16TH E 15720 Spokane Valley Seventh-Day Adventist Church r I r 16TH E 15720 DATE FINAL ENGINEER' S REVIE�VV SHEET BLDG. PERMIT #-or -FILE B 9 S 0 6 S _95 Relateci File Date to Review OS/0�/95 Time 10:00 PRE-APpLICATION Date to AA DR Time Date Received 04-18-95 Project Name SPO VALLEY 7-DAY ADVENTIST NEW CHURCH/S No. Lots No Acres Range Township Section SITE ADDRESS 16TH F, 15720 PARCEL 45252.9057 Applicant's Name KEViN JESTER/ARCHITECTS WEST Phone 208)667-9402 Address ARCHITECTS WEST Work Dates Conditions mailed Contract person ����P FLOOD ZONE No W S School 354 1 Engineer Surveyor's Architect's Name -r" Planning Contract Person Phone 456-220� Date Submitted Description Initials /�j�AGREEMENT TO PAY FEES OR PRIORITY FEE COMPLET�`D COPY TO ACCOUNTING FINAL PLAT FEES COMPLETED COPY TO ACCOUNTING tiO o /9� NOTICE TO PUBLIC 1�`�G.�OM��,ETED -.ORfiTEEDS TO BE SIGNED DESIGN DEVIATION SUBMITTED ALTERATION TO PLAT BLOCKS -LOTS BOND RELEASED ROAD DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS HEARING EXAM APPROVED DEI�IIED- APPEALED BBC PROJECT APPROVEV DENI�D BOND QUANTITIES FOR DRAINAGE ITEM CALCULATED STAMPED MYLARS T� PERMIT TECHNICAN (SYL/SUZANNE) STAMPED 208 LOT PLANS TO ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT (SANDY) S.l• yac. 5 8 9S e r JE �.a� i ,.3 s A �e.� �p y o� �.o;� i2 J irll� Roi3c7 i� t? %EQ a �.r i��.� -�.v�E ���"'Q 9 /L 9, /h• �v. r� �s,�..� a r`��c-,�_ 72�. i? o ar, 3 `'1 ��L�,� ,.�L�.r,�,= I`3 1 /�-�.1� T? T Q �E� j2�a� K Z Oc-S 'T'o 't��� 9 �'�-�.�,t_s'' /.J. �T L.l�✓ !J �1�..ST"�Z .rJCCr'a -��Z�-� ��S �l e.� ti-� _,S� �,Lll,� �/v a i o D C1�/J��L c� /1/'cG!� ��t� �.y4.nJ J i �o7L���� �.l '�J S2� J� ,a L.g l.�J v .�J b r RE:!'OR't' OF Sl1195 PltE-AI'PLICATION CO\'T'CKCNC� 15�2Q E 16TI[ SEVL'NT[I DAY AAVEN7'[S'I' CIIURC[USC[IOOL NA��1E I ADDRFSS CITY r STAT� ZIP PHQNE CONTACT OWNER CHARLE4 FER(lUSaN I2323 E MISSION SPOKAJ�E WA 94216 509-4265866 I ARCHITECT ARCH(TF_GTS WFST �409 CI�A AVBNUE �CDA ID I 83814 208-667-9402 IKEVIN J�SI'E S'TATE l:l�'VIRON�9TN'I'AI, POLiCY ACT (SEI'A) In accotdance with thc Waahingkm S�tc �vironmcntal Policy Ad (SGPA) WAC 197-11-310 a thrc8hold dctermirotion ia rcquiruf w be iasued by the Diviaivn of f3uildings (DOfi). An environmental checkliet needs w be prepared and submitted to aasist the U013 in rtreking the threshold determinalion for circulatian lo agenciea of jurisdiction. Permila can not be Lssued unlll oRer the E4suance of a Uireshold dMerniinatioa and a IS-day publlc eanunet�t peri�sf. PR0.1EC'1' OVERVIEW Proposal for two buildings. The firet building will bc a 600-seat sanetuAry, 400 scet fellowship hall. It will hnve a kitchen, sabbath school and an office. The second building will be comprised of the gym (moved frorn Pines and Mission site) school and administretion erea. Thie ie a phesed project: Phese 1 is: eanctuery, foyer� edministretive nrea. restrooms, threc clossrooms in the church building. (2) Shell only fellowship hall, four classrooms to be completed during phase 2, and (3) Relocation of the �ym. Temporarily use church sabbath classroom erea for full-time sehool during the week. Existing well on property belonga to the church; would like to use it for irrigation. Will do their own groundskeeping. SUATA�(ARY OH PROPOSCA occu- L,ANp Ugg PAM COALST C+tRE PARCF3L ZONE ACTIONS TYP6 BUILD(�G t/SH SQ.lrl'. GROUi' TYP6 FLOW WATER PVRV6YOR J i'110NL i 15252.9057 UR �.S �ZE-60-42 Ncw CUurch 21233 Numeroui I V•1HR I 2750 IVeea Weter Powcr (92d•3600) I I School 11671 I 2250' I •SprinkJed DISCUSSION TOPICS (CLARIFICATIONS, ADDtTtONS, AND CORRECTfONS TO WRITTEN COMMENTS) ZONING (456-3675) CONTACT: LORNE LAKSHAS. Written comments were prepared a co�y given to the applicant. Type I landscaping could go along south and east property lines or just within area of construction (new line) future retire complex would require a zone change. Joint use parking agreement may be required depending on amount of parking (church vs. school). Will require a letter regarding landscaping if donated materials/labor are used. Parking analysis was not done. ENGINEERING ROADS (456 CONTACT: DOUG BUSKO. Written comments were prepared a copy given to the appticant. Need to verify if road dedications have been done (Sullivan Timberlane). HEALT�i DISTRICT (324-1560) CONTACT: DARYL WAY If kitchen used for food service to non-religious school pupils (K-12) Health Dist jurisdiction. Gym is considered part of school. *Clearly label that existing well water may not be used for drinking purposes. Verify if water rights transferred to church. For school inspections for health 8t sanitation, contact Julie Awbry, Health Dept. Submit complete set of construction plans to them for school and gym portion. Connect to public sewer. Contact Billy Urhausen at Utilities Department (456-3604). Contact the local refuse company to determine best location for dumpster to altow turnaround for their vehicles. All construction debris must be ta}cen to a licensed disposal facility; no on-site burning or burial witl be authorized. F�RE DISTRICT NO. 1(928-2462) CONTACT: PAUL CHASE Two hydrants will be required (one new). DIVISION OF BULLDINGS (456-3675) CONTACT: KEN JEFFREY. Written comments were prepared a copy given to the applicant. For information on the Americans with Disabilities Act, call 1-800-435-7232. All safety issues must be met prior to occupancy. Relocate some handicapped parking areas. Copy of previous plan review letter was given to the a�plicants. Effective 4/1/94 all commercial projects shall demonstrate compliance with the Non-Residential Energy Code. Bxptismal and restrooms required to be handicapped accessible. Four-hour area separation wall required between schoo[ and classroom. If using sabbath classroom area as school, sprinklers will be required. School buildin� in excess of 1500 sf required to be sprinklered per WAC S 1-20. SEE REVERSE FOR PERMIT RELEASE REQUlREMENTS cklist r P`�RMIT RELEASE RF,QNREMEh'TS Piease subm[t stven (7) sett oJ revLsed slte, d�tnage. and landcnape plans plus (lvtt (3) oo+r+plere sets of constnictton dmwEngs to t1u Department of Bulldi+tgs jor adaiowidgernent and dtstrtbutiaet to af l eJu apprapriate agtndts. In order for a!1 agendts ro upcdleiously proc+Ga your pro/ect, it Is trnportant that submtttaLs includc aJl ncr�ssary drowfngs ond docwntnts to insure �t r�view ojyour yro/ea evmpktu! tn the lrnst amount oj ttme. Docunu�ts should lndude bu!l�ing addre.ss and tegat ducriptlon ojproperry. Spokene Count�t's Projact Review Coordinstor wi!{ be Carol Fra=ier at the Div. of BuiicGnge (456-36751. MZONING �Q�1G1�'@ERS I HEALTH F1RE AUILDINCS T j V+ y/�v� VJ::IfJllf."V... ..Y.L .1.. •t:tSSti l.� 1.Yh:.W:: t':. fJ}f.�:: [�t(�[} y i �(�µy�����[���.��p� 4 •l,. t j rt��C�{.Iv`.�'A`.4.`�ni`TJJJ��F.9✓•\1�.,��N1�:{{{:•:l:t{J?�{}{{•yf{{!�1':�• :':�'::":'::•.:•::::•J.•:��•.{ .`I�YW� �'.:ti•''..•.::':;:.�:.•...•:� i......... 1 I Bicvcle re�cics (loemion number) X 4 2 IBuildinR hniRht in atoriea foet X 3 �Clear view trianRle et inR�as/eRreas X 4 �Cl�rbinq around IendacmoinA X S� IiRhtSnq/direction of ilfuminetion X I 6 IFacterior rct4�x arca� ecreeninR X 7 �Exurior atora�te areas and acreeninq X 8 Fence loeation, heiqht, tyae X I 9 I.,endscavinR of P�jnR 1� X I 10 �5 feec Tvpe III IandscaninQ adiacent all roadways X I I 1 10 fxt Tvve I landscaninR adiaant to UR 3.5 zoncs x I I 12 L,andscaninR (location, averiea, size) X 13 Peroel boundarv dimenaion� and ieQal descrintion X I 14 �BuildinR coveraRe cal�vlation X l5 IPe,icinA trafFic circvla�ion alan X I 1b IPerkinQ stalla (number, atrioinQ, dimen�ion, dircctional arrowsl X 1 I I 17 �Buildinq ooveraRe calcvlatlon M X 18 �PevinR X 9 Setbadce X I I 20 �SiRnaKe (location, beiqht, sauere foocaQe) X i 2l Drainajte plan (swalea. drvwells. ealcvlations) X 22 Drivewava a11 roed anProechea X 23 IRoed plana X 2d �Sentic tanlc/drainfield locetion siu X 2S �Well location X 1 26 �Fire Avdranta (1oeation numberl X 27 �Fire ler►es/eaxss X 28 �Vault location I X 29 �Handicap parking atalla aooessways Sinto within blda1 I X :•:..:.•.ti:•::::::: •:::::.Y� _.,.•:.�>r::•: r.... '^ti Z�^. •.;M: v ::v::::::.. 1. rf /ry.�ry�y �*y��}.� r:::•::•iX}�.: r::}�`}i::.`{:i:�$:.Y{::ri,{:_{i: i::;S{: :G'iYr.. r.. r:��t�.�. R••' •"::YSii�:{ry: f{ia .Si{tiw.tv..... r:. i�i 1.ili:.A: Ltl'.AJ�A+ISI:�:���Jt�i��:. v.r:•S}}}i: �4::4}:4'r:::• i}:;:}, 30 �Cenificate of Exemotion X 31 �(rriRetlon ayatem olans X I I 32 �Nurxrv eatimaee X r I 33 �Promiasmy letter for landscenc requirementa X I 34 �Joint use oerkinQ aRreement X I r 35 �ARroement to vey fxa 8 minimum reauirements list X I I 36 �Apnroach xrmit for ecoess to 16th X 37 RiQhc oP wev dcdicwtion X I �8 IR1D ARrxment for futurz rond imcrovement� I X I I 39 Road alana X I 40 �Criticat Materiela list X 1 X 41 �Sewer permit I X I I 42 I L.ock (Knox) box entrv system form I I X 43 Weter plans I X 44 I ISEPA X I I I I 4S �Special lnsnection forms I X 46 ISpeciel NREC Plan Review�er/Inav�ector ••1::......;. :.r. ti•: I {x;,r. •r X �t;: t y {.}:.}.�?•.4:.tti., vr,. ..titi :�:v{}r:�i}r: {.:.i:..... i�����.y�" .�'�f'v.'IJ�J•f:•i�.�.t4:6:I411�•:i�J\AiiCtlFil:it��}:••f,•r• •:.v:�;.}•.;•.: :i:};�:[:•:v�}v�XAXti:•:r:� :.rr.ti'�...'�' v....v}... n v:.ti ::�}::•'•:ti::•: i: ::v. :-::::::v:: 4? �Aa-built detaila of eaistinq atructuresPouildinQs X X 48 �flerrier-Froe Reauirementa (WAC SI-20) I X X 49 IConatruction drewinRa kitchen eauipment achedule X SO �DesiRn avecificationn of existinq/pra�oaed buildinR X S1 �Electrieal detaili M 1 X 1 X S2 Ener� details/eelalationa I X 53 �Firv aorinkler/alarm avstem I I X S4 �F1oor draine holdin¢ tank desi¢ns I X SS �Floor plan X 56 �Grcase intcrxntor X I 57 �Heetin¢. ventilation dc e3r eonditionine drewinqa I I X I X 58 �Kitchen hood details/shxR� I X 59 I[.oedinR dock desiQn I I X i r� i i rn;:TS:. .2 C�+Giiu�a i 1 n 1 X 61 �Room finish achedule I X I X 62 �Seatina olana X 6J �SeParation wall details X X 64 IStruaurel drawin¢s witA w�et stam�s calculations I I X X l�'^-� �Cl--� Signeture of Coordinator Signeture of Plen Reviewer Project No: 95002428 Page 1 Page Y T �FFICE DF T�E ��LFN*�Y �N�INEE� 4 ����iS LV�.L� f YYZ'Sr7fl�lY�li�1Y t'��� �'t il J.J�� t'7,�����. �111..1��11 L►��. �ddr�s� 1�7� E 16t,h R�f �95065 P�rce� No:�5���.9�57 R�vi��v Pre 1��p T�� Cc�unty E��g�.ne�ri�g D��ar�ment c�mple�e� re�riew of the ab�ve referencec� pr�je�t The following �nfo�matic�n rnust �e gravided in ox`�e� f�r us to p�oce�d v�rith our re�rie�nr. A� ,For ar��r new �rn�er�rious s�r�ace ar�as a drainage plan th� �hall be p�epared in com�liance �rith �Sp�k�r�� C�ux�ty ��Guidelines for �to�x`r�w��er 1�Iana�emen�" At a minim�rn the pla� must can�ain: l. L�r�in�g� ��.�.�ula��ons� for �tor�n�vater vc�lum�s generat�ed on site. Calcul�t�ons f�r total impe�vi��us �ur�f a�es co��t�i��d w�thin th� �it�. 3� Fi�i�hed g�ade eleuatians for �truct�r�� to b� constructed c�n site 4. �`ia�i��ie�d c�ra�d� �elevations at th� t�p �nd bottorn c�f �.he 2�8 sv�ale, 5. t�p�c�� c�ass ���tion of �OS swale. 5. ��lculations to �us�ify t�e numb�r and type of �r�we 11 propo er3 f 7. �le�ratian of drywe�.�. inl�t�� w�ere applicab�e C�py of tl�e p�'o���ed lar�ds�cape pl�n. h B} Th� �ub�j ��t proper�ty i� af fected k�y the Findings ar�d �?r�er and tl�e "�ondi� i�ns of Apprat�al f or t�e f�llowirig land us� acti�n: Spo�ane �c�unt�r �one Change Nc� The fo1�l��vin� improvemerits �vitl�i� adj �cent Right of W��r are r�quired pri�r ta �he r�le��e of a building permit; f 1. Y�u mus� sulornit �oad and drainage p? ans for st��et imprr��rements These mu�t be pr��aaced �y an en�ia��er Plans rn�ast be prepar�d fo� the f�ll�win� streets: a ��lli�tan, S�Qkane �c�un�.� Special Secti�n, Sulli�ran. F�o�d, l�th Ave 24th Ave b. 1�th S�o]��rie CD�7n�y Typl�al �eCti�r1 No. t Ac�e�s Stanc�ard. Tim�er��ne Driv�, Spokane Cc�un�y '�'yp�ical �ection �T�, Access �tandard. Th� applicant is ��quired to '��uild �n� half of th� stree� plus a 12 ��o� lane. T�e ���al i�mpr��rement� wi�l �he� in��ud� sid�walk� curb� and 32 fe�t of �sphalt A11 requ�red cr�nstruct�,on �sid��ralk�cur�ir�g,��a�r�rnen�t� �,vit�in the Public l�oad Ri�ht of Way is t� be cattrplet�d prior t� the Page 2 M release of a�building permit or a financial guarantl in an amount estimated by the County Engineer to cover the cost of construction or improvements shall be filed with the County Engineer. Required plans are to be submitted prior to estimating the amount of the financial guaranty or permit release. 2. Applicant shall dedicate a 30 foot radius on 16th and Sullivan, and a 20 foot radius on 16th and Timberlane Drive. 3� Applicant shall dedicate 25 feet of right of way for Timberlane Drive. No access to Timberlane ��ill be allowed until Timberlane is established as a County Road. 4.� Approach permits must be obtained, after a site plan has been approved, and before the issuance of a building permit, from the County Engineering Department for any new or improved driveway approaches to the following streets: a. 16th Ave. D) Insufficient information was submitted with the proposai. we are unable to proceed with our review. We will�need the following before we can proceed: 1 Site Plan 2. Drainage plan as specified. 3. Other information: a. A parking and traffic circulation plan shall be submitted and approved by the Spokane County Engineer..The design, location and arrangement of parking stalls shall be in accordance with standard traffic engineering practices. Paving as required by �he County Planning Ordinance, will be required for any portion of the project which is to be occupied or traveled by vehicles. it is illegal to back out onto the Right of Way�. E) Utility Condition: Permittee is responsible for arranging for all necessary utility adjustments or relocation as required for completion of the improvement.� F) The owner of the property or the authorized representative must complete and sign Spokane County Engir.eers "Agreement to Pay Fees". This do�umen.t must be returned to the County Engineers Office. Plan review will not be completed until this document is executed. This document is attached to these comments. Please return the completed Agreement to your contact person at the Engineers Department. The applicant or their representative is responsible for including each item that is marked "Required By This Project" in their submittal in accordance with the checklist descriptions. Each item suhmitted that is to meet the checklist shall be checked off by the applicant or their representative. Submittals which do not conform to the above requirements will be returned PaC�e 3 1_ 5 f�r �urther ��.erns with r�view b�inc� accarnp�ished This will pr�long the �ev�e�r pra�es� If �har�g�s o��ur i� t�ae rec�uirerne��s fc�� tY�e �p�ro�ect becau�e c�f fur��er con�rer���.ion� v�rith Spokar�e Count�r r�present�tiv�e�, please a�ttach note explair�ing the agreed u�ar� char��� in r�quirernents. Wh�n th� applic�n�s� su�rnitt�l i� fznally appra��d, �.he �ngin�ers �d�par�.rnent w�ll r�le��e thei� por�ion �f �h� Bui��in� �ermit. �our ��nta�t perso� at t�e �ounty Ez�gir�eex�ir�g I�epa�trnent is Doug Bu�ka, 45�--�5�Q. t i 1 3ia EXPANSION G E N E R A L N 0 TE S JOINT 1. EXPANSION JOINT IAATEftIAL SHALL BE PUCEO IN 1NE CENiER OF ALL COMMERdAI ���A 8 ppEyyq� ORIV�WAYS OVER 20' IN WIO?H, 2. EXPANSION JOINT REOUIREO If POUR ,Z� INCIUDES App1T10NAL ORIVEWAY AR£A. io 3. CONCRETE FOR �RIVEWAYS SHAIL 8E CLASS 3000 AIR ENIRAINED. 4' 'W�- 4' 4. ALl EXTERNAL EOCES TO 8E CURB FACE TROWElIEO NATN 1/�' RAOIUS EDCfR. ��A g S. SIDEWAIX TO BE SCOREO EVERY S'. PLAN J/8' EXPANSIDN ,1pMT TO BE INSTALlEO EACM SIDE OF A C1JR8 RE1l1RN AND AT LOCATIONS WHERE SiDEwALK INTERSECTS OTHER StDEWALKS, 6' IAIN. ORIVEWAYS AN� CURBS. 8. THE COUNTY ENdNEER MAY REOUIRE A WIDER OIMENSION TABLE TRAFFIC VOLU4IES N�0 CATE ITES t/4' PER DI T N(�5 f00T 7. SEE SHEET A-S. (YYHEEI CHAIR RAMPS) TYPE CONH.I 18' I 40' 8. CEMENT CONCRETE APPROACHES SHALL BE r 4' PORTLAN� RES I 18' I 3i1' CONSTRUCTEO AT ALl CURB OROP lOCJ1nOt15 CEMENT CONCRETE TO INSURE STORMWATER fLOW ALONC CUTIER LINE RECAROtESS OF SIOEWALIC CONSIRUCTION. SECTION A—A 10' IAIN. I. 6' AAM. 6� AdIN. 8Z MAX GRADECTED SIDEWALK t/4' PER �/''7� 6 1 4' PER urN.� FooT� \\'i�\i���r��\�� foor_ Y i w 4' PCC —SX MAX. i i i 'r ,�r f r SECTION A CE ENR co CRE�E (ORAINAGE SWALE) SECTION B—B SPOKANE COUNTY APPROVEO� ST�wonRD sxc�r OEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS �+TM �a��R A-7 o s�ac,urc, K� �o�oe �ye_� o�h; CEMENT CONCRETE APPROACHES r y A�� l�:ANS�VIISSI�N SPOKANE COUNTY ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT I O2G W. BROADWAY SPOKANE WA 99260 (509) 456-3600 Fax: (509) 324-3478 To: Steve Davidson Date: Apri14, 1995 Fag 208 667-6103 Pages: 6, including this cover sheet. From: Paul Lennemann, E.I.T. Subject: Seventh Day Adventist Church COMI��NT S Included are additional details you may need. APR-04-1995 09�46 FROM ARCHITECTS �EST TO 1509324347E491 P.01 FAX TRANSMfTTAL SH�ET aRCH�rECTS wEST p.A. 409 Goeur d'Ate�e Avenue Gi Co�u� d'Alene. tD 83814 �?ATE: (248� 667-9402 Fax (2Q8) 667-6103 A�ENT�orv: �A t�tt��`�111��� �7'�b�� Gd. ��.�t� FROM: ��t� T(?TAL NUMBER OF PAGES {1NCl.UDtNG THIS PAGE) ITEMS SENT/NOTES: SN�''� t��� �.�r�.��� c�t�J �2�8� (�tc� �cQ��-- '����f LS ��CP—� `��UC.iZ— l��i P�i�� t�- �et' 1 t� r ��E u IF YOU Oo rsOT REC��vE ALi. PA�ES, PI.EaSE NOTIFY US AS SOON AS POSS16lE AT (208) 667�9402. APR-04-1995 09�4E FROM ARCHITECTS WEST TO 1509324347E491 P.05 SW�LE BASEN BOTTOM. CAST 1RON RING AND SLOTTEO GRATE. 1'— 0" MIN. COVER OVER 'TYPAR' �#3401 SUPPORT/FILTER FABRIC. 6 n V J GVNCEN TRIC GR f CGEN TR1L :t: ir>:::,;�: DRY WELI. CONE- ;?a� �r�� .•x:; i i F y ;i:� �j: r.�i o ;,.;.�:?rs:'�:ti�;��,;�:�i;;;r�:t„�,��;'�;:;:::;:;�;�,�� 3�01 FiL7ER F/IBRIC. s oES o 0 o''' s..:..:., o WRAP P!? I AN t P Q,?;��'��:ti;� ,.:r..,� pF ROCK PI.ACEMENT. r a a ��ff�i �'.ti�. .'f�i�i\'��'�S':i��'��.�.'4 O 8 �.�{�•�i^ �.':��s�y i a �ti_ rt�•. ��;i Q .1; �ti1i'i� i'. Q� .,.�1•.�.{ O Q� P�ECAST CONCRETE ORYWE�L. 1 7 Q :;I�,hy''4; ..r�v;,;{7i� SEE P�ANS FOR SIZES. �r e ��,�h'�i;� t; ti� 1" 3" DIA. WASHEO NATURAL o ;;�z;(�:,.�; :,y.s :.y... AR N R Y1� Qo GRAVE�S OU D D lELL �°dd o i; o `Jp 0 f ••',.��';s •,:F :;.:;i::;->, o Y: �:F�:��' UNDlSTUR6ED MATERIA�. ::y>. ;:E;;� :��'�r.�`,f; +;5; j` i �::t� .'':'x:. .:'>6:-�'�`��:'� STREET JUM� SAJE. E 1'-0" 4'-0" DRYWELL N OT TO SCA LE i D 0 ASPHA�T PAVINC AS PER m OE lAIIS. VERIFY 2" OR 3" �i SEC TI ON. Cor�C. Cu�e ExP� ,NSiON ,�ai��rs c� 30'-0; o.c., scoRE m ,�o���rs io-� �.c. A EXPANStQtJ JOINT 4" CUNC. �IOEV'IAI.K AS PEt; ORA:v'NGS. 3 OR PLAN TING BEO W/� 3" 8�tu MU�_CH AS PER dRAWlI��lGS. n GR TURf AS PER ORAVVINGS. m 6•° c� _e L `2 Q �'l�E�� 3`3 �i i€1�,�3 —I '�iYl1�l� S l�lll �:SS�£i' 2�� 3�• s 2 �i 3 •�r�>�� f a �i:7�� ��S i G t11 �j �ttt s!� i��ifi��tf! •�l7� i I ::3�:�� Sl�� �i �S�^�??��' E����=5�' =�5��'i� SUBGRADE. �;,;�.�t�u,}�, O 3 ni ''������q .o��� 'i c.; 3. S UdUS �f4 REBAR CONTIv ->�3:��'�t ���?S. �p };.ii� 4�:>�:jr '�i« �F�i�i1l�t[tt�'il��t �_L1��!� •;>_FEF!�itu 9 COMPACTED SUBGRAD=. cn m w N STAN DARD CU R6 A W l A m NOT 70 SCALE �v m A D O V I m t R �0 j �p. :E CONTFACTIQ�V i.SPHALT c�l1 fS A T I 0 2VAL5 F�OlA PI f'll,l.(T AND CURO AR= ILL�T 801H MONOIItHIC POUR :TICnVS. (TYPICAIf t A i i. �C1 ..i•. i O i 1. i 3 co+�cFEr� :e- i::'•.�. TYP. D �t` .':•r.`-.•_ C� �.r•': �q m �l -�1 CONTR AC TI �N JGIN TS m SPACED E�UAIII' =Xt1CT LCCATIONS ANO EXPANSIO�V JO{N T( TYP. isiQr�tS 0- CURBCu r/Rarn�s V1ALftS S;f LAYQUT AND RIALS SFfETS 8" CONGRET� ;'-0" 3 p VAI.I.EY Gl.rfER o 6" CONCREiE MIN. 1 /2 4" BAS� 3!4" �AINU� A CC�O JOINT ZEQ'p. W A m A SECTION �-A CITY APPROACH 0 w NOT TO SCAIE APR-04-1995 09�46 FROM ARCHITECTS WEST TO 1509324347E491 P.02 I I I I 1 I I l I I I I I f N 1 1 f I 1 I I I 1 I 1 I�i Ly a 2 i r 2 7 i i I I I I I I I i i i t r f I b w c a i i t r m I I I I f I M t t I t I f i o I o i I a�� a I I I I r r I t I I I I i I c I d e� a� I I t 1 r 2 4 r i 4 PROJECT NUMBER= 95002428� APPLICATION DA� 09/27/95 PAGE= O1 e THIS IS NOT A PERMIT PENALTIES WILL BE ASSESSED FOR COMMENCING WORK WITHOUT A PERMIT ---���1 ��.1� SITE STREET= �""�L ���ur-�� PARCEL#= 45252. 9057 ADDRESS= VERADALE WA 99037 PERMIT USE= 7TH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH PLAT#= 999999 PLAT NAME= RANGE BLOCK= LOT= ZONE= UR-3.5 DIST#= S AREA= F/A= F WIDTH= DEPTH= R/W= 50 OF BLDGS= 1 DWELLINGS= 1 WATER DIST OWNER= UPPER COLUMBIA CORPORATION PHONE= 509 926 5866 STREET= PO BOX 19039 ADDRESS= SPOKANE WA 99219 CONTACT NAME= KEVIN JESTER PHONE NUMBER= 208 667 9402 BUILDING SETBACKS: FRONT= 47 LEFT= 47 RIGHT= 195 REAR= 80 REVIEW INFORMATION DEPARTMENT REVIEW REQUIREMENT BUILDING REVIEW COORDINATOR C FRAZIER COMMENTS: BUILDING PLAN REVIEW REQUIRED COMMENTS: BUILDING SEWER PERMIT PENDING COMMENTS: BUILDING ZONING/SITE REVIEW COMMENTS SEPA REVIE ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW REQUIRED COMMENTS: t ENGINEER APPROACH/FLOOD PLAIN/DRAINAGE e COMMENTS: ENGINEER DRAINAGE PLAN REQ' D /m /3 Q5 7��%�- �!'j� ��C-fi�N��T2�/����G �a,c�N .�7�1� 9 9v �,S ��c.J d.J Svc. r��•v ��ts ss� �✓N ,J ..s� �.�.-a. or 1 04/�3/.1_99�� 10:51 5099265868 SPOKANE VLY ADV CN P PQ,�E� 03 4. The land r��exred �ta in this po�icy is situated in tihe state of Washington, County of Spokane, ar►d i.9 described as �ollows: PARCEL A: A parcel oF Iand in the N���.hwest Quarter of Sect�on 25, To��nsh�.p 25 North Range 44 E.W.M. described as fo�J.ows: BEGINNING at the Northwest �orner of said Sec��.on 25; thenee South 89'23' 17'' East along the North liz�� of said Northwest Quarter, being also the centerline oF Sixte�nth Avenue, a d�stancr� of 870.00 feet; thence Sauth 00°36'43" West at rigttt angles to sa�.d iv�rth line a�istanc� of 730.00 feet to the beginninq of a curve concave t4 the East having a radius of 475.00 feet; �hence SoutherlX alang said curve th�ough a cr?ntr�.�. angl� cs� °�3' O�i" an drC d�stance aF J.27.37 feet to the intersecti.on of said �uzve wxth a I ine perp�ndicular to the West 1 it�e of said iv�,�thw�est Quarter, said perpen�li�ular linP begin��.ng at a point 855.04 feer d�stant Sou�herlv, measctred a�ong said West �irte, €rom said Northkest corner af Section 25; thence �orth 69°20'2?" We�at al,ong said perpendic:ular �inE d.�stance of 887.67 feet ta 93�C� ��esr line, being alsa the centerlin� of Sulli�•an Road; thenCe North 00 East along �a�,d W�st line af diskanee of 855.00 feet ta the Foint o€ Heqinning; £YCEPT county road right of wag For 5i�cteenth Avenue and Sul i ivan Rcad ALSO �XCEPT the tYest 4?.5 feet of the North 60�.28 Feet thtreof; Si�uatt� in thz County of Spo]cane, State of tVashinyto� PaRCEL 8: A��rcel af l�nd in thp Northwpst Quarter of. Secti.on 2�, �c�wnshi�� 3�vrth, Rang� E.��'.?�I. in �pok:�ne Count�-, Ivashington, d�sc_rik��c� as fol lo�vs (Legal d�sc1 continued� ���5 S�OE����� ..�a�6l�EER 04/]�3/1995 10:51 5099265868 SPOKAf� VLY ADV CH PAGE� 04 LEGAL pESCRIPTION (con�1: BEGINNING at the Northwest corner of said Section 25; thenCe Sauth 00°39'38" West alang the �Vest 2�ne of said Nortrwes� Quarter, being also the centerl�.ne o� Sullivan Road, a d�.�tance o£ SS5.00 f eet to the TRUE POINT 4E BEGINNZNG; thence South 89°20'23" East at right ang.les to said W�st lir►e a distance of 687.67 feet to the beg�nn�ng vf a non curve concave to the Noctl�east, tl�e radius pain� oF which bears North 75°15'37" Easti d�stance of 475 .00 feet f i•om saic� point of beginning of ruxve; th�nc� Southea5t�r3y atong said curve Chrough a central artg�e 23' 23' S4" an ar'C d�.stance of 185 .69 feet; then�E South 37 08' 17'' L�as� a dzstance of 167.6Q fee�; th�nce South 52'S�'�3" t�'est a distance of 2�B.9I. feet to the beginning of a ta�gent cur�e concave Lo �he North having a radiUS of 735.00 feet; thence Westerly alor►� sa�.d curve through a central anglp of 37'�7' 55" an arc distance af 47],.69 feet; then�� A]orth 89°20'22" w��t a distanr_e o� 438.11 fee� to sa,id West line of the ��orthc��st Quarter; th�nce North QO°39`3g" East a distance of 600.04 �eet to the TRUE POY�TT OF BEGI?�:1�VG; �XCEPT County Road Right of Way for Sulliv�n Road; Situate iri the Citv of Spokan.e, County oF Spokane, State of Washington. t �o�ntinueci a 04I23:19g� 10:51 5099265868 SPOKANE VLY ADV CH .��r�E* 02 .c. ��:o. Ac �6 r�r .g��. �.�o¢� JJQ y Y 48 f d R1 f'� f i j c� z t y��cz y�� j I r Av� !yh'U1. n r.`..r:,�- ,:,G f s� t.or zct 1 z00 ,Z FJ 30 A RLAf�� N y �'lM k 1RANSA�tE�ciCA Tt7�l£ t�ISUkAt�CE CQ?�PAKY ►�R�x �o Aac�� a SP4KANE, Wa1. 992t}6 l v t N 1 —�-t— 7,l ..r Thl� p�int i= made :a�elr lor the yut�ase d�asiadn i b locatGn� aa�d Rrem,.,�; ann th� comrp�n�r aasumei -�iaOiGtr for y���at;uns, a any, iq Qrmensiony end I I Inr.�l�e� �sr.•�ta�� hv ai (�a�l SurrCy. r i f a ��Z�" l r r�' r PERMIT DOCUMENT TRANSM TTAL Spokane County Division of 6uildings 1026 W Broadway Ave. Spokane, WA. 9926� �,�1.� Project Address: 1 O f ��l? Project Business Name: ��Z� CONTACT: ��v ��C�"� Phone: �(��-9��' Maili n Add ress: Lc� --e-� v-� k� `�I CDORDINATOR:� Phone: V 7 l 1� 1 f DOCUMENTS CIRCULATED Fl Description s�,ua��q z�i�� Eno�� r�.��rn a� un�m� scnPC�► �L X X X �C ��C LL Z r Received By Date of Transmittal: J� Circulated by: ...4�� ....r 31995 t' u �.��`�;►iti� ���i��� ���?Gi�E�R I V�RIaNCE APi�LICANTS NAMT= C��`� ��'���So•v D LD G ,�C� Co OTHER MAILING AD D It�S� l� ��''�/.Ss i d� s 2 r z s �t �o �;�u�� �o, 1 c� PARCEL �5•�.SZ �o7S PHONE HOMF ROAD NAME �Sv�..� i�/'�.� PHO�tE wORK C� v�i�.�� �ic fotlowing documcnts are needed before the Spokanc Counry �nginccr's Department can begin processing your variance or buildi.ng �pplication as �ppcoved. (509) 4S6-3G00 V ,�GREEYIE,tT TO PAY FEES have beea collected. V RECOR.DED COPY OF DEED DEED OF TRUST caatract or conve in iastrumen�. These a y g m y be obcai.ned from che Couuty Auditor, 2ad floc�r of the Courtho�ue. I.EG,�.L DESCR�Z'ION of your acce,ss easemenc. A LISTING OF NA11�S of individuals who will be signing the documents. These individual names- st�ould appear as t�e pers4n(s) legally sign their dame. C'NA L...�� tc: 7�, vSc�� CUR.FZENT ASSESSOR'S �►P which depicts the locatioa of your property. OWNERSHIP :l�IICRO•RUN. These may be obtained from che Counry �ssessors, Ist floor, of the Courthouse, Jefferson eatranc�, 2ad dooc on the left. The necessary documencs will be prepared by the Engineer"s Department, Right-oF Way Sectioa, upon provision of the informati.on aoted above. You will be notified wheu the documents are ready for sigaacure. �e documencs may be seat to you, however, IT SHOULD BE NOTED T'HAT ALI. SIGNAT'LJRES MUST BE NOT�IZED. �e Enginee�s Department does have notaries available if you choose to sign the documents at our office. t/ Please call when ready Pfease mail when ready Notice to Public Right-of•Way COMMENTS Right-of-Way ,�gent /�'I�D� I=ocward to you from �vs k�plMotio�.192 �r ��.6�" �r 95091403f8 A Fll. �1.� r.��t :�?t•r�rt�+=f�- lJ R�:(?�i��t' �,t, r Lo In bAfa: 9-13-95 PAic�) !1 �5252 9075 ��j 9 Fioad Name/Nv: Sullivaii No 4].2 "U" 16th No 2496 c t Purpose: B 95065 JE 4 g P17 �95 Ptep2tod By: Rav Moon q DoUq Y Ol. 1��� P�GE 4 r c�M�.�fu� RQ ey: o�vl 5f�U'�/,a�E� ���l1N1��' lyl�3�: NU. G I`�( ►'1'1C1; `l'O '1'I1L 1'U111�,IC: R1D WAIVEit, AGI�EMLN'C ANll ��OVCNAN'I': KNOW ALL ML'N 13Y 1'.[�ES� PRL�.S�NN'I'S, That UPPER COLUMBIA CORPORn�'ION OF SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS, a Washa.ngton Corporation, :'w: 1•{'�''�;of �.1 rN.. j. lt•.eTr-•� t I being the owr�ers of tl�e followi��g ctescr�li'��1 �lancis ii� coiisideratior� of Mutua! I3�i�efits t��w vr to be hereafter. decYVecl, clo for tl�eu�selves, tl�eir li�irs, gr�nlees, assig��s ancl successors i�� ii�leresl hereby request and atrihorize Spokane Counly to ii�clude tiie below clescri�ed ��r�perty in a IZoad l»>provei»ent I�islrict (It1D) and to support U�e form�Uon of a Road Ii�ipr�ve�nent I�istrict for inipravemei�t �f tlie road(s) clescri�ed below by requesting and autl�orizing Spakai�e Cour�ty t�� ��lace tl�eir »ai»e oi� a petitioi� for for�naliun of a Road Iinprovement District pursuai�t to RCW 3f .88.OSU, �r �y requesting ai�d authorizi��g Spokai�e Cvui�ty to cast tl�elr ballot in favor of a Rlla bei��g forined under the res�lulion �neth�cl ��ursuant to RCW 36.88.U3U, aiici/or by nvt filing a protest against lhe formation uf a R11� t�eil�g t�rn�ecf ui�cler tl�e alternative resolution n�etliocl provicled for in RCW 36.88.065 and Cl�apter 35.43 RCVV. r If a R[U is proposed for imprc�vei��ei�t of tl�e roacl(s) described below, said owi�ers aiid successors furlher agree: (1) that lhe imprc�vemeiits or coi�struction corite�i�plated witl�ii� tl�e proposecl Rill �tre feasible, and (2) that the benefits to be derived froi» ll�e forn�alion of the RI I� by ttie property inclucleci li�e� ,°in, together with tlie amour�t of any County parttci��ation, exceecl tl�e cost al�d expense of forinalioi� of lhe Itll�, and (3) that the property withjn tl�e pro��osed RIU is sufficiei�tly cleveto��ed; provicled, then�selves, ll�eir I�eirs, grantees, assigns and successors sl�all retain tl�e riglit, as autl�orized under �tCW 36.88.U9U, to o�jec;� to ai�y assessment(s) ott tl�e property as a result �f the i�i���roveit�ents called for in conjunclion with tlie fori����lion of a RID by eilher the petition or resolution i»elhod uncler C;I�a��ter 36.88 i2CW and to anpe�l to tl�e su���ri�r court the decision of the Doard of Coui�ty Cou�n�issi���ers cc�nficming tiie final assessinent rc�ll; provicieci fiirtl�er, it fs reeognized lhat acivai assess�i�ents rriay vary fro�» assessi»ent eslii»ate so long as they do ���t exceed a figure equal to the increased lrue ai►d fair va(ue tl�e ii�i��rovei»ent(s) add(s) tu lhe pro��erly. It Is fiirli�er acknowleclged zrid �greecl 11�at �t sucl� lime as a RlU is cre�ted or aiiy coui�ly road improvement project is autl��rizecl by Spvka»e Co�inty, tl�e iniprc�ve��ients requir sliall l�e at tl�e sole expe»se of the otvners of property �vitl�ir� the Rll) or servecl �y tl�e imj�rovenients witl��ut aiiy n�oiietary pariicipation t�y Spokane County. 'I'I�e Rlll waiver conlained ii� this �greei�ieut si�all ex��ire after te�� (IU) years froi�i tl�e date of executiott below. 'I'he a�ove conditions and covenai�t apply lo tl�e following clescribecl prvperty: A parcel of J.�nd in the Nort�lwest Quarter (NW 1/4 of Section 25, To�enshzp 25 Nozt��, Range 44 East, W. M., described as follows BEGTNNING at the Northwest corner of said section 25; thence South 89 East along the North line of said Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4 being also t��e centerline of Sixteenth Avenue, a distance of 870.00 feet; thence South 00 West at zight angles to aaid North line a distance of 730.00 feet to the beginning of a curve concave to the East having a radius of 475.00 feet; thence Southerly aloi�g a curve t�irough a centra]. angle of 15 21' 06" an arc distance of 7.27.27 feet to the �intersection of said curve with a line perpendicular to the West line of said Northwest Quarter (NW 1/�), said perpendicular line beginning at a point 855.Ob feet distant Souttiezly, measured along said West line, from said Northwest corner of Section 25; thence North 89 West along said perpendicular line a distance of 887.67 feet to aaid Weet line, being also the centerline of Sullivan Road,;,,..thence North 00 39'38" East along said West line a distance of 855.00 feet to the Point of Beginning s� a Situated in Spokane County, Washington. EXCEPT Right of. Way for �.6th 11v�., Sullivan Rd., and Timberlane Dr. 1 '7`?P�cE 95 �o�. 412 "O" `I�lus �greetnent applies tv tiie iii�pr�ve�»ent of Sullivan Road ana 16th Avenue RF No 2496 by gradir►g, clraini»g, surfacic�g, curbing, pavil�g, sidewalk co�istruclioi� i��cluding lraffic co��trol facilities a�id related work. Tttese require�ue��ts are ancl shall run witl� the land and shall be bii�clii�g upon 11�e vwners, their heirs, successofs or assigns. ITNESS W��EREO� tl�e ui�dersigned l�as caused this instrutnent to be executed ott this �y�� clay of 1N W 199 5 UPI�ER ,COLUP�BIA CORPORATION OF SEVENTH DAX ADVENTISTS, A WAS�IIrIGTON CORPORATION .�u��� ,C�����. �y: s�r��r� aF w�s��ING���a�v COUNTY OF SP�KANE ss I certify that 1 k��ow vr liave satisCactory evidence that Charl�s R. Fergusen Authorized Agent (is/are) the indivldual(s) �vlio �����earecl befc�re me, and said incliviclual(s) acknowledged lhat (helshe/they) sfgited ll�i9 instnitt�er�t, ol� oatt� statecf tl�at (I�elsl�e/ll�ey� (was/were) aull�orized to execute ll�e i�lstrument and ackt�owledged it as the of Upper Columbia Corporation of Seventh Day Adventi�ts to be the free a��d voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mei�tioried in tlie insttument. ,Dated tl��s ����cla �f i�t 199 5 y P FoA �rnE �t�rt� �C. �`rn"�T•� N� ar Public n►N connnnissioN y JUNE 21 �ss� I,� and for tl�e Slate of Wasf�ington, ��������a��������:�.�.�-:��•���t�� resi�ii�g at Spokane. SPOKANE ENVTRONMENTAI:ORDII�IANCE ACCEPTANCE DATE of DNS: September 18, 1995 RECEIVED FILE NUMBER: 95002428 0 C T 0 9 1995 LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: 15520 E. 16th. Ave. Veradale Washington 99037 SPOKANE COUNrY Er�GINEER DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: Construct 22,000 s.f, church and school PROPONENT: Spokane Valley 7th. Day Adventist Church, c/o Kevin Jester 12323 E. Mission Spokane Washington 99216 RESPONSIBLE OFFICIAL: James L. Manson, Director c/o Thomas L. Davis, Code Compliance Coordinator Spokane County Department of Building and Planning 1026 W. Broadway Spokane, Washington 99260 (509)456-3675 The following attached comment(s) become part of the checklist in accordance with Section 11.10.160 of the Spokane Environmental Ordinance and adopterl policies: Comments received from Department of Air Pollution Control Authority A copy of this Comment Acceptance to the Environmental Checklist was mailed to: Applicant Spokane County Air Pollution Control Authority Mr. Kevin Jester Mr. S. Edward Hayes Washington State Dept. of Ecology Spokane County Engineer's Office Environmental Review Section 'Mr. Bill Hemmings Ms. Barbara Ritchie Spokane County Health District Washington State Dept. of Social Health Services Mr. David Swink Mr. Tom 7ustus Fire District No. 1 Mr. Paul Chase r Date �r--f /�'S�, Signat e �r',�-l��i� �v' 1 �1� L l RECEIVED ,;.et: POKQ .y 7 L `I� t/1JU� rv SPOKANE COUNTY L_ CLF,aI� ��1«� A�� P�IlUTION S EP 2 0�995 s P�y N.� CONTROL AUTHORITY WEST 1101 COLLEGE, SUITE 403 SPOKANE, WA 99201 •(509) 4SG-4727 Fax (509) 459 G �����N OF BUILD)Np qp�� ���j� 6Y: Date: September 19, 1995 To: Tom Davis Spokane County Division of Building and Planning From: S. Edward Hayes Spokane County Air Pollution Control Authority Subject: SCAPCA COMMENTS REGARDING File number 95002428 Thank you for the opportunity to comment the environmental documents submitted to our office. Following is a list of concerns/issues that, at a minimum, need to be addressed for this project. SCAPCA encourages proponents to contact their offices at 1 101 West College, Spokane, WA 99201 for additional information. All air pollution regulations must be met. Air pollution regulations require that dust emissions during demolition, construction and excavation projecis be controlled. This may require the use of water sprays, tarps, sprinklers or suspension of activity during certain weather conditions. Haul roads should be treated and emissions from the transfer of earthen material must be controlled as well as emissions from all other construction related activities. SCAPCA strongly recommends that all travelled surfaces (i.e., ingress, egress, parking areas, access roads) be paved and kept clean to minimize dust emissions. Measu�es must be taken to avoid the deposition of dirt and mud from unpaved surfaces onto paved surfaces. If tracking or spills occur on paved surfaces, measures must be taken immediately to clean these surfaces. Debris generated as a result of this project must be disposed of by means other than burnine (i.e., construction waste, etc...). Failure to meet SCAPCA regulations may result in deiays, closure and civil and/or criminal sanctions. Printed o�� Rec. ;�ec! Pane� S ANE ENVTRONMENTAL ORDINANCE DETEFuviiNATION OF NONSIGI�IIFIC��CE FILE NUMBER: 95002428 SEP 1 9 1995 LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: 15520 E. 16th. Ave. Veradale Washington 99037 SPOKANE COUNTY EPJGINEER DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: Construct 22,000 s.f. church and school PROPONENT: Spokane Valley 7th. Day Adventist Church, c/o Kevin Jester 12323 E. Mission Spokane Washington 99216 Responsible Official: James L. Manson, Director c/o Thomas L. Davis, Code Compliance Coordinator Spokane County Division of Building and Planning 1026 W, Broadway Spokane, Washington 99260 (509)456-3675 Spokane County, the lead agency for this proposal has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. The information is available to the public on request. There is no comment period for this DNS. [X] This DNS is issued under 197-11-340(2); the lead agency will not act on this proposal for the required 15 day review period commencing on September 19, 1995. Comments pertaining is in n m e submitted/received no later th :�00 m. Octo er�4 1995. checklist/determ at�o ust b p 1 Date f I t �i Signature „ry, �A v r., You may appeal this determination within 10 calendar days after it becomes final: The Board of County Commissioners West 1116 Broadway Avenue Spokane, Washington 99260 The appeal must be submitted in writing no later than 4:00 p.m., October 16, 1995. You should be prepared to make specific factual objections. Contact above responsible official to read or ask about the procedures for SEPA appeals. A copy of the Determination of Nonsignificance was mailed to: Applicant Spokane County Air Pollution Control Authority Mr. Kevin Jester Mr. S. Edward Hayes Washington State Dept. of Ecology Spokane County Engineer's Office Environmental Review Section 'Mr.�Bill-�� �e�mmings Ms. Barbara Ritchie Spokane County Health District Environmental Health Washington State Dept. of Mr. David Swink Social Health Services Fire District No. 1 Mr. Tom Justus Mr. Paul Chase t �I�� �j�� .�-z. i f s� Y- Y �i �T�� ENT,A�.L �RI�INANC� O �.AI�IE EI�I�I�. C) NIVI ����`I�N 1�.1a.230- =1� :rK RECEIVED SPOKAN.E COUNTY SEP 1 1 1995 ONISION OF BUlLDINQ AND PLANNlNG BY: T RECEI�. SPOKAHE ENYIROMiENTAL ORO[HAKCE lv�c 191-11-960) Section >>.io.z��ROKA(�!� C,vvi+ITY SEP 1 1995 Envlronmental CheCklist F 11 e Ho Purpose of Checkllst: DiV1SlON OF BUFLDING AND PLANNING The State Environmental Po Act (SEPA1 chapter 43.21C RC11, requires all govermxnta'. agencSez to constder the environmental linpacts of propossl before �akSnq Aecttfons. ��nviro�mental Impact Statement (EIS) asusc be prepared for all proposals with proDable signiticant aEverze i�patti on the Quallty of the environment. 7he purpose of thls ch�cklist is to p�ovlde informatlon to help you and the agency ldentlfy impacts t�ora your proposal (and to reduce or arold impacts from the proposal, 1! tt cen be donel and to help tfie agenty detiCe whether an Ei5 1f requlred. lnstructlons for APplicants: This enrironr.enial checkl(st asks you to descrtbe sone bastc lnformatlon abw your proposal. Governmental agcncies use this Checkllst to dtterwlne whether the environmentel impacts of your proposal are slg�ifitant. requirin9 p�eperation of en E1S. Answer the questtons brfetly. xith the rtast precise tnformation know�, o� glve the best Eescrlptlon you can. 7ou Aust answer each queztion eccurate;� :��G ,:::�'�'.ly, to the best of your k� a+ledge. in most c�ses. you should be able to ansxer the Questtans fron your o�.n observatto�s or pfo}ect plans without the need to hlre ezperts. [f you really do not know the answer. or it a question dces not apply to your proposal� write 'do not know' or 'does not apply.' Complete answers to the questie�s now mar avo14 unnecessery delays later. So�e queztions ask about governrnentsl rtgulations. suth as zoning, shor�line, +nd landmark desiqnations. Ans++er these Questlons 1f you tan, lf you have problens. the goverm+ental aqenctes can assist you. 7�e check{tst questSons app{y to sll parts of your proposal, even 1f you plan to do the+n over a perloC of [ime or on different p�rcels of land. Attach any additional lnformatton that w111 descrt6e your proposal o� tts envtroncre ntnl effects. The agenty to vhlch you submlt thls checklist may ask you to explaln your enswers or provfde addlttonal infonnatto� reasonably related to deterraining if there enay be signlfieant adve�se I�nQact. Us� of chec�Cltst for noaproject proposals: Canplete this checklist for nonproject proposals. even though questlons �aay be answered 'does not apply'. IN 11DOITIOK� t aaQlete the SUPPIEriENTAL SHEET FOR NO!IPROJECT AC7SONS(Part �1. For e,onproject actions. the references in the checkltst to t�e ti+ords 'profect.' 'applicint.' �nd 'property or site' shoulQ be read as 'propasal.' 'propose�,' and 'affected geographtc area�' rezpectSvely. A. 6JlCKGR0UH0 1. 'lane of proposeE project. 1f appllcable: �F..��i �./llY� 1 1!f�l�W IU�r�=/ �1�� 2. Kaae of Appllcant: GJ�� Address and phone nun�er of appl ieant or eontact person: 'J I� 2 C �A�'JTOC�� (��i� °I� �gc�Co Oite c�eckltst prepar�Q: i �Vi�v/ S. Agencr �eQuestirtg checkllst: ���v� ��IV 1 I �lY ���VIv �*✓V,(,.r����� 6. ProQoseQ ttiwing or sc�edule (incluEtnq phastng. tf •pplicable): I� 1�� 7. a. Oo you have anY pl�ns tor future addittorts� ezpanston. or further attivliy related to or connected vith thls oroposal7 lf yes. explaln. ��4 �C�� �G� Qo you own or have optio�s on land eetrby or td}actnt to thls proposall !t yes� expl�ln.�p J 8. list any envl�onaent�l lnformatlon you know ibout that has been pr�pared� o� wtll be Qrepa�ed, dire dly related-to this proposil. 1� I Rev.2/1/88 r SPOT..At1Y ENVIROttTSL'HI'AI, OFDINAttCE (vAC 197-1..1-9G9) Scction 11.10.2]0(1) d, y�C7:G80�titl (conCiaucc!) 9, po �w 1�ev v►uchcr •pplicaclone are peaSing for gowernmenial •pproval• oi ocher propo��la dl[ccCly alfectlt�y Che ptopercy torered by your pcopoaal! I! 7e�, eicplairi. �f,! 10. Lia[ aar goveromeac appcovals or permlt• that �ill be needcd Cor rour propooal, lf 1cz�o�n• 1d/� i j i�, /r .i�?� �--P.� 11. Cl�c a briet, cwplete descrlption of your proposal, includtng the propo�ed u�e� •nd the •l:e ot thc pro�act a�d s![e. :�e�e are ��vecsl quescioes Lter la thie cheekll�c thac aak rou to de�cclbe certain •�peet• of ra+r propo�al. You do not aeed to ceput ehose aasvet• on tMa DaB�• 22,f� M 1 XC'�U lt�i�� Gt�G�fi yA����'� �iGt�.�, tEt�h11 N����fl��, ,�,1�,�?�'lt�t� �i..t� r l�`�N,�ta f�i� l ��iyl ��,�t?�Zvi�I l T� �Ro�. I o �t�, '�°t�r,4l.� .`C�l f��l �r�,'� 1�I A�f'f �1,��1' �IT P f�-�v 4 C� t��'�'- r���R-� <�.f�,�t.11�i4 7� 1��� .��p !�i l �!o Y►�?9�i�.�i'✓ /�rr�/��f V L� ►1� �crE C� t1-4r p P 1:. lvca�ion o thc �Q. �ive �ufficie�t intornation Tor a per�on eo undecat�c►d the prediae loueioa ot 7rour ptoyo�ed peoSeet. lneluding a street addre��, it anr, and �ectioo. tovnahip aod cange. it knovn. If p�opoaal vould oteur ove� a eaa=e.of area� ptovtde ehe tanae or boundarie� oE cAe aice(�). Pcovtde a legal 6e�cription, site plan. vieinitr up, and copographie n�p. if rea�onaDlr av�lLble. Vhile You ehould rubalc any plso� Tequircd b1 Che agencr, rou �re �ot reQui[ed to dvplicate nap• ot detatled pLp� �ub�ai[ted vlth aay Qerrlt applltatio� tel.tted to this checkllst. �.()�t��1� I C� T ��1�11 l V�!�..� 4 r'I� �i, ��l�� /C F 1� ��V A 1. �T �iL� �/J c,�y�'i/ �r ���i 1 /irs� L�. Dxs the propo�ed accton lle vlchin the Aquiter 5�nsi[ive Area (ASA)? -Y►e Cenecal Scver S Area! :Ae lTiori iSev t Seevite ATea! :he :Ltr of Spokaae? (Set: Spoksne Couety'� ASA OverLsY Zo�� AcL• (or boundarier). ���o� 'V v/ b �SL' COTQ'LL�LD ST �APPLICAXf i. L2CVIROtt`SLR'.,A.[. LL�NTS fvaluation Foc Agcney U�e Oalr EAR�It a. Geoeral de�cclptlon ot Cl�e si[e (eirtle ooe): f L t rolling, h111y. steep •lopes. aountainous� other: Z b. tlhac i� the •Ceepe�t slope on the slte (apptoxlaate peree�t �lope)! o- /d e. 'lhac geaer�l c7pe• oi �otls are tou�d on the �Lte (tot exaaple. elar� •aad� aravel� peat, avelc)T Lf rou la�ov the tl�a�lflca[ion of a6ricul[ur►1 soils. •peclfr theo •nd eote aer p�toe fa�laa4. G�`�"�l1 S��i•JY�'� I ,!?�t'� d. Are there .ucfaee lndieatlon� or hi�eor7 of ueutable •011• ln Che taaedlate vieiai:rt If so� deseri�e. '1 2 SPOKAlIE EHVI�RONriENTAL ORDIHAtICE (uAC 19)-11-960) Sectlon 11.10.Z30(1) B. ENYIROtWEN7Al. El.EitEHTS(continued} Evaluation For Agency Use Only i e. Oescrtbe the purpose, type, and approximate quantities of any f1111ng or gradln9 proposed. indicate source of ftll. N� �1�� F�Y�VI��� f. Could erosion occur as a resuit of clearing, construction, or use? If so, qenerally describe. I l n�-1.,0Y� i��C' G,n ��t ��rJ ���1`F 1 9. About what percent of the site w111 be covered with lmpervlous surfates af�er profect- tonstruc- tio� ifor ezample, asphalt or butldings)? h. Proposed measures to reduce or cont�ol erosio�, or other tmpacti to the eerth� 1f a�y: ViU1'l ���"/�-!C!f I(i�1 1JK�'1{ 1�1�f'l� 2. AIR a. uhat type of eYn{ssions to the a1r would result fraa the proposal (i.e.� dust� autanoDile. odo�s industrial� wooQ srtoke) durin9 construction and when the project 1s campleteQt If any. general{y dtscribe and give approximate quintttes tf known. ��1I�1 r�(� G��v1���1r'S11a�•� t �..1v( o �.�v c.�� G�� ��St I��.r� b. Are there any off-s/te sources of emisstons or odor that may affect your proposal? If so, generally describe. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or ot?+er lmpatts to atr. t4 any: Nc�t� 3. uaTEa a. su�face: �(1) Is th��e a�y surface xater body on or 1� the immedt�te vlctntty of the slte t�cluding year- �ouad and seasonal streams. saltwater. likes� ponds. wetlands)� If yes. descrlbe type and provlde names. If approQrinte, stste what stream or rlver i�trflows into. ��11 1 (Z) 1l111 the proJect reQutre a�y w rk over. Sn, or aQ�acent to (within 200 fett) the destribed waters? If yes� please describe •nd �ttecA av�tlable plens. l 1 1 st�or,Axe LNVIRON1LE11ZAI. ORDL�iA27CP. (:IAC 197-11-9G0) Seccion 11.10.2�0(1) b. LNViROt�`SLNTAL EL�`{E1.'�'S (conCin��ed) Evalua[lon Foc /�gency U�e Ortlr E�ticnete t�e soount o! [ill •nd dredge materlal �hat vould be p Lted in or rtawwed troa Che •ur(atc ��ter or vetla�d• •nd lndlu tc the are• of t1u ■lte [hat vould bc afCec[ed. Indltate the source o( till mnterial. I Wl11 the propo��l require �uciace veter vitRdcaval� or dive[�ioru? Clve a�eneeal de�erip- tlon, purpoee, and approximate qw ncictee, tf knova. I (S) Doe� the propo�al lie vi[hin a 100-year flood pLatat Lt so� note locatio� on •ite plan. (5) Doea che proposal involve any di�eharaes of vaste o.atetial� to surlace v�ter�? I[ so. Eeacribe the type o[ va�te and antieipated voluoe o( dlseharge. Il� b. Crou�d: e (1) V�11 grou�dvaceT be vlthdravn, or v111 vatec bt di�thaised [o IItoundvater? Clve �eeeral destrip[lo�, p�rpo�e, •nd approxinate Quancltie�, 1t la�ovt�. I V /1 1 (2) De�eclbe vaacc o�ieTial Lhat vill be di�eAarged 1�CO [he arou�d frov aep[!e tae�l�� or o[Aee •.nicary va■te treacaent faeillt�. De�etibe the geaer�l �iie of e1u •y�tm� [!�e nimber of ho w e� co be •ecved (1f applieable) or the a�m ber of pecsotu che aYa[eo(s) are txyetied to secve. N (7) De�c�l�e any sy�teas, other than tho�e de�laned (oe the Alspo u 1 0[ u nitarp v�ate� in�talled tor che purpo�e of�di�chargSng (luid• Aelov che arouod •urtaee (lncludes �7�tea• sueh CRose for tre disposal of •totn vate� or draina6e fron tlooc draina). Describe the trpe of •rstem, the asou�t o[ eatetlal to be d1�po�ed oi C�rovgh Chs �y�teo and Lha type� of aateiial� likely to be dispo�ed ot (le►cluding material� vhich aa7 eaGee cAe �ystem loadveecenelr througfi spilli or a• a reaulc ot tireti;hting ♦eclvltle�). ��TD�J� t�� �2���� et� TO F.;�?��� (4) Vill a�y chemieal� (e�pecially orga�ic •olveat� or petrolevv fuel�) De �toted 18� Srouod or undergro�nd •cora6e caoks2 If �a. vhac c7�pe• and quantltle• o[ eaceTia L vill be itored' G sPOr,�tre r�rviRO�rr�t+zwt. oxni�i,urct (VAC 197-11-960} Scction 1].10.230(1) B, CTfVIR01.'1t�tITAL Ei.l.]+�1�=5 (con[lnued) Ev�lua[ion Foc Agent7 Use Ot�ly (5) �+'hat p[otcccive mea�uree vtll be taken to inaure thac lu ke or apille o[ any chemiuls •COCed or w ed o� �ite vill oo[ be ♦1]oved co pe�colatc to g�ouodva�eY (thi� lnclude� eea�ure� co kcep chemical. ou� of di�po�.l syaCeoe de�cciDeQ in )D(2) aaA Jb(�)� C c, u��er P.unoff (including �[orn v�ter): (1) De�cribe the �ource ot cunoff (locluding •torm ��ter) and oetlod o[ collection a�d dL�po�al lf •oy (lnclude quanticles, 1t lcno�n�. Whece v[11 thi� ueteC Clov? 4111 chia w ce[ Elo� into other v�ters' If eo, de�eriDe. L �y 11 f ���`-'1�' j �1 �C y �y�� ,►y6. 1.�1 /T 1��,�t�� 1 Y T G"�� i�:1 L:.x� i' 4`.��� r,r� �,u �r ��r�� �v c;� �T�, A-N a �c� csr��,�.. c. r �v1��-�,�i �N�r� r�T�t� 6�N 'D�c�ryt��S'�'� (2) aill any chemlcala be �tored, Aandled or u�ed oo the aite ln a lo utio� �here a�plll or leak vlll dcain to aurface or gTOUndv�ter or to a storm v�ter dl�posel �yscan diachargl�a co surfaee o� grounAvater? ND Could va�ce mace�i�ls encer ground or sur[aee v tec�1 It �o, ac�erally de�e H be. r� n d. P�opoaed eea�u�es co �educe or coatcol surtaee, grovnE, and cunoEf vater lapaec�. tE aay (lf. t cbe propo�ed •ccioa lic• vlChln the Aqu1CeT Senaltive Area be e�peeially cleat oa e�tplanatlona r relating to E�cllicie� coneerning Seetioa� Jb(i), Jb(S). and 7t(2) of chla checkli�t): YlJ�`JT S a. �eck o� ciccle type o[ vegec�cioe (ound on Lhe �ice: deciduous tree: aldec, oaple, a�pen. oChei. e�ergreen trec: flr� eedar, pine, o[het. shruba. Y gt��.. pa�cure. crop or 6Ta1n. vet soil pl�nc�, eattail, buttereup. �ullTu�h, �kuak tabb�ge, other. vacec planca: vater lllly, eelgra��, ai�toil. o[her. o�hcc types oC veSecation. b. Nhat kind and anounc o[ ve6eca[io� vill Qe renoved or alceled� G�� �t f i '�rQvlr(j�� �0 �FG(yl �t/�'� �L.(�i3 �1GiG� fJ►� I c. Li�t threa�ened or eodangered speeles lcaova�to be on or eear the •lte. d. Propo�eC landsc�pia`. u�e o[ aati�n p Lat�� or ocher aeasuces to pre�erve or ea4►ante vege[ation ort the si[e, !f anr: V/� ��r�[.-N I 1 i S a w SPOKAN£ EHY1R0lt�tENTAt ORDINA?{CE (VAC 197-11-960) Seccton 11.10.210{�} 6. EHYIRONHENT1IL ELENENTS (COntlnuedl Evaluatlon For Agency Use Only S. ANINAIS Ctrcle any birds and animals xhlch have been oCserve6 on or near the site or are known to be on or near the site: t�rd hawk, heron, �agle. s gbtrds other: �mnels: deer, bear. elk. beaver, other: fish: basz, salmon, trout, herring. shellfSsh, other: other: b. List any threate�eA or endangered spectes known to be on or near tT�e site. c. is [he site part of a migration route? If zo� explaln. I `4 4 �./i/3—� �1`�L)k`.t�/�--5/�� d. P�oposed neasurts to preserve or enhance w 1d11fe. 1f any: 5. ENERGY ANO HATURAL RESOURCES a. 11hat ktnds of energy (electrlt. natural gas� wood stove. solar) vtll be used to m�et the the compieted project's ene�gy �eeAs? Oescribe whether it K111 De used for heating� manufic- tu�ing, etc. ��.,�C_��"�� C� CJ� h. Nould your projtct affect the po[ential use of sola� energy by edjtcent prope�ttes? 1t so. generally descriDe. V c. 1Jhat klnds of enerqy eonservation features a�e included 1n the pla�n of thiz proposal? List othe� proposeE aieasures to reduce or control energy tmpacts. it any: ��(f�`� �r,�i t�L� ��t1tPN� 4,n r� �T� (�3AU,� 1� I i`t ��-�D �'.�J'F I f�-i vV J. ENVIRONNENTAL NEALTN a. Are there any environmental health hazards, i�cluAtng exposu�e to toxlt chemicals. risk of ftre aad exploslon, spill� or hazarQous wazte� t�at tould ottur as a result of this propozal? If so. describe. (la Describe speci►1 emergency servtcez that might be requtred. 6 ��F'OY,A17£ E;iVIP.0T7T�NTA1. Of'iDINA1�CE (�JAC 197-11-960) Scccion 11.10.2J0(l) B. C`rVIRON?SZttiAl..,C1-EtiENY'S (con[lnued) Cv�lwtion FoY /.gency U�e Only E17VIROt1`t��(:AL }iEAL-N (co�tioued) (2) Propo�ed o u�urea to reduee or eo�trol ul heel�h hezards, 1! •ny: IV b. Noi�e: (1) ti7hat types of noi�e ezi�t in [T+e are• vhleh may •ffeet y wr pro�ect (for examples traffie, cqulpment, oper�tlon, other? F�1 C� (2) 1Jhat typee and ]evels of nol�e vould be ctea�ed by or •��oeiated vith che pro�eec on a ohort-tec� or a long-tero basis (for ex�mple: craEflc. conatruction, oper�tioe, oCher)' Indieace vhat hours nolee vould come from the �ite. ��/�1 I r (1) Proposed nea�ure to seduee or control nol�e lmpaec�� 1( any: 8. l�:rD AND SNORELIIIE USE a. tthac ie Che eurrenc use ot the �ice •nd ad�acen[ propertie�? 1�`�1 C��I�a ��(z I�(l l�Tl/ IZf� b. lies the site 1.een uaed for agcicul[ure' If �o. deseriDt. j �j" e. De�trlbe any �trueture� on the slte. d. N111 any sCrutture• be deaolt�hed? It •o. vAichl �y .J..�� i/ 1 e. �at is thc curcenc soning clu �SfiuLion o( tbe •itet f. t!!ut 1s che eurrenc coopreheniive pLn de�lgnition ot [�e •itet -�F-i�� U `.��f� �l/� J g. It applicable, vhat 1� the eurren[ shoreline uster program de�l6n�tlon oi tF►e •ltet h. H�s aay part of t1►e •1[e Deee cla�sifled aa �en�lronaentall� senaltive' are�t If �o� •peetfy. i. Approziaately hov m.er people vovld ce�ide or vorlt in t1u eoapleted pro�eeti �-/1 f I .f� `i�� �j� ��/�y7 c. i c1�i �.v�...v 7 SPOI.ANL T.1fi7I6022KPNiAL ORDLltA2iCZ (vAC 191-11-960) Secclon 11.1U.:)0(1) b. EtNIROX;{LTiTAL LLL'QKT$ (conClnued) :valuation Por Agener U�e Octly Approxlm.tely hov many people vou.ld thc eompleeed pro�eet di�p Lee! k. Propo�ed me.��u�ea to avold or reducc di�plae�cnt iwp�tt�. 1[ an�: �l Av� 1. Propo.ed oea.ure• to en�ute the propo�al 1� compatible vith exi�ting and pro�ccted L nd w es acsd pl�na, if any: 9. NOUSING Approximately hov oa�r u�it� vould be p�ovldeE� 1[ anrt Indlea[e vhecher h1Yh-. uiddle�, ,o[ lorincome hou�ing. r I �f N b. Ayproxiauccly hov ma�y untt�, if ��y, vould be elialrutedl Indiuce vhec!►er h16h-. ■iddle-, oT lov-Lneoae hou�ing. lV�I ��i e. P�opo.ed ae,..uce� eo reduee oe eontrol houaina lopae[�. if snr: 1 1l/N A�STi[ETICS t a. KhaC i• the calle�t height of •nr propo�ed �t�uccure(�)� not totludinb antemu�T Vhat i� the p�icieip�l excerior butlding material(s) pcopo�ed? r 1 E. �lhat vlevs ln che imediate vlcinity vould be alteted or oM crutted? fJT�t�. �%�f i�G�'tlf�l c. Propo�ed me�sure� to cedute o[ toatcol �es[hecie inpaet�� it •ny: ✓y �V, I 1���f l l�l T 1�t9 E��- C..U1�1 ri/J �v►-.-�z�O n' .u;, c��u�.�+ �-e �r�� 11. LIGH': A.�D CLARY a a. 'lhec t e ot ll hc or L rt vill che l►P B b p�oPosal produceT SJhae tine o[ da� vould !c ulnly oeeur? 1 C N b. Could �ighc or S L re tron [he tial�hed 9ro�eet Da a ufetp lusard or lntertere vich �Sevsf 1`f(/ C. What ezi�ting o(C-sice •o�rce� oi lish[ oc j Lre aar afleet rour Qcopo�al! N��� Propo•ed m u•ure• to reduee or eoatrol light aad glare lmpaet�� if aay: 8 SFOfJS1Y BtVIR0:7?�NTAL ORDINANCE (uAC 197-11-960) Scc�lon 11.10.2J0(1) b. LNVIROfatENZAI. �l.Y�hTS (GOO[icued) Evalua[lon Fot Agency Ust 0 tilr 12 0.LCRF AT I01� �7hac dc�ignaced .ad ln[ocm�l recru cioc�al opporcueitlee .re in Che Lcmedl�te vlclnityT r b. unuld che propo�ed proSeci di�p L ce •�y exl�Cing recreatlonal u�e�? If •o, de�Crlbe. 1 V 1 c. Propoaed mea�ure� co rcduee or con[rol imp�ete on recreatlo�, includirtg recreationnl opportuni- �ice to bc p�ovided by the p[ojeet or •ppllu et, lf sny: �'—t�TV� A`� I��Ar' ��t,� �S� ��Y 'i� ���N ��tJ_ 1]. HIS:ORIC AtiU ClJi.tIJRI�l. PR£SERVA:ION Are chere any places oc ob�eecs ll�ted on or pcopoacd toc naelonal, •tace or loeal pre�e[va- tion ragi�[er� knovn co be on or next to the �1[e1 If so, 6enerally describe. I 1� b. Gencrally descrlbe •ny landm,irk. or evideoee of hi�torie arehaeologieal. •cie�tifie or eulcucal toporc�nce 1rn ovn co be on or oext eo the �ite. tltl�� c. Propoeed mei�ure� to reduee or eontrol iapaees. lt •ny: 14. Tt'.AI�SPOR-ATLON a. idenclfy publle street� and highvay• �ervin6 Che slte and de�ccibe proposed atee�• to the exiscing ��reec •y�tem. Shov-on �i e pl��u. if •nr. ��w i �A� 1 c� �"0 ��l t Cv"�'� b. Is �ite currentlr .ecvad by public trae�itl If aot. vhat is the approximate diataate [o the ne�rest traculC •[opi �I�f/ c. (iov wany patkie� �paeea voulE tAe to�pleted pro�eec Fuvet Hov raey vould che pTO}ect eli�aate! 2�D �oN� �J d. uill r=�F�=:`_ reQuire •nr eev roaE� oc �tccet�� or i�proveoenc• to exi�ting �u d• or �treee� not lncludia� driveva7s! It so� =enerally de�cribe (!odlute vhether public or prtvate). e. uill the proSecc u�e (oc oeeur lu Che imaediaee rieioi[7 of) �aCer. rail, or air trao�portatlonl If so, geaetallY de�eribe. 1 �O 9 srvr.u:e �rrvixorr�rrrN. oantxtixa (uAC 19T-11-960) Seccton 11.]O.ZJO(1) E. C1IVIROft?�1f:Ai. L►-YJLENTS (coe[inued) Ev�lua[1on For Agenc7l U�e Only Hov many vehicul.: crips per day vwld be gencraced �y the coaplcted pro�ecct I[ knovn, Lndic�te �ihen pc�k vould occur. �v 6l" �cJ�tcc..�'�'��, �lOc��'� �aa��.. �Pi�� �"(;c� �I �>��1�`� g. Yropo�ed maa�ure• co reduce or concrol cT�n�portation lapacts. if sny: �1DN� 15. PlJBLIC SERVICES a. l�ould the pro�ect re�ult in •n lnere��ed need Eor puslit •etviee� (foT er.aaple, tire procection� po2-ce pce:ection, heal[h care, aehool�, other)2 If �o� aeneeally de�cribe. 1 Propo�ed,me��ures co reduee or control direct lapact• on publle service�, a�r: 16. 1J:ILI:I85 r r' s. Clrele utili urre�e� a�le at che �ice: eetriei n ral a� �aL e� r •eevlce, epho e, sanitacy eve ,�epcie ayacen. che b. Deecribe the uctllcies chat are propoitd for the pro]eet, [he utility p�oviding the •eeYlee •nd the seneral conaccvcCioa accivitle• on ttu site o� !e tFu lamedtace vicinicy vhich s+ight be �eedcd. C. SICNATURE I� the undersLgned, avear under the ycnaltr of per�urp ttut the above•re�ponse� �re aade t[ut1►tullr and Co [he bei[ of �y Icaavledge. I alio under�caad chat, •tiould cherc be any villful misrepre�encatSon or vlllful laek oE tull diselosuce on my past� the �encry aar vithdeav aar determinatlort of nonaigni[icance chat it alSRt ia�ue in reliance upo� thi� eheckli�t. �1 D� to I�� Proponent 1' I v�� (Pleue Priat or type). C- .T ,p y� Pcopo�enc: �Y� Addre�r: VU1 C.�1 /���uc�v ��`y'"`,r (Signature� Yho n e .�i� (Y 1 W W J��!/ \X.J �+�i Y W Per�on coopleting form: G 7�11L1 Da[e: Pt+one: ��r Tox st�.rp .vst oxtT Sta[f oe�ber(�) revievlag ehetkll�t: t IJ1 J v b u ed on thi• stafE reviev ot c1u eavirortmeneal eheekll�[ �r►d oehec pertiaent infornacion� tlre �Caff: Coneludes Chat there are no probable �16n1tiunt adver�e iapaec• •od recomaeod• a decetm.taa[ion of.non�i;nitieaoee. 6. Conclude� chac �roDable si;nlfican[ adver�e environoeatal iapact� do exi�c tor C1ie current proposal aod reeoae�eod• a �itl6ated de�er- ola�tion o( 000�ianifleanee vith Cooditio�s. C. Concludes ctuc cbere �re ptobab�e �l�iflcaot advec�e eovlro�eo[al impact� aed [etoamend� t deCeralaatlon ot •1ttt1flu nee. TILINC PT� t75.00 14 c! r jr.{r i j I 1! ,i, �`�T I y j c- I i �j� 3 I s I r i� a I :l� l I ��III I i .I y���l�l (���I_�� I t �I I i I I I'� I�� I E �J I I I ITf i e I�lillflll IIIlE�II�IIIIII(�' z i W, a �$o ��n I j I I ,iiiiii Qt� i x.. q e o�. w� ra.o� �ic�,=-�� �y c� M !�/3) �O h �rR.� 2 r 2 r�v es_ac. M isa Q eTO� n uo p' r�r�a., �r j� M 1 0 4 Ib�� 0 b 1 HF� OCCUPANCY SEPARATION �TOR M 1< Sl y 1 00 j l/ un'io�voe `v' B a M 333 I O (8 �r�� 1 I S 1 f �o M I ioe 1 t i -I- O �fV..� na F i►• ��5 �NroR --r I M c�oxr B F '1 i c�l,v�e Roi.i. ee i 117 Al51��f11 1 1 2 NR nA s �noN A 3 11}<Y TOT �O KI}�J92b/JtTf91 96 116 Il0 b �1 I �1 �1 f r I I 1 4 �Af�� 5 Y�,� N 34 1/ PERMIT DOCUMENT TRANSM TTAL SEP 1 4 1�95 Spokane County Division of Buildings 1026 W Broadway Ave. S�OI�idE Ca���i�' ��;Gt�EER Spokane, WA. 99260 a 5 2�� r�.h� Project Address: z,� Project Q� 2,�� 2�� Business Name: ,q �v �t�,�'�►-1 CONTACT: r Phone: c� �p� Mailing Address: oc, r�.e.��� A-t�,�. �11�� COORDINATOR: Phone: DOCUMENTS CIRCULATED Fire Description Bulldln� z4�i�q �,oin�� H��a+ asve�, u�i�es SCAPCA �i�-i c-Qa N��e.�i� IS x x x l.� -b� x 4� �a�� x� l� ci G X X X JL DC.. ���'��n 'P l�J► C� S� x X x )C.. �C L-�� �P x v� x �C ��r x Received By Date of Transmittal: Q,5 Circulated by: �s e- �srn c��, sh 1 I ,f' v�! I t l� �.5��-.�d �n �P �c�� us�c� es1 s �Q'�. P ARCHITECTS WEST September 7, 1995 r�'�',�te�'u��, ��C�n�,��,g Interior Des�gn landscape �rc�ifeciure Spokane County Division of Buildings Planning Zoning Attn: Lorne Lakshas W. 1026 Broadway Spokane, WA 99201 RE: SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH/SCHOOL PARKING REQUIREMENTS Dear Lorne: This letter is intended to clarify the 'actual use of occupancies in the above mentioned project to correspond to our parking analysis. The main building has mixed uses which include a worship space, fellowship hail, administrative offices, and sabbath school rooms. The worship space will be used almost exclusively on Saturdays for sabbath worship. The fellowship hall will be used immediately followin� worship on Saturdays and occasiona(ly for special programs. Administrative offices will be used during the week at normal office hours. The sabbath school rooms will be used after and between services on Saturday and occasionally on week nights for meetings. The gymnasium/school building is intended to be used during the week for normal school type activities. The gym will be used on occasion during the evening for church related activities. !t is our opinion that overlap of uses in the major assembly areas will not occur in that it is the same group of people moving from one space to another. Our parking analysis was based on these proposed �uses. Should the County find in the future that overlap in� uses occurs, and provided parking is not adequate, they may require additional parking. S �CE Sincereiy, q/V,� S VNT}, ARCH ITECTS WEST �p r t f ��i,�4��G N D A �NNi N� Kevin W. Jester KWJ:kaj 409 Coeur d'Alene Avenue Coeur d'Alene, ID 83� 14 �(208) 667-9402 Fax (208) 667-6103 Easfi 1817 Springfield Spokane, lNA 99202 •(509) 536-4840 Fax (509) 536-5077 i L t TI�._tiNSAMERICA �TIZ'LE INSURANCE CON 11111 VY RECEIYED IS SPACE PROVIDED FOR RECORDER'S USE: FILED OR f?�CO DE RE�t1�:>�' FILED FOR RECORD AT REC�UEST OF Ju� I� 3 15 P��� 92 N l���� C N �G E 11��` {.��a L. �i{ils�[l�� �'�'7�.�0�4�9 ;.uo;� SPOF; AIr't", CUUNTY� WI�SN. �NTEROFFICE� WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO PAUL A. BASTI 1 P.S. Name. i$��.. Q ��t,t'� U ah E. 12929 prague Ave F' L���'� Address State z� .....5 ......ane.1....4`.1A.......9 9 2.1.6 ,-aT �S� �Q-�� City, p. LPB-12 Quit C aim Deed 7.' GRANTOR UPPER COLUMBIA CORPORATION OF SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST, a Washington corporation for and in consideration of right of way dedication conveys and quit clairris to SPOKANE COUNTY, a political subdivision the following described real estate, situated in the County of Spokane State of Washington, together with all after acquired title of the grantor(s) therein. '1'1�a1: porl:a_an o1.� I.h.� NW 1/�l ol' Secl:ion 25, `1'. G� N. lt. -1�1 L.W.M. in S��ok�n� Cour,l:y Wushiii�; tori cicscrik��:c� as t'ol.l.uw� l�c�,�ir, aC �t.hc: NW c�r•r�cc• u 1` �uid NW 1/�1 L`heric� UU' :5:�' :3f3"W, alor►� l. P hl e s L' 1:i ri 01� i c� N ti�! 1/�l c 1�. 5 L� c� c: i�: c� 1.' :i U. U U I� i: c L; 1.1�� c: r c StiJ� �'3' 17"L a di:�L:�nc;c �f �1�2. 50 i�ce�L I:o Lt��: 1.'�.�::1. L•.��;t,l: �1' wt.�y l��/W 1. in� o�f u 1.1_ i v�.�►i lt��ici �aiid L�ic� 7'ru�. 1'c� i n f: 01� Iic-E; ir�ni r►� Lt�iencc. SUU °:39' 3fS"W, l.o�i�; ti���i c:l L:�is L!�t/SJ, �i.i.��t.�.�ncc: �t' S7-1 l ti 1'cc�t; �Ch�ricc: Nk�J° 2;S' 1 7"td c:ta:;L�.�nc�: oi' �U 1'c���l:; l.l�c-ric:ca S00 :i9' 3�3"W �al.or��; id L�►� L 1►/�J d cl.i :�'L'�'ir�cc: '':�U f��l 1'c��- I� Ll�c�r�c� ��3y '?U' `_'2"1�: �l.i.:; I:�:�i::i: o L' :3 �i UO 1'�� 1: �licr��c NUU 3�3"1: a cl:i t:�incc o I' £325 05 I'�:c; l, Lc, a��a�i.r►L :�U 't'c�c�t; 5c�u I.l� u l' I:i�i� cc�r��t:�r•.l.:i.nc uC IE;Lh Av.�nuc:; Lt��;:r��c;.: N£3J'23'J7"W a d�ist.�tri�:� of' 1Z.5 1':�:��1. ulo��i�; t.h�: �nut.l�► .l.in�: 01' �1. E; Lh Avc�ri�ae t:o �t.�►c `1'r.•�ue I�'U i r� t: a I' 1�3��;.i.riri.i>>b DatF:d MaY 26 �NO��iti������ 19 9 ��i C,ORPp�� �Z (Ind UP.PEI3.._C�LUMBIA._CORP_�RATI.�N---OE...SE-VENTH- y.....-- DAY ADVE TIST, W shington corporation gz000lo9z1 SEAL.--�°= 8,�:=����.._�.. ;.�case-�a�c� (In il) 198j y= (Nresi�l nt) Sale Amt. Pd. O.E "SKIP" CNIIBBtG �i`�� By.-----=-----.... _j?-�...�=-------------�'`�.�.-�----------........._ i�oka� Co ,iMy Tr�� l w/4SH A s s t. (Secretary) UuNi1� S ATE OF WASHINGTON STATE Or WASHTNG�I'ON ss. ss. COUNTY OF COUNTY OF._.._...S�oka�e.................... On this day personally appeared before me On this ......26.th... day �f ................�9.d�1................._....................., 19.2........, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Put�l�c in and for ihe State of Wash- i ington, duly corrunissioned and sworn, personally appeured................................ to m� known to be the individual described in and Jez'.e...II�••-P.�3���...........................-.....•-•........................... who �xecuted the within and foregoing instrument Wa ne A Se and ...................................�'-...........�........��.$4n............._.............................................. and acknowledged lhat signed the same to me known,to be the ............_...............President and.....A�st, ;,,,,_,..Secretary, as free and voluntary act and deed, espectiv ly of....U e�...�.olum��-a���Cc�r p ar�a��:io� p f���� e for the uses and purposes� therein ment;c� �la'�yco�r�Qc�►tlb''s�'C�xecuted the foregoing �nstrument, and acknow�edged i ��y L �R�� the said instrument to be lhe free and valuntary act anci deed of said corpor- E�• i ation, for the uses and pur��oses therein mentioned, and on oath stated that ��S/�j�•.`'�J' ��...�he.y...3re...... authori�ed to execute the said instrument and that the seal GIVEN under my hand a o�a�l ea iS��� �"ixed is the corporate seal of said corparation. day of O: Witness my hand and ofi'icial seal hereto affixed the day and year first Z� a ve written. G�� Notary blic in ar1d for the State of Washing n, Notar Public in and for e 5� f a.� Medical Lake Y in�ton residing at �Q�'� residing At..............._..........._....._....................................... 1Viy appointment expires: ��R�...P�� My upr�aintment expires: O1/07/93 't �i M I t 2 lr r: •�A: f� r� ��,w �.�.5._� �:��'����?S�.a,.';:•'�;i,',�i�,�",;. ►y: T����r. .2: r�1�.d� i t.� 1:,,� �Gti� r �r �.��7!�-� i r»:` t.�� t�t S '.i,.�,,:. "'�,�1 i t i� ��;'�^�%�r�'G� �f� y .+r��irx.,ti�i, ��I�'r,y��"'; f�l'.�0�.L•,,.x;:.•:,��:[.^3✓i '-i-: 1 .'�C}'yJ'i� �4 i:�;y. w}� :�r' �l'�� ti�' Y �"F! s� �S .a: .'7. �••;,;',:r• r y� .a L 'i� i J ���ie?k °��iM'�t.. hcSLL��`�c: fv1���� .r� t�p{ tJ �f :!Y;tv••1��� J���� T b' 1� -'1i ����!!p'�� 1 3 �i.t" r, .,t� ��i�. .S:A< ������:C, a 1 A, .T �i �'r K: 6 �"�i:1 ;i t 4t• y y�. h t :�o 7 :t� �1r �i {.i' 1:?� `�U. S� f� y��� 'y /"'�'�h tr�"� L.� �w�':1 .ls� rtFi:: 4 1 :.SY`��� �j �S, :L ��.t't i •iy �A�.;.�yti;F .n', •o �^.��rl; y�' wJ 'v �iF,� .C. j' .l c t t I''•1r'�."� 3j�d5L'r_ a I�! �'-0�� S�P l. 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'1 `;f Y .i� ��.1� Y. 7�' �^ti 1 i .,��•ft. �;�,�i�^\tt��r. i�� ti !1'•�� r`\•�a3� Z ,�i,i' 'r M w 7' `O at�`ti� `F). a: ..t' 'i •+;k}� .�t t v �'i"„ �iJi1`� Ai:�':�.� .l ,t N 3 .I' EY� if,�•�,3-���� .n �Q r Y t 'y: 2 vY.;: c t•�tC. �•�'a �1,�.' a `�.�Z.� j' ��i��i V n 1 `���A`. ':«1�S'��'{.`•' ;}.t�., f .i�•�i��. t:.�y .:�i?; ti' s �si r: 9 3 j ��i,p•.► 'ifM;� ;Gl .L:�•ji r•r� e�VO� P.T.• .Z' ''��l i r :L�.•J %.J� P� .4e's: r•, "1` 1.f 1 r� t, M f1 a .i a•. 4.A1 a, t ����i y•� :��-�r �..�•EY •i •v., f f• t �i. 7:l y'e!�' �g: •.;,:.,"a J. .',.�„'r.v'� .r 'f' i�� t .K c" O tis:,ac c. ,C 'r ;4� g��� 1 f,19•- 1 •1;;;. :5.;...• '�5� r I' 'd :9 ti: R-l�ot20,Blk I� j •''�ti��"'�••��-Y `'r 'r'� t 1 ��,,a�.r '.S'� �i', T.P. .rofo r�., .y+.?•:' ,.r..e.� 9���s��oss8 vo�. �:�(��'��E 1 Portion of Assessors Parcel No. 45252.9057 SPOKANE COUNTY ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Sgokane County, Washington ItIGHT OF WAY DEED c,z:�. .-s.r IN,z `I'�iE`��IV��.'�'�R,� QF� ROAD, RF No. 2496, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS� th'�t�SEY�NT� DA�' ADVENTIST CHURCH, UPPER COLUMBIA CORPORATION of the Seventh ;D�y �dyentist, a Washington Corporation, for and in consideration of Mutual Benefits, gr�n��s and co�yeys tq'�Spok�ne County, the following described parcel of land, situated in Spokane County, State of Washington, to-wit: BEGIN at the Northwest corner of Lot 3, Block 3, "RIDGEMONT ESTATES N4. 4- STH ADDITION" as recorded in Book 20 of Plats, Page 62; thence North 67 52' O 1" West, along the North line of said STH Addition, a distance of 63.82 feet to the Northeast corner of Lot 15, Block 1 of said STH Addition and the True Point of Beginning; thence South 89°20'22" East, a distance of 25.88 feet to a point on a non- tangent curve concave to the Northeast with a radius of 475.00 feet and a radial bearing of South 75°15'37" West; thence Northwesterly, through a central angle of 15°21'06", an arc distance of 127.27 feet to the end of curve; thence North 00°36'43" East, a distance of 700.00 feet to the South Right of Way (R/W) line of 16th Avenue, said line being 30.0 feet South of the North line of said Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4); thence North 89°23' 17" West, along said Right of Way line, 45.00 feet to the beginning of a curve concave to the Southwest with a radius of 20.00 feet; thence Southeasterly, through a central angle of 90°00'00", and arc distance of 31.42 feet to the end of curve; thence South 00°36'43" West, a distance of 680.00 feet to the beginning of a curve concave to the Northeast with a radius of 500.40 feet; thence Southeasterly, through a central angle of 14°33'S0", an arc distance of 127.10 feet to the True Point of Beginning. Located in Section 25, Township 25 North, Range 44 East, W.M. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, unto the said Spokane County for the purposes of a public road forever. c' i R i: ll :4 �l. E. �c�i cn Y ox Cxum�i �i r i ✓I�a j� 1. q- Spok ou t Tr���; Pr� E ��i���;�,fil��€ ,,���:i i�(,�� ;�i�,,,,�,���N4lfi'�i'� Y�s��: �NTEROFFIC� o� YOI. ����P�IGE�y�� IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said corporation has caused thi�instrument to e executed by its proper officers and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed this /t� day of 1993. UPPER COLUMBIA CORPORATION OF SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST, A Oif1�f/ y ��7ASHINGTON C�,�b��� ��P .............0,�`'s,��� PRESIDENT ''••.9�. C i :�i i �.J: Q ��AL 1981� z B G"'�� .J a� Y' a��`� SECRETARY S ��reraN��� STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF SPOKANE ss On this I o� day of 1993, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn personally appeared �.e h� Pa�� z e r to me known to be the President and t,c>a e A, S s�� to me known to be the Secretary, respectively, of SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHtTRCH, UPPER COLUMBIA CORPORATION of the SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST, a Washington Corporation, the Corporation that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said Corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they are authorized to execute the said instrument. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, the day and year first above written. i.1,w-��w OFFiClAL 8E 4 c��` BETTY L KREBS Notar Publia�In and for the State of. NOTIIRY PUBLIC WASHIkGTON Y s��� Washington, residing at �e1Fan�� My Comm. Exp. Jan. 07, t�7 rofway\ray\7thrwdee\bt i�',�. tAT I _''t� •v c7 .Y 7 :��4: �asN =3- r� T �r t �°O=� 07�^ a:;�o o f s a Q Y 1 1 1 1 1 i f G a— 3 ea�� a:_� o .00 cc K.c�,�:.aos o, 8 �ry y1 \C r� J y� O S 2 AO'C►Z .M,:r,ar.aCS ,00 :.f .M.:►.If.CAS Z �.9" J u tr t t .%i a� 3.:►.9C.JCN 7.it,9C.,:4N as ����73t a/? o. .00'OC r.i .Q7 OlC :1,: t 00'OBC -�..r� r....�.,� :.rQys^- '.-:*�t �"?i"'a:'�� ia�v'.^iti,t3 y;, i.:.i :"��aei+t:'.^,•.�ti•' :3 ts �a f �'y� l. c� �i.a. y .S.r�fic..r,,tSA� :��,a�K'�'=�"1r1�7�`�':."{��7�"ati .r� 1 '�Y' w�.*+�.-r, .T i {•d.., t�, �^.r`. .00 iSi w.i►.3t.�C5 l�' W 1 �3$: o �je_ s N f� f7 /1 S P r�� a d 1 a ti d S r d� n 1 1 1 Q QQ�� f W 8 a� bl a m N I 1 1I 1 I y ti �o 93U5�8065' VOI. ����f'AGE Por`t�on oF Assessors Parcel No. 45252.9057 SPOKANE COUNTY ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Ta� �ompol �Spokane County, Washington �t �t G L� RIGHT OF WAY DEED r l �P�•� IN THE MATTER OF Sullivan Road and Sixteenth Avenue, RF No 412 and 24�6 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that UPPER COLUMBIA CORPORATION oF SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST a WASHINGTON CORPORATION, For and in consideration of Mutual Benefits, grants and conveys to Spokane County, the following described parcel of land, situated in Spokane County, State of Washington, to-wit: Beginning at a point 30.00 feet South of and 55.00 feet East of Northwest corner of the Northwest Quarter of Section 25; thence South 89°23'17" East, parallel to the North line of said Northwest Quarter a distance of 29.97 feet to the beginning of a curve concave to the Southeast with a radius of 30.00 feet; th�nc� Southwesterly through a central angle of 89°57'05", an arc distance of 47.10 feet to a point 55.00 feet East of the West line of said Northwest Quarter, as measured at right angles; thence Nort�! 00°39'38" East, parallel to said West line a distance of 29.97 feet to the Point of Bega.nna.ng Located in Section 25 Township 25 North, Range 44 East, W.M. TO HAVE AND TO H�LD the same, unto the said S�okane County for the purposes of a public road forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said corporation has caused this instrument to be executed by its p�oper office� and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed this day o�,����� 19 93 ....9 s U a� ��i J: i �f 0 '2 B Y�-- ,�(f'� 2�7ZC�� UPPER COLUA1BI�1 CORPORATION �L �0 president SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST, A W: 981 f T W A S H I N G T O N C O R P O R A T I O N Z p%= 8 1 Y Z Secretary STATE OF WASHINGTON ��i���WA HN COUNTY OF SPOKANE ss On this day of 19 93 before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn personally appeared ,������c_y Y' Cc yr �2 s.�a rS 0 Yl to me known to be the Pres ident and -S e-� y� to me known to be the Secretary, respectively, of THE UPP�R COLUMBIA CORPORATION OF SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST i the Corporation that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said Corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they are authorized to execute the said instrument. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and af f ixed my of f icial sea first above written. OFFICIAL SE gETTY L KREBS ��i'�� NOtARY PUBLIC W�H1Nt3TON COUNfY OF SPOKANE Notary Pub c In and f or the State of M y COmm WASHINGTON res id ing at yj c=��� ►ofwoyllamslnvdeed.caplkc i t ��,3 ���E �z`.:,:,:�, ._._.-�.r..?� �Q 93 a��: _..,:r A�M�M�E 1 ;4jIT�i� �N�����j��PUrY1! WASH. ,�ROFF�cE INT Y I� G3 'r :r..,r't'�• e .r�:�,,. /,i".. 'r. �-�I.11'11l)� 5�\ i :::.��t•'r�� 1 �i 1'�ti ::vl�,,'.'sltiL: ��,j;zt:'s�'i�,�,.:� :''�t�/�.fY6i'�iJ Y�ISi.�.,,,� �'a:.'i ,iU ��_4 �z.� ������.�..1'�,.9 t:t �c.'r,..'i x'i�C: .�.�+�Y:+:...:.:.. i.:::r°:.��:.�� r 1 C� R1GHT OF WAY DESCR1PT10N FROM SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH That pc�rtion af the NW 1/4 of Sr,ction 25, T. 25 N., R. 44 E.W.M. i.n Spok�n� Counry, W:istiinbtnn cir,scribCCi as follows: Begin at a point 30.04 fr.�t South �+and 55.00 fc�t Faat of the NW corncr of sai�l NV1I 1/4; thcnca S 89°23' 17'fi, par-d11C1 co chr North 1inC ar' sd►d NW lla, 29.97 frxt to th� b�binning of a curve conc�vc to th� South�t with a r�ciius of 30.00 frxt, thencc SouthwCSt�rly, through a c�ntral aaglc ot 89°57'OS'. U an arc distancc of 47. l0 fcxt ot a point 55.00 fr,ct �it of tt� WCSt lina of seid N W 1/4, a� mca�urr�cl at right anglcs; thCncc; N 00°39'38"E, parallCl to said WCSt LinC� 29.97 faet to th� P.O.B. 23 24 :6t� Avenu� o S89'23' 17"E 2f� 25 0 o 29.97 i� rn U I 55.0�' 89'S7'05 R 30.00' T 29.97' Q 47.I0' 3 w I O z CRAPH�C SCALE (IN FEE T) 0 25 50 ao I 5U. r ,��i.o�: Vil��}�sun �'�iyin��.rr's, Inr. C�v�� ErvC�►vEEttS�3c• �u.G� ;uicvi7Gn5 R N n T G N.909 :.FtCOt��t�E RO:.O t` y��� a L� �c��Nc. wn y�z�� P�, 9�a->>: i �c T 4 I F jl �.li �`3� ?'''��1f�U��1 fZL'1�!C_ J 1 �r •�-c_ taop �n Dete:' t 'y'�z 93 paroe� ys�? 9a.s 1�n. qG ��Y :j �9 P� Road NemeJtJo: 2 F Pre red� By: �A J����lit� NAfl�l� T aeq By� f�end oev) �Y�,`,,;�� W��b� SPOKANE COUNTY-ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Spokane County, Waehington t-' 0655 r�NTEROFF 9�Q J�8 DRAINAGE EASEMENT YOI. �J�fAGE �.��1 The Grantor(s) UPPER COLUMBIA CORPORATION OF SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST, A WASHTNGTON CORPORATION, of the County of Spokane, State of Waehington, for and in consideration of Mutual eenefite, the receipt of which ie hereby acknowledged, grante to The Public of the County of Spokane, State of Waehington, a Drainage Eaeement over, under,�and acroas the following deecribed real property eituated in the County of Spokane, State of Washington: EASEM�l�1T "A" That portion of the Northwest Quarter of Section 25, Township 25 North, Range 44 East, W. M., Spokane County Washington, described as follows: Commencing at the tJorthwest corner of said Northwest Quarter; thence South 89°23'17" East, along the North line of said Northwest Quarter a distance of 870.00 feet; thence South 00°36'43" G�est a distance of 300.00 feet; thence North 89°23'17" West a distance of 25.00 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence continuing North 89°23'17" West a distance of 37.00 feet; thence North 00°36'43" East a distance of 40.00 feet; thence South 89°23'17" East a distance of 37.00 feet; thence South 00°36'43" West a distance of 40.00 feet to the TRue Point of Beginning. EASEMENT "B" That portion of the Northwest Quarter of Section 25, Township 25 North, Range 44 East, W. M., Spokane County, Washington, described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of said Northwest Quarter; thence South 89°23'17 East along the North line of said Northwest Quarter a distance of 870.00 feet; thence South 00°36'43" West a distance of 600.00 feet; thence North 89°23'17" West a distance of 25.00 feet; to the True Point of Beginning; thence continuing North 89°23'17" West a distance of 27.00 feet; thence North 00°36'43" East a distance of 30.00 feet; thence South 89°23'17" East a distance of 27.00 feet; thence South 00°36'43" West a distance of 30.00 feet to the Tr'ue Point of Beginning. K. .�'c� T'x �xcun �f Dsts G C��j Spo1c unty s, v� �2����1 J Drainage Easements, ae deacribed hereinabove are for the purpose of installing, operating and�maintaining drafnage facilitiee to dfepose of runoff, are hereby granted to the public. The County of Spo}cane is hereby granted the right of ingrese and egress to all Drainage Easemente adjacent to the public right of way. The property owner ehall maintain the drainage area with a permanent live cover of lawn turf, with optional ehrubbery and/or treee, which do not obetruct the flow and percolation of storm dr'ain�age water in the drainage area as indicated�by.�tt�e approved plane ���yL .Q':��' i i s�� �►s. The Grantor will construct the drainage facilitfee in confor,mance'with the plans on f ile in the County Engineere Of f ice The individual lot owners or their euccessora in interest ehall maintain the drainage facilitiee in conformance with the approved plans on file in the Engineers Office. The property owner or his representative ehall inform each aucceeding purchaser of all DrainagQ Eaeemente on the property and hie responaibility for maintaining drainage'facilities within said Drainage Easements. "%�f�� r �.6. i YOI. Z 4:.� �AGE 1 i t i 7 I +1, T a F������' d i i t�•' �Z The Drainage Easement described hereinabove ie to and Bhall run with the Zand. No modification of the boundarie8 of�eaid Drainage Eaeement can be made without the prior approval of Spokane County. 'j i. Whenever the fnd�.vidual�' lot owneire or their succeesors in interes.t fail to maintain the drainage facilities in conformance with the approved. Drainage Plan,�'a'�no�ice will be given to the �individual�. lot owners �or- �heir eiaccessore in interest by. the County. Zf not�corrected after ten (10� daye, the County hae the right to correct the maintenance failure. or have it corrected at the expense of the individual lot owners or their eucceaeore in intereet. Spokane County does not accept tYie responeibility� of �maintaining the drainage courae on private lote. within::Drainage Eaeemente°"or"floodplain areas, nor the responsibility for any drainage .wtiateoever, includingr "but not limiteci to inve'rse condemnation� to any propertiee �,due -to defi�ierit �construction `�and/or maintenance of drainage coureee in �Dra�inage, Easements on prl.va�e property: Thie Drainage Easement will terminate at euch time the described areae are plated. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said corporation has caused this instrument to be executed by its �roper officers and its corporate seal. to be hereunto a f f iXed th i s �0 day of e�����oi���� 19 93 o ti 0 ss vQ ��b,. q o y UPPER COLUMBIA CORPORATION '2' B SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST, A. S cr: Pres dent WASHINGTON CORPORATION Z o-�' ��81 'c� o 8Y l/(/ .n,c ..:a Secretary STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF SPOKAt�E SS �!'����N���� On this I��` da of 9 y 19 3.,. before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in. anc� gor �he State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn personally appeared.� .��-e��� e .�5. ,/�Q e.� a�a �wayY� to me kno�ln to be the Presi�den� and �.c r e ��ry to me known to be the Secretary,':�respectively, of UPPER COLLJMBIA CORPOR1aTION OF SEVEI�iTH`DAY"`AI�V�� the Corporation that executed the foregoing .instrument,� .and acknowledge�d the said instrument to be' �the�,; free��and voluntary .act .and deed of said Corporation, for� the uses �and�'purposes "therein, men�ioned, and on oath stated that they are authorized to execute the said instrument. IN S�ITNESS WHEREOF, .I have �hereunto set� my hand and affixed my official seal, the day and�year above written.� OFFiCIA1 S j 8 �Y L KREBS NOTqRypUBLIC-WqgH�N�� NOt3ry PU�1.j,C In and for the Stat�e,, Pf �ouNTYaFSpoK�y� washington z'es�d�I1 at o� My Comm. Exp. Jan. 07,1991 g rof,roy\IamsVwd�ed.cap\kc �'�`'�`�•`S•� stormdel/forms,7 f fi VOl 1 i'dGE 1 o �:�t)518� is `IN1�R0�1 e C� 1.09 �tl QBIe• 93 P8l0ef �.s ''1 `��:1 9 d r� i� 1• f_ EI rl� CU Road NanlelNp: /I�o c 1 PUfp05e' �►�G �'1 t' Preparsd 8y: Roq By: �l�nd Dev 09 f M� ��#��11yt �I��i�: SPOKANE COUNTY ENGINEERING DEPARTMENZS�.(r�:�i•ti Spokane County, Washington o�ts DRAINAGE EASEMENT a� �U l�r z„ The Grantor(s) SULLIVAN SOUTH ENTERPRISES, a Washington Genera Partnership, of the County of Spokane, State of Waehington, for and in consideration of Mutual Benefite, the receipt of which ie hereby acknowledged, grants to The Public of the County of Spokane, State of Waahington, a Drainage Easement over, under,�and across the following described real property aituated in the County of Spokane, State of Waehington: EASEMENT "A", That portion of the Nor.thwest Quarter of Section 25, Township 25 North, Range 44 East, W. M. in Spokane County Washington, described as fol].ows: Beginning at the Plarthwe� corner of_ Lot 3, Block 3 ofR3DGF1iOtIT ESTATES r10. 4, 5TH ADDITION as perplat thereof r�cord�d in Volum� 20 of Plzt�, Page 62; thence North 71°15�'2.4" �a�t alonq the North line of said Lot 3, a distance of 23.00 feet; th�nce North 15°41'll" West a distance of 48.00 feet; thence South 71°15'24" 6Vest a dis- tance of 23.00 feet to a point on a non-tangent curve concave to the Northeast with a radius of 450.00�feet and�a radial bearing of South 77°22'15" West; thence South- easterly, through a central angle of 06°06'51.", an arc distance of 48.02 feet to the Point of Beginning. EASEMENT "B" That portion of the Northwest Quarter of Section 25, Township 25 North, Range 44 East, W. M. in Spokane County, Washington, described as follows:' Beginning at the Northwest corner of said Northwest Quarter; thence South 89°23'17" East, along the North line of said Northwest Quarter a distance of 870.00 feet; thence South 00°36'43" West a distance of 340.00 feet; thence South 89°23'17" East a distance of 45.00 feet; thence North 00°36'43" East a distance of 25.0� f�et;to the True Point of Beginning; thence South 89°23'17" East a distance 0:" 5�:0� �eet; thence North 00°36'43" East a distance of 35.00 feet; thence North 89°23'1"7" West a distance of 25.00 feet; thence South 00°36'43" West a distance of 15.00 feet to the beginning of a curve concave to the Northeast with a radius of 20.00 feet; thence Southeasterly, through a central angle of 90°00'QO", an arc distance of 31.42 feet to the TRue Point of Beginning. ��,�.1i�iib9t�,, Drainage Easements, ae described hereinabove are for the .pux��ope�o�'.�,,�.nstalling, operating and maintaining drainage facilitiee to diepose pf� �.'Kuno��r;�i���� hereby granted to the public. The County of Spokane is hereb� grantedf���,e%,�ight of ingrese and egress to all Drainage Easements adjacent to the':= pukilic'����ic��t pf way. The. property owner �ehall maintain the drainage area with a permanen`t"liye over of lawn turf, with optional ehrubbery and/or trees, which do not obstruct�t�e�� �1ow� and i�.. percolation of storm drainage water in the drainage a'rea cis �,lr�d'ic�a�ed by the approved plane. e h� Q �o V ��'�irf;��. The Grantor will construct the drainage facilfties in conformance with the approved plane on file in the County Engineere Office. The individual lot ownera or their succeaeors in intereet shall maintain the drainage facilities in conformance with the approved plans on file in the Engineers Office. The property owner or his representative shall inform each succeeding purchaser of all Drainage Eaeemente on the property and his responeibility for maintaining drainage facilities within eaid Drainage Easements. �(''1 •`a a� r Q O 6 t �J YOI. �:.��PAGE�-�' The� Drainage Easement described hereinabove ie to and shall run with the land. No modification of the boundaries of said Drainage Easement can be made without the prior �pproval of Spokane County. a Whenever the individual lot ownere or their successors in interest fail to maintain the drainage facilitiea in conformance with the approved Drainage Plan, a notice will be given to the individual lot owner� or their eucceBSOre f.n intereat by the County. If not corrected after ten (10) days, the County hae the right to correct the maintenance failure or have it corrected at the expenee of the individual lot ownere or their succeseora in interest. Spokane County doee not accept the responsibility of maintaining the drainage couree on private lote within Drainage Easemente or floodplain areae, nor the reaponeibility for any drainage whateoever, including but not limited to inverae condemnation to any properties due to deficient conetruction and/or maintenance of drainage coureea in Drainage Easementa on private property. Thie Drainage Easement will terminate at such time the described areas are plated. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, z have hereunto set my hand(s) and seal(e) thig day of 19 93 By: SULLIVAN SOUTH ENTERPRISES, A J Kenneth J. Tup r WASHINGTON GENERAL PARTNERSHIP STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF SPOKANE aB On th3.e day per�onally appeared before me Kenneth J. Tupper, a general partner, of SULLIVAN SOUTH ENTERPRISES, pereonally known to me to be the individual(e�) who executed the foregoing inetrument and �cknowledged the eaid instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of eaid individual(g), for t�he uees and purpoaea therein mentioned. Given under my hand and aeal thie a L day of 1 f(. 19 q� 1- -L ���Iti����/i���� Notary Public b J ;o BAF,�y,�� n and for the State of Waahington, F,� resfding at Spokane. ��O�ARY ^s ;L a� i ta C i pUBL� q 'A i �j ;SN,��� etormdeliforms,7 ,.���i���� r N r.. :i::::� :Y.' r :}j: ::PLI. �:P:� ::R� :�T p� c�,�roN �-�:oN��� Uc zo�:::.:�?�5�:�����::: �t ::X D ::T Iv1��: A: TE �t =t: �-k: r� ..B.UILDIN�: PL�4NNING:. .�.::�ENCr�IE��S`��:�. '�I�A:L�TI�::::.::�:�::����:.';�:`::�:��:::::::::�>: r:�:,-.:�: i:;::::;:� 1I :t::�:::i: ::i� ;:�1:: :Al'�: :d-::: ��;YT C�:' �F �DI T` �T YE� :�S S 5;�����:::� �-V :S.•:: ."T .A:' :y4: :yi: .�J: �y.� �t: •�l..: I L :a� :�a:�� ,:wt .s:E�:,,>,�:.: s>: o-: ':;:i:•::. .:r:.: ........r :::::c:-.::::::5:':> ��r.:....si�:�c•::::.:::i:::;:..:::i=:�:t?;i;:i;:ii::ii:tf;r,:;; _ii;i:::i:;?::}i ADL7RES S: r� r 0 e.r co b� o� �o rP OV�JNER: p PHONE: �2� -5� C-�h� r t �s F`.�' �-�5-0 ADDRES S �P.�. �,c� (Ga3� o GaZI� sp���, v�.1,�, BUSINESS NAME /r /1 v r.; rl t� S i i�r— J —r C�NTACT: -��s PHONE: c��,� Q�� q �oz. ADDRES S �-�.e-�-+s t�l.e�. c G� Gn.P'��' C�JA �3 ,3 �J�- LEGAL DESCRIPTION. PARCEL NUMBER. 1-�-� 2.�i o 5`7 DETA.�LED PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Ck�.r� 2 �3 E., �.I m LZ,�..�1 C �RC.� �s �S1.c1�d�,� <F"c�' sc_,i�,� Gtas,s� r� :•r:�' 3i1:�'�e^ :Yri� .4 .J3} :.c c :.j S r..;�k..::'':: k ;:;i�' `'.rc: 7:` :3�:�:�::• t x .��...._...c.:::a -.r.t:. i�. �r�. s:.:::'• :rtiiii r y�_ c �`i 'i ....x: ..::...:......:o-o-.:ci:' r.. r?:: i .:.COMI��- :�:5. r. ::...z.:::�..._. ...1.•.� 1 i 1. •.1. :;s: ='a ::7. .4 l i i.:it. a�i..��{. �'�}'::3'" i:ti r..�..: v.. 3�b3 :.z. t� E: :r:::•:•:::: :x;: i:,�.:; ..A•.•::.......:::}.'5.�..:.. f...• •L• i ��r... ._......��............�L.........� ....1.�•......:��1.�.•. '}i• ......:.f�......._.. .......l..... •.�.J.:..... �.V i. fl.. l.... ..i��y .::.�•r.� ...'....:lt....... Y ;�,ry:. i 7: rY. '�?..�p .�{i:5:�::::•• '�p ......�r� �:j' t... i��-�\w ��4.v �r '�i: :.n :.E �I+%MS .:�Y:.....: .:......f::. .w .l.�l:..... ......J..-�..�.......� .._.......i'.... '.J..l...�... .1. S i f ��.�v i... •l: i..� 1�� ....�.i�'. ...:i... r 1 •�....�`�'�?-�::!�:���iC..,•_W.._.•..::�:.:.i:.�������ii:�...��:����.?i.iiii�.�..�....�..i:..'.�'.�..'.t'..�..r::..�.}i ..RE�IEW::COQRDIN�ATO�Z.:::�� ::r:::::::::�� :.:r:::::::::::::::::: �D..B Y ..�.C.lRCUL- AT :...::::::.:.........aJ. :r�;��s�� a�'. ............r............ ..............................................r....----- ...,.r......::.:::::::::,. e L PROJECT NUMBER= 95002428 PRE—APPLICATION INFO DA���,= 04/17/95 PAGE= 01 ***�"*•k THIS IS NOT A P�RN1iT' PENALTIES WILL BE ASSESSED FOR COMMENCING WORK WITHOUT A PERMIT SITE STREET= 15706 E 16TH AVE PARCEL##= 45252. 9057 ADDRESS= VER.ADALE WA•99037 PERMIT USE= PRE—APP NEW CHURCH SCHOOL 5/1/95 10:00 ,F PLAT 9 9 9 9 9 9 PLAT NAME= RANGE t �i BLOCK= LOT= ZONE= UR-3.5 DIST#= S AREA= E/A= E WIDTH= j:. DEPTH= R/W= 50 i���� x�r� OF BLDGS= 1 DWELLINGS= 1 WATER DIST OWNER= UPPER COLUMBIA CORPORATI�N PHONE= 509 926 5866 STREET= PO BOX 19039 ADDRESS= SPOKANE WA 99219 CONTACT NAME= KEVIN JESTER PHONE NUMBER= 208 667 9402 BUILDING SETBACKS: FRONT= NA LEE'T= NA RIGHT= NA REAR= NA REVIEW INF'ORMATION DEPARTMENT REVIEW REQUIREMENT BUILDING REVIEW COORDINATOR C FR.AZIER COMMENTS r, i I it .i' z,: PRE—APPLICATION j p L t �.b CONTR.ACTOR= PHONE= '-�t�•.�: f STREET= ,T•,�, ADDRESS= PROJECT NOTE: TOPIC CONTACTS DEPT BUILDING *****�*******�*****�***********************************�r*********************** COORDINATOR: CAROL E'RAZIER PLAN REVIEWER: SR INSPECTOR: PROCESSED BY: CAROL FRAZIER PRINTED BY: CAROL FRAZIER THANK YOU k R :a :t y j f ihv :?,I{�?� •E','��� u a ACTION: R SCREEN: LEGL USr,K1D CARB CHANGE—REASON: H— LEGAL DESCRIPTION JURISDICTION= 11 ROLL= RE PARCEL= 45252.9057 YEAR= 95 PAGE= 1 LINE DESCRIPTION O1— 1 10 25-25-44 PTN �F NW1/4 OF NW1/4 DAF; BEG AT NW COR SEC 25 TH 02— 1 20 E ALG THE N LN SD SEC 870.00FT TH S AT R/A TO SD N LN 03— 1 30 730.00FT TO BEG OF A CUR TO THE LFT TH ALG SD CUR HAVING A 04— l 40 RAD O F 475.00FT THRQUGH A C/A OF 15DEG 21MIN 06SDS 127.27FT 05— 1 50 TH W AT R/A TO W LN SD SEC 25 887.67FT TO SD W LN TH N ALG 06— 1 60 SD W LN 855.00FT TO POB EXC RD R/W d 0 O�� 9— i i r 1 :�F r 1 1" 4 r 3 �f, i'';f 12 t� �kr' 07—*L009 HEADER CHANGE a v,. j r a" z ;r� :x> �a i.. z' ti? jt M.�. 4 a ;i R. i C w'�'�-r--1 ""s�` i f3.2 7. 5 2' I i N z v o e e vi 4 0 5 c w �2e' N I �v i C Q I C P aa=�� p e�7.��' 867.67 1 IDGEMONT 1g�� R O �,9 o �o o �J 2� ���CN E ST T E S �tT��. ��O 5 5. N �p 2 2 I N� Pd 20 TK Ave• NO 4 5 TH t ��MO_ 8 �Q �\O 1 O t �f�IDGEMONT ADD. ��E�nn.� fit.� RIOGE MONT EST TES i f�0. 4 4TH Z�'� �4D0.� Ri d 9 emo�t Es�' N, 5th Add• RID�EMON T RIDGEAAONT' Ests. No.4 3rd ESTAT ES N0.4- RI DGEMONT 2ND AO D. ESTATFS N0.4- i ist ADDITION 5; z� Ar6 g� i j ..,.4 8 7� S.2 d. o d l 31 /T �J TI MBERLANE a so-�2 1 �T i o i3 J o z r� y, g9 I27 r• i .��TIMgERLANE 4 2 nd t i 300' 2 z 60 "42 �3 n �1 r, BUIL[�ING PE�MfT Ct�i��C�CI_iS�" ���=A��� ���Ti1fi�#�::� ::r :�A66��ss �E�fiii�o 1 _ll ^a i l _.....__._.II_�?�Qu��i��(.: .r� «..-..t.+.. i �.._..��.__.��.�n �:r L ti i .f L..,.:� �1IlA ,..y..,.•-•.: _��.�.a._�_..�.. e ___'y"'_.' GE E �T.. .a. ����IUf�FIfi�fiO���Y x ---__p�___.__---_._____. R{GNT OF WAY DEPAR7MENfi DE�D ....---.o. Ea�EMENTs R/W _.RID�---_._�.__..__....----.._----.......---- �C__._- LEGnL DESCRIPTION CI-IECI�� LETTER FROM SCAPCA RECIPROCAL USE AGREEMENT APPRoACM pERMt�i" X .-C� --._.--si�fi -.W___.. __�_.e._-� =l �o�TA AF Ro1i i _.�_Yx _X� SCALE X B�NC�-IMARK X ROADNAMES X f�IW D1iV�ENSIONS X PROPERTY LINES S-AS DE s�own on plans_ G DES (min 1.0°/a) x STAM P X C'AVING �surface d�scriptiori) X TRAF�FIC CIRCULATIO1J PLJ�N X LANn�CAF'E PL.I�N (208 CONFLIC�T) X e ULi /Inlet/S lasl� �lock betail !Y`_ x.. X_.. L��:�. Fr. --_____6�aiN��E---__.�._�..__ �oo��construciion -_-----X=-__- VAC on fZoof X X >C.._ Swa e volume caiculaiions K Swale Cross Section x ►�e eve oped Condition X posl bevel�ed Conditior� x SpECiALSOIL TESTS D 1"Cf CALULAI�IONS i e/BAC WATER CALCULA7IUNS GR�ATE�CALCULATIONS__.._.____._._.. R�T�NTION/bETEN7�lON CALCS .__._.r____�______._.-.----_. 10/50/10� YEAR STORM ----__------__d -_.___.r. TR-55 ANALYSiS --r_...= ....`�•�_is• ...i:__...__.._ :�t_�_�_a�... 'i.__a..�. �'._�i:r_ �0��� ._..Y" v_...�� J� Norih Atrow 8�nchmark Scale __...W. Gulter Grades (>0.8%�_ Ctoss Slo�e (2.0%-4_ 5%�_� drainage �epori W.._._.____ Draina�e on Plans Curve bate (radius, hc, agvement rapers/fog slripe =h�ineers Stah�p Y_.._�--_ �uaniitiesi8ond esiimale �ond �lylar ��Nners Si�nature ;ounly Stamp �i S t i s P O IG N L~ C:) U N ^I. Y -a. OFFICE Or' THF CUUN'1'1' FNGINF.GR A Divisiarv or• �t�►�r Puar ,1C WORKS DEI'ARTMFNT R�nald C. I-�ormann, P.E., County Engineer Dennis M. S�ott, P.E., Director AGREEMENT TO PAY F��5 ENUINE�R'S AGR��11'lEN'1' NUMBER ��S This agreemer�t bet�veen Spokane Cou�ity a��d s�v �n d�� ��5� ��u hc (r�ame or �crson) �vhose interest in the project is C� y► ,2 p— �i.e. v�vner, �gen�. erc.� is entered into this �si day of 19 �S This agreenlent is a��licable to the prc�ject known as: (pro�ec� anuress or rncna��ic n tiie num[�erj That the individuals and parties named herein as having an interest in the above described property or project agree to the following: 1. Reimburse Spokane County f�r �rnject review and ins�ection fees as specified in Chapter 9.14 of the Spokane County Code. 'I'he fees wil( be based on actual salary costs incurred by Spokane County for project reviews ai�d or inspections Plus a ten percent administcati��e charge, and �.vill be billed rnonthly as accruec�. /�ny billing amounts due, including any expenses incurred in tlie collection of an overdue account, rnust be paid �rior to the County's acceptance of tlie project for filing. lf a�roject is approved and/or filed with a balance still owing, the unpaid balance shall be paid within 30 days of the invoice date. 2. `I'he undersignec� agrees that tliese fees are clue and payable upon receipt of the billing as specified above. 3. Any invoices not paid within 30 days of the invoice date �vill be c�nsidered delinquent. I� any outstanding balance on the account for this �roject i� ncat paid �vithin 30 days of the invoice date, no furtlier re��iews of the project docume»ts will bE coriclucted until the entire account balance is paid. Any balance on the account for this project not paid within 65 days of the invoice clate may result in legal action or the initiati��n of other collection procedures, including referral to a collection agency. T}le Sl�onsor will be liable for any and all ex�enses inctirred by the County f�r the collection of overdue accounts. 4. The monthly billing should be sent t� the attention of: NAME: ���v� �GL d c�..� I�-� c1 �V� (ft �G`L ADDRESS: t� I d� c 3 O� 1 S 5/Q� CITY, ST/1TE: �(�D ��G�—r��� Ifl.�/� u ZIP CODE: CJ �1 l Cp ri-�o�vE �5�� �C� I understand that failure ta pay these fee5 may result in de(ay iil c�mpletion or approval of the project ar other possible sanctions. O If this fee agreemeiit is con�pleted by someone other thal� tl�e Spol�s�r (i.e., the project owner or a principal in the Crm s�onsoring the �rojecl), such as the Engineer designing the project, tl�en �vritten authorization from tl�e Sponsor specifically authorizing the Agent to execute this Fee Agreement is attached to this Fee Agreetnent. SIGNATURE By: j i'l G. r�� �ii S o-vf, (PRiNT NnME) RETURN YELLOW COPY 1'O SPOKANE COUNTY �NGINEERS k1p1(1�greemen.fee 2/1/95 '1026 W. Broadway AvE. S}�t�kanc, bVi1. 992G0-017U •(509) �5G-3C�� f'nX: 709) 32�i-�478 'I'DT�: (SO9) 324-3166 ,4 w j `�s, �.,r �t .j F s r i�� �1 1] ,1 4 q TM r �9 w �R w� •n k: I�� �f4. rM r ��m T .r f i j I 1 u�, Y r a t "�r F y r� -i }-'a