2018, 08-14 Regular Format MINUTES City of Spokane Valley City Council Regular Meeting Formal Meeting Format Tuesday,August 14, 2018 Mayor Higgins called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Attendance: Staff Rod Higgins,Mayor Mark Calhoun, City Manager Pam Haley, Deputy Mayor John Hohman, Deputy City Manager Brandi Peetz, Councilmember Cary Driskell, City Attorney Linda Thompson, Councilmember Erik Lamb, Deputy City Attorney Ben Wick, Councilmember Chelsie Taylor, Finance Director Sam Wood, Councilmember Mike Stone,Parks &Rec Director Arne Woodard, Councilmember Morgan Koudelka, Sr. Administrative Analyst Lori Barlow, Senior Planner Ray Wright, Senior Traffic Engineer Alex Lovell, Legal Intern Mark Werner,Police Chief John Whitehead, Human Resources Manager Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk INVOCATION: Pastor Mike Szott of Living Hope Community Church gave the invocation. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Council, staff, and the audience stood for the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL City Clerk Bainbridge called the roll; all Councilmembers were present. APPROVAL OF AGENDA It was moved by Deputy Mayor Haley, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the agenda. COMMITTEE,BOARD,LIAISON SUMMARY REPORTS Councilmember Wood: stated he had no report. Councilmember Peetz: said she is worlcung on getting on some boards;attended several National Night Out parties and said it was great to see so many people participate. Councilmember Woodard: said he also attended several National Night Out events; and attended the Chamber's Government Affairs meetings, as well as some ribbon cuttings. Councilmember Thompson: said although there were no specific meetings,but on line they are working on the Spokane County Opioid Task Force to come together as a county health district and said she will have more to report later. • Councilmember Wick: reported that he also attended several National Night Out parties which were well attended; said he received notification that the CRISI Program is issuing another call for projects. Deputy Mayor Haley: in addition to attending several National Night Out events, said she went to Mojo Cyclery, which is where during Lemonade Day a bike was given to a little boy who had immigrated here from Africa, and said the little boy and his family were ecstatic; said she attended the Chamber's Government Affairs meeting where she heard about Better Spokane which is an organization designed to help small businesses grow. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Higgins reported that he presented opening remarks at the Highland Games; attended several National Night Out events, as well as the BECU and other ribbon cuttings. Minutes Regular Council Meeting:08-14-2018 Page 1 of 8 Approved by Council:08-28-2018 PUBLIC COMMENTS: Mayor Higgins explained the process for giving public comments,and said that based on tonight's long agenda and in the interest of keeping the agenda manageable,each of the two public comment segments on tonight's agenda will be limited to thirty minutes. Mayor Higgins invited public comment. 1. Mr. Rob Chase, Liberty Lake: read his prepared comments concerning his and others attendance at the NW Grassroots meetings on July 11, 2018. 2. Mr. Stephen Keener, Liberty Lake: said originally tonight was supposed to be a rally calling for Mayor Higgins to resign; and said he guesses that has since changed; said since Mayor Higgins has been on Council, the City of Spokane Valley has thrived; that the Mayor and Council keep property tax increases to a minimum, maintain the roads, and provide an efficient city government; said the purpose of the rally tonight changed to oppose white supremacy, and he said there are no active white supremacist groups in the valley;and said it appears this is a thinly veiled attempt to tarnish the city,Mayor and Councilmembers; said he thinks it is common knowledge the Councilmembers are against white supremacy, and perhaps people should be giving the Mayor and Council thanks for their hard work. 3.Mr.Jeff Brodhead, Spokane Valley: said he came here to speak in support of Mayor Higgins and he read his prepared statement. 4. Ms. Kayloni Bonner, Spokane Valley: she spoke favorably of the Appleway Trail and thanked Council for that trail as it makes family bike rides enjoyable; she thanked Council for Resolution 17-008 which affirmed the City as an inclusive city where all are welcome; said she feels that resolution covers all grounds, is more than sufficient, and that she is against the proposed resolution against white nationalism as it originated on baseless accusations and slander against Mayor Higgins; said she too attended that grassroots meeting and no one knew who that man was who was speaking, and there is nothing racist about that group, and this witch hunt against Mr. Higgins is hateful and cruel. 5.Brian Weitzel, Spokane Valley: said he has lived here since 1987;said he has also attended some of those grassroots meetings and has seen some councilmembers there as well as some of the functions associated with that grassroots group;said it is ridiculous to paint someone as racist simply because they attended such meetings; said he has been to those meetings and he isn't a racist. 6. Mr. Ed Pace, Spokane Valley: said that when the demonstration outside was first noticed on Facebook, the title was"Resign Rod Higgins"and said he assumes that is still part of their agenda; said he has known Mayor Higgins for about six years and knows him to be a good and decent man, and not a racist nor does he condone any kind of white nationalist organization or their members; said Mayor Higgins needs to stay where he is, and said he appreciates the job Mayor Higgins has done; he said the rally group then changed the name of the demonstration, to a "Resolution Against White Nationalism;" said the Council passed a resolution in March of 2017 that makes it clear we are all about inclusiveness, so this new resolution isn't necessary; said Council and several staff all took an oath of office to uphold the laws and rules of the constitution of the state and of the United States; and said they are all doing their jobs well. 7. Mr. Bruce Foreman, Spokane Valley he spoke in support of Mayor Higgins; said he also attended the meeting at the NW Grassroots, said he heard James Allsup speak and he didn't hear anything racist about him; said he looked up some information on Mr. Allsup,watched a few YouTubes and listened to a radio blog, said he didn't like what he heard but he didn't hear anything racist;said he has known Mayor Higgins for about ten years and to imply that he is a racist because lie went to that meeting, is ridiculous. Minutes Regular Council Meeting:08-14-2018 Page 2 of 8 Approved by Council:08-28-2018 8. Mr. Dan Allison, Spokane Valley: said he has known Mayor Higgins for seven or eight years now; that he has come to the coffee group occasionally and that the group has helped Mayor Higgins get elected; and said he has never heard or seen anything racist from or about Mayor Higgins, and he is a good man. 9.Mr.Gene Strunk, Spokane Valley: said he is familiar with the Civil Rights Act;that there is no one sitting on Council who is a racist; said this is a manipulation by politicians and that there are three new councilmembers up here that use this through the Indivisible Organization, that they are a group that the second councilmember is a part of and has promoted this demonstration against the Mayor with the help of others; and they are a progressive group; that we are talking about the three people sitting up there who want to be mayor and are manipulated by the Sheriff because the Sheriff doesn't like the Mayor or Mr. Rob Chase;said the Grassroots group is a property rights group which is the foundation of this republic;so when these people are accused of this, it is a blatant lie. 10. Mr. Dary Van Dusen, Liberty Lake: said he is not here to bash anyone;that a person is judged by the company they keep,and unfortunately some of the councilmembers have been keeping company with those that seem to be in fringe groups; said he recently heard someone on TV speak that communities that don't celebrate diversity are not welcoming;said it doesn't speak well for the location like business parks to come in, or to create business opportunities which he said is one of the reasons the valley incorporated. The thirty minute time Iimit for this first opportunity for public comment expired. 1. CONSENT AGENDA: Consists of items considered routine which are approved as a group. Any member of Council may ask that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. Proposed Motion: I move to approve the Consent Agenda. a. Approval of claim vouchers on Aug 14, 2018 Request for Council Action Form, Total: $5,122,856.65 b. Approval of Payroll for Pay Period Ending July 31, 2018: $503,066.12 c. Approval of Minor Stormwater Property Acquisition d. Approval of City Council Meeting Minutes,July 17, 2018, Study Session e. Approval of City Council Meeting Minutes,July 20,2018 Special Meeting f. Approval of City Council Meeting Minutes,July 24,2018 Regular Formal Meeting g. Approval of City Council Meeting Minutes, July 31,2018 Study Session It was moved by Deputy Mayor Haley, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the Consent Agenda. NEW BUSINESS: 2. Second Reading Ordinance 18-018 amending SVMC 2.75, Public Records—Erik Lamb After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Deputy Mayor Haley and seconded to approve Ordinance No. 18-018, amending chapter 2.75 SVMC. Deputy City Attorney Lamb explained about the proposed changes as he had done previously; and noted there have been no changes since the first reading.Mayor Higgins invited public comment;no comments were offered. Vote by acclamation:In favor: Unanimous. Opposed:None. Motion carried. 3. Motion Consideration: Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Grant(JAG)—Morgan Koudelka It was moved by Deputy Mayor Haley and seconded to authorize the City Manager or designee to apply for the Justice Assistance grant for those items identified above. Mr. Koudelka explained about our allocation of$27,156 in JAG Grant funds, and how the Police Chief and City Manager have recommended spending those funds;and he noted the application deadline is August 22,2018.Councilmember Thompson asked how the funding allocation is determined,and Mr. KoudeIka replied that it is based on the number of eligible jurisdictions, the amount of funds allocated by Congress, on population, and other metrics such as crime rates,and poverty levels. Mayor Higgins invited public comment.Mr.Alex Harpin, Spokane Valley: said he doesn't know why we need tasers for traffic stops and suggested spending the money on new training for police; said he doesn't think we have a lot of crime here or very bad criminals. There were no other Minutes Regular Council Meeting: 08-14-2018 Page 3 of 8 Approved by Council:08-28-2018 public comments. There was brief discussion about the use of drones or body cameras, and Mr. Koudelka mentioned that we contract for our police services, but there is a concern that if we used drones, it would be difficult to ensure that all people's privacy would be protected, and as well have the video available as a public record;he said Lasers are not used just for traffic stops but are used as a means of community safety and a non-lethal way to control situations; and this grant is just one component of law enforcement as officers go through regular training. Vote by acclamation: In Fervor: Unanimous. Opposed.None. Motion carried. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Mayor Higgins explained that the process for taking public comments will be the same as the first opportunity; and he invited public comments. 1. John Harding, Spokane Valley: spoke about Hydro One; said someone needs to find out exactly what is behind this concept as it appears very threatening;also mentioned that he has never heard Mr.Higgins make a disparaging remark about any individual or group and that he is an honorable man; said this scene tonight speaks for itself; said that two can play by the "guilt by association" game as these people are apparently part of the Indivisible Group, whatever that is; and mentioned(facetiously)that"resist and protest" sounds like a wonderful group, and said thousands of groups follow that concept; and said he feels the most important thing should be country first, not polities. 2. Ms. Sally Jackson, Spokane Valley: spoke of some of the aspects of her early life in Spokane Valley; and said there is no room for racism in the United States. 3.Ms.Lani DeLong, Spokane Valley: said she was one of the organizers of the rally outside and no one on the City Council had anything to do with it;said it was first started in a group she belongs to called Families Against Bigotry, which was started after the March for our Lives, and that she was part of the group that was supporting them, which was the Indivisible Group; said there was a group of white nationalists kids who were there and were protesting the March for our Lives kids, and a group decided that we needed to address this problem; she said Families Against Bigotry is mostly an educational group; and said there is a presence of Identify Evropa in this valley; said she is aware of this Council's passing the antidiscrimination resolution in March of 2017, which she said is great, but now some citizens are asking Council to pass a resolution against white nationalism, she said the need for this has occurred because our Mayor was at an organization called NW Grassroots representing our city; she said James Allsup spoke there; she said the Mayor has pleaded ignorance but ignorance isn't a valid excuse for having attended and applauded at this event; she mentioned the shame and embarrassment this has brought to our city as evidenced by the Huffington Post,after the event,as listing our Mayor as one of the participants; said the August issue of the Coeur d'Alene Living magazine gives "lemons" to the Spokane Valley City Council; she again asked Council to demonstrate their respect to its citizens, and she asked that each Councilmember read and sign the resolution, and she handed copies to the City Clerk. 4. Ms. Joann Braynne, Spokane Valley: said there appears to be a lot of misunderstanding about the proposed resolution; and that it is an opportunity and not an accusation; said the Identify Evropa has been very public in its aim to "highjack" the republican party; said numerous broadcasts have included them talking about how they plan to take over the party in five to ten years, and not telling anyone about their white nationalist ideology, but showing up well dressed waiting for someone to appoint them to a position of power; said this ideology has killed millions of people; James Allsup is a fascist and has spoken on programs such as the Daily Shoah, a program whose name is designed to mock the Holocaust; said she is also active in Families Against Bigotry; and said it shouldn't be hard to sign this resolution; and this is an opportunity for republicans to re-claim their party and to state that Identify Evropa's program is not your program is not welcome in your party;she said that program is called Normalization,and said organizations like the skinheads during the 1980's were already having these conversations about re-branding, and we are now seeing the product of that normalization; said everyone should take the opportunity to state they Minutes Regular Council Meeting:08-14-2018 Page 4 of 8 Approved by Council:08-28-2018 are not welcome, and that is why the group changed the purpose of today's rally, from calling for a resignation to calling for council to do the right thing. 5. Mr. Dean Lynch, Spokane: said he has spoken to Council several items in the past on this topic; in February 2016 Spokane County Human Rights Task Force was organized;said they had a press conference in March at which time Mayor Higgins, and Mr. Ed Pace were present showing their support of the organization; said their bylaws specifically state there is an opportunity for a representative from the City of Spokane Valley to be a member of the Task Force;and said there is still no representative from Spokane Valley; he explained that the Task Force is a nonpartisan, non-government, county-wide organization to deal with issues of bigotry, hatred, etc., that exists in our society; and said they would be honored to have a representative from Spokane Valley; said they have been asking two years, via letters to Council and the Mayor, and tonight being the third time he spoke to council about this;said they believe it is critical to have a representative from Spokane Valley to represent the citizens in the city;that they changed their bylaws to allow either the council to appoint someone, or for a citizen of Spokane Valley to become that delegate;he asked that Council clarify its position to appoint someone to represent the City of Spokane Valley, feels three weeks should be an adequate time to do that, and if Council chooses not to, said they will advertise for someone from the valley to fill that position; and said this is an opportunity for Council to appoint someone to help them deal with the issues of racism that exist in our society. 6.Mr.Dan Donne,Liberty Lake: said he is a resident of Liberty Lake and an elected member of that City's council;he thanked Council for the collaboration between Councils; said he is here to make a call to action, to stand up for and live out the oath to uphold the Constitution of the nation and state; said equality is a principle which cannot be undermined; said elected officials are called to action as stewards of tax money, but also of culture and civility; and what we do and don't do or say or don't say demonstrates that contribution to that stewardship; and he thanked council for their work and time. 7. Mr. Bill Gothmann, Spokane Valley: said he recently attended a Heritage Museum event which included discussion about Natatorium Park; said they discussed the park's history,and it was a great evening. 8. Mr. Bert Porter, Spokane Valley: said he has been in the area since the 1920's and in that time, we had many immigrants from different countries in the area; he spoke of some of his early life in the area and of his service in the military; said he has never experienced racial problems and is shocked to hear what he is hearing tonight;that he came here to talk about education,drug and alcohol abuse and the lack of treatment; and of the lack of discipline in the public schools; and said he will talk later about what he found out from some local school administrators. 9. Mr. Jeff Beaulac, Spokane Valley: said there have been racial problems in the area, and he mentioned Hayden Lake Idaho and the earlier problems with white supremacists' compounds, and of the attempted bombing in 2011 during the Martin Luther King Jr parade; said the NW Grassroots organization is a racist organization; and the people who go to that are supporting a racists organization; said he listened to what James Allsup said in his speech to that group, he said diversity ecology is having a negative outcome for people; by saying diversity is bad is racist; and he urged council to consider changing leadership, because he thinks the person who said James Allsup being here isn't an issue;that he is pretty sure they are a racist. 10. Mr. Lynn Plaggemeier, Spokane Valley: said the last time he was here he spoke about term limits for Council and the Planning Commission; and about getting young people involved in city government; also spoke about the budget and change orders and said everything needs a line item so Council can look at different departments and see which people are racking up the overtime. 11. Ms. Vicki Walsh, Spokane Valley: said she was disappointed in the actions of the Council on July 3rd and was disappointed to learn that the Mayor could act unilaterally to remove a councilmember from his Minutes Regular Council Meeting: 08-14-2018 Page 5 of 8 Approved by Council:08-28-2018 position that he was qualified for; said the timing was also an issue since it was just prior to going into a holiday when the council chambers would likely have fewer people in attendance; also disappointed to learn that based on comments later than night,that the Mayor could do what he wanted; said she is ashamed for her city for this blindsiding action; said she lives in the Greenacres area and is very concerned about Barker Road; said the new manufacturing plant is coming along and she suspects there will be employees driving to and from of work way ahead of road improvements; said she often has to turn from Broadway onto Barker and is grateful for those people who usually let her in;and she asked when are we going to get some improvement there as the Barker Road overpass is dangerous for everyone. The thirty minute time limit for this opportunity for public comment expired. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS: 4. The Vistas at Belleaire Lori Barlow, Ray Wright Senior Planner Barlow explained that she and Traffic Engineer Wright will give Council an overview on. this fairly controversial project. Ms. Barlow went over the background of the City receiving application to divide 81.5 acres in 226 residential lots in the Vistas at Belleaire Subdivision; she said this is a type III application and therefore is subject to review and approval by the Hearing Examiner, which decision is appealable to the Superior Court, and that Council will not see this come before them. She also mentioned that the Hearing Examiner's decision is expected about August 20, 2018. Ms. Barlow showed the area in question, went over the application process noting the public hearing held early August; she mentioned some of the public comments received with specific concerns about needing more access, more control of traffic to ensure safety of children and others, and of inadequate project noticing. Concerning the project noticing, Ms. Barlow explained that the notice of public hearing was published twice, was posted on the property, and was mailed to properties within an 800 ft. radius, which is greater than what is required by state law. Councilmember Thompson said she met with some people who live there who expressed concern with inadequate project posting or noticing, and asked how can we expand what we do and/or change the Code as 800' might not be far enough; said we need assurances that our neighborhoods are protected; and she asked if there is anything else we can do to better support the neighborhoods. City Manager Calhoun said we can come back with a separate discussion on that topic, but he also mentioned that the noticing went from the required 400'to 800'.Ms.Barlow added that if Council wanted a code text amendment,that would require additional discussion. Discussion ensued about arterials and how we develop them, and where do we expect collectors or arterials to go; with Mr. Wright briefly explaining about the Urban Growth Area boundaries, and that the County would need to work with the developer on several aspects of this project. Ms. Barlow explained that this project is developed over six different phases and it must follow state law from preliminary to final, which can sometimes take as long as five years,but also doesn't mean it must be built out in five years either; she said it is highly unlikely we will see a large increase in the next few years, but rather, it will be a gradual increase in traffic. Mayor Higgins called for a ten minute recess at 7:50 p.m.; he reconvened the meeting at 8:00 p.m. 5.Repeal of Spokane Valley Municipal Code 7.40: Electronic Cigarettes—Cary Driskell,Alex Lovell City Attorney Driskell introduced legal intern Ms. Alex Lovell, who via the PowerPoint presentation, explained about the purpose of the request to repeal Spokane Valley Municipal Code 7.40 dealing with electronic cigarettes, after which Council concurred with staff to bring this issue back for a first ordinance reading. 6. Surplus Property, S. Carnahan Chelsie Taylor,John Hohman Finance Director Taylor went over the background of the purpose of the two properties on South Carnahan all as noted on her August 14,2018 Request for Council Action,after which Deputy City Manager Hohman Minutes Regular Council Meeting:08-14-2018 Page 6 of 8 Approved by Council:08-28-2018 went over the background of the project, including the property dedication, future signal rather than a roundabout because of the rock on the southwest, and that we would have to shift the roundabout easterly, and demolish the house;said staff is planning to implement an interim project over the next several months and in the meantime,we are actively working on clearing the property and cutting down the weeds,and are working with the Department of Transportation; and said there is quite a bit of planning yet to do but we want to get these properties listed with a broker so we will not have to maintain the structures through another winter. There was Council consensus to bring the resolution back to the August 21 meeting for Council approval consideration. 7.Economic Analysis of Tourism Venues&Events—Chelsie Taylor,John Hohman In follow up to a previous Council agenda item concerning tourism related venues and events where council approved a motion to limit future discussions of this topic to the fairgrounds and stadium district, a sports complex, and CenterPlace west lawn expansion, Deputy City Manager Hohman went over some of the background of the retail improvement strategy, including the hiring of Community Attributes, Inc. (CAI) to develop a strategy and action plan; what some of the "trade capture"typically includes, and where our City lags behind in retail sales. Mr. Hohman also noted and briefly explained the CAI tourism strategy's three phases; and that phase III includes the three tourism projects noted previously. Mr. Hohman noted some of the details for each of the three projects, followed by a financial analysis of each by Finance Director Taylor. Discussion ensued including remarks about completing CenterPlace,the idea of a farmer's market; doing some work in phases in order to avoid a bond issue, while keeping in mind some aspects of some projects could not practically be done in phases; and remarks about how much service debt we could expect on a multi-million dollar project. Ms. Taylor also noted there is always the possibility of a decline in the economy. City Manager Calhoun noted that we can contact the Chamber of Commerce to see if there is an opportunity to address this subject at for example, a breakfast; that while any of these projects would be nice to have,most are not really economic development; said a sports complex could result in a$1.7 million annual hit on the general fund; so the idea of doing these incrementally is intriguing; said maybe the CenterPlace hardscape would be the next to look at;and said a sports complex would require a large amount of money. Mr. Calhoun noted that we will have future discussions about where we go from here so as not to lose momentum. Councilmember Woodard said he thinks the fairgrounds has merit,that we don't have to act on this tonight, and we should discuss with Spokane County as to what they would be willing to do for that;that CenterPlace needs to have some work phased,but to playfields would require more money to buy land;said perhaps we should talk with the school districts as well,and maybe over the next few months, get more figures on CenterPlace. Mr. Calhoun said he will look at having discussions with the school districts and the County for all three projects and will report back to Council once he has more information. Council agreed. 8. Aging&Long Tenn Care—Mark Calhoun After City Manager Calhoun went over the information contained in his April 14,2018 Request for Council Action concerning the Aging and Long Term Care of Eastern Washington, he asked if Council wants to consider joining their organization and if so,does Council prefer one or two councilmembers on their board; said that board meets quarterly;that the cost to us would be$12,100 per year,which we have already added to the budget,recognizing that it would be easy to take it out if Council does not want to participate. Council agreed to participate on that Board with two Council positions. Mr. Calhoun said he will contact Ms. Kimball tomorrow and let her know that we seek two positions and that he will report back to Council at a later date. 9.Advance Agenda—Mayor Higgins Councilmember Thompson said based on some of the discussion tonight,she would like to consider having a representative on the Human Rights Task Force; and with at least two other Councilmembers agreeing, Minutes Regular Council Meeting:08-14-20I8 Page 7 of 8 Approved by Council:08-28-2018 Mr. Calhoun said he will put that on the Advance Agenda pending list. At approximately 8:47 p.m., it was moved by Deputy Mayor Haley, seconded and unanimously agreed to extend the meeting for another ten minutes, or to 9:10 p.m. CounciImember Wood mentioned the area at Argonne near the freeway, and of how unsightly it is with junk,trash and weeds, and said maybe we could get a crew to clean it up and/or plant some vegetation. Mr. Calhoun said he would research the issue. CITY MANAGER COMMENTS City Manager Calhoun mentioned that Senator Padden and a representative of the Home Builders association have asked to speak to Council about the Condo Act, which among other things, restricts the number of condos that can be constructed state-wide; said he and City Attorney Driskell spoke with our lobbyist Briahna Murray concerning this and our upcoming legislative agenda, and that it was mentioned this will likely be part of AWC's (Association of Washington Cities) efforts as well; and that Mr. Calhoun would like to have the Condo Act on the same meeting as the legislative agenda discussion. Council agreed. 10. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Review the Performance of a Public Employee [RCW 42.30.110(1)(g)] It was moved by Deputy Mayor Haley, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn into executive session for approximately sixty minutes to review the pef formance of a public employee, and that no action will be taken upon return to open session. Council adjourned into executive session at 9:03 pm. At approximately 9:58 p.m., CounciImember Woodard returned to open session and announced the executive session would be extended for up to another thirty minutes. At 10:12 p.m., Mayor Higgins declared Council out of executive session at which time it was moved by Deputy Mayor Haley, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn. I/ ______ ATTES . L.R. _ ayo Christine Bainbridge, City Cle: Minutes Regular Council Meeting: 08-14-2018 Page 8 of 8 Approved by Council:08-28-2018 f Ai SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING g_— Tuesday, August 14, 2018 6:00 p.m. Regular Meeting GENERAL CITIZEN COMMENTS (jrgr SIGN-IN SHEET firr'. fet s�j YOUR SPEAKING TIME WILL GENERALLY BE LIMITED TO THREE MINUTES W J , 'y►� This sign-in sheet is for making comments not associated with an action item on tonight's agenda. If you wish to comment about an individual action item on tonight's agenda (such a a otion to approve an ordinance, resolution, or contract) the Mayor will ask for comme s on ose items once that item is reached on the agenda. Please sign in if you wish to make public comments. NAME TOPIC OF CONCERN YOU YOUR CITY OF IDENCE PLEASE PRINT WILL SPEAK ABOUT ig01) Ck k 3.-- - NOrf-lik U.ti“r)c,ils iq.4 Ll' e.--iy 4 .,-e/ (S.--(4)95-4) VEE-4)Ele' c:47 su,ce-Se j t/ ti•lu ,i/ 6A ,Le_ 1 i A ci ;=-/C-eti"-Z$,-)11(7-4 if1210 . --p--- 4;16- k.VAX-f--"- th -/ -2.7-, 1 11!!1 K.66 A. ba VVO,-e-r- KR-k-) (., 3 co C 4 l / FA/.3 i) 'JO n'- ii.a. N 6If-- 1/114rt,X /z2t C 4V1 Iro 4 cpô Go,/ ,d312i1 C `©p.2»,1 -1 Hi(diet Nor 9 �c1 a 6),/),1,3 &c"c-k„u,if&' V 74Z. i 141-010/01-4917/N G al, /" - - ' i-.32,&___----„__--d 7 r',rip-1,1k -'i / .2 i fillfr AN2_,I V I �}S c P. Ce, wu,ceL.\,6,4,,, L LA / .3--, ilid !t( A, --6 f C, fl'iV.t, I 4611 v4GR5 c. / \\) `),61/404s.orn. \\v,v-,,,-, \P„,..10- .___ Ifiv\c,,,,... \jall.s1 .� �' (' < 0.66,1 ,vu 14,4 ilii,) 2 R ' t 1 G � utie c .i� F aka wt `c\ C' 1 , Al 4 y1- : 1.� c s G� i 5 rl Please note that once information is entered on this form, it becomes a public record subject to public disclosure. SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETIN • Tuesday, August 14, 2018 6:00 p.m. Regular Meeting GENERAL CITIZEN COMMENTS SIGN-IN SHEET YOUR SPEAKING TIME WILL GENERALLY BE LIMITED TO THREE MINUTES This sign-in sheet is for making comments not associated with an action item on tonight's agenda. If you wish to comment about an individual action item on tonight's agenda (such a a otion to approve an ordinance, resolution, or contract) the Mayor will ask for comme s on ose items once that item is reached on the agenda. Please sign in if you wish to make public comments. NAME TOPIC OF CONCERN YOU YOUR CITY OF ' IDENCE PLEASE PRINT WILL SPEAK ABOUT rZ, � � Fy Mtj/_lC.;,,-L 0A42/4 dL )e:V /\'Sc,.c ,e F e t la& ii it 5 S r ° ,1 c'. r/a 11 � y 1577. A-77 •%-e-71,f— Please note that once information is entered on this form, it becomes a public record subject to public disclosure. SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING 3 Tuesday, August 14, 2018 6:00 p.m. Regular Meeting GENERAL CITIZEN COMMENTS SIGN-IN SHEET YOUR SPEAKING TIME WILL GENERALLY BE LIMITED TO THREE MINUTES This sign-in sheet is for making comments not associated with an action item on tonight's agenda. If you wish to comment about an individual action item on tonight's agenda (such a a otion to approve an ordinance, resolution, or contract) the Mayor will ask for comme s on ose items once that item is reached on the agenda. Please sign in if you wish to make public comments. NAME TOPIC OF CONCERN YOU YOUR CITY OF ' IDENCE PLEASE PRINT WILL SPEAK ABOUT (JK e uVi fsr) Al c, yr I R / erkA ( rend6/ 4 .9`r9 Wile Please note that once information is entered on this form, it becomes a public record subject to public disclosure. Spoke 10210 E Sprague Avenue • Spokane Valley WA 99206 Office of the City Clerk: 509.720-5102 ♦ cityhall@spokanevalley.org Memorandum To: Mayor and Councilmembers; Mark Calhoun City Manager Cc: Office of the City Attorney From: Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk Date: August 15, 2018 �� )) Re: Attachments for Public Comments I was requested to give you each a copy of the attached as a result of public comments during last night's Council meeting. Attached please find: 1. Written comments from Jeff Brodhead 2. Copy of Draft Resolution which Ms. Lath DeLong submitted asking that you all sign. I was also handed a copy of written statements from Rob Chase and Dean Lynch, which are also attached Thank you—Chris Jeff Brodhead 14 Aug 2018 For presentation at SVCC I am here today to speak in support of Mayor Rod Higgins. In my last attendance of a Spokane Valley City Council (SVCC) meeting, I watched as several residents of Spokane Valley "SHAMED" Mayor Higgins for, as most admitted, doing that which is in his job description, but without the direct consent of (certain) residents. These people are confused about the GUARANTEED form of governments we have in America–that NOT being mob-rule (a.k.a. democracy). Instead, we are guaranteed a republican form of government "A republic, if you can keep it." —Benjamin Franklin ...a Constitutional Republic, in which the Rights of the Citizen, from conception to natural death, are defended by governments (the People), against the whims of the many. Mayor Higgins and other Council members have a standing invitation to come to Northwest Grassroots monthly Movie Night and are given the microphone and time in the FREE-SPEECH ZONE, in which they may share news about current City business and events. This invitation also applies to all Public Officials throughout Spokane County. Northwest Grassroots has an EIGHT'YEAR HIStory of providing a monthly platform, where people can learn about a variety of topics, a few of which have been meet the candidates (forums) presentations about national, state, and local legislation, topics of concern such as vaccines, smart-meters, Hydro-One's proposed take-over of Avista, and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP, which, by the way, had STRONG bi- partisan opposition in Spokane County). So, we learn about important people and topics of the time, much directly due to the in-depth research by John and Cecily, who ARE Northwest Grassroots. In spite of the topic of the month and time constraints, Spokane Valley, Spokane City and Spokane County officials are always given time to speak. I take exception to those on the Left and on the Right, whom assume authority to tell Northwest Grassroots, local officials, and local residents including myself, how we may think and with whom we may, or may not associate for whatever peaceful reason we see fit. BUT I especially take exception when demands come from over-acting, Gobbelizing hypocrites, who chose as a collective group, to support the use of the FORCE OF LAW to Publicly fund eugenics factories, such as Planned (Pandered) Parenthood, by which, on information and belief: In New York City, New York, some 50% of all "black" children conceived are aborted. THAT IS RACISM! THAT IS GENOCIDE! THAT IS OFFENSIVE! see: http://BlackGenocide.org/photos.html—I looked at each photo once, so I can say"I dare you." see: http://www.Youtube.com/NWGrassroots for videos of the monthly events (those videos which Youtube/Google has not CENSORED, without notice; without cause.) A Resolution Against White Nationalism Whereas the City of Spokane Valley adopted the Diverse City Resolution in March 2017; Whereas white nationalist terrorists killed more than twice as many people as Islamist extremists in 2017 including Heather Heyer at Charlottesville one year ago (HuffPost 1/17/18); Whereas Asian Pacific Islanders, Black people, indigenous people, immigrants, Jews, Latinx people, LGBTQIA people, Muslims, people with disabilities, refugees, women and all marginalized groups need to be able to trust that city leaders will protect them, their inalienable rights, and their families; Whereas Identity Evropa has openly declared their intent to seize control of political institutions and use those institutions to accomplish their bigoted agenda; Therefore, be it resolved that: Spokane Valley City Council Mayor and Council Members unequivocally disavow and pledge to oppose all forms of white nationalism including but not limited to Identity Evropa. Therefore, be it resolved that: Spokane Valley City Council Mayor and Council Members promise to reject involvement in any organization that endorses white nationalism and any other forms of bigotry. Therefore, be it resolved that: The Spokane Valley City Council Mayor and Council Members will invite people from affected local community groups under threat from white nationalist organizations (such as Identity Evropa), to speak with them at their study meetings to understand how best to represent groups targeted by white nationalism. Therefore, be it resolved that: Spokane Valley City Council Mayor and Council Members will contact and listen to the people from organizations that support local groups affected by white nationalism. We the City of Spokane Valley City Council Mayor and Council Members do hereby affirm and pledge to abide by the above resolution from this moment forward. Signed position 1 date position 2 date position 3 date position 4 date position 5 date position 6 date position 7__ date II attended the NWGR meeting along with Mayor Higgins on July 11th when James Allsup spoke. We did not know who James Allsup was and we did not hear him say anything racist. NWGR has been attended by every Republican of note in the County including the Sheriff, as well as a few Democrats, too. There have been calls for our resignation from public office because of our attendance, and yet we did nothing wrong. That is the truth. Our whole system depends upon people telling the truth. Racism need to be exposed wherever it exists, but we also need to be aware that it can be manufactured and exploited for political ends, where it did not exist before. Guilt by association, is not true guilt -.Eis McCarthyism. It starts out against law abiding people like Mayor Higgins and me, then the lie spreads like wildfire to others. This McCarthyism needs to be nipped in the bud, at the beginning. It is bullying, just like racism is bullying, and we need to stand up to bullies, not cooperate with them. August 14, 2018 Mayor Rod Higgins 10210 E. Sprague Ave. Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Dear Mayor Higgins, The Spokane County Human Rights Task Force, a non-profit, non-government and non- partisan county-wide organization was incorporated in February of 2016 to address human rights issues throughout the county. We were formally introduced March 8th, 2016 with a press conference. We were honored to have representation at that time by Mayor Rod Higgins and Councilmember Ed Pace. The SCHRTF by-laws specifically outline membership,with one position reserved for a representative from the City of Spokane Valley. An invitation was extended for the appointment of said representative. Councilman Ed Pace was nominated for the position. We met with him in August of 2016. Councilman Pace was unwilling to sign our Creed statement at that time and therefore could not join and represent the City. He raised three concerns for our consideration: 1) reference to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 2) reference to hate speech 3) The statement: "We reject the doctrine of white supremacy or any other doctrine that advocates the superiority of one identity over another." After further exploration and study we agreed to remove reference to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. We sought out legal expertise and learned of the legal definition of hate speech and removed the reference. We did not find any justification to remove language regarding"... the superiority of one identity over another." I spoke with Mayor Higgins at the Recreation Against.Racism event March 12th, 2017 and raised our concern that Mr. Pace would likely not join our organization leaving the City of Spokane Valley without representation. I spoke to the Spokane Valley City Council on March 28th in support of the Anti-discrimination resolution before the council. At that time I again indicated the desire for representation. After working through the concerns raised by Mr. Pace,we met with him again in July 2017. At that time, he indicated the changes we made were insufficient to satisfy his needs and he added a new one. With this information, we formally asked for a different representative via email on August 22, 2017 with a follow-up letter dated September 15, 2017. An additional request was made in a presentation to the City Council in early 2018. Unfortunately no new representative was appointed. The Spokane County Human Rights Task Force believes that we are stronger with representation from throughout Spokane County. To address this concern, our by-laws have been revised to allow for the City of Spokane Valley to be represented by an appointee of the council or from an individual who resides within the city. Please consider this a formal request to appoint a representative to the SCHRTF_ If an appointment is not made within three weeks, we will begin the process of recruiting an appropriate candidate. I am sure that you agree with us that there is no place for discrimination within our county. With the recent events of recruitment in the Central Valley School District for white nationalists and the events surrounding James Allsup, I hope you will see the need to work with us to address these issues in a transparent and comprehensive manner. Si erely, '—./c1 Dean Lynch, •esident Spokane County Human Rights Task Force PO Box 4552 Spokane, WA 99220