2019, 03-12 Regular Formal Format MINUTES City of Spokane Valley City Council Regular Meeting Formal Meeting Format Tuesday, March 12, 2019 Mayor Higgins called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Attendance: Staff Rod Higgins, Mayor Mark Calhoun, City Manager Pam Haley, Deputy Mayor Cary Driskell, City Attorney Brandi Peetz, Councilmember Chelsie Taylor,Finance Director Ben Wick, Councilmember Mike Stone, Parks &Recreation Director Sam Wood, Councilmember Mark Werner, Police Chief Arne Woodard, Councilmember John Hohman, Deputy City Manager Bill Helbig, City Engineer Absent: Chaz Bates, Economic Development Specialist Linda Thompson, Councilmember Adam Jackson,Planning/Grants Engineer Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk INVOCATION: Pastor Manuel Denning of Fountain Ministries Church gave the invocation. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Council, staff, and the audience stood for the Pledge of Allegiance led by members of Girl Scout Troop 2291, and Boy Scout Troop 496. ROLL CALL City Clerk Bainbridge called the roll; all Councilmembers were present except Councilrnember Thompson. It was moved by Councilmember Wick, seconded and unanimously agreed to excuse Councilmember Thompson from tonight's meeting. APPROVAL OF AGENDA It was moved by Deputy Mayor Haley, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the Agenda. COMMITTEE,BOARD,LIAISON SUMMARY REPORTS Councilmember Wick: reported that he attended the Board of Health meeting where they are working on a three-year strategic plan; said that domestic violence was raised as one of the pillars to focus on, even though the City of Spokane indicated they preferred it be the homelessness topic; said since there is no executive director yet, the strategic plan might be put on hold until that position is filled; mentioned the Envision Center in the City of Spokane, which is a new HUD designation that centralizes support from various agencies, so that there is a type of one stop shop for services, and Councilmember Wick said he likened it to the Spokane Valley Partners where people can get assistance from different non-profits, like SNAP, and the food and clothing banks; said he also attended the Kiwanis Father/Daughter Dance which was well attended with over 500 people; and said he went to the State of the County address. Councilmember Woodard: mentioned he attended the employee appreciation night at Players& Spectators and had a great time; said he was the City's elected official on a panel at the March 7 REDCON (Real Estate Development and Construction)Conference where they were asked questions by Journal of Business staff; said that same day the HCDAC (Housing and Community Development Advisory Council)held their public hearing concerning CDBG (Community Development Block Grants) funds, and the projects we submitted, explaining that our top priority project was no longer eligible due to re-calculations of low-to medium income neighborhoods. Councilmember Peetz: said she also attended the employee appreciation night and it was fun to see staff and families come together; said she also went to the Envision Center, which she said is now called the Spokane Resource Center,and said if people would like to donate to them,they need furniture and clothing for their bank; said she attended the Transportation committee meeting where they talked about Bigelow Gulch and the at-grade crossing and of the costs and traffic concerns;that she also attended the State of the Minutes Regular Council Meeting:03-12-2019 Page 1 of 4 Approved by Council:03-26-2019 County address; and also attended a Rally in the Valley, which is an annual event where several local businesses come together to try to generate interest about lesser known businesses. Councilmember Wood: explained that he attended the Joint Aquifer Board meeting,which includes several water districts, and one of the important issue they discussed was about how the Department of Ecology and our legislature are going after our water rights; said several of the small water districts have excess municipal water rights, and if you don't use them or prove that you need them,the Department of Ecology is going to pursue action to try to take away those excess water rights which would hinder our City's growth; said he also attended the Transportation meeting; said he noticed there is a lot of development occurring on Carnahan Hill and an apartment complex going in at 12'r' and Carnahan of about 120 units; said there will be a new round-about put in by the County at the top of Carnahan, which construction should likely start in the spring, and said that will help with the traffic; but the bottom of the hill is 8th and Carnahan, which he said will be impacted by traffic coming down the hill. Deputy Mayor Haley: said she also attended the State of the County address; met with her 5th grade class about the PACE (Partners Advancing Character Education) characteristic; attended a Planning and Development meeting with the STA (Spokane Transit Authority) where it was noted the City of Spokane has requested the STA move some of their bus stops, which stops were put in about one and a half years ago in conjunction with the City of Spokane Planners; and she said that the STA was unable to send a message to the City of Spokane because they didn't attend the meeting. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Higgins reported that he attended a training session for the Aging and Long Term Agency, and was amazed at the number of resources that agency has; attended the Transportation meeting; went to the Spokane Clean Air Regional meeting where they set fees for marijuana growers; said it was not a very pleasant meeting;it included a public hearing which was well attended,and they heard some definitions for regulations that are not clearly defined, and which will have to be re-addressed; said he attended the State of the County address; and went to the third grade class where they discussed the monthly PACE characteristic. 1.PUBLIC HEARING: 2019 Budget Amendment—Chelsie Taylor After Mayor Higgins explained the process of the public hearing, he opened the public hearing at 6:21 p.m. Finance Director Taylor explained that the purpose of this hearing is to consider the amendments as listed in the Request for Council Action and accompanying ordinance, and for Council to consider public input. Mayor Higgins invited public comment. Ms.Barb Howard, Spokane Valley: said she feels we need more code enforcement officers. There were no further public comments and Mayor Higgins closed the public hearing at 6:29 p.m. 2. First Reading Proposed Ordinance 19-003 Amending 2019 Budget—Chelsie Taylor After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Deputy Mayor Haley and seconded to advance Ordinance 19-003 amending the 2019 budget, to a second reading. Vote by acclamation: In favor: unanimous. Opposed: none. Motion carried. 3. CONSENT AGENDA: Consists of items considered routine which are approved as a group. Any member of Council may ask that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. Proposed Motion:I move to approve the consent Agenda. a. Approval of claim vouchers on March 12, 2019 Request for Council Action Form Total: $590,740.52 b. Approval of Payroll for Pay Period Ending February 28 2019: $504,784.11 c.Approval of February 19,2019 Council Meeting Minutes, Study Session Workshop d. Approval of February 26,2019 Council Meeting Minutes, Regular Formal Format It was moved by Deputy Mayor Haley, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the Consent Agenda. NEW BUSINESS: 4. Second Reading Proposed Planned Action Ordinance 19-002—Chaz Bates After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Deputy Mayor Haley and seconded to approve Ordinance 19-002, adopting a new Chapter 21.60 of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code. Mr. Minutes Regular Council Meeting:03-12-2019 Page 2 of 4 Approved by Council:03-26-2019 Bates gave a brief overview of the ordinance, and mentioned that there have been no changes since the first reading.Mayor Higgins invited public comment;no comments were offered. Vote by acclamation:In favor: unanimous. Opposed: none. Motion carried. 5. Motion Consideration: Arts Council Agreement—Cary Driskell It was moved by Deputy Mayor Haley and seconded to authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute the agreement between the Spokane Valley Arts Council and the City of Spokane Valley. After Mr. Driskell gave an explanation of the purpose of the proposed agreement, as discussed previously and noted in the March 12, 2019 Request for Council Action form, Mayor Higgins invited public comment. Ms. Barb Howard, Spokane Valley: said she has a hard time with this project;that she saw an article in the newspaper and on TV with the artist; said if this is an effort to get Balfour Park done faster, it should not be; said we need all the money we can get for the Pines Grade Separation, and said she doesn't understand how this is donated art. There was brief Council discussion agreeing with the need for this agreement. Vote by acclamation:In favor: unanimous. Opposed: none. Motion carried. 6.Motion Consideration: Bid Award and Amended Agreement With Water District#3 —Adam Jackson It was moved by Deputy Mayor Haley and seconded to award the add alternate work to Halme Construction, as well as execute the amendment to the MOU with Spokane County Water District#3. Mr. Jackson explained the history of the agreement,and that there are three different street sections included in the additive alternate, i.e., VaIleyway Avenue from Marguerite Road to Mullan Road, Farr Road from Appleway Blvd to 8th Avenue, and Woodruff Road from 9th to 10th Avenue; he noted that Halme construction is the apparent low bidder with a bid about $33,000 under the engineer's estimate. Mayor Higgins invited public comments;no comments were offered. Vote by acclamation:In favor: unanimous. Opposed: none. Motion carried. 7. Motion Consideration: Garland Avenue Agreement—John Hohman, Bill Helbig It was moved by Deputy Mayor Haley and seconded to authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute the attached agreement for the development of Garland Avenue. Deputy City Manager Hohman explained that this item is in follow-up to the January 29, 2019 discussion about funding options for Barker Road from Euclid Avenue to the southern limits of the Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation Project, and for Garland Avenue extension from Flora Road to Barker Road. Mr. Hohman noted the project costs for Garland Avenue with anticipated construction in 2019, is $3 million and that the City's cost of$1,500,000 will be matched with$1,500,000 by Centennial Properties; and that the agreement establishes the duties of the City and Centennial Properties for the construction and funding. Mayor Higgins invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by acclamation:In favor: unanimous. Opposed: none. Motion carried. PUBLIC COMMENTS: After Mayor Higgins explained the process,he invited general public comments. Ms. Jean Kindem, Spokane Valley: thanked Council for appointing her to the Aging and Long Term Care Board, and she extended an offer of assistance wherever she can. Ms. Barb Howard, Spokane Valley: said she attended a Planning Commission meeting a few weeks ago and someone said we don't have the money to do 4th; said why aren't developers helping with this as it is time they help pay for some of what they do. Ms. Nina Fluegal, Spokane Valley: extended thanks to members of WSDOT who helped her when she encountered a flat tire on the freeway. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS: 8. Spokane Housing Administration(SHA)Update—Cary Driskell, Pam Tietz City Attorney Driskell introduced SHA Executive Director Tietz, who is here tonight to give Council an annual report of the Housing Authority. Ms. Tietz explained about the Spokane Housing Authority's strategic direction of promoting quality communities, which includes affordable housing as well as a diversity of housing choices; she noted their seven-member board representing a variety of sectors and systems; and showed photos of some of their multi-family rentals. Ms. Tietz spoke of the rental assistance programs; of some of their developing partnerships with organizations such as Volunteers of America,and Minutes Regular Council Meeting:03-12-2019 Page 3 of 4 Approved by Council:03-26-2019 Spokane Neighborhood Action Programs (SNAP); and then went on to briefly discuss the Continuum of Care,which is a regional planning body that coordinates housing and services funding for homeless families and individuals. 9. Project Update Midilome Neighborhood Street Improvement-Adam Jackson Mr. Jackson explained the project location, existing conditions, design, plans for temporary traffic control, project cost and funding, and that next tentative steps include a Council bid award at the April 23, 2019 Council meeting. 10. Potential Grant Opportunity: Federal Hwy Bridge Program—Adam Jackson Mr.Jackson explained about the potential grant opportunity through the Federal Highway Bridge Program; that applications are due April 26, 2019, and a prioritized recommended list of projects would be sent to the WSDOT Local Programs Director by August 2019, who will make final award decisions; that announcements are expected by October 2019,and awarded funds could be available as early as 2020. Mr. Jackson explained about funds available for bridge deck resurfacing and repair on structures that have a total area of 2% or more of patches and spalls in the deck surface; and that the City's northbound Sullivan Road Bridge over Union Pacific Railroad is the only eligible project.Mr.Jackson further explained that the preliminary project scope is estimated not to exceed $400,000; and a 13.5% match is required from the City, however, if funds are authorized before November 30, 2023, the local match for the construction phase is waived; so the City's total potential local match is estimated not to exceed $54,000, but it is. anticipated the project will authorize construction funds prior to 2023, so the local construction match would be waived. Council agreed to move forward to apply for the grant. 11. Interagency Agreement with Wa. State Dept. of Enterprise Services—Chelsie Taylor Finance Director Taylor explained that the City has contacted the Washington State Department of Enterprise Services (DES) to enter into an agreement that allows them to provide surplus services for the City, including public action; that DES would sell or otherwise dispose of the surplus property on our behalf, and would remit the proceeds of the sale to the City minus any fees authorized in the agreement. Councilmember Wick asked if we are able to surplus items to places like the Envision Center or Valley Partners. Mr. Calhoun stated that we surplused numerous items after moving to our new City Hall, and we try to clean house every year, and that he will research whether we can also send surplus items to places that take donations.After further brief discussion,there was Council census to place this ona future consent agenda. 12. Advance Agenda—Mayor Higgins There were no suggested changes to the advance agenda. CITY MANAGER COMMENTS City Manager Calhoun reminded everyone of the Mayor's State of the City address scheduled for Friday, March 22, beginning at 11:30 a.m. at CenterPlace,where the Mayor and Deputy Mayor will be making the address jointly; and that we are working with the Chamber on this event, and people may register for the event through the Chamber. It was moved by Deputy Mayor Haley, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 7:35 p.m. / 0.4kvire 46, ATT S ': L.R. Higgins,114/1[701' Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Minutes Regular Council Meeting:03-12-2019 Page 4 of 4 Approved by Council:03-26-2019 Agenda Item#6 Chris Bainbridge From: Adam Jackson Sent: Monday, March 11, 2019 9:55 AM To: Chris Bainbridge Subject: FW: Bid Results - Street Preservation Project w/SCWD#3 Attachments: 20190307 51042 Bid Tab, Summary&Review Checkllst.pdf FYI—See below. Adam Jackson,P.E. I Engineer - Planning&Grants (509)720-5024 l ajackson@seokanevalley.org From: Bill Helbig Sent: Monday, March 11, 2019 9:13 AM To:City Council <CityCouncil@spokanevalley.org>; Mark Calhoun<mcalhoun@spokanevalley.org>;John Hohman <jhohman@spokanevaliey.org> Cc:Adam Jackson<ajackson@spokanevalley.org>; Gloria Mantz<gmantz@spokanevalley.org> Subject: Bid Results-Street Preservation Project w/SCWD#3 Good Morning— As you are aware,tomorrow's (3/12) City Council Agenda includes Item 6,the Motion Consideration for Bid Award and Amended Agreement w/Water District 3 for Street Preservation work. As indicated in the RCA, bids were opened on Thursday, March 7th. In addition to providing the bid results at the meeting, I want to provide the bid results and recommendation to you prior to the meeting. I have attached the formal Bid Tabulation for the project,which does include SCWD#3's project, with the following summary. Contractor Base Bid Add Alt 1 (SCWD Work) (City Road Work) Engineer's Estimate 4,041,949.38 295,806.00 Halme Construction 3,927,107.44 262,376.88 Cargile 4,019,601.86 334,109.40 Red Diamond 4,064,546.05 347,602.50 Big Sky 4,299,822.78 398,737.00 S&L Underground 4,408,652.16 380,742.00 N.A. Degerstrom 4,415,691.52 344,752.30 Earthworks Northwest 4,712,443.52 434,900.00 As you can see,the low bid for the water district's work,which is the "winner," is also the low bid for our work. Additionally,the bid Is approximately$30,000 below the Engineer's Estimate I 1 —/3 o/,� In summary,I will be bringing to the Council Meeting these bid results and a recommendation for Council to award the Add Alternate work to Hahne Construction,as well as execute the Amendment to the MOU with Spokane County Water District#3. If you have any questions,or need more information, please don't hesitate to let me know. B1II William S. Helbig, PE I City Engineer 10210 E,Sprague Avenue I Spokane Valley,WA 99206 509.720.5320 I bhelblg@snokanevalley.org Sfi6lane This email and any attachments may be subject to disclosure pursuant to Washington State's Public Record Act,chapter 42.56 RCW. 2 SPOKANE COUNTY WATER DISTRICT NO.3 WSA 1-2 INTERTIE PROJECT RE-BID _ BID TABULATION Bid Opening:March 7,2019 la 2.00p.m. ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE HALSvIE CONSTRUCTION L&L CARGILE RED DIAMOND Pay Item Description Pay Unit Estimated Unit Price Total Amount Unit Price Total Amount Unit Price Total Amount Unit Price Total Amount Quantity , Base Bid 0001 Mobilization LS 1 $ 285,000.00 $ 285,000.00 $ 389,066.71 $ 389,066.71 $ 362,098.00 $ 362,098.00 $ 237200.00 $ 237,300,00 0002 Trench Safety Systems LS 1 $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 $ 14,000.00 $ 14,000.00 $ 4,500,00 $ 4,500.00 0003 Site Control LS 1 $ 50,000.00 $ 50,000.00 $ 54,764.38 $ 54,764.38 $ 38,000.00 $ 38,000.00 $ 2,500.00 _3 2,500.00 0004 Project Temporary Traffic Control LS 1 $ 150,000.00 $ 150,000.00 $ 58,293.50 $ 58,293.50 $ 144,978.00 $ 144,978.00 $ 57,000.00 $ 57,000.00 0005 AC Pavement Removal LF 16700 $ 6.00^$ 100,200.00 $ 227 $ 37,909.00 $ 5.00_$ 83,500.00 $ 3.80 $ 63,460.00 0006 HMA CI,318"PG 64-28 IF _ 16700 $ 47.00 $ 784,900.00 $ 50.58 $ 644,686.00 $ 66,50 $ 1,143,950.00 $ 51.38 $ 858,046.00 0007 Pavement Patch-Water Service EA 3 $ 2,000.00 $ 6,300.00 $ 3,962.02 L_$ 11,886.06 $ 2,800.00 $ 8,400.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 8,400.00 0008 Storm Sewer Reconstruction LS 1 $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 49,453.75 $ 49,453.75 $ 33,161,00 $ 33,161.00 $ 16,000.00 $ 16,000.00 0009 Precast Concrete Drywall,Type A EA 4 $ 3,000.00 $ 12,000,00 $ 3,576.62 $ 14,306.48 $ 4,050.00 $ 16,200.00 $ 3,500.00 $ 14,000.00 0010 Precast Concrete Dryweil,Type B EA 10 $ 4,500.00 $ 45,000,00 $ 5,192.65 $ 51,926.50 $ 4,925,00 $ 49,250.00 $ 4,700.00 $ 47,000.00 0011 Drywell Restoration EA 3 $ 1,500.00 $ 4,500.00 $ 1,569.02 $ 4,707.06 $ 800.00 $ 2,400.03 $ 3,100.00 $ 9,300.00 0012 Ductile Iron Pipe For Water Main 24 In Diem. IF 11500 $ 123.00 $ 1,414,500.00 $ 106.02 $ 1,219,230.00 $ 95.00 $ 1,092,500.00 $ 126.00 $ 1,449,000.00 0013 Ductile Iron Pipe For Water Main 18 In Diem. IF 5200 $ 95.00 $ 494,000,00 $ 94.08 $ 489,216.00 $ 75.00 $ 390,000.00 $ 122.00 $ 634,400.00 0014 Ductile Iron Pipe For Water Main 12 In Diem. LF 65 $ 123.00 $ 7,995.00 $ 111.63 $ 7,255.95 $ 115.00 $ 7,475.00 $ 108.00 $ 7,020.00 0015 Ductile Iron Pipe For Water Main 10 In Diem. LF20 $ 95.00 $ 1,900.00 $ 78.05 $ 1,561.00 $ 78,00 $ 1,560.00 $ 60.00 $ 1,200.00 0016 HDPE Pipe For Water Main 2 In.Diam. 1.6 1 $ 72,00 $ 72.00_$ 1,051.00 $ 1,051.00 $ 3,250.00 $ 3,250.00 $ 9,600.00 $ 9,600.00 0017 Cap and Abandon Existing Waterline EA 2 $ 1,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 1,781.31 $ 3,562.62 $ 450.00 $ 900.00 $ 300.00 $ 600.00 0018 Potable Waterline Casing,351n. LF 40 $ 200.00 $ 8,000.00 $ 345,28 $ 13,811.20 $ 200.00 $ 8,000.00 $ 285.00 $ 11,400.00 0019 Potable Waterline Casing,30 In, IF 20 $ 150.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 269.78 $ 5,395.60 $ 180.00 $ 3,600.00 $ 210.00 $ 4,200.00 0020 Potable Waterline Casing,16In. IF 160 $ 40.00 $ 5,400.00 $ 77.27 $ 12,36320 $ 56.50 $ 9,040.00 $ 55.00 $ 8,800.00 0021 Ile-in to Existing Waterline,18 in. EA 1 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 3,088.40 $ 3,088.40 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 900.00 $ 900.00 0022 Tie-In to Existing Waterline,12 In. EA 2 $ 2,500.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 3,753,34 $ 7,506.68 $ 3,800.00 $ 7,600.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 10,000.00 0023 Tie in to Existing Waterline,8 In. EA 2 $ 2,000.00 $ 4.000,00 $ 3,038.40 $ 6,076.80 3 3,500.00 $ 7,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 8,000.00 0024 Tie-in to Existing AC Waterline,8 In. EA 2 $ 5,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 3,517.53 $ 7,035.06 $ 4,000.00 $ 8,000.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 10,000.00 0025 Tie-in to Existing AC Waterline,10 in. EA 1 $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 4,558.68 $ 4,558.68 $ 3,600.00 $ 3,500.00 $ 6,500.00 $ 6,500.00 0026 PRV Station LS 1 $ 40,000.00 $ 40,000.00 $ 62,743.62 $ 62,743,62 $ 46,000.00 $ 46,000.00 $ 50,000.00 $ 50,000.00_ 0027 Flushing Tee,24 In, EA 6 $ 5,000.00 $ 30,000.00 $ 6,438,79 $ 38,632.74 $ 6,625.00 5 39,750.00 $ 4,500.00 $ 27,000.00 0028 Flushing Tee,18 In. EA 3 $ 4.700,00 $ 14,100.00 $ 5,225,14 $ 15,675.42 $ 5,400.00 $ 16,200.00 $ 3,500.00 $ 10,500.00 0029 AC Crossing EA 7 $ 5,000.00 $ 35,000.00 $ 2.227,14 $ 15,589.98 $ 1,280:00 $ 8,960.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 29,400.00 0030 Gate Valve 4 in. EA 1 $ 1.200.00 $ 1,200.00 $ 1,038.04 $ 1,038.04 $ 1,154.00 $ 1,154.00 $ 1,150.00 $ 1,150.00 0031 Gate Valve 8 In. EA 3_ $ 1,800.00 $ 5,400.00 $ 1,640,16 $ 4,920.48 $ 1,806.00 $ 5,418.00 $ 1,800.00 $ 5,400.00 0032 Gate Valve 10 In. EA 1 $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 2,331.33 $ 2,331.33 $ 2,443.00_$ 2,443.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 0033 Gate Valve 12 In. EA 4 $ 3,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 2,894.69$ 11,578.76 $ 2,850.00 $ 11,400.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 10,000.00 0034 Butterfly Valve 24 in. EA 6 $ 10,000.00 $ 60,000.00 $ 10,289.14 $ 61,734.84 $ 8,550.00 $ 51,300.00 $ 9,800.00 $ 58,800.00 0035 Butterfly Valve 1B In. EA 3 $ 6,500.00 $ 19,500.00 $ 7,006.49 $ 21,019.47 $ 6,160.00 $ 18,480.00 $ 7,000.00 $ 21,000.00 0036 Comb.Air Release/Air Vacuum Valve Assembly 1 In. EA 8 $ 3,500.00 $ _28,000.00 $ 2,775.13 $ 22,201.04 $ 2,900.00 $ 23,200.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 24,000.00 0037 Repair of Unknown Water Service EA 20 $ 1,000,00 $ 20,000.00 $ 865.30 $ 17,306.00 $ 205.00 $ 4.100.00 $ 200.00 $ 4,000.00 0038 Repair of Unknown Sewer Service EA 20 $ 1,000.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 865.30 $ 17,306,00 $ 395.00 $ 7,900.00 $ 100.00 $ 2,000.00 0039 Gravel Surface Restoration IF 630 $ 10.00 $ 6,300.00 $ 6.84 $ 4,309.20 $ 20.00 $ 12,600.00 _$ 10.00 $ 6,300.00 0040 Grass Restoration IF 320 $ 8.00 $ 2,560.00 $ 43.36 $ 13,875.20 $ 13.50 $ 4,320.00 $ 16.00 $ 5,120.00 Subtotal $ 3,715,027.00 $ 3,609,473.75 $ 3,694,487.00 $ 3,735,796.00 Tax at 8.8% $ 326,922.38 $ 317,633.69 $ 325.114,86 $ 328,750.05 Base Bid Total $ 4,041,949.38 $ 3,927,107.44 $ 4,019,601.86 $ 4,064,546.05 Welch-Comer Engineers 20190218 51042 WA BldSch-Tab Bid Tab 1 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE HALME CONSTRUCTION L&L CARGILE RED DIAMOND Pay Item Description Pay Unit Estimated Unit Price Total Amount Unit Price Total Amount Unit Price Total Amount Unit Price Total Amount Quantity Add Alternate No.1 0041 MOBILIZATION LS 1 $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ - $ - $ 32711.00 $ 33,711.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 20.000.00 0042 PAVEMENT REPAIR EXCAVATION INCL HAUL CY 742 $ 20.00 $ 14,840.00 $ 10.97 $ 8,139.74 $ 36.00 $ 26,712.00 $ 25.00 $ 18,55100 CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE SHOULDER 0043 FILL,2 IN.DEPTH SY 91 $ 40.00 $ 2640.00 $ 8.39 $ 763.49 $ 9.00 $ 619.00 5 38.00 $ 3,458.00 0044 CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE,6 IN.DEPTH SY 2731 $ 15.00 $ 40.965.00 $ 3.00 $ 8,193.00 $ 11.00 $ 30,041.00 $ 12.00 $ 32.772.00 0045 PLANING BITUMINOUS SURFACING SY 2002 $ 5.00 $ 10,010.00 $ 3.67 $ 7,347.34 $ 5.00 $ 10,010.00 $ 5.30 $ 10,610.60 0046 HMA CL 3/8 IN.PG 64H-28,1.5 IN.DEPTH SY 2450 $ 10.00 $ 24,500.00 $ 11.41 $ 27,954.50 $ 13.00 $ 31,850.00 $ 12.00 $ 29,400.00 HMA FOR PAVEMENT REPAIR CL 3/81N.PG 64H- 0047 28,4 IN.DEPTH SY 2135 $ 25.00 $ 53,375.00 $ 20.00 $ 42,700.00 $ 35.00 $ 74,725.00 $ 44.00 $ 93,940.00 0048 HMA CL 3/8IN,PG 645-28,1.5 IN.DEPTH SY 1982 $ 10.00 $ 19,820.00 $ 13.05 $ 25,865.10 $ 14.00 $ 27,748.00 $ 12.00 $ 23,784.00 HMA FOR PAVEMENT REPAIR CL 3/6 IN.PG 645- 0049 28,3 IN.DEPTH SY 596 $ 25.00 $ 14,900.00 _$ 30.96 $ 18,452.16 $ 35.00 $ 20,850.00 $ 42.00 $ 25,032.00 0050 JOB MIX COMPLIANCE PRICE ADJUSTMENT CALC. 1 $ (1.00) $ (1.00) $ (1.00) $ (1.00) $ (1.00) $ (1.00) $ (1.00) $ (1.00) 0051 COMPACTION PRICE ADJUSTMENT CALC. 1 $ (1.00) $ (1.00) $ (1.00) $ (1.00) $ (1.00 $ (1.00) $ (1.00) $ (1.00) 0052 PLASTIC UNE-TYPE Cl LF 5066 $ 200 $ 15,198.00 $ 2.90 $ 14,691.40 $ 2.50 $ 12,665.00 $ 3.15 $ 15,957.90 0053 PLASTIC CROSSWALK UNE SF 112 $ 5.00 $ 580.00 $ 11.59 $ 1,298.08 $ 10.70 $ 1,198.40 $ 15.00 $ 1,880.00 0054 PLASTIC TRAFFIC STOP UNE LF 60 $ 10.00 $ 600.00 $ 15.23 $ 913.80 $ 14,00 $ 840.00 $ 15.00 $ 900.00 0055 PORTABLE CHANGEABLE MESSAGE SIGN HR 1200 $ 4.00 $ 4,800.00 $ 6.07 $ 7,284.00 $ 3.20 $ 3,840.00 $ 3.50 $ 4,200.00 0056 PROJECT TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL LS 1 $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 15,059.95 $ 15,059.95 $ 7,500.00 $ 7,500.00 $ 15,000.00 $ 15,000.00 0057 SITE CONTROL LS 1 $ 2,500,00 $ 2,500.00 $ 32,000.00 $ 32,000.00 $ 2500.00 $ 3,500.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 0058 SPCC PLAN LS 1 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 $ 300.00_$ 300.00 $ 800.00 $ 800.00 0059 ADJUST EXISTING CATCH BASIN OR DRYWELL EACH 13 $ 1,000.00 $ 13,000.00 $ 558.85 $ 7,265.05 $ 715.00 $ 9,295.00 $ 700.00 $ 9,100.00 0060 ADJUST EXISTING MANHOLE EACH 13 $ 1,000.00 $ 13,000.00 $ 558.85 $ 7,265.05 $ 715.00 $ 9,295.00 $ 700,00 $ 9,100.00 0061 ADJUST EXISTING WATER VALVE EACH 19 $ 800.00 $ 15,200.00 $ 361.80 $ 6,874.20 $ 420.00 $ 7,980.00 $ 500.00 $ 9,500.00 0052 DUCTILE IRON STORM SEWER PIPE,10 IN.DLAM. LF 60 _$ 100.00 $ 6,000.00 $ 63.49 $ 3,809.40 $ 55.20 $ 3,312.00 $ 64.00 $ 3,840.00 0063 CONNECTION TO EXISTING DRYWELL EACH 1 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 28.37 $ 28.37 $ 600.00 $ 600.00 $ 100.00 $ 100.00 0064 CATCH BASIN TYPE I EACH 1 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 3.92226 $ 3,922.36 $ 1,750.00 $ 1,750.00 $ 2,700.00 $ 2,700.00 0065 CONCRETE INLET TYPE I EACH 1 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 4,279.79 $ 4,279.79 $ 1,750.00 $ 1,750.00 $ 1,900.00 $ 1,900.00 0066 CURB INLET,TYPE I EACH 1 $ 750.00 $ 750.00 $ 910,54_$ 910.54 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400,00 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 0067 SPILL CONTROL SEPARATOR EACH _ 1 $ 750.00 $ 750.00 $ 138.76 $ 136.76 $ 250.00 $ 250.00 $ 200.00 $ 200.00 0088 DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE S.F. 36 $ 150.00 $ 5,400.00 $ 186.80 $ 6,724.80 $ 60.00 $ 2,160.00 $ 30.00 $ 1,080.00 0069 MINOR CHANGE CALC. 1 $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 10.000.00 Add Alternate 44No.1 Total $ 295,806.00 $ 262,376.86 $ 334,109.40 347,602.50 I BASIS OF BID AWARD: Base Bld $ 4,041,949.38 $ 3,927,107.44 $ 4,019,601.86 $ 4,064,546.05 Base Bld plus Add Alternate No.1 $ 4,337,75528 $ 4,189,484.32 $ 4,353,71125 $ 4,412,148.55 MATH ERRORS Welch-Corner Engineers 20190218 51042 WA BldSch-Tab Bid Tab 2 SPOKANE COUNTY WATER DISTRICT NO.3 WSA 1-2 INTERRTIE PROJECT RE-BID BID TABULATION I Bid Opening:March 7,2019 @ 2:00 p.m. _ BIG SKY SW_UNDERGROUND N.A.DEGERSTROM EARTHWORKS NORTHWEST Estimated Pay Item Description Pay Unit QIldnmy Unit Price Total Amount Unit Price Total Amount Unit Price Total Amount Unit Price Total Amount Base Bid 0001 Mobilization LS 1 $ 236,000.00 $ 236,000.00 $ 300800.00 $ 300,000.00 $ 595,000.00 $ 595,000.00 $ 329,000.00 $ 329,000.00 0002 Trench Safety Systems LS 1 $ 5,314.00 $ 5,314.00 $ 50,000.00 $ 50,000.00 $ 25,000.00,$ 25,000.00 $ 8.000.00 $ 8,000.00 0003 Site Control Ls 1 $ 24,607.00 $ 24,807.00 $ 30,000.00 $ 30,00080 $ 15,000.00 $ 15,000.00 $ 30,000.00 $ 30,000.00 0004 Project Temporary Traffic Control LS 1 $ 123,547.00 $ 123,547.00 $ 90,000.00 $ 90,000.00 $ 200,000.00 $ 200,000.00 $ 110,000.00 $ 110,000.00 0005 AC Pavement Removal LP 16700 $ 3.00 $ 50,100.00 $ 3.00 $ 50.100.00 $ 13.00 $ 217,100.00 $ 7.80 $ 130,260.00 0006 HMA CL 3/8"PG 64-28 IF 16700 $ 53.00 $ 885,100.00 $ 38.00 $ 634,600.00 $ 45.00 $ 751,500.00 $ 50.00 $ 835,000.00 0007 Pavement Patch-Water Service E4 3 $ 4,171.00 $ 12,513.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 9.000.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 15,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 9.000.00 0008 Storm Sewer Reconstruction LS 1 $ 26,126.00 $ 26,126.00 $ 50,000.00 $ 50.000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 20,000.00 0009 Precast Concrete Drywall,Typo A EA 4 $ 3,144.00 $ 12,576.00 $ 4,500.00 $ 18,000.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 3,500.00 $ 14,000.00 0010 Precast Concrete Drywall,Type B EA 10 $ 4,923.00 $ 49,230,00 $ 5,500.00 $ 55,000.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 50,000.00 $ 5,600.00 $ 56,000.00 0011 Drywell Restoration EA 3 $ 2,089.00 $ 6,267.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 6,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 6,000.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0012 Ductile Iron Plpe For Water Main 24 In Diann. IF 11500 $ 128.00 $ 1,472,000.00 $ 145.00 $ 1,667,500.00 $ 105.00 $ 1,207,500.00 $ 155.00 $ 1,782,500.00 0013 Ductile Iron Pipe For Water Main 18 In Dam. IF 5200 $ 119.00 $ 618,800.00 $ 126.00 $ 655,200.00 $ 55.00 $ 442,000.00 $ 130.00_$ 676,000.00 0014 Ductile Iron Pipe For Water Main 121n Diem. LF 65 $ 193.00 $ 12,545.00 $ 126.00 $ 8,190.00 $ 180.00 $ 11,700.00 $ 172.00 $ 11,180.00 0015 Ductile Iron Pipe For Water Main 10 In Dlam. LF 20 $ 187.00 $ 3,740.00 $ 126.00 5 2,520.00 $ 90.00 $ 1,800.00 $ 100.00 $ 2,000.00 0016 HDPE Pipe For Water Main 2 In.Diam. LS 1 $ 7,331.00 $ 7,331,00 $ 20.000.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 2,170.00 $ 2,170.00 0017 Cap and Abandon Existing Waterline _ EA 2 $ 1,473.00 $ 2,946.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 400.00 $ 800.00 $ 300.00 $ 600.00 0018 Potable Waterline Casing,361n. IF 40 $ 323.00 $ 12,920.00 $ 250.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 225.00 $ 9,000.00 $ 200.00 $ 8,000.00 0019 Potable Waterline Casing,30 In. LF 20 $ 254.00 $ 5,080.00 $ 225.00 _.$ 4,500.00 $ 175.00 $ 3,500.00 $ 150.00 $ 3,000.00 0020 Potable Waterline Casing,16 In. IF 160 $ 92.00 $ 14,720.00 $ 75.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 50.00 $ 8,000.00 $ 50.00 $ 8,000.00 0021 Tie-in to Existing Waterline,18 In. EA 1 $ 3,376.00 $ 3,376.00 $ 6,000.00 $ 6,000.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 2,400.00 $ 2,400.00 0022 Tie-in to Existing Waterline,12 In. FA 2 $ 3,250.00 $ 6,500.00 $ 6,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 8,000.00 0023 Tie-in to Existing Waterline,B In. EA 2 $ 2,985.00 1$ 5,970.00 1$ 4.500.00 $ 9,000.00 $ 4,500.00 $ 9,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 6,000.00 0024 Tie-in to Existing AC Waterline,8 In. EA 2 $ 2,595.00 $ 5,190.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 3,200.0D $ 6,400.00 0025 Tie-in to Existing AC Waterline,10 In. EA 1 $ 4,397.00 $ 4,397.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 5,700.00 $ 5,700.00 0026 PRV Station LS 1 $ 62,838.00 $ 62,838.00"$ 45.000.00 $ 45,000.00 $ 100,000.00 $ 100,000.00 $ 40,000.00 $ 40,000.00 0027 Flushing Tee,24 In. EA 6 $ 6,799.00 $ 40,794.00 $ 6,500.00 $ 39,000.00 $ 6,500.00 $ 39,000.00 $ 5,500.00 $ 33,000.00 0028 Flushing Tee,18 In. EA 3 $ 5,727.00 $ 17,181.00 $ 5,500.00 $ 16,500.00 $ 6,000.00 $ 18,000.00 $ 4,820.00 $ 14,460.00 0029 AC Crossing EA 7 $ 3,540.00 $ 24,780.00 $ 3,600.00 $ 25,200.00 $ 5,000.00 5 35,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 21,000.00 0030 Gate Valve 4 In. EA 1 $ 1,266.00 $ 1,266.00 $ 1.200.00 $ 1,200.00 $ 1,500.00 5 1,500.00 $ 860.00 $ 860.00 0031 Gate Valve 8 In. EA 3 $ 2,129.00 $ 6,387.00 $ 1,600.00 $ 4,800.00 $ 2.000.00 $ 6,000.00 $ 1,700.00 $ 5,100.00 0032 Gate Valve 10 1n. EA 1 $ 2,917.00_$ 2,917.00 $ 2,400.00 $ 2,400.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 2,34080 $ 2,340.00 0033 Gate Valve 12 In. EA 4 $ 3,607.00 $ 14,428.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 3,000,00'$ 12,000.00 0034 Butterfly Valve 24 In. EA 6 $ 13,487.00 $ 60,922.00 $ 9,600.00 $ 57,600.00 $ 11,500.00 $ 69,000.00 $ 11,500.00 $ 69,000.00 0035 Butterfly Valve 18 In. EA 3 $ 9,121.00 $ 27,363.00 $ 8,400.00 $ 25,200.00 $ 6,000.00 $ 24,000.00 $ 7,600.00 $ 22,800.00 0036 Comb.Air Release/Air Vacuum Valve Assembly 1 In. EA 8 $ 3,354.00 $ 26,832.00 $ 6,500.00 $ 52,000.00 $ 6,000.00 $ 48,000.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 20,000.00 0037 Repair of Unknown Water Service EA 20 $ 553.00 $ 11,060.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 1500.00 $ 30,000.00 $ 360.00 $ 7.200.00 0038 Repair of Unknown Sewer Service EA 20 $ 422.00_$ 8.440.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 20,00080 $ 1,500.00 $ 30,000.00 $ 300.00 $ 6,000.00 0039 Gravel Surface Restoration IF 630 $ 10.00 $ 6.300.00 $ 16.00 $ 10,080.00 $ 8.00 $ 5,040.00 $ 10.00 $ 6,300.00 0040 Grass Restoration LF 320 $ 42.00 $ 13,440.00 $ 14.00 5 4,480.00 $ 30.00 $ 9,600.00 $ 11.00 $ 3,520.00 Subtotal $ 3.952,043.00 $ 4,052,070.00 $ 4,058,540.00 $ 4,331,290.00 Tax at 8.856 $ 347,779.76 $ 356,53216 $ 357,151.52 $ 381,153.52 Base Bid Total $ 4,299,822.78 $ 4,408,652.16 $ 4,415.691.52 $ 4,712,443.52 Welch-Corner Engineers 20190218 51042 WA BldSch-Tab Bid Tab 3 BIG SKY S&L UNDERGROUND NA DEGERSTROM EARTHWORKS NORTHWEST Pay Item Description Pay Unit Estimated Unit Price Total Amount Unit Price Total Amount Unit Price Total Amount Unit Price Total Amount Quantity Add Alternate No.I 0041 MOBILIZATION LS 1 $ 37,275.00 $ 37,275.00 $ 30.000,00 $ 30,000.00 $ 34,500.00 $ 34,500.00 $ 81,680.00 $ 81,680.00 0042 PAVEMENT REPAIR EXCAVATION INCL HAUL CY 742 $ 7.00 $ 5,194.00 $ 32.00 $ 23,744.00 $ 40.00 $ 29,680.00 $ 38.00 $ 28,196.00 CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE SHOULDER 0043 FILL,2IN.DEPTH SY 91 $ 50.00 $ 4.550.00 $ 12.00 $ 1,092.00 $ 14.00 $ 1,274.00 $ 18.00 $ 1,458.00 0044 CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE,61N.DEPTH SY 2731 $ 8.00 $ 21,648.00 $ 12.00 $ 32,772.00 $ 10.50 $ 28,675.50 $ 15.00 $ 40,965.00 0045 PLANING BITUMINOUS SURFACING SY 2002 $ 7.00 $ 14,014.00 $ 6.00 $ 12,012.00 $ 7.65 $ 15,315.30 $ 13.00 $ 26,026.00 0046 HMA CL 3(8 IN.PG 64H-28,1.5 IN.DEPTH SY 2450 $ 15.00 $ 36,750.00 $ 16.00 $ 39,200.00 $ 10.00 $ 24,500.00 $ 11.00 $ 26,950.00 HMA FOR PAVEMENT REPAIR CL 3/81N.PG 64H- 0047 26,41N.DEPTH SY 2135 $ 42.00 $ 89,670.00 $ 29.00 $ 61,915.00 $ 31.50 $ 67,252.50 $ 34.00 $ 72,590.00 0048 HMA CL 3/6 IN.PG 64S-28,1.51N.DEPTH SY 1982 $ 18.00 $ 35,676.00 $ 16.00 $ 31,712.00 $ 11.50 $ 22,793.00 $ 13.00 $ 25,768.00 HMA FOR PAVEMENT REPAIR CL 3/8 IN.PG 645- 0049 28,3 IN.DEPTH SY 596 $ 45.00 $ 26,820.00 $ _60.00 $ 35,760.00 $ 27.50 $ 16,390.00 $ 30.00 $ 17,880.00 0050 JOB MIX COMPLIANCE PRICE ADJUSTMENT CALC. 1 $ (1.00) $ (1.00) $ (1.00) $ (1.00) $ (1.00) $ (1.00) $ (1.00) $ (1.00) 0051 COMPACTION PRICE ADJUSTMENT CALC. 1 $ (1,00) $ (1.00) $ (1.00) $ (1.00} $ (1.00) $ (1.00) $ (1.00) $ (1.00) 0052 PLASTIC LINE-TYPE Cl LF 5066 $ 5.00 $ 25,330.00 $ 2.50 $ 12,665.00 $ 3.00 $ 15,198.00 $ 3.50 $ 17,731.00 0053 PLASTIC CROSSWALK UNE SF 112 $ 17.00 $ 1,904.00 $ 16.00 $ 1.792,00 $ 10.25 $ 1,148.00 $ 11.00 $ 1,232.00 0054 PLASTIC TRAFFIC STOP LINE LF 60 $ 35.00 $ 2,100.00 $ 22.00 $ 1,320.00 $ 13.50 $ 810,00 $ 14.00 $ 840.00 0055 PORTABLE CHANGEABLE MESSAGE SIGN HR 1200 $ 7.00 $ 8,400.00 $ 4.00 $ 4,800.00 $ _ 9.00 $ 10,800.00 $ 4,00 $ 4,800.00 0056 PROJECT TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL LS 1 $ 23,380.00 $ 23,380.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 30,000.00 $ 30,000.00 $ 26,000.00 $ 26,000.00 0057 SITE CONTROL LS 1 $ 5,568.00 $ 5,568.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 2,525.00 $ 2,525.00 $ 28,000.00 $ 28,000.00 0058 SPCC PLAN LS 1 $ 2,672.00_$ 2,672.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 560.00 $ 550.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 0059 ADJUST EXISTING CATCH BASIN OR DRYWELL EACH 13 $ 689.00 $ 8,957,00 $ 500.00 $ 6,500,00 $ 600.00 $ 7,800.00 $ 300.00 $ 3,900.00 0060 ADJUST EXISTING MANHOLE EACH 13 $ 689.00 $ 8,957.00 $ 500.00 $ 6,500.00 $ 600.00 $ 7,800.00 $ 300.00 $ 3,900.00 0061 ADJUSTEXIST1NG WATER VALVE EACH 19 $ 689.00 $ 13,091.00 $ 500.00 $ 9,500.00 $ 355.00 $ 6,745.00 $ 100.00 $ 1,900.00 0062 DUCTILE IRON STORM SEWER PIPE,10 IN.DAM. LF 60 $ 47.00 $ 2,820.00 $ 140.00 $ 8,400.00 $ 60.00 $ 3,600.00 $ 110.00 $ 6,600.00 0063 CONNECTION TO EXISTING DRYWELL EACH 1 $ 1,718.00 $ 1,718.00 $ 1,200.00 $ 1,200.00 $ 850.00 $ 850.00 $ 200.00 $ 200.00 0064 CATCH BASIN TYPE I EACH 1 $ 1,646.00 $ 1,646.00 $_ 3,800.00 $ 3,800.00 $ 1,250.00 $ 1,250.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 0065 ',CONCRETE INLET TYPE - EACH 1 $ 1,668.00 $ 1,668.00 $ 3,800.00 $ 3,800.00 $ 1,050.00 $ 1,050.00 $ 1,600.00 $ 1,600.00 0066 CURB INLET,TYPE I EACH 1 $ 2,764.00 $ 2,764.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 800.00 $ 800.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 0067 SPILL CONTROL SEPARATOR EACH 1 $ 603,00 $ 603.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 10,040.00 $ 550.00 $ 550.00 $ 250.00 $ 250.00 0068 DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE S.F. 36 $ 149.00 $ 5,364.00 $ 85.00 $ 3,060.00 $ 80.50 $ 2,898.00 $ 40.00 $ 1,440.00 0069 MINOR CHANGE CALC. 1 $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 Add Alternate No.1 Total $ 398,737.00 $ 380,742.00 $ 344,752.30 $ 434,900.00 BASIS OF BID AWARD: Base Bid $ 4,299,822.78 $ 4,408,652.16 $ 4,415,691.52 $ 4,712,443.52 Base Bid plus Add Alternate No.1 $ 4.898.559,78 $ 4,789,394.16 $ 4,760,443.82 $ 5,147,343.52 I I 1 MATH ERRORS MATH ERRORS MATH ERRORS Welch-Comer Engineers 20190216 51042 WA BldSch-Tab Bid Tab 4 SPOKANE COUNTY WATER DISTRICT NO. 3 WSA 1-2 INTERTIE PROJECT RE-BID BID SUMMARY* Bid Opening: March 7, 2019 @ 2:00 p.m. CONTRACTOR BASE BID ADD ALTERNATE NO.1 HALME CONSTRUCTION $ 3,927,107.44 $ 262,376.88 L&L GARGLE $ 4,019,601.86 $ 334,109.40 RED DIAMOND $ 4,064,546.05 $ 347,602.50 BIG SKY $ 4,299,822.78 $ 398,737.00 S&L UNDERGROUND $ 4,408,652.16 $ 380,742.00 N.A.DEGERSTROM $ 4,415,691.52 $ 344,752.30 EARTHWORKS NORTHWEST $ 4,712,443.52 $ 434,900.00 *PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS FOR INFORMATION USE ONLY.THE OWNER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REJECT ANY AND ALL BIDS PURSUANT TO SECTION 19.2 OF THE INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS OF THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. Welch-Comer Engineers 20/90218 51042 WA BidSch-Tab Bid Summary 1 BID REVIEW CHECKLIST PRIOR TO RECOMMENDATION OWNER: SPOKANE COUNTY WATER DISTRICT NO.3 PROJECT: WSA 1-2 INTERTIE PROJECT REBID Open Date: March 7,2019 a 200 p.m. Bid Review Performed By:Una Turner CONTRACTOR HALME CONSTRUCTION L&L CARGILE RED DIAMOND BIG SKY GEL UNDERGROUND N.A.DEGERSTRDM EARTHWORKS NORTHWEST BIO AMOUNT(Beale of Bid Award, $ 3,927,107.44 $ 4,019,601.86 $ 4,064,546.C5 $ 4299,822.78 S 4,408,652.16 $ 4.415.561.52 $ 4.712,443.52 WA STATE CONTRACTORS UCENSE NO. HALMECIO61R7 LLCARI'972OK REDDIC105K4 BIGSKSI822NF SLUNDI.981CF DEGERNA375NO EARTHWNW910LB License Confirmed wile the La I Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes BID PACKAGE Are all forms filled out completely end correctly? ALLAODG4DAACKNOWLEDGED? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes BID PROPOSAL Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes PROPOSAL SIGNATURE PAGE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes WASHINGtON BID BOND Yes Yes Yes Yee Yes Yes Yes Surety CompmryCunsmme et www.lms.treee.sou/c57C41ress.htmi? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes SUBCONTRACTORS UST Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes CERTIFICATION OF COMPUANCE WITH WAGE PAYMENT STATUES Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes v ATTACHMENTS:CERTIFICATION OF RONSEGRA.TED FACILITIES (OWSRF REQUIREMENT) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes COMPLETE Bi000ER'S UST Incomplele/Ooes not meet funding )DWSRF REQUIREMENT) Yes Yes requirements Yes Yes._ Yes Yes Ust other requirements: , On Stele Debarred List?_ No No No No No No No Dn EPLS System? No Yes No Yes Yes Yes No 201547Te steal WA BIdSsh-Tele Welch,Comer&Associates,Inc. 3/8/2019 SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING ��!! Tuesday, March 12, 2019 6:00 p.m. Regular Meeting GENERAL CITIZEN COMMENTS SIGN-IN SHEET YOUR SPEAKING TIME WILL GENERALLY BE LIMITED TO THREE MINUTES This sign-in sheet is for making comments not associated with an action item on tonight's agenda. If you wish to comment about an individual action item on tonight's agenda (such a a otion to approve an ordinance, resolution, or contract) the Mayor will ask for comme s on ose items once that item is reached on the agenda. Please sign in if you wish to make public comments. NAME TOPIC OF CONCERN YOU YOUR CITY OF ' ., IDENCE PLEASE PRINT WILL SPEAK ABOUT Tr4 >`I Kt a 1361/ Aepo r r /la i ve. ,fq&JO S Loom rfet1 e,ng� (/ Please nose that once information is entered on this form, it becomes a public record subject to public disclosure.