng areas: (a) Fire protectlon? X (b) Po1 ice protectlon? X (t) Schools� X (d) Parks or other recreattonal facilittes? x (e) Halntenence of public fac111t1es, lncluding raads? X (f� Other goverrvnental services? X Exp1 ana ti on probably will not require any more maintenance than is already anticipated. �T� �'w O os� �t 15. Enerav, u111 the proposal result in: Yes Ma�►be No �a) Use of s�dstantial amounts of fuel or energyl X (bj Demand upon existin� so�rces of energy� or reqvlre X the deve�opment of ner+ sources of energy? Explanetion: �1���. �.E.� ��f t s v. i p• 16. Utllities. uill the proposal result in a need f�r ne�+ systems. Yes M�be Ho or a�terations to the followtn9 utillties: a (a1 Power or natural gast (b) Comnunlcatton systemsl X (c)water? X (d) Sewer or septic tanks? X (e) Storm rrater drainage? x (t) So11d rraste and disposalt X Explanatlon �D) (E3 (F) Installatior. of on-sit@ sewage system to hand�e both Phaae IZ jI Stormwater drainaqe pez 208 requirements. �fes �be No 17, Human Health, w1t1 the proposal result in the creation of any heatth hazards or pot�ntla� health haZard (tacludlag mer�tal health)Z X ExQlanation: �es MeYbe No 18. aesthetics. Vtil the proposal result in the obstruction at a�y scenic vista or vie�r open to the pvbllc, or will the proposal result in Ghe creatio� of an eestheticallr offensive slte open to publlc vie�vl X Explaaation: 1'es MaYbe NQ 19. Recreati on: Vt i l the proposal resul L i n an impact upon the qual i ty or puantitiy of exlsttng recreatlonal opportunities? X Ex�lanation: �'es �ay,be No Z0. Artheolo 1cal�tstorlcal. Will the proAosal result 1n an alteration ot a s gn cant archeologlcal ar histarltal site. structure� ob�ect or buildin9? x Exolanation: t I t. S I Gl�1�l7UR� t, the undersigned� swear �snder the penalty of per�ury that the above responses are made trvthtully and to the best of my Scnawledge. I also unders tand that� should there be any will- ful m�srepresentation or r+i�lful lack of full disclosure on my part, Spokane County may rrlth- draw any declaratlon of nensigniftcance that it might lssue tn reliance upon thls checklist. 8ate: MAY 4, 1984 Proponent: �p�WAY SEPTIC TAIQK SERVICE (Please Pri�t or Type) AppI.EWAY SEPTIC TANK SERVICE E. 8814 SPRAGUE Propo��eet: .Address Phone: 924-7030 Person completing for�n: A �NDEL Phone: 9Z4-7030 Oate: 5-4-84 J FaQ STAFF USE ONI.Y �G�M�NE h Staft Kember(s) Revterring CheckllsL 8ased on this staft review ot the en onmental c'ec 1 a �ther pertiment info rn+�tion, the staff: A. Concludes that there are no potentialiy significant adverse lmpacts and retommends/lssues a proaosed detlaratlon of nonsiqn{flcance. B. Concludes that patentlally signlflcant adverse impacts do exlst and reccmmends/tssues a finai declaratl�n of sianifitance. C. Concludes that there are no potentially slgn{ficant adverse impacts and, because ot the nature of the propasal. recomnends/issues a F1na1 declaratlon of nonslgnlficance,. f •�se�: Ausust, 1981 S (�tll �1� I l ,�ill i. 111� I �r .r .1 ����j� a i, �J Atld r c t� �OV �iiQSl'' ,�7'�%� i�h,����•� �-d�'�"��_ ry t�l�� C��u�lt y �i11 1� I'. ���!'�f'� `�/Ih�..� 1�l� ii� t�tctt� I:c: I� t ISt11 I rvt itrt 1 I u� I I l�� Thir h��1 I�li� I��ii»lt r����i�•�� t►. I�tf���t�1�.1 �+r����+t��� yc��� ul Cft� i�nJ�cuvc•m��iltr+ f�u�+�lw.�y� �ide w�lk� r,�rl�� .r�,cniw.�c ��t� wt�Irl� �u�j�t I,�� r�►i��tre��-rNd ln ���u�-t i[lc��� wt �1� y����r b��ll pe r�n t t. fl� i�: �I�e�� k I 1�� wi I 1 he• t t t i���! hv cl��• F;nv i n���� r' i f t ar►�1 ���r� w�t 11 he r� tu�ned t,, v���s �t tF��• tinn� tl� it ch�� �mit i� infttal��c! h�► Ci�� F�s�;L�i�a��rinb (��}�+c�m�•n�. All reyul r����t�nt �h�l 1 h� ����n��f.•t���t i��r i�:�.�, �r�.�r c►f tli� f��it l�!ln�; ner�nit. AI! ��nc.1���k��d hoxe� t ��t�tl i re� .�•��i i t 1�,�� i! rs����.�c rh ��c f 11ruCSti I•►ri r�� m,�kr t� r�n i nar inn. t. 5[�r�nwdt�r Or.�ii������ (�+�.yi�fer�ti�»�� a. ��P� j���l�`T1 1��•� r ��-�r �)r IQW,�� '�t 1111t!�'511�'t1r j)�►��� r)Il Alll� 4f f b� tN. t. '��H t s���� i�i� r it i•�n�,* Z'e� Nv 2. FI u��l 1� r�+ c�i,�„ i�e.�t.i� t��r��** YeS Nu 3. St�rm l�� i�� Nl ��i Yes No tI. Ptanr�f i�� Acti��� 1� 1. Retc�n��. c'����c1 i r t�,n.� 11��� nr V��r I��ice nn ��ro��rty Yes No 2. Ar� req��irem�•nr� ��f �►la��i�l►�k .actinn inc��rpc,rdkerl a Yea No f nt� �•itt� ��tan T t I. Ri�ht of Way 1. Does perro 1 t ��e�e�� t t� l�� R. W. ded i ca t i on Yess N� 2. Did z�n� ch�n�;e rey��1 r� it. t�. W. cied i c�t i o�� YPS No 3. Rad i us at corri�r Ye4 No IV. County Raad Impravemen[s l. Roada neF�d to be impr�vc�i. Now wide Yes a No 2. Curb a Yes No Q 3. CRP/RID a�reemenr tCopy uf �f�ed, cc�ntra�C �,r Yes No title repart req��ired. 3 4. Plans Eoc im��r�v��menk� pruvld��1 Yes a No 5. Sidewal k a Yes a No i V. Parkln�{ Plan b Approach Lacatic,n 1. RFView an�1 4tKn ���f by 1't�f t 1 c Yes No 2. Ap�roacli Nc� rmt f r�m F.ri i ��e r' R nf E i c�• Yes Nu j. SGate �r f;t t y �i �;n �t c Ye:� No Ig riit� r�raci r,r� Ii YrAr Nl:�n a Ye� N�> Vl. UI.IL► A�reem2nt Yc•s N�� i![[. l�te1�1 KevtPw: pr��liu�f�t i�� f.i��n�ti���i[� 4� i �i� Wl��t��l l 1 ��tl f�`t �Nft�� t rt ��f�' l� W�1�`1 tll�'r� f�•.�`���l�►' ��V Lf��• ����Ifif� �',T11�1— Il '�1 S�)�1 (Ilt ��CJ��II Il •��1D'A l� 'T' �i •1� �1� I1� I�l mt i y 1� t' ��1�' )r��� �tlf y't'�►�lf1��V lr� f�!-i�l ��1 lt• i���� +�irl 1 1�If ti �)1 �t ��I���w It''r ���1� ���Illt i�� ���y�. ��II�E� �1�� �5�11�11 ���1l��. i �►rl ���1 t 1{I i 1 �da 1 1���1 1}����fl. �t !I �1 .e IT �1�� f W j a ��1 Illl �ll�Tl� N� f f ��I�1�� �(it' 1 1! �t �t �llyl) 1' i ��11l�1 1(l V f I.It�` t\ 1 1� 1 t 11111� t �1)' lflt�/ 1 �i� 1(1 1 1�� 1• 1� �1�1� 1�' 1 I�III��`� •�1�11� ti �t �•l��l� 1}! 1• 1 Contact Pec�ott Ndro�r I_ ���j x� Is�i t '�.,�u. f�J ,�,1`"�/�� QddTeee �8/ S �.f J� �yb 1 y l�� �1 S_T Peoae �1 I�i��,��r� County Contact 1'ereun Nt�unr 45�a-.3��U C:UMM�Kt:IAI, bU 1 I.1� 1 Nl: Nf,.kM 1'1 I� 1 V I 1:W Tbie �buildfng permit review ir� lnt�ndcd t� �N��rr�is�e yUU ut li�� iin�,c�.v�n��i,l� (t�,�,�lw�y. bid�- V�lk, Cucb, str,rmwat�r� e[e. whiCh wuyt br ru�tr�Ccu�.t�d ir� �taa�: l�t lc�u w� ll� y�,ut I�u� 1Jitib peemit. This c:heekltgt wil L he �i ll�d u«t by �l�e En�;inc•�.c'a �taf t d���i c e,�,y wl 1 1 b� tetucned to ynu at the time th�t tl�e p��wit iu initialrJ by tl�� �u�;L�errt���; U�j�.�r[n�rul. All requirement� bhal l be Cuwpleted prior tu isbuanc� of thr bui lriin�; ���ciait Al l uri- chacked buxer� r�yuirr ddditic�n�l r�yedrth or infucmdtlun t�, u�dke a de��r�uindci��n I. Stormwater Ucdina� Cuusld�tbtionr� Pet gu��nee �oc '�5tormwater Me��d�eme�i� lylil" b�tl, ort dr�J c,t btt�. 1. 2U�3 Cur►bider�c t�ng* �'eb N� 2. ►�l�uc� i��zaed xon� er,ue�id�ratiuns��* Y�� hu 3. SCurm Oraina�� �'la�l Yrs Nu II Pla��nin� Ac t iuu �ok I- 1. R�coue, Cu�tdi[i����l Ubr �r Variaac:� ur► pru� �cty Y�a� Nu 2. Are c�yuireme�it� uE planuing action in�nrpucated Yeb a Nu into site plan III. Ri$ht o� Wa�r 6� 1. Does pecmi[ necrs�itate lt.O.W. dedicacion Yrs No 2. Did zone change ceyuire R.O.W. dedication Yeb No a 3. Radiu� at eorner Yes No IV. CounCY ttoad im�ruvem�nts 1. �oade need to be icupruvrd fiuw wide Ye� No 2. Curb Yed a No 3. CRr/lt1U agc��mrnt q Yeb Nn 4. Plans Eur improve�ne�itb providrd a Yeb a No S. Si�ewalk Y�5 No V. Parkin� Plan b A��rubct� Lu�ativi� 1. Review a��d �tigt� uft by rr�tri�- Y�b Nu l. Apprua�h �rrwit �ru�u �nl,in��r' a UEf ice Y�5 �Ic, 3. St�c� ur (.lty ethi� ut t a lcsb J No 4. Is c I� i.� rud� ��u t� Y.�.i r N 1�n Y��� N� VI. hirld Kevi�w �l`�CI�111111d1�► (:�,��iiu�cttb Al l la��d witi�ii� ll�� Ayui trt i«tl iv�� Ata.• wl�ri cl. �un�.l I�.� ,�w t. t� tli< <+�i+�il h.���;t- Qt'L'C, a�l 31 lll� Ul �)UI dll• S��)f UIW�I� t f I l'.1l U�l'll� L1� lill L��; Il�• 1 �1t j1��1 1 Ill l 1� ��I ►,I �►IIII��W.fI�.'.I dN�rd, iati�►��. (5Ee t�ui�l�:ltiie:� tc>r `,t��riuw�l�t �i.�i�<�1ycr�u����t 1y211, h��►,{,i���• h��.i�,l �,t ta�unty Comn�i��9��ti�.'S It�•r���lutic��� Nu. t3t�-l`'�)�� v�i��•ia�l�d.) ft�l T�tt• j��t� l 1�����1 (��t.�i41 c'� v1� w 1� l�� inliilnii I,�� I a��� �..1►1c �t�' �1�• .i. �i.�1�-�1 Uy Fl„���1 II�, ��c1 H�►��iiild� y IIIJjiy ��ii t I. �l 1 �i, �'b I)it i� r. f ,Fi��l.rsr�c• H�,�r� ��l uti��l C ►mi��1��,i����� h� i� ���•.�t1�`� t r1.r�1� ��u�aocn ���LI�/A I IVN� �L:KMI I PERMITNUMBER SPOKI�NE COU111TY DEPAATME�IT OF �UILDItdQ �i SAFETY NORTN 811 JEFFERSOI� 8POKANE. WASNINOTON 99280 �509) 456•8876 J APPt.tCANT: CQAAPLETE NUMBERED SPACES PRES3 HARD TO MAKE 3 OOPIE� 1 s��A R� 6' PARCELNO. ZD O /2 LQCK SU801 ISION 2. o�c�-�iJn�'r--�' �scA� i '�I l, 7 �3 2 3. 1 I� PMONE 1 T U`�"' O �GC�. ��i MAlll G ESS Aattimf Set Becke In Fee! to 1 �I Nortlt S� �V ��t I �i WNTpA�_ i�� LICEN$E�PiRES OHE Si�9���� Z�eC�iffc�t� ��Q� M 4. r t ZIP ❑Yea O�nb� ❑F�'d d�&tGNER PHONE NewOmrot Vduatlon ��e0 Valuatlan �otsl8tag tFloor Area ADOAE8S DP N1�n Fiow UOper Floors GerepelStora�e C3reen� r g GMANGE OF USE FROM TO G1o�e► Oaoit lAx.v Oed� Fin Besemenl VMin 9asement --r No. B�tRs No Flco�s Na Fln Raoms ,No Ow�linge a o PE O ALT AO' N L� RPL D MVE O OTMEA WORK BLD O PlMB O MECH rJ" M H 0 POOL �E�npt Required Yeso troD r►um�er r�o�ea vesa Noa 8 OE� t E K St�ae�ll�s/FloodHazard P�s F�qut�ed I YeeQ kot O 1�eoelv�d VALUATfON �RCE c�s Et��c o ow�e�snb FEE8 COLIECTED 9 �Q� l!'i`ll`ITtES PiiIVATE �WER O PU4�IIC O P►tv8ts 1 he y oertlfy that I Aave read and examined thi� application ertd have r�d tAe'NOTtCE' pro�rl�lone tr�cludea a� reverse slae. and know the eame to be true and aorrect All provisians ot laws and ordinar��s gaverning th�s ty.pe ot IQ,� waHc wiit be complled with wAeMer specitled herein or not The grentinp ot e permit dos.s not pnesume to glve ew Mority to vtolate o� canoe! the provlalons of any other etate or locat law regulatteig oor�strucNon or the pe�tormance o! con�tn�ction. 8EE E1/EASE 91DE FOp iiEDU1RED IN ECTIONB wuman� SIGNATURE OF APPLICATION OWNER OR DATE Mecn SPECIAL APPROV S SPECtAL COIdDIT10N8: (SEE REVERBE SIDE FOR NOTICE) -vREUM /u. o�►TE •1 .sq i SEPA Ptmr�tng l �,e �a� y 6+Qlneer Otne► (8�1h►1 W _k TOTAL a SEPA PEtiMiT IS NOARRANSFEAABLE �MMEN MACMINE VALIDATED Ild THIS SPACE. TMlB BECOAAEB A PERIIAIT. I x PEAMIT 18 NULL AA1D VOID IF WOAK HAS NOT COMME#10ED IN 18D DAY8 OA7E fB�JED P�AIIR 1�lO TO?A!. ��a. PLAN NUM6ER� APPLICAT ION /PERM IT PERMIT NUM SPOKANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINa SAFETY NORTH 811 JEFFERSON SPOKANE� WASHINOTON 89Z80 /(509) 458-36T5 APPLtCANT: COMPLETE NUMBERED SPACES PRESS HARD TO MAKE 3 COPIE� a 2� sTa� aooRESS PARCEL NO ��t?0 Zo���. 0��� 1 �oT ��ocx sue�� S�ON LEGAL DESCAIPTION• A 2 °�q��J���`-�' ti- o I y* 7 �3 2 3 �j �I 3. W PH N 1C S4Q.6� OE Q O t �/W U� S�i 0 MAtIIIyG DORESS Aatua! Set Backe In Feet to r 1/ North �SoutA F.a�t Weat 6 CONTAA T Oq LICEN8E EXPIRES ONE ?one Gess ficattOn 4. M AOORESS ZIP Tjrpe Oonat Oocupancy S'p�inktered OYes �NO OReq'd OE GNER PHONE 1�wCo��at VefuatlOn Remodelod Vaf�tlon Tote1 Bldg Floor Area 5 f��l t� �I N� �i AODAESS Z1P Main F1oot Uppet Floora C,erape/StoreQe Greenhovae 6 CHANt3E OF 11SE FROM TO Oovet Dedc Unov Oeak Ftn Basernenl Unlln @asement No 8ains No Fiooro No Fln Rooma 1� Ow�el)Irr� NPE W D ALT O AD' N L7 RPL O MVE 7 OF PJBLD O PLMB D MECH C] M H O POOL OTHER ���pt Yeso Noo rvun�ber WORK orveNenoe y Ff�etved ves❑ Non 8 OESG I E K BAoreflne�a/Flcod HetBrd Wsr�a R�uired C�l/ YesQ Not Applic O Reoeived VALUATipN SO QAS �IECTRIC �BL O SEPTIC O FEES COLLECTED 9 QD UTILITIES PRIVATE O SEVVER �Ila D P�rlvele I her by ceNtfy that 1 have read and examined this appllcation and have read the 'NOTICE' p�ovielane Included on reverse atde� and know the same to be true and conect All provtalons oi laws and ordinancee governing thts tyRe of euiidtnp ��Q work wlll be complled wlth whether sp8citled herein or not The �rant(ng ot a pernnit do� not presume to give au- thority to vtolate or cancel the provlstons of any other atate or local law repulating construation or the peNormance of constructlon SEE EVERSE SIDE FOR RE�UIRED INS ECTIONS Plumbinp SIGNATURE OF APPLICATION OWNER OR, DATE Meon SPECIAL APPROV S SPECIAI CONDITIONS: (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR NOTICE) ,,._8 PAELIM AL DATE P18n pteCk Env Haelth SEPA P�anntnp y MIFO P �event �l@ Ms �f 6 O� fir��i»c� 1 O�h�tSPeaifY) ���1 ut�►It,q SEPa D TOTAL E WHEN MACHINE VALIOATED IN�THIS SPACE. PERMIT IS NONTRANSFERABLE THIS BECOMES A PERMIT PEAMIT IS NULL ANO VOID IF WORK HAS NOT COMMENCE� e��° !N 180 DAYS OA?E 18SUE0 PEAMIT NO r Plan THRESHOLO DETERMINATION PROPOSED/FINAL DECLARATION OF SIGNIFICANCE/NONSIGNIFICANCE 1 Proponent: Appleway Septic Tank Service, East 8814 Sprague, Spokane 99206 Contact Person: Larry Wendel Phone: 924-7030 2. County's Action Requested: Buildin� perm�t/Land use permit Purs�ant to WAC 197 (3) the Spokane County Department oF euilding and Safety, a division of Spokane County, has determined that the county, as an ACTING AGENCY, is the LEAD AGENCY Por the fol2owing project Liquid waste transfer station This proposaj has been determined to �Ot have a s�gnificant adverse impact on the environment. An EIS is not required under RCW 43.21C.030 (2� (C). This decision was made affer revlew by the county oF a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. If you wish to execrsse your opCion to review and comment as provZded in WAC 197-10 (3� please respond, if appropriate, at your earliest opportuni ty, noting part�culary the due date For wr�tten comments. Proposed Declaration of Nonsignif�cance issued: January 23, 1984 !l R F!l filf!l t t �Fi�� 1 At� 1 il�►li 1 �►�►�fil�!!a►��F�►!!tl�t�!l��F�f�t�t��FifiFit�F��►�►��F�t�FiFl�flti►�►l�f i f�F�t�t!!1A Contact: Spokane County Oepartment of Building and Safety �forth 811 Jefferson Street Spokane, WA 99260 (509) 456-3b75 Attention Kenneth E. Jeffrey PROPOSED DECLARATION FIMAL DECLARATION Name: Jame L. Man n Name: James L. Manson Signature: 4� S�gnature: Title: Director Title: O�rector Department: Building and Safety Department: Building and Safety Date: January 23, 1984 Oate: MAILIPJG LIST T0: WA State Dept. of Social Health Services Spokane County Planning Department Spokane County Engineering Department Spokane County Prosecuting Attorney Spokane County Health District Air Polluton Control Authority Spokane County Utility Department Agricultural Cooperative Extension Building O.S.C., Inc. Behm's Valley Creamery Valley Financial Center y I r. f o• P� e �����1 1�'V������ Q s ENVIRONNIENTAL CHECKLIST FIIE �.o...< Qo�....�.� SECI1'41N/RN6:� Introduction; The State Environmental Policy Act of 1971. Chapter 43.21C, RCW. requires a11 state and local governmenta� agencies to consider environmental values both for their own actions and when licensing private proposals. The Act also requires that an Environmental Impact Statement be prepared fo� all ma�or actions s{gnificantly (and "adversely". as per WAC 197-10) affecting the qualtty of the physical enviranment. The purpase of this checklist is to help the agencies involved detennine whether or not a proposal is such a ma�o� action. Please answer the follawing questions as completely as you can with Lhe inforn�atlon presently availabte to you. Please answer questio�s as "yes" or "maybe" 1f, in your opinion� even only slight impacts wi�l result. The revier�ers of Lhe checklist will be aware of and concern themselves with the �deg ree of impact, asking you for mere �nforrt�atton, if necessary. Where explanations of your answers are requ�red, or where you believe an explanation would be helpful to government decision�maken include your explanation in the space prov�ded, or use additional a es, 1f necessar�. You should include references to any reports or studies of which you are arvare an w�c are r�� evant to the answers you provide. Complete �nswers to these questions now wilt help a11 agencies lnvolved with your proposal to undertake the required environmental review without unnec- essary delay. The fo]lov�ing questions apply to yeur total propasal, not �ust to the lice�se for which you are currently applying or the proposai for which approval is sought. Your answers should include the impacts which wi11 be caused by your proposal when it is completed, even though tompletion may not occur until sometime 1� the iuture. ?his w911 allow all of the agencies which will be i�volved to complete their environmental review now, without dupllcating papen�rork i� the future. No application sha11 be processed unt11 the checklist has been completed and returned to the appropriate County department. State law re4uires ex lanatlons fo� ever� resp and "ma�ybe" answe� on the �hecklist. The person completing the �orm may be req� red to prov�e explanatlan for no answe�s. an� n some cases, more detailed i�tarn�atton to aid in a threshold determination. NOTE: this is a standard form being used by all state and local agen�ies in the State of Washington for variQUS types of proposals. Many of the questions may not apply to your proposal. If a quest9on does not apply, �ust answer it "no" and continue an to the next question. ENViROHMENTa� cHEC�q.isT FOaM Y. BACKGR4UN0 1. Name of Proponent: AP'PLEWAY SEPTZC TANR SERVICE �hone Number: 924-7030 2. Address of Proponent: E• gg14 Sprague 3. Oate Checkl i st Submi tted: Januasy 10, 1984 4. Agency Requiring Checklist: Bv=�ING CODE6 SPOKAI�iE OOtJNTY 5. Name of Proposal. if Applicable: APPI�t�►lAY TRANSFER STATION 6. Nature and 6rief OescrlpLion of the Proposal (lncluding Dut not limited to its size, general design elements, an� other facton that will give an accu�ate understanding of its scope and nature): �jp WAST$ TRANSFER STATION 7. Locatfon of Proposal �describe Lhe physical setttng of the Proposal, as well as the extent of the land area affetted by any envlronmental fmpacts, lncluding any other informatton �eeded to give an accurate understanding of the environmental setting of the proposal): 9400 L. First 8. Estimated Oate for Completion oi Proposal: Sprinq 1984 9. List of al l Permi ts. Ltcenses o��G v�ern A�a�1��q���� Proposal federal state, and lotal intluding rezones�. mE 10a. Do you. or the awner in the event you do not own the sub�ect 1and, have any plans for future additions, expancion, or further activity related to or connected with this proposal? If yes, explain•Yes. Offic� fot Appleway Septic Tarik Service. 1 August, 1981 '1 i lOb. Oo you own or have optlons on lend �earby or ad�acent to this proposal's location?, If yes, explain: NO 11. Oo you know of any plans by others including the owne� which may affect the property covered Dy your proposal or land ad�acent or nearby? If yes. explain: NO 12. Attach any other application form that has been completed regarding the proposal; 1f none has Deen completed, but is expected to tre filed at some future date, describe the nature of such applicatlon form: II. ENYIRONMENTAL IMPACTS (Explanations of nll pyes" and "maybe" answers are requi�ed� 1. Earth. Wi 11 the proposal resul t i n: Yes Ma�!be No (a} Unstable earth conditions or in changes in geologic suba2ruGtures?. X �b) Disrupttons, displace�nents, compaction or overc�vering of the soil?. X (c) Change in topography or ground surface rellef features? X �d) The destruct�on, covering or modification of any unique geologic or PhYsical features? x (e� Any inc�ease in wlnd or wate� erosicn or soils, eithe� on or off the site?. (f) Changes 1n deposttion of eroston of beach sands, or changes 1n siltation. deposltion o� erosion whlch may nadify �he channel of a rive� o� stream or the bed of the ocean o� any ba�y, inlet or lake? X ExQlanation. C �-5���='-�� w� 2. Ai r, wi 11 the proposal resul t i n: Yes Ma�r,b_e No (a� Ai� emissions or dete�ioration of ambient a1r quallty?. X (by The creatlon of ob�ectionable odors4.Aamiss.ton.af.odas� are.tsan$fexed X fzom tank to tank thrcuqh eelf containment flow tubinq. (c� Alteration ot air movement, maisture or temperature. or any change 1n cl imate. ei ther locally or regionally? x Exolanation: 3. water. Wi]1 the proposal result in: Yes M_a= No �a� Change 1n cu�rents. or the course or dtrection of water awvements. X i n ei ther ma�i ne or fresh Kate�s? (b) Changes in absorptio� irates. drainage patterns. or the rate and amount of surface water runoff? R X (c) Alterations to the course or f1or+ of flood waters?. (d) Change 1n the amount of surface water in ar�y� wate� hody� X (e) Discha�ge into surface Nater, or in a�r alteration of surface water quality. lncluding but notlimited to temperature� dissolved oXyge� o� turbi dt �r? x (f) Alteration of the direction o� rate of flow of ground weters? x (g) Change tn the quantity of ground waters, either through direct addi ti ons or rr1 thdrawel s, or through i ntercepti on of an aquife� by cuts or excavntlons? X (h) Deterioration i n ground wate� qual i ty ei ther through di r�ect 1n�ection. or through the seepage of leachate� phosphates. detergents,waterbo�ne vi�us or bacteria� or other substances X i nto the ground waters? (i) Reduttlon In the aa�unt of water otherwise available fo� p ubl i c water suppl i es? x 2 �,r w f Exalanation: 4. Flo�a. Will the proposal result in: Yes Ma be No (a) Change in the divenity of specles, or number of any species of flora (lnciuding trees, shrubs, grass, crops. microflora, and aquati c pl a�ts )'t x �b) Reduction af the numbers of any unique. rare or endangered spec� es of �1 ora� x (c� Introduction of new spectes of flora �into an area, or in a X barrier• to the nora�al replenishmen�t of ex� specles?. (d) Reduction in acreage of any ag�lcultural crop? x Explanation: S. Fauna. W111 the proposal resul�t 1n: Yes M�_ No (a) Changes tn the diversi�jr of speties. or number of any species of fauna land animals including reptites, tlsh and X shellfish, benthi,c organisms. insects or rMcirofauna�? �bj Reductton of the numbers of ar�y unique, rare, or endangered x specles of tauna? (c�� Introductton of new species �ot fauna tnto an area, or result x in a ba�rier �to the migratlan or�movement of fauna? (d� Deterioration of existing flsh or wildlife habitat? X Explana�tion: 5. Notse. Yes Ma��be No (a) Wi11 the proposal increase existtng noise levelsT X Ex�lanatio tl� 1� ,��e,�"�1� 7. Liaht and Glare. Yes Maybe Ho_ (a)� Will �the proposal produce new light or glare? X Explanation: 8. land Use. Yes Ma be No (a� Will !he praposal resutt in t�e alteration of the present or pl anned land use o� an areat. X �Exvlanation: 9. Natural Resources. Will the propasal result 'in: Yes Ma�,e Ho (a) Increase in the rate of use of any naturai�resources? X {b) Oepletfon of any nonrenewable natural resource? x Exotanation: r I 4 10. Risk of U set. �oes the proposal�involve s rlsk of an exp)osion or the Yes Ma� No ease of uardovs substances (lncluding� dut not 1lmited to. oil. pesticide`s. chemicals, or radtation� in the event of an accldent or x upset condi ti ons? Explanation: 11. �ul ati on. Wi l l the° proposal al ter the 1 ocati,on, di stri buti on, densl ty, Yes Maybe. Nc ,or growth �ate�of the human population of an area? X Ex�lanation: �2. Hous�n Mill the proposal affect existing housing. or create a de�aand fo� Yes Maybe No a ona<1 hous i ng? x Exolanatlon: I l3. Trans�or-tatlon/C1 rcul ati on. a111� the propossl resul t 1 n: Yes M_ a�� No (a) 6ene�ation of additiona] vehtcular movementY X b� Effects on ex1 s�t1 ng parki n9 fac11 i t1 es. or demand fo� ner+ parki ng? X �(c) ImpBCt upon existing t�ansportation systems? X (d) Alteratlons to present patLerns of circulation o� movanent of people ,andlo� goods? X �e) �Al,te�atlons to aaterborne. r�ei1 0� a1r trafficl X (f) I�ncr, ease i n tref4l c�huards to motor vehi cl es. X. b1 c,yc1 sts, or pedea tri ans? �1 anaL1 on: 1� 1'i� .�,0��� a ���el� �'�1.L� IC� 14. Pub11c Servtces. Wtll the proposal have an effect upon. or result `Yes ��be No n.a need'�o� �ew or 1a1 tered govee�unental servi ces i n ar�y o4 the fol l ari ng areas: (a-) F1re protectiont X (b� Po11ce protection? X c� ��S�hoo� s?. (d) Parks o� o4�he� r�ecreationat fsc111t1es? x (�e) Maintenance of publi� tac111t1es. i�cluding re�ds? x (,f Other goverronental servl cesT x Exal anat�on: �t 1 L� ��d 15. EnerqY. 1�i11 the �proposal result 1n: Yes MaYbe No (a) Use of substantlal amounts of fuet or energy2 x `�b)�De�nnd upon existing sources of ener�►, o� require x 4he develo�nent og �ne�a sour,ces -of e�eray? E„�,lanatlon: t1'� r� 4 ti s� v 16. •Utititfes. Will the proposal �esult in a need for neM systen�s. Yes Ma�be, No or a�terations to the tollowing utllities: �a) Powe� or naturnl gas?. x (b) Coantunlcation systemsT (t) Wate�? X {d) Sewer or septic tanks? X (ej Storm water dra�nage� x (t) Sotid r�raste and disposal? x Explanation: 1� �L►�t� 1.�: S�1tZ�. �V �l��s �7'G. wec�rD ffiQK11 ��VAL k Se�l� DR�rNb�� es a e o or�potentiaT heatth hazard (i�clud nglmentalhhea ��on any health x ExQlanatlon: �es �b� NO 18. Aesthetics. Y111 the proposal r�esult in the obatru�tlan of a�y scen�� v�sta o� rte�r open to the public or wfi11 �he proposal result in the creation of an x nesthetically oftensive site open to publlc vie�? ExDlanatlon; Yes Ma�be NO I9. Recreetion: will the proposal result in an impact upon the qua11�► or quant��jr ot existing recreatlonal opportunitles? X Exalanat�on: ltes M a�oe �o 20. Archeolo�ical�Historlcat. will the proposal result in an alte�ation ot a X �g� cant a�cheo og ca o� his�orlcal site. structure. ob�ect or bullding? Exalanation: ttr. SIGNATURE I, the unders�9ned. swear under the penal�jr of pe��ury that the above responses are made truthtully and to the best ot ay k�ovrledge. I also understand that, should there be a�y will- ful aNsrep�esentation o� willful lack of fu11 disclosu�e on ay part, Spokane County may with- drarr any declaratton of nonsign�fican�e that it r�ight issue in reliance upon this checklist. Oate: JANUARY 10. 1984 Proponent: �P�Y SEPTZC TANK &ERViCS (Please Prtnt or Type) propoe�et: �p�� S�TIC TANK SER�IICE Addt-ess: E• 8814 SPRAG[JE Phone: 924-7030 Person coa�l eti ng form: LARRY WSNDEL hone: 92a'?fl30 p 1-10-84 FOR STAFF Y C1 �D Staft Membe�(s) Reviewing Chetklist: l Based on thts staft reyiew ot the env �mental checkl a th pertlment infonnation, the staff: A.� Concludes that there are no potentlally significant adverse impacts and recortmends/issues a p�aosed declaration oi nonsiqnificance. 6. Concludes that potentlalty signfttca�t adverse impacts do exlst and reca�mmendslissues a f1na1 declaratfoa of sianitfcance. C. Concludes that there are ao potentialty sig�ificant adverse lmpacts and. because of the �ature of the proposat. reconmends/issues a final declaratian of nonsi�ni�lcance. i 1 Il 1 �4^�ed: Augus t. 1481 5 b a'�� d V1� lp �i 111 k lirU1 1 K 71i� ���Y� APPi.�CATioN FoR U1SPC�SAL S[TL PERMIT PART I (All Sitee) 1. Name of Site APPLEWAY SEPTIC TANK S�RVICE TRANSFER 3TATION 2. Addreee 1RST AND WILLOW Owner of Becotd LARRY A. WENDEL 4. Operator LARRY A. WENDEL S. Site Number i I I County Serial 6. Addreea p_ 8g14 SPR�GLIF SPOKAN�. WA 9920b 7. Application Date I I��� I�� 8. Location I I I I I I I Year Month Day T 9. Check Type of Site: Sanitary Landf il l Laad Spre�ading Shredding Iaduetrial Landfill Drop Box Baling Tranefer Ststioa Compostiag Other Incinerator Besource Recovery 10. Ie this an exieting eite? Yee X No tt 7� I PART II Govercune�tal Approval A. Have any other permite or approvals beeo epplied for from: Yee No N/A Yes No N/A 1. Municipelity Approval 6. a. Department of Bcology 2. PlanniAg Commiseioo X Discharge Permit X Approval X b. Department of Ecology 3. Shorelinee Management, Flood Control Permit X County Approval 7. Departmeat oE Natural 4. Consistent with County Reaourcee; Surface X Solid Waste Management Mining Permit Plan X 8. Fire Department Approval x 5. Departme�t of Game/ 9. Other S.C.H.D Fisheriea Nydcaulic X CSpecify) Ye rm i (Local Nealth De partment Uae Only) Final Approval Dete I I( Approved by: scY oao-as io/ao Year Month Day AV/L6(8Z-16I i j f °I.� 4� PART II Governmental Approval (Conti�ued) B. Zoning 1. Classification of Site Area RESTRICTED INDUSTRIAL 2. Enforcement Agency ZONING AND PLANNING 3. Restrictions (If any)) NONE 4. Use of Adjacent Properties within a Quarter Mile (Check Appropriate Box) North East South West a. Residential 1 I I I I b. Com�aercial I I I I 1 c. L�ght Induetrial I I I I I d. Heavy I�duetrial e. Agricultural X X I I I I I f. Mixed i I I g. Other C Spec i fy) PART III Solid Waete Characterietics .,:R, A. Type of Clientele Served: Eatimated Number: B. Sou�rce or Typ�e: Description I Preaent Volume Projected Volume (If necessas�r) �Tone� �(Ten Years) Tone 1. Garbage i I 2, Rubbish I I 3. Ashea i I 4. Bulky wasCes i I I I 5. Abandoned vehicles i I 6. Construction and I I demolition waetes F i PABT III 9olid 4�a�t� �haracteriatics �Continued� �rrr ��r r B. �Can�inued3 �e$cripti�on I ��reae�t Vu�.ume Pxoje�ted Vvlume l �I� necessa�y) I (�aa�) I t�ea Yeare) Tans I I I i. Industriel wastee I I 8. �[azaraous waBte I I I I �sx����t. cQ��-� I i 9. Sewa�e treetment �ICAL APA�S i �@B I 11�'8 i 1�[]� AQj�T��� I �Q. Street refuae f 11. Li�ter i i I 12. Agricaltucel w�ete l 1 I 1 13. �tiaing roastes I I I 1 i 14. BCher {Specify►� I I C. Daily Waete Quanti�tiee: Volume We�ght I I 1 1. Barimated per cueta�ner d�i�� �raate qvantft�.e� 12, 000 per da 9b, ��0 lb�� 2. Tv�al maxiauua daily vo�u�e or weight 12�000 per da 96.04� 1bA� 3. Tota� aversge dei�.y volume ar weight ���d�o :►�r d,a�� 96.00�� 4. Additiar�s� cammente D. Daily Custamer Traff�c Numbex 1. �stimated �umb�r of transf�r vehicles Estimated num.ber of mv�ni�cips]. c�Ilec�ion �ehicles 3, Estimated ne�nab�r private �o1lectxvn vehicles 1� t.sz��, 4. Bstimated commerciel,l�n�ustrxal/spec�.al �rucks 5. �stimated reside�tial pi�kug trucksjstation va�on$ daily b. Estimated reaidential cacs 7. Add�tiaaal cv��t� I i o 1 :'iC� �J1�.. '..t'�J.'C� .'�'�.'��A'��" �-���J.�L��T..4 i �i PART IV Soil and Geological Chara�teristics (Al1 Sites� A. Location: At[ach copy of USGS Topogrephical map to each copy of Applica[ion using 7.5 minute quadrangle map, if published. l. Plc�t on topographical map [he fotlowin� on site or within ane mile of �uter perimeter uf site: Checkoff a. Wells, �ater N�A b. Springs c. Swamps N/A d. Streams N�A e. Public water suppliee ��A f. Other bodies of w�ter N/A g. Underground or surface mines N/A h. Mining spoil piles N/A i. Irrigation canals N/A j. Irrigation poois N�A k. Mine pools �nd diecharge pointa N�A 1. Ges and oil wells N�A m. Other (epecify) N�A 2. Deacribe the Topographical Setting SEE DRAWING B. Flood Plains: 1. Is the facility in the 100-year flood plain? Yea X No 3 2. Size of watershed above the landfill ie N�A acree. C. Soils: 1. Liet alt eoil eeriee and phasee within site and epproximate thicknesa.See attachment 2. List all Boil seriee and phases to be ueed ae cover �uaterial. See attacl� 3. A c.opy of eoil mep or referencea to site locetion and eource of cover maeerial on publiehed eoil aurvey must be included. See attachment li a,; =t i `J. 1 .i r,,. r PART IV Soil and Geological Characterietics �All Sites) (Continued) D. Geology: 1. Glacial geology or a. Type(e) of deposit(s) GGA GARRIS�i b. Texture of depoeit(s) 0 to 15 inches� black� verM friatble qr`avelly loam: qranular �_triiCttlre s1iQh,,,�,�,y/ S� d. ls to 44 �Ches dark-bmwa� f�ati� p ver=r qrav� 7 l� 1 p� neutral. 44 to 60 inche� multicolored sand, qravel and cobblestones. c.. Thickness of deposit(e� 2. Bedr�ck a. Type� s) b. Oepth to c. �xtent of Weatheriug d. Name and age of farmation(s3 0 B. Surface Water: N A Yee No l. Will there be a diacharge of leachate to eurface watere? 2. Will leachate collection and treatment facil_itiea be constructed? a. If y,es, have you applied for �leste Discharge Permit? 3. Rainfall (in i�chea) a. Annu$1 value 17.5 b. Peak 24-hour value c. Peak 1-hour value s F. Ground Water 1. Depth to, gtound wa[er 85' a. tios� determined tq�a r.p����Q,��� ����-.,A., b. Seasonal variation i 4 0 v j PART IV Soil end Geological Characteriatice (All Sites) (ConCinued) F. Ground Water (Continued) c. If depth to ground water cannot be determined, it ie reco�ended that a boring or well be drilled outeide of, but adjaceat to, the solid waete disposal area. Additional information oa constructioa type and materials may be obtained from the regional office of the Department of Ecology. N/A Checkoff (1) Locate well �n eite map (2) Provide complete log (description oF well) (3� Indicate method of drilling 2. Directioa(e) of ground water movement 3. Diacharge of ground water (indic�te on topographical map) a. Distance and direction of diacharge point(s) b. Naaee(s) of diecharge point(s), i.e., epringe, atreams, etc. c. Area tributary to discharge point(e) 4. Subeurface informatioa: (Detailed information is needed on eubsurface conditions for proper analyeie of the eite. This informa[ion oa soils, geology, and ground water may be determined from deep cute, boringe and wells, backhoe pite, etrip mines, quarries, natural outcrope, or road or railroad cuts). Describe location, detailed deecription and findinge, and locate oa topographic map, loga. N/A J W 5. go� aas informatioa determined? r 'r j /�tv r PART V- Dieposal Sites Design and Operetioa A. Detailed Plane and Mape of Dieposal Site: SEE ENGINEER'ED DR�lWINGS OF TE� BUILDING PLANS Submit one copy of each set of plans with each set of applicetioa forme. 1. Property Line Map a. One map ahould indicate property line• of eite, uee of adjaceat properties, all right of ways �fuel, Power line, roade, etc.). (1) If right of vay egiste, name of owner (2� Doee o�ner/operator ovn mineral righte? Ye• No (3) If not, name and addreea of owner of mineral righte. 2. Detailed topographic mape of the eite ehould include the folloaing. �ore than one map may be used to show the required information on eite and vithin 1/4 mile perimeter of eite. SEE HUILDING PLANS Checkoff a. Scale 1":400' or larger b. Five-foot contour interval or leee c. Locatioa of accese roada and roads on laadfill d. Location of permanent feacing e. Location of weighiAg facilitiee/gate attendent f. Location of eaisting and propoeed utilitiee (water, sewera, electricity, gas, telepboae, etc.) g. Locatioo of right of waye for po�er linee over 1 kv h. Location of discbarge point of ground aeter i. Location and identity of moaitoring velle j. Location and identity of other welle k. Direction of ground water flow (indicate alI directions found) 1. Fire protection facilities if beyond 1/4 mile, ehov oa general topographic �ap m. Leschate collection a�d treatment fa�ilitiee n. Etaployee Facilities o. Bquipment etorage and repair buildinga p. Salvagi�g facilities q. Buffer zone, planti�gs, etc. r. Location and ide�tity of springe s. Locatioa and ideatity of swampe t. Location and identity of streams u. Location and identity of fire hydrants v. Location and identity of fire ponds Diversion ditchea and Water control etsucturee x. Lifts y. Cover stock piles z. Other (apecify� t PART V- Dispoeal Sites Deeign �nd Oper�tion (Continued) 3. Lift Design (landfill oaly) N/A Checkoff a. Total thicknesa of each lift b. Working grade of eacb lift c. Slope and width of working face d. Approximate time interval between lifCs e. Sequence of lifts and cover usage in fill area f. Final slope sequence g. Cover supply sourcee h. Drainage and water cootrol devices i Otl�er speci fy) 4. Plane for Finiehed Site (Check each item included) N/A a. Slope and contour b. Buildings c. Surface water management d. Roed conetruction e. Revegetation procedure f. Final site maintenance g. Mape and a etatement of fact recorded ae part of deed �itb county auditor (WAC 173-301-310� h, Other (specify) 5. Leachete Collection aad Treetment Required? Yee No N/A Not�at thia time a. Locatio,� of collection and Creatment facilitiee b. Crose aectione aad elevations of collection eyetem c. Croea sectioa8 and elevationa of treatme�t facilitiee d. Locatian of diecharge pointe of treated leacbate e. Commente 6. Location of proposed ground water monitoring pointe N/A a. Number b. Depth c. Log of boring or well d. Sampling method e. Sampling freque�cy f Co�mn�nC a ;j is�' r" PART V- Diepasal Sites Deeign and Operatioa (Continued) B. General Plan of 4peration. (Describe in addeadum, check ae completed.� N/A 1. Proposed landfill method 13. Brosion coatrol 2. Scbedule of filling 14. Traffic control 3. Site preparation 15. Final cover 4. Deeignation of unloading area 16. Fiaal elope S. Si�e of �rorkiag face I7. Revegetation procedure 6. Cell co�etruction l8. Final eite maintenance 7. Compaction end cover practice 19. Record syetem 8. Blowin� titter coatYOl 20. Salvaging eyetem 9. SurEace water management 21. Noiee control 10. Duet control 22. �mployee facilities 11. Gae venti�g provieions 23. Vector control 12. �,oad conetructioa 24. Other (epecify) PART VI Operational Support A. B�mployee Facilities: Yee No Are employee facilitie• provided in accordaace �ith (WAC 248-62)? V A 8. Diaease Vectore: 1. Facility will apply daily cover. 2. Racility will prectice �ther techniquee. X Explain SELF CONTAINMENT 3. Control program for: Rodent, Fly, Bird? (circle� X C. Dieeaee Sewage 8ludge and Septic Tank Pumpinge: 1. Are eewage sludge or eeptic tank pumpit►ge to be applied to the land surface or incorporated into the eoil? X 2. Are crope for humaa coasumption to be plaated within 18 months after applicatioa of waate? X 3. Will the waete be treeted by a proceee to eignificantlq reduce pathogene and ie acceea controlled 12 moethe for the publie, 1 month for grazing animals? D. Air Quality: Will open burning of solid waste be practiced at the facility? X Control program for odore? X I i 1 •t �/ft -__r__. PART VI Operatioaal Support (Continued) E. Safety Gae: Will methaae ror other explosive gases be generat`ed? Yes No If generated, ho� aill they be controlled? F. Safetq Fire Protection: Fire Department (Name and Address Telephone� Sp� xn �,nTT�v �•��r �T ,,,,,,T,,,,, 1 �r---....o.�� v 924-3750 Dietance from s�ite 9 B�«S I 2 Pond' a. Locat`ion H/A b. 'Volume of water N/A c. Elevation �N/A 3. Soil Stockpile a. Location 'N/A b,. Vo lume N/A 4. Water Onder Pressure a. Location b. Owner c. Volume of water d�. Preeeure e. Distance to 'fire hydrant 300 Feet S. �Commente 1 PART VI Opera[ional Support (Continued) G. Safety iiird Hazards to Aircraft: I. Will the diepoeal facility be withi� 5,000 feet from eny airport ruoWay used by pisto�-[ype aircraft or 10��000 f�et from any airport runway used by turbojet aircreft�? NO 2. Doee the facility receive Qutreecible waetee like�food waete, eevage eludge, eeptic tank Qumpings� animal maaurea, aniinal caraaseea, e�c.? YES y fl. Safety Accees: 1. Will accese of unauthori�ed pereons iato the facility be coatrolled? Ao�? FENCES AND GATES l. Kill authori�ed pereons be controlled within the f8eility so ae not to expoee them to poten[ial health and eafety hazarde? Hov? SIQ�iS TO QONTROL AG�CESS TO TE3E VARIOUS OONCOURSE I. Control Programs: 1. Duet control N� P�SSZSiLiTiES 2. Odor control 1�0 �DORS �self c.ont,�_ina�enta 3. Noise control NO EXCESSIVE NOISE EXCEPT EdORMAL TRAPFZC 4. Otber J. Bndangered Species: Is the facility aithin a critical tiiabitat or tUe range of �a endaogered or threatened species as 1{isted pureuaat to tbe Badangered Species Act of 1973 (16 U.S.C. 1530 ET. Seq. as amended) in 50 C.F.R. Part 17? Yee x No K. Public Utilities 0� site Off eite Dietance from Date Yee or No Yee or No Site Available 1. �E l ec t r ic i t y �p, _y� enm�A _nF punp .y��_�,�,gggp 2. Water �RNER QF P�P. WHEN �RDEFtED 3. SeWage NO ,APPL CATION PERMIT 4. Te lephone �n DORNER �F PROP �EN ORDEI�ED 5. Other (explain) 1 i I'' m 1-���_ r 'i t �-f__ PART VI -�Operationelf Support (Continued) L. Weighing artd Meaeuring Fecilitiea: 1. Scales a. DeBcription FLOrW TEX METER GAI;LONAGE �RECEIVED b. Locat i�on PLACED ON DIS� Tt18ZNG c. Charges 2. 'Other �specify) a. Type b. Description c. Location M. Recorde System (See Guide in Ioetructione):� X Yes �l�o t Prepared byt I.ARRY A. WENDEL E. 8814 S�RAGUE SPQKANE`. WA 9920f Title: Date: AUGUST 18`� 1983 r 0 �i