19-036.00 Visit Spokane: Visitor Guide Advertisement Insert I c? -off • � � ��O�I1�� 2019 Spokane Regional Visitors Guide C Advertising Insertion Order ee146rt,1111 evil r.ye>eeevir Business Name: City of Spokane Valley Contact: Lesli Brassfield Phone: (509)720-5000 Email: Ibrassfield@spokanevalley.org Billing Address: Attn:Accounts Payable 10210E Sprague Ave Spokane Valley,WA 994 Please fill out the following if an using an advertising agency. Bill Advertising Agency? Agency Name: Contact: Phone: Email: Billing Address: Ad Choice 1/2 Page (H only) Ad Rate/Payment Terms Ad Price $2,499.00 Other $ 0.00 Comments Other Comments Creative Fees $ 0.00 Production Notes: Total Cost $ 2,499.00 Ad close:January 28,2019 Less Deposit $ 0.00 Materials due: February 11, 2019 Due on Publication $ 2,499.00 Published April 2019 Circulation:100,000 Trim size:8.375 x 10.875 Terms of Contract All advertising material is subject to Publisher's approval.It will be the responsibility of the advertiser to provide ads that meet the Publisher's mechanical specifications as outlined in current rate sheet.If advertising material does not meet mechanical requirement,or if any changes are requested on existing ad material,Advertiser will pay for these additional charges separate from this contract. Visit Spokane shall use its best efforts to produce each publication.Advertisers agree to indemnify and hold the publisher harmless against all loss,liability and expense associated with all aspects of printing and publishing of its loby, advertisement. •_.' .- . .,. ,. .due mil remeleireesG46-will-be-billed-eporr completion,A service charge will be assessed on all balances 30 clays delinquent past publication date.At the discretio of the publisher,the advertiser may be required to pm-pay for i'401lc11lovi advertising until credit is established. 1'0 7. Cancellation Policy:Once this insertion order is signed by he advertiser or advertiser's agent,cancellations are not Cr accepted.A signed advertising insertion order represents the advertiser's commitment to pay for space reserved.No refund of any kind will be made.The advertising fee associated with this contract allows for one year of exposure in the Spokane Regional Visitor G ' e ADVERTISER ACCEPTANCE _- u. Wi L ' .. _DATE �/r3 Y VISIT SPOKANE REPRESENTATIVE Julianne Kerley Y DATE 1/4/2019_ Visit Spokane 1601 W 1st Ave Ste.10001 Spokane,WA 992011609.624.13411 VisitSpokene.com