2018, 04-12 Meeting Minutes, Preliminary Plat and PRDSpokane Valley® Community Development Doug Powell, Building Official 10210 E Sprague Avenue ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 Phone: (509) 720-5000 • Fax: (509) 720-5075 ♦ www.spokanevalley.org Email: planning@spokanevalley.org Painted Hills Preliminary Plat and PRD Meeting of April 12, 2018 Draft Minutes for Review Attendees: Nathan Smith, Todd Whipple, Cary Driskell, Henry Allen, Chad Riggs, Lori Barlow, Deanna Horton, on the phone Read Stapleton, Ken Harper. 1. Current status of project proposal — project of record and expected revision. • Confirmation of CLOMR-F alternative in lieu of CLOMR. Todd stated they are currently working toward being able to supply a complete CLOMR- F submittal with hydraulics and hydrology in the next month or so. Due to the lack of a levee/ditch they are going to increase the compensatory flows by 25 cfs. Due to the lack of maintenance in the creek south of the project and the breach, they are going to use the higher volume of flows and have moved the number up to 109 sfx. He said last week they had been working on compensatory storage solutions. WCE is working in conjunction with West Consultants. West will integrate the engineering performed by WCE into a CLOMR-F application. This may be ready in about a month. There have been delays due to unavailability of personnel with West Consultants. The applicant is definitely committed to a CLOMR-F based revision of the proposal. • Application materials to be revised, including SEPA checklist The CLOMR-F based proposal will result in a revision to the current SEPA checklist. The revision may possibly be an addendum to the existing checklist, but the City would encourage a revised new checklist. The City will review the revised checklist and make a determination of whether or not this would change the DS determination. Because the main features of the proposal will not be altered other than as necessary to support the CLOMR-F aspect, it is unlikely that the DS determination will change. The existing scope of the DS is also probably adequate to encompass the CLOMR-F proposal, with no new formal scoping hearing likely. But this cannot be foreclosed as a possibility until the additional information is provided and reviewed by the City. After this is considered and reviewed, the EIS process will move forward. The goal of the process is to vet options for mitigating the impacts. • Suspension of City review and DEIS of (former) CLOMR-based version of proposal, The City will continue to wait for new submittals from WEC. The City is not engaged on any review of the current application of record because there has been no DEIS supplied yet, and because the applicant has indicated that the current application will be superseded and replaced in the near future as discussed in this meeting and in earlier correspondence. 2. Processing revised project application materials: The City wants to make sure it can clearly track the changes in the project. Ken Harper noted that many times a project's application materials can get complicated by revisions and updates, which makes it difficult to track the changes and can lead to confusion for the reviewing agency and for the public. There has already been one formal revision of the proposal from 2016. With this new revision to the project the City would like to try and keep the relevant application materials as clear as possible. The new submittals would not necessarily have to take the form of a formal new application with filing fee, but would be best if the materials are a complete self-contained revised application, with minimal incorporation by reference of former materials. Having to reference back and forth between older materials and revised materials can be difficult to accurately do. Nathan Smith agreed, and would try to submit a narrative outlining what in the project was being revised. This will also assist in confirming that the newly revised application complies with current applicable City policies. The goal would be a new completely self-contained revision. Although no City code specifies that a formal new notice of application would be required for revisions to an existing project application, the City will want to provide public notice of the revised proposal. The applicant has no problem with public notice. All of our documents for this proposal are posted to the City's website, and it should be easy for a member of the public to read and note what is different about the new documents and revised information. The City should expect these materials by mid-May. Todd mentioned they had a cultural resource survey conducted and it had already been submitted to DAHP. This will be added to the DEIS as one of the appendices. There is no particular role for the City to undertake in relation to the cultural resource survey as a standalone document at this time. 4WCE Whipple Consulting Engineers 21 S. Pines Rd. Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Ph 509-893-2617 Fax 509-926-0227 SMITTAL NOTES/ COMMENTS: CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE THIS DOCUMENT IS INTENDED FOR THE NOTED RECIPIENT(S). THIS INFORMATION IS CONSIDERED PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL. IF YOU RECEIVE THIS TRANSMITTAL IN ERROR, PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT DISTRIBUTION OR DISCLOSURE MAY RESULT IN CIVIL PENALTIES AS ALLOWED BY LAW. IF RECEIVED IN ERROR PLEASE DISCARD AND NOTIFY THE SENDER NOTED ABOVE. THANK YOU. DATE: August 20, 2018 COMPANY: City of Spokane Valley 10210 E. Sprague Ave. Spokane Valley, WA 09-70-0009206 Phone: 509-720-500099206 DELIVERY TYPE: Hand ATTENTION: Henry Allen, Chad Riggs FROM: Todd R. Whipple, P.E. PROJECT No.: 2013-1166 REGARDING: Painted Hills PRD TRANSMITTAL OF: Re -Submittal Package AS REQUESTED ✓ FOR REVIEW RESPONSE REQUIRED DOCUMENT CC: NO ITEMS OF EA SET DESCRIPTION 1 i Land Disturbance Permit Checklist 1 7 Response to Comments Letter 1 / Painted Hills PRD Flood Control Plans 1 f Painted Hills PRD Water Plan 1 I Painted Hilis PRD Sewer Plan 1 1 Gustin Pipe Plan (For Information Only) 1 1 Revised SEPA Checklist 1 I Painted Hills TIA Mitigation Threshold Letter 1 I Painted Hilis PRD Frontage Improvements Storm Drainage Report 1 Painted Hilis Flood Control Narrative ✓ 1 11 Draft CLOMR Application (2 6,,,,ks .-. ;n 2 oo le �bo�--S i NOTES/ COMMENTS: CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE THIS DOCUMENT IS INTENDED FOR THE NOTED RECIPIENT(S). THIS INFORMATION IS CONSIDERED PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL. IF YOU RECEIVE THIS TRANSMITTAL IN ERROR, PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT DISTRIBUTION OR DISCLOSURE MAY RESULT IN CIVIL PENALTIES AS ALLOWED BY LAW. IF RECEIVED IN ERROR PLEASE DISCARD AND NOTIFY THE SENDER NOTED ABOVE. THANK YOU. Spokane jUa11ey0 Community Development Doug Powell, Building Official 10210 E Sprague Avenue ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 Phone: (509) 720-5000 ♦ Fax: (509) 720-5075 ♦ www.spokanevalley.org Email: planning@spokanevalley.org Agenda — Painted Hills Preliminary Plat and PRD Meeting of August 20, 2018 City representatives: Ken Harper, Erik Lamb, Deanna Horton, Henry Allen Developer representatives: Brian Walker, Todd Whipple, Ben Goodmansen, Nathan Smith, Read Stapleton (via conference call), Ken Puhn (via conference call) 1. Current status of project proposal — acceptance of amended project submission. • Review of amended application materials, including SEPA checklist • CLOMR-F alternative in lieu of CLOMR 2. Processing amended project application materials: • Notice of revised application materials to agencies and interested parties • Next steps for City review of amended project application materials • Relationship of amended proposal to preparation of DEIS