2019, 05-15 Special Meeting P&R WorkshopMINUTES SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING: WORKSHOP CenterPlace Regional Event Center — Room 109 2426 N Discovery Place Spokane Valley, Washington May I5, 2019 Attendance: Councilmembers Staff Rod Higgins, Mayor Mark Calhoun, City Manager Pam Haley, Deputy Mayor Cary Driskell, City Attorney Brandi Peetz, Councihnember Mike Basinger, Economic Dev. Manager Linda Thompson, Councilmember Chaz Bates, Economic Dev. Specialist Ben Wick, Councilmember [Ieft at 6:26 p.m.] Mike Stone, Parks & Rec Director Patty Bischoff, Administrative Assistant ABSENT: Tina Gregerson, Recreation Coordinator Sam Wood, Councilmember Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Arne Woodard, Councilmember Others Present: approximately 25 citizens Mayor Higgins called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: City CIerk Bainbridge called the roll, all Councilmembers were present except Councilmembers Wood and Woodard. It was moved by Councilmember Wick seconded and unanimously agreed to excuse Councilmembers Wood and Woodard from the meeting. 1. Agenda Item: Parks and Recreation Master Plan Update; Goals and Policies Workshop Parks and Recreation Director Stone welcomed everyone to the meeting, and thanked them for attending; he explained that the purpose of tonight's workshop is to start the process of updating the Parks & Recreation Master Plan as it was last updated in 2013. Mr. Stone referenced tonight's PowerPoint and said for those who would like to have access to the PowerPoint, Parks and Recreation Administrative Assistant Patty Bischoff will send them a link to the presentation, as the presentation itself is Iikely too large to e- mail. After introducing Councilmembers and staff, Mr. Stone said these proposed basic goals will lead to the development of policies, and he turned the meeting over to Economic Development Specialist Chaz Bates. In going through the PowerPoint, Mr. Bates led the group through various exercises including choosing favorites, and a gap analysis. Individuals at four tables participated in the exercises and gave the following feedback: Table 1: reported there are not enough parks, need more green spaces, don't have parks where they are needed, and one person said she liked the idea of an indoor aquatic center. Table 2: reported they would like parks with neighborhood access; plants for sensory opportunities for kids; need more parks; need a larger budget; and safety issues were a concern, especially at night. Table 3: reported they feel we need more parks like Discovery Park, restrooms along the trails, pocket parks, themes in parks, river accessibility, and more parking availability at parks. Table 4: reported they love the volleyball courts at Browns Park; and we need more parks. Special Council Meering, P&R Workshop: 05-15-19 Page 1 of 2 Approved by Council: 06-04-19 As an aside, Mr. Bates mentioned the handout entitled "Spokane Valley Libraries 2020" which he encouraged everyone to read at their leisure. As Director Stone was explaining the next steps and dates of the upcoming activities as noted on the PowerPoint slide, someone suggested handing out flyers at the various parks. Mr. Stone replied that unfortunately, they don't do that as the flyers ultimately end up on the ground. It was moved by Deputy Mayor Haley, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m. A Christine Bainbridge, City Cleric Special Council Meeting, P&R Workshop: 05-15-19 Approved by Council: 06-04-19 Page 2 of 2 b L.R. Hig in dor Page 2 of 2 Spokane Valley - PARKS AND RECREATION MASTER PLAN UPDATE GOALS ARID POLICY WORKSHOP May l5, 2019; 6:oo — 7:30 pm CenterPlace Regional Event Center— Room log 2426 North Discover Place Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Meeting Agenda 6:oo — 6:10 Welcome and Introductions 6:10 -- 6:35 Presentation 6:35 —6:40 Introduction to Warm-up Exercise 6:40 — 6:5o Warm-up Exercise — Choosing Favorites 6:50-6:55 Introduction to Gap Analysis Exercise 6:55 -- 7:15 Gap Analysis Exercise - Group 7:15 — 7:25 Table Report Out 7:25 —7:30 Next Steps 7:30 Adjourn 0 REGIONAL WENT CENTER Parks and Recreation �- E - W -M V I Master Plan U pdate Goats and Policy Workshop I �H ME Tonight's Agenda: Welcome and Introductions Presentation ► Choosing Favorites (Exercise 1 ). ► Gap Analysis (Exercise Z) ► Table Report Out ► Next Step ► Adjourn (7:30 p.m.) y I I Updating the Parks Plan Purpose and geed ' -' Existing Plan is outdated r r Incorporate Recent Studies and Plans ► Phase 1 Tourism (2017) ► Marketing Study (2017 ; ► Comprehensive Plan (2017) i i0 ► Phase 2 Tourism (on going) ► Economic Studies (2018) ► (West Lawn, Browns Park)Ai4i Maintain Grant Eligibility Additionally Update Balfour Park Master Plan Setting the Stage - Part 1 ► Spokane Valley Parks and Recreation ® 9 Full -Time Employees 6 Divisions ► Administration ► Parks ► Recreation ►Aquatics ► Senior Center ► CenterPlace Represents 7% of City General Fund (2018) 114 2 Setting the Stage - Part 2 ® Spokane Valley ► 12 developed parks ► 2 trails - Centennial and Appleway ► 7 playground structures �- ► 3 softball fields ► 3 pools and 4 splash pads ► Over 191 total park acres ► 49.33 acres of undeveloped park land ► 2.40 Park FTE/10,000 residents ► 2.01 acres per 1,000 residents ► 7,984 residents/park ► Operating expenditures per capita $31.71 /year (2018) 5 ► Revenue -to -operating expenditures 27.1% (2018) Scope of Work and Timeline ► Re-establish Baseline ► Develop Goals and Policies ► Update Inventory and Conditions ® Identify Demand and Needs ► Focus Capital Improvements ► Public Engagement 6 Date Activity Various Stakeholder Interviews 5/15/2019 Goals and Policy Workshop (CenterPlace) 6/17/2019 Free Summer Park Kick-off (Edgecliff) 6/18/2019 Free Summer Park Kick-off (Terrace View) 6/19/2019 Free Summer Park Kick-off (Valley Mission) 6/20/2019 Demand and Needs Workshop (CenterPlace) 7/28/2019 Game On! (Terrace View) 7/26/2019 Movie in the Park (Valley Mission) 8/9/2019 Movie in the Park (Mirabeau Meadows) 9/12/2019 Open Nouse (CenterPlace) 10/1/2019 Adoption Process Starts (City Hall) 3 Update Achievements Since 2013 ► Appleway Trail University to Pines ► Pines to Evergreen ► Evergreen to Sullivan (2014) ► Sullivan to Corbin to. Balfour Extension ► Master Plan >► New Splash Pads ► Edgecliff Et Browns ► Browns Park - Sand Volleyball/ Basketball Court ► CenterPlace - West Lawn/North Meadow r- Myrna Park 7 Stakeholder Interviews 25 Agencies ► School Districts, County, Hoteliers, Trails, Arts IB,- Key Takeaways ► Partnerships Critical ► More Fields (all types) River Access ► Trail Connections } ► Improve CenterPlace and Balfour ► Community Center s r- 0.1 Eas�tV,�alleyDe. U1 TheH 0 js' iiul Tnnl n�li h 'easWalley1U) nit1 e n tee arks I ,,4_'V (jd4 p. :SpYplev t, lll�llil (11IY15 IticFad It�yO)Fairgrounds �[opBa I�Ou r�,h F�o>�Pools .z !t rC�. SecuritVN SkatePa_r'k Or�C��fP��"N�-'��S U+� of DistrictS ro" CIA XPI RiV&P 'W1:S&! ` Fri ldLici CityLibertyL LowerinconleA �uunCYU.bra ryUls[ric{ Id Proposed Goals i. The parks and recreation system is diverse, balanced and accessible. 2. The parks system reflects the area's cultural, physical and natural character. 3. The parks and recreation system is fiscally responsible. 5 •\ � 5ny ''�-. {k-. .: 131_1. � �� y v Bag .�� .1 ., 4 Yom} �4 i' +4T 5 Choosing Favorites - Exercise 1 ► Team Exercise: ► Designate a note taker ► Draw a line down middle ► On top left: "Things you like/love about COSV Parks" I> On top right: "Things you love about Parks generally or examples you've seen" 10 minutes... Go! Gap Analysis - Exercise 2 >► Use the "BLUE" dot to identify current status. � Use the "GREEN" dot to identify future desired status. ® Count interval between "existing" and "envisioned" ► Write down Gap Value in "Gap" box After all statements have a Gap value Identify relative importance using "Weight" box r> Total Weight for ALL statements cannot exceed 22 (v� 'Abou! C0W \ / P,4 0 WEU- MAINTAINED C LEAN 6ONTY OF LIFiE btsCovmw RAAyGtbonD 'FUN T*fLS • 5PrA5F� pAt'n fsaT+JRaL Al�AS R�,Pa7c�+ WA29FAW- C NNNny Frneul,6 Y+4Ar- I~VeNT5 NFA[.'M d Frmc-6� G PAVrz • VPri�vFE�r' FAWLY FACHOLY PA9(5 MODE R N Warr -9 AcZF-x - HN NG - AcTiVr= • PaT FwE�HDLy 51697 USING NEW E xXMRfEWE5 - �xf�ta�rNG - �rsT©Ry WAAOR►F-s - EOuCAMHAL. PARK AND RE( -RE' NT-0�� '1AP ANALYSIS lab Aft, -5 4 -3 ! 6 2 2 3 A 3 Gap aWdSht 4rna P<rbnarcu<aicnptlle e.itePr<'Adrdr9�A1.LIYaMsarve.Menl[YlF�hw•1IAeeIIY• J I E] rw..o_ Vsar6t+Il.bailN.h.waagr.1.arcelsloparkrAnus.INrulwpwgN!!n Ej I��' TFel.a <.ruN rM,eu..p.n qp. IwaVerbrbnl rr b.n1. Mvhllon a o I vl<yr,N r><nu;<r.r.lnm.m.nalnwln�<Iraa.nl,nla.nl r..r<.u.na.rc.w. j""°' rmsr..a Tn.1.l..n,agwl..,lr„�nlrrP.nli,nam-�.Yr.ararnsaRra: r7l F71 fie �, cnrl.w lh.W,Y'.Mrw..`t<nfulalkl.r•Ivsll d.rynrd.H4.<I lvnnM., l.. LLII � I l— -J I tn.Pw,mlerci.w.n•,.lnl.lneew,a <I.,R Ll Ll '. _' _ TMr11vP>+Idned<pwlerive<donM rav�4.�ndpivp.mmLy lempl•<rla<Nnrsa. El Lj ""' rtKp.11,.ns.,nN.a<�al<;Y rrvr'+mml<etru,.<owlr.na.awwaNmn. p1i�" �. rn<P.n.nar•Qa+Nnh.aeai.,e q�uorrn,rn.lh.n<.elolrwaam n+w N+� WWIe.IrIN11Mf<rlr Spakon Y.11ry 41rcwpor.l<A InIMtl11�I P.rlr<Yrl<m f F ! Lj L-1 — F11 0 T.1.1 1 IIM.I.qu.12N Notes end Comments; M Gap Analysis - Exercise 2 ► Use the "BLUE" dot to identify current status. Use the "GREEN" dot to identify future desired status. ► Count interval between "existing" and "envisioned" ► Write down Gap Value in "Gap" box I After all statements have a Gap value Identify relative importance using "Weight" box Total Weight for ALL statements cannot exceed 22 '.s Gap Analysis - Exercise 2 ► Use the "BLUE" dot to identify current status. ► Use the "GREEN" dot to identify future desired status. ► Count interval between "existing" and "envisioned" ► Write down Gap Value in "Gap" box ► After all statements have a Gap value ► Identify relative importance using "Weight" box 0. Total Weight for ALL statements cannot exceed 22 14 PARK AND RECREATION GAP ANALYSIS bsml ndd k�,rl •5 4 I -3 LI -1 8 1 2 3 4 5 ca uh4 Yuki dIuulbnhdAlW dra pruvldpdwuflaMrand+onvenknllYlt�haullMJh. Q I dh Ur.nerau+Mnnl..n•+.I.awuerel.aer. wpuk and%+aulbrW oyazueltlw E] E] "iO" rrurrr Tnlr.ar..wrblrwrirr..naloppormnin+erahoenr.ra.nla.,dokllnr., uaW tmM lMyu Mlxnluraunmmcmadrx<I 11ianvrm orrHleenlrawwumdem.�d� [`r'" + ....� lhuobana+lw'lataampunlolryrMSuM lvm: aImWll—da I��I [. ra TMparMWrw+"Ilnn7pVPlkr mawellm+lyxd,allrN W...nd Y1.. 1I [�}T+ TM pukrystam lswrll m>inbtns.daiticl+,R jII /��I�Qj 11 I I I IQ1 IQ TMP>ik PY l.lambwen m,P,latrcd.htldean 1M<IkrPwldeaedequ+lermalbn+�r.rvlr•, rndP�v+^n^Iro lamul.nFlanl n.¢< _ [�� YNP+rk+YrNmLL adaq+arNYwpyhmantrtlbYlM<ounlYaMtthoaidklrkla I� F1 Chau TMpurN and Y+tr.,Npnhudw.Ir+d wuarNY mahlha naemolruldanla Q Q ;� puNkurlMlrell<rbnpnkane Jtlfq LLtrmrppr,lyd MCM dlr'+puF rrrlem Q Q rate" Q Q ,rn Q Q I Y.pl �>rzb Q Notadmd Comment . PARK AND RECREATION GAP ANALYSIS bx.rl ,I+,a, 2 3 4 3 3 -4 •X 0 5 �1 0 3 c. Irarsn I� pa•kaW rlveprlanl+dnsl�+re[anvl¢adwuA+. YaM<shvenirnAlythaullM I dh 21 F-1 I 'u�>^, Vaui<IaIIaWAllphrrt Mulw4 [a"parhaMn�bralapr!utuWVe� II L I I� uaW l'ur.rs }r,e.aar.awrkhanvaalioneppwlunlilnfor no5hr nuaM rbilorc EJ [`r'" + nuwrk nik+a.<mm.mana mnllhaP.<m.rryleanlr«,ul rm,ntl< Q ""`9 I Yh,rpl..n+dnq+,r..,msm+upuA oma. ,.,wens lwm< � wamr TMwIMa4rw��nv.rxlnikrw,wi¢<+ynad,a hAaMure. � LJ Q TMP>ik PY l.lambwen m,P,latrcd.htldean Q _ Yb.,Itrgarle<++¢xryvlarsvrarlkm.l +antlr`umrJrylome+tnrWmrMadt ��j� I 1 I E �. [.htla TheP+rk.TST.mis aderylrHvlvwppt.mavi<d lry llpte++fl. tYarW Watl¢kbkta. 0.h3ar G.I.+w1 7M pukandrarrullun Mia�l`W nrerblMrcetl.plrwd.nG- I G, �f AAdkaltlM9renab SpoY.rwV.lkal. In ltiedl�r rYrnm I Q Q W., Q ps,nlNalasrl M" OW COMM"to 7 Gap Analysis - Exercise 2 ► Use the "BLUE" dot to identify current status. ► Use the "GREEN" dot to identify future desired status. ► Count interval between "existing" and "envisioned" ► Write down Gap Value in "Gap" box ► After all statements have a Gap value P�, Identify relative importance using "Weight" box el 0- Total Weight for ALL statements cannot exceed 22 _W 15 Next Steps 16 Notes and Comments: Date Activity 6/17/2019 Free Summer Park Kick-off (Edgecliff) 6/18/201.9 Free Summer Park Kick-off (Terrace View) 6/19/2019 Free Summer Park Kick-off (Valley Mission) 0/ZQ Aer�rar d and. (jleed Warkshop (CentcrPlace) 7/28/2019 Game an! (Terrace View) 7/26/2019 Movie in the Park (Valley Mission) 8/9/201.9 Movie in the Park (Mirabeau Meadows) 10/1/2019 Adoption Process Starts (City Hall) sA rGAP ANAIYSIP, I.naM �wlmJ Mahnl -5 -4 f •1 0 1 2 a 4 5 Gam ell h �� t'+.kaml.de.Wlon Pxnlnnir.P�JrS+e apWSahty andcdmenkn5lYl�ahw.tlhe ellp. J I l F.. I Ipkyq Iliwe.lWI.WIIINaheSw.ap4a5i.sp5+bpW rdre�Ibn+lappMuiill+.. 21 El I`�n' I b.la..r nwn,re,r+rotra+ro<a.ananlvl�+vaam arho�rar.,nl..narlJea.e. � rmhwa.r ThaparY e151e.a.+mad+m er4n<et theneW, obmlle+ntaem eamaMs GAS 4d.4aM Tlxra Nanadeo�miea latp.tYl omi+lruMent nertd>_ Ise m.pr,*+rdnr.++Sla.fadtitW,i.waH/eaf,rxE,a Ilv.,aMmfa I�{U]�I RJ �I r.�Yr,.+ � rY.wm.ral+mY.r.<um,mtJne,iedua•. _ 1J [y dr ihe+fhMlI d+IMfeM..al.reanaltarJS mW�r,mmlna5em.e5m.k.nlrwale � � Theprk,yr6emb.eepaal.ir wdpNm.nS.ehr lh+5p+nryard mhoNeNSrkt � m� � I L I �mi6• raa.r ihen„s.rar.uuzl.n as.le�+l.ynx.Ntl,. n.aee.l..e:ama LE � pahk,ns+,tr+nawa.vapansveue�+amwWee lnShesllY. .rat«.. u o n E TMW Notes and Comments: Date Activity 6/17/2019 Free Summer Park Kick-off (Edgecliff) 6/18/201.9 Free Summer Park Kick-off (Terrace View) 6/19/2019 Free Summer Park Kick-off (Valley Mission) 0/ZQ Aer�rar d and. (jleed Warkshop (CentcrPlace) 7/28/2019 Game an! (Terrace View) 7/26/2019 Movie in the Park (Valley Mission) 8/9/201.9 Movie in the Park (Mirabeau Meadows) 10/1/2019 Adoption Process Starts (City Hall) sA .......... Thank you for your participation Keep up-to-date with the latest city news: icer Get emaits: www.spokanevalley.org/signup Follow us: www.twittei,.com/citvofsv 91 Like us: www.faceboolG.com/cityofspokanevatl� 9 Spokane Valley Libraries 2020 Building a community where we can learn, work, create, and thrive together OVERVIEW: For 64 years, the Spokane Valley Library has served generations with high quality programs and services. Since then, the Valley's population has grown from 40,000 to over 100,000 in 2019. As the oldest library building in the County, Spokane Valley Library served over 272,000 visitors last year, including the more than 19,000 that attended 840 educational library programs. NEED: The Spokane Valley Library does not have adequate space and is well over capacity. Building systems (electrical, HVAC) are aging, and public access to the basement meeting room is through a single elevator or staff stairwell. Due to parking constraints, the library is forced to lease additional parking nearby to accommodate the over 800 visitors per day. Events with attendance of 100 or more must be held offsite at rented venues. There are not enough public restrooms and noise management is a significant issue. A new Spokane Valley Library is proposed for the corner of Sprague Avenue and Herald Road. This library across from City Hall, would serve as the next pillar in an emerging civic center in Spokane Valley. With the Library attracting large numbers of people, this location will create economic opportunities for area businesses. The City of Spokane Valley included an expansion of nearby Balfour Park with the intention of developing a library/park partnership in their Master Development Plan, and has earmarked $1,300,000 for site development. This library/park combination will become a civic anchor and a community gathering space. A new library allows for double the number of people served and programs offered. Construction costs are estimated at $11 million. Each year, over 14,000 young children gain skills necessary to enter kindergarten ready to learn. A new Library allows for an additional 6,000 children access to the Library's comprehensive early learning program, better ensuring academic success. More than 3,000 kids and teens annually attend hands-on learning experiences in STEM and the Arts. A new facility allows for 1200 more kids and teen to participate in after-school programs, homework help, and online tutoring. Adults have access to resources that help them make informed choices and better prepare for their future. With education costs increasing, the library offers GED, financial literacy, and educational programs at no charge. In addition, approximately 500 entrepreneurs have access to trained staff in business research and programs by local business mentors. A larger library will increase availability of these resources for at least 200 more people per year. The construction of a new library on Conklin Road next to the Appleway Trail is also proposed for the underserved and growing population in south east Spokane Valley. This proposed library location will serve nine (9) schools within a 2 - mile radius. It is estimated that an additional 5,500 students will have convenient access to library resources, after- school, and summer learning programs. Construction costs are estimated at $5 million. BENEFIT: The library is the cornerstone of civic pride and essential to a healthy community. More than just books and computers, libraries are an investment in our community's future generations of thinkers, doers, and leaders. New libraries will be efficient, comfortable, multi-purpose facilities. Situated in park -like settings, parents will attend baby story times while connecting with other parents. Senior citizens can attend free programs and meet new friends. Flexible meeting, co -working spaces and current technology, available to the public at no charge, will create a business center that spurs economic development. Library funding through ballot measures is at risk. A 10 -year comparison of studies on voter perceptions' showed that voters are now far less likely to vote for libraries than they were in 2008. Indeed, after a recent bond attempt, public feedback indicated there would be greater support for the projects if 25% of the funding came from private dollars. Private sector donations of $4 million would enhance construction of an outdoor reading garden with mini amphitheater outside the dedicated children's area, a large meeting room with multi -media capabilities for at least 200, several smaller meeting rooms, public art, and similar prominently visible amenities. Private funding provides a sense of ownership and naming opportunities to create a legacy while experiencing the satisfaction of benefiting the people we care about and place we call the Spokane Valley. ' American Library Association and online Computer Library Center, 2018 Link to Feasibility Study Survey: https:lispokanevalleylibraryfeasibilitystudy.guestionpro.com Neighborhood Park p !a> i ' i 161 ('.' f�. (�Il ll•i Balfour Park (11.2 acres) Y 1 1 Y Y 14 8.4 acres unimproved Browns Park (8.2 acres) S Y 16 1 1 1 Y Y 81 Castle Park (2.7 acres) S Y Y Edgecliff Park (4.7 acres) 1 1 S Y 2 1 1 1 1 Y Y 40 Greenacres Park (8.3 acres) 2 S Y 1 2 Y Y 29 Y Y One large and one small shelter Terrace View Park (9.2 acres) 1 1 P Y i 1 1 Y Y 118 Pool, bathhouse, horseshoe pit Community Parks Sullivan Park (16.1 acres) Y 3 Y Y 151 Y Gazebo, radio control car area Valley Mission Park (31.2 acres) 1 1 P Y 2 1 1 1 Y Y 341 Pool, restroom, Splash Down (lease) 7.2 acres unimproved Large Urban Parks Mirabeau Point Park (42.0 acres) • Discovery Playground S Y 1 4 Y Y 93 Y Y Y Waterfall with pond, dock, and viewing • Mirabeau Meadows platform, stage, trail head • Mirabeau Springs Special Use Facilities CenterPlace (13.6 acres) Y 410 1 54,000 sq. ft. multi -use building,senior center Park Road Pool (2.0 acres) P Y 101 Pool, bathhouse Western Dance Hall Y Trails and Linear Parks Centennial Trail (9 mi in COSV) Y Y Y Y 37 miles total in WA and extends to CDA ID Appleway Trail (5.6 miles) Y Y Y Y Natural Open Space Areas Myrtle Point Park (31.1 acres) Y Y Y Centennial Trail Access Undeveloped Parks Myrna Park (11 acres) Park Pool 2.0 acres pool only E Edgecliff Park 4.7 acres playground, splash pad, tennis 6AVc Centennial Trail 40 miles (— 9 in Spokane Valley) 1 24 acres ballfields, pool, Splash Dow equestrian arena, tennis 7.2 acres unimproved z Castle Park 2.7 acres open play area >1� II Myrtle Point Park 31.1 acres natural open space, trail access pf. I T�'Wellesley_ Ave E Mens(eM Balfour Park 2.8 acres open play area, playground 8.4 acres unimproved 0 <_41 I �Mirabeau Point Park rc Greenacres Park ' 42 acres o 8.3 acres \1 1og%U wumN�u`NuuNu"nuNN z Discovery Playground, z disc golf, splash pad, playground, CenterPlace, open play area multi -play field NNNAXV)ANi� VA1{NNOUIIN A ` v \1\11 \0U1NYU\111NNN NNNNW\\\nIN so - ' mmN N 00-0-00 00 W41LLNiWYIL9 WIW f/ 1 \ss'sW � EMisslon Aus rc Sullivan ark _ioe " Ecoun\I 16.1 acres Ns\et radio control car area, drift Bowe AVB boat launch, dance hall iWBv n ° pa a ES ro ue t_ a 5.6 miles Ave $ paved trail p w h Terrace View Park E L32m. 9.2 acres 32nd pool, ballfields, playground -A - City Boundary Browns Park 8.2 acres City Parks sand volleyball, splash pad Park Desingation (not city owned) Myrna Park Trails 11 acres unimproved. ��. School Property AWL - Outside Agency Recreation Land ■ L�1