PC APPROVED Minutes 05-24-18 Minutes Spokane Valley Planning Commission Council Chambers—City Hall 05/24/2018 I. Vice Chair Johnson called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m. Commissioners, staff and audience stood for the pledge of allegiance. Secretary Moore took roll and the following members and staff were present: James Johnson Cary Driskell,City Attorney Danielle Kaschmitter Lori Barlow, Senior Planner Tim Kelley Marty Palaniuk,Planner Mike Phillips Micki Harnois, Planner Matt Walton Karen Kendall, Planner Deanna Horton, Secretary of the Commission Mary Moore,Office Assistant Hearing no objections the Commission excused Chair Rasmussen and Commissioner Stathos. IL AGENDA: Commissioner Walton moved to amend the agenda to include the May 10, 2018 minutes to the agenda. The vote was five in favor, zero against and the motion passed. III. MINUTES: Commissioner Walton moved to approve the April 26, 2018 minutes and the May 10th, 2018 minutes. The vote on this motion was five in favor, zero against, and the motion passed. IV. COMMISSION REPORTS: Commissioners Kelley and Johnson reported they attended the city of Millwood Planning Short Course. Commissioner Johnson shared it was very informative and educational. Commissioners Walton and Kelley reported they attended the State of the City. Commissioner Walton was happy to see the mayor move the City forward in a positive manner and looking forward to continued support of the council. V. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT: There was no report. VI. PUBLIC COMMENT: There was no comment. VH. COMMISSION BUSINESS: Findings of Fact: 2018 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Lori Barlow, Senior Planner explained the Findings of Facts are the last phase of the Commissioner's process,which formalize their decisions moving forward to the City Council. Staff suggests the Commission approve the findings for each request individually. When the recommendation moves forward to the City Council staff will wrap the individual findings into one document so that they are considered as a group. CPA-2018-0001 — Micki Harnois, Planner presented CPA-2018-0001 which is located 300 feet east of Pines and Valleyway. It is R-3 zoning and the Comprehensive Plan designation is Single Family Residential. The proposal is to change the zoning to Multifamily Residential and the Comprehensive Plan Designation to Multifamily Residential. The vote was six in favor and zero against to recommend approval. Commissioner Walton moved to approve CPA-2018-0001 Findings of Fact as submitted. The vote on this motion was five in favor, zero against, and the motion passed. CPA-2018-0003 — Marty Palaniuk, Planner presented CPA-2018-0003 to change the Comprehensive Plan designation from Single Family Residential to Corridor Mixed Use and the zoning from R-2 to Corridor Mixed Use. The vote was six to one to deny the request. 05/24/2018 Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 of 3 Commissioner Walton moved to approve CPA-2018-0003 as presented. The vote on this motion was five in favor, zero against, and the motion passed. CPA-2018-0004 — Mr. Palaniuk presented CPA-2018-0004 located on University Road and 7'h Avenue. The request is to change the Comprehensive Plan designation from Single Family Residential to Neighborhood Commercial and the zoning from R-3 to Neighborhood Commercial. Commissioner Walton moved to approve CPA-2018-00004 as presented. The vote on this motion was five in favor, zero against, and the motion passed. CPA-2018-0005--Commissioner Phillips recused himself from the meeting regarding CPA-2018- 0005, and left the room. Karen Kendall, Planner presented CPA-2018-005 a City Initiated Comprehensive Plan Amendment and is corrected a mapping error and expanding Neighborhood Commercial designation on property located at the corner of Progress Road and Forker Road. The decision to recommend approval six to zero in favor. Commissioner Walton moved to approve CPA-2018-0005 as presented The vote on this motion was four in favor zero against, and the motion passed Commissioner Phillips returned to meeting. CPA-2018-0006--Ms. Kendall presented CPA-2018-0006 a City Initiated Comprehensive Plan Amendment correcting a mapping error to expand the Industrial Mixed Use designation on property east of Sullivan on Trent Avenue. The vote was seven to zero to recommend approval. Commissioner Walton moved to approve CPA-2018-0006 as presented. The vote on this motion was five in favor, zero against, and the motion passed. ii. Public Hearing — CTA-2018-0001 — A proposed amendment to Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) 19.65.020 Agriculture and Animal keeping Ms. Harnois presented CTA-2018-0001 and shared some historical background. The proposal will change the minimum square footage required to have animals in SVMC 19.65.020(A)(1)(a) from one acre to 40,000 square feet.This is the same amount of minimum square footage required prior to the 2016 Comprehensive Plan and development regulations update. The proposal will return the minimum square footage to the amount before the update. Ms. Harnois also outlined the steps involved in the process. This amendment to SVMC 19.65.020 revising the minimum lot requirement from one acre to 40,000 square feet will be consistent with the R-1 zone and eliminate the creation of non- conforming uses. The Commissioners discussed the difference between the minimum lot size and how many animals are allowed per acre. Chickens are in a different section and swine are not allowed. Commissioner Kelley clarified chickens are allowed with a lower minimum square footage of 2,000 square feet per chicken. . Vice-Chair Johnson opened public hearing at 6:40 p.m. Seeing no who wished to testify the Vice- Chair closed the public hearing at 6:41p.m. Commissioner Walton said he thought there would be the potential for confusion for the public regarding minimum square footage and how many animals are allowed per acre but he is in favor of the change. Commission Phillips confirmed large animals keeping was based on a gross acre. Ms. Barlow explained first staff confirms the amount of square feet the customers has. If they have more than 40,000 square feet,they can have animals, and how many and of what type of animals are calculated on the lot size. Commissioner Phillips stated he was in favor of the proposal. Commissioner Kelley supports people raising animals and is in favor of the proposal. Commissioner Kaschmitter shared this will allow people to be in conformance and is in favor. Commissioner Johnson agrees with the need to be standardized and returning back to 40,000 square feet is appropriate and is in favor of the proposal. Commissioner Walton moved to approve CTA-2018-0001 as presented. The vote on this motion was five in favor, zero against and the motion passed. 05/24/2018 Planning Commission Minutes Page 3 of 3 VIII.. GOOD OF THE ORDER: There was nothing for the good of the order. IX. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Walton moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:48 p.m. The vote on the motion was unanimous in favor and the motion passed. li/ —la, 71,--- A- jA,,,,-1,-,_____--) 9 -i3 -/K Name, Chair Date signed Name, Secret FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE SPOKANE VALLEY PLANNING COMMISSION FOR 2018 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS 2018-0001 THROUGH 2018-0006 MAY 24,2018 A. Background: 1. The Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan(Comprehensive Plan)includes an annual amendment cycle that runs from November 2nd to November 15t of the following year. The Planning Commission considers applications received prior to November 1"in late winter/early spring of the following year, with a decision by City Council in late spring/early summer. B. For the 2018 Comprehensive Plan annual amendment cycle, the Community and Public Works Department received four privately initiated requests for site-specific Comprehensive Plan amendments, designated as CPA-2018-0001, CPA-2018-0002, CPA-2018-0003 and CPA-2018-0004. Sites approved for a Comprehensive Plan amendment will receive a zoning classification consistent with the new land use designation. The City initiated two Comprehensive Plan map amendments designated as CPA-2018-0005 and CPA-2018-0006. C. Findings: 1. Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) 17.80.140 provides the framework for the public to participate throughout the Comprehensive Plan amendment process, including notice and public hearing requirements. 2. On February 20, 2018, the Department of Commerce was provided a notice of intent to adopt amendments to the Comprehensive Plan. 3, Pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act set forth in RCW 43.21C (SEPA), environmental checklists were required for each proposed Comprehensive Plan map and text amendment, 4. Staff reviewed the environmental checklists and a threshold determination was made for each proposed Comprehensive Plan amendment. Determinations of Non-Significance(DNS)were issued for each of the proposed Comprehensive Plan amendments on February 2, 2018. 5. The PIanning Commission finds the procedural requirements of SEPA and SVMC Title 21 have been fulfilled. 6. On February 2, 2018, notice for the proposed amendments was placed in the Spokane Valley News Herald and each site subject to a site-specific amendment was posted with a"Notice of Public Hearing" sign, with a description of the proposal. 7, Individual notice of the site-specific map amendment proposals were mailed to all property owners within 800 feet of each affected site. 8. The Planning Commission reviewed the proposed amendments concurrently to evaluate the cumulative impacts. The review was consistent with the annual amendment process outlined in SVMC 17.80.140 and chapter 36,70A RCW (Growth Management Act). 9. On February 16,2018 Al Merkel submitted a timely appeal of the SEPA DNS for CPA-2018-0003 on behalf of Galen Pavliska. APP-2018-0001 was forwarded to the Hearing Examiner. Findings and Recommendations of the Spokane Valley Planning Commission for proposed 2018 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Page 1 of 3 10. On February 22, 2018, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on each of the proposed Comprehensive Plan amendments. After receiving public testimony,the Planning Commission closed the public hearing and informed the public that no further action would occur on the Comprehensive Plan amendments until the Hearing Examiner conducted the Appeal hearing and issued a decision. 11. On March 27,2018 the Hearing Examiner conducted an Appeal Hearing on the SEPA appeal. 12. On April 17, 2018 the Hearing Examiner issued a decision that denied the SEPA appeal. 13. On May 10, 2018 the Planning Commission deliberated on each of the Comprehensive Plan amendments and voted to forward to City Council with the following recommendations: CPA-2018-0001 The Planning Commission voted six to one to forward to City Council a recommendation of approval of CPA-2018-0001. CPA-2018-0002 On December 20,2017 the applicant withdrew the Comprehensive Plan Amendment and the Planning Commission did not take action on the request. CPA-2018-0003 The Planning Commission voted six to one to forward to City Council a recommendation of denial of CPA-2018-0003. CPA-2018-0004 The Planning Commission voted seven to zero to forward to City Council a recommendation of approval of CPA-2018-0004. CPA-2018-0005 The Planning Commission voted seven to zero to forward to City Council a recommendation of approval of CPA-2018-0005. CPA-2018-0006 The Planning Commission voted seven to zero to forward to City Council a recommendation of approval of CPA-2018-0006. The Planning Commission hereby adopts and incorporates findings for each Comprehensive Plan Amendment (See Attachments). Conclusions: The Planning Commission finds compliance with SVMC 17.80.140(H) — Comprehensive Plan Amendment Approval Criteria for CPA-2018-0001, CPA-2108-0004, CPA-2018-0005, and CPA-2018-0006. The proposed 2018 Comprehensive Plan amendments are consistent with the goals and policies of the Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan, and will promote the public health, safety, welfare, and protection of the environment, The Planning Commission does not find compliance with SVMC 17.80.140(H) — Comprehensive Plan Amendment Approval Criteria for CPA-2018-0003. The proposed amendment is not consistent with the goals and policies of the Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan, and will not promote the public health, safety, welfare,or protection of the environment. Recommendations: The Spokane Valley Planning Commission recommends the City Council approve the 2018 Comprehensive Plan amendments CPA-2018-0001,CPA-2018-0004,CPA-2018-0005 and CPA-2018-0006. CPA-2018-0002 was withdrawn and the Planning Commission did not take action on the request. CPA-2018-0003 is forwarded with a recommendation to deny the request from the Planning Commission. Findings and Recommendations of the Spokane Valley Planning Commission for proposed 2018 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Page 2 of 3 Approved this 24th day of May,2018 }-41;414.- Michelle Rasmussen,Chairman ATTEST 47/6-AD Deanna Horton,Planning Commission Secretary Findings and Recommendations of the Spokane Valley Planning Commission for proposed 2018 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Page 3 of 3