19-067.00 USDOT FHA: Barker Grade Separation TIGER Grant 9 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION WASHINGTON,DC 20590 GRANT AGREEMENT UNDER THE CONSOLIDATED APPROPRIATIONS ACT,2017 (PUB. L. 115-31,MAY 5,2017) FOR THE NATIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENTS DISCRETIONARY GRANT PROGRAM (FY 2017 TIGER DISCRETIONARY GRANTS) CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY BRIDGING THE VALLEY: BARKER ROAD GRADE SEPARATION PROJECT FHWA FY 2017 TIGER Grant No. 9 This agreement is between the United States Department of Transportation (the "USDOT") and the City of Spokane Valley(the"Recipient").It reflects the selection of the Recipient for an award under the provisions of the Consolidated Appropriations Act,2017 (Pub.L. 115-31,May 5,2017), regarding National Infrastructure Investments, as described in the Notice of Funding Opportunity for the Department of Transportation's National Infrastructure Investments Under the Consolidated Appropriations Act,2017, 82 FR 42426 (September 7, 2017) (the "NOFO"). In this agreement, "FY 2017 TIGER Discretionary Grant"means an award under those provisions. ARTICLE 1. AWARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1.1 Operating Administration. The Federal Highway Administration (the "FHWA") will administer this agreement on behalf of the USDOT.In this agreement,the`Administering Operating Administration"means the FHWA. 1.2 Purpose. The purpose of this award is to advance capital investments in surface transportation infrastructure that will have a significant impact on the nation, a metropolitan area, or a region. The parties will accomplish that purpose by achieving the following objectives: (t) timely completing the project that was described in the Recipient's technical application, titled "Bridging the Valley: Barker Road Grade Separation Project", as modified by the negotiated provisions on the project's material terms and conditions, including sections 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3 and the attachments referenced in section 1.8; and (2) ensuring that this award does not substitute for non-Federal investment in that project. 1 1.3 Federal Award Amount. The USDOT hereby awards a FY 2017 TIGER Discretionary Grant in the amount of$9,020,149 for the period of performance. The USDOT shall not provide funding greater than this amount under this agreement. The Recipient acknowledges that USDOT is not liable for payments that exceed this amount. 1.4 Period of Performance. The period of performance for this award begins on the date of this agreement and ends on the period of performance end date that is listed in section 2.2. Under 2 C.F.R.200.309,the Recipient shall not charge to this award costs that are incurred after the period of performance. 1.5 Urban or Rural Designation. Based on information that the Recipient provided to the USDOT, including the technical application,the USDOT hereby designates the project to be a project in a rural area, as defined in the NOFO. The Recipient shall comply with the requirements that accompany that designation on minimum award size, geographic location,and cost sharing. 1.6 Fund Obligation. (a) As described in Attachment A, this project consists of a Base Phase for final design and right-of-way acquisition and an Option Phase 1 for construction of the Barker Road railroad overpass and Trent Avenue intersection roundabout construction. (b) This agreement obligates the Base Phase amount of$2,452,000 for eligible costs in the Base Phase. (c) This agreement does not obligate funds for Option Phase 1. The parties may, by amendment under article 6, obligate the Option Phase 1 amount of $6,568,149 for eligible costs in Option Phase 1 if the FHWA Washington Division Office approves the PS&E for the construction of the Barker Road railroad overpass and Trent Avenue intersection roundabout construction and the Recipient has met all the applicable Federal,State and local requirements prior to the start of construction. Further approval for the Option Phase 1 is subject to the availability of funds. 1.7 Federal Award Identification Number. The Federal Award Identification Number (the "FAIN") will be generated when the FHWA Division Office authorizes the project in the Fiscal Management Information System("FMIS").The Recipient acknowledges that it has access to FMIS and can retrieve the FAIN from FMIS. 1.8 Attachments. This agreement includes the following attachments as integral parts: Attachment A Statement of Work Attachment B Estimated Project Schedule Attachment C Estimated Project Budget Attachment D Performance Measurement Table 2 ARTICLE 2. PROJECT AND RECIPIENT INFORMATION 2.1 Summary of Project's Statement of Work. (See Attachment A for additional details). The project will replace an existing at-grade crossing at Barker Road with an overpass, close a second at-grade crossing at Flora Road,and replace the intersection of Barker Road and Trent Avenue with a roundabout. The project will be completed in two phases: i. a Base Phase for eligible final design and right-of-way acquisition costs; and ii an Option Phase 1 for eligible construction costs associated with for the construction of the Barker Road railroad overpass and Trent Avenue intersection roundabout construction. 2.2 Summary of Project's Estimated Schedule. (See Attachment B for additional details). Actual Completion of NEPA: November 30, 2018 Base Phase: Final Design and Right-of-Way Acquisition Planned Start of Final Design: April 1, 2019 Planned Start of Right-of-Way Acquisition: April I,2019 Planned Completion of Final Design: February 29, 2020 Planned Completion of Right-of-Way Acquisition: March 31, 2020 Option Phase 1: Barker Road Railroad Overpass and Trent Avenue Intersection Roundabout Construction Planned PS&E Approval: June 30, 2020 Planned Construction Start Date: March 1, 2021 Planned Construction Substantial Completion and Open to Traffic Date: June 30, 2023 Period of Performance End Date: December 30, 2023 Planned Project Closeout Date: March 30, 2025 3 2.3 Summary of Project's Estimated Budget. (See Attachment C for additional details). TIGER Grant Funds and Additional Sources of Project Funds: TIGER Discretionary Grant Amount: $ 9,020,149 Other Federal Funds': $ 6,719,921 State Funds2: $ 6,320,009 Local Funds3: $ 3,630,321 Other Funds4: $ 300,000 Total Project Cost: $25,990,400 l$6,000,000 (National Highway Freight Program) + $719,921 (FHWA's Safe, Accountable,Flexible,and Efficient Transportation Equity Act:A Legacy for User's High Priority Projects Program)=$6,719,921 2$1,320,009 (2017-2019 Washington State Transportation Budget) + $5,000,000 (Washington State Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board) =$6,320,009 3City of Spokane Valley funds included in adopted City Budget 4Anticipated BNSF contribution 2.4 Recipient Cost Share Certification. As negotiated,the Recipient hereby certifies that not less than $10,250,330 in non-Federal funds are committed to fund the project. Out of this amount, $6,719,921 is the match for Other Federal Funds in the project, and $3,530,409 is the match for the FY 2017 TIGER Discretionary Grant. 2.5 Project's State and Local Planning Requirements. 2018 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program ID: WA-06170 Title: Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation Project Spokane Valley 2019-2024 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program TIP Project Number: 2 Title: Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation Project 2.6 Project's Environmental Approvals and Processes. Environmental Documentation Type, Titles and Date: Documented Categorical Exclusion (CE) completed November 13, 2018 Environmental Decision Type and Date: Signed Documented Categorical Exclusion (CE) approved November 30, 2018 Name of Agency and Office Approving each Environmental Decision Document: FHWA Washington Division 4 2.7 Recipient's and any Subrecipient's Unique Entity Identifiers. Dun and Bradstreet Data Universal Numbering System No. (the "DUNS No.") of the Recipient: 1682406170000 Name of any First-Tier Subrecipients (if applicable—to be reported if/when identified. If not applicable please note is N/A): N/A DUNS No. of First-Tier Subrecipient (if applicable — to be reported if/when identified): N/A 2.8 Recipient Contacts. Primary Contact William Helbig City Engineer City of Spokane Valley 10210 E. Sprague Ave. Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509) 720-5320 bhelbiaAsookanevalley.oru Secondary Contact Gloria Mainz Engineering Manager - City of Spokane Valley 10210 E. Sprague Ave. Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509) 720-5014 gmantz(aispokaneval lev.org WSDOT Contacts: Keith Martin, PE Local Programs Engineer WSDOT Eastern Region 2714 N Mayfair Street Spokane, WA 99207 (509) 324-6080 martink(a-lwsdot.wa.00v Stephanie Tax Manager,Program Management WSDOT Local Programs 310 Maple Park Avenue 5 Olympia, WA 98504 (360) 705-7389 taxsnn,wsdot,wa.gov ARTICLE 3. GENERAL REPORTING TERMS 3.1 Report Submission.The Recipient shall send all reports required by this agreement to all of the USDOT contacts who are listed in Section 9.1. 3.2 Alternative Reporting Methods. The Administering Operating Administration may establish processes for the Recipient to submit reports required by this agreement, including electronic submission processes.If the Recipient is notified of those processes in writing, the Recipient shall use the processes required by the Administering Operating Administration. 3.3 Reporting as History of Performance. Under 2 C.F.R 200.205, any Federal awarding agency may consider the Recipient's timely submission of the reports that this agreement requires,or the Recipient's failure to timely submit those reports,when evaluating the risks of making a future Federal financial assistance award to the Recipient. 3.4 Paperwork Reduction Act Notice. Under 5 C.F.R. 1320.6, the Recipient is not required to respond to a collection of information that does not display a currently valid control number issued by the Office of Management and Budget (the `OMB"). Collections of information conducted under this agreement are approved under OMB Control No. 2105- 0563. ARTICLE 4. PROGRESS REPORTING 4.1 Quarterly Project Progress Reports and Recertifications. On or before the 20th day of the first month of each calendar year quarter and until Project Closeout,the Recipient shall submit to the USDOT a Quarterly Project Progress Report and Recertification with the form and content described in Exhibit H.If the date of this agreement is in the final month of a calendar year quarter, then the Recipient shall submit the first Quarterly Project Progress Report and Recertification in the second calendar year quarter that begins after the date of this agreement. 4.2 Closeout Information.No later than 90 days after the period of performance end date that is listed in section 2.2, the Recipient shall: (1) submit a final Federal Financial Report (SF-425), a certification or summary of project expenses, and any other information required under the Administering Operating Administration's closeout procedures; and (2) provide a report comparing the final work,schedule,and budget to the statement of work described in section 2.1,the schedule described in section 2.2,and the budget described in section 2.3. 6 4.3 Project Closeout. In this agreement, "Project Closeout"means the date that the USDOT notifies the Recipient that the project is closed out. Under 2 C.F.R. 200.343, Project Closeout should occur no later than one year after the Recipient liquidates all obligations under this award and submits the reports identified in section 4.2. ARTICLE 5. PERFORMANCE REPORTING 5.1 Performance Measure Data Collection.The Recipient shall collect the data necessary to report on each performance measure that is identified in the Performance Measurement Table in Attachment D. 5.2 Pre-project Performance Measurement Report. The Recipient shall submit to the USDOT, on or before the Pre-project Report Date that is stated in Attachment D, a Pre- project Performance Measurement Report that contains: (1) baseline data for each performance measure that is identified in the Performance Measurement Table in Attachment D, accurate as of the Pre-project Measurement Date that is stated in Attachment D; and (2) a detailed description of the data sources,assumptions,variability, and estimated levels of precision for each measure. 5.3 Interim Performance Measurement Reports. After project completion, the Recipient shall submit to the USDOT on or before each of the periodic reporting dates specified in the Performance Measurement Table in Attachment D, an Interim Performance Measurement Report containing data for each performance measure that is identified in that table, accurate as of the final date of the measurement period specified in that table. 5.4 Project Outcomes Report. The Recipient shall submit to the USDOT, on or before the Project Outcomes Report Date that is stated in Attachment D, a Project Outcomes Report that contains: (1) a narrative discussion detailing project successes and the influence of external factors on project expectations; (2) all baseline and interim performance measurement data that the Recipient reported in the Pre-project Performance Measurement Report and the Interim Performance Measurement Reports; and (3) an ex post examination of project effectiveness relative to the baseline data that the Recipient reported in the Pre-project Performance Measurement Report. ARTICLE 6.AGREEMENT MODIFICATIONS 6.1 Bilateral Modifications. The parties may amend, modify, or supplement this agreement by mutual agreement in writing signed by the USDOT and the Recipient.Either party may request to amend, modify, or supplement this agreement by written notice to the other party. 7 6.2 Limited Unilateral Modifications. (a) The Recipient may update the contacts who are listed in section 2.8 by written notice to all of the USDOT contacts who are listed in section 9.1. (b) The USDOT may update the contacts who are listed in section 9.1 by written notice to all of the Recipient contacts who are listed in section 2.8. 6.3 Other Modifications. The parties shall not amend,modify, or supplement this agreement except as permitted under section 6.1 or section 6.2. If an amendment, modification, or supplement is not permitted under section 6.1 and not permitted under section 6.2, it is void. ARTICLE 7. STATEMENT OF WORK, SCHEDULE,AND BUDGET CHANGES 7.1 Statement of Work Changes. If the project's activities differ from the statement of work that is described in section 2.1 and Attachment A, then the Recipient shall request a modification of this agreement to update section 2.1 and Attachment A. 7.2 Schedule Changes. If the project's substantial completion date changes to a date that is more than three months after the substantial completion date listed in section 2.2 or a schedule change would require the period of performance to continue after the period of performance end date listed in section 2.2, then the Recipient shall request a modification of this agreement to update section 2.2 and Attachment B.For other schedule changes,the Recipient shall request a modification of this agreement to update section 2.2 and Attachment B unless the USDOT has consented, in writing consistent with the Administering Operating Administration's requirements,to the change. 7.3 Budget Changes. (a) If any of the budget amounts that are listed in section 2.3 change from the amounts listed in that section,then the Recipient shall request a modification of this agreement to update section 2.3 and Attachment C. For other budget changes, the Recipient shall request a modification of this agreement to update Attachment C unless the USDOT has consented,in writing consistent with the Administering Operating Administration's requirements,to the change. (b) If the actual eligible project costs are less than the "Total Project Cost"that is listed in section 2.3, then the Recipient may propose to the USDOT, in writing consistent with the Administering Operating Administration's requirements, specific additional activities that are within the scope of this award,as defined in sections 1.2 and 2.1.and that the Recipient could complete with the difference between the"Total Project Cost" that is listed in section 2.3 and the actual eligible project costs. (c) If the actual eligible project costs are less than the "Total Project Cost" that is listed in section 2.3 and either the Recipient does not make a proposal under section 7.3(b) or the USDOT does not accept the Recipient's proposal under section 7.3(b),then: 8 (I) in a request under section 7.3(a), the Recipient shall reduce the Federal Share by the difference between the "Total Project Cost" that is listed in section 2.3 and the actual eligible project costs; and (2) if that modification reduces this award and the USDOT had reimbursed costs exceeding the revised award, the Recipient shall refund to the USDOT the difference between the reimbursed costs and the revised award. In this agreement, "Federal Share"means the sum of the"TIGER Discretionary Grant Amount"and the"Other Federal Funds (if any)"amounts that are listed in section 2.3. (d) The Recipient acknowledges that amounts that are required to be refunded under section 7.3(c)(2) constitute a debt to the Federal Government that the USDOT may collect under 2 C.F.R.200.345 and the Federal Claims Collection Standards(31 C.F.R. parts 900-999). 7.4 USDOT Acceptance of Changes. The USDOT may accept or reject modifications requested under this article 7, and in doing so may elect to consider only the interests of the TIGER Discretionary Grant program and the USDOT. The Recipient acknowledges that requesting a modification under this article 7 does not amend, modify, or supplement this agreement unless the USDOT accepts that modification request and the parties modify this agreement under section 6.1. ARTICLE 8. TERMINATION AND EXPIRATION 8.1 USDOT Termination. (a) The USDOT may terminate this agreement and all of its obligations under this agreement if any of the following occurs: (I) The Recipient fails to obtain or provide any non-TIGER Discretionary Grant contribution or alternatives approved by the USDOT as provided in this agreement and consistent with sections 2.2, 2.3, and 2.4; (2) The Recipient fails to begin construction before May I, 2021; (3) The Recipient fails to begin expenditure of award funds by June 15, 2021; (4) The Recipient fails to achieve the Construction Substantial Completion and Open to Traffic Date by September 30,2023; (5) The Recipient fails to meet the conditions and obligations specified under this agreement, including a material failure to comply with the schedule in section 2.2 even if it is beyond the reasonable control of the Recipient; or, (6) The USDOT determines that termination of this agreement is in the public interest. 9 (b) In terminating this agreement under this section the USDOT may elect to consider only the interests of the TIGER Discretionary Grant program and the USDOT. 8.2 Closeout Termination. This agreement terminates on Project Closeout. 8.3 Fund Liquidation,Adjustment, and Cancellation. (a) The Recipient shall liquidate all obligations under this award not later than 90 days after the period of performance end date that is listed in section 2.2. The Recipient acknowledges that this period of availability for liquidation ends before the statutory expenditure deadline identified in section 8.3(c). (b) Liquidation and adjustment of funds under this agreement follow the requirements of 2 C.F.R. 200.343—.345. (c) Outstanding FY 2017 TIGER Discretionary Grant balances are canceled by statute after September 30, 2025, and are then unavailable for any purpose, including adjustments and expenditures. 8.4 Reporting Survival. The reporting requirements set forth in articles 4 and 5 of this agreement survive the termination of this agreement and the expiration of award funds. ARTICLE 9. USDOT CONTACTS 9.1 USDOT Contacts. Except as authorized by the USDOT under section 3.2,the Recipient shall send all notices, reports, and information required by this agreement to all of the following contacts: Tonya Jones Finance Specialist Federal Highway Administration—Washington Division 711 South Capitol Way, Suite 501 Olympia, WA 98501 (360)753-9488 tonva.lone sndot.gov and FHWA TIGER Program Manager Federal Highway Administration Office of Freight Management and Operations 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE Room E86-206 Washington,DC 20590 (202) 366-2639 FH W A-TIGER.Reportsladot.gov and 10 OST TIGER Discretionary Grants Coordinator United States Department of Transportation Office of the Secretary 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-8914 TIGERGrants(ikdot.gov ARTICLE 10. ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 10.1 Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Information. This award is under the program titled"National Infrastructure Investments,"with number 20.933 in the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance. 10.2 Research and Development Designation. This award is not for research and development. 10.3 Exhibits. This agreement includes the following exhibits as integral parts located at: httns://opsfhwa.dot.gov/freight/infrastructure/tiger/fy17 tiger9 exhbt/fv17 tiger9 exhbt. pdf Exhibit A Legislative Authority Exhibit B General Terms and Conditions Exhibit C Applicable Federal Laws and Regulations Exhibit D Grant Assurances Exhibit E Responsibility and Authority of the Recipient Exhibit F Reimbursement of Project Costs Exhibit G Grant Requirements and Contract Clauses Exhibit H Quarterly Progress Reports: Format and Content 10.4 Construction. If a provision in the exhibits or the attachments conflicts with a provision in Articles 1 — 12, then the provision in Articles 1 — 12 prevails. If a provision in the attachments conflicts with a provision in the exhibits,then the provision in the attachments prevails. ARTICLE 11. SPECIAL GRANT REQUIREMENTS 11.1 Railroad Agreement: As a condition for this project, the Recipient will have a written agreement with BNSF Railway Company (BNSF) for work and operation within BNSF right-of-way no later than March 30, 2020. 11.2 There are no special grant requirements for this project. 11 ARTICLE 12.EXECUTION 12.1 Counterparts. This agreement may be executed in counterparts, which constitute one document. The parties shall execute this agreement in quadruplicate and intend each countersigned original to have identical legal effect. 12.2 Effective Date. This agreement is effective when fully executed by authorized representatives of the Recipient and the USDOT. The Recipient shall execute this agreement and then submit four original signed copies of the agreement to the USDOT for execution. This instrument constitutes a FY 2017 TIGER Discretionary Grant when it is signed and dated by the authorized official of the USDOT. 12 EXECUTION BY THE USDOT Executed this day of , 201_ Signature of USDOT's Authorized Representative Daniel M. Mathis Title: Division Administrator 13 EXECUTION BY CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,WASHINGTON By signature below, the Recipient acknowledges that it accepts and agrees to be bound by this agreement. A Executed this Z- Ar day of 7 T1 J , 201/. JJJJ4t- Signature of Recipient's Authorized Representative Mark Calhoun Name of Recipient's Authorized Representative City of Spokane Valley City Manager Title 14 EXECUTION BY STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION By signature below, the State Department of Transportation (the "SDOT") acknowledges that it agrees to act as a limited agent for the Recipient to assist in the receipt and disbursement of the FY 2017 TIGER Discretionary Grant obligated by this agreement and to perform such other administrative and oversight duties with respect to the award and the project as the Recipient and the SDOT shall agree upon between themselves.The SDOT acknowledges the fiduciary duty owed to the parties to this agreement and will promptly disburse the award to the Recipient at Recipient's direction and instructions. Further, the SDOT will comply with all applicable Federal laws, regulations, executive orders, policies, guidelines, and requirements as they relate to the duties it assumes under this agreement in compliance with the agreement's terms and conditions. Executed this day of , 201_ Signature of State Department of Transportation Designated Official Representative Kathleen B. Davis Name of State Department of Transportation Designated Official Representative WSDOT Local Programs,Director Title 15 ATTACHMENT A STATEMENT OF WORK The project will replace an existing at-grade crossing at Barker Road with an overpass, close a second at-grade crossing at Flora Road, and replace the intersection of Barker Road and Trent Avenue with a roundabout.The project will extend 1,000 feet in the east,west,and south directions from the intersection of State Route 290 (Trent Avenue)and Barker Road. Major Project Activities Preliminary Engineering Activities Conceptual Engineering: this activity includes public and stakeholder outreach,traffic studies, intersection control analysis. Preliminary Engineering: this activity includes surveying, utility coordination, early BNSF coordination, and completing 30 percent engineering design. Environmental Review: this activity includes completing necessary studies to obtain SEPA and NEPA approval. Right of Way &Relocation Plan: this activity includes establishing property right needs for the project and developing right-of-way and relocation plans. Base Phase: Final Design and Right-of-Way Acquisition Final Engineering &Design: this activity will complete the final engineering design of the overpass,the closure of the at grade crossing at Flora Road, and the roundabout for the Barker Road and Trent Avenue intersection. Right of Way Acquisition& Certification Final Construction Documents: this activity includes the preparation of the Plans, Specifications and Estimate (PS&E)package for the project. Option Phase 1: Barker Road Railroad Overpass and Trent Avenue Intersection Roundabout Construction Construction Bidding: this activity includes advertising the project to request bids for construction. Project Construction: this activity includes construction of the three project components described below. Barker Road Overpass: construction of an overpass to grade separate Barker Road at the BNSF rail crossing, including clearing/grubbing, grading, bridge installation,retaining walls, hot mix asphalt (HMA)paving, curb and gutter,asphalt shared use path, channelization, signing, and landscaping. 16 Flora Road At-grade Crossing: closure of the BNSF Railroad at-grade crossing at Flora Road, including installation of signage,barriers and turnaround. Barker Road and Trent Avenue Intersection Roundabout: construction of roundabout at the intersection of Barker Road and Trent Avenue, including clearing/grubbing, grading, rock cutting,HMA paving, curb/gutter, channelization, signing and landscaping. Construction Engineering 17 ATTACHMENT B ESTIMATED PROJECT SCHEDULE Actual Start of Preliminary Engineering: September 1, 2017 Actual End of Preliminary Engineering: March 30, 2019 Actual Completion of NEPA: November 30, 2018 Base Phase: Final Design and Right-of-Way Acquisition Planned Start of Final Design: April I, 2019 Planned Completion of Final Design: February 29, 2020 Planned Start of Right of Way Acquisition: April 1,2019 Planned End of Right of Way Acquisition: March 31, 2020 Option Phase 1: Barker Road Railroad Overpass and Trent Avenue Intersection Roundabout Construction Planned PS&E Approval: June 30, 2020 Planned Construction Contract Award Date: January 1, 2021 Planned Construction Start Date: March 1,2021 Major Project Activity Planned Stan Date Planned End Date Project Construction 3/1/2021 6/30/2023 Barker Road Overpass 3/1/2021 6/30/2023 Flora Road At-grade Crossing 3/1/2023 6/30/2023 Barker Road and Trent Avenue Intersection 3/1/2021 6/30/2023 Roundabout Construction Engineering 1/1/2021 12/31/2023 Planned Construction Substantial Completion and Open to Traffic Date: June 30,2023 Period of Performance End Date: December 30, 2023 Planned Project Closeout Date: March 30, 2025 18 CD O O oorn 0 ca o 'n a to y 'q r O K m d O O b O O h O SC.) 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O O O' o �y . L in 'd }o h .� r N n o O r O <i ci) V3 0 cC. h 9 6' ER s`O4 toi 0 ER N 0 O C "t o �''a G° o.�+ F cz 0 x 7 � 0 cI co s O " m w w ti d U >> ini X b b NoQv -- gO y- w T. 'n e 0 V+ i O y 0 0 G �J y ..... G II 0 o R ,Z h L, V .O O N y �!, a0tl G yj O C 0 .[ h G - to N p a w G v 0 a o v bn a s '- .°o u 'C v 'y .-" H t try "' .5 N a: c �' aE. L+ g r^' V CEO00 0 sO,,'ad W 'S sO. g y 'O g O U a V .5 O W y O N 'O yr O nz a o o b o 0 vi N j O '� Oy � 'O 0 m o o co o •0 0 °' L 'O C a 5 . --,�+ ODURI aa: at w6Um ¢ 4a' U W aUau � awF4 cU" ATTACHMENT D PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT TABLE Study Area: Extending 1,000 feet in the east, west, and south directions from the intersection of State Route 290 (Trent Avenue) and Barker Road. Pre-project Measurement Date: February 1, 2021 Pre-project Report Date: May 1, 2021 Project Outcomes Report Date: June 30, 2027 Table 1: Performance Measurement Table `a ri ii iu, ma i . .rel Safety Baseline Measurement: Crash rates will be Annual average, Baseline Measurement: measured and reported as a accurate as of the Pre- Auto Crash project Measurement Pre-project Report Date count of crashes per year Date Rates by and identified by the Interim Performance Type/Severity following severity Interim Performance Measures: Measures: categories: fatal, injury, For a period of 3 years, and property-damage-only June 30, 2024 beginning August 30, crashes. June 30, 2025 2024, annually June 30, 2026 Baseline Measurement: Annual average, Baseline Measurement: Economic Competitiveness accurate as of the Pre- The total volume of vehicle Project Measurement Pre-project Report Date Average Daily traffic on a highway or Date Interim Performance Traffic (ADT) road segment per day as Interim Performance Measures: defined by the project study Measures: For a period of 3 years, area. June 30,2024 beginning August 30, June 30,2025 2024, annually June 30,2026 Rail Track Economic Competitiveness Baseline Measurement: Baseline Measurement: Grade The number of annual Searation Annua] average, P automobile crossings that accurate as of the Pre- Pre-project Report Date 21 are eliminated at an at- project Measurement Interim Performance grade crossing as a result of Date Measures: a new grade separation. Interim Performance For a period of 3 years, Measures: beginning August 30, June 30, 2024 2024 June 30, 2025 June 30, 2026 22