18-120.01 Inland Asphalt: Euclid Ave Preservation opooNit, o.Iane CHANGE ORDER NO: 1 ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO: 18-120.01 PROJECT: Euclid Avenue Preservation CONTRACT DATE: 816/2018 PRIME CONTRACTOR: Inland Asphalt Company CIP NO: 272 DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES This is an administrative change order that increases the Contract amcitinf to pay for the increased quantittes of Bid-Item #101-Sawcut Pavement for Pavement Repair,#102-Pavement Repair Excavation Incl. Haul,#104-Crushed Surfacing Top 1 Course, 8 In. Depth and#108-11MA for Pavement Repair Class 3/8 In., PG 64H-28,5 In. Depth. _ Item No. Description Unit Quantity Unit Price Total 101 Sawcut Pavement for Pavement Repair L.F. 2,400 $1.75 $4,200.00 1 102 Pavement Repair Excavation Ind. Haul S.Y. 1,300 $15.20 $19,760.00 104 Crushed Surfacing Top Course, 8 In. Depth S.Y. 1,300 $12.80 $16,640.00 108 HMA for Pavement Repair Cl.3/8 In. PG64H-28, S.Y. 1,300 $35.00 $45,500.00 5 In. Depth Total Amount of this Chan!e Order incl.Tax : $86100.00 PHYSICAL COMPLETION Original Contract Working Days:..........30_ Revision By This Change Order: 0 .............. Revisions by Prior Change Orders:. , 0 . . .. Total Revised Contract Working Days: 30 W ___ __ CONTRACT AMOUNT THESE CHANGES RESULT IN THE FOLLOWING ADJUSTMENTS OF TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT: ORIGINAL TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT $ 1,034,025.00 TOTAL PRIOR CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER AMOUNT(through NIA) »_._ — $ 0.00 TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT PRIOR TO THIS CHANGE ORDER $ 1,034,025.00 NET THIS CHANGE ORDER $ 86,100.00 i TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT INCLUDI G THIS CHANGE ORDER »» »» $ 1,120,125.00 CONTRACTOR ACCEPTANCE: .I AlOfrtr.!' DATE: I 4t' 1 le The contractor hereby accepts this adjustment ujr fil. i s of Section 1-04.4 of the original contract. RECOMMENDED BY: 7 &---' *-4. DATE: I0/2"l I( Project =nager APPROVED BY: ,axAciv., i DATE: 10 12'1 I Ig E ineerin. :nager APPROVED BY: 1/ iJ_ # ',g9r4,•- _ DATE: II A 48 City Manager ATTACHMENTS: Change Order Description Distribution: ORIGINAL TO: City of Spokane Valley Clerk's Office COPIES TO: Contractor,Project File,Project Inspector,Finance Department COSV Form 9/5/2014 Sfkika ne Change Order No: 1 Y9 Construction Contract No: 18-120.01 THE CONTRACT IS MODIFIED AS FOLLOWS: WORK TO INCLUDE Background: Contract plans identified approximate locations for full pavement removal and HMA patching to eliminate sections of deteriorating asphalt. The City identified all areas to be removed/patched and the actual quantities ended up higher than the original contract amounts. Description of Change: This is an administrative change order that increases the Contract amount to pay for the increased quantities of Bid Item#101-Sawcut Pavement for Pavement Repair,#102-Pavement Repair Excavation Incl. Haul,#104-Crushed Surfacing Top Course, 8 In.Depth and#108-HMA for Pavement Repair Class 3/8 In.,PG 64H-28, 5 In.Depth. Specification: No changes have been made to Contract Specifications because of the change: Plans: No changes have been made to Contract Plans because of this change. Time: No working days are added or deleted due to this change. Measurement: There are no changes to measurement because of this change Payment: This change order increases the quantities of existing bid items and will be paid using bid unit prices. Summary of Quantities: Fnll, Ift Zti n ui�, , U ° :J T C�°� Lt.]L0 iii t= 101 Sawcut Pavement for Pavement L.F. 4,200 +2,400 + Repair 6,600 $1.75 $4,200.00 102 Pavement Repair Excavation S.Y. 4,800 6,100 +1,300 $15.20 +$19,760.00 Incl.Haul 104 Crushed Surfacing Top Course, S.Y. 4,800 6,100 +1,300 $12.80 +$16,640.00 8 In.Depth 108 HMA for Pavement Repair Cl. S.Y. 4,800 6,100 +1,300 $35.00 +$45,500.00 3/8 In.PG64H-28,5 In.Depth TOTAL $86,100.00