2019, 05-14 Regular Formal Format MINUTES SPOKANE VALLEY COUNCIL MEETING REGULAR MEETING, FORMAL FORMAT Spokane Valley City Hall Council Chambers Spokane Valley, Washington May 14, 2019 Mayor Higgins called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Attendance: Councilmembers Staff Rod Higgins,Mayor Mark Calhoun, City Manager Pam Haley,Deputy Mayor John Hohman, Deputy City Manager Brandi Peetz, Councilmember Cary Driskell, City Attorney Linda Thompson, Councilmember Erik Lamb,Deputy City Attorney Ben Wick, Councilmember Mike Stone, Parks &Recreation Director Sam Wood, Councilmember Chelsie Taylor, Finance Director Arne Woodard, Councilmember Lori Barlow, Senior Planner Mike Basinger,Economic Development Mgr. Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk INVOCATION: Pastor Al Hulten of Valley Assembly Church gave the invocation. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Council, staff, and the audience stood for the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL City Clerk Bainbridge called the roll; all Councilmembers were present. APPROVAL OF AGENDA It was moved by Deputy Mayor Haley, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the agenda. INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUESTS AND PRESENTATIONS: nla COMMITTEE,BOARD,LIAISON SUMMARY REPORTS Councilmember Thompson: stated that she attended the local law enforcement memorial at the downtown Spokane County Regional Safety Building and that there were many honored law enforcement officers; said she attended the Jr. Lilac Parade which she said had great representation from the valley; and said that last night was the end-of-the-school year meeting of the Spokane Valley Youth Voice, and said they will resume in the fall with a town hall in October,with more information coming later. Councilmember Wick; said he also attended the Lilac Parade and it was a great event and the weather was perfect; he mentioned Visit Spokane has completed their tourism map and visitor's guide for Spokane Valley, and that he will probably bring that up under the advance agenda to consider inviting them in to show off those documents; said he also received word that Visit Spokane Vice President has submitted his resignation; regarding the Health Board, said they are re-discussing the strategic plan, and that he and Councilmember Thompson were able to get an amendment on that plan to list fiscal responsibility as one of their core values. Councilmember Peetz: reported that she attended the Revel ribbon cutting,that Revel is a 55+community that promotes a healthy lifestyle by offering wellness services and community amenities such as a spa, fitness center, and more; said she attended the business showcase at the Mirabeau Park Hotel where she learned a lot about some of our local businesses; said she also attended the Law Enforcement memorial, and that they have 327 names engraved on their memorial; she went to the Gateway Bridge celebration in the University District; said she went to the Jr. Lilac parade; said the Medical Examiner facility had a ground breaking ceremony this week and the building has a scheduled completion date of 2020; and that she attended today's Solutions Summit concerning what happened in the legislature. Council Study Session: 05-14-2019 Page 1 of 12 Approved by Council: 05-28-2019 Councilmember Woodard: said he went to the SRTC(Spokane Regional Transportation Council)technical advisory committee (TEC) meeting, which committee is being revised with the goal of having that committee more active from a citizen standpoint; he attended a Leadership NW Prayer Breakfast; said he attended several Chamber meetings such as the Business Showcase at the Mirabeau Hotel, which he said was a sold-out event;that he and others met our federal delegation and their staff in Washington,D.C. and had great discussions with them as well as with members from the U.S. Department of Transportation who gave them information on what they'd like to see on our grant applications; said he attended a Chamber Government Affairs committee meeting yesterday with three school superintendents concerning several budget issues; and that he also attended today's Solutions Summit concerning what happened in the legislature. Deputy Mayor Haley: said she was among those who traveled to Washington, D.C.; adding that the Department of Transportation is encouraging people to contact them prior to submitting an application;that the Department of Transportation will review the application and give suggestions on how to make it stronger, adding that they were very supportive of our projects; said that while she was in D.C., it was National Police Officer week and said it was very interesting to see the various police officer uniforms. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Higgins reported that on behalf of Spokane Valley, he gave the welcoming address at the Jr. Livestock show for their awards ceremony;attended the Clean Air meeting,and mentioned that the Spokane Regional Clean Air Agency is celebrating their 50°i anniversary; attended the Business Showcase; said he also traveled to D.C. and while there the lobbyist fit in a meeting for him with Amazon and their acquisition people, and he learned how they make those location decisions; said he told them that Spokane Valley might be of interest to them; said he attended the Aging and Long Term Care Board meeting; went to the Jr. Lilac Parade, and said that yesterday he met briefly with representatives from the MAC Center as they discussed how they could join us in various events or on various issues;and that he attended the Washington Policy Center Solution Summit; and today read a proclamation and attended the Valley Partners mortgage burning ceremony. PROCLAMATIONS: Mayor Higgins read the `National Clean Air Month"proclamation which was accepted with thanks by Ms. Julie Oliver, Executive Director of the Spokane Regional Clean Air Agency. I. CONSENT AGENDA: Consists of items considered routine which are approved as a group. Any member of Council may ask that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. Proposed Motion:I move to approve the Consent Agenda. a.Approval of claim vouchers on May 14,2019 Request for Council Action Form Total: $2,725,724.40 b. Approval of Payroll for Pay Period Ending April 30,2019: $512,941.78 c.Approval of April 16, 2019, Council Meeting Minutes, Study Session d. Approval of April 23, 2019, Council Meeting Minutes Regular Formal e.Approval of April 30, 2019, Council Meeting Minutes, Study Session It was moved by Deputy Mayor Haley, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the consent agenda. NEW BUSINESS: 2. First Reading Ordinance 19-004 Comprehensive Plan Amendments—Lori Barlow, Mike Basinger After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Deputy Mayor Haley and seconded to advance Ordinance 19-004, Comprehensive Plan Amendments, to a second reading as proposed. Mr. Basinger explained that he and Ms. Barlow previously provided an overview of the 2019 Comprehensive Plan Amendments, and at that previous meeting, there was Council consensus to include the Planning Commission recommendations for all the proposed amendments except 2019-0003 which had resulted in a tie vote from the Planning Commission,which meant there was no recommendation. Mr. Basinger further explained that as a placeholder, Council requested that the forthcoming ordinance include the conclusion contained in the staff report relative to 2019-0003; and said that the ordinance reflects those recommendations. He also stated that if Council chooses to amend the ordinance, Council will need to Council Study Session: 05-14-2019 Page 2 of 12 Approved by Council: 05-28-2019 develop a basis for such amendment using the approval criteria contained in the Spokane Valley Municipal Code 17.80,140(h). Ms. Barlow then went through the PowerPoint presentation explaining the amendment process and steps taken to-date, and then gave the highlights of each request; followed by Mr. Basinger reviewing the City initiated text amendments. Mr. Basinger reminded Council that if Council desires to modify the reconunendations in today's ordinance concerning CPA 2019-0003, staff suggests Council look at the criteria listed on slide 16 to ensure that findings will be based on criteria listed in the Spokane Valley Municipal Code 17.80.140(h). Mayor Higgins asked about taking amendments 1, 2, 3, and 9 separately; and then take 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and l0 as a group as the Planning Commission did; and with that, Council can amend or not or at least give staff instruction on Council's direction for the amendments. Mr. Basinger agreed with that strategy. Comp Plan Amendment 2019-0001, change the land use from I (industrial) to SFR (single family residential) and the zoning from Ito R-3; the Planning Commission recommendation was five to zero to deny the request: Mayor Higgins asked if Councilmembers had any objections to moving forward as recommended by the Planning Commission. There were no objections. After some discussion about the process of discussing each amendment and taking public comment, it was determined to go through the amendments one at a time. For CPA 2019-0001, Mayor Higgins invited questions from Council;none were asked. Mayor Higgins invited public comment. Mr.John Crull,Seattle: said he is representing his father who is an impacted property owner; he thanked staff for being so helpful; said he and his father used to own both of the impacted properties on this item,and currently own one which is a rental home; said they submitted oral and written comments and testified at the Planning Commission hearing; to clarify, he said that both of those properties still have residential homes even though they are zoned industrial; that both homes are 'on their very last legs' and need substantial reinvestment to be able to have a future life; and given the industrial character of that Park Road corridor, said it does not warrant residential re-development or significant re-investment to keep those as residences; said their hope is to have some small commercial or industrial use; said they took a section off the front for the widening of Park Road, and if this application is approved, it would impose a thirty-foot buffer on their property buffering the property behind the applicant; he said they can't take that as their properties would be undevelopable; said since the applicant is the one doing the re-development, he feels the buffer should be on the applicant's property; and if this rezone happens, that will automatically impose that buffer requirement, or set-back should they ever wish to re-develop, and said they are close to doing so; he urged Council to continue to deny this application as it is materially detrimental his property and his adjacent property owner as well. There were no further public comments on 2019-0001. Mayor Higgins again asked for Council consensus to move forward as recommended by the Planning Commission, i.e. to deny the request. Council concurred. Comp Plan Amendment 2019-0002, change the land use from SFR to NC (neighborhood commercial) and the zoning from R-3 to NC;the Planning Commission recommendation was six to zero to approve the request. There was brief discussion about the school in close vicinity to this parcel, and of students attempting to cross Sullivan;with Mr. Basinger explaining that the area could be used for the neighborhood as a whole and not just students. Mayor Higgins invited public comments.Mr.Ben Goodmansen,Whipple Consulting Engineers: said he is the applicant; he referenced his comments given during the Planning Commission meeting; concerning student safety, said currently what is being experienced with the church parking lot is that students are parking in that parking lot and crossing at the driveway instead of at the signal; said he isn't saying that they have a development planned or proposed,but any development on that corner for the church would allow a re-design of that property and therefore be able to address that; said as a church, it allows itself it be parked in by the students; as a retail center that would be more frowned upon and be subject to towing enforcement; said that safety issue in the morning and crossing through traffic would be decreased,which he said is something to consider.There were no other public comments. Mayor Council Study Session:05-14-2019 Page 3 of 12 Approved by Council: 05-28-2019 Higgins asked if Councilmembers wanted to approve this as written; and by a show of hands, there was consensus to do so. Comp Plan Amendment 2019-0003, change the land use from SFR to MFR (multi-family residential), and the zoning from R-3 to MFR; the Planning Commission did not forward a recommendation as they voted three to three. It was moved by Councilmember Peetz and seconded to move to amend the motion to advance the ordinance 19-004 to a second reading, and deny CPA 2019-0003. Mr. Basinger said as there were no Planning Commission findings, staff will need Council to tell us what they'd like to see in that ordinance from a findings perspective, as noted on the slide. Councilmember Peetz explained her rationale for this denial: said in this case, the traffic into and out of the area would increase with the multifamily or commercial development, the transition would have impact on the physical environment based on the physical change to the location; due to the existing development the fifteen additional dwelling units could be allowed if the request is granted; the additional dwelling units will place a demand on the community facilities in question; and also because it is a well-established neighborhood, development in the area will occur. Councilmember Peetz said the proposal is to move from single family residential to multifamily residential; and the multifamily residential definition states that it "allows for multifamily housing near business and commercial centers, arterial streets systems and public transit;"she said it is behind Safeway so it is far enough away so there really isn't close public transit; she said this is an older established neighborhood and does not fit the consistency of the neighborhood; that we need neighborhood integrity; said she isn't against development, but agrees with one of the Commissioners that this would be creating an island for multifamily use;that there isn't enough parking and therefore, said she would not support this amendment. Councilmember Thompson said she agreed with Councilmember Peetz; that this is a quaint neighborhood, and feels changing the designation for up to twenty-two units per acre would make that neighborhood too tight. There was some discussion about what is allowed in that area now. Mr. Basinger explained that currently, the allowable density is six units per acre; and the way this developed, there are multiple units on one parcel and this happened when it was under the County's jurisdiction;that part of the proposal was to clean up some of that but it could be cleaned up with the current zoning designation. Mayor Higgins invited public comments. Ms. Mae Greenwood, Spokane Valley: said she lives about two blocks from this area; said they are primarily a single family area with a few duplexes that have been there for a long time which are well maintained; said they are close to Argonne, and questioned what's going to happen when you will be close to some arterial; concerning businesses in the area, said there is no longer a Safeway there and the businesses there are not primarily destination businesses; they are primarily nine-to-five professional businesses like doctors' offices and some restaurants; said the plan now is for two, four-plexes; she expressed her concern that the owner will raise the rents of the existing units; if people couldn't pay then those tenants could move out and the owner could tear it down and put in a 15 or 20 unit block, which would increase traffic; said having multifamily means new parks but she said you can't build a park there without tearing down houses; said she spoke with many people in this neighborhood and no one supports the change due to more people and more traffic. Ms. Julie McGuire, Spokane Valley: said she Iives directly south across the street from the proposed area; said the intersection is poorly visible to see through especially if headed west; there is a bus stop by the duplexes and children are frequently there; said she isn't sure where the access would be to and from this development;said it is a bad intersection with a lot of pedestrian and bicycle traffic;that she is unsure about the plan for the property and has heard conflicting information;said she is concerned this could be a gateway to this happening to other large parcels; that this is a quiet community with mostly single, one-level residences. Mr. Al Merkel, Spokane Valley: said he agrees with the last few comments; said he is wondering where this will end and what will actually be built there; said there are no sidewalks and he asked who would spend the money to build the sidewalks; and said that needs to be evaluated before this continues. Council Study Session: 05-14-2019 Page 4 of 12 Approved by Council: 05-28-2019 Ms. Nina Fluegal, Spokane Valley: said a residential lot in a residential zone should stay residential; said if we can save a neighborhood and not put in a huge development with 22-units per acre,the valley would be better off. Mr.Joel Elgee, Liberty Lake: said he is the applicant; said the owner is not planning to demolish the house or the duplexes,but there is a large parcel of undeveloped property behind it,and said it is the management of that parcel as to why this proposed zone change; said he hopes people can note that it is not the owner's fault that the City has done away with zoning of lesser multi-family; said the owner is not seeking a twenty- two unit per acre or has any grand plans for twenty-two units; said the City does not have another multi- family zone; said this property is currently multi-family; said there are five units on this property; directly to the north of this property are ten units on one parcel; to the east of this property is commercial; there is talk of the dire need for affordable housing; he said if a project like this, surrounded by infrastructure, bordering commercial property, is currently multi-family and adjacent to multi-family,near bus stops and infrastructure,can't be approved,then where will we get affordable housing;said the owner has no intention of knocking everything down and creating a twenty-unit apartment, but said the owner has no other option to seek a lesser zone and would probably be fine with eleven units per acre; and said the owner's intention is to likely to put in eight units in two, four-plexes that would come off Sinto; and said it would be the developer who pays for improvements like sidewalks;said if the owner pulled a permit,the approach would likely be off Sinto and there would be brand a new sidewalk off Sinto that would connect to all the sidewalks in and around Argonne; he said there is public benefit; right now it is a private field that no one can walk through; regarding traffic, he said a traffic engineer looked at this and said there would be no significant impact to traffic based upon their study; and said this is a great candidate for such a project. Mr. Michael Porter, Spokane Valley: said he lives just south of the proposal; said he agrees with what the people have said about what's going on there; said what if after having it zoned that the owner sells to someone else who could put a lot more units on it; said there are no sidewalks to connect to yet; kids ride their bikes there, and said there will be traffic. Ms. Marcia Sands, Spokane Valk: said she was formerly a member of the Planning Commission when they talked about putting in an elder facility in the same neighborhood; said it was probably the largest Planning Commission meeting they had; said this is a tight-knit neighborhood; the roads are small and narrow and there are no sidewalks; said that residents are very firmly set in the single family residence mentality, and they love where they live. City Clerk Bainbridge mentioned the receipt of an email, which she said she received as well as Councilmembers, from Terry Ovstedal, who urges Council to approve this request for the overall City benefit. There were no further public comments. Councilmember Woodard asked if it is possible to have two, four-plexes being the limit of what they can do there; and Mr. Basinger replied we do not have the ability to do that. Councilmember Wick said based on what is near the neighborhood now, this change is 'out of touch' with the neighborhood. Vote by acclamation to amend the motion (to deny the CPA 2019- 0003):In favor: unanimous. Opposed: none. Motion passed. Comp Plan Map Amendment 2019-0009: change the land use designation and zoning from MFR(multi- family residential) to CMU (corridor mixed use). The Planning Commission recommendation was five to one to approve the request. After Mr. Basinger briefly explained the purpose of this amendment, Mayor Higgins invited public comment; no comments were offered. There was Council consensus to go with the Planning Commission recommendation to approve. City Initiated Text Amendments: CPA 2019-0004, 0005, 0006, 0007, 0008, and 0010 (strategies, annexation policies, 11 x 17 map appendix, transportation chapter, Ped and Bike maps, and Twenty-year TIP, respectively). The Planning Commission recommendation on these proposed text amendments was six to zero to approve the requests. Council agreed to consider these as a batch and move forward as recommended. Mayor Higgins invited public comment. Council Study Session: 05-14-2019 Page 5 of 12 Approved by Council: 05-28-2019 Ms. Nina Fluegal, Spokane Valley: said that in one of the proposals, there was a section about a developer tax exemption, multi-family tax exemption; and she asked for elaboration. Mr. Basinger explained that the policy language was about exploring the idea of a multi-family tax exemption; said that has not yet been researched, but would be something to research in the future. There were no further public comments; and all Councilmembers raised their hands to show consensus to approve the text amendments as recommended. Regarding the main motion as amended: to advance ordinance 19-004, comprehensive plan amendments, to a second reading, but for 2019-0003, to move to deny using the criteria stated; Mayor Higgins invited public comments. Mr. Al Merkel, Spokane Valley: said as a general comment to the issue addressed by Ms. Fluegal, when we are talking about exploring a tax break,that isn't a commitment,and he cautioned Council that any kind of a tax break or tax incentive is a dangerous business to get into, especially with something like multi- family residential; said tax breaks are not a very clean thing to give folks. Vote by acclamation:In Favor: unanimous. Opposed: none. Motion carried. 3. First Reading Ordinance 19-005 Comprehensive Plan Zoning Map—Lori Barlow, Mike Basinger After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Deputy Mayor Haley and seconded to advance ordinance 19-005, official zoning amendments, to a second reading. Mr. Basinger explained that this ordinance reflects the land use changes in the implementing zoning map. Councilmember Woodard asked since this ordinance is a reflection of what will come forward, and Council has determined to deny 2019-0003, does that change need to be made in this ordinance as well. Mr. Basinger said he will reflect that in the ordinance when it comes before Council for a second reading. Mayor Higgins invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by acclamation:In Favor: unanimous. Opposed: none. Motion carried. 4.Mayoral Appointment: Spokane Hotel/Motel(TPA)Appointment—Mayor Higgins It was moved by Deputy Mayor Haley and seconded to confirm the Mayoral appointment of Andy Rooney, Mirabeau Park Hotel General Manager, to the Spokane Hotel/Motel Commission for a tern beginning immediately upon appointment and expiring December 31, 2021. Mayor Higgins explained that this appointment is necessary as the previous representative resigned his commission appointment. Mayor Higgins invited public comments; no comments were offered. Vote by acclamation: In favor: unanimous. Opposed: none. Motion carried. Mayor Higgins called for a recess at 7:31 p.m.; he reconvened the meeting at 7:40 p.m. PUBLIC COMMENTS: After Mayor Higgins explained the process, and before inviting general public comments, Mayor Higgins read the following statement: "I understand a number of people here tonight may comment regarding District Four state legislative representative Matt Shea. Please note that this issue is outside the City Council's span of authority and as such, we will simply listen to your public comments, but don't anticipate that we can or would do anything in response." Mayor Higgins invited public comment. Ms.Naghmana Sherazi, Spokane:said she is part of a group,Leaders of Faith and Leaders of Conscience; said they had sent a letter in advance informing Council of a vigil that would be taking place today outside the City Hall entrance; said more than 40 people attended and read their statements; she said they wrote a card,which she handed to the City Clerk for Council. She read the following statement from Faith Leaders and Leaders of Conscience, and said she is here in the capacity of Leaders of Conscience: "As we gather this evening,we first recognize and honor that we are gathering on the occupied ancestral homelands of the Spokane tribe. We are mindful of this especially here at our City Hall with the beautiful sculptures that honor these ancestors. As we are mindful of the past, we must act in the present. We come here tonight to mourn the damage done to the reputation of our city by the words and actions of our State Representative Council Study Session: 05-14-2019 Page 6 of 12 Approved by Council: 05-28-2019 Matt Shea and those who follow him. The immorality must be raised so that good people can end their bad behavior. We come to this time of keeping watch, of making a vigil, to open hearts and minds, to turn around from ideologies of fear that would condone the spying on our fellow citizens. We come with grief that our representative supports the idea of taking down our government and encourage its citizens to arm themselves for the downfall of our government. Those of us who are of Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Bahia, Buddhist, Sikh faiths, or have a conscience, declare that Christian extremists like Representative Matt Shea do not represent us. We encourage all citizens to join us in this stand. We align ourselves with facts, not conspiracies, and dedicate ourselves to be humble enough to change direction when we become aware of mistakes or misinformation. We ask the same commitment from all community leaders. It is all the citizens' duty to expose extremism in all forms, and it is also each elected official's obligation to build a society that is just for all. This is hard work and requires vigilance. Each citizen and elected official of every faith and non-faith, age, color and class, must speak up and stand together. Everyone mourn with us over how Spokane Valley has been painted as a place of Christian extremism and white supremacy. Elected leaders and citizens,join together and help turn this image around. Let us educate ourselves to being a city where we speak up and stand up so that this city we cherish,shines brightly as an example of how neighbors can live in peace." Mr. Jeff Beaulac, Spokane Valley: said he'd like to get away from the slant of what individual groups such as conservatives or liberals are saying;said both parties have problematic components when it comes to the issues of white nationalism and anti-Semitism; said it exists on both ends of the spectrum; said speaking as someone who grow up here, he feels there are a collective set of values members of this community share; that some of those values are opposing anti-Semitism; let's be a welcoming community and the envy of the rest of the state of Washington; the heart of this is, how do we best represent our city; to say that Matt Shea's values don't represent us might be difficult for some,but said he thinks we can say we stand against statements of anti-Semitism and against statements of white nationalism;and that he hopes that can be said regardless of party affiliation. Ms. Mary May, Spokane Valley: said she also encourages Council to state publicly their dissatisfaction with those who that would incite hate and separation, such as Matt Shea; said she is a proud leader of her faith community, having served the last two years as President of Temple Beth Shalom; and she read the following statement that was prepared by another president of another congregation here in Spokane, as well as her Rabi and other Jewish leaders: "In the last week Jews all around the world read from the Torah, the biblical text, two essential principles of our faith that are also common to many others. The first, love your neighbor as yourself.Yes,you must love and respect others,but this principle can easily be understood as referring only to your neighbors, those that are just like you and with the same culture, race or religion. There the biblical text contains another essential principle just a few lines down, love the stranger as yourself. It is incumbent upon us to love and respect those like us and those not like us. The wish of the Devine is that we recognize and celebrate diversity and love all people equally, be they neighbors or strangers. The message is simple: love not hate. With the grounding of this principle in Torah, we know that we must speak out against hatred because hatred leads to violence. This obligation extends to our elected officials who must condemn acts of hate and the rhetoric that causes and enables it. Hate is not simply another political viewpoint. Hate is not a party difference and there is no middle ground." She reminded council they are this City's elected officials. "We as Jews know this personally and directly from our own history. We know that words matter and that hate-speech, no matter how quiet it is and no matter how loud it is, is the first step that leads directly to violence and murder. We know that when people fail to speak against hatred,hatred becomes normal. When people remain silent,anti-Semitism,misogyny,racism, homophobia, islamophobia flourish; and when people excuse white-nationalism, Jewish, Muslim, black and Latina, and LGBTQ communities and other minority lives and communities are at risk. Therefore we join with others today in calling for Rep Shea to cease posting and sharing links." [three-minutes expired] Mr.Tim Lape, Spokane Valley: said he is extremely concerned about this City's reputation; said Matt Shea has appeared in newspapers locally, state-wide, and nationally; said some friends and family of his across the state have asked him what is going on in this City and who are these people spewing hate and white- Council Study Session: 05-14-2019 Page 7 of 12 Approved by Council: 05-28-2019 nationalism; said he isn't asking Council to attack Matt Shea,but he is asking Council to protect this City's reputation; said he asked someone who is the spokesman for this City, and they told him,Councilmembers are; he said yet there has been no push-back of this City's reputation;he asked Council as Councilmembers and as residents, to take some action to speak against white nationalism, anti-Semitism, and hate; said Councilmembers could probably do this through a proclamation to let everyone know what Spokane Valley stands for. Ms.Kate Bite,Spokane:she said that Spokane County has a well-documented problem with family violence averaging almost nine reports to police per thousand residents per year; said this is disproportionate for Washington state; said that last year nine people died in domestic violence incidents; said the routine abuse of people in our community isn't just a private act of mistreatment, it's political;she quoted author Rebecca Traister, `there is a deep investment in silencing women; in part because if you keep them silent,you keep them isolated from each other;if they become audible to each other,they can communicate with each other, and if they communicate with each other, they can begin to organize." She said that here we can see the motivation behind the violent fantasies aired by Anthony Bosworth in his chats with State Representative Matt Shea; and in Shea's failure to speak up about his long-time political ally's graphic descriptions of the punishments he wished to meet out against women activists in our community; she said that while this particular chat was private, as women organizers in the northwest, said we weren't surprised to learn that this is how some powerful men speak about women amongst themselves; after all both Shea and Mr. Bosworth have a documented history of being volatile toward others. She said 'we do our work with a constant awareness that there are people in our community who engage in threats and harassment against women who speak up against politics of exclusion;' said her friends have received anti-Semite hate mail packets for years after being quoted in the paper; said they tell each other about website hacking attempts; said there are other strange stories like people showing up to meetings to film the discussions; or people's cars being followed; said this unsettling background radiation to her and other's participation in public life is especially severe for women of color, black and indigenous women, immigrant women, Muslim and Jewish women, transgender women, non-binary people; said they factor that in when they speak at public events, and consider it a known quantity should they choose to run for office; she said you will recall that Shea bizarrely photographed himself outside his female opponent's house during a recent campaign; she said that somehow free speech advocates often fail to notice this persistent chilly effect of these risks on women's speech; she said regardless of the risks,they are talking about this because they have to;and more than ever,said they demand a change to the culture of violence and silence in our region; said they must be able to speak up in this town without fear of violent retribution whether they speak their minds in the public square or in their own kitchens. Mr.Al Merkel,Spokane Valley:said he has personally disavowed himself from Matt Shea,as a republican, and said he thinks they can do better as a party;that the neighborhood integrity is being threatened and our city is developing in a way that is uncontrolled; said we are justifying expansions and changes in zones based on changes in other zones,and asked,where does it end; said he wants to charge this Council to again to come up with a way to curtail that and control growth in a sensible way to make sure that our city services don't sprawl out of control and that quality of life doesn't fall off the deep end; and ultimately we maintain the quality and the living that our community has grown up to expect and the reason we all moved here. Ms. Nina Fluegal, Spokane Valley: said regarding her earlier comment about this proposal with a multi- family tax exemption;said she has a different proposal;said the phone tax is dwindling; she also mentioned heads-in-beds for hotel/motel; she suggested charging every apartment dweller$60.00 a year that would go into a specific fund to be used to upkeep the neighborhood that they're built in; or any other road project; said she doesn't know the legality of doing that,but it is a proposal to bring in funds and that it would result in a nice fund, and would help the property owners who foot the rest of the bill, and said it's a nice idea instead of tax exemption, have a tax proposal. Ms. Marcia Sands, Spokane Valley: said she carne tonight to support the people who are requesting some sort of proclamation to deny Matt Shea the support of our community; she said that is important; that she Council Study Session: 05-14-2019 Page 8 of 12 Approved by Council: 05-28-2019 is aware that some Councilmembers are politically or friendship-wise associated with Matt, but Councilmembers need to separate themselves for the sake of our community,CounciImembers need to have some sort of public disclosure that you don't support racism, and that you don't support white supremacy; said that is important for our community;that this is a growing community and this and previous Councils have done a pretty good job of leading the City; said she doesn't always agree with what Council does,and didn't always agree with the previous councils; but that's the nature of politics; but to have somebody in politics who talks about hate and talks about other people who don't believe in his religion; or people of color; said that doesn't belong in politics; not in the United States,that we are a melting pot as is Spokane Valley; said she realizes the demographics of this area have been changing,which is partly why we have a lot more multi-family housing; said that will happen as we are a very sparsely populated geographic area and will infill; so do it smart and some of the comments that were made were so good, how important it is to have this community looked upon and feel about ourselves; that it will affect our property values in the long run and will affect everything about us; she suggested Council leave their legacy of hope, caring, and compassion for all residents Council represents. Mr.James(JJ)Johnson,Spokane Valley: stated that he is currently the chair of the Spokane Valley Planning Commission, but said he is not representing that body tonight other than to mention they have meetings twice a month if anyone wants to come to see how the City is trying to manage growth and take part in those conversations; said he is also honored to represent the City of Spokane Valley on the Spokane County Human Rights Task Force and is not specifically representing that body now, but he is representing his neighbors in saying the current representative of the 4th Legislative District does not accurately represent our home town; said he hopes that representative doesn't represent anyone on the Council, or in this room, or anyone in his (Mr. Johnson's) home town; however, said he is not that naive; said the City of Spokane Valley has been his home since 1963 and he knows who lives here and knows the conversations that go on; said he knows this body can't realistically speak specifically about that representative of the 4t"District;he said this body does speak every two weeks as they have an invocation; he said it would be great if that invocation represented the diversity of the religious organizations in our City. There were no further public comments. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS: 5.Duplex Density Code Text Amendment 2018-0005—Lori Barlow Ms.Barlow explained that this is a privately initiated proposal to limit duplexes in the R-3 zone,to eliminate townhouses in the R-3 zone, and to modify the regulations for cottage development. She explained the process including the noticing requirements, and that an environmental review was conducted resulting in the issuance of a non-determination of significance;that the proposal began its process through the Planning Commission noting that this was before the Planning Commission four times instead of the normal three times;and after conducting a public hearing and going through deliberation,the Commission recommended to the Council to deny the request.Ms. Barlow further explained that the proposal would limit the duplexes in the R-3zone in ways that would limit the duplexes that are allowed, would modify where they can be located within developments, and would eliminate townhomes as a permitted use in the R-3 zone. Ms. Barlow also noted some of the staff concerns, including that such proposal would reduce the number of duplexes that may be constructed, it would reduce available affordable housing units and alternative housing types, it would appear to prevent cottage development and eliminate townhomes, would affect anticipated development rights, it would be difficult to implement, and there are several other legal issues of concern as noted in the staff report. Ms.Barlow explained that staff respectfully recognizes that this was drafted with good intentions and neighbors put a lot of effort into the proposal; that the intentions are there but the literal interpretations have more far-reaching intent then what the neighbors may have intended. She explained that in going through the process with the Planning Commission, that if there was an interest in pursuing this, staff would like an opportunity to re-write some of the text to make it consistent with the Code and with the original and desired intent. Ms. Barlow also showed some graphs of trends of regional single family residential permits as well as duplex permits over the last six years for Spokane Valley, Spokane City, and Spokane County; and then duplexes as a percentage of permits. Council Study Session: 05-14-2019 Page 9 of 12 Approved by Council: 05-28-2019 Ms. Barlow added that the Planning Commission voted five to zero to recommend denial. Mayor Higgins asked for Council consensus to move this to a first reading; there was no indication from any of the CounciImembers, of a desire to proceed. Councilmember Peetz stated she feels there are some good points to the proposal, and that the intention is good, but perhaps the amendment could be worded differently so it would be a better fit; and she asked if there were similar thoughts from other members of Council. City Attorney Driskell suggests that there is an application before Council that was submitted by citizens; that if Council wants more discussion later about density and duplexes, that can be accomplished; however, there needs to be some finality to this particular application; he further asked that Council keep in mind there was a prior request about four years ago from an applicant for a similar code change, and at that time there was no consensus to move it forward,which resulted in a lack of appealable action for the applicant and left them in a type of legal limbo; he said from a staff standpoint, he would prefer to have Council consider moving this to a first reading,and then vote to approve or deny the ordinance. Mr.Driskell further explained that in that instance,there was an allegation that the Council failed to act;that the applicant paid money for Council to consider this to either accept or deny an ordinance;he said this will provide a cleaner record. Based on Mr. Driskell's explanation,Mayor Higgins again asked for Council consensus to proceed with this proposal to a first reading. There was full Council consensus to move this to a first reading for Council consideration. 5. 2019 Budget Amendment—Chelsie Taylor,John Hohman After Finance Director Taylor went over the proposed amendments as noted in the Request for Council Action form, Mr. Calhoun noted that when these were included in the 2018 budget, it was anticipated the acquisitions would be made from the general fund, fund balance; he said we did not spend the money last year so the general fund,fund balance did not decline;he noted that this year if again approved by Council, the acquisitions would be made from the general fund, fund balance; so in summary, we had planned on taking the money from the reserves in 2018; that didn't happen so we plan on taking that from the reserves in 2019 if Council approves. Councilmember Thompson asked if the sidewalk snow removal equipment was put out for a bid for a contractor; and Director Taylor explained that has not occurred yet but our purchasing policies would require that to occur. To clarify, Councilmember Thompson asked if we contracted it rather than purchase it, and said she remembers there was something about insurance. Deputy City Manager Hohman explained that last November we held a discussion about the snow operations and whether to keep the slower plow speeds or speed them back up,and Council decided then to speed them back up due to various consequences of slowing down, i.e. larger berms, taking longer to plow, and increased cost; he said Council tasked staff to look at alternatives to clear the sidewalks, at least the 35 miles of safe routes to school excluding the commercial areas that are done by the property owners; he said staff performed an exhaustive search for contractors to handle this, but we were unsuccessful in finding anyone, and we heard that the concerns included they had the equipment and didn't want to use it for that purpose, or they didn't have the equipment; and we routinely heard concerns about liability associated with this type of operation on a surface where people would walk; similar to discussions we had several years ago about having the Appleway Trail plowed, and our maintenance contractor Senske's concern with liability issues. Mr. Hohman explained that Street Superintendent Shane Arlt did a search for other options; said we could use Geiger work crews, which predominately work on clearing sidewalks on bridges; he said we targeted them last February and March, but they are a hand-crew using shovels or snow blowers, and either method is a slow process; and it was apparent different equipment was needed to clear 35 miles of sidewalks. Mr. Hohman stated that Mr. Arlt did a lot of research, and came up with the idea of using the equipment as shown in the handout at the Council dais. Mr. Hohman explained that this equipment is a four-wheel drive and has different attachments; it is 42' wide and most sidewalks are five feet or less; said the enclosed cab has a heater so as to not be too miserable for the driver;and again stated we would have preferred to contract with someone but there were no offers. Council Study Session: 05-14-2019 Page 10 of 12 Approved by Council: 05-28-2019 Councilmember Wick asked if we did this ourselves,would we be assuming the liability, and Mr.Hohman said we would be subject to that regardless and Mr.Driskell concurred that if someone were injured on the right-of-way,they would look to us.Councilmember Wick said we would be subject to liability if we bought the equipment, and he asked if there is a way to mitigate that for a contractor to handle the sidewalks. Mr. Driskell said there is not as they would be doing the work, and our insurance company would not be willing to insure us to take on the liability of someone else doing the work. Councilmember Woodard asked if all the schools have sidewalks around them; in other words, does the 35 miles of sidewalks, if that all the sidewalks that would be a safe routes to school, on all of our schools. Mr. Hohman said he believes that to be true although there may be some schools that don't have sidewalks completely surrounding it, but the schools take care of that. Councilmember Woodard said what he is referring to is,that portion in the safe route to school which is approximately a half-mile on either side, and he sked does the 35 miles include all of our schools. Mr. Hohman said without a map, he would assume it probably does not; it's probably only those designated safe routes to school which are separate from every school. Councilmember Woodard asked if Mr. Hohman is saying that there are some schools out there that don't have safe routes to school. Again, Mr. Hohman said he is working without a map; but there are designated safe routes that are around every school, but there are multiple sidewalks in these neighborhoods; and is it all inclusive with every single sidewalk in every neighborhood that's attached to every school: the answer is probably not; but the designated safe routes that we are addressing equals 35 miles; and if Council would like, said he can bring back a map of all the safe routes to school, which total 35 miles versus a map of all the sidewalks; and said they are not the same. Councilmember Woodard asked if there are sidewalks on both sides of the street, such as at McDonald, are both sides of the street safe routes? Mr. Calhoun said typically we would pick one side of the street, which led Councilmember Woodard to ask why we would take on the liability for those homeowners who have sidewalks in front of their houses,as we wouldn't always get all the ice removed.Councilmember Woodard said he believes this option of these machines would lead to having more machines; and just with these two machines and a trailer,we would need three employees; said he is concerned this will become a drain and he is against this and feels this is not a good option. Deputy Mayor Haley said she feels the intent of this is good to try to get the kids safely to school; but feels we could be subject to liability from for example,the sidewalk across the street that wasn't cleared; and she questioned if the public would consider what is a safe route to school simply because we say so; said there are some kids who will walk on the berm and inthe street regardless; said if we shovel one sidewalk but not the one across the street, she is concerned this will open a 'can of worms.' Mr. Calhoun said in bringing this forward, we are not trying to guide Council to do this, but are giving the cost; that back in November, Council said to speed the trucks back up, we know we're going to put snow on sidewalks; go out and try to contract to have someone remove it,but we failed to find a contractor. Mr. Calhoun said that part of the failure in contracting is,we would be coming to a contractor to do this work, that the contractor would need to buy$80,000 worth of equipment and staff up for it; and if we the City tell him we need you, we'll call you; so it's not just liability but for the business model issue as well; it's not a very attractive offer. Mr. Calhoun said if Council determines not to include this, he asks that Council not reject the entire budget amendment, but simply not include this item; and if Council determines not to remove snow from the safe route to schools sidewalks,said he would caution Council that if in the multitude of e-mails Council would receive from the public next year, asking why Council put snow on sidewalks, said that he at times gets e-mails from Councilinembers directing people to him for a response to these questions; but said we must realize that if that's the case and we can't contract for it nor do we have the tools, it puts staff in between a rock and a hard place;further,Mr. Calhoun said, if Council doesn't want to that is ok too, as staff is just trying to follow through the directive received last November. At approximately 9:00 p.m. it was moved by Councilmember Woodard, seconded and unanimously agreed to extend the meeting to 9:15 p.m. There was further Council discussion about not being able to provide everything to everybody;that not just kids but people with disabilities will have problems in getting to bus Council.Study Session: 05-14-2019 Page 11 of 12 Approved by Council: 05-28-2019 stops or crossing a street. There was Council consensus to move forward with the budget amendment without the snow removal equipment which could be discussed at a later time. 7.Advance Agenda—Mayor Higgins Councilmember Thompson mentioned a previous report before Council concerning placing a mental health worker in a patrol car with an officer;said the cost of the mental health worker was approximately$100,000; said she would like to suggest having an inclusive resolution concerning this issue; and also suggested discussion moving funds, or as a partner, to have $100,000 for one mental health officer accompany one police department officer. Mr. Calhoun said he would speak with Chief Werner and discuss what that might include, adding that it would be an increase in our budget. Deputy Mayor Haley mentioned Mr. Calhoun might also inquire whether this would necessitate a re-negotiation of the Sheriff's contract, or a separate contract. All Councilmembers raised their hands in agreement. Councilmember Woodard said he would like to get some public feedback on the sidewalk snow removal issue and have more discussion on what we are trying to accomplish, as well as what we want to spend, All Councilmembers raised their hands in agreement. CITY MANAGER COMMENTS City Manager Calhoun noted that there will be a special Council meeting tomorrow night, 6:00 p.m. at CenterPlace, Room 109, where staff will be seeking public input on the Parks and Recreation MasterPlan; he also mentioned as he previously e-mailed Council earlier,that we received notice from Moody's Investor Service concerning the rate of the City's bond, and their annual comment on our credit position, which is very good and they have re-affirmed our Aa2 rating. It was moved by Deputy Mayor Haley, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 9:08 p.m. /AA—-dulP- 6111P' 411IPATTES L.R. Hig: - • a or 'LlI)%-4 )377;1"41: Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Council Study Session: 05-14-2019 Page 12 of 12 Approved by Council: 05-28-2019 Agenda Item #6 lir •_- 4-4.--,---,...f.'-' 'MUNICIPAL ' elt.,:= .: i TY 11 1 ''' ' ' ..,'' - ----, - 1-`"v1„; „:_lri.„?::""' ....t-: ,,,eit , ',-;_.----,.,„--- .,„.„- f.•_'._:_._°,;,-...„,, . ,1( Nei r. ; ,I ... - e ; ? •,-.--. '"'' "' - • ..;"'7••—•-7-.--.....4 - ):-..._.. :-: ...t.. ..ilkilifi -'4.'44.=,-.7.4".".--1----:-.- '......4_ .i, r., 'v. .. , . ' :-..t.:L.,..-J•1 .... --.-- ,-,,,,- -et-it,:f,_ .-----.._,-7-.... t' -- ----,'"N.-" -_' `----2.--- -- . -,,.'5-' ;1',, •—/ -4 ' -2F -f-,f,-.4e-, a , , k,, 7 ' -,,,C .,,••=-• .. ..?. • •..,:j ,e' • • 'il , i. AK-.f --• - ' . , 1. l' 0 -. . . ,r--- . ,_ r-:;.;_. •- IF . ills. l' 1 ,t,',\• A , ,.•, , ,... , .. - • ,„,,i.. , 1 ,-:I U- ,.• -.•_, --.- -- - • -,.....-- , . ,... - „ . 77"- --- (ThV'''31,4°'.1,),t.---P ''. \'', . row- , • . .. .t. ,- , .• 1..-4.,0,', * Olii, . ' , ,t • . •itik..•-.). 11%. :: is '11. i 4 -• . • I .. )Prepared z7,0,,r: Your local dealer: RMT EQUIPMENT City of Spokane Valley 2182 2nd Ave N 10210 E Sprague Ave Lewiston, ID 83501 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 i - /r- / 3400 TractorTRACTOR COMPATIBILITY KEY; '`' 40." 4500 SPECIFICATIONS 34001 3400Y y;• r C !_= VANGUARD KUBOTA 4 ', ' ` + y Model Comparison VANGUARD .zt ,� 1 Gasoline Diesel ` (Snr,;.r� Stock Codes 39,31500 39.31505 r �1 V �1) " ;�i� Accessory Options: Optional Standard ol1? Steering Till,Weight Transfer ' `.. 1(kr)' '' �' 1 1t Engines \, _ \ Engine Manulacturer B&S Vanguard Kubota — �:'? 0 /` Engine Vanguard M38 Kubota D902 ( " r i,;,, = / . ', Max Operating Speed 3200 rpm 2850 rpm ` Horsepower 20 22 Instrumentation Peak Torque 3411 lb©2800rpm 41 It lb CO 2600rpm Gauges Tachometer,Speedometer, Displacement 627 cc 89B cc Hour Meter,Engine Temperature(liquid Cylinders 2 3 cooled engines only),Fuel Level Engine Oil Ventrac Full Ventrac Full Indicator Lights Parking Brake, Synthetic 10W30 Synthetic 10W30 A Activates Audible Alarm Engine High-Temp",Hydraulic Oil High Fuel Type Gasoline Diesel Temp",Low Voltage",Low Oil Pressure" Fuel Capacity 5,0 gal(18.9 L) Controls Fuel Economy"" 1.6 gal/hr 1.2 gal/hr Slope Rating 20°(36%Grade) Forward Reverse S.D.L.A.(Speed,Direction, Alternator 20/50 Amps 60 Amps Lifl,and Auxiliary)Handle Dimensions Attachment Lift S.O.L.A.(Primary Handle) Weight with standard hitch 1000 lb(454 kg) 1220 lb(553 kg) Auxiliary Hydraulics S.D.L.A.(Secondary Handle) Weight with accessories kit 1020 lb (463 kg) N/A Throttle Dash Mounted Wheelbase 38 inch(96.5 cm) Front Hitch Lock Floor Mounted Length 76 inch(193 cm) PTO Reit Tensloner Attachment Mounted, Width 40.5 inch(103 cm) Automatic Tension Controlled Height(BOPS up) 72 inch(183 cm) Weight Transfer 4 Position Height CROPS down) 60 inch(152 cm) Steering Power Steering Turning Radius 28 Inch(71 cm) Tires Electrical Standard(All Terrain) 18x11-10(46 x 28 x 25,4 cm) Battery 500 CCA(Group 51R) Optional Turf 18x10.5-10(46 x 26.7 x 25.4 cm) Voltage 12 Volts Battery Disconnect Standard with 150A System Circuit Breaker Travel Speed (FIR) Fuses Sealed,Mini Fuse and J-Case styles High Range 7 mph(11 kph)lorward Hitch and PTO 4 mph(6.4 kph)reverse Front Hitch Ventrac Mount System Electrical PTO clutch with Brake Ogura 812,5 All specifications sullied to change without notice or obligation Rear Hitch 2 inch Receiver Lighting Head Lights (1)55W Halogen Light Tall Lights (2)Red LED Lights Drivetrain Type Hydrostatic Transaxte Hydro-Gear GT1700 Transaxle Drive Method Belt Hydraulic Oil Filter(Suction) Integrated,In trans-axle 1CAfr�C Hydraulic 011 Filter 10 Micron,replaceable (Pressurized) 500 Venture Drive Fax:330.683.0000 Orrvllie, OH 44667 www.ventrac.com 1.866,836,8722 info@ventrac.com 1 CAI,' 7Z4� ' LX423 Snow Blower Your ONE Tractor Solution F �- may- tt,. =:r ,°*' - _ I may _ '. ,y.•--" 'It ,^_tai �� ,� —�i �—�,,.a1 / } Ii.1 : ..J '•" ; ,- -1 . ' - I' ' I ' '..'"-'.- ‘-.), i IWf 70V 1,1 r'. d1'W.t;},.. k I iir;-:,‘.0 rA6'I .S . . ' .01II14,. •.y I _ !' '..,:,,„..A ' li )00/ ' t .„.7, . • .} ',i 'g 'M.: .-n1. y ll E/v.T C Accessories Your ONE Tractor Solution LW452 G a b + ' 4� I r 1 it $r' 4 ---"i — ---_____"1 t r I n , IZ r1Lth 1 ' i .01 'I , 1' ii' $ }I'_l_FAIIIII I ,"i• F ,%.• 7 �rt-'"-1,111~;11.1. ,.,.....„_.. ...L.... ,,, _. � h !]may f•. I+-- �� Alr.,..,„,..„ '' �,` f1 �_ ! I roil 1 � l l "` �_ _IMP _� r r( { I 111 i r ,�' 1 , -' ti '' r 2yW 1 r I. Y`! t i� y ' yid 4 \. -- • yr ,p� �- 1/ { !!lydil!!+1!!r 1If ' r� ` �• . -4,64,11.,,,, " .7 ..-4 s y — " ice_"'- I,,,. I ,k. _woo, ‘1111‘ .., \,„ .. -511(1. 4T LC.h 4 ' ti i r._ 1 • f I F The fully enclosed LW452 Cab for the Ventrac 3400 tractor offers SPECIFICATIONS excellent visibility and protection for the operator from the wind, rain,and snow. Stock Code 70.2015 Windshield Wiper Standard STANDARD FEATURES Dimensions • Dual Port USB Outlet for Device Charging Overall Height 65 Inches(155 cm) • Intermittent Wiper Function Overall Length 56 Inches(142 cm) • Superior Headroom Clearance for Operator Comfort Overall Width 42 inches(107 cm) Weight 390 pounds(177 kg) • All standard&available cab lights are LED Height(installed on power unit) 77 Inches(195 cm) for low current draw&high light output. Height with Strobe Beacon(installed on power unit) 63 inches(211 cm) • Easy Access to Cab Switches&Fuse Panel Length(instaiied an power unit) 78 Inches(198 cm) • Tempered Glass Optional Accessories • Exceptional Visibility Windshield Washer Kit 70.8148 • Removable Door&Side Windows Strobe Beacon Kit 70.8161 • Emergency Exit Exterior Mirror Kit 70.2006-4 • Contoured Roof for less snow&water collection Defrost Fan Kit' 70.2006-6 • Front&Rear LED Work Lights Console Fan/Heater Kit for Kubota engine(3400Y) 70.2015-51 Litt Sling 47.0361 M specifications sublocl In change without notice or obligation 'Defrost fan lilt Is not available In Europe. OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES • Fully Sealed,Breakaway Mounted LED Strobe Beacon • Exterior Mirrors • Console Mount Fan/HeateriFilter(3400Y only) • Rear Heater Vent Outlet • Windshield Washer Kit • Directional Defrost Fan alSee Ventrac in Action Visit ventrac.comlvideo ism LX423 Snow BlowerTRAGTOR COMPATIBILITY KFY: 1 a 4500 The 42 Inch wide LX423 Snow Blower for the Ventrac 3000 series is built for commercial snow clearing i • _ - ,r, I/ operations of sidewalks, driveways, and other areas. A two stage snow blower, the LX423 features a 16 inch ' diameter solid auger for best snow transfer, a large 20 Inch diameter fan, and the ability to move 2500 pounds c.,� ! of snow per minute at distances up to 40 feet. Standard 11:,: t r ; ., features include adjustable cast iron skid shoe discs at the • r . • ill rear, high carbon hardened steel shoes at the side, and a • ••' reversible high carbon hardened steel cutting edge. ` � The hydraulically activated discharge chute can rotate 180 �: degrees, all from the convenience of Ventrac's exclusive ,,, ;,.ley► i S.D.L.A. Control System. Chute deflection is manually adjustable. An electric chute deflection controller is optional. 104 I STANDARD FEATURES -- i f + .q i , • 2-Stage System 'j __ 4 ,I� Double spiral serrated auger '� , •i� ti, • Hinged chute deflector with optional k ir _', electric actuator Double spiral serrated Adjustable cast Iron skid SnoSIikTM for dislodging auger shoe discs clogged snow • Standard hydraulic controlled SPECIFICATIONS • 180 degree rotation discharge chute • Extra heavy-duty shaft and bearings Stack Code 39.35427 • Chute guard quick release rubber latches Auger Double spiral serrated Auger Diameter 16 inches(40.6 cm) • Chute liner to reduce snow leakage Snow Capacity 2500Ibs/ruin • Front crossbar protection bumper Two Stage Standard • Cleanup stick for dislodging clogged snow Paddles 4 • Ventrac Mount System Chute Rotation 180 degrees Throwing Range' Approx35-40 feet (10,6-12.2 meters) Optional Accessories Optional Accessories • 12 Volt Chute Actuator 12 Volt Actuator 70.8025 (requires 12 Volt Switch/Plug Kit) 12 Volt Switch and Plug*(required for actuator) 70.3016 • Rear Weight Bracket ..0,4,0 V11fi rouree p9� Rear Weight Bracket 70.3043 41. II. �• is "w Suitcase Weights(individual Weight) 47.0115 • Suitcase Weights Dimensions — YEMTMG MOM SYSTEh- Length 44 inches(112 cm) .__--maw-- Width 42 Inches(107 cm) Height 54 inches(137 cm) twAiv7ArArCI Weight 4051bs(184 kg) 'Dependent on wind and snow conditions 500 Venture Drive Fax:330.683.0000 'Based on engine speed of 3,2000 RPM Orrvllle, OH 44667 www.ventrac.corn Allspocllioallons aubieeltochange without notice orobligallon 1,866.836.8722 info(info @ ventrae.com Accessories LIIII450 Cab . 1 TRACTOR COMPATIBILITY KEY: 1„.4051 4500 a 11 4 , Op\'' 14,1'' ___, / N. l' ii NDual Port USS Outlet d`' r u • for device charging P , , /.. - '.,, ,,y41.11100., – i .C-111--------r— ' @� r y_ • Easy Access to Switches and Fuse Panel Window Latches for Ventilation .4., ' T . ti + I -mo— , �1 ' h `. ! __.,,e : ,i/ L'.",::..14,,0-441,,h, Ira: il ---- ------r: :1 '+� (CF 11 ,sow 1 : ' r ill ' `.Ili il •) , . tiii -'i j " } ''''311 i LED Work Lights,2 Front and 1 Rear Fully Sealed, Breakaway Mounted Optional Strobe Beacon • i Iv• i'' Cli10 1 X a r' \� r !y r ,//'/' _• " t o. 111 I �• _a-f. it f i 1� tlr, [q;, M ' 1 1 Optional Defrost Fan Optional Exterior Mirrors 500 Venture Drive, Orville,OH 44667 • 1,866.836.8722 Fax:330.683,0000 •www,ventrac.com • info@ventrac.com SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING Tuesday, May 14, 2019 6:00 p.m. Regular Meeting GENERAL CITIZEN COMMENTS SIGN-IN SHEET YOUR SPEAKING TIME WILL GENERALLY BE LIMITED TO THREE MINUTES This sign-in sheet is for making comments not associated with an action item on tonight's agenda. If you wish to comment about an individual action item on tonight's agenda (such a a otion to approve an ordinance, resolution, or contract) the Mayor will ask for comme s on ose items once that item is reached on the agenda. Please sign in if you wish to make public comments. NAME TOPIC OF CONCERN YOU YOUR CITY OF ' IDENCE PLEASE PRINT WILL SPEAK ABOUT 4A& rw # £ 4 Pq . 1 S ik-k 1c 146.-- 4•0,iccf r29Lbt if )61, 6 va /) v het:, 1i" olnkarn()1,Ct. Lec?ct e Len . r L4-ii-4 / AWi t1 c WA, SVb t D . 4 u-1 52P emu, / 1969 6/2,/49,02. U � e c, - � �t r� - (� -e.r\ h� n Iron .PO Vit( - irk,- -t 4 CIA411., Gob t p ate-,cevc. VAL( ' Please note that once information is entered on this forin, it becomes a public record subject to public disclosure. / /- d/9 Chris Bainbridge From: Terry <terryov@aol.com> Sent: Tuesday, May 14, 2019 4:40 PM To: City Council; Lori Barlow; Chris Bainbridge;joel@joelelgee.com; rhiggens@spokanevalley.org; Brandi Peetz; Arne Woodard; Ben Wick; Pamela Haley; Sam Wood; Linda Thompson Subject: Letter to Spokane Valley City Council Meeting tonight In Favor of Comprehensive Plan CPA-2019-0003 Dear Spokane City Council Members, I am writing as the applicant/manager/owner of the CPA request 2019-0003 for rezoning to allow the construction of some additional affordable infill housing units the City of Spokane Valley. I understand that some people may not initially want this in their neighborhood but when the benefits to the overall community are considered it makes sense to follow the city staff recommendation that it meets the current plans and goals of the city. I wanted to take this opportunity to present some of the good reasons to approve this request: -The land is one block from existing arterial bus routes so affordable low impact commuting can take place. -The land is across the street from an existing shopping mall that has been there for many years. -The land is adjacent to an existing parcel with 5 duplexes or 10 housing units on it. -A traffic study was conducted and approved with no significant impact to the neighborhood streets. -The land for CPA 2019-0003 currently has 2 duplexes and one single family residence and with CPA approval could potentially have up to 21 total units, however we are currently planning to keep the existing housing and add approximately three 4plexes as setbacks and codes will allow in the building permit cycle. -Any new construction would be in accordance with currently approved guidelines for setbacks and codes that are already approved by the council for this type of development in this area. Affordable infill housing is currently a great community need especially when it is close to centrally located jobs, existing schools, current bus routes and all other services. Without approval the land will not be economically developed and will not benefit the community and citizens of Spokane Valley. I urge you to consider voting to approve this CPA request for the overall city benefit and understand that some neighbors may not initially be in favor of this however when they consider the overall community housing needs they may also see it as a good plan. Thank you for your consideration of this approval, Terry Ovstedal CAUTION: This email originated from outside your organization. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders. t n z Millwood EEaaiafiya nye gli 27 '''''''..\'-----.\ 1 EIndia,.Ave .,I EMIsslunAve '"s-''`-'''"'''''�!ill•.y tf:.11 2 a2 a z C o IIE2 Z E c Spo�t'ane ESPawaeAve DISH MAN ESApptewaAve Valley ss Ave APPieway BHr! ' I ti we nc rn 0 o yy $ ,ar v ,a N Y o. ¢ 0 4 ��me«eY "He w]h,o(/h`las,a why_ to live can�� �beear�(allmost any how."—Friedrich Nietzsche f�96 to . W E2dih Ave •\ 0-1,--r '� „ 'r ` n ,V[ 1 E 32nd Ave 'l E32n0 AveE32nd Ave vrPSdRtl E32nd Am Hold fast to that which is good• "He who has a whyto live can bear VERADALE almost any how."—Friedrich Nietzsche o /he 2/ V d 1- piece of good news.The good news is you ,>� "Everyone has inside them a Anything's possible if you've got enough nerve."—J.K.Rowling don'to know!Andow great youcan potential bel How much you can love!What you can n t k accomplish! what your is."—Anne Frank !1(. 6, �o ,,7 ,,t,t'; (7(I1if I/in f �t "The secret of health for both mind and bodyis not to mourn for the ast, n er nnee)at - d Jr',/, I .- nod news is you P The not to worry about the future,but to live the present moment wisely and "Everyone has inside them a piece of good ne s.How much you can love!What you can earnestly."—Buddha don'to know hown great your potential can lis."—Anne Frank accomplish)And what your �l^�,' �'L._��-:'�, A U,�1 i,. 'i 10,16 1j �,)vr YUvI';;1.,L 11 "You will never do anything in this world without courage. It is the greatest quality in the mind next to honor."-Aristotle "Anything's possible if you've got enough nerve."-J.K. Bowling �1't }� 0. i/y viee�cQ s � `��as � lr �r.p � rt� ' ncs s Z Fie cru a: ,W 2ThA3, --DavyADU rc 1aQa _ ,� n i ��^`� E�Uv "Courage, dear heart."-C.S. Lewis 5...i ae6 , Zirld Its &Dow, Bre A up > c- 'Cif c- W ta "It is very important to know who you are. To make decisions. To show who — CQ1h I. �-{ it dour C ec i's o1iliK t 4d you are."-Malala Yousafzai 4-c_.-tr.; � % �� �j s. ` � `' n "consi In essence, if we want to direct our lives, we must take control of our PPO la.�� 5 d (/ P 4 but whatnt actions. It's not what on do once in a � , ( _ ewe do consistently."-Tony Robbins) while that shapes our lives, "Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground." W' /!'t Gt4' `' Vac fid>> pp�� - Roosevelt "You will never do anything in this world without /� Theodore) - ,...-.:..-2.-4.-e- < /i.po- h_ ,7 quality in the mind next to honor"_ courage. It is the greatest + VAristotle 1,4s 46„0,- ioG r 1411(: ! "Believe you can and you're halfway there."-Theodore Roosevelt "In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.'- Ly: `rya,�```� �, _ Y Albert Einstein "Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground." as _p C� "Treat a man as he is and he will remain as he is. Treat a man as he can Ts 11 -Theodore Roosevelt and should be and �p Oil V35 well he will become as he can and should be." 4 0' —Stephen R. Covey, The 7 H bits of Hi hl Effe ive Peo le Lessons in Personal Change powerful "I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness "When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor."-Elon Musk because it shows me the stars."-Og Mandino 9 L)..)uAF-'5 CZV.T "Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground." -Theodore Roosevelt j "True happiness involves the full use of one's power and talents." 1� �i 1 i ) r' • -John W Gardner "Treat a man as he is and he will remain as he is. Treat a man as he can �y"t� '��+��ti and should be and —,(� A� r� � 1l�st� he will become as he can and should be." .'� %�r��v�� al h�k,�4 l-k� Vtt _ �� —Stephen R. Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful moot ALL4 `"t "It doesn't matter who you are, where you come from. The ability to triumph e on in Personal C ane begins withyou. �3 ra ��s .he C-(9,( 'r iV�ec�fid �' �� g Always."-Oprah Winfrey r,< 'oft!'A ff^ MO {e-Ci = d'n .57i� .. (kc.ccOi-ab ?�vae 1, kQ�(�I.UL ` 1%E/(�1L- ' ( 00 1i1, ' I,e, f G-fez:' i cLu..q &.)in, wry i-f ,iro,. qc ' { l( J NJ �Y-052 e�llcl w-eq 6(1`D'N,f a< ottAtil-vA4 bury "yl2,e36+'{'pea s , "Embrace uncertainty. Some of the most beautiful chapters in our lives "When something i important enou you do i even if the odds re not in won't have a title until much later."-Bob Goff / your favor."-Elon Musk Ci�/LL Lti, ( f f /61.! �O/ iel Cooa,"16/4 ha �,,,t- L7 c��v�e s LLr� c���� n Eve c�cti�kEco nc� o .�( 5Z./.1c- • a n ;' 6-e a //a c.c." 17 dc24.1,,6. ...44/4:14fr, r,( „LtAl ---I-IAA-6 iri,--t— f J si "You will never do anything in this world without courage. It is the greatest "it is very important to know who you are. To make decisions. To show who quality in the mind next to honor."-Aristotle �� �l I i you are."-Malala Yousafzai fetp �r Cou_r"ct� --6 �6 so c � � � £c// / , "When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in "It doesn't matter how slow you go as long as you don't stop."-Confucius your favor."-Elon Musk ba m (_,.M ti.;/\-0\JZ,1) i s CoL10 1L ` Cvo'?! X 1(1 e,t„J 1 S � hr �� If , "You must never be fearful about what you are doing when it is right." -Rosa Parks `l D`riv.c.: vs,:v,,,i,;,,i,-:S<,,€lr„s / LC ,, n4,-/ � -z-i l q is c S c I - OfZ 14unla0 4r "Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask.Act!Action will delineate and define you.”-Thomas Jefferson _ � iCl�l � i,�J �h3 awe s„ �,,, ,. „ i ' r e..} -:i < ( A4... ,,, f �Sr,,, ��,r iy "Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition "In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity."-Albert Einstein , inspired, and success achieved."-Hellen Keller "True happiness involves the full use of one's power and talents." "And you ask'What if I fall?'Oh but my darling,what if you fly?"-Erin -John W. Gardner r Hanson # Qrto pie �,o e Let- e v e1,1 A-�-e Le a-G-�i -`(awi,,�,�.�, 4t nc)or�e Es L1 leaa I 4{ Plies be(ong-Cc eeke`r o 2+_.., aJ11 1.,AIj "There are moments when troubles enter our lives and we can do nothing (}..‘� to avoid them. But they are there for a reason. Only when we have Vovercome them will we understand why they were there." "Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through 'MS\\ \v� —Paulo Coelho,The Fifth Mountain • p experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition ;'�� i-,1 ,--1 �._•, ,� .)h .:: l, , ' ,c e s,s rest',r Co im a v n iO a�I " inspired. and success anhiavari"-Hallan Kallar � 1 9 [ Letter to the Spokane Valley City Council May 14,2019 Thank you,City Counsel members and Mayor,for serving our community and society.As Roman's 13:1 reminds us,you have been given authority not only by the people who elected you,but by God.And with this authority comes I am a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and speak today about His Way of responsibility. Life.One of the most profound witnesses the Lord Jesus gave to us about God's purpose for creation was his deep respect and profound compassion for all people,Jesus's Way of Love broke down barriers that we humans constructed. In light of the revelations of the immoral and apparently illegal strategies of State Representative Matt Shea and some of his followers,I call on all Christians,and He included women in His fellowship,thus rejecting patriarchy.He ate with those who were considered sinners.He healed outcasts and welcomed especially on those who hold the authority of government,to publicly affirm the foreigners, way of the Good Shepherd.I call on all Christian elected leaders in the Name of the Lord Jesus,to clearly and forcefully repudiate the coercive and corrupt use of Jesus exercised the power of God's authority,but he did not use coercive power. power championed by Matt Shea. His was the power of self-giving sacrificial love.Paul's instructions to the I believe God is calling you today to assert the leadership God gives you by Christians in Philippi radically condemn State Representative Matt Shea's publicly affirming your respect for and commitment to protect all people.I firmly actions.Paul's taught us,"Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit,but in believe that God calls you to vigorously denounce Christian Identity Politics as humility regard others as better than yourselves.Let each of you look not to your both anti-Christian and unAmerican. own interests,but to the interests of others,Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus, Respectfully, who,though he was in the form of God, Pastor Matters did not regard equality with God as something to be exploited, The Rev.Richard Matters but emptied himself, 430 West 24th Avenue taking the form of a slave, Spokane,WA 99203 being born in human likeness. rickmatlers@gmail.com And being found in human form, he humbled himself and became obedient to the point of death— even death on a cross." (over)