19-060.00 Western Illinois University: Graduate Internship I9– 00 00 'Graduate Internship Agreement ' Between the City of Spokane Valley and The Board of Trustees of Western Minute University,on behalf of be Department of Recreation.Park and Tourism Administration Macomb and Quad Gilles Campuses This agreement confirms arrangements bra graduate level Internship placement for Derek Hoffman at City of Spokane Valley during to Summer semester of 2010.The semester begkrs May 21,2010 end concludes July 2S,2010.Students must template a mWnum of 100 hours(ypSMy tree months minimum at an average of 40 hours pet week)end remain b the Mercy brownout the duration of me sensor. The✓nlwnIty agrees b: • rotde the Agency with appropriate intormation about the student alinement,the Graduate Mtemsp Program,and the expece0wa for the Internship nperier's* provide the Student web an Internship guide lhet can be found In to RPTA Graduate Student Handbook that outlines the progression and scope of the Winnable the polder and procedures forma,and records and reports 10 be submitted. • place students ooly In agency ekes that meet the selection criteria assign to the Agency only students who will have successyy completed to Menden prerequisites of the Graduate Internship Progrwn provide•Faculty Internship Supervisor sdm MU motor the Memehp and consult regarding any problems the student or the Agency is having with the internship comply with al applicable state,federal,and btu IeWs regarding the confidentially of patient information and medical records provide liability insurance coverage of$1,000.000 ler the student during performance of professional services M the praclkum • solicit performance evaluation input from the Agency kid Instructor end assign the final grade The Student agrees lo: work the scheduled hours t the Agency and comply with the Agencye policies end procedures comply with the University.polices and procedures pediopete In Mannino the Internship and submit hl-weepy repode to Me Faaly Hemshp Supervisor engage M midterm and final evaluation conference calls with the Faculty Inlenehp Supervisor keep to Agency field instructor and the Faculty Internship Supervisor fully Informed about the Internship experience and the student's supervision needs rglste for six semester hours of credit RPTA 003 malntap health insurance coverage during to course ripe kiemefp comply wilt M applicable federal,state and local laws regarding the confidentially of patient Information and medical records The Agency agrees to: designate an agency field Instructor with Me proper credentials end experience to supervise the student allocate appropriate the ler student supeMsdn,including scheduled weekly supervisory sessions and oversight of any activities In Mich the student Is arraigned to work with Mer professional Welt allocate appropriate sine ler field Instructor ohptagon,consdsipn,end education provided by the Unvenky,Including potable vises by the Graduate Internship Program Faculty Internship Supervisor when feasible provide adequate work support for to student,Inducting office space.computer and telephone access,clerical support,and expenses for business travel provide appropdate orientation.work assignments.els learning experiences kr the student,including direct service to dents and pelkpation M Agency end cwmmuNy meetings comply with a0 applicable federal,slate,and local Inn regarding the confidentiality of patient information and medical records assess the teaming and MB needs MIM student and submit midterm and final petulance evaluation toms assist the student In self-assessment and M Integrating theoretical knowledge wth applied experience keep the Faculty Internship Supervisor informed about the student's parlament. keep to Faculty Interep Supervisor Informed about Agencpunlersly relationship issues If applcable–NCTRC Certification 0 Date: This agreement wed remain in effect until the student completes the field**offence a In the Agency.The agreement may be terminated by ether the Agency or the Unyardy,kllowkg aowWMn Mid**the Agency,the student,and the University,when the successful completion of the graduals Internship Is rete a given situation. Board of T lands Uneasily u'6'i /-= i — Wiliam Osler,Dk.of SComptencebate 4'T Gy ate Intents* 'If Dais ,n/ Pr Dais . ,� H- .20/9 RPT admate Program •••• •' •. City 3/A/..0 , Agency S 'am - Date RPTA Grad b Committee Chair Dale /aft Kilt _ ,F–Y ,et .,2,�/rte.,_.. / p;). _ ��)�i/ President Jack Thomas Dale t4'' Dr.Russell Morgan,Assoc Assoc Pry Dae Ohl 14.3-(5 I _, — j'