17-098.02 HDR Engineering: Pines/BNSF Grade Separation Washington State I; Department of Transportation Supplemental Agreement Organizagun and Address Number 02 City of Spokane Valley Original Agreement Number 10210E Sprague Avenue Spokane Valley,WA 99206 17-098 Phone. 509-720-5000 Project Number Execution Date Completion Date 0223 07/27/17 12/31/19 Project Title New Maximum Amount Payable Pines RoadBNSF Grade Separation Project#0223 $139,000.93 Description of Work To improve safety by developing a grade separated facility at the intersection of Pines Rd and the BNSF Railway railroad tracks. Other major work associated with this project includes modifications to the intersection of Pines Rd and 511290(Trent Ave)and closing the Pines/BNSF and University/BNSF Railway at-grade intersections in the City of Spokane Valley,Washington.The design development will expand on the Concept Design and Plans prepared as part of the Bridging the Valley project completed in 2004 The Local Agency of City of Spokane Valley desires to supplement the agreement entered in to with ADR Engineering,Inc. and executed on 07/27/17 and identified as Agreement No. 17-098 All provisions in the basic agreement remain in effect except as expressly modified by this supplement. The changes to the agreement are described as follows: Section 1, SCOPE OF WORK, is hereby changed to read: See attached Scope of Work. II Section IV,TIME FOR BEGINNING AND COMPLETION, is amended to change the number of calendar days for completion of the work to read: No change. III Section V, PAYMENT, shall be amended as follows: The contract amount increases from$124,349.85 to$139,000.93,a net increase of$14,651 08 as set forth in the attached Exhibit A, and by this reference made a part of this supplement. If you concur with this supplement and agree to the changes as stated above, please sign in the Appropriate spaces below and return to this office for final action. nn By:v VL Pa EMI-Err By: Bark atl1wuh Fitj ConsultantSignature Approving Authority gnature 4(z3720p DOT Form 140-063 Revised 09/2005 Exhibit"A" Summary of Payments Basic Supplement#1 Total Agreement Direct Salary Cost $29,663.57 $4,724.75 $34,388.32 Overhead $46,522.75 $7,054.53 $53,577.28 (Including Payroll Additives) Direct Non-Salary Costs $39,264.45 $1,454.37 $40,718.82 Fixed Fee $8,899.08 $1,417.43 $10,316.51 Total $124,349.85 $14,651.08 $139,000.93 DOT Form 140-063 Revised 082005 City of Spokane Valley,WA Scope of Services Amendment 2 Pines RoadBNSF Grade Separation April 1,2019 City of Spokane Valley, WA Pines Road/BNSF Grade Separation Project No.0223 CITY OF e ,,, *.Valley. Phase 1 — Design Services Amendment 2 April 1, 2019 a 0 City of Spokane Valley,WA Pines Road/BNSF Grade 5 pa at one of Services Amendment 2 Apnl 1,2019 Task t - Project Management 1 .1 Monthly Progress Reports and Invoices HDR will provide monthly progress reports and invoices in accordance with the CLIENT's standard procedures. Each progress report and invoice package will include HDR's invoice showing all labor and direct expenses included for the period, the monthly progress report, and full documentation of labor hours and direct expenses charged for the period for HDR and each Subconsultant. A maximum of six (6) progress report and invoice packages (March 2019 to August 2019) will be submitted as part of this initial contract. ASSUMPTIONS • Progress Report and Invoice packages will be prepared monthly for six (6) months. DELIVERABLES • Monthly Progress Report and Invoice Packages • Monthly Project Schedule update 1 .2 City Council Meeting Presentation CONSULTANT will prepare, and attend one City Council meeting to report progress to the Council and to support CLIENT staff representatives. Preparation for the City Council Meeting will include developing graphics and a PowerPoint presentation. ASSUMPTIONS • For budgetary purposes, one graphic will be prepared • For budgetary purposes, one PowerPoint presentation will prepared • One (1) staff member from CONSULTANT will attend meeting DELIVERABLES • Graphics • PowerPoint Presentation 1 Valley, Pines Road/BNSF Grade Separation e of Services Amendment 2 April 1,2019 Task 2 - Public Involvement Program The remaining public involvement process will be performed as described below. 2.1 Public Open House CONSULTANT will prepare, and attend one Public Open House meeting. CONSULTANT RESPONSIBILITIES AND DELIVERABLES • Coordinate logistics for the meetings • Provide sign in sheet • Provide project displays (a total of four displays are anticipated) • Provide a Project Presentation • Provide a summary of the Public Open House CLIENT RESPONSIBILITIES • Prepare, print, and mail postcards to the public and identified stakeholders. • Provide facility for Public Open House • Advertise the Public Open House in the newspaper • Send open house notifications to local civic organizations • Attend Public Open House • Include Public Open House dates in City newsletter and on City website (if one is developed for the project) ASSUMPTIONS • Public Open House will last for four(4) hours including set up and take down. • Two (2) staff members from CONSULTANT will attend meeting 2.2 Stakeholder Meetings CONSULTANT will prepare, and attend four (4) Stakeholder meetings. Stakeholders may include police, fire, school district, and Matt Ewers. CONSULTANT RESPONSIBILITIES AND DELIVERABLES • Provide project exhibits (a total of four exhibits are anticipated) • Provide a summary of the meeting 2 F�•1 City of Spokane Valley,WA I Scope of Services Amendment 2 (( Pines Road/BNSF Grade Separation April 1,2019 CLIENT RESPONSIBILITIES • Schedule the stakeholder meetings ASSUMPTIONS • Each Stakeholder meeting will last for three (3) hours including travel time • Meeting Summary will require one (1) hour each • One (1) staff member from CONSULTANT will attend meetings 2.3 Legislator Outreach Meetings CONSULTANT will prepare, and attend three (3) meetings with CLIENT and one each with Bob McCaslin, Mike Padden and Matt Shea. ASSUMPTIONS • All three (3) meetings to take place over the course of one day in Olympia. If the meetings take place in Spokane Valley no travel expenses will be incurred. • WSDOT will not be attending the meetings • Travel and Meeting in Olympia will be one day (12 hours) • Meeting Summaries will require one (1) hour each (3 hours total) • One (1) staff member from CONSULTANT will attend meeting Task 3 - Alternatives Analysis: Roadway and Bridge Configuration The CONSULTANT will complete the Intersection Control Evaluation (ICE) portion of the BOD. The CONSULTANT will address final WSDOT and CLIENT comments to WSDOT Basis of Design (BOD). ASSUMPTIONS • No changes to the current alternatives • No more than three iterations of the ICE DELIVERABLES • Final Basis of Design Project Deliverable Schedule This scope of work will be completed by August 31, 2019 3 City of Spokane Valley: Pines Road(SR27)/BNSF Underpass-Phase 1 Supplement From"Labor Budget Tab From"Expenses'Tab Task B Task Description Billable Labor Billable Expenses Total From Total For I Spreadsheet Proposal 1 Project Management and Quality Control $ 1,31058 $ 5.80 $1,316.38 2 Public Involvement Program $ 9,68933 $ 1,00857 $11,131.90 3 Alternatives Analysis-Roadway and Bridge Configuration $ 2,19680 $ - $2,196.80 $14,651.08 $0.00 Escalation I $0.001 $0 00 $14,651.08 $0.00 op...,k!, tO,ia»zvanmsv_n.a eo.d ares_s.ppl.m.mz EsTMATE.a.m Pagel