2008, 06 Technical Support Data Notebook Chester Creek Flood Insurance Restudy Draft ReportL'Ut S` eo /-t - ou_k_boo k. pa,(+ 1 of) 2 . d o c_ Federal Emergency Management Agency Region X Technical Support Data Notebook For Chester Creek City of Spokane Valley and Unincorporated Spokane County, Washington Flood Insurance Restudy DRAFT REPORT DRAFT JUNE 2008 WEST CO N S U L T A NTS, INC. Prepared by WEST Consultants, Inc. under contract EMS -2001-00-0068 Table of Contents SECTION 1 - GENERAL DOCUMENTATION 2 Special Problems Reports 2 General Correspondence 10 SECTION 2 - ENGINEERING ANALYSES 11 Hydrologic Analysis 11 General 11 Hydraulic Analyses 16 General 16 Boundary Conditions, Sensitivity Analyses, and Calibration Data 23 Profile Plots 23 Levees 23 Floodway Analyses 24 RAS Models 24 Water Surface Elevation Profiles 25 References 32 Key to Cross -Section Labeling Error! Bookmark not defined. Hydraulic Model Files Index Error! Bookmark not defined. SECTION 3 - DRAFT FIS REPORT TEXT ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Water Surface Profiles Index Error! Bookmark not defined. Floodway Tables Error! Bookmark not defined. MAPPING INFORMATION ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Work maps Error! Bookmark not defined. Elevation Reference Marks Error! Bookmark not defined. SECTION 4 - MISCELLANEOUS REFERENCE MATERIALS ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. WEST CO NS U I T A NT S. INC. Prepared by WEST Consultants, Inc. under contract EMS -2001 -CO -0068 SECTION 5- CERTIFICATION ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. List of Figures Figure 1. Study area location 17 Figure 2. Location of model reaches 21 Figure 3. Location of storage areas. 22 List of Tables Table 1. Flood Frequency Flows for the Chester Creek and Unnamed Tributary 14 Table 2. Storage area water surface elevation magnitude frequency estimates. 15 Table 3. Comparison between effective and proposed hydrology. 15 Table 4. Water surface elevations for the 10, 50, 100, and 500 -year events 25 Table 5. Floodway table. Error! Bookmark not defined. Chester Creek Flood Insurance Study DRAFT Spokane County, Washington Introduction This Technical Support Data Notebook (TSDN) was prepared by the Study Contractor (SC), WEST Consultants, Inc. (WEST), in concordance with the submittal requirements for a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Flood Insurance Study (FIS). The TSDN specifications are detailed in the Guidelines and Specifications for Flood Hazard Mapping Partners, Federal Emergency Management Agency, February 2002. Study Contractor: WEST Consultants, Inc. Page 1 Chester Creek Flood Insurance Study DRAFT Spokane County, Washington General Documentation Special Problems Reports Study Contractor: WEST Consultants, Inc. Special Problems Report Index Chester Creek — Spokane County, Washington FLOOD INSURANCE STUDY Contact SPR# Report Date Name, Firm/Agency Subject 1 Jul. 03, 2003 WEST Consultants Additional Hydrologic Analysis 2 Sep. 24, 2003 WEST Consultants Schedule Revision 3 Aug. 18, 2004 WEST Consultants Additional Hydrologic Analysis 4 Mar. 25, 2005 WEST Consultants Schedule Revision 5 Mar. 22, 2007 WEST Consultants Modify Hydrologic and Hydraulic Modeling Study Contractor:• WEST Consultants, Inc. Page 2 Chester Creek Flood Insurance Study DRAFT Spokane County, Washington SPR #1 SPECIAL PROBLEM REPORT FLOOD INSURANCE STUDIES Date: 30 -Jul -03 Contract Number: EMS -2001 -CO -0068 Name of Community: Spokane County, WA Study Contractor: WEST Consultants, Inc. PROBLEM AREA TECHNICAL COORDINATION UNRESOLVED DISCREPANCIES UNREALISTIC SCHEDULE OTHER X DETAILED EXPLANATION Additional Hydrologic Analysis for Determining Flood Frequency Analysis Values: Under the original scope, an existing HSPF model of the Chester Creek basin was assumed to adequately represent current watershed conditions except for an existing borrow pit. Review of the existing model revealed numerous problems and errors in the input file. These included erroneous IMPLND, PERLND, and FTABLE values. Consequently, the existing model is not accurately calculating runoff to the stream channel due to the IMPLND and PERLND errors, or correctly routing flow through the stream channel network due to FTABLE stage -storage -discharge relationship errors. As a result of these errors, the results of the existing model should not be used. PROPOSED SOLUTION To correct the noted deficiencies, the following work is required: infiltration will be added to the lower basin stream reaches underlain by glacial outwash, routing tables will be revised based on recent topographic survey data, climatic time series developed for recent watershed studies in the Spokane area will be incorporated, runoff parameters developed as part of other recent watershed hydrology studies in north Spokane will be incorporated and revisions to land use designations will be made to reflect current watershed conditions. The revised hydrologic model will be calibrated using available streamflow data and anecdotal information. Following calibration, a long simulation will be performed usig climatic timeseries information from the Spokane airport. This will provide a 49 -year flow timeseries that will be used to compute floo magnitude frequency estimates for the study area. The sensitivity of flood magnitude -frequency estimates to assumed infiltration rates in the lower reach will be examined. Coordination between WEST and Spokane County will conducted to review hydrologic modeling results. Estimated cost: $13, 582.12 (see detailed cost sheet) Study Contractor: WEST Consultants, Inc. Page 3 Chester Creek Flood Insurance Study DRAFT Spokane County, Washington SPR #2 SPECIAL PROBLEM REPORT FLOOD INSURANCE STUDIES Date: 24 -Sep -03 Contract Number: EMS -2001 -CO -0068 Name of Community: Spokane County, WA Study Contractor: WEST Consultants, Inc. PROBLEM AREA TECHNICAL COORDINATION UNRESOLVED DISCREPANCIES UNREALISTIC SCHEDULE OTHER X DETAILED EXPLANATION Unrealistic Schedule: Under the original project schedule, all work was to be completed by September 30, 2003. Additional hydrologic analysis was required to complete the project that was not anticipated in the original scope of work. PROPOSED SOLUTION To allow time for completion of hydrologic and hydraulic analyses, preparation of draft work maps, and review by involved parties it is recommended that the completion date for the project be extended by six months until 1 April 2004. Estimated cost: No cost modification to contract. Study Contractor: WEST Consultants, Inc. Page 4 Chester Creek Flood Insurance Study DRAFT Spokane County, Washington SPR #3 SPECIAL PROBLEM REPORT FLOOD INSURANCE STUDIES Date: 18-Auq-04 Contract Number: EMS -2001-00-0068 Name of Community: Spokane County, WA Study Contractor: WEST Consultants, Inc. PROBLEM AREA TECHNICAL COORDINATION UNRESOLVED DISCREPANCIES UNREALISTIC SCHEDULE OTHER X DETAILED EXPLANATION As a result of review comments received from Michael Baker Jr., Inc. (MB) on the draft Hydrology Summary Report, various modifications to the developed HSPF model were recommended. The modifications included reduced estimates of infiltration for consistency with regional gage records. Modification of infiltration rates will require revision of stage -storage relationships for storage areas located downstream of the existing detention facility along Chester Creek. Additional HEC -RAS modeling and HSPF modeling will be required to finalize the hydrology estimates. PROPOSED SOLUTION Additional HEC -RAS modeling will be conducted to define stage/discharge relations for locations downstream of the existing detention facility along Chester Creek. Addtional HSPF modeling will be conducted to incorporate the results of the new stage/discharge relations. Infiltration values used in the HSPF model will be adjusted to be consistent with gage records for similar regional basins. The HSPF model adjusted by Michael Baker Jr. as part of the review process will be reviewed for quality assurance. Results of the hydrologic analysis will be summarized in a revised Hydrology Summary report and resubmitted to Michael Baker Jr. for approval. Estimated cost: $15,405.92 (see detailed cost sheet) Study Contractor: WEST Consultants, Inc. Page 5 Chester Creek Flood Insurance Study DRAFT Spokane County, Washington SPR #4 Study Contractor: WEST Consultants, Inc. Page 6 SPECIAL PROBLEM FLOOD INSURANCE Date: REPORT STUDIES March 25, 2005 Contract Number: EMS -2001 -CO -0068 Name of Community: Chester Creek, Spokane County, WA Study Contractor: WEST Consultants, Inc. TECHNICAL UNRESOLVED DISCREPANCIES UNREALISTIC OTHER PROBLEM AREA COORDINATION r -i SCHEDULE n X DETAILED EXPLANATION Funding to cover an SPR to complete the hydrology is expected to the study contractor by the end of March 2005. PROPOSED SOLUTION The date for delivery for Activity 4 - Hydrology Analyses should be postponed to May 31, 2005 to allow sufficient time for finalizing the Hydrology Analysis. Subsequent deliverable deadlines should be equally extended. REVISED SCHEDULE REMAINING ACTIVITY RESPONSIBLE MAPPING PARTNER(S) DUE DATE Activity 4 — Hydrologic Analyses FEMA (SC) 5/31/2005 Activity 5— Independent QA/QC Review of Hydrologic Analyses FEMA (NSP) 6/30/2005 Activity 6 —Hydraulic Analyses FEMA (SC) 5/31/2005 Activity 7 — Independent QA/QC Review of Hydraulic Analyses FEMA (NSP) 6/30/2005 Activity 8 — Floodplain Mapping (Detailed Riverine Analysis) FEMA (SC) 8/31/2005 Activity 9 — Independent QA/QC Review of Floodplain Mapping (Revised Areas) FEMA (NSP) 9/30/2005 Activity 11 — DFIRM Production (Non -Revised Areas) FEMA (NSP) 10/31/2005 Activity 12 — DFIRM Production (Merging Revised and Non -Revised Information) FEMA (NSP) 10/31/2005 Activity 12A — DFIRM Production (Application of DFIRM Graphics and Database Specifications FEMA (NSP) 10/31/2005 Activity 13 — Preliminary DFIRM and FIS Report Distribution FEMA (NSP) 11/30/2005 Activity 14 — Post -Preliminary Processing FEMA (SC), and FEMA (NSP) 11/30/2006 Study Contractor: WEST Consultants, Inc. Page 6 Chester Creek Flood Insurance Study DRAFT Spokane County, Washington SPR #5 SPECIAL PROBLEM REPORT FLOOD INSURANCE STUDIES Date: 22 -Mar -07 Contract Number: EMS -2001 -CO -0068 Name of Community: Spokane County, WA Study Contractor: WEST Consultants, Inc. PROBLEM AREA TECHNICAL COORDINATION UNRESOLVED DISCREPANCIES UNREALISTIC SCHEDULE OTHER X DETAILED EXPLANATION Modify Hydrologic and Hydraulic Modeling: The City of Spokane Valley has submitted data during the 90 -day appeal period regarding several dry wells located in the downstream portion of the study area. They would like to investigate the impact of the dry wells on the proposed floodplain. PROPOSED SOLUTION To investigate the impact of the dry wells, the following work is required: The HSPF model will be revised to include the dry wells and Sub basin 2 (located to the east of Dishman Mica Rd.). Additionally, the downstream portion of the study area will be modeled in HSPF as a series reaches and storage areas formed from east -west road crossings. Appropriate revisions to the hydrologic report will be made and the results submitted to FEMA for review. The hydraulic model will be modified to incorporate these changes and the newly revised discharges from HSPF. SFHAs will be redelineated in the downstream portion of Chester Creek based on the revised modeling. Appropriate changes will be made to the Floodway Tables, Flood Profiles and the TSDN. Workmaps will be created and submitted to FEMA for review. Study Contractor: WEST Consultants, Inc. Page 7 Chester Creek Flood Insurance Study DRAFT Spokane County, Washington Contact Reports (Telephone Conversations and E-mails) Study Contractor: WEST Consultants, Inc. Contact (Telephone Conversation) Reports Index Chester Creek — Spokane County, Washington FLOOD INSURANCE STUDY Contact CR# Report Date Name, Firm/Agency Subject 1 12/02/03 WEST Consultants, Inc. Levee certification 2 11/17/03 Steve Worley, City of Spokane Valley Flooding photo dates 3 02/11/04 Wilbert Thomas, Michael Baker Corporation Hydrology Draft Review 4 02/19/04 Wilbert Thomas, Michael Baker Corporation Flooding Video 5 03/05/04 WEST Consultants, Inc. Hydrology Draft 6 03/08/04 Wilbert Thomas, Michael Baker Corporation Flooding Video 7 05/18/04 Larry Johnson, NRCS Hydrology Draft Review 8 06/07/04 Wilbert Thomas, Michael Baker Corporation Hydrology Draft Review 9 06/29/04 Wilbert Thomas, Michael Baker Corporation Hydrology Draft Review 10 06/29/04 Joseph Weber, Department of Homeland Security, FEMA Region 10 Hydrology Draft Review 11 07/14/04 Wilbert Thomas, Michael Baker Corporation Hydrology Draft Review 12 11/23/04 Wilbert Thomas, Michael Baker Corporation Hydrology Draft Review 13 01/07/05 Wilbert Thomas, Michael Baker Corporation Hydrology Draft Review Approval 14 7/15/05 Joseph Weber, Department of Homeland Security, FEMA Region 10 Floodplain Mapping Zone Designation 15 11/21/05 Gaston Cabanilla, Michael Baker Corporation Hydraulics Draft Review Study Contractor: WEST Consultants, Inc. Page 8 Chester Creek Flood Insurance Study Spokane County, Washington DRAFT 16 11/23/05 Gaston Cabanilla, Michael Hydraulics Draft Review Approval Baker Corporation Copies of the Contact Reports are provided at the end of this document. Study Contractor: WEST Consultants, Inc. Page 9 Chester Creek Flood Insurance Study DRAFT Spokane County, Washington General Correspondence The purpose of this section is to provide FEMA with a comprehensive chronology of written correspondence generated or received by the Contractor during the preparation of the FIS. Study Contractor: WEST Consultants, Inc. General Correspondence Index Chester Creek — Spokane County, Washington INSURANCE STUDY GC# Meetings/Report Corresponding Topic Date Firm/Agency 1 12/05/03 WEST Consultants, Inc. Hydrology/Hydraulics Discussion 2 03/10/04 Thomas Jackson, Michael Baker Corporation Hydrology Draft Review 3 03/24/04 Mark Mastin, USGS Hydrology Draft Review 4 05/25/04 Wilbert Thomas, Michael Baker Corporation Hydrology Draft Review 5 06/29/04 Wilbert Thomas, Michael Baker Corporation Hydrology Draft Review 6 11/05/04 WEST Consultants, Inc. Hydrology/Hydraulics Discussion 7 10/13/05 Gaston Cabanilla, Michael Baker Corporation Hydraulics Draft Review 8 11/04/05 WEST Consultants, Inc. Hydraulics Draft Review Copies of the General Correspondence are provided at the end of this document. Study Contractor: WEST Consultants, Inc. Page 10 Chester Creek Flood Insurance Study DRAFT Spokane County, Washington Engineering Analyses Hydrologic Analysis General A detailed hydrologic analysis of Chester Creek in Spokane County and the City of Spokane Valley, Washington was conducted. The objective of the analysis was to establish flood magnitude -frequency estimates for use in a Flood Insurance Restudy of the watercourse. The analysis was conducted using the Hydrological Simulation Program Fortran (HSPF; EPA, 1997). The hydrology of Chester Creek was previously analyzed using HSPF by HYDMET (1997) for watershed planning purposes (CH2M Hill, 1997). The model developed for that analysis was refined for use in the current study. The refinements included incorporating more detailed channel survey information, updating the land use to reflect current conditions, including the effects of infiltration from the stream channel and six storage areas identified in the lower reaches of the basin, extending the simulation through year 2002 for a total simulation period of 54 -years, and recalibrating the model to recorded stream flow and regional information from adjacent basins. Frequency analyses were performed using the 54 years of simulated stream flow information and are presented in this report for each subbasin. An HSPF model of Chester Creek calibrated to historical anecdotal evidence was submitted as a draft report for review to Michael Baker Jr., Inc. in February 2004 (WEST, 2004). That review concluded that the infiltration rates used were consistent with optimal infiltration conditions but did not consider reduced infiltration resulting from frozen soil conditions or sealing of pond and ditch bottoms by fine sediment over time. Based on an analysis of regional gage data, Michael Baker Jr., Inc. recommended that the HSPF model be revised to reflect infiltration rates that are 33 percent of the "optimum" values previously considered (MBJr., 2004). During the 90 day appeal period the City of Spokane Valley filed an appeal based on several dry wells located in the downstream portion of the study area. Additional funding was provided (SPR #5) to modify the HSPF model to determine the impacts of the dry wells as well as changing the downstream reach to model the areas immediately upstream of 2nd Ave., 8th Ave. 16th Ave. and 24th Ave. as storage areas. The modifications to the HSPF model were approved the discharge estimates listed in the report reflect the dry well and storage modifications. Additional details on Study Contractor: WEST Consultants, Inc. Page 11 Chester Creek Flood Insurance Study DRAFT Spokane County, Washington the dry well analyses can be found in the technical memo "Chester Creek Flood Insurance Study Hydrology Re-evaluation" dated March 12, 2008 (WEST, 2008). The key findings of the hydrologic analysis include: • Simulated and recorded discharges compare well with the limited data available for the Dishman-Mica Road gage location. • The discharge along the mainstem of Chester Creek reaches a maximum in the central portion of the watershed at the outlet of Subbasin 9 near Thorpe Road. A 100 -year return period flood discharge of 211 cfs was predicted at that location. Floods equal to or greater than a 10 -year return period event overflow into the Painted Hills Golf Course across Thorpe Road. Floodwaters entering the golf course were determined to infiltrate and not return to Chester Creek. Downstream of Thorpe Road, the remaining flow in Chester Creek infiltrates into glacial outwash and the discharge decreases with distance downstream. • Chester Creek enters a borrow pit (Storage Area 2) constructed in 1998 as part of road improvements to Dishman-Mica Road. Stream flow entering the borrow pit infiltrates and discharge to downstream reaches has not occurred since the borrow pit was constructed. Hydrologic simulations showed some discharge occurring from this storage area for all simulated flood events starting at the 2 -year recurrence interval. During flood events water will overflow from the borrow pit and result in discharge to the downstream channel. • The 100 -year return period discharge rate at 24th Avenue (Cross Section K) downstream of the borrow pit was estimated at approximately 55 cfs with a discharge of 4 cfs at 2nd Avenue indicating only shallow sheet flow at the downstream extent of the study area. • Uncertainty is associated with the developed hydrologic estimates due to the lack of long- term records of precipitation and flow measurements specific to the Chester Creek watershed. The HSPF results were calibrated to a limited record of stream flow data and regional basin data and downstream flooding conditions based on assumed soil infiltration rates. It should be recognized that the long-term infiltration characteristics of the soil can change due to sedimentation along the channel, vegetation, and land use changes. • There are significant differences between the magnitude of hydrologic estimates defined by prior investigations and those developed by the current study. These differences have significant implications for water surface elevations and the extent of the floodplain. The major differences between the prior and current studies are related to assumptions regarding land use conditions and soil infiltration characteristics. It is evident that these assumptions have a significant effect on the resulting hydrologic estimates. Recommendations of the study to address the potential uncertainty in the hydrologic estimates include the following: Study Contractor: WEST Consultants, Inc. Page 12 Chester Creek Flood Insurance Study DRAFT Spokane County, Washington • Watershed changes that would affect soil infiltration characteristics in the lower basin should be monitored. This should include monitoring of land use conditions and sedimentation conditions along channels and within the borrow pit. • Additional precipitation and stream flow measurements should be collected that would allow improvement of model calibration and verification. • Future reanalysis of the hydrologic estimates should be conducted if soil infiltration conditions in the basin change or if an improved record of basin specific precipitation and flow records is developed. Additionally, if land use conditions in the basin change significantly the hydrologic estimates should be updated. • In recognition of the uncertainties involved with the hydrologic analysis of the basin, until a long term record of basin specific precipitation and stream flow data is developed, consideration should be given to defining hydrologic estimates based on future land use conditions that consider the influence of the recently constructed borrow pit. It is recognized that both existing and future land use condition floodplains could be delineated on FEMA FIRM maps. A future land use condition floodplain would be expected to define a conservatively larger estimate of the 100 -year floodplain extent. The final hydrologic discharges for Chester Creek are listed in Table 1. Calculated water surface elevation magnitude frequency estimates for the six storage areas are listed in Table 2. A comparison of the effective flows and the final proposed flows are presented in Table 3. Complete details on the hydrologic analyses (prior to the dry well analysis funded by SPR #5) can be found in the final hydrologic report "Flood Insurance Study Hydrologic Analysis for Chester Creek, Spokane County, Washington" (WEST, 2004). Study Contractor: WEST Consultants, Inc. Page 13 Chester Creek Flood Insurance Study DRAFT Spokane County, Washington Table 1. Flood Frequency Flows for the Chester Creek and Unnamed Tributary. Location 10 -yr 50 -yr 100 -yr 500 -yr 38025 — Chester Creek 58 89 101 131 26315 — Chester Creek 87 135 155 201 23887 — Chester Creek 75 104 116 144 21515 — Chester Creek 118 139 147 167 24430 — Golf Course 30 54 64 88 20492 — Chester Creek 115 138 148 170 18180 — Chester Creek 113 137 147 169 Storage Area 2 Outlet 60 100 117 155 14412 — West of Borrow Pit 14 26 32 44 SA5 Outflow — Chester Creek 30 40 44 53 SA 7 Outflow — Chester Creek (24th Ave) 25 42 49 67 SA 8 Outflow — Chester Creek (16`h Ave) 9 25 32 48 SA 9 Outflow — Chester Creek (8th Ave) 0 0 0 0 7220 - Tributary 7 14 18 28 6553 - Tributary 11 22 28 45 4704 - Tributary 12 24 30 46 472 - Tributary 10 14 16 20 Storage Area 6 Outflow 0 2 4 7 Storage Area 1 Outflow 0 0 0 0 Study Contractor: WEST Consultants, Inc. Page 14 Chester Creek Flood Insurance Study DRAFT Spokane County, Washington Table 2. Storage area water surface elevation magnitude frequency estimates. Location 10 -yr 50 -yr 100 -yr 500 -yr Overflow Elevation (ft) Storage Area 1 2007.19 2007.80 2008.05 2008.64 2009.0 Storage Area 2 2000.81 2001.06 2001.16 2001.78 2000.81 Storage Area 3 1999.99 2000.74 2001.05 2001.78 1999.99 Storage Area 4 2018.30 2019.23 2019.47 2020.03 2025.0 Storage Area 5 1999.99 2000.74 2001.05 2001.78 2001.9 Storage Area 6 2005.00 2009.60 2009.70 2010.00 2009.5 Storage Area 7 1997.14 1997.19 1997.21 1997.26 1996.9 Storage Area 8 1993.54 1993.65 1993.70 1993.78 1993.4 Storage Area 9 1988.54 1990.75 1990.79 1990.86 1992.5 Table 3. Comparison between effective and proposed hydrology. Flooding Sources and Location Drainage Area (Square Miles) Peak Discharges (cfs) 100 -Year Chester Creek Thorpe Rd.* Effective 405 Proposed 12.4 211 Difference (%) -48 Schafer Rd. Effective 644 Proposed 18.4 178 Difference (%) -72 24th Ave. Effective 722 Proposed 22.0 49 Difference (%) -93 * This value includes flow continuing downstream from Thorpe and flow diverted to golf course Study Contractor: WEST Consultants, Inc. Page 15 Chester Creek Flood Insurance Study DRAFT Spokane County, Washington Hydraulic Analyses Study Contractor: WEST Consultants, Inc. Hydraulic Analyses Index Chester Creek — Spokane County, Washington FLOOD INSURANCE STUDY Flooding Source/Stream Hydraulic Method/Model Method/Model Analysis Name Used Date Chester Creek and Unnamed Tributary HEC -RAS Version 3.1.3 June 2008 General WEST Consultants, Inc. developed a steady flow model of Chester Creek and it's Unnamed Tributary using HEC -RAS Version 3.1.3 (HEC, 2005), as part of a Flood Insurance Study for Federal Emergency Management Agency, Region X (FEMA) and modeled the 10, 50, 100 and 500 -year events. Figure 1 shows the study area location. The HEC -RAS models consist of 5 reaches, 6 storage areas and almost 265 cross sections contrasted with the effective study which characterized the system using two reaches with no storage areas. The reaches and storage areas, in approximately downstream to upstream order, are described below and are presented in Figure 2 and Figure 3. Study Contractor: WEST Consultants, Inc. Page 16 Chester Creek Flood Insurance Study DRAFT Spokane County, Washington Figure 1. Study area location. Study Contractor: WEST Consultants, Inc. Page 17 Chester Creek Flood Insurance Study DRAFT Spokane County, Washington Chester Creek, Main Channel - This reach contains the main channel of Chester Creek from S. Sands Road to 8th Ave. in Dishman, a distance of approximately 7 miles. Notably, though the floodplain extends downstream to 8th Ave., no defined channel exists for Chester Creek downstream of the Borrow Pit just south of 28th Ave (Storage Area 2). Downstream of 28th Ave. flood discharges spread across relatively flat fields and pastures and continues downstream to residential and commercial property. Chester Creek, West of Borrow Pit — This reach begins just downstream of Shaffer Rd. Flood discharge in this reach do not originate from the upper reaches of Chester Creek, but rather from sub -basin C4 (See WEST, 2004). Discharge from this basin is prevented from reaching the main channel of Chester Creek by the Railroad Bed running parallel to the Channel and Borrow Pit. Discharge from the basin flows in the left overbank downstream across 28th Ave. until it joins the discharge from the Chester Creek (outflow from Storage Area 5 culvert under RR tracks). Chester Creek, Dredge Channel — This short reach parallels Chester Creek on the east side of the railroad tracks between Bowdish Rd. and Shaffer Rd. It provides additional area for discharge to flow under the railroad through the series of additional culverts installed as part of a flood control plan. Chester Creek, Golf Course Reach — Approximate 2500 feet upstream of Thorpe Road, a flow split occurs due to limited channel capacity. For flood discharges equal to and greater than the 10 -yr event, flow overtops the right channel bank, and flows downstream in the overbank area until it crosses Thorpe Road and enters the Painted Hills Golf Course (Storage Area 1). Unnamed Tributary, Main Channel — This reach extends from the Painted Hills Golf Course upstream for approximately 1.7 miles to a private crossing, roughly 0.5 miles upstream of E. 46th Ave. The channel terminates in a gravel pit ( Storage Area 6) just north of E. 40th Ave and approximately 1500 downstream of the Pines Road crossing. The gravel pit contains flows up to the 25 year event. Small discharges of 2, 4 and 7 cfs overtop the pit for the 50, 100 and 500 yr event, respectively and continue downstream flowing across fields until joining the floodwaters from Chester Creek in the Painted Hills Golf Course (Storage Area 1) where it is expected to pond until it infiltrates. Study Contractor: WEST Consultants, Inc. Page 18 Chester Creek Flood Insurance Study DRAFT Spokane County, Washington Storage Area 1 (SA1) is the Painted Hills Golf Course. It is located near the midpoint of the study area. Available historic photographs dated 1949 and 1950 and anecdotal reports indicate the golf course to be a site of frequent flood storage. Flow escapes the Chester Creek channel approximately 3,000 ft upstream of the golf course due to limited channel capacity, and follows the right overbank until it crosses Thorpe Road and enters the golf course. The flow entering the golf course does not rejoin the main channel due to the topography of the area and a small levee system along the right bank of the main channel. As the golf course has no outlet, the flow is stored until it infiltrates. Storage Area 2 (SA2) is the borrow pit that was constructed in 1998 between Schaffer Road and 28th Avenue as part of improvements to the Dishman-Mica Road. The borrow pit was constructed to retain and infiltrate floodwaters from Chester Creek that pass downstream of Schaffer Road. Since the borrow pit was constructed, no overflows from the borrow pit have been observed. Storage Area 3 (SA3) is located in the Kokomo residential area, just downstream of the borrow pit and to the east of Dishman-Mica Road. Dishman-Mica road was recently raised to help mitigate potential flooding of the Kokomo area (Spokane County, 1997). As part of this construction, an 18" culvert was installed to allow the roadside ditch on the east side of Dishman- Mica road to drain to the borrow pit (Chad Coles, County Roads Division, personal communication, November 19, 2003). When the water surface elevation in the borrow pit exceeds elevation 1999.0 ft, the culvert would allow flow, estimated to be a maximum of approximately 5 cfs for the 100 -year recurrence interval flood event, under Dishman-Mica Road and into the Kokomo residential area where it would pond and infiltrate. Storage Area 4 (SA4) is located in the right overbank area to the east of State Highway 27 along an unnamed tributary to Chester Creek. Water escapes the main channel of this tributary just upstream of Pines Road due to limited channel capacity. Flow in the right overbank is expected to pond in the Storage Area 4 until it infiltrates. Storage Area 5 (SA5) is located just to the west of Dishman Mica Rd. and just north of 28th Avenue, immediately downstream of Storage Area 2. This storage area is bounded by 24th Ave to the north, the railroad track embankment to the west, and Dishman Mica Road to the east. Water Study Contractor: WEST Consultants, Inc. Page 19 Chester Creek Flood Insurance Study DRAFT Spokane County, Washington can pond in this area during larger flood events due to the limited capacity of a culvert through the railroad embankment, the only downstream outlet. Storage Area 6 (SA6) is a large gravel pit which serves as the terminus of the channel of the Unnamed Tributary on Chester Creek. Storage Area 7 (SA7) is the area immediately upstream of 24th Ave. 24th Ave crosses the floodplain obstructing downstream flow until flood waters overtop the road and continue downstream. Storage Area 8 (SA8) is the area immediately upstream of 16th Ave. 16th Ave crosses the floodplain obstructing downstream flow until flood waters overtop the road and continue downstream. Storage Area 9 (SA9) is the area immediately upstream of 8th Ave. 8th Ave crosses the floodplain obstructing downstream flow until flood waters overtop the road and continue downstream. Study Contractor: WEST Consultants, Inc. Page 20 Chester Creek Flood Insurance Study DRAFT Spokane County, Washington Unnamed Tributary Main Channel Without DS levee iv Without US levee Chester Creek A/W. of Borrow Pit A` Golf Course Dredge Channel A/ Main Channel Figure 2. Location of model reaches. Study Contractor: WEST Consultants, Inc. Page 21 Chester Creek Flood Insurance Study DRAFT Spokane County, Washington Storage Area 5 Storage Area 4 N No Defined Channel f\J Unnamed Tributary Ovl Chester Creek Storage Areas 12 Drainage Basin ID 0 2 Miles Figure 3. Location of storage areas. Study Contractor: WEST Consultants, Inc. Page 22 Chester Creek Flood Insurance Study DRAFT Spokane County, Washington We developed cross-section geometry and bridge and culvert structure data for the HEC - RAS models from 2' contours, provided by TerraPoint, and ground surveys conducted by Stratton Surveying and Mapping. LiDAR flights were conducted in March 2003 and the surveys occurred in December 2002 and March 2003. The vertical datum is NAVD 88. We converted the topographic data to RAS format using HEC-GeoRAS. We specified flows in the model based on the previously discussed hydrologic analyses (Table 1). Boundary Conditions, Sensitivity Analyses, and Calibration Data We specified normal depth at the downstream boundary for the main stem of Chester Creek based on the ground slope near the downstream end of the reach. The boundary conditions for the unnamed tributary, golf course overflow, and main stem reach flowing into the borrow pit (dredge channel reach) were assigned fixed water surface elevations determined from the HSPF hydrologic model. Manning's 'n' values were based on field inspections during the cross-section survey and from 1993 aerial orthophotos received from the city of Spokane. No calibration data were identified for this study. We evaluated the HEC -RAS models using CHECK -RAS. Profile Plots We have generated profile plots, using RASPLOT, for all study reaches. The water surface elevations for the area between river stations 10162 (AC) and 13616 (AD) on Chester Creek were determined from HSPF model output (Storage Areas 2, 3 and 5). The downstream extent of the `without levee US of Pines Rd.' plot for the Unnamed Tributary is based on Storage Area 4 (east of Pines Road) output from HSPF. The profile plot ends near the upstream end of the storage area and does not represent the full length of the storage area. Likewise, the water surface elevations at the downstream extent of the main channel of the Unnamed Tributary and the Golf Course reach of Chester Creek are based on Storage Area 1 output (Painted Hills Golf Course) from HSPF. The profile plots do not represent the full length of the storage area. Levees Five levees were identified within the project area and four of these were modeled using both "with" and "without levee" analyses. None of the levees were determined to be FEMA certified. On the Unnamed Tributary a levee exists on the right bank between E 46th and Pines Rd. This levee is highly variable in nature, almost disappearing completely in places. This levee was modeled as a lateral weir in the "with levee" analysis. All flow overtopping the levee flows in the right overbank and ponds in Storage Area 4 until it infiltrates. The channel between E 46th and Pines road is "perched" above the right overbank. For the "without levee" analysis, all flow was assumed to leave the channel and flow in the right overbank to Storage Area 6. A second Study Contractor: WEST Consultants, Inc. Page 23 Chester Creek Flood Insurance Study DRAFT Spokane County, Washington "without levee" analysis was conducted on the tributary just downstream of the Pines Road crossing. Flow leaves the channel and flows along left overbank and continues downstream until merging with outflow from Storage Area 4. Three levees were identified along the main Channel of Chester Creek. The golf course levee is located on the right bank between Thorpe Road and Dishman-Mica Road. It was determined that a "without levee" analysis was not necessary because the water surface elevations in the channel are at or below the base of the levee. The water surface elevations on the golf course side of the levee (Storage Area 1) are also below the base of the levee. A second levee is located just downstream on the right bank between the Dishman-Mica Rd. crossing and Bowdish Rd and a third levee located just downstream of the Bowdish Road crossing on the left bank. Both of these areas were modeled using "with" and "without levee" analysis. Floodway Analyses The Regulatory Floodway is defined as the portion of the river and adjacent land area that must remain unobstructed to ensure that the water surface elevation does not cumulatively increase more than one foot above the base flood elevation (BFE). No existing floodway had been previously defined for Chester Creek. Typically, an encroachment analysis is computed from both the left and right channel banks towards the river channel using an "equal conveyance reduction" method. This approach was utilized where appropriate, however floodway analyses were conducted in multiple areas where no channel exists. Notably, the downstream reach of Chester Creek extends approximately 2 miles beyond the end of the channel in the borrow pit at 28th Ave. Downstream of 28th Ave. flood discharges flows through fields as well as residential and commercial areas. In these areas the floodway was routed along existing surface streets where possible to avoid existing structures. Throughout much of the study area, and particularly in the upstream reaches, the 100 -year water surface is confined within the main channel and therefore typically an energy increase of zero is listed. The Floodway Tables from RAS are shown later in this document. RAS Models A separate RAS model was created for the main stem of Chester Creek and it's unnamed tributary. The RAS project files provided to FEMA are listed in the "Hydraulic Model Files Index". Each of these RAS projects includes a RAS plan for the 10-, 50-, 100-, and 500 -year flows, as well as the encroachment analysis. Study Contractor: WEST Consultants, Inc. Page 24 Chester Creek Flood Insurance Study DRAFT Spokane County, Washington Water Surface Elevation Profiles Table 4 presents the simulated water surface elevations for the 10, 50, 100 and 500 -year events. These results are from both "with" and "without levee" analysis models. The final work maps plot the highest water surface elevations. RASPLOT was used to generate water surface profiles and automatically removes any negative surcharges (E.g., a drop in water surface as the water is "squeezed" passing though a bridge opening). RASPLOT profiles are provided at the end of this document. Table 4. Water surface elevations for the 10, 50, 100, and 500 -year events. RAS Station Cross Section 10 -Year 50 -Year 100 -Year 500 -Year WSELEV (ft) (NAVD) WSELEV (ft) (NAVD) WSELEV (ft) (NAVD) WSELEV (ft) (NAVD) Chester Creek - Main Channel 4201.7 A 1988.78 1990.75 1990.79 1990.86 4787.8 B 1990.13 1990.79 1990.84 1990.96 5319.4 C 1990.47 1990.92 1991.02 1991.21 5836.2 D 1990.87 1991.35 1991.5 1991.76 6348.0 E 1991.27 1991.72 1991.87 1992.15 6738.0 1991.82 1992.17 1992.28 1992.52 6788.0 F 1993.54 1993.65 1993.7 1993.78 7197.6 G 1993.54 1993.65 1993.7 1993.78 7685.8 H 1993.54 1993.65 1993.7 1993.79 8194.9 1 1993.56 1993.69 1993.75 1993.85 8714.4 J 1994.17 1994.32 1994.37 1994.48 9215.5 K 1995.12 1995.22 1995.26 1995.34 9340.0 1995.55 1995.7 1995.75 1995.86 9395.0 L 1997.14 1997.19 1997.21 1997.26 9676.0 M 1997.14 1997.2 1997.22 1997.28 9916.0 N 1997.16 1997.23 1997.26 1997.34 10162.0 0 1997.36 1997.46 1997.54 1997.66 13616.0 P 2000.81 2001.06 2001.16 2001.78 14037.1 Q 2000.83 2001.09 2001.19 2001.8 14344.1 R 2002.26 2002.35 2002.38 2002.38 14412.7 S 2002.46 2002.55 2002.58 2002.63 14460.8 2002.51 2002.6 2002.63 2002.69 14534.3 T 2003.42 2003.68 2003.78 2004.00 Study Contractor: WEST Consultants, Inc. Page 25 Chester Creek Flood Insurance Study Spokane County, Washington DRAFT 14583.4 U 2003.50 2003.77 2003.87 2004.10 15031.5 V 2003.66 2003.89 2003.99 2004.19 15266.6 W 2003.86 2004.05 2004.13 2004.31 15707.7 X 2004.04 2004.22 2004.30 2004.46 16067.4 Y 2004.29 2004.44 2004.51 2004.64 16140.0 2004.64 2004.66 2004.69 2004.76 16170.0 2005.24 2005.55 2005.68 2005.99 16212.1 Z 2005.25 2005.56 2005.69 2006.00 16684.6 AA 2005.49 2005.75 2005.86 2006.13 17202.3 AB 2005.87 2006.09 2006.19 2006.31 17443.6 AC 2006.15 2006.37 2006.45 2006.44 17655.0 AD 2006.37 2006.60 2006.68 2006.75 18180.1 AE 2006.88 2007.12 2007.21 2007.35 18716.0 AF 2007.41 2007.66 2007.76 2007.94 18755.8 2007.44 2007.69 2007.79 2007.97 18804.3 AG 2007.50 2007.76 2007.86 2008.06 18849.8 AH 2007.57 2007.84 2007.95 2008.16 19395.1 Al 2008.16 2008.46 2008.58 2008.81 19427.6 2008.20 2008.49 2008.61 2008.83 19444.0 AJ 2008.35 2008.65 2008.77 2009.01 19460.2 AK 2008.41 2008.71 2008.84 2009.08 19493.4 AL 2008.44 2008.75 2008.88 2009.13 19887.6 AM 2009.10 2009.37 2009.48 2009.71 20263.2 AN 2009.68 2009.95 2010.05 2010.27 20427.8 2009.92 2010.21 2010.33 2010.57 20492.8 AO 2009.95 2010.23 2010.35 2010.59 20554.7 AP 2009.95 2010.23 2010.35 2010.59 20779.1 AQ 2010.47 2010.73 2010.83 2011.05 20828.3 2010.57 2010.82 2010.91 2011.12 20838.5 2010.57 2010.82 2010.91 2011.12 20868.1 2010.62 2010.87 2010.97 2011.18 20895.9 2010.65 2010.91 2011.00 2011.21 20928.9 2010.68 2010.94 2011.03 2011.24 20967.2 2010.72 2010.97 2011.06 2011.27 20976.0 2010.74 2010.99 2011.08 2011.29 21013.8 AR 2010.82 2011.07 2011.16 2011.37 Study Contractor: WEST Consultants, Inc. Page 26 Chester Creek Flood Insurance Study Spokane County, Washington DRAFT 21231.7 AS 2011.44 2011.68 2011.77 2011.97 21456.4 AT 2011.78 2012.02 2012.11 2012.32 21481.4 2011.78 2012.02 2012.11 2012.32 21515.0 2012.52 2012.77 2012.87 2013.09 21548.4 2012.78 2013.07 2013.18 2013.44 21584.0 2012.78 2013.07 2013.18 2013.44 21607.0 AU 2014.51 2014.62 2014.65 2014.74 21924.1 AV 2014.65 2014.78 2014.82 2014.91 22423.7 AW 2014.69 2014.82 2014.86 2014.96 22972.9 AX 2018.40 2018.47 2018.49 2018.53 23005.8 2018.98 2019.41 2019.45 2019.58 23050.2 AY 2020.14 2020.44 2020.51 2020.62 23090.9 AZ 2020.31 2020.63 2020.69 2020.84 23446.3 BA 2022.68 2022.87 2022.94 2023.08 23887.6 BB 2024.76 2025.10 2025.22 2025.48 24429.2 BC 2027.62 2028.00 2028.11 2028.33 24473.4 2027.82 2028.26 2028.38 2028.60 24501.5 BD 2027.93 2028.47 2028.64 2029.02 24573.9 BE 2027.93 2028.50 2028.69 2029.11 24966.5 BF 2031.33 2031.50 2031.58 2031.67 24998.8 2031.43 2031.60 2031.67 2031.77 25012.2 2031.63 2031.83 2031.84 2031.86 25049.9 BG 2031.80 2032.00 2032.06 2032.18 25292.5 BH 2032.91 2033.23 2033.28 2033.43 25783.0 BI 2035.65 2036.18 2036.23 2035.61 25880.9 2036.49 2036.99 2037.19 2037.67 25941.8 2041.31 2045.18 2045.68 2045.99 25989.6 BJ 2041.33 2045.19 2045.70 2046.00 26225.2 BK 2041.33 2045.19 2045.70 2046.00 26256.3 2041.33 2045.19 2045.70 2046.00 26281.7 2041.62 2045.19 2045.70 2046.00 26315.2 BL 2041.67 2045.19 2045.70 2046.00 26876.3 BM 2044.21 2045.19 2045.70 2046.00 27314.8 BN 2048.56 2048.94 2049.04 2049.38 27360.6 2048.88 2049.24 2049.34 2049.68 27392.3 2053.43 2054.65 2054.69 2054.81 Study Contractor:• WEST Consultants, Inc. Page 27 Chester Creek Flood Insurance Study DRAFT Spokane County, Washington 27409.9 BO 2053.45 2054.66 2054.70 2054.83 27594.4 BP 2053.46 2054.66 2054.71 2054.83 28139.2 BO 2056.29 2056.70 2056.85 2057.10 28173.9 2056.96 2057.44 2057.57 2057.86 28268.5 BR 2057.24 2057.78 2057.95 2058.35 28363.2 BS 2058.95 2059.23 2059.29 2059.47 28441.8 2059.91 2060.26 2060.39 2060.62 28488.5 BT 2061.78 2062.73 2063.07 2063.87 29140.9 BU 2068.94 2069.31 2069.43 2069.71 29681.6 BV 2079.32 2079.64 2079.75 2079.97 30242.2 BW 2088.28 2088.73 2089.01 2089.28 30497.0 2092.77 2093.37 2093.58 2093.99 30506.3 BX 2092.93 2093.55 2093.76 2094.17 30675.0 BY 2095.32 2095.88 2096.03 2096.38 30747.8 2096.68 2097.15 2097.28 2097.58 30797.0 2097.09 2097.71 2097.91 2098.39 30811.8 BZ 2097.09 2097.72 2097.93 2098.44 31471.5 CA 2104.91 2105.00 2105.04 2105.27 31927.4 CB 2111.18 2111.72 2111.88 2112.14 32539.9 CC 2125.85 2126.11 2126.22 2126.61 33402.9 CD 2141.05 2141.48 2141.61 2141.65 34088.5 CE 2150.64 2150.95 2151.06 2151.46 34604.2 CF 2158.70 2159.13 2159.26 2159.33 34625.5 2158.92 2159.35 2159.48 2159.67 34675.9 CG 2159.72 2160.36 2160.58 2161.09 34693.8 CH 2159.84 2160.55 2160.81 2161.40 35297.7 CI 2170.59 2170.69 2170.81 2171.09 35946.6 CJ 2185.85 2186.36 2186.45 2186.66 36421.2 CK 2195.43 2195.61 2195.74 2196.03 36928.8 CL 2206.57 2207.00 2207.12 2207.39 37454.6 CM 2216.32 2216.65 2216.78 2217.15 37835.3 CN 2223.99 2224.39 2224.55 2224.89 37906.5 2226.88 2227.23 2227.34 2227.64 37973.7 CO 2227.95 2228.51 2228.71 2229.19 38025.9 CP 2228.15 2228.73 2228.94 2229.43 Chester Creek - West of Borrow Pit Study Contractor:• WEST Consultants, Inc. Page 28 Chester Creek Flood Insurance Study Spokane County, Washington DRAFT 11069.0 A 2000.26 2000.34 2000.35 2000.36 11616.0 B 2003.61 2003.66 2003.68 2003.71 11721.0 C 2003.66 2003.72 2003.74 2003.79 11942.0 D 2003.66 2003.72 2003.74 2003.79 12473.0 E 2003.66 2003.72 2003.75 2003.80 12974.0 F 2004.07 2004.19 2004.28 2004.55 13067.0 G 2004.35 2004.55 2004.63 2004.77 13166.0 H 2004.37 2004.58 2004.66 2004.81 13229.0 1 2004.40 2004.62 2004.70 2004.84 13317.0 J 2004.42 2004.65 2004.73 2004.87 13396.0 K 2004.42 2004.65 2004.73 2004.87 13616.0 L 2004.42 2004.65 2004.73 2004.87 14037.0 M 2004.42 2004.65 2004.73 2004.87 14344.0 N 2004.42 2004.65 2004.73 2004.87 14412.0 0 2005.90 2006.05 2006.13 2006.30 Chester Creek - Dredge Channel 16212.0 A 2004.68 2004.74 2004.77 2004.83 16684.0 B 2005.16 2005.28 2005.33 2005.41 17202.0 C 2005.19 2005.31 2005.37 2005.46 17443.0 D 2005.19 2005.31 2005.37 2005.46 Chester Creek - Golf Course Overflow 20779.0 A 2007.19 2007.80 2008.05 2007.80 21013.0 B 2007.65 2007.80 2008.05 2007.80 21128.0 C 2008.28 2008.52 2008.53 2008.52 21229.0 D 2008.63 2008.82 2008.86 2008.82 21385.0 E 2008.94 2009.08 2009.12 2009.08 21409.0 2008.98 2009.12 2009.17 2009.12 21431.0 2009.03 2009.18 2009.23 2009.18 21445.0 F 2009.09 2009.26 2009.31 2009.26 21456.0 2013.00 2013.11 2013.13 2013.11 21481.0 2013.10 2013.22 2013.25 2013.22 21515.0 2013.10 2013.22 2013.25 2013.22 21548.0 G 2013.10 2013.22 2013.26 2013.22 21924.0 H 2013.11 2013.23 2013.27 2013.23 22423.0 1 2013.25 2013.44 2013.51 2013.44 22972.0 J 2014.64 2014.76 2014.82 2014.76 23005.0 2015.01 2015.19 2015.25 2015.19 23050.0 K 2015.15 2015.32 2015.38 2015.32 23090.0 L 2015.45 2015.60 2015.65 2015.60 23446.0 M 2017.97 2018.07 2018.10 2018.07 23887.0 N 2022.83 2022.95 2022.99 2022.95 Study Contractor: WEST Consultants, Inc. Page 29 Chester Creek Flood Insurance Study Spokane County, Washington DRAFT Chester Creek - Without Levee DS Bowdish Road 16684.6 AA 2005.5 2005.73 2005.87 2006.1 17202.3 AB 2005.54 2005.77 2005.91 2006.13 17443.6 AC 2005.9 2006.06 2006.15 2006.31 17655.0 AD 2006.16 2006.32 2006.39 2006.52 18180.1 AE 2006.4 2006.58 2006.65 2006.78 18716.0 AF 2006.5 2006.68 2006.74 2006.88 Chester Creek - Without Levee US Bowdish Road 19395.1 Al 2007.77 2008.01 2008.11 2008.3 19427.6 2007.79 2008.03 2008.12 2008.32 19444.0 AJ 2007.8 2008.04 2008.13 2008.32 19460.2 AK 2007.82 2008.05 2008.14 2008.33 19493.4 AO 2007.82 2008.05 2008.14 2008.33 19887.6 AM 2007.83 2008.06 2008.15 2008.34 Unnamed Tributary to Chester Creek -1303.0 Al n/a 2007.80 2008.05 2008.64 -1019.0 B1 n/a 2008.31 2008.36 2008.64 -880.0 C1 n/a 2008.35 2008.42 2008.64 -466.0 D1 n/a 2008.35 2008.42 2008.64 -89.0 E1 n/a 2008.35 2008.42 2008.64 1.0 F 2005.00 2009.60 2009.70 2010.00 149.0 G 2005.00 2009.60 2009.70 2010.00 343.0 H 2005.00 2009.60 2009.70 2010.00 383.0 1 2005.00 2009.60 2009.70 2010.00 472.0 J 2005.00 2009.60 2009.70 2010.00 576.0 K 2009.74 2009.89 2009.95 2010.20 651.0 L 2010.74 2010.85 2010.95 2011.00 918.0 M 2011.17 2011.35 2011.45 2011.57 1472.0 N 2012.38 2012.69 2012.83 2013.11 1510.0 2012.95 2013.16 2013.26 2013.46 1528.0 0 2013.36 2013.97 2014.30 2014.60 1557.0 P 2013.39 2013.98 2014.32 2014.62 1963.0 Q 2019.48 2019.59 2019.66 2019.75 1989.0 2019.85 2020.01 2020.06 2020.14 2080.0 2020.19 2020.48 2020.61 2020.86 2100.0 R 2020.39 2020.70 2020.83 2021.08 2110.0 2020.42 2020.74 2020.88 2021.14 2120.0 S 2020.44 2020.78 2020.91 2021.18 2651.0 T 2022.48 2023.16 2023.40 2023.89 3126.0 U 2025.46 2025.96 2026.19 2026.66 3617.0 V 2030.11 2030.51 2030.67 2031.02 4127.0 W 2034.25 2034.85 2035.09 2035.61 4623.0 X 2036.97 2037.48 2037.69 2038.17 4665.0 2037.96 2038.47 2038.70 2039.25 4704.0 Y 2039.43 2040.38 2041.00 2041.30 4750.0 Z 2039.58 2040.41 2041.03 2041.30 5165.0 AA 2043.28 2043.32 2043.40 2043.49 Study Contractor: WEST Consultants, Inc. Page 30 Chester Creek Flood Insurance Study Spokane County, Washington DRAFT 5676.0 AB 2047.51 2047.98 2048.08 2048.37 6117.0 AC 2051.68 2051.83 2052.07 2052.49 6154.0 2052.27 2052.63 2052.76 2053.16 6239.0 AD 2053.54 2053.93 2054.11 2054.53 6274.0 AE 2055.35 2055.56 2055.65 2055.89 6553.0 AF 2064.09 2064.36 2064.48 2064.75 7086.0 AG 2083.02 2083.35 2083.50 2083.90 7121.0 2084.19 2084.50 2084.63 2084.93 7143.0 AH 2085.20 2085.74 2086.04 2087.67 7169.0 2089.93 2090.31 2090.51 2090.90 7186.0 Al 2090.59 2091.16 2091.45 2092.18 7220.0 AJ 2092.00 2092.26 2092.39 2092.67 Unnamed Tributary Without Levee DS of Pines Road -1303.0 A -1303 2007.19 2007.8 2008.05 -1019.0 B -1019 2008.47 2008.51 2008.52 -880.0 C -880 2008.55 2008.6 2008.63 -466.0 D -466 2008.55 2008.6 2008.63 -89.0 E -89 2008.55 2008.6 2008.63 1.0 F 1 2008.57 2008.6 2008.63 149.0 G 149 2008.62 2008.65 2008.66 343.0 H 343 2008.62 2008.65 2008.66 383.0 I 383 2008.62 2008.65 2008.66 472.0 J 472 2008.62 2008.65 2008.66 576.0 K 576 2008.62 2008.65 2008.66 651.0 L 651 2011.18 2011.2 2011.21 918.0 M 918 2011.22 2011.25 2011.27 1472.0 N 1472 2013.73 2013.76 2013.77 1510.0 1510 2014.06 2014.1 2014.12 1528.0 O 1528 2014.06 2014.1 2014.12 1557.0 p 1557 2014.21 2014.25 2014.27 Unnamed Tributary Without Levee US of Pines Road 1511.0 2018.3 2019.23 2019.47 2020.03 1782.0 2019.13 2019.23 2019.47 2020.03 2120.0 S 2019.75 2019.92 2019.93 2020.12 2651.0 T 2020.72 2020.8 2020.83 2020.92 3126.0 U 2024.16 2024.25 2024.28 2024.36 3617.0 V 2028.76 2028.91 2028.96 2029.05 4127.0 W 2033.31 2033.43 2033.47 2033.57 4623.0 X 2037.16 2037.66 2037.77 2038.02 1 - For the 0 year event there is no flow downstream of Storage Area 6/cross-section F Study Contractor: WEST Consultants, Inc. Page 31 Chester Creek Flood Insurance Study DRAFT Spokane County, Washington References CH2M Hill, Chester Creek Watershed Plan, March 1997. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) (1992). Flood Insurance Study, Spokane County, Washington, Unincorporated Areas, Revised February 15, 1984. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) (2002), Guidelines and Specifications for Flood Hazard Mapping Partners, Federal Emergency Management Agency, February 2002. Humphries, Jack (HYDMET), Chester Creek Hydrologic Study, prepared for Spokane County Department of Public Works, HYDMET, January 22, 1997. Jackson, Tom, Michael Baker Jr., Inc., (MBJr.) Memorandum — Spokane County Hydrology, Chester Creek, June 28, 2004. United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Hydrological Simulation Program - Fortran, Release 11, EPA/600/R-97/030, August 1997. WEST Consultants, Inc. (WEST 2004), Flood Insurance Study Hydrologic Analysis for Chester Creek, Spokane County, Washington, prepared for FEMA Region X, February 11, 2004. WEST Consultants, Inc. (2004). Flood Insurance Study Hydrologic Analysis for Chester Creek, Spokane County, Washington, prepared for FEMA Region X, December 8, 2004. WEST Consultants, Inc. (2008). Technical Memo Report Chester Creek Flood Insurance Study Hydrology Re-evaluation, prepared for FEMA Region X, March 12, 2008. Study Contractor • WEST Consultants, Inc. Page 32 CheSte ct Table 1. Flood Frequency Flows for the Chester Creek and Unnamed Tributary. Location 10 -yr 50 -yr 100 -yr 500 -yr 38025 — Chester Creek 58 89 101 131 26315 — Chester Creek 87 135 155 201 23887 — Chester Creek 75 104 116 144 21515 — Chester Creek 118 139 147 167 24430 — Golf Course 30 54 64 88 20492 — Chester Creek 115 138 148 170 18180 — Chester Creek 113 137 147 169 Storage Area 2 Outlet 60 100 117 155 14412 — West of Borrow Pit 14 26 32 44 SA5 Outflow — Chester Creek 30 40 44 53 SA 7 Outflow — Chester Creek (24th Ave) 25 42 49 67 SA 8 Outflow — Chester Creek (16th Ave) 9 25 32 48 SA 9 Outflow — Chester Creek (8th Ave) 0 0 0 0 7220 - Tributary 7 14 18 28 6553 - Tributary 11 22 28 45 4704 - Tributary 12 24 30 46 472 - Tributary 10 14 16 20 Storage Area 6 Outflow 0 2 4 7 Storage Area 1 Outflow 0 0 0 0 This was extracted from page 14 of the Technical Support Data Notebook for Chester Creek dated June 2008 and prepared by WEST Consultants for FEMA. D:\Chester Creek download from County\Chester BFEs Extracted from TSDN.doc Table 2. Storage area water surface elevation magnitude frequency estimates. Location 50 -yr 100 -yr 500 -yr Overflow Elevation (ft) Storage Area 1 2007.19 2007.80 2008.05 2008.64 2009.0 Storage Area 2 2000.81 2001.06 2001.16 2001.78 2000.81 Storage Area 3 1999.99 2000.74 2001.05 2001.78 1999.99 Storage Area 4 2018.30 2019.23 2019.47 2020.03 2025.0 Storage Area 5 1999.99 2000.74 2001.05 2001.78 2001.9 Storage Area 6 2005.00 2009.60 2009.70 2010.00 2009.5 Storage Area 7 1997.14 1997.19 1997.21 1997.26 1996.9 Storage Area 8 1993.54 1993.65 1993.70 1993.78 1993.4 Storage Area 9 1988.54 1990.75 1990.79 1990.86 1992.5 Table 3. Comparison between effective and proposed hydrology. Flooding Sources and Location Drainage Area (Square Miles) Peak Discharges (cfs) 100 -Year, Chester Creek Thorpe Rd.* Effective 405 Proposed 12.4 211 Difference (%) -48 Schafer Rd. Effective 644 Proposed 18.4 178 Difference (%) -72 24th Ave. Effective 722 Proposed 22.0 49 Difference (%) -93 * This value includes flow continuing downstream from Thorpe and flow diverted to golf course This was extracted from page 15 of the Technical Support Data Notebook for Chester Creek dated June 2008 and prepared by WEST Consultants for FEMA. D:\Chester Creek download from County\Chester BFEs Extracted from TSDN.doc