15-145.02 Award Construction: Pines & Grace Intersection Safety Spode ley. CHANGE ORDER NO: 2 ENGINEERING DIVISION CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO: 15-145 PROJECT: Pines(SR.27)and Grace Intersection:Safety Project CONTRACT DATE: 5!912018 PRIME CONTRACTOR: Award Construction,Inc. CIP NO: 166 DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES This change order pays for 12 inch over-excavation of unsuitable subgrade;placement of soil stabilization.geotextile;and placement of crushed:surfacing base course(CSBC)to the subgrade elevation in Pines Road,north of Sta 97+35 where directed by the Engineer. Payment will be made in accordance with WSDOT Std Specification 1-09.6,Force Account Procedures. The CSBC shall be compacted with static roller in one lift. The soil stabilization geotextile shall conform to WSDOT Spec.9-33.2(1)Table 3,Geotextile for Separation or Soil.Stabilization. The volume of Roadway Excavation and CSBC:shall be determined by on site depth and area measurements,not truck counts. The geotextile shall be mesured by area installed. The Change Order also pays for additloanl Temporary Traffic Control for cumulative change orders though CO 2. Item No. . Description Unit Quantity Unit Price Total CO-2,1 Change Order Project Temporary Traffic Control Day 8 $ 214.29 $ 1,714.32 Unsuitable subgrade excavation,installation of CO-2.2 geotextile and.CSBC • Calc 1 $ 7,839.00 $ 7,839.00 • Total Amount of this Change Order(incl.Tax): $ 9,553.32 VERBAL APPROVAL AND JUSTIFICATION Independent Justification on File Yes • Verbal Approval NA 1 Verbal Approval byNA__ PHYSICAL COMPLETION Original Contract Working Days: 35 Revision By This Change Order: 3 Revisions by Prior Change Orders:.... 5 Total Revised Contract Working Days: • CONTRACT AMOUNT THESE CHANGES RESULT IN THE FOLLOWING ADJUSTMENTS OF TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT: ORIGINAL TOTAL.CONTRACT AMOUNT '$ 608,893.50 TOTAL PRIOR CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER AMOUNT $ 10,15.0.00 TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT PRIOR TO THIS CHANGE ORDER $ 619,043.50 NET THIS CHANGE ORDER $ 9,553.32 TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT INGLUDtNG THi5.CH.' E.�RDER $ 628,598.82 CONTRACTOR ACCEPTANCE: j , DATE: (d The contractor hereby accepts this adjust nt under a to 'of S ti.'', -04,4 of the original contract. • RECOMMENDED BY: - DATE: �J v• /8j � Proje't ana r !' APPROVED BY: �-�1.'/�— DATE Loo City Engin APPROVED BY: DATE: £3 City Manager ATTACHMENTS: CO 2 Exhibit Distribution: ORIGINAL TO: City of Spokane Valley Clerk's Office COPIES TO: Contractor,PW Project File,Project Inspector,Finance Department COSV Form 9/5/2014