2018, 09-07 Special w/County MINUTES Special Council Meeting Special Regional Council of Governments Meeting Hosted by Spokane County Board of County Commissioners Friday, September 7, 2018 10:00 a.m.— 12:30 p.m. Spokane County Fair and Expo Center, Conference Facility 404 N Havana Street, Spokane Valley,Washington Attendance: Spokane Valley Council Staff' Mayor Rod Higgins Mark Calhoun, City Manager Deputy Mayor Pam Haley Erik Lamb, Deputy City Attorney Councilmember Brandi Peetz Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Councilmember Linda Thompson Councilmember Ben Wick Councilmember Sam Wood Councilmember Arne Woodard Others in Attendance: Spokane County Commissioners Mary Kuney, Al French and Josh Kerns; and various elected officials and stafffrom within and around the region, and some members of the public. 1. Welcome and Review of Meeting Agenda—Spokane County Commissioner Mary Kuney Commissioner Kuney welcomed everyone to the meeting and after she briefly went over the order on the agenda, the microphone was passed around the room for people to introduce themselves; after which she introduced Colonel Russell Davis. 2. Fairchild AFB 92nd ARW—Colonel Russell Davis Colonel Davis gave a brief introduction of himself and explained the mission and vision of the 9211a Air Refueling Wing; he said Fairchild currently supports combatant commanders world-wide as they are deployed to 19 locations,and he mentioned an exercise they will be undertaking in Russia, all as they work to support and defend our country; he mentioned some of the recent news at Fairchild including Operation Nobel Eagle Support; he said Spokane was awarded the 2017 Abilene Trophy,and that Fairchild Air Force Base is the largest employer in the Inland Northwest; he said they are looking forward to adding 12 more aircraft,which equates to about 1,000 airmen and their family members. 3. City and Town Updates—Priorities From Each Jurisdiction Cheney Mayor Chris Grover mentioned the fall sports are ramping up; said they have issued an RFQ for a study of the entire water system which study will include a water re-use project;said the West Plains growth is exciting as is the future West Plains Transit Center. Spokane Valley Deputy Mayor Pam Haley said that Spokane Valley is the fastest growing city in Washington; that we are working on the 2019 budget and it looks like the budget will be kept to about a 2% increase, and that is without taking a property tax increase; said the Grade Separation Projects are very important and she extended thanks to the state and federal legislators for funding assistance; she mentioned we are about one phase away from completing the Appleway Trail and the CenterPIace West Lawn improvements; and added that the City's main festival,Valleyfest is coming up soon. Special Regional Council of Governments Meeting 09/07/2018 Page I of 3 Approved by Council:09-25-2018 4.Eastern Region Administrator for WSDOT—Mike Gribner Mr. Gribner spoke about intersection control and roundabouts versus signalized intersections; said driving mistakes will happen but the intersection related crashes with roundabouts result in less fatalities compared with crashes at signalized intersections;mentioned the difference with about 32 conflict points at controlled intersections compared with about eight conflict points with roundabouts;said roundabouts give us minimal delay as traffic keeps moving; said there is typically a 90%reduction in fatalities with roundabouts,adding that overall collisions are less severe as the travel speed is also lower in the roundabouts. Mr. Gribner said there are many studies around the country showing the significant regional differences, and said truck drivers even prefer the roundabouts, and he showed video clips of the roundabouts at Deer Park and on US 2 near Costco,with trucks apparently having no difficulty maneuvering through a roundabout. 4. Greater Spokane Emergency Management—Chandra Fox With the aid of her PowerPoint,Deputy Director Chandra Fox explained what emergency management is; she mentioned the Homeland Security Act of 2002 and that in 2003,FEMA moved into the Department of Homeland Security (DHS); said Spokane County Department of Emergency Management is mandated by RCW 38.52.070 and defined by WAC 118-30, and that it includes responsibilities, ordinances,resolutions, plans and program requirements; she noted the Spokane County Code provisions dealing with Emergency Management, and that it is organized as a Unit within the Sheriff's Office; that with the establishment of an interlocal agreement, the Greater Spokane Emergency Management includes all thirteen incorporated cities and towns within Spokane County. Director Fox stated that they are not field responders, but rather they coordinate everything that supports field response, which includes training, exercise, and planning. She mentioned their public education and outreach events as well as their volunteer programs, and how they coordinate with partners such as the Inland Empire Fire Chiefs, and Healthcare Coalition. Director Fox also noted some of their activities associated with the 2015 Windstorm,2016 Spokane Complex Fires, and the 2017 Freeman High School Shooting, and she ended by stressing that a duty officer is always on call, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week,365 days a year. 5. City and Town Updates—Priorities From Each Jurisdiction A representative from the Spokane Tribe spoke about opening a casino on the West Plains, and they are working on an expansion; said their enterprises have over 1,000 employees; and she also mentioned their booth at the upcoming Stevens County Fair. Liberty Lake Mayor Steve Peterson mentioned that their City's third roundabout is under construction and could be completed by 2019; said they have their own high school future job growth project in 2019 to accommodate about 500 more students; and that between the state legislators and the DOT, they have managed their roads well. Rockford Councilmember Bill Benson stated that their City's population is now at 490; told everyone they have an upcoming fair and the admission is free; said their second annual soapbox derby is also coming up as well as other events; mentioned some park landscaping updates,adding that they had to drill a new well, which was accomplished with the help of the legislators and the communities pulling back their own funding requests through the CDBG so Rockford's well could be drilled; said another important project is their funding request through the CDBG for sewer repair which is needed to protect the creeks. 6. Spokane County Housing Update—Spokane County Commissioner Al French Mr.French mentioned the housing problem within Spokane County;said that Amazon will be opening next fall and that they are the first of many businesses coming to the West Plains, one of which is a Fortune 500 company. Mr. French said he received a letter from the Joint Chiefs of Staff about the need to address reciprocity when it comes to base-spouse work, kids and extra curricula activities and that the kids have to sit out a year before they can play; mentioned the single family homeowners; talked about his trip to Washington, D.C., and again mentioned the need to provide more single family housing. Mr. French said Special Regional Council of Governments Meeting 09/07/2018 Page 2 of 3 Approved by Council:09-25-2018 the County can't expand the UGA,only cities can,and due to the settlement agreement,the Board of County Commissioners must address economic development, and he showed a chart with population allocations forecast for the various jurisdictions from 2017-2037, and said at the current rate,we are likely to hit the twenty-year growth projection within the next two years; said we have to work on housing prices or home ownership will be unattainable.Mr.French also explained that they are working on a land availability study and looking at zoning regulations, and considering the idea of reducing lot sizes or changing other regulations to support the possibility of more people owning single family homes. 7. Spokane County Auditor Election Updates—Vicky Dalton,Mike McLaughlin Ms. Dalton explained that changes are coming in the election administration, and she mentioned cyber registration and the idea of having one single state-wide signup; said we will see cost increases and not just for pre-paid postage; that for 2019, unless the state provides funding,jurisdictions will need to provide more funding; that changes will include a tabulation system change-out as well as new equipment, and the replacement fee will be implemented to all jurisdictions, so fees will include one for voter registration and one for the per unit of participating in an election,and she distributed copies of a chart showing the election cost impact to cities and towns. 8. City and Town.Updates—Priorities From Each Jurisdiction A representative from the Spokane School district mentioned the partnership bond advisory ballot for schools and libraries,and of the replacement of the Joe Albi Stadium.A representative from Fairfield spoke about affordable housing and how to manage some of those processes. Ms. Micki Harnois, representing five small towns, commented on the lack of cell phone service in some areas,and that all five communities are working on their comp plan update. GSI CEO Todd Mielke spoke about their upcoming GSI Annual Meeting scheduled for September 27, as they"connect for the future;" and he encouraged those interested in attending to please RSVP. 9.Around the Room-Agenda Items&Suggestions for Next CoG Meeting-Spokane County Commissioner Mary Kuney In the interest of time, Commissioner Kuney asked that anyone wishing to supply feedback or suggestions for the next meeting, to please e-mail her. There being no further business,the meeting adjourned at approximately 12:30 p.m. r 1 r ATT Si, L.R. Higgins, ristine Bainbridge, City Clerk/ Special Regional Council of Governments Meeting 09/07/2018 Page 3 of 3 Approved by Council:09-25-2018 Election Cost Impact to Cities and Towns (Years 2014 - 2017) Actual Estimated Estimated Voter Estimated Equipment Estimated Per Year Election and Registration Actual Cost of Replacement f.3'Year Average Voter Registration Costs Election Costs Return Postage Fee Addt'I Cost Increase Costs City of Airway Heights 19,539 4,069 407 3,356 3,763 941 27,372 City of Cheney 33,370 3,907 391 4,451 4,841 1,210 42,118 City of Deer Park 14,144 1,654 165 1,966 2,131 533 17,930 City of Liberty Lake 38,500 10,938 1,094 6,931 8,025 2,006 57,462 City of Medical Lake 16,565 5,049 505 2,638 3,143 786 24,757 City of Spokane 807,053 643,163 64,316 190,965 255,281 63,820 1,705,498 City of Spokane Valley 354,680 86,321 8,632 56,529 65,161 16,290 506,162 Town of Fairfield 1,997 333 33 278 312 78 2,642 Town of Latah 749 206 21 104 125 31 1,079 City of Millwood 7,131 891 89 994 1,083 271 9,106 Town of Rockford 1,816 751 75 384 459 115 3,025 Town of Spangle 1,083 523 52 196 248 62 1,855 Town of Waverly 399 167 17 56 73 18 639