2018, 12-11 Regular Format MINUTES City of Spokane Valley City Council Regular Meeting Formal Meeting Format Tuesday,December 11, 2018 Mayor Higgins called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Attendance; Staff: Rod Higgins, Mayor Mark Calhoun, City Manager Pam Haley, Deputy Mayor John Hohman, Deputy City Manager Linda Thompson, Councilmember Cary Driskell, City Attorney Brandi Peetz, Councilmember Chelsie Taylor, Finance Director Ben Wick, Councilmember Mike Stone, Parks&Rec. Director Sam Wood, Councilmember Bill Helbig, City Engineer Arne Woodard,Councilmember Mark Werner,Police Chief Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk INVOCATION: Pastor Al Hulten of Valley Assembly gave the invocation. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Council,staff, and the audience stood for the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL City Clerk Bainbridge called the roll; all Couneilmembers were present. APPROVAL OF AGENDA It was moved by Deputy Mayor Haley, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the Agenda. INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUESTS AND PRESENTATIONS n/a COMMITTEE,BOARD,LIAISON SUMMARY REPORTS Councilmember Wood: no report. Councilmember Peetz: stated that she went on a ride-along with an officer from the Spokane Valley Police Department,and said it was very enlightening and informative and she extended thanks to the police officers for serving the community so well; said she attended the City's Christmas tree lighting,which was fun and well attended;she attended a holiday bazaar for a new local business,Paint in my Hair,which does painting and crafts; and said she attended a wand opening of a sushi house. Councilmember Woodard:reported that he attended the annual Wastewater Policy Advisory Board meeting where they are looking at long-term expenses and the possibility of rate increases; said he attended the City's Christmas tree lighting ceremony; went to several Chamber meetings as well as ribbon cuttings; and attended Visit Spokane's open house. Councilmember Thompson: said she gave a tour of City Hall to some members of Boy Scout Troop 28; went to the Health Board's meeting and said the administrator is retiring after almost 30 years of service; went to the breakfast at Bowdish Middle School and she explained that some of the students had made robots which moved across the room;attended the Opioid Task Force meeting,which she said is part of her work with the Board of Health, and they discussed community education, treatment and recovery, and finding ways to help people recover and ways to prevent others from becoming addicted. Councilmember Wick: mentioned he also attended Visit Spokane's open house, and was involved in an interview with a CEO candidate; also mentioned administrator Smith's last day with the Health District will be January 7 and he is on the search committee for that position's replacement and that the Board received a grant from the Inland Expire Health Foundation to help pay for recruiting that position; said he was selected as the vice-chair on the Health Board; and he talked at the Junior Advisory Board concerning the interstate fair at the Expo Center. Minutes Regular Council Meeting: 12-11-2018 Page 1 of 5 Approved by Council:01-08-2019 Deputy Mayor Haley: said she also attended the Christmas tree lighting; went to McDonald Elementary School's fifth grade class where they talked about the PACE characteristics, and that they won again for the third time in a row; said she went to the Community Leader's breakfast where they listened to future plans; attended the Chamber event where the keynote speaker talked about Katerra; mentioned a new retirement community in the valley; and attended the STA (Spokane Transit Authority) board meeting. MAYOR'S REPORT: Mayor Higgins mentioned that he attended the Wastewater Advisory Committee meeting, and that there was a vote to recommend to the Board of County Commissioners, a 50¢per month increase; said he also attended the City's Christmas tree lighting; went to a Christmas party at Fairchild; attended the Regional Clean Air Board meeting where they discussed a standard fee for marijuana growing and production, as prices have collapsed because the Liquor and Cannabis Board has flooded the market with various licenses; and said he also attended the Visit Spokane open house. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Mayor Higgins explained the process, and then invited public comments. Mr.Jack Bean, Spokane Valley: said he noticed an article in the paper about the Painted Hills Golf Course and about having 300,000 yards of fill dirt moved; said he wonders how the City's roads will handle the damages with all the truck traffic; said he also noted at Ponderosa Village a truck going 48 in a 35 mph zone; said we are asking for trouble with increased truck traffic; he also noted the area schools are at capacity. Ms. Jackie Woolf, Spokane Valley: said she is a medically retired Vietnam vet; that she has been taking her dogs to Mirabeau Park for the last ten years, and on November 5 a coyote snatched her dog; said she was also made aware that there is a pack of coyotes in that same area and suggested the City put up signs warning people of these potential dangers. Ms. Barb Howard, Spokane Valley: mentioned the July 10 agenda about the no trucks; said Council authorized two signs for $500 total; that in her neighborhood there are six new signs; and mentioned the `local deliveries only except' sign;said she realizes unless a deputy is sitting there at the time of a violation, that nothing can be done; she suggested Council needs to take care of infrastructure before doing or permitting building. Ms. Wanda Smith, Spokane Valley: said she is with NW Service Alliance and she asked Council about adopting an ordinance similar to the one recently adopted by the City of Spokane, concerning service dog handlers and businesses; said she believes it is necessary to have fines to enforce this; said her organization is a non-profit and their primary focus is to educate the public and businesses about service dogs;said often businesses allow non-service dogs into their business which puts true service dogs at risk; said it is a frequent problem in businesses and she would like help to protect service dogs from untrained pets. Ms. Laura Rentz, Spokane: made reference to the situation explained by Ms. Woolf and said signs would be helpful; said there are holes in the fence and without that being repaired, it will likely happen again; she also mentioned the ordinance passed by the City of Spokane concerning service animals, and said she would like this City to consider doing likewise; she said service dog fraud is real and she is contacted daily about dogs being attacked by untrained dogs; but having an ordinance with a monetary fine will make people listen. I. CONSENT AGENDA: Consists of items considered routine which are approved as a group. Any member of Council may ask that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. Proposed Motion:I move to approve the Consent Agenda. a.Approval of claim vouchers on Dec 11,2018 Request for Council Action Form Total: $1,882,180.04 b. Approval of Payroll for Pay Period Ending November 15,2018: $348,125.30 c.Approval of Payroll for Pay Period Ending November 30,2018: $480,410.29 d.Approval of November 6, 2018 Council Meeting Minutes, Study Session Format e.Approval of November 13, 2018 Council Meeting Minutes,Regular Formal Format f. Approval of November 20, 2018 Council Meeting Minutes, Study Session Format It was moved by Deputy Mayor Haley, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the Consent Agenda. Minutes Regular Council Meeting: 12-11-2018 Page 2 of 5 Approved by Council:01-08-2019 NEW BUSINESS: 2. First Reading Ordinance 18-026 Amending City Logo Provisions—Erik Lamb After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Deputy Mayor Haley and seconded to suspend the rules and adopt Ordinance 18-026 amending chapter 1.06 SVMC related to the City's logos, on first reading. Standing in for Mr. Lamb, City Attorney Driskell went over the background of this ordinance as outlined on the Request for Council Action form. Mayor Higgins invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by acclamation:In favor: unanimous. Opposed: none. Motion carried. 3, Resolution 18-009 Amending City Logo Style&Standards Guide—Erik Lamb It was moved by Deputy Mayor Haley and seconded to adopt Resolution No. 18-009 adopting official city logos and standards guidelines.for such logos. Again standing in for Mr.Lamb,Mr. Driskell explained that this is the accompanying document to the ordinance just passed. Mayor Higgins invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by acclamation:In favor: unanimous. Opposed: none. Motion carried. 4. Resolution 18-010, Fees for 2019—Chelsie Taylor It was moved by Deputy Mayor Haley and seconded to approve Resolution#18-010 repealing and replacing the Master Fee Scheduled for 2019. Finance Director Taylor explained about the schedule changes for 2019,which include those changes suggested by the Parks and Recreation Department, as well as from the Community and Public Works Department, and that once approved,these fees would be effective January 1,2019.Mayor Higgins invited public comment;no comments were offered. Vote by acclamation:In favor: unanimous. Opposed:none. Motion carried. 5. Motion Consideration: Lodging Tax Allocations for 2019—Chelsie Taylor It was moved by Deputy Mayor Haley and seconded to deduct$275,000 from the available Lodging Tax funds for distribution in 2019 and move those funds into the 1.3%Lodging Tax Fund account dedicated for a large sports venue or venues for tourism facilities that generate overnight guests; and to make the following allocation of Lodging Tax funds for calendar year 2019: HUB Sports Center - $52,000;JAKT-- Crave NW- $21,500; JAKT—Farmers Market- $7,000; JAKT— Oktoberfest- $5,000; Spokane County Fair&Expo $55,000;Spokane County Parks, Rec & Golf- $35,000;Spokane Sports Commission - $0; Spokane Valley Heritage Museum - $5,500; Valleyfest - $12,000; Valleyfest Cycle Celebration - $1,000; and Visit Spokane - $48,000. Finance Director Taylor explained the process for allocating these funds, and of the options as outlined in the Request for Council action form, including that if Council rejected everything and returned the recommendations back to the LTAC, it would delay the process for a minimum of 45 days. There was some discussion about the basis for sending the recommendations back to the LTAC as was done in the previous year, and Mr. Driskell explained that there was some question last year about the LTAC process, but that this option has not been tested in the courts and we don't want tobecome that test case; adding that the option used last year was based on an interpretation of the statutes. Ms. Taylor also confirmed that if the $108,000 was not allocated to the Sports Commission, it would not be re-allocated toward another entity, but would go back into the fund for the subsequent year's allocation. Mayor Higgins invited public comment. Ms. Barb Howard, Spokane Valley: spoke about needing $200,000 to complete Browns Park, and she questioned why they weren't getting any of the funds as she would prefer the allocations stay in Spokane Valley.Mr. Bob West, Spokane Valley: concerning the Sports Commission; said a lot of organizations put in for money that didn't get what they wanted, and he questioned why withhold those funds and not give them to those who had requested funding. Ms. Peggy Doering, Spokane Valley: asked if the Sports Commission withdrew from the process or what happened. There were no further public comments, and Mayor Higgins explained that the Sports Commission did not withdraw, the motion is that they would not receive any allocation of funds. There was further Council discussion, including comment from CounciImember Peetz that she wants to keep the money in the Valley, and she is not sure what the Sports Minutes Regular Council Meeting: 12-11-2018 Page 3 of 5 Approved by Council:01-08-2019 Commission brings to the Valley, but it could be explored further next year. Councilmember Wick also asked about the status of 1.3% funds, and City Manager Calhoun said that last August when Council discussed the three options,staff was asked to conduct further research;and that staff has been in the budget process, along with working on a variety of other tasks, but will turn our attention back to that to address those three items further;those items being the CenterPlace West Lawn, Sports Plex, and a building at the Fairgrounds; and depending on the project,he said the money we have set aside in that fund would be a lot, or not even close to what is needed. Councilmember Woodard remarked that Council is limited to the options discussed and that Council and the LTAC can't allocate funds to an organization that doesn't apply. Vote by acclamation:In favor: unanimous. Opposed: none. Motion carried. 6. Motion Consideration: Aging&Long Term Care of Eastern Wa. Interlocal—Mark Calhoun It was moved by Deputy Mayor Haley and seconded to approve amendment No 3 to the Interlocal Agreement to Create the Eastern Washington Area Agency on Aging. City Manager Calhoun went over the background of the Aging&Long Term Care of Eastern Wa,and of the previous reports to this Council and of this Council's desire to participate on that Board, and once approved,there would be a Councilmember appointed to this committee along with the other committee appointments, at the first of the year. Mayor Higgins invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by acclamation: In favor: unanimous. Opposed: none. Motion carried. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS: 7. Franchise Agreement with 'Level 3'—Cary Driskell City Attorney Driskell explained that this proposed franchise to Level 3 telecom is nearly identical to those granted earlier to Verizon, Mobilitie and Extenet and would allow Level 3 to continue to have its fiber facilities in the City's rights-of-way; and if Council agrees, he would like to place this on a future agenda for an ordinance first reading, to possibly suspend the rules and adopt the ordinance at the first reading. Council concurred. 8. Amendment to Purchasing Code—Cary Driskell City Attorney Driskell gave some brief background on the adoption of SVMC chapters relating to public contracting; that the City recognized we might not receive any bids on any particular project but the situation we are currently faced with is not covered by our code because the contract amount exceeds the lower limits. Therefore, he said he feels it would be beneficial to have a provision if no proposals are received, that City staff may negotiate with any available contractor. Mr. Driskell said if Council concurs, he would like to place this on a future agenda for an ordinance first reading. There were no objections from Council. 9. Advance Agenda—Mayor Higgins Councilmember Peetz read a prepared statement about the idea of our city having an ordinance dealing with service animals and of the idea of changing our city to a Charter City. City Attorney Driskell mentioned that in order to be a charter city, we must have a population of at least 125,000. Although not an advance agenda item, Councilmember Wick asked about re-opening the applications for the LTAC since we got very few applications; and Mayor Higgins said he would talk later with the City Clerk and City Attorney about that idea. CITY MANAGER COMMENTS City Manager Calhoun mentioned this Thursday's 8 a.m. meeting, hosted by the Chamber of Commerce and held in our Council Chambers, regarding the City's Pines Grade Separation Project,which meeting he said is scheduled for an hour, and includes a presentation by HDR on the alternate analysis on that project. Mr. Calhoun also noted that next week's December 18 Council meeting is the last meeting scheduled for the year,that there is of course no meeting December 25,and the January 1 meeting will tentatively be held January 2, 2019; he said he plans to know definitively next week whether there will be a meeting the first week in January. Minutes Regular Council Meeting: 12-11-2018 Page 4 of 5 Approved by Council:01-08-2019 It was moved by Deputy Mayor Haley, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn, The meeting adjourned at 7:11 p.m. i } r4t ATTEST L.R. Higgins "M CILI --/A-A. ristine Bainbridge, ity Clerk Minutes Regular Council Meeting: 12-11-2018 Page 5 of 5 Approved by Council:01-08-2019 SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING Tuesday, December 11, 2018 6:00 p.m. Regular Meeting GENERAL CITIZEN COMMENTS SIGN-IN SHEET YOUR SPEAKING TIME WILL GENERALLY BE LIMITED TO THREE MINUTES This sign-in sheet is for making comments not associated with an action item on tonight's agenda. If you wish to comment about an individual action item on tonight's agenda (such a a otion to approve an ordinance, resolution, or contract) the Mayor will ask for comme s on ose items once that item is reached on the agenda. Please sign in if you wish to make public comments. NAME TOPIC OF CONCERN YOU YOUR CITY OF DANCE PLEASE PRINT WILL SPEAK ABOUT \l(Ce /01 ! /N7J//'/is— 5c 6.:3 s- ��� �, 41/1 447/ ii"acteke k-a-e w6rkr -'t etA. e1 0APOJSfNi . 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