2019, 03-28 Agenda Packet 0111111°1#1\11111111111k SIP/ okane Valley Spokane Valley Planning Commission Regular Meeting Agenda City Hall Council Chambers, 10210 E. Sprague Ave. March 28, 2019 6:00 p.m. I. CALL TO ORDER II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. ROLL CALL IV. APPROVAL OF AGENDA V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: March 14, 2019 VI. COMMISSION REPORTS VII. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT VIII. PUBLIC COMMENT: On any subject which is not on the agenda. IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS: i. Study Session: CTA-2019-0001, a City initiated text amendment to SVMC Title 22. Establishing procedural addressing standards for property identification within the City. X. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER XI. ADJOURNMENT PC ADVANCE AGENDA For Planning Discussion Purposes Only As of March 21,2019 ***Please note this is a work in progress; items are tentative and subject to change*** To: Commission& Staff From: PC Secretary Deanna Horton by direction of Deputy City Manager Re: Draft Schedule for Upcoming Commission Meetings April 11,2019 Public Hearing: CTA-2018-000X -Addressing Standards—Karen April 25,2019 Findings of Fact: CTA-2018-000X -Addressing Standards—Karen Study Session: CTA-2018-0006—Affordable Housing—Lori Study Session: STV-2019-0001 —NEIA Street Vacations—staff tbd May 9,2019 Public Hearing: CTA-2018-0006—Affordable Housing—Lori Public Hearing: STV-2019-0001 —NEIA Street Vacations—staff tbd May 23,2019 Findings of Fact: CTA-2018-0006—Affordable Housing—Lori Findings of Fact: STV-2019-0001 —NEIA Street Vacations—staff tbd June 13,2019 Draft Advance Agenda 3/21/2019 Page 1 of 1 Regular Meeting Minutes Spokane Valley Planning Commission Council Chambers—City Hall March 14, 2019 I. Chair Johnson called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m. II. Commissioners, staff and audience stood for the pledge of allegiance. III. Office Assistant Robin Hutchins called roll and the following members and staff were present: James Johnson Cary Driskell, City Attorney Danielle Kaschmitter Jenny Nickerson, Building Official Timothy Kelley Lori Barlow, Senior Planner Robert McKinley, absent-excused Karen Kendall, Planner Michael Phillips, absent - excused Martin Palaniuk, Planner Michelle Rasmussen Colin Quinn-Hurst, Planner Matt Walton Robin Hutchins, Office Assistant Hearing no objections, Commissioners Phillips and McKinley were excused from the meeting. IV. AGENDA: Commissioner Walton moved to approve the March 14, 2019 agenda as presented. There was no discussion. The vote on the motion was five in favor, zero opposed, and the motion passed. V. MINUTES: Chair Johnson explained that due to time restraints in reviewing the minutes by staff there have been some changes. He continued that the Commission members were provided a redline version of the minutes correcting minor errors. The Commission was given some time to review the minutes. Commissioner Kaschmitter asked that her comment regarding CPA-2019-0009 be clarified on Page 14, last sentence; her intent was that all apartments and/or development, not just the proposed apartments. Commissioner Walton suggested to Commissioner Kaschmitter removing "the" from the sentence and she agreed. Commissioner Walton moved to amend the minutes as presented in the redline version. Adding to strike "the" from Commissioner Kaschmitter's statement, per her request, to read: Commissioner Kaschmitter expressed her concern about apartments being moved somewhere else in the valley deeper into an R-3 zone. The vote on the amended motion was five in favor, zero opposed, and the motion passed. Commissioner Walton moved to approve the minutes as amended. There was no discussion. The vote on the motion was five in favor, zero opposed, and the motion passed. VI. COMMISSION REPORTS: Commissioner Rasmussen reported that she attended the City Council meeting for the annual City accomplishments and it was great, she couldn't be happier with the work staff is doing. VII. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT: Senior Planner Lori Barlow advised of additions to the advanced agenda with one being an amendment to modify the City's marijuana regulations. 03-14-2019 Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 of 3 She continued that the City has received a privately initiated Street Vacation and staff will also be bringing forward a City initiated Street Vacation. VIII. PUBLIC COMMENT: On any subject which is not on the agenda. There was no public comment. IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS: i. Findings of Fact: Proposed 2019 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Commissioner Johnson recused himself due to his previous relationship with a party involved and left the room at 6:10 p.m. Senior Planner Lori Barlow summarized the Findings of Fact for the 2019 Comprehensive Plan annual amendment cycle. Ms. Barlow explained the items came before the Commission on two prior occasions. On February 14, 2019, the Planning Commission held a study session. A public hearing was held on February 28, 2019, after which the Planning Commission deliberated and voted on recommendations to Council. Ms. Barlow explained there were a number of privately and City initiated Comprehensive Plan amendments and the votes were captured in the Request for Planning Commission Review and further detailed in the Findings and Recommendations. Ms. Barlow highlighted the Commission's votes pertaining to the privately initiated map amendments: • CPA-2019-0001: The Planning Commission voted five in favor and zero opposed to forward to City Council a recommendation of denial. • CPA-2019-0002: The Planning Commission voted six in favor and zero opposed to forward to City Council a recommendation for approval. • CPA-2019-0003: The Planning Commission voted three in favor and three opposed to forward to City Council a recommendation of approval. However, Comprehensive Plan amendments require a vote of four members therefore this amendment moves forward without a recommendation. • CPA-2019-0004, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10: The Planning Commission voted six in favor and zero opposed to forward to the City Council a recommendation of approval. Ms. Barlow concluded that the procedural requirements of the Growth Management Act guidelines require the amendments be considered and forwarded cumulatively. Commissioner Walton asked for clarification that the Commission is forwarding no recommendation on CPA-2019-0003 due to the tie, and Ms. Barlow confirmed that to be correct. Commissioner Rasmussen moved to approve the Planning Commission Findings of Fact recommendation as presented to the City Council. Commissioner Kelley addressed CPA-2019-0003 and the many discussions regarding sidewalks. Commissioner Kelley stated he drove the location and advised there are several sidewalks, some from Sinto Avenue to Mission Avenue and some from Marguerite Road to Argonne Road. He felt the Commission may have missed that detail and wanted to note sidewalks do exist in the area. The vote on the motion was four in favor, zero opposed, and the motion passed. Commissioner Johnson returned at 6:18 PM 03-14-2019 Planning Commission Minutes Page 3 of 3 X. GOOD OF THE ORDER: There was nothing for good of the order. XI. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Walton moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:19 p.m. The vote on the motion was five in favor, zero opposed, and the motion passed. James Johnson, Chairman Date signed Robin Hutchins, Secretary CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Planning Commission Action Meeting Date: March 28, 2019 Item: Check all that apply nold business Fl new business n public hearing n information Fl study session n pending legislation FILE NUMBER: CTA-2019-0001. AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Study session—Proposed amendment to the SVMC Title 22. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The proposed amendment is a City-initiated text amendment to the SVMC, adding Chapter 22.135 establishing the procedural standards to assign addressing for property identification within the City. Addressing definitions would also be added to SVMC Appendix A. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: SVMC 17.80.150, SVMC 19.30.040 and RCW 36.70A.106 BACKGROUND: Since incorporation, the protocol related to the assignment of street addresses for parcels and buildings in the City of Spokane Valley has been consistent with the protocol implemented in Spokane County. There were few instances in our City in which emergency services had difficulty locating residents in need. In 2012,E911 and other stakeholders initiated discussions with addressing authorities throughout Spokane County with the goal of creating a regional addressing standard that would complement newly acquired Computer-Aided Dispatch Systems(CAD)within the fire and law enforcement departments. In 2015,the Draft Public Safety Road Naming and Physical Addressing Standard was created by the addressing committee and presented to addressing authorities throughout Spokane County for consideration. City of Spokane Valley staff participated in two Joint Addressing Authorities Committee Meetings on September 17,2015,and October 13,2015.Addressing authorities were given the opportunity to review and discuss the Draft Public Safety Road Naming and Physical Addressing Code.Initially,the draft language gave addressing authority to the E911 Director,which created an additional layer of review and removed local control of this part of the process.This concerned staff because increases in permit review and issuance timelines would not be consistent with our streamlined process or our customer service approach. The City recognized the need to formalize procedures that align with the City's current addressing protocol. The City's standards minor the adopted regional standards for consistency. We are the last of the local jurisdictions to adopt addressing standards. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: No action recommended at this time. The Planning Commission will conduct a public hearing and consider the proposed code text amendment on April 11, 2019. STAFF CONTACT: Karen Kendall,Planner. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Proposed draft Amendment chapter 22.135 SVMC and Appendix A SVMC; 2. Staff Report; and 3. Presentation. RPCA Study Session for CTA-2019-0001 Page 1 of 1 Chapter 22.135 ADDRESSING STANDARDS Sections: 22.135.010 Purpose. 22.135.020 Applicability. 22.135.030 Administration. 22.135.040 Addressing Grid Systems. 22.135.050 Addressing Standards. 22.135.060 Change in Street or Address Status. 22.135.070 Multiple Units. 22.135.080 Final Plat Addresses. 22.135.090 Display of Addresses. 22.135.100 List of Established Street Names, Assigned Addressing, and Mapping. 22.135.110 Deviations from Literal Compliance. 22.135.010 Purpose. A. The purpose of chapter 22.135 SVMC is to establish a uniform method for naming streets and assigning street addresses for real property and structures within the City. B. The goals of chapter 22.135 SVMC are as follows: 1. Facilitate expedient emergency response by medical, law enforcement, fire, rescue, and any other emergency services. 2. Regulate the display of property address numbers and provide for accurate street name signage, installation, and maintenance thereof. 3. Provide property owners, the general public, emergency responders, and government agencies and departments with an accurate and systematic means of identifying and locating property and/or structures. 22.135.020 Applicability. A. Chapter 22.135 SVMC applies to addresses for real property and structures situated within the City. The City may name or rename streets pursuant to the adopted Spokane Valley Street Standards, and assign or reassign addresses as necessary to further the purposes of chapter 22.135 SVMC. B. These provisions shall apply to the assignment of addresses to all new buildings or properties. C. All non-conforming addresses may be changed to conform to the standards set forth in chapter 22.135 SVMC. 22.135.030 Administration. The City Manager shall administer the provisions of chapter 22.135 SVMC, except as otherwise provided for herein. The City will coordinate with Fire Districts serving subject area to be addressed. CTA-2019-0001(Addressing Standards) March 5,2019 Chapter 22.135 Draft v2 Page 1 6 22.135.040 Addressing Grid Systems. A. The City shall participate in the use of the addressing grid system described as follows: 1. Sprague Avenue divides the City into north and south addresses. 2. Division Street divides the east and west addresses. All directional designations are referenced as east because no part of Spokane Valley is located west of Division Street in Spokane. All directional designations are referenced as east. 3. On streets running north and south: a. Addresses north of Sprague Avenue shall have even numbers on the east side of the street and odd numbers on the west side of the street; b. Addresses south of Sprague shall have even numbers on the west side of the street and odd numbers on the east side of the street. 4. On streets running east and west: a. Addresses shall have even numbers on the south side of the street and have odd numbers on the north side of the street. 5. The appropriate directional designation or abbreviation (e.g., "North" or "N.") is part of the address and follows the number. For example, the first lot south of Sprague Avenue on the east side of a street named "City Street" would have a street address of"10 S. City Street" or "10 South City Street." 22.135.050 Addressing Standards. A. Each property owner who has addressable property within the City and has not been assigned an address has a responsibility to apply to the City for a physical address for that property. B. Application for each address assignment prior to the issuance of a building permit (temporary addresses) shall include, at a minimum, a site map showing any proposed or existing structures, driveways, and approach locations. C. The numbering of addressable properties or structures along each street shall begin at the appropriate grid point of origin and continue in sequence. No address along a street shall be out of sequence in relation to the adjacent addresses. D. Each block along a street may have up to 100 address numbers. The hundred series shall change upon crossing a street intersection or in the best possible alignment with the established address grid if applicable, with the exception of intersecting driveways and/or alleys. The hundred series along a public street shall not change upon crossing a private street unless deemed necessary by the City Manager for continuity of address sequencing. E. Private streets wholly contained within plats shall be assigned the hundred series as if they were public streets. Except for loops and circles, two uniquely named streets may not intersect more than once (e.g., Main Street should not intersect Cherry Lane at 201 CTA-2019-0001(Addressing Standards) March 21,2019 Chapter 22.135 Draft 032119 Page 2 6 East Main Street, and also intersect Cherry Lane at 401 East Main Street). Loops and circles shall be reviewed on an individual basis and require approval by the City Manager. F. Addresses along a street shall have even numbers on one side of the street and odd numbers on the other side of the street pursuant to SVMC 22.135.040, as now adopted or hereafter amended. G. Individual address numbers shall be assigned to fit within the block range of the street segment to which the address is assigned (e.g., a new address that is assigned to the 200 block of Main Street shall be assigned a number between 201 and 233). Individual addresses shall be assigned to be consistent with adjacent blocks of the same north- south or east-west orientation. H. Addresses accessed via a shared driveway shall be assigned based on the point of origin of the driveway from the connecting street and shall be sequential. Addressable property or structures shall be assigned based upon the street from which vehicular access to the property or structure is obtained, with the following exceptions as determined by the City Manager: 1. Commercial and public facility structures may be assigned an address based upon the street the main entrance faces and not necessarily the access street. 2. Residential structures on corner lots may be assigned an address based upon the street the main entrance faces and not necessarily the access street. J. Fractional addresses shall not be used (e.g., no "101 Y2 East Main Street"). K. Address numbers shall not contain any non-numeric characters (e.g., no "118a"). L. Addresses on individual parcels shall comply with the following: 1. The street number shall range from one to five numbers. 2. No address shall have two or more zeros in a row at end of address unless referencing the location of a utility or communication facility. 3. The last two digits of street numbers shall not exceed 33. A deviation may be requested pursuant to SVMC 22.135.030. 22.135.060 Change in Street or Address Status. If a public or private street is altered, the City Manager shall review the alteration and may assign a corrected street name and/or address pursuant to chapter 22.135 SVMC. If the access to an individual address is altered, the City Manager shall assign a corrected address pursuant to chapter 22.135 SVMC (e.g., the owners of 201 East Cherry Lane change the location of their access from Cherry Lane to Houk Lane necessitating an address on Houk Lane). 22.135.070 Multiple Units. CTA-2019-0001(Addressing Standards) March 21,2019 Chapter 22.135 Draft 032119 Page 3 6 A. Duplex units shall be assigned a separate and unique address for each unit. B. Accessory dwelling units shall be assigned a unit designation with reference to the same address as the primary dwelling and shall follow the addressing standards in SVMC 22.135.070. C. Manufactured home parks which contain dwelling units fronting on a public or private street(s) shall be assigned one address for each dwelling unit. Manufactured home parks which contain dwelling units fronting on an unnamed private access street(s) shall be assigned one address for the entire property, and a secondary address assigned for individual spaces by the manufactured home park owner subject to approval by the City Manager (e.g., "9801 East Appleway Blvd., Space 1"). D. Multiple unit complexes shall be assigned one address for the property based upon the street from which vehicular access to the structure is obtained, except as otherwise provided herein. If necessary, the City Manager may assign an address based upon the street the main entrance faces (e.g., "1124 North University Street, Space 10). If additional parcels are added to an existing development, and access is taken through the existing development, a "0 Address Unknown" will be assigned to the new parcel to aid in emergency response. E. Structures within multiple unit complexes shall be assigned a building designator for each structure, as opposed to a unique address (e.g., "123 East Main Street, Building A"), unless an exception is granted by the City Manager. The building designators shall be generally arranged in a counter-clockwise rotation from the point of entry. F. When secondary addresses are assigned to multiple unit structures with individual building designations, the unit designator shall include the building designation (e.g., "123 East Main Street, Apartment A200" or "123 East Main Street, Building A, Apartment 200"). G. When secondary addresses are assigned to buildings with multiple floors, all above- ground units shall be assigned a three digit number (or higher) where the beginning number shall represent the floor upon which the unit is located (e.g., first floor units would be assigned three digit numbers beginning with 1, "Apartment 101", tenth floor units would be assigned four digit numbers beginning with 10, "Apartment 1001"). H. Units within below-grade stories shall include the alphabetical characters "LL" to indicate lower level, and then be assigned a three digit number where the beginning number shall represent the floor upon which the unit is located (e.g., all units in the first level below grade would be assigned three digit numbers beginning with 1, "Apartment LL101", units on the second level below grade would be assigned three digit numbers beginning with 2, "Apartment LL201"). I. If a remodel of a multiple-unit structure alters the number or configuration of units, the addresses of units within said structure shall be updated to remain in compliance with chapter 22.135 SVMC. J. If a remodel of a single-unit structure creates a multiple-unit structure, the address units within said structure shall be updated to remain in compliance with chapter 22.135 SVMC. CTA-2019-0001(Addressing Standards) March 21,2019 Chapter 22.135 Draft 032119 Page 4 6 K. When secondary addresses are assigned to individual multifamily dwellings (including apartments and condominiums), the units shall use the unit designator for apartment (Apt) or unit (Unit). L. When secondary addresses are assigned to individual dwellings/spaces in manufactured home parks, the units shall use the unit designator for space (Spc). M. When secondary addresses are assigned to individual commercial suits or tenant spaces within a commercial structure(s), the units shall use the unit designator for suite (Ste). N. All other multiple-unit structures not previously described shall contain a unit designator which most closely identifies the unit's location and which is in accordance with current Postal Addressing Standards. 22.135.080 Final Plat Addresses. Temporary addresses assigned during the preliminary plat review shall be indicated on the final short plat, plat, or binding site plan drawings. The permanent physical addresses shall not be issued prior to recording the approved final short plat, plat, or binding site plan. 22.135.090 Display of Address. A. On currently-existing structures, or hereafter erected, the owner of the property or structure shall conspicuously place the correct address pursuant to chapter 22.135 SVMC. Addresses shall be displayed on all new and existing buildings. Letters, numbers, or symbols shall meet the following standards: 1. The posted address shall be metal or other durable material. 2. The numbering/lettering shall be at least four inches in height, and one-half inch in stroke width. In cases where conditions adversely affect the visibility and/or legibility of the numbers, additional numbers, larger numbers, or other modifications may be required in coordination with the City and Fire Districts serving the subject area to be addressed. 3. The posted address shall contrast with its background. 4. The address shall be placed on the structure plainly legible and visible from the street on which vehicular access is provided to the property or structure. 5. Addresses shall be visible from all directions of travel. C. Structures located in excess of 100 feet from the street fronting the property shall display the address on a sign, monument, or post not less than three feet, or greater than seven feet above the ground and located at the entrance to the property from the nearest street. The structure shall display additional posting at the structure location. D. If two or more addressable structures share a common primary access, and any one of the addressable structures is located more than 100 feet from the street designated in the assigned address, the addresses for each structure shall be posted at the intersection of the shared access and the named street on a sign or post not less than CTA-2019-0001(Addressing Standards) March 21,2019 Chapter 22.135 Draft 032119 Page 5 6 three feet or more than seven feet above the ground, and each structure shall display additional posting at the structure location. E. Address numbers, signage, location, and sizing shall be maintained by the responsible property owner. The fire districts, in coordination with the City, may require modifications to chapter 22.135 if deemed appropriate for fire and life safety. 22.135.100 List of Established Street Names, Assigned Addressing, and Mapping. A. Public and private streets and addresses within the City shall be maintained in a publicly viewable database which may be part of a larger database for all or a portion of Spokane County. The City may participate in any regional committees, organization, or entity to maintain, manage, review, or have control over such database. 22.135.110 Deviations from Literal Compliance. Applicants may request minor deviations from any requirement in chapter 22.135 SVMC. The applicant shall identify the requested deviation, including the basis for the request, to the City in writing. The City Manager may grant minor deviations in instances where complete compliance would create an obvious practical problem, so long as the deviation still adequately addresses the property for location by emergency service providers and to promote the other purposes of chapter 22.135 SVMC. The City may consult with fire districts/other impacted agencies in approving deviations. CTA-2019-0001(Addressing Standards) March 21,2019 Chapter 22.135 Draft 032119 Page 6 6 Appendix A Addressing: Includes the following: • Address: A property location identification with the following format: address number, directional prefix,street name,streettype,building designator, and secondary address (e.g.,"123 E Main St.,Apt.456"). The following elements are required: address number,street name,and street type. The following elements may be optional: directional prefix,building designator,and secondary address. • Address number: The numeric designation for an addressable parcel, structure, or unit. • Addressable: A property required to be assigned an address pursuant to chapter 22.135 SVMC. • Addressable property,addressable structures,addressable sites, addressable lots,or addressable units: The habitable or legally occupied structure on a parcel, but may also include other structures or sites as determined necessary by the City Manager. • Addressing grid system: The address number and directional system in a particular area such as a grid system or block system. • Building designator:A single character alphabetic descriptor for a single building within a multiple unit complex (e.g.," 1221 E.Sprague Avenue,Bldg.A"). • Directional prefix: A single or double character alphabetic descriptor preceding a street name consisting of any combination of the cardinal directions of North, South. East, and West which are generally used in specific street naming schemes(i.e.,N,S,E.W). • Multiple units: The presence of two or more addressable structures, addressable sites, or addressable units on a single parcel. • Multiple unit complex:An apartment,condominium,or business complex where there exist multiple buildings on a single site,and two or more buildings include multiple units. • Multiple unit structure: A single structure which contains two or more units. • Street name: The word or words either existing, or in the case of new or renamed streets, which are approved by the City used in conjunction with a directional prefix and/or a street type to identify a public or private street. • Temporary address: An address assigned for the purpose of installing phone/electrical service or other utility on a parcel of land prior to an application for a building permit. CTA-2019-0001(Addressing Standards) March 21,2019 Appendix A Draft 032119 Page 112 Temporary address are subject to change at the time of building permit application. • Unit: A specific dwelling or commercial space amongst a larger group of dwellings or commercial spaces (e.g., apartment, suites. etc.). • Unit designator: An abbreviated word used in conjunction with a secondary address to describe the character of the unit, and will be in accordance with current USPS Published Standards. CTA-2019-0001(Addressing Standards) March 21,2019 Appendix A Draft 032119 Page 2 1 2 COMMUNITY AND PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING&PLANNING Spokane STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION TO THE Valley PLANNING COMMISSION CTA-2019-0001 STAFF REPORT DATE: March 21,2019 HEARING DATE AND LOCATION: April 11, 2019, beginning at 6:00 p.m., Spokane Valley City Hall Council Chambers, 10210 East Sprague Avenue, Spokane Valley,Washington 99206. PROPOSAL DESCRIPTION: The proposed amendment is a City-initiated text amendment to the Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) adding chapter 22.135 SVMC establishing the procedural standards to assign addressing for property identification within the City. Addressing definitions will be added to SVMC Appendix A. APPROVAL CRITERIA: Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan, SVMC 17.80.150, 19.30.040. SUMMARY OF CONCLUSIONS: Staff concludes that the proposed amendments to chapter 22.135 SVMC and SVMC Appendix A are consistent with minimum criteria for review and approval,and consistent with the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. STAFF CONTACT:Karen Kendall,Planner. REVIEWED BY: Jenny Nickerson,Building Official. ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit 1: Agency Comments. APPLICATION PROCESSING: Chapter 17.80 SVMC,Permit Processing Procedures. The following table summarizes the procedural steps for the proposal. Process Date Department of Commerce 60-day Notice of Intent to March 4,2019 Adopt Amendment SEPA—DNS Issued March 22,2019 Published Notice of Public Hearing: March 22,2019&March 29,2019 BACKGROUND: Since the City's incorporation in 2003,the protocol related to the assignment of street addresses for parcels and buildings in the City has been consistent with the regional protocol implemented in Spokane County. Street numbers begin at the intersection of Division Street and Sprague Avenue in the City of Spokane. Street names have followed the grid designations as the area has developed over the years. The City works closely with local fire districts for consistency and proper documentation to ensure emergency responders are able to quickly locate all parcels within the City. Staff Report and Recommendation CTA-2019-0001 Several years ago, a developer working near downtown Spokane and in Liberty Lake did not follow the historical protocol and,in a few instances,emergency responders had difficulty locating the properties to provide emergency services to residents in need. In 2012,E911 and other stakeholders initiated discussions with addressing authorities throughout Spokane County with the goal of creating a regional addressing standard that would complement newly acquired Computer-Aided Dispatch Systems(CAD) within the Fire and Law Enforcement Departments. In 2015,the Draft Public Safety Road Naming and Physical Addressing Standard was created by the addressing committee and presented to addressing authorities throughout Spokane County for consideration. City of Spokane Valley staff participated in two Joint Addressing Authorities Committee Meetings on September 17,2015 and October 13,2015.Addressing authorities were given the opportunity to review and discuss the Draft Public Safety Road Naming and Physical Addressing Code. Initially,the draft language gave addressing authority to the E911 Director,which created an additional layer of review and removed local control of this part of the process.This concerned staff here because increases in permit review and issuance timelines would not be consistent with our streamlined process, and inconsistent with our customer service approach. A meeting was held with Bryan Collins,Chief of the Spokane Valley Fire Department(SVFD)and Police Chief Mark Werner to discuss the merits of adopting the draft standards. It was agreed that,while the existing procedures have not resulted in any problems,it would be beneficial to adopt a version of the regional standard. Local jurisdictions such as Spokane County, City of Spokane,Liberty Lake, Cheney and Deer Park have adopted versions of the regional standards. ANALYSIS: The addressing standards formalize procedures that align with the City's current addressing protocol. The City's standards mirror the adopted regional standards for consistency. The proposal is tailored to the City of Spokane Valley regarding addressing authority going to the City Manager or designee in coordination of the Fire Districts and United States Postal Service (USPS). The City addresses new lots created through platting actions,vacant lots at time of permitting,owner-initiated address changes,and City-initiated address changes to correct errors and provide better emergency responses. The City's addressing standards are proposing two new components to further align with the regional addressing protocol. The City recognized the need to assign a unit designation for properties with an accessory dwelling unit(ADU). This indicates to first responders which unit to respond to and allows each resident the ability to have unencumbered postal deliveries. The second addition to the standards is assigning temporary addressing. This ensures property identification for emergency responders during site construction and allows utility companies to install services in appropriate locations. A. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS SPECIFIC TO THE MUNICIPAL CODE TEXT AMENDMENT 1. Compliance with Title 17(General Provisions) of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code a. Findings: SVMC 17.80.150(F)Municipal Code Text Amendment Approval Criteria The City may approve a Municipal Code Text amendment if it finds that: i. The proposed text amendment is consistent with the applicable provisions of the Comprehensive Plan; Staff Analysis: The proposed amendment is supported by the Comprehensive Plan and is consistent with the following goals and policies: CF-G3 Ensure efficient and cost-effective public safety and emergency services. Page 2 of 3 Staff Report and Recommendation CTA-2019-0001 CF-P6 Ensure that facilities and services meet minimum Level of Service standards. ii. The proposed amendment bears a substantial relation to public health, safety, welfare,and protection of the environment: Staff Analysis: The proposed amendment bears substantial relation to public health, safety,welfare and protection of the environment. The proposed amendment establishes procedural standards to reduce conflicts and inconsistences through addressing. Addressing is integral to the function of emergency responders,utility purveyors providing service,and citizens receiving parcel deliveries services or general wayfinding. b. Conclusion(s): The proposed text amendment is consistent with the approval criteria contained in the SVMC 17.80.150(F). 2. Finding and Conclusions Specific to Public Comments a. Findings: No public comments have been received to date. b. Conclusion(s): Adequate public noticing was conducted for CTA-2019-0001 pursuant to adopted public noticing procedures. 3. Finding and Conclusions Specific to Agency Comments a. Findings: The City has received two agency comments to date. The City updated the draft language to fix a grammatical and formatting error. In addition,staff added language to Section 22.135.020 of the new Addressing Standards to address comments from Spokane County Information Technology Department,representing the Public Safety GIS staff. b. Conclusion(s): Comments have been addressed and no concerns noted. B. CONCLUSION For the reasons set forth in Section A the proposed code text amendment to add addressing standards is consistent with the requirements of SVMC 17.80.150(F)and the Comprehensive Plan. Page 3 of 3 EXHIBIT 1 Karen Kendall From: Chad Riggs Sent: Tuesday, March 5, 2019 5:06 PM To: Karen Kendall Subject: RE: SEPA Request for Comments - File No. CTA-2019-0001 (City Initiated Code Text Amendment) Ok. I found one misspelled word. The word "form" should be "from". H. Addressable property or structures shall be assigned based upon the str-_ form w'ich vehicular access to the property or structure is obtained,with the following - -_. s as determined by the City Manager: 1. Commercial and public facility structures may be assigned an address based upon the street the main entrance faces and not necessarily the access street. 2. Residential structures on corner lots may be assigned an address based upon the street the main entrance faces and not necessarily the access street. Fractional addresses shall not be used(e.g., no"101%East Main Street"). J. Address numbers shall not contain any non-numeric characters(e.g., no"118a"). K. Addresses on individual parcels shall comply with the following: 1. The street number shall range from one to five numbers. 2. No address shall have two or more zeros in a row at end of address unless referencing the location of a utility or communication facility_ 3. The last two digits of street numbers shall not exceed 33. A deviation may be requested as per SVMC 22.135.030. 22.135.060 Change in Street or Address Status. If a public or private street is altered,the City Manager shall review the alteration and may assign a corrected street name and/or address consistent with the provisions of chapter 22.135 SVMC. If the access to an individual address is altered,the City Manager shall assign a corrected address consistent with the provisions of chapter 22.135 SVMC(e.g.,the owners of 201 East Cherry Lane change the location of their access from Cherry Lane to Houk Lane necessitating an address on Houk Lane). CTA-2019-0OO1(_4ddresin_Standards) March 5.201P Chapter 521.5 Draft r'_ Pan; 6 Thank you, Chad Riggs, P.E. I Senior Engineer 10210 E. Sprague Avenue I Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509) 720-5033 I criggsaspokanevalley.org 1 Spokane , .Malley This email and any attachments may be subject to disclosure pursuant to Washington State's Public Record Act,Chapter 42.56 RCW. From: Karen Kendall Sent:Tuesday, March 5, 2019 4:55 PM To: Chad Riggs<criggs@spokanevalley.org> Subject: RE:SEPA Request for Comments- File No. CTA-2019-0001 (City Initiated Code Text Amendment) Are you sure?!? O From: Chad Riggs Sent:Tuesday, March 5, 2019 4:54 PM To: Karen Kendall <kkendall@spokanevalley.org> Subject: RE:SEPA Request for Comments- File No. CTA-2019-0001 (City Initiated Code Text Amendment) Hi Karen, DE does not have any comments for CTA-2019-0001. Thank you, Chad Riggs, P.E. I Senior Engineer 10210 E. Sprague Avenue I Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509) 720-5033 I criggs a,spokanevalley.ora • Spokane This email and any attachments may be subject to disclosure pursuant to Washington State's Public Record Act,Chapter 42.56 RCW. From: Karen Kendall • Sent:Tuesday, March 5, 2019 4:49 PM To: 'Avista Dave Byus' <dave.bvus@avistacorp.com>; 'Central Valley School District#356' <irowell@ycvsd.org>; 'CenturyLink' <Karen.Stoddard@centurylink.com>; Chad Riggs<criggs@spokanevallev.org>; 'Chris Johnston' <criohnston@spokanesheriff.org>; 'Chris Knudson'<CKnudson@spokanecounty.org>; 'Christina Janssen (City of Millwood)'<planning@millwoodwa.us>; 'Cindy Anderson (cyan461@ecy.wa.gov)'<cyan461@ecv.wa.gov>; 'City of Liberty Lake '<LKey@libertylakewa.gov>; 'City of Spokane Tirrell Black'<tblack@spokanecity.org>; 'Colin Depner' <CDEPNER@spokanecounty.org>; 'Comcast'<bryan richardson@cable.comcast.com>; 'Consolidated Irrigation District #19'<consolidatedirrigation@comcast.net>; 'Deborah Johnson'<SEPA.reviewteam@doh.wa.gov>; 'Derek Lilleberg • (Conoco Phillips)'<Derek.Lilleberg@p66.com>; 'East Spokane Water District#1'<dist1@comcast.net>; 'East Valley School District#361'<smithL0@evsd.org>; 'Felts Field - Ryan Sheehan' <rsheehan@spokaneairports.net>; 'Hutchinson Irrigation District'<hutchinsonid16@gwestoffice.net>; 'Inland Power& Light'<connien@inlandpower.com>; 'Irvin Water District' <irvinwater@windwireless.net>; 'Jacob McCann (Jmca461@ecy.wa.gov)'<Jmca461@ecy.wa.gov>;Jenny Nickerson<inickerson@ spokanevalley.org>; 'Larry Ostwald (Conoco Phillips)' <Larry.E.Ostwald@p66.com>; 'Leslie King (Leslie.King@dfw.wa.gov)'<Leslie.King@dfw.wa.gov>; 'Marty Long'<mlong@scfd8.org>; Mike Stone 2 <mstone@spokanevalley.org>; 'Modern Electric Water Co. '<transmittals@mewco.com>; 'Modern Irrigation District' <info@modirr.org>; 'orchardaveirrigationdist6@comcast.net' <orchardaveirrigationdist6@comcast.net>; 'Patnode, Brian (PARKS)' <Brian.Patnode@PARKS.WA.GOV>; Ray Wright<rwright@spokanevalley.org>; 'Spokane Aquifer Joint Board' <info@spokaneaquifer.org>; 'Spokane County Planning& Building'<jpederson@spokanecounty.org>; 'Spokane County Water District#3' <scwd3@comcast.net>; 'Spokane Regional Clean Air Agency' <awestby@spokanecleanair.org>; 'Spokane Regional Health District'<psavage@srhd.org>; 'Spokane Regional Transportation Council'<rstewart@SRTC.org>; 'Spokane Transit Authority'<kotterstrom@spokanetransit.com>; 'Spokane Tribe of Indians'<randya@spokanetribe.com>; 'Spokane Valley Fire Disttict' <inspections@spokanevalleyfire.com>; 'Traci Harvey,Spokane Valley Fire Dept No. 1' <HarveyT@spokanevalleyfire.corn>; 'Vera Water& Power'<kwells@verawaterandpower.com>; 'WA Commerce' <reviewteam@commerce.wa.gov>; 'WA Dept of Arch and Hist Preservation '<Gretchen.Kaehler@DAHP.wa.gov>; 'WA Ecology, Olympia'<sepaunit@ecy.wa.gov>; 'WA Fish &Wildlife'<SEPAdesk@dfw.wa.gov>; 'WA Natural Resources' <northeast.region@dnr.wa.gov>; 'WA Transportation'<FiggG@wsdot.wa.gov>; 'West Valley School District' <Timothy.Morgan@wvsd.org>; 'Araceli Tapuro'<araceli.e.tapuro@usps.gov>; 'Bob Hardin' <Bob.L.Hardin@usps.gov>; 'Chris Wafstet (Modern Electric'<cwafstet@mewco.com>; 'Christine'<CMCMAHONCHASE@spokanecounty.org>; 'David Robles'<david.g.robles@usps.gov>; 'Degon'<JDegon@spokanecounty.org>; 'Dosch, Ryan A' <RDOSCH@spokanecounty.org>; 'Edward Freeman'<edward.s.freeman@usps.gov>; 'Frank Moulton' <fmoulton@spokanecounty.org>; 'Humphries, Guy B'<Guy.B.Humphries@usps.gov>; 'James Schiller' <James.C.Schiller@usps.gov>; 'Jodi Safarik'<jsafarik@spokanecounty.org>; 'Leonard Warren (Metro PO' <leonard.e.warren@usps.gov>; 'Lindsay Anderson'<LDAnderson@spokanecounty.org>; 'Maureen Ades(Co Utilities' <mades@spokanecounty.org>; 'PublicSafety'<PublicSafetyGlS@spokanecounty.org>; 'Tina Fisher(USPS' <tina.c.fisher@usps.gov>; 'Veronica Soules (Avista'<veronica.soules@avistacorp.com>; 'Vicki Williams (Comcast' <vicki whitt-williams@cable.comcast.com>; 'Vickie Brown (CCC' <vrbrown@spokanefire.org>; Connor Lange <clange@spokanevalley.org> Cc:Taylor Dillard <tdillard@spokanevalley.org>; Greg Stauffer<gstauffer@spokanevalley.org> Subject:SEPA Request for Comments- File No. CTA-2019-0001 (City Initiated Code Text Amendment) All, Please review the attached SEPA checklist and proposed language adding Chapter 22.135 to the Spokane Valley Municipal Code(SVMC)establishing the procedural standards to assign Addressing for property identification in the City. In addition addressing definitions will be added to SVMC Appendix A. Submit written comments via email or mail using the contact information below.The City of Spokane Valley is the lead SEPA agency for the environmental review of the above referenced City initiated Code Text Amendment. COMMENT PERIOD ENDS: March 19, 2019 Best regards, Karen Kendall I Planner 10210 E.Sprague Avenue I Spokane Valley,WA 99206 (509)720-5026 I kkendall@spokanevallev.org S"p4kane .0.10Valley° This email and any attachments may be subject to disclosure pursuant to Washington State's Public Record Act,chapter 42.56 RCW. 3 Karen Kendall From: Frost-Andersen, Kirsten <KFROST@spokanecounty.org> Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2019 7:21 PM To: Karen Kendall Subject: RE: SEPA Request for Comments - File No. CTA-2019-0001 (City Initiated Code Text Amendment) Hi Karen, • I ran this by several of the Public Safety GIS staff here at the County and below are the comments I received in return: 1) They have not included the road naming section of the standards at all. They are just adopting the addressing standards. While the addressing standards are great and helpful and we certainly want to encourage adoption, it does nothing for the issues that arise from poor road naming, which are often more critical than the addressing, and at the very least are the base for the addressing. So no codification of disallowing duplicate road names, maintaining road names for their entire length, etc. I looked briefly at their existing municipal code thinking maybe they already had some road naming standards, but did not find anything. 2) Formatting issue... 22.135.050 Addressing Standards D. Each block along a street may have up to 100 address numbers. The hundred series shall change upon crossing a street intersection or in best possible alignment with the established address grid if applicable, with the exception of intersecting driveways and/or alleys. The hundred series along a public street shall not change upon crossing a private street unless deemed necessary by the City Manager for continuity of address sequencing. Private streets wholly contained within plats shall be assigned the hundred series as if they were public streets. This is the start of a new concept. It should be E.and all subsequent sections bumped up one letter. Except for loops and circles, two uniquely named streets may CTA-2019-0001 (Addressing Standards) March 5, 2019 Chapter 22.135 Draft v2 Page 3 l 6 not intersect more than once (e.g., Main Street should not intersect Cherry Lane at 201 East Main Street, and also intersect Cherry Lane at 401 East Main Street). Loops and circles shall be reviewed on an individual basis and require approval by the City Manager. E.F.Addresses along a street shall have even numbers on one side of the street and odd Thanks for letting us provide a review! We're exciting the City of Spokane Valley is adopting the regional standards! Kirsten Frost Andersen IT Supervisor Spokane County Information Technology Department ! 90 S Snol .0000 52 509-477-7216 I kfrost@spokanecounty.org ir."°tlt' )11 7Il1_i rare.� Ih Spokane County 1 From: Karen Kendall [mailto:kkendall@spokanevalley.org] Sent:Tuesday, March 5, 2019 4:49 PM To: 'Avista Dave Byus' <dave.byus@avistacorp.com>; 'Central Valley School District#356'<jrowell@cvsd.org>; 'CenturyLink'<Karen.Stoddard@centurylink.com>; Chad Riggs<criggs@spokanevalley.org>;Johnston, Christopher R. <CRJohnston@spokanesheriff.org>; Knudson, Chris<CKnudson@spokanecounty.org>; 'Christina Janssen (City of Millwood)'<planning@millwoodwa.us>; 'Cindy Anderson (cyan461@ecy.wa.gov)'<cyan461@ecy.wa.gov>; 'City of Liberty Lake '<LKey@libertylakewa.gov>; Black,Tirrell<tblack@spokanecity.org>; Depner, Colin <CDEPNER@spokanecounty.org>; 'Comcast' <bryan_richardson@cable.comcast.com>; 'Consolidated Irrigation District #19'<consolidatedirrigation@comcast.net>; 'Deborah Johnson'<SEPA.reviewteam@doh.wa.gov>; 'Derek Lilleberg (Conoco Phillips)'<Derek.Lilleberg@p66.com>; 'East Spokane Water District#1' <dist1@comcast.net>; 'East Valley School District#361'<smithL0@evsd.org>; 'Felts Field - Ryan Sheehan'<rsheehan@spokaneairports.net>; 'Hutchinson Irrigation District'<hutchinsonid16@qwestoffice.net>; 'Inland Power& Light'<connien@inlandpower.com>; 'Irvin Water District' <irvinwater@windwireless.net>; 'Jacob McCann (Jmca461@ecy.wa.gov)' <Jmca461@ecy.wa.gov>;Jenny Nickerson <jnickerson@spokanevalley.org>; 'Larry Ostwald (Conoco Phillips)' <Larry.E.Ostwald@p66.com>; 'Leslie King (Leslie.King@dfw.wa.gov)'<Leslie.King@dfw.wa.gov>; 'Marty Long'<mlong@scfd8.org>; Mike Stone <mstone@spokanevalley.org>; 'Modern Electric Water Co. '<transmittals@mewco.com>; 'Modern Irrigation District' <info@modirr.org>; 'orchardaveirrigationdist6@comcast.net' <orchardaveirrigationdist6@comcast.net>; 'Patnode, Brian (PARKS)' <Brian.Patnode@PARKS.WA.GOV>; Ray Wright<rwright@spokanevalley.org>; 'Spokane Aquifer Joint Board' <info@spokaneaquifer.org>; Pederson,John <JPederson@spokanecounty.org>; 'Spokane County Water District #3' <scwd3@comcast.net>; 'Spokane Regional Clean Air Agency'<awestby@spokanecleanair.org>; 'Spokane Regional Health District'<psavage@srhd.org>; 'Spokane Regional Transportation Council'<rstewart@SRTC.org>; 'Spokane Transit Authority'<kotterstrom@spokanetransit.com>; 'Spokane Tribe of Indians'<randya@spokanetribe.com>; 'Spokane Valley Fire Disttict'<inspections@spokanevalleyfire.com>; 'Traci Harvey, Spokane Valley Fire Dept No. 1' <HarveyT@spokanevalleyfire.com>; 'Vera Water& Power'<kwells@verawaterandpower.com>; 'WA Commerce' <reviewteam@commerce.wa.gov>; 'WA Dept of Arch and Hist Preservation ' <Gretchen.Kaehler@DAHP.wa.gov>; 'WA Ecology, Olympia'<sepaunit@ecy.wa.gov>; 'WA Fish &Wildlife'<SEPAdesk@dfw.wa.gov>; 'WA Natural Resources' <northeast.region@dnr.wa.gov>; 'WA Transportation'<FiggG@wsdot.wa.gov>; 'West Valley School District' <Timothy.Morgan@wvsd.org>; 'Araceli Tapuro' <araceli.e.tapuro@usps.gov>; 'Bob Hardin' <Bob.L.Hardin@usps.gov>; 'Chris Wafstet (Modern Electric' <cwafstet@mewco.com>; McMahon-Chase, Christine <CMCMAHONCHASE@spokanecounty.org>; 'David Robles' <david.g.robles@usps.gov>; Leifer,Jessica <JLeifer@SpokaneCounty.org>; Dosch, Ryan A. <RDOSCH@spokanecounty.org>; 'Edward Freeman' <edward.s.freeman@usps.gov>; Moulton, Frank<FMOULTON@spokanecounty.org>; 'Humphries, Guy B' <Guy.B.Humphries@usps.gov>; 'James Schiller' <James.C.Schiller@usps.gov>; Safarik,Jodi L. <JSAFARIK@spokanecounty.org>; 'Leonard Warren (Metro PO'<leonard.e.warren@usps.gov>; Anderson, Lindsey <LDAnderson@spokanecounty.org>; Ades, Maureen<MAdes@spokanecounty.org>; Public Safety GIS <PUBLICSAFETYGIS@spokanecounty.org>; 'Tina Fisher(USPS' <tina.c.fisher@usps.gov>; 'Veronica Soules(Avista' <veronica.soules@avistacorp.com>; 'Vicki Williams (Comcast'<vicki_whitt-williams@cable.comcast.com>; 'Vickie Brown (CCC'<vrbrown@spokanefire.org>; Connor Lange<clange@spokanevalley.org> Cc:Taylor Dillard <tdillard@spokanevalley.org>; Greg Stauffer<gstauffer@spokanevalley.org> Subject: SEPA Request for Comments- File No. CTA-2019-0001 (City Initiated Code Text Amendment) All, Please review the attached SEPA checklist and proposed language adding Chapter 22.135 to the Spokane Valley Municipal Code(SVMC)establishing the procedural standards to assign Addressing for property identification in the City. In addition addressing definitions will be added to SVMC Appendix A. Submit written comments via email or mail using the contact information below.The City of Spokane Valley is the lead SEPA agency for the environmental review of the above referenced City initiated Code Text Amendment. COMMENT PERIOD ENDS: March 19, 2019 2 Best regards, Karen Kendall I Planner 10210 E.Sprague Avenue I Spokane Valley,WA 99206 (509)720-5026 I kkendall@seokanevalley.org Spokane _,.Malley, This email and any attachments may be subject to disclosure pursuant to Washington State's Public Record Act,chapter 42.56 RCW. 3 s1j'o' s j�alley • ADDRESSING STANDARDS Code Text Amendment Planning Commission Study Session March 28, 2019 Addressing _.Iii U Process U Background } f`i.` :�`=,�, = 00 . Y 4 U Reason for Addressing - s_ __ .4 U Overview of Amendment am' • AN ■t I III IC _ 1 III iii 112111 itsla■■ L 1. ail 11i Or : \ 10210 II 4 f , 5� z, It - i a 4 w i , - r C ,� N � it a \ 1^-',V Process .- : ,0 .. . •z22 Study Session Administrative ° Z o ': March 28, 2019 Report TBD 71 N '5 Ni 78 N c Public Hearing ° Ordinance 1st °' N a ReadingTBD ta April 11, 2019 ,� .� : Findings of Fact Ordinance 2nd -44 : © 4 April 25, 2019 Reading TBD P4 4 a IV Ms"' 4 A A Today Background movi,n,w tow awths, a/ Roca/ ❑ Since incorporation, the City assigns addresses consistent with County Policies. ❑ Addressing inconsistencies in other jurisdictions highlighted the need for regional standards. What Receives an Address? USingle Family Residences ❑ Duplexes ❑ Accessory Dwelling Units 4. U Apartments Complexes ❑ Non- Residential Buildings ❑ Multi-Tenant Buildings � "" U Cell Towers � - � - -_ toir - ❑ Utilities � ,�� Addressing Standards Overview 111 NEW ❑ Establish a uniform method Chapter Facilitate expedient emergency 22. 135 responses ADD Regulate display of addresses definitions in Appendix A 0 Provide continuity and predictability Addressing Functions ❑ Addresses real property and structures City Manager administers ° Applies to new buildings or properties addressing al Based upon need, non-conforming addresses may be updated to conform Coordination standards as adopted with Fire Emergency response Districts Redevelopment ❑ Requested by owner occupant Addressing dAri i w 6.1O Fvew Sprague Avenue ODD < ' E Na-WESt IAA/ ODD Even, sp U) V s Addressing Residential Lots Sprague Ave Sprague Ave Sprague A Sin • le Famil : 15201 •s prague Avenue Accessory Dwelling Unit: 107 South Arties Lane, Unit A 107 South Arties Lane, Unit B D • I ex: ' ElstLn 20 A / 206 South Moen Street 5 Addressing .....k :_ . .. ,--,,, --iiii:iivrkinNik Multifamily �,�, _ .� . �� L _ ___ - ...•• ., = 11 } Where do you live? ., . . , ,.. . . ___._.._ -.,. 6oi 0 East Appleway Avenue, D 9 02 ;m - -- _, : 1 -_,_ 1 . _ ,,---... --- * B _: `, . prwrf :74,1- " Itil Pr . Street Designation -- � _ i IF A Building Identifier E - -; - . , , • 2nd Floor Unit T i» A fir,, ' ylir f D `p;, . t- Addressing Multi - Tenant B ,A , t Re -------- Floor0 �' p � �� i -iii fir- hs'. Ilk , i , i , ir iiii.1 1 - 41111111 '' . 4411 I i... Upper Le z,1 — 0/ 1 , 202, ect.. , —� $, iii Ilitli IIIIi!!! Main Level 001 , 102, 41911 1 II 11 III III 1711a1 i- - �`: ; ��it Lower Level — 01 . Placement of Addressing Plainly legible and visible Visible Contrast with background Metal or from street from all dutrable = __ - of traveldirections material 0 ,k_._ . , 7k.2411b- F115 ,, ,ik 1 . ,,: .. ,. , _,:a_-... . , - . -.1 i, t 1 1 ILI A 9 '''-• .-- .. . :___�,, • µ �' ■ PE _,. . 2 -116 44M1 . . , _ 0 ' 1 ' ` —.2...--- �h--- _ �-fil -1..., i -I. _ .. —.ate'' !J 6 - Next Steps •- : .0, •z° Study Session Administrative w °' 8 •- March 28, 2019 Report TBD P4 a,' :71 Nv N 5 : N78 © Public Hearing c5 Ordinance 1st N N April 11, 2019 -, Reading TBD 5 , a F ak .� Ca ii) °, `� Ci J : Findings of Fact Ordinance 2nd 1.4 4 April 25, 2019 ReadingTBD : © P4 4 IV 1 v re-' 4 A A Today ('? '' 1 if a of It 1 , .. Ar Ti t A ;..0. �► !► ! 41 _� . Questions ?. " till / _.....-------- _4 , .. ...._• .,.. , ,,....„...,.:, ., ..,,i , , _,,lit , .„._,....,,,. ,., II / ' -- • "r i r.�� ct. P !kiloQ 6 $ 0 28 2 • 1 . 1