2000, 05-05 Developer Agreement Alternate Off Street ParkingPat Harper Spokane County Engineers Office Spokane, Washington Re: Developer Agreement Alternate Off Street Parking Pat, RECEIVED MAY 0 5 2000 SPOKANE COUNTY ENGINEER As owner of Painted Hills Golf Course, I am willing and able to sign an agreement with Spokane County committing to replacing the proposed parlcing layout at my own expense if Spokane County should widen or need the use of the 12+/- feet of right of way presently incorporated within the parking area. The alternate location would be immediately north of the presently proposed parking area, shifting the presently proposed parking 12+/- feet north. We will change the location of the starter shack to allow for this expansion. The purpose for the presently proposed parking plan is to minimize the amount of impermeable area within the flood plain. This layout reduces the impact on the flood plain by more than 4000 square feet since no approach and turn around area is required. This design plan is exactly similar to the angle parking, for instance, of the county park at 8th and Park Road. The traffic load is clearly triple (if not more) on Park Road where an unpaved parking strip is located. Also, a parking strip area was developed by Spokane County on 7th Avenue at the same location. I have been and am still trying to be a responsible developer meeting the requirements of not only today, but also trying to anticipate the needs of the future. That is one reason why I have volunteered the grassy weir overflow to be constructed at the east end of the proposed "208" drainage swale. It is not a requirement, but it is something that is clearly needed to help reduce the impact on periodic flooding within the Thorpe Road drainage area. Please prepare and expedite the necessary documents to complete this agreement. M ch. e 14377 r:v1(_-_6,,_)e ci a de_d ( L E.r til, r 1(,(-K.01/ Y3 268,