Ordinance 19-004 amends comp plan CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY,WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 19-004 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY WASHINGTON, AMENDING THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN; AND PROVIDING FOR OTHER MATTERS PROPERLY RELATING THERETO. WHEREAS, through Spokane Valley Ordinance No. 16-018, the City of Spokane Valley adopted the Comprehensive Plan, Capital Facilities Plan, and maps as the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Spokane Valley(the Comprehensive Plan); and WHEREAS, comprehensive plans may be amended annually pursuant to RCW 36.70A.130 of the Growth Management Act(GMA); and WHEREAS, amendments to the City's Comprehensive Plan may be initiated by the Planning Commission (Commission),the City Council (Council), citizens, or by the Community and Public Works Director based on citizen requests or when changed conditions warrant adjustments; and WHEREAS,the GMA requires comprehensive plans to be implemented with development regulations, including the zoning of all properties in the City that are consistent with land use map designations; and WHEREAS, the City adopted Public Participation Guidelines to direct the public involvement process for adopting and amending comprehensive plans; and WHEREAS,the Spokane Valley Municipal Code(SVMC)provides that amendment applications shall be received until November 1 of each year; and WHEREAS, applications were submitted by the applicant, owner, or by City staff to amend the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Map for the purpose of beneficially using the property described herein; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the State Environmental Protection Act chapter 43.21C RCW (SEPA) and chapter 21.20 SVMC, staff conducted an environmental review to determine the potential environmental impacts from the proposed amendments; and WHEREAS,on February 8,2019 and February 15,2019,notice of the Commission public hearing was published in the Valley News Herald; and WHEREAS,on February 8,2019,notice of the Commission hearing was mailed to all property owners within 800 feet of the subject properties; and WHEREAS,on February 8,2019,notice of the Commission hearing had been posted on all the subject properties; and WHEREAS,on February I4,2019,the Commission conducted a study session to review the proposed amendments; and WHEREAS, on February 15, 2019, after reviewing the environmental checklists, staff issued a Determination of Non-Significance(DNS)for each of the proposals,published the DNS in the Valley News Herald, and where appropriate posted the DNS on the sites and mailed the DNS to all affected public agencies; and Ordinance 19-004:2019 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Page 1 of 12 WHEREAS, on February 26, 2019, the Washington State Department of Commerce was notified pursuant to RCW 36.70A.106 of the City's intent to adopt amendments to the Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, on February 28, 2019,the Commission received evidence, information, public testimony, and a staff report and recommendation at a public hearing; and WHEREAS,on February 28,2019,the Commission deliberated and voted to forward CPA-2019-0002, CPA-2019-0004, CPA-2019-0005, CPA-2019-0006, CPA-2019-0007, CPA-2019-0008, CPA-2019-0009 and CPA-2019-0010,to Council with a recommendation for approval;and CPA-2019-0001 to Council with a recommendation for denial; and CPA-2.019-0003 with no recommendation, with written findings of fact setting forth the bases for such recommendations to Council; and WHEREAS, on April 16,2019,Council conducted a briefing to review the proposed amendments;and WHEREAS, on April 16, 2019, Council concurred to place CPA-2019-0002, CPA-2019-0003, CPA- 2019-0004, CPA-2019-0005, CPA-2019-0006, CPA-2019-0007, CPA-2019-0008,CPA-2019-0009, and CPA-2019-0010 in an ordinance for consideration of approval and to place CPA-2019-0001 in the ordinance for consideration of denial; and WHEREAS, on May 14, 2019, Council considered a first ordinance reading to approve CPA-2019- 0002,CPA-2019-0003, CPA-2019-0004, CPA-2019-0005, CPA-2019-0006, CPA-2019-0007,CPA-2019- 0008, CPA-2019-0009 and CPA-2019-0010 and to deny CPA-2019-0001; and WHEREAS, on May 14,2019, Council considered public comment and voted to amend the ordinance to deny CPA-2019-0003; and WHEREAS, on May 28, 2019, Council considered a second ordinance reading to adopt the proposed amendments for CPA-2019-0002, CPA-2019-0004, CPA-2019-0005, CPA-2019-0006, CPA-2019-0007, CPA-2019-0008,CPA-2019-0009 and CPA-2019-0010 and to deny CPA-2019-0001 and CPA-2019-0003. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley do ordain as follows: Section 1. Purpose. The purpose of this Ordinance is to amend the Comprehensive Plan as described in CPA-2019-0002,CPA-2019-0004,CPA-2019-0005.,CPA-2019-0006,CPA-2019-0007,CPA- 2019-0008, CPA-2019-0009 and CPA-2019-0010 and to deny the amendments proposed in CPA-2019- 0001 and CPA-2019-0003. Section 2. Findings. Council acknowledges that the Commission conducted appropriate investigation and study and held a public hearing on the proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Plan, and Council hereby approves the amendments to the Comprehensive Plan map and text with the exception of CPA-2019-0001 and CPA-2019-0003 which is denied. Council has read and considered the Commission's findings. Council's findings specific to each proposed amendment are contained in Section 4 below. The Council hereby makes the following general findings applicable to all proposed amendments: General Findings: 1. Pursuant to chapter 43.21C RCW (SEPA), environmental checklists were required for each proposed Comprehensive Plan map and text amendment. 2. Staff reviewed the environmental checklists and a threshold determination was made for each proposed Comprehensive Plan amendment. Ordinance 19-004:2019 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Page 2 of 12 3. The procedural requirements of SEPA and SVMC Title 21 have been fulfilled. 4 On February 8, 2019, individual notices of public hearing for the proposed site-specific map amendments were, or had been previously, mailed to all property owners within 800 feet of each affected site. 5. On February 8,2018 each site subject to a proposed site-specific amendment was,or had been previously,posted with a"Notice of Public Hearing"sign,with a description of the proposal. 6. On February 8, 2019 and February 15, 2019, notice of the Commission public hearing was published in the Valley News Herald 7. On February 15, 2019, Determinations of Non-Significance (DNS) were issued for the proposed Comprehensive Plan amendments. 8. On February 15, 2019,the DNS's were published in the City's official newspaper,the Valley News Herald,pursuant to chapter 21.20 SVMC. 9. On February 26,2019,the Washington State Department of Commerce was provided a notice of intent to adopt amendments to the Comprehensive Plan. 10. The procedural requirements in SVMC 17.80.140 for the amendment process, including public participation,notice, and public hearing requirements have been met. 11. On February 28, 2019, the Commission held a public hearing on each of the proposed Comprehensive Plan amendments. After receiving public testimony the public hearing was closed. 12. On February 28, 2019, the Commission deliberated and voted to forward CPA-2019-0002, CPA-2019-0004, CPA-2019-0005, CPA-2019-0006, CPA-2019-0007, CPA-2019-0008, CPA-2019-0009 and CPA-2019-0010 to Council with a recommendation for approval, CPA- 2019-0003 to Council with no recommendation, and CPA-2019-0001 to Council with a recommendation for denial. 13. The Commission adopted findings for CPA-2019-0001 through CPA-2019-0010. Such findings were presented to Council. Specific findings for each. Comprehensive Plan Amendment request are contained in Section 4,below. I4. The Commission and Council have reviewed the proposed amendments concurrently to evaluate the cumulative impacts. The review was consistent with the annual amendment process pursuant to SVMC 17.80.140 and chapter 36.70A RCW. 15. The proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Plan,with the exception of CPA-2019-0001 and CPA-2019-0003, are consistent with GMA and do not result in internal inconsistencies within the Comprehensive Plan itself. Section 3. Property. The properties subject to this Ordinance are described in Attachment"A"(2019 Comprehensive Plan Amendment Maps). Section 4. Comprehensive Plan and Map Amendments. Pursuant to RCW 36.70A.130, the Comprehensive Plan as adopted through Ordinance No. 16-018 is hereby amended as set forth below and in Attachment"A." The Comprehensive Plan amendments are generally described as follows: Ordinance 19-004: 2019 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Page 3 of 12 Comprehensive Plan and Map Amendments: File No. CPA-2019-0001: Proposal: Site-specific Comprehensive Plan map amendment requesting to change the designation from Industrial (I) to Single Family Residential (SFR) and to change the Zoning District from Industrial(I)to Single Family Residential Urban (R-3). Applicant:Danny Davis,Circle J Mobile Home Park, LLC,3580 N Gunnar Court,Coeur d'Alene, ID 83815. Amendment Location: Parcel number 45183.9059; addressed as 622 North Park Road, located 300 feet south of the intersection of Park Road and Broadway Avenue, further located in the SW '/a of Section 18, Township 25 North, Range 44 East, Willamette Meridian, Spokane County, Washington. Council Findings: 1. The public health, safety,welfare, and protection of the environment will not be served by the proposed amendment. Transitional regulations will limit the impacts of new development, however they will not address impacts from existing uses. It is possible that conflicts may result by allowing the extension of residential uses into areas surrounded by industrial or other types of higher intensity uses. 2. The proposed amendment to the Comprehensive Plan is not consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan or the Growth Management Act(GMA)chapter 36.70A RCW. The proposal is not consistent with the following Comprehensive Plan goals and policies: a. ED-P6 Promote the development or redevelopment of vacant and underutilized properties, particularly those with potential to serve as a catalyst for economic development. b. LU-G3 Support the transformation of commercial, industrial, and mixed-use areas into accessible districts that attract economic activity. c. LU-P5 Ensure compatibility between adjacent residential and commercial or industrial uses. d. LU-P12 Maintain a robust supply of productive industrial land. 3. The proposed amendment does not respond to a substantial change in conditions beyond the property owner's control. 4. The proposed amendment does not correct a mapping error. 5. The proposed amendment does not address an identified deficiency in the Comprehensive Plan. 6. There are no known physical characteristics that would create difficulties in developing the property under the proposed designation. 7. The site does not contain any streams, rivers or lakes. There will be negligible impact on the open space areas. 8. The current zoning of the property would require transitional regulations on site to mitigate impacts of higher intensity use on a residential use. If the amendment were approved, than transitional regulations would be applied to the four adjacent parcels at the time of development and would limit their area available for redevelopment. Limited measures to mitigate such impacts as noise, traffic, and pollution of dust between incompatible uses exist. Based on issued building permits and pre-application meetings, the Commission identified the area is growing as an industrial area and the amendment would allow for incompatible residential encroachment. 9. The proposed amendment will not likely have impact on parks,recreation or schools. 10. The proposed map amendment may affect the surrounding neighborhood by increasing the incompatibility of residential and industrial uses adjacent to each other and disadvantaging industrial zoned properties by limiting buildable area. 11. There are adequate lands available to accommodate the projected future demand of residential and industrial lands. Ordinance 19-004:2019 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Page 4 of 12 12. The increase in density for the area was not contemplated in the Comprehensive Plan for the parcel. The change will have marginal impact on population density. 13. The request is in conflict with the Comprehensive goals and policies as identified in section 2 above. Council Decision: Deny the request to change the designation for parcel number 45183.9059 to Single Family Residential (SFR). File No. CPA-2019-0002: Proposal: Site-specific Comprehensive Plan map amendment requesting to change the designation from Single Family Residential (SFR) to Neighborhood Commercial (NC) and to change the Zoning District from Single Family Residential Urban (R-3)to Neighborhood Commercial (NC). Applicant: Whipple Consulting Engineers, Inc., 21 S. Pines Road, Spokane Valley, WA 99206. Amendment Location: Parcel number 45234.02.10 addressed as 810 S. Sullivan Road, and parcel number 45234.4501 addressed as 902 S Sullivan Road; located in the SW corner of 8a'Avenue and Sullivan Road, further located in the SE IA of Section 23, Township 25 North, Range 44 East, Willamette Meridian, Spokane County,Washington. Council Findings: 1. The public health, safety, welfare, and protection of the environment will be served by the proposed amendment. Designating the property as neighborhood commercial will allow for neighborhood scale services to be developed across from Central Valley High School, an intensely developed school site, within walking distance to serve the residential area and student population. Infrastructure, including streets, water, sewer, and other utilities,are available to support the proposed amendment and will be provided through the course of development. 2. The proposed amendment to the Comprehensive Plan is consistent with the Growth Management Act (GMA) chapter 36.70A RCW. Specifically the following planning goals and policies would be met: a. Encourage development in urban areas where adequate public facilities and services exist or can be provided in an efficient manner; and b. Ensure that those public facilities and services necessary to support development shall be adequate to serve the development at the time the development is available for occupancy and use without decreasing current service levels below locally established minimum standards; and c. ED-GI support economic opportunities and employment growth for Spokane Valley; and d. LU-P1 Encourage neighborhood scale commercial uses in residential areas. 3. The proposed amendment does not respond to a substantial change in conditions beyond the property owner's control. Substantial change has not occurred since the 2016 Legislative Update to the Comprehensive Plan. 4. The proposed amendment does not correct a mapping error. 5. The proposed amendment does address an identified deficiency in the Comprehensive Plan.The 2016 Comprehensive Plan Update identified areas for NC zoning and identified the need as a community priority.The amendment location was not identified in the 2016 update, but it does offer an opportunity for smaller scale commercial development in an area that is generally consistent with the criteria for NC. 6. The goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan were considered and the proposed amendment is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 7. Findings were made and factors were considered to ensure compliance with approval criteria contained in SVMC 17.80.140(H) (Comprehensive Plan amendments and area- wide rezones). 8. The Comprehensive Plan land use map amendment will not adversely affect the public's general health, safety, and welfare. Ordinance 19-004: 2019 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Page 5 of 12 9. The change to NC will allow neighborhood commercial development of the property. The site will likely transition from a residential use with residential driveways, trees, lawn, and buildings to a commercial building with parking structures, commercial landscaping, and stormwater treatment areas. Traffic will likely increase with the commercial development. Both sites have been developed with building, paving and grading activity. 10. The change to NC would not have any effect on open space, streams, rivers, and lakes. Any stormwater associated with commercial development will be retained and treated on the site. The site does not contain any streams, rivers or lakes. The open space areas associated with the required residential front, rear, flanking, and side yards will likely transition to parking or commercial landscaping areas. 11. The change is compatible with adjacent land uses and surrounding neighborhoods. NC development is limited in size to reduce impacts to neighboring residential uses. Development standards limit the height and location of commercial development and together with landscaping and screening standards, will reduce the impacts to adjacent residential uses.The existing church is a permitted use in the NC zone and was developed prior to the NC development standard. Subsequent changes of use would have to be a permitted use in the NC zoning district and comply with the NC development standards. 12. Adequate community facilities including utilities, roads, public transportation, parks, recreation, and schools exist. A neighborhood commercial use will likely have minimal impact on parks, recreation or schools. Generally a commercial use does not generate a need for those facilities. As noted earlier the uses permitted within the NC zone are smaller in scale and suited for neighborhoods. Sullivan Road is a Principal Arterial designed to serve through trips and connect Spokane Valley with the rest of the region; 8th Avenue is an Urban Minor Arterial. Minor arterial streets provide inter- neighborhood connections, transit access, and serve both local and through trips. No impacts on community facilities are anticipated. 13. The change will benefit the neighborhood. The 2016 Legislative Update increased opportunities for neighborhood commercial development throughout the City. The community expressed a strong desire to encourage neighborhood scale commercial development. The neighborhood is already served by the larger-scale commercial and retail uses north of site along 4th Avenue and Sprague Avenue. The existing church is consistent with neighborhood commercial development. The redevelopment of the southern property from single family residential to an NC use, such as office, would allow a use that is reasonable and appropriate for the location across from the school and adjacent to a church. 14. The 2016 Legislative Update to the Comprehensive Plan increased the areas that are zoned NC. The NC zoned lands are scattered throughout the City, primarily located on arterial streets within neighborhoods. NC zoned lands are located south of the site at the intersections of 16th and Sullivan,and 24th and Sullivan. A small coffee/espresso stand has developed at 16th and Sullivan. Of the five NC-zoned properties closest to this site, the 16th/Sullivan site is the only site to redevelop from the existing use into a neighborhood commercial use. This site is located within one half mile of major retail centers at Sprague/Sullivan and smaller retail centers at 4th/Sullivan. During school periods the Central Valley High School,with a student population of over 2,300 students, adds population density that can support NC development. 15. The NC zone allows single-family dwellings (current use of the south property) and neighborhood scale commercial development. Single family uses are permitted in the NC zone and the proposed change would have no effect on the land use capacity of the property. The proposed change in land use to NC will not impact the overall density of the area. 16. The NC designation would support many of the Economic Development, Land Use, Transportation, and Housing goals. The proposed land use change will have little effect Ordinance 19-004: 2019 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Page 6 of 12 on the Capital Facilities and Public Services,Public and Private Utilities,Parks and Open Space and Natural Resources elements of the Comprehensive plan. Council Decision: Change the designation for parcel numbers 45234.4501 and 45234.0210 to Neighborhood Commercial(NC). File No. CPA-2019-0003: Proposal: Site-specific Comprehensive Plan map amendment requesting to change the designation from Single Family Residential(SFR)to Multi Family Residential(MFR)and to change the Zoning District from Single Family Residential Urban (R-3) to Multi Family Residential(MFR). Applicant: Joel Elgee,24327 E. Maxwell Ave.,Liberty Lake, WA 99019. Amendment Location: Parcel number 45181.0213 addressed as 8817, 8819, 8821 E. Sinto Avenue, 1405 and 1407 N Marguerite Road; located in the NW corner of Sinto Avenue and Marguerite Road, further located in the NE 'A of Section 18, Township 25 North, Range 44 East, Willamette Meridian, Spokane County, Washington. Council Findings: 1. The public health, safety, welfare, and protection of the environment will not be served by the proposed amendment.The neighborhood is developed with single family and two- family uses. Transitional regulations will limit the impacts of new high density residential development,however it is possible that conflicts may result by allowing high density residential uses into areas surrounded by low density residential uses,and provide for the further encroachment into the neighborhood. 2. The proposed amendment to the Comprehensive Plan is not consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan or the Growth Management Act(GMA)chapter 36.70A RCW. The proposal is not consistent with the following Comprehensive Plan goals and policies: a. LU-P5 Ensure compatibility between adjacent residential and commercial or industrial uses. 3. The property is located within an older,well established neighborhood and minimal new development has occurred within the area. The commercial uses located across the street in the Mission Argonne Business Center are not oriented toward the neighborhood and not connected to the neighborhood. No change has occurred since the 2016 Comprehensive Plan update. The applicant indicated in the application materials that he would like to divide the property into individual lots associated with the existing duplexes and single family residence, while establishing a vacant lot for development. The minimum lot size in the R-3 zone(7,500 sq. ft.) does allow for the division, but does not provide for a vacant lot for further development.The current situation with two duplexes and single family dwelling on a single lot is a non-conforming use,but could be corrected under the current regulations. Although the amendment request allows the property to be brought in conformance with existing regulations it creates opportunity for high density development on the vacant lot which is inconsistent with the existing low density uses. 4. The amendment is not in response to a mapping error and would not correct any error. 5. The 2016 Comprehensive Plan Update sought to identify deficiencies in the use and development of multi-family properties. Two multi-family zones with different density allowances were in place prior to the 2016. The 2016 update consolidated the two zones into a single MFR zone with a density allowance of 22 dwelling units per acre. The update reaffirmed existing areas that were suitable for MFR uses and identified new areas that would be suitable for future MFR uses. This site was not identified for a change to MFR at the time of the update. The proposed amendment does not address an identified deficiency in the Comprehensive Plan. 6. The change to MFR would allow multi-family and/or some limited commercial development of the property. The site may transition from a residential use with residential driveways,trees,lawn,and buildings to a multi-family or office building with parking area, commercial landscaping, and stormwater treatment areas. In that case Ordinance 19-004: 2019 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Page 7 of 12 traffic into and out of the area would increase with the multi-family or commercial development. The transition would have some impact on the physical environment based on the physical change to the location. 7. Stormwater associated with multi-family or commercial development is required to be retained and treated on the site. The site does not contain any streams, rivers or lakes. The open space areas associated with the required residential front, rear, flanking, and side yards will likely transition to parking or commercial landscaping areas. However there will be negligible impact on the open space areas. 8. Multi-family uses will have impacts on the adjacent uses. The impacts may include increased traffic, taller buildings, and more noise. The current zoning of the property would allow the property to be divided to establish individual lots for the existing structures and bring the uses into conformance with the zoning regulations. If the amendment were approved, conflicts could occur between the high and low density residential uses. Although transitional regulations would be applied to any high density development,they provide limited measures to mitigate such impacts as noise and traffic between incompatible uses. The Council identified the area as a low density residential area and the amendment would allow for incompatible high density residential encroachment into the neighborhood. 9. High density residential development will contribute to a need for parks,recreation, and schools. However, the proposed amendment will not have significant impact on parks, recreation or schools. 10. The proposed map amendment may affect the surrounding neighborhood by increasing the incompatibility of low density residential and high density residential uses adjacent to each. 11. There are adequate lands available to accommodate the projected future demand of residential lands and the change is not warranted. 12. The increase in density for the area was not contemplated in the Comprehensive Plan for the parcel. The change will have marginal impact on population density. 13. The request is in conflict with the Comprehensive goals and policies as identified in section 2 above. Council Decision: Deny the request to change the designation for parcel number 45181.0213 to Multi Family Residential (MFR). File No.: CPA-2019-0004 - CPA-2019-0008 and CPA-2019-0010 Proposal: Comprehensive Plan amendments to Chapter 2 — Goals, Policies & Strategies, and Chapter 5 Transportation. The amendments also include the addition of a new appendix of adopted maps,and an appendix listing planned transportation improvements anticipated over a 20- year horizon. Applicant: City of Spokane Valley, 10210 East Sprague Avenue, Spokane Valley, WA 99206. Council Findings: 1. The public health, safety, welfare, and protection of the environment will be served by the proposed amendments by ensuring that the Comprehensive Plan reflects the changing conditions and preferences of the community, as well as ensuring consistency with regional policy and other adopted plans. 2. The proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Plan are consistent with Growth Management Act (GMA) chapter 36.70A RCW. Specifically the following GMA planning goals would be met as well as specific Comprehensive Plan Goals and policies: Encourage efficient multimodal transportation systems that are based on regional priorities and coordinated with county and city comprehensive plans. a. CPA-2019-0004: Updating implementation strategies and timelines. i. Economic Development: Support economic opportunities and employment growth for Spokane Valley. Ordinance 19-004: 2019 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Page 8 of 12 ii. Land Use: Ensure that land use plans, regulations, review processes, and infrastructure improvements support economic growth and vitality. iii. Transportation: Ensure that the transportation system and investments in transportation infrastructure are designed to improve quality of life or support economic development priorities. iv. Housing: Allow for a broad range of housing opportunities to meet the needs of the community. v. Housing: Enable the development of affordable housing for all income levels. vi. Housing: Allow convenient access to daily goods and services in Spokane Valley's neighborhoods. b. CPA-2019-0005: Text updates to pedestrian and bicycle elements. i. Transportation: Maintain and enhance a comprehensive multimodal transportation system that promotes, supports, and improves the safe, efficient, and reliable movement of people,vehicles, and goods. c. CPA-2019-0006: Annexation goal and policy additions. i. Land Use: Provide for land uses that are essential to Spokane Valley residents, employees, and visitors. ii. Land Use: Ensure that land use plans, regulations, review processes, and infrastructure improvements support economic growth and vitality. d. CPA-2019-0007: Recommended network map updates. i, Transportation: Ensure that the transportation system and investments in transportation infrastructure are designed to improve quality of life or support economic development priorities. ii. Transportation: Ensure that transportation planning efforts reflect anticipated land use patterns and support identified growth opportunities. iii. Transportation: Provide for safe and efficient freight mobility. iv. Transportation: Maintain and enhance a comprehensive multimodal transportation system that promotes, supports, and improves the safe, efficient, and reliable movement of people, vehicles,and goods. e. CPA-2019-0008: Appendix of most recently adopted maps. i. Land Use: Ensure that land use plans, regulations, review processes, and infrastructure improvements support economic growth and vitality. f.. CPA-2019-0010: Appendix with 20-year transportation improvement plan. i. Transportation: Ensure that the transportation system and investments in transportation infrastructure are designed to improve quality of life or support economic development priorities. ii. Transportation: Ensure that transportation planning efforts reflect anticipated land use patterns and support identified growth opportunities. iii. Transportation: Provide for safe and efficient freight mobility. iv. Transportation: Maintain and enhance a comprehensive multimodal transportation system that promotes, supports, and improves the safe, efficient, and reliable movement of people,vehicles, and goods. 3. The proposed amendments do not respond to a substantial change in conditions beyond the property owner's control. 4. The proposed text amendments do not correct a mapping error. 5. The proposed amendments do not address an identified deficiency in the Comprehensive Plan. However, these text amendments are policy-oriented and address strategies and network-level planning rather than site-specific impacts on the physical environment. Site-specific analysis will be addressed as individual capital facility projects are brought forward at a future time. 6. These text amendments are policy-oriented and address strategies and network-level planning rather than site-specific impacts on the physical environment. Site-specific Ordinance 19-004: 2019 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Page 9 of 12 analysis will be addressed as individual capital facility projects are brought forward at a future time. 7. The proposed amendments are primarily policy oriented and have no direct impact on open space, streams, rivers,and lakes. 8. The City addresses adequacy of community facilities on a City-wide basis through capital facilities planning; annual updates to the Comprehensive Plan ensure that the City is adequately providing for the anticipated growth.These amendments recommend context- sensitive pedestrian and bicycle network improvements.Recommended facility locations and types respond to destination land uses and accommodating travel behaviors based on street and adjacent development characteristics. 9. The public benefit is furthered by ensuring the Comprehensive Plan is reflective of regional policy and current with other internal plans. 10. The proposed amendments are policy oriented and do not have a direct impact on the quantity and location of land planned for land uses. 11. The proposed amendments do not require population analysis. 12. The proposed amendments are consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and will have minimal impact on other aspects of the Plan. Council Decision: Change the Comprehensive Plan as described in CPA-2019-0004—CPA-2019- 0008 and CPA-2019-0010. File No. CPA-2019-0009: Proposal: City-initiated site specific Comprehensive Plan map amendment requesting to change the designation from Multi Family Residential(MFR) to Corridor Mixed Use(CMU)and the zoning from Multi Family Residential(MFR)to Corridor Mixed Use District(CMU). Applicant: City of Spokane Valley, 10210 East Sprague Avenue, Spokane Valley, WA 99206. Amendment Location: Parcel numbers 45104.9150, 45104.9151, 45104.0324, 45104.0315, 45104.0311, 45104.0307, 45104.0308, 45104.0330, 45104.0329, 45104.0323, 45104.0327 and, 45104.0328, addressed as 13303, 13507, 13515, 13519, 13607 and 13621 East Mission Avenue, located north of Mission Avenue between the intersections of Mission Avenue and McDonald Road and Mission Avenue and Maurer Road, further located in Section 4 of Township 25, Range 44, Willamette Meridian, Spokane County, Washington. Council Findings: 1. The public health, safety, welfare, and protection of the environment will be served by the proposed amendment. The amendment provides more flexibility of uses and intensity in an area surrounded by similar zoning and uses. The amendment will allow opportunity for increases in uses providing complementary daily goods and services and the subject properties will benefit by being allowed to develop consistent with the adjacent land uses. 2. The proposed amendment to the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Map is consistent with Growth Management Act (GMA) chapter 36.70A RCW. Specifically the following planning goals would be met: a. Encourage development in urban areas where adequate public facilities and services exist or can be provided in an efficient manner; and b. Provides for economic development adjacent to similar zoned parcels and utilizes land for infill development within an urban area; and c. Provides a suitable land use designation consistent with the City's GMA compliant Comprehensive Plan; and d. ED-P6 Promote the development or redevelopment of vacant and underutilized properties, particularly those with potential to serve as a catalyst for economic development; and e. LU-P5 Ensure compatibility between adjacent residential and commercial or industrial uses; and f. LU-P16 Maximize the density of development along major transit corridors and near transit centers and commercial areas; and Ordinance 19-004:2019 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Page 10 of 12 g. H-Gl Allow for a broad range of housing opportunities to meet the needs of the community; and h. CF-P2 Optimize the use of existing public facilities before investing in new facilities. 3. The proposed amendment does respond to a substantial change in conditions due to the 2016 Comprehensive Plan land use designation and zoning change of the surrounding properties. The City underwent an extensive legislative Comprehensive Plan update in 2016. At that time,the subject parcels were designated consistent with the existing land uses and maintained the same land use designation. The surrounding properties to the north and west received a new land use designation of CMU. 4. The proposed amendment does not correct a mapping error. 5. The proposed amendment does not address an identified deficiency in the Comprehensive Plan. 6. The properties will have the opportunity to transition and add a mix of uses to serve the surrounding single family, duplexes and multifamily, commercial and office services. There is no concern on effect of physical environment. 7. The site does not contain any streams, rivers or lakes. There will be negligible impact on the open space areas. 8. The amendment is consistent with the adjacent land use designation, and allows the properties to develop consistent with the existing CMU designation and development along the entire corridor on the north side of Mission Avenue. 9 The proposed CMU designation will have minimal impact on parks, recreation or schools. The City prepared a Trip Generation and Distribution Letter concluding there is adequate capacity. No impacts are anticipated. 10. The proposed land use designation provides equal development opportunity to the properties along the corridor which encourages development and implements the vision for corridor. I 1. Since the majority of the proposed amendment area is developed the amendment would have marginal impact,but the change would allow for more intensive uses and increased density. 12. Since the properties are substantially developed,the change to CMU development is not anticipated to increase or decrease the population or density in the area. Although it is noted that additional units could be developed on site above the current density. The change should not result in significant impacts on the projected population density. 13. The CMU designation will support many of the Economic Development, Land Use, Transportation, and Housing goals. It would have little effect on the Capital Facilities and Public Services, Public and Private Utilities, Parks and Open Space and Natural Resources elements of the Comprehensive plan. Council Decision: Change the designation for parcel numbers 45104.9150, 45104.9151, 45104.0324, 45104.0315, 45104.0311, 45104.0307, 45104.0308, 45104.0330, 45104.0329, 45104.0323, 45104.0327 and,45104.0328 to Corridor Mixed Use(CMU). Section 5. Map - Copies on File-Administrative Action. The Comprehensive Plan (with maps) is maintained in the office of the City Clerk as well as the City Department of Community and Public Works. The City Manager or designee, following adoption of this Ordinance, is authorized to modify the Comprehensive Plan (including maps) in a manner consistent with this Ordinance, including correcting scrivener's errors. Section 6. Liability. The express intent of the City is that the responsibility for compliance with the provisions of this Ordinance shall rest with the permit applicant and their agents. This Ordinance and its provisions are adopted with the express intent to protect the health,safety,and welfare of the general public and are not intended to protect any particular class of individuals or organizations. Ordinance 19-004: 2019 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Page 11 of 12 Section 7. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this Ordinance shall be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this Ordinance. Section S. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five days after publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof in the official newspaper of the City as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council this 28th day of May, 2019. r 4, AES J L.R. HiggZor 41111, Christine Bainbridge, ity CIerk Approved as to form: Date of Publication: ( —2 - 070 Effective Date: , - f, - fJ/ Offic f th iAttorney Ordinance 19-004: 2019 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Page 12 of 12 Comprehensive Plan Map / \ .s. Study Area] $8th Ave - 1 9b a Y. c vi E911iAvc CPA.-20X9-0002 Rcauest: `I"Y( Owner: Advent Lutheran Churchpolae TCF Properties LLC Change the land use designation from 00 Valley Parcel#:45234.4501, .0210 SFR to NC and the Zoning from R-3 to NC Address: 810 S Sullivan Rd 1 Comprehensive Plan Map �e ,1ud+1,l3a A E 190 Foy E 190 W290 ON...._ Atli Ct E Nora Ave 190 X290 OFF Ramp MINIM Study Area 45104.9151 13107 E MISSION AV f 45104,0307 — -M. O ADDRESS UNKNOWN ��,� 45104.0328 45104.0323 �_.`--�` 0 ADDRESS 0 VACANT L 45104.9150 UNKNOWN LAND 13107E 45104.1:M4 MI5510NAVE 1307E �' ~ • n+IsssoNAVE 45104.0377 45104,0329 °ADDRESS ~��--" �-r. UNKNOWN ' 0 ADDRESS 451o4.inos UNKNOWN 13607E MISSION AVE 1 E Mission Ave 45104.0315 45104.0311 45104.0330 13615E 13619E 13621 E MISSION AVE MISSION AVE MISSION AVE I I j -c3 EMaa el 1- .,I 4,i p {dj E Sint3 f—Avel 1 .-_ _ . _ L CPA-2019-0009 Request: in O Owner:Ronnie and Connie Carlson, P 0 ile Sharon Janson,Jerry Nos,John Massong, City initiated proposal to change land use On The 6olid Rock We Stand,LLC, Walley Henderson gacy,lLLDIsIr1clND.f9, designation and zoningfrom MFR to CildU }{enols ai LeOecy,LLC, Whimsical Pig LTD Partnership CPA-2019-004 Draft amendments to Chapter 2 Implementation Strategies STRATEGY PRIMARY RELATED LEAD& TIMING PRIORITY ELEMENT ELEMENT(S) PARTNERS Undertake a comprehensive branding process to create and o market an identity for Spokane Economic E.D.Division; 2017Ongo Valleythat sells the City's inherent ° ° Visit Spokane HiGH Y Development assets to would-be residents, employers,and visitors. Continue participation in regional E.D.Division; tourism-promotion efforts and • ValleyFest,Visit increase the City's presence in Economic e ® Spokane,Sports Ongoing HIGH 1 regional events usin hart al Development g G�l Commission Cer�terPlace. Seek opportunities for funding and improvements for tourism related improvements such as the Evaluate he Feta... a investment EconomicE.D.Division; 20180rn CenterPlace.West Lawn Development °° o o a Visit Spokane oing HiGH improvements.of potential`o awcho s-an4-allocate-available funds according to thefinE+.gs Continue to advance Consider o nsing GIS and web-based Economic • E.R.Division 20180?rig technologies to assist business Development pin?, HIGH development. recruitmentcffor-feContinue to Economic D.Division; 2019On implement the Retail Recruitment Development •°='° E.Consultant pig MEDIUM Plan. E\&3lUatc local interest in-the 4 D.Division+ creation of a Business Economic o-.-o-o-e•o-.o Spokane 2419 MEDIUM improvement District moment County Conduct a market a alysis-anci E.D.Division; initial-lausioc:z planning for a local a Parks Spokane farmers'marketjclentify Economic o Regional-i4eaith 2019 MEDIUM opportunities for ti g formation of a Development District Farmers'market at CenterPlace. ,Devise and update the City's ° website to meet accessibility E.D.DivisionOngoingconomc HIGH standards.increase search engine Development optimization.improve user STRATEGY PRIMARY RELATED LEAD& TIMING PRIORITY ELEMENT ELEMENT(S) PARTNERS experience and streamline and simplify content. Fvaluate and develop criteria to • assist In the evaluation of Economic c,_c,$a•••• E.D.Divisign; 2019 HIGH-{ annexations. Development Streamline permitting procedures Bulldinga-i In advance our business friendly environment based on feedback Land Use ° Servicbc i_visio Ungoinn HIGH from business and landowners, 11 developers,etc. Evaluate-barking standards-Ind a, g d} d reEI ee-the em .Land Use -41-0.11, ne., ems€.r,..,s e5 2017 L.D. parking if feasible Collaborate with the private sector • to facilitate the successful Land Use a •+'a E.D.Division 202Q HIGH redevelopment of Mlrabeau Point. PIS Coordinate transportation planning WorksE.D.and efforts with other jurisdictions to • Engineering ensure that Spokane Valley Transportation •• °• ' Divisions; Ongoing HIGH businesses and neighborhoods are adjacent well served. jurisdictions, STA Evaluate and where feasible. implement traffic impact fees in areas of the City where detailed " ........ Engineering 2020 HIGH traffic studies have been Transportation completed, Work with STAID improve and P#ie expand transit service iB the City. • E.D,and eto provius-shelters • at strategic Transportation •• "a Engineering 2022 MEDIUM lee-at-lefts Divisions;STA Ltaluate and consider amendments g.D,Division to the municipal code that enhance ! v••••••• Engineering; 2019 )tii_QH g ant eligibility for Projects that Transportation Health District; jmnrove safety and accessibility. STRATEGY PRIMARY RELATED LEAD& TIMING PRIORITY ELEMENT ELEMENT(S) PARTNERS Public Seek opportunities to continue to • Wer.ksEnglnee fund_: ilro;:ac,i grade separations on Transportation •• a ring;Chamber 2023 HIGH Pines Roadand-Barker Roans of Commerce, GSI E.D.Division; Identify low-and moderate-income 0 Spokane 2024 housing needs. Housing • • Housing LOW Authority Exolore and potentially adopt a Multi Family Tax Exemption in key " • • J.D.EDivision; 20211 MEDIUM Housing areas. ED Division; ' Continue to evaluate new housing ®• • Homet�uilders 2024 LOW typologies to meet market needs. Housing Association ifY-rreeded capital facilities • ED,Div'ision - ea4 to Capital ____•-•___:-_-_ an-d-Pubtis 2017 144614 eeen^�'^ro,,,, eyelaiament Facilities Works Update wayfinding and signage for the entire City,and incorporate a • E.D.Division; 2020202 consistent aesthetic or theme Capital ••• Downtown 4 LOW based on the outcome of the City's Facilities Partnership branding process. Identify opportunities for the, expansion of Balfour ParkExecuto • Parks and Rec a citizen supported vision forhe Capital 4.•.-.) • Dent.and E.D. 2020 MEDIUM redevelopment of the arae Facilities Division surround}ng-the-ne�•,r, ty-i U. • Parks; Improve new and existing access Capital a•• a • Department of 2020 points to the Spokane River. Facilities Ecology MEDIUM Create a 20-year transportation project list to Inform the 6-year • Administration transportation improvementEngineering 20222c11 MED1UMHI eet esti e cpital ••• • • and ED. _9 pr'Ogranl� eA' Sh,ri erra,oi Facilities GH pr-ieritization-af-eapitat Divisions investments.ents. STRATEGY PRIMARY RELATED LEAD& TIMING PRIORITY ELEMENT ELEMENT(S) PARTNERS Establish a Facilities-Qenctitien ifidex(FC!)to provide-information for-plannedairrtenance with set • Administration priorities and cost Capital .Emil_teeririp� 2022 estii �Lcentt tesan manasset Facilities ••• • • Street MEDIUM naariatement program for the Iytaintenancg street and stormwater maintenance met ins. Engineering and E.D. Work to extend and improve water, Divisions; sewer.and road infrastructure in • Spokane the Northeast Industrial Area Public and •• e, County; 2022 HIGH Extend sewer infrastructure to Private Utilities Consolidated support industrial development. Irrigation District Go nsell nd-water-i frat. tinu4ilc-and � tinted - cuppert industria�develeprent �j,�[t�� irrigation IRA-I District EugineeEt s and_lw.D. Coordinate with utility provider Public and pivision; on the timing of capital ••••*••• Spokane 2Q22 MEI lniprovement projects. Private s Utilities County:Water Districts Centennial Trail to improve acijacen-t- uskaesi eppaFtu-n-itiesldentify and • E.D.Division; implement opportunities,like the Parks and Open ••• • adjacent 2020 AAE1341.0 i1g Parklet -_nd Streeteries ordinance Space businesses 1. that take advantage of proximity and rcess to the Apolewav and Centennial Trails, lclentifyaand see 1<seth funding to Parks and ED, develop north-south trail • Division; connections between the Apulewav Parks and Open ••• • Resource 2020 SME[-I U wind Centennial ilraik.kcy east west Space Conservation M corridors Office Evaluate the fe ibIlity-ef • developieng public park along the r=i -anci-Been •.•..•., • E,C . ivisaon 2017 MgDIUM Spekarie River Space CPA-2019-0005 Draft amendments to Chapter 2 Goals and Policies CPA-2019006 Proposed Amendments to Chapter 2: Goals, Policies, & Strategies LU-P19 Develop criteria to 4identify,_process,and assess the annexation of land into-ep-port-u-n4t-ies4o annex lane - _ cncfit Spokane Valley. LU-P20 Identify land designations for potential annexation areas in the Comprehensive Plan for the adjacent Urban Growth Areas to the city. CF-P16 Plan and coordinate the location of public facilities and utilities in potential annexation areas, including identifying the fiscal impacts of providing the facilities, utilities,services, and maintenance. CPA-2019-0005 Draft amendments to Chapter 5: Transportation CPA-2019-005 Proposed Amendments to Chapter 5: Transportation Pg.5-77: Pedestrian Facilities Residents and visitors in Spokane Valley walk as part of their daily travel for many reasons.Children attending school,commuters taking the bus or connecting with a carpool to get to work,and senior citizens making midday trips all require safe pedestrian amenities. Sidewalks,crosswalks, curb ramps,and small curb radii are all key features in creating a safe and welcoming environment for people to walk. Furthermore,research suggests that people are more likely to walk to their destinations when those destinations are within a reasonable walking distance and when the trip offers an engaging and aesthetically pleasing,strolling environment.To that end, providing buffers between sidewalks and lanes of traffic,such as landscaping or on-street parking,can also increase safety and comfort for pedestrians,particularly on arterial streets.The images in Figure 25 show some of these features on Spokane Valley streets. Pg.5-78: Sidewalks are present on both sides of most principal and minor arterials in Spokane Valley as well as some collectors,The City has also prioritized providing sidewalks near schools, libraries,transit locations,and trailheads. While quiet residential streets may not require sidewalks for a safe pedestrian environment(with the exception of key routes to schools),some arterials lack sidewalk coverage,such as Mission Avenue,4th Avenue,and Adams Road.Plans for adding to the sidewalk network generally focus on filling existing gaps on arterials. In addition to sidewalks and crosswalks along streets,Spokane Valley also has paved shared-use paths for pedestrians and bicyclists.The Centennial Trail provides a dedicated east-west connection along a shared-use path. The trail Pg. 5-79: is part of a regional connection through Spokane and to the Washington-Idaho state border.The new Appleway Trail provides an additional east-west corridor for pedestrians and bicyclists along the former Milwaukee Railroad right-of-way. Spokane Valley is actively working on extending the Appleway Trail,and the City has also identified other opportunities for shared use paths along former and active rail lines. The planned network will eventually create an interconnected system linkinu the Appleway Trail.the Centennial Trail, and Dishman Hills Natural Area as part of regional pathway network. Spokane Valley has a well-developed grid of arterial streets spaced roughly one-half mile apart,which is typical of communities built in the post-World War Il era. While this system is efficient for vehicle travel,crossing major streets like Sprague Avenue or Pines Road can be difficult on foot or bike since signalized crosswalks are spread far apart,Additionally,crossings of Interstate 90 and Trent Avenue are limited and are often located at busy interchanges or intersections.These gaps in safe crossing locations isolate parts of Spokane Valley and lead to people driving for short trips that they could typically make on foot or via transit.The map in Figure 26 illustrates a range of pedestrian facilities in Spokane Valley,as well as recommended improvements from the Bike and Pedestrian Master Program,which is the City's adopted long-term bicycle and pedestrian plan. The City's long; term sidewalk network prioritizes improvements in areas with high numbers of short trips tind concentrations of employment and housing. Recommendations also prioritize sidewalks along Safe Routes to School and in low- moderate income areas. Finally. the recommended network prioritizes sidewalks in locations with a high risk for serious-injury or fatal pedestrian-auto collisions. Existing Bicycle Facilities Similar to sidewalks,bicycle facilities are an important element in the transportation network that provide a safe and identifiable bicycling Pg. 5-80: environment. Bicyclists in the Spokane Valley can utilize a variety of facilities, including shared-use paths,bike lanes,and bike friendly routes to reach their destination as shown in Figure 27. However,gaps in the network create an environment in which cyclists must navigate through vehicle traffic or difficult arterial crossings to complete their journey,decreasing safety for motorized and non-motorized travelers alike. While the City has trails and bike lanes that form a spine of north-south and east-west connections,some of these facilities are not continuous and require bicyclists to merge in and out of traffic. Figure 27 also shows Spokane Valley's long-term plan for the bicycle network to address the gaps described above. Pg.5-81: The existing roadway geometry in many parts of Spokane Valley includes wide lanes,on-street parking,and a high number of driveways, which make many bicyclists feel uncomfortable riding in the street. Some corridors,such as Sprague Avenue and Mission Avenue, have striped bike lanes but also high vehicle speeds and volumes.The long- term bikeway network recommendations prioritize facilities in locations with the greatest potential for improving safety. accommodating local trips,and mitigating traffic congestion. Pg. 5-93 BEST PRACTICES Alodernithng!nfrasirnelxre Identifying any infrastructure that needs or will need updating or replacement prior to the point at which those investments become critical will allow Spokane Valley to budget accordingly and find funding to avoid infrastructure failures. In an era when many pieces of infrastructure have aged and budgets are constrained,this planning is valuable to the City, its residents,and employees. /vksfn/ainiug Cosi 4llediveness Compared to other cities in the region, residents highlighted the good state of repair with respect to street and bridge maintenance.This results in lower overall costs to reconstruct streets and more opportunities to invest in other City priorities.The City will continue to prioritize street and bridge maintenance and will continue to make informed decisions about budgeting and capital expenditures. Linking Muliimodccl Systems The effectiveness of a transportation network may be limited by deficiencies in the connections between transportation modes. Identifying and fixing places where there are safety concerns,a lack of facilities, or missing "last mile"connections will ensure that Spokane Valley's network functions cohesively and efficiently for all users. Policies such as a Complete Streets ordinance would glide the completion of these connections in coordination with onnoi.na capital improvements. Such policies improve grant eligibility and can reduce the cost of making improvements that support safe travel for all roadway users. CPA-2019-0007 Draft amendments to Figures 26, Figure 27, and Figure 46 40r,74,02,roWl. A ./7 „;:-' ,...;...-_ I I Fr //1"/ ' E; _ _ . EEUddAve l� z i• ' Mirrwoo.�- Mirabear Point P=_rk 1 I pare----‘4100L, )i L ullivan Hit _pty �]r' s I Park � E.I IlpFr_. I 71=1 NE _ - _ !.f. r . II _ al m, EMission i , , , _17- u Z���� re g ' alli --- 1 �d ata ldoAve ` n Avee 1 All4 ;mil , r ea _ ------01, 4zst. _l �� "" - J . � _ l . &lir J a WI 7744/4/I 7 l `Is��_ - 1 d! T tgrAr . __ Dishman Hills � 1� _ - mil Natural Area �s � EMIII 1 _ re* - 91 g. EI - a T—' ' PI Uplands ' —- , C � area . IA , 1 t\i/ril rr rra - rd, ,I4 MI AA — ye . A ,, ,,r. Qishman Hills 11 „,„„p . r 1 Conservation Area o III 11, i,..... r I r �Y / 5 - u.1 - '_vvcnco-cy nvc .-'x- '1 t:'s Fe, _ ? p E Upriver Dr Park Ia` .f_ . Z 73 ... C' r Elp,Y-wad' - m G r� 1 i' Mirabeau P z. Psi woo. i E Euclid Ave , +. P'i'BuckeyeA Mirabeau' -- - E Montg.mery Dr Point Park I. \9 rY b 1 r _ .5 E Indiana Ave �_ - zj� :: 1�4__ _ '`„e Llliivan �` Vali y - 1 o ;4 `CPark a - I x _ EMissionAve `..`n EMiss.nAve 1 Z1 - ;�� L c a Earl F I- °, ESroaayAve �9 m _ _ _ _ ---- - --I ce mil m` n = ME a e h CG _ ' c • — m ` dye — III • E. IIINNEINIIIIIIIIIM izi: ,.%,a t,z,...„4,z...t‘r irS_14: H® -HIILYID�ID` !nails, ES•ra• - - - ,. Y.�- -- _ =__u- ---- � .- - - y F, CfCIIIL114G1 r mentary f29a:� l Ar /A West +wrrrrl. �� \.35 East . _ -- Valley #if 0----- \/alley #363 � - #361 -nt !Ellwood Elementary Orchard EEudidAve C sem- 11111 stVall y ivlirabeau E� senior Hip h a ?Dint Park g Spokane m -Iley z H gh - I, J` i r---' .-ullivan 1 Prk Riverbend <lard Way -*IP"- � _90Elementary e Mission Ave ha- Or Q Central' L ming an• * Is Ashur North Barker 1 igh � Valley l�radergarten Cent T=ching =i:L +I a Bigess C_nter z = -� School and -� m =Ell Elementary Broadway Pines Learning P ss y ' ataidoave r S\ .■��i Elementary aMiddle Q c Dein ntary ---rr-►- e orrh � ma y I, -Q.._ iic la vs �c '� C r ml Pioneer and Fri .- Greenacres • " St John Rainbow s Vianney, W Middle eti .. ES.ra.ueAve Z ' Eml a l Greenacres St Mary'sElementary 17 , f l Summit0110, School q Central! I DishmanHillc Valley Eal_ Q QAdams Cen� Natural Area Learning Ce Erement YD Valley r�J` I High f 0N1k i]tsnaYd "Evergreen # , o Elementary Elementary Middle / / ..---1-7.765e..."..'E7C.'S ce cl, B wdrslr to M delle Si uth Pi -s Sunrise co Central if/ �6 EI menta E6ementary f / - Valley#3566 / Valley I - --- /4, Christian -. __ ///�///////////////���////// _ .. E32Ave � I I Chester 0U�-ve .�ti Dishman r,'.%1's - Elementary High Consenra:ion,res \ Ponderosa Horton Elementary f CPA-2019-0008 Draft new Appendix A: 11"x17" Maps al - 4- 410.11 ' -- • _•-• 1. x 4 -4: E Euclid AveP :ice ---.- - -�- - .- \ _! T fii, I y 90 ,[...,...<;.-7, •-••-.. ... .-- .moi .` :i 11--' _ !���.'-- � ma Eh955ion Ave �� Z_ V c - . z E CAuatry k` •. 7/7/" — ILL 'asi�� i 1 - ii mi�irla - �.. E Soague Ave - �__ L e l O. - 4 N 1111 _ '''... 0, i 'm: - - : 1 ' N 09 i "Irir/F7/r 111(1"4" a I �A :11 :A �, E MIA. ve .IL- 4 ,144 • _\ _ • • /01°F Id ___ , . _ 1 teS Fe.� - �% I/llr� E { :Park r ��i ` w_ EEuddAva ;,I-- - 111PDI \G4 IIw _ � ! Mlirabeau `,. Point Perk I — ,—*..------ • • 111111111111111L- --------:---------...- • -,---_--- an � �= �= \-- -k-,...... pari I. — j6 • -�_ • -E Mission Ave — - _-., ...6E Waldo Ave _ { — �._- -- - _ - tia�` - —��. .try Vista Or ME • a _ b a. z + I— - - - • 7 _ •• r .4 Dishrnan Hills I 1111 . -- a ti i-- — ,./ S Naiur�l;4rev � _ � � __ \3 - - f ._ �' //PA 11 — — 5altes_Uo[ands tw,, _I : _ -_---, ------.. - -- Conse vaiian Area _ — c y _ E3DndAve o ! Ar.I/ /J/ _ - _— _ — r D1 hmar Hi s —- - ct_irasenrationArea -- �- J .1 = - I—i ts FeF /.., \ • 5 ' ' I�ii�11.1_._y� . .Park l 4 iff,/iii /1 1 c, _ --....... ....4,0 2 li toEEudidAve 11116____,. to Kllwoo• R4irabeauI m011i l;, �.. Point Park . _ _____J. ) _ .._, PilJ e midi 1 Y , \ tplaltyrken I inomm-c---_-______ , -4—ow lot rigisI lira Z E MissionA ve4 1 MI I E iiiiiiii._ _ 1UIlIIEIIiIIIiI .. .ataldo Ave _ - ■MI' MillEMMEIFIIMSIMPE11. — o Vista C:1. TrtE ----me'," 4z.a? ____:' .•,? lineemyipimigi - iiim .7sni. i , Disnman Hills1 Natural Area 15a_ NI_ �i i 1 ` Jo •,s Mall _I=1 I r 1_ . En „ea or. II =01. s Citiiiiiii .2 "4,0 ZA A Slim. c) - Z ; /..i.k,:de‘i 1 , _ , , A %irio, .01 .. A I ror 40 Dishman Hills A "►!Concertation Areala I /Ii i,1 1 r � 4 PI-:• te's Fe _ zirir Al AAFAr.MIAIYAN - Park (.--''''N\ 1 --1_ -Il X . - 7.-, ...1.z-Z•rr -- '0 rif/0,47,71*- A/I--\\ - -- - 3 a000,0 ....-- .... 41 ‘,... ..., ----# ...-• --. _._ E&did Ave ice . E.S°9 1 ...... : WOO ...„, Iiii. ...__ - (---- — • ..._ , .._ 1 liI p , -I MIIIIMIPIPPIIIII "N:-."-r.-i Pvlirabeau\I Point Park -- - . _ _ 1 _ 1 iiriii —I ••■•• ___ _ „-----,90 -........_______I .f../ ".........: ,.. ...._ _ _ Ilivan ,..-L:- "'ark i Valle:24 ----.. - .-7---z- --. i I ...._ ,..,___ ,---,..7 __ E Miss,an.kie - • ----z..-7.--___. -------_______>--/ _ _..... 1" r if _6_ __ -0 cc _ 1 -'--,-77==---1-_,, -----, - _. L _ - ... - 000, I:4 g 3 -...._ __-_- ID loot.-- I • ------.......-...- ___ .11111111111•11gEgassw SS g 1 .o S ---r- _.11 II AO .,z E sataldo Ave 1 = —...--- - C -- -. _,E'-ciaitry V1S. — ill - — 111 I_ -- 1 •Ztw , • , ÷ 1 - Mill 11111111.111_ SOL _ ...---- - 6 KIM ir IC S•ta• e Ave I i . 22222 IIII• 1111 I - ,..4 4411 ra'7. 1111 I • IN rii 1 - A?MN 1 No , Dishman Hills ' . ., . I --ii Naz,ral Area It 1 AZ I.IME III el Uplam r I A C pl-i,l'ipp , A .. / I I i CO ir 7111#711010 --, 1II lii A . . rola- -frzA EnndAve .110111 6 U I Prep Ir relif Dishman Hills - i 1 - Conservation Area • i I 41.II ___ -'721.4a. 0 I I 1 1 I °//r"14 1/41\ —iFf A IF I p i- 1 ,til,; Diata's Fera E'. // - r+//kfs� 4r, ! Park zir . --47: 4 „._,.,(, _ CO ,-.., / --- 1,1 P Ave _ IMP. 1 1 ire01 MillW00.11Miraiaeau l _-_ - -� Paint Farr. } N • 41"1111161111 :1� �L ullivan c � 11111111111.1.111111W „ ill -.I r- � IL ark i; — — Iii.----- --7. �_ ` — n_ve ' �r— ,4 90 Ar E a�doAve �� BM . ..-c-' '-, _ _ rl II — ,ct--c. I, - i - - f Dishman Hi€is — - _ Natural Area \ — • —_r i _, \Ij -- - ° — — — / Saliese Uplands i" //der/ Conservation Area 1 — — — • ,i,irfr. ,41P 4 'OME . dA . - !.�//. Dishman Hiils o - Conservation Area � lor � . ij A /If r —— — //!I� \• �r, _� ---CO - :_;C�1 19877 Ir E 23132 �, d. u ...../fr/Z.......00,4r_ .:._,, , ...... -w c.0 rat, 10. _I 7illlvuoodjk'9 rn z EE - - 696 E Euclid Evd: 4538 `, 386 r c _�1 2447 20 ir I 2 •i.�.F Mirabeau Yi -'g- 4051 355 crs N, 7568 Point Park ;, in -- .-`� ,T 934 .. 12411 8357 �a�,'�: y= �� 11213 1� -- co f cv- - 7009 5901 — Valley 7685 ark 226- _ _. 8643 6176 .a - >: - `1568 - 4138 E MiSssar,Ave co _ • a - _ _ CO 10 I 711 8403' 993 10811 8986 8343 8946 9.276 '8709 8709 9327`2 _ �" W v sly _ N — —N Y to 17774 61.0 - r� �r ti�osnuv r n 10133 - en - - ca `�'''u� us ,n ��—��9gp Liberty %/r/ CO ;97 40 _. - -_.10_. -D __ 1 us CO CO r//� Lake ••• 1$0 ev m _ cn N - - us cs 04 v 135 CO _,e• '" 13388 - 8995 - 21847 25288 22051 19948 20310 ' o 19686 8906 3409 r- 3277— r902 .. .� r o . a 166361-6 1 d r ;71644 c\.1" 1250 23$11 r 3630' o- - 10 Dishman Hills kulg. x2395 co to 1748 •• 2858 2055 to 2047'` 1968 m om.; r __ 1108 ir, Natural Area 3687 3298 _ __ c� a° N. A _CO—Cri CO —_CO ilk_ - 10 - I m- c° N00••••01P Saftese Uplands E 0101 - 56� -6855:721 7046 + 4614 4854 4596AFA r - N - - _ _ Conservaiior,.4r�a a as -a 5 ` co _ CO cO_ ,3 -918-11478 - c e lf5 - 2290 - — co- - r" A.4 -Nr ?�� -C'D-coo rs._� f 7: 8698' 10632 11209_- 0•,: 1 - -- N E32oy� , ,,. S., Dishman Hills - . co �' us - CanSe rvaon Area __Kr c.t— r/A00� Ner.l. ir 7......) l 1391 115! Alegli r 1393_ -7 -- = A- to s Fe 5300 6300 0 o sane- - m ,,°, o o - �� _ o "cox cr �� •/ Air�►�J/ _ �'. 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Io : _F10 9 028400 029000 0 25800 rn27000 26600 650�' _c2700 02800 c 3800 /' a 1rie— • :f—ill/I I r `" « `A'`�_k o Natural Area 39007 3800-- 3700 2700 0 4000 3600 r ,3900 - _3400 ° 4146 LJ+to G p o r O O O it - 6}t o: arl Saltese Uplands - " - g— j Conseneation Area 07m nco 11400 6900 8 6300 --6706 g 6200 \ ..9 Cn 1300 --1700—� -- "'� 2700 3100 0 rool 3700 4l ,` ' 0 1300 s _ Fo 0 o / A 't 1 E32nd"Ane .14A A / _ ' , c 11100 13500 %/15700 11200 I 4ishman Hills ao o - °� //Conservation Area '` 0 m 000 m` c 0 co ,m i0 0 - O -- -—%� 1700' 2700f 0 AA — oma ,' ah 740/./1004,7 �` ,I a Irn,a#ion r Home Park �' 65 FSDlirgctNJ9 •drzArArAir/ I 11,Park I • ID I _ Spokane Consolidated •GtvrfMfllwood- Millwood -_ _ 11:17 Kaiser Industrial Par1irriEation -Servir�dbYQe'elravd -ErnpireW x~;+ Trenttwod +�. kaistrict CIS Avewefrri=ativn • �;; • • tnue -DIstr1ct:6 f_ Gtybf - Irvin Water '.\ v. n i_ -Millwood,---- I !Millwood D-�strict6 M1f8I3�2U �` �6 ,Diel iiwood -- �� Paint Park ��, selced6y 4retiard Avenue - �'� - / , trrt'�atian . f ��`` D}ald:d - z % lv >SPinecroft vR z - {OJMoblle ��. rs Nom'ePaFlt`� ` ufGvan 9d ��t• • Valley �f Consolidated Park ` • �� IrriEafFon m , Tsnon•Aveabstri 19 90 �a z- -_-- Li Consoli•ated Irrl=aZlonie _ -— mD-�srIccfi19 . eater - - m E'a3aldo Ave f di Huic6insan Modern Electric — •Z • //ore,/ LIrrledtion a WatCICOmpan'fDist-id/I-6 © * 'c1 gym° .a cEA,•tv'l.81v6z` .ra eAveI . _ - Spokane Valley Fire Dish man Hilts Natural Areg • le t � cI iiy Model s SGrii=e.Jjylf r'S -- �6fstriet R16 1' - I�� -.row ....A..,._ rdo �' _ _ irritation .—L • IJ CountyWater / - -_ ! 1 �LSiI ICt a3 AlF E 32nd Ave //IFJ !J Dishmart Hilts • rop� 6 - CanservationArea ._ I Frio) / E L-7 - Spokane /1 �i -CauntyWater r District 3 / "" I eienIciimiy� V .— U1 mentary r 9a { I Pr'.ie'ser �i est Abr rs�� Dai VI East f , Valley + r Valley � � #361 Millwood '� lementary Orchard EEudidAve ` y j: o St Valk ivlirabe:u •-slr-, 'rte' "enl0r Hi. _ Point Qcfk e S•DkaRe m I -Iley z _—1-1 gh idard •......, —ter -1dey 1Y �. P.rk Riverbend so Elementary E nvrissionAve , ,ice Learning and Amur Barker igh �i� Central Teaching K iafr a m North �� Valley Kndergarten Cent 2 2 �8ess School-nd a Ci Hier r G' entary Broadway _Pines Leamin. P ss a� CE�ntid Ave �• `9 Berne r - ry • - Il �I .'.. I Janney ` ds Pioneer and PA / ,ti-' o>jooi = c C MiddleGreenCres Vianney, St John Rainbow Middle e `,zer "Ym ESPueAve L I Gretna ' . ewa6, _� St Mary's Elementary 4111.F Sumrflit I- 0.. r. Central) 400 School0 — Dishmzn nils Valle Earl I aAdams Cent -0 unit ,`✓r1Area Learning Ce f l Eierrieri Valley I N Elementary High " _ 0 CI) McDonald Evergreen / - f., w Elementary University Elementary Middle / �/ Sal.seUcia,�as Q Elementary m / // C c n- s 0 �l^. /r an e �p�"on urea B modish y /// g Middle 4th P •-s Sunse Cefltl'aI//// pmenta- Elementaryunrise ---..•°—/ 'alley I l�V — _ Valley#356// Christian �p — • E32ndAve //b'/ IX en? 0tlnive -)7- Dishman Hills Eletitenta High Goner arionA'rea \ -, "__- Pobdeosa — •Horizon / ECernentary •< I LII1 T / te's Fern //►"AC � Park '4/44f<W0 74"/"Aii- _ 7 EEudidAve sEtree0 _ P _ \I y — __ Mirabu — , _ 2� _ - Point Park s z / � L 90 MIL ulfivan -g >r - Walleyo�rl, II EMissionAve t ECad doAve `� �z, l _� ,E Country Vista Dr -0 — w — Ave F cc z _—--- - EAQp1eNaY a���,c3 g. E5pragueAve +fir zI1 - 4.._:- I - - - - lif Dsfrman Hifi_ o i I j`' _ INaWrafArea i .c a / M M I_ 1. '�-.. . l — /! — Salfese Uplands f ,i11110Canservatian Are: \--? _ _ _ _ - - E2ndAve ' Aim A z 4 , • Dishman Hills , f- --�- r' jY Conservation.Area /i` .f - rotovim. f ,1 4-. e's Farr; I — _ iJ. - - j�7.4,Arrf,„40...ti nmed/ Panic _frI ,_ . 44, _____:,_zzdifr • -E Euclid Ave. Mira bee u v r - - PointPar; - �-�� m G cm - - —z1 ALS 5.Ulllvan _ - 1r 90 m - - iy ...ark - - �� != mril- EMission Ave T.... C _ _ �. — ECataldoAve SG ra r \ zi i.) ^` —. —-0 - I 1— EP__,e . r 4�caQ- € _ - - �'�' m - _ -k ; ESpragueAue _ - - APp4ewsy BN, z - URBAN - CJishmanHi9ls _ NATURAL OPEN- - Natural Arca - SP CE row 4 /: - //� Saltese.0 lands -o // Conservation: rea .'n PR s- �' l ,n - ANC ny ^rte i_ WATERFOWL • CONCENTRATIONS_ r URAL /; tCE E32ndAve - I/ 7 ., -- " -- •- -: _. -- _ _ WETLANDS IORT!- 'HfIE-TAILED DEER ROCKY/ I '' 7- N}f3UNTAIN - RKY ELK / I'/1/1/7/4 hilOUN`fAGN / _ -_ � - f)CELK v v 1 1 F ze's Fern r - 4 011 !i».��� r '� e Park - 1 Eu�dAve - c_St69- - - —._ -- - Miliwoo• _ Y'� 2 �— J Mirabeau --) Point Park 3 \ — - - o t. `moo - so JL uflivan y Vakley `tT �` Park - �� - Mi5i0nAve ov ti — - E 02 c EGataldoAve F L Vista Dr — r f[ourdry s Imay pie - ESpragueAve I //////;////' :. E Appleuay Blvd —-- Dishmzr ;ills O - _- - � ---` ra ' Natural Area zlir pa, -- A— I /IA . ////j.� I r _ _ _ _ _ • — GOT15ErVaflOriArEa ' 1 'r N. E _ '_- f41 -- —_£32nd Ave - 4 IA al -.—- i — 00, T)sshman Hills a Conservation Area CPA-2019-0010 Draft new Appendix B: 20-year Transportation Project List 20-Year Transportation Improvement Plan 1/31/2018 This document Identifies anticipated and potential projects that fall outside the 6-year TIP. pro ect peaori tie n,. Project r es Oust Tin%eframe Years; Grade Separation Protects_ Pines/BNSF GSP Construct Grade Separation at Pines/BNSF Grade $ 29,000,000 7-10 years 2025-2029 RR/Trent(SR290) Separation Park Road/BNSF Grade Construct Grade Separation at nark/BNSF Grade $ 25,000,000 10-20 years 2030-2039 Separation RR/Trent(SR290) Separation - Intersection Improvement Prolects Pines Rd.,SR-27&16th Intersection Intersection Uprade or replace traffic signal Improvement $ 3,400,000- 7-10 years 2025-2029 Mirabeau&Mansfield Add traffic signal or roundabout Intersection $ 900,000 7-10 years 2025-2029 Intersection Improvement - 8th&Barker Intersection Add traffic signal or roundabout Intersection TBD 7-10 years 2025-2029 Improvement Improvement Barker&Appleway Intersection Replace traffic signal or replace signal with Intersection TBD 7-10 years 2025-2029 Improvement Project roundabout improvement Bowdish&32nd Intersection Signalize Intersection or add roundabout Intersection TBD 7-10 years 2025-2029 Improvement Improvement Thierman&Appieway Adjust turning movements and signal Intersection TBD 7-10 years 2025-2029 Intersection Improvement phasing Improvement 4th&Pines Intersection Signalize Intersection Intersection TBD 7-10 years 2025-2029 Improvement Improvement 8th&Park Intersection Address traffic control and lane Intersection $ 3,400,000 7-10 years 2025-2029 Improvement configuration. Improvement Sullivan&Indiana Intersection Add a second westbound left-turn lane Intersection $ 70,000 10-20 years 2030-2039 Improvement Improvement Sullivan&Mission Intersection Reconfigure eastbound to Include a left and Intersection $ 61,000 10-20 years 2030-2039 Improvement through-right lane;retime signal Improvement Sullivan&Trent Interchange Upgrade and widen grade separation at Grade $ 27,000,000 10-20 years 2030-2039 Sullivan/BNSF/Trent(SR290) Separation Fancher&Broadway Intersection Widen to include east and westbound left- Intersection TBD 10-20 years 2030-2039 Improvement turn lanes and remove split phase Improvement Pines&Indiana Intersection Add westbound left-turn lane,retime traffic Intersection $ 904,400 10-20 years 2030-2039 Improvement signal.Connect sidewalks and bike lanes Improvement Sprague&Argonne-Mullan Reconstruct intersections In concrete Intersection $ 2,400,000 10-20 years 2030-2039 Concrete Intersections pavement Improvement Sprague&Fancher Concrete Reconstruct Intersection in concrete Intersection $ 1,600,000 10-20 years 2030-2039 Intersection pavement improvement Sprague&Thierman Concrete Reconstruct Intersection In concrete Intersection $ 1,300,000 10-20 years 2030-2039 Intersection pavement Improvement _ Sprague&University Concrete Reconstruct intersection in concrete Intersection $ 1,700,000 10-20 years 2030-2039 Intersection pavement Improvement. Flora&Trent Intersection Signalize intersection and add left turn lanes Intersection $ 2,200,000 10-20 years 2030-2039 Improvement on Flora or convert to a roundabout Improvement Evergreen&32nd Intersection Signalize intersection or add roundabout Intersection TBD 10-20 years 2030-2039 Improvement Improvement Reconstruction Boone Ave.-Flora to Barker Reconstruct roadway to city standard and Reconstruct TBD 7-10 years 2025-2029 address right-of-way Reconstruct to a 3-lane section with curbs, Park Rd.-Broadway to Indiana sidewalk,bike lanes and new stormwater Reconstruct $ 4,500,000 7-10 years 2025-2029 facilities Argonne&1-90 Bridge Reconstruct Argonne Rd Bridge to 3 Lanes Reconstruct $ 10,000,000 T-10 years 2025-2029 Improvement southbound.Add 10'shared-use sidewalk. Sullivan Rd-Spokane River to Widen to 5-lane section and reconstruct Reconstruct $ 5,300,000 7-10 years 2025-2029 Wellesley intersections at Kiernan and Marietta Sprague to 8th:inlay&Enhancement;8th to Bowdlsh Road-16th to Sprague 16th:Reconstruct as 2-lane section with Reconstruct $ 2,900,000 7-10 years 2025-2029 curb,sidewalk,bike lanes,and new stormwater facilities Reconstruct roadway as 2-lane section with Bowdlsh Road-24th to 32nd curb,sidewalk,bike lanes and new Reconstruct $ 2,700,000 7-10 years 2025-2029 stormwater facilities Extend Broadway arterial to Barker Rd with Broadway Ave.-Flora to Barker bike lanes,Realign Broadway connection Reconstruct $ 5,200,000 7-10 years 2025-2029 east of Barker Flora Rd.-Indiana to Sprague Widen to 3-lane section with curbs,sidewalk Reconstruct TBD 7-10 years 2025-2029 and new stormwater facilities Mission Ave.-Barker to City Widen to 4-lane section with curb,sidewalk, Limits bike lanes,new stormwater facilities and Reconstruct TBD 7-10 years 2025-2029 turn lanes at key intersections Sullivan Rd.-24th to City Limit Widen to 5-lane section with curb,sidewalk, Reconstruct TBD 10-20 years 2030-2039 bike lanes,and new stormwater facilities Bowdish Road-8th to 24th Reconstruct with curb,sidewalk,bike lanes, Reconstruct $ 2,900,000 10-20 years 2025-2029 and new stormwater facilities Widen to 5-lane section with curb,sidewalk, Barker Rd.-1-90 to Mission bike lanes,and upgraded stormwater Reconstruct $ 2,900,000 10-20 years 2030-2039 facilities 1-90&Barker Road Interchange Replace existing bridge and interchange, Reconstruct $ 26,600,000 10-20 years 2030-2039 upgrade roundabouts to two lanes Pines Rd.&1-90 interchange Address lane configuration approaches to Reconstruct TBD 10-20 years 2030-2039 Mission and Indiana. 4th Ave. Dishman Mica to Resurface,upgrade to 2-lane section with Sullivan curb,sidewalk,bike lanes,and new Reconstruct TBD 10-20 years 2030-2039 stormwater facilities Widen to 3-lane section with curbs, 8th Ave.-Havana to Park sidewalk,bike lanes and new stormwater Reconstruct TBD 10-20 years 2030-2039 facilities 8th Ave.-Dishman Mica to Resurface and upgrade to 2-lane section Sullivan with curb,sidewalk,bike lanes,and new Reconstruct TBD 10-20 years 2030-2039 stormwater facilities Carnahan Rd.-8th to South City Widen to 3-lane section with curbs, Limit sidewalk,bike lanes and new stormwater Reconstruct TBD 10-20 years 2030-2039 facilities Valleyway Avenue-Park to Resurface,add crossing treatments at Sullivan intersections,curb and sidewalk as Reconstruct TBD 10-20 years 2030-2039 appropriate ITS ITS along Broadway from Pines Rd(SR-27)to Evergreen&Broadway ITS Evergreen,along Evergreen from Sprague to ITS $ 1,870,000 7-10 years 2025-2029 16th Ave. - I Pines Corridor ITS Sprague to Traffic Signal Control System far Corridor ITS $ 800,000 10-20 years 2030-2039 16th Pedestrian&Blcvcle/Safety Appleway Trail-University to Extend Appleway Trail from University Road Ped& TBD 7-10 years 2025-2029 Dishman Hills to Dishman Hills ,.Bike/Safety Flora Rd.-Indiana to Sprague Construct shared-use pathway to connect Ped& TBD 7-10 years 2025-2029 Appleway Trail to Centennial Trail Bike/Safety Pines Rd.-Mlrabeau Parkway to Shared-use path connecting Mlrabeau to Pod& TBD 7-10 years 2026-2029 Trent Pines GSP Bike/Safety Install wayflnding signage to connect Ped& Connections to Millwood Trail Millwood and Spokane sections of trail, BikelSafety $ 350,000 7-10 years 2025-2029 paved connection from Montgomery Add ped and bike crossing treatments at 12th Ave,Crossing arterial intersections between University Ped& TBD 7-10 years 2030-2039 Improvements and Sullivan Bike/Safety Trent Pathway-Park to Pines Shared-use pathway along Trent Ave Ped TBR 10-20 years 2030-2039 Bike/Safety SR 27 @ 24th Ave Street Enhanced crossing treatment at SR-27 Ped& TBD 10-20 years 2030-2039 Crossing Bike/Safety Sprague Railroad Pathway Shared-use pathway along railroad line from Ped& TBD 10-20 years 2030-2039 Appleway Boulevard to West City Limits Bike/Safety Create shared-use path on north side of 1-90 Ped& North Greenacres Pathway parallel to Boone Ave.and County right-of- Bike/Safety $ 1,100,000 , 10-20 years 2030-2039 Tway Transit STA:Sprague HPTN Transit Coordinate with STA's Improvements to Sidewalk Improvements accommodate HPTN on Sprague between Transit TBD 7-10 years 2025-2029 Havana and 1-90 STA:Mirabeau Park&Ride Coordinate with STA to shift Mira beau Park Transit TBD 7-10 years 2026-2029 HPTN Improvements &Ride to accommodate HPTN STA:Argonne Park&Ride HPTN Coordinate with STA to locate HPTN park Transit TBD 7-10 years 2025-2029 Facility:STA and ride facility at Argonne Road