16-084.03 T LaRiviere Equipment: Appleway Shared Use Path Spokane Valley. CHANGE ORDER NO: 3 ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO: 16-084.03 PROJECT: Appleway Shared Use Path CONTRACT DATE: 2/3/2017 PRIME CONTRACTOR: T.LaRiviere Equipment&Excavation CIP NO: 227 DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES The City and Contractor have both agreed that it would be in the best interest to both parties to have the City's maintenance landscaper correct the remaining issues instead of the landscape subcontractor. This will allow the project to proceed with closeout and allow the City take on full responsibility of the trail. This change order provides a credit to the City for taken on the remaining work Item No. Description Unit Quantity Unit Price Total 158 PSIPE-'Autumn Blaze'(2 In.Cal:) EA -2 $205.00 -$410.00 162 PSIPE-'Greenspire'(2 In. Cal.) EA -1 $205.00 -$205.00 212 Landscape Credit L.S. 1 -$1,076.13 -$1,076.13 Total Amount of this Change Order(incl.Tax): -$1,691.13 PHYSICAL COMPLETION Original Contract Working Days: 60 Revision By This Change Order: 0 Revisions by Prior Change Orders: 0 Total Revised Contract Working Days: 60 CONTRACT AMOUNT THESE CHANGES RESULT IN THE FOLLOWING ADJUSTMENTS OF TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT: ORIGINAL TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT $ 1,680,981.00 TOTAL PRIOR CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER AMOUNT(through CO#2) $ 33,040.50 TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT PRIOR TO THIS CHANGE ORDER $ 1,714,021.50 NET THIS CHANGE ORDER $ (1,691.13) TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT INCLUDING THIS CHANGE ORDER $ 1,712,330.37 CONTRACTOR ACCEPTANCE: . ! LA 2k\A DATE::_djac?-• The contractor hereby accepts this ad'ustment under the terms of Section 1-04.4 of the original contract. RECOMMENDED BY: AlrerL47 DATE: EC/3I Project Manager APPROVED BY: 1 DATE: 8/6 I, Y Engineeri M .•er APPROVED BY: Gil/--�✓�— // DATE: DO '�� ./ City En.' eer ATTACHMENTS: Change Order Description Distribution: ORIGINAL TO: City of Spokane Valley Clerk's Office COPIES TO: Contractor,Project File, Project Inspector,Finance Department #011 *wan. n. 4000 Valley Construction Contract No: 16-084.03 THE CONTRACT IS MODIFIED AS FOLLOWS: WORK TO INCLUDE Background: The landscape and irrigation punch list has taken over a year to correct by the landscape subcontractor and a few items still remain. The City and Contractor have both agreed that it would be in the best interest to both parties to have the City's maintenance landscaper correct the remaining issues instead of the subcontractor. This will allow the project to proceed with physical completion,project closeout and allow the City take on full responsibility of the trail. Description of Change: This change order provides a credit to the City for taking on the following remaining work: • Relocate sprinkler heads in sodded lawn(east side of Pines),install approx. 50 square feet of sod in SW corner of lawn area and gravel patchback. • Replace the dead"Greenspire Littleleaf Linden"at Sta—87+00 Lt • Replace the dead"Autumn Blaze Red Maple"at Sta—91+60 Rt • Replace the dead"Autumn Blaze Red Maple"at Sta—135+50 Rt Specification: No changes have been made to Contract Specifications because of the change: Plans: No changes have been made to Contract Plans because of this change. Time: No working days are added or deleted due to this change. Measurement: There are no changes to measurement because of this change Payment: This change order decreases the quantities of existing tree bid items, so no payment will be made for the three dead trees. Provides a lump sum credit for the sprinkler,sod and gravel work. Summary of Quantifies: qPrevious New Estim Bid Item Description "Unit Qty Unit Price Amount QV' Qty~ 'Change PSIPE-ACER RUBRUM 158 `AUTUMN BLAZE' (2 IN. EACH 11.0 9.0 -2.0 $205.00 -$410.00 CAL) 0.09\i, S4iö1 'me Change Order No: 3 „ow Valley Construction Contract No: 16-084.03 162 PSIPE-TILIA CORDATA EACH 9.0 8.0 -1.0 $205.00 -$205.00 `GREENSPIRE'(2 IN.CAL.) N 212 LANDSCAPE CREDIT L.S. 0 1.0 1.0 -$1,076.13 -$1,076.13 ( E TOTAL -$1,691.13