Ordinance 19-007 addressing standards CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY,WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 19-007 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON ADDING CHAPTER 22.135 OF THE SPOKANE VALLEY MUNICIPAL CODE RELATED TO ADDRESSING STANDARDS, AND AMENDING APPENDIX A-DEFINITIONS, AND OTHER MATTERS RELATING THERETO. WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley(City)previously adopted Title 22 of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code(SVMC)relating to zoning and land use regulations,and has made subsequent amendments from time-to-time as appropriate; and WHEREAS, such regulations are authorized by chapter 36.70A RCW; and WHEREAS, City staff have proposed an amendment to the SVMC to create a new chapter 22.135 SVMC for the purpose of formalizing addressing standards for the City and amending Appendix A — Definitions; and WHEREAS, on March 4, 2019, the Washington State Department of Commerce was notified pursuant to RCW 36.70A.106, providing a notice of intent to adopt amendments to Spokane Valley development regulations; and WHEREAS, on March 22 and 29, 2019, notice of the Planning Commission public hearing was published in the Valley News Herald; and WHEREAS, on March 28, 2019, the Planning Commission held a study session; and WHEREAS,on April 11,2019,the Planning Commission held a public hearing,received evidence, information,public testimony, and a staff report with a recommendation, followed by deliberations; and WHEREAS,on April 25,2019,the Planning.Commission approved the findings and recommended that City Council adopt the amendments; and WHEREAS, on May 21, 2019, City Council reviewed the proposed amendments, Planning Commission findings, and Planning Commission recommendation; and WHEREAS, on June 4, 2019 City Council considered a first ordinance reading to adopt the proposed amendment; and WHEREAS,the amendment set forth below is consistent with the goals and policies of the City's Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, new chapter 22.135 SVMC,and Appendix A, as amended,bear a substantial relation to the public health, safety, welfare and protection of the environment. NOW,THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley ordains as follows: Section 1. Purpose. The purpose of this Ordinance is to add chapter 22.135 SVMC, establishing the procedural standards to assign addressing for property identification within the City of Spokane Valley and add associated definitions in Appendix A. Section 2. Findings and Conclusions. The City Council acknowledges that the Planning Commission conducted appropriate investigation and study, held a public hearing on the proposed Ordinance 19-007 Page 1 of 8 amendments and recommends approval of the amendments. The City Council has read and considered the Planning Commission's findings. The City Council hereby makes the following findings: A. Growth Management Act Policies - Washington State Growth Management Act (GMA) provides that each city shall adopt a comprehensive land use plan and development regulations that are consistent with and implement the comprehensive plan. B. City of Spokane Valley Goals and Policies-The City of Spokane Valley has adopted goals and policies consistent with the GMA and adopted County-Wide Planning Policies, set forth below. CF-G3 Ensure efficient and cost-effective public safety and emergency services. CF-P6 Ensure that facilities and services meet minimum Level of Service standards. C. Conclusions 1. The proposed amendment bears substantial relation to public health, safety, welfare and protection of the environment. The proposed amendment establishes procedural standards to reduce conflicts and inconsistences through addressing. Addressing is integral to the function of emergency responders, utility purveyors providing service, and citizens receiving parcel deliveries services, or general wayfinding. 2. The proposed City-initiated Code text amendment is consistent with the City's adopted Comprehensive Plan and the approval criteria pursuant to SVMC 17.80.150(F). Section 3. Adoption. Title 22 is hereby amended by adding a new chapter, to be designated "Chapter 22.135 Addressing Standards" as follows; ADDRESSING STANDARDS Sections: 22.135.010 Purpose. 22.135.020 Applicability. 22.135.030 Administration. 22.135.040 Addressing Grid Systems. 22.135.050 Addressing Standards. 22.135.060 Change in Street or Address Status. 22.135.070 Multiple Units. 22.135.080 Final Plat Addresses. 22.135.090 Display of Address. 22.135.100 List of Established Street Names,Assigned Addressing, and Mapping. 22.135.110 Deviations from Literal Compliance. 22.135.010 Purpose. A. The purpose of chapter 22.135 SVMC is to establish a uniform method for naming streets and assigning street addresses for real property and structures within the City. B. The goals of chapter 22.135 SVMC are as follows: 1. Facilitate expedient emergency response by medical, law enforcement, fire, rescue, and any other emergency services. Ordinance 19-007 Page 2 of 8 2. Regulate the display of property address numbers and provide for accurate street name signage, installation, and maintenance thereof. 3. Provide property owners, the general public, emergency responders, and government agencies and departments with an accurate and systematic means of identifying and locating property and/or structures. 22.135.020 Applicability. A. Chapter 22.135 SVMC applies to addresses for real property and structures situated within the City. The City may name or rename streets pursuant to the adopted Spokane Valley Street Standards, and assign or reassign addresses as necessary to further the purposes of chapter 22.135 SVMC. B. These provisions shall apply to the assignment of addresses to all new buildings or properties. C. All non-conforming addresses may be changed to conform to the standards set forth in chapter 22.135 SVMC. 22.135.030 Administration. The City Manager shall administer the provisions of chapter 22.135 SVMC, except as otherwise provided for herein. The City will coordinate with Fire Districts serving the subject area to be addressed. 22.135.040 Addressing Grid Systems. A. The City shall participate in the use of the addressing grid system described as follows: 1. Sprague Avenue divides the City into north and south addresses. 2. Division Street divides the east and west addresses. All directional designations are referenced as east because no part of Spokane Valley is located west of Division Street in Spokane. All directional designations are referenced as east. 3. On streets running north and south: a. Addresses north of Sprague Avenue shall have even numbers on the east side of the street and odd numbers on the west side of the street; b. Addresses south of Sprague shall have even numbers on the west side of the street and odd numbers on the east side of the street. 4. On streets running east and west: a. Addresses shall have even numbers on the south side of the street and have odd numbers on the north side of the street. 5. The appropriate directional designation or abbreviation (e.g., "North" or "N.") is part of the address and follows the number. For example, the first lot south of Sprague Avenue on the east side of a street named"City Street"would have a street address of"10 S. City Street"or"10 South City Street." 22.135.050 Addressing Standards. A. Each property owner who has addressable property within the City and has not been assigned an address has a responsibility to apply to the City for a physical address for that property. Ordinance 19-007 Page 3 of 8 13. Application for each address assignment prior to the issuance of a building permit (temporary addresses) shall include, at a minimum, a site map showing any proposed or existing structures, driveways, and approach locations. C. The numbering of addressable properties or structures along each street shall begin at the appropriate grid point of origin and continue in sequence. No address along a street shall be out of sequence in relation to the adjacent addresses. D. Each block along a street may have up to 100 address numbers. The hundred series shall change upon crossing a street intersection or in the best possible alignment with the established address grid if applicable, with the exception of intersecting driveways and/or alleys. The hundred series along a public street shall not change upon crossing a private street unless deemed necessary by the City Manager for continuity of address sequencing. E. Private streets wholly contained within plats shall be assigned the hundred series as if they were public streets. Except for loops and circles, two uniquely named streets may not intersect more than once (e.g., Main Street should not intersect Cherry Lane at 201 East Main Street, and also intersect Cherry Lane at 401 East Main Street). Loops and circles shall be reviewed on an individual basis and require approval by the City Manager. F. Addresses along a street shall have even numbers on one side of the street and odd numbers on the other side of the street pursuant to SVMC 22.135.040, as now adopted or hereafter amended. G. Individual address numbers shall be assigned to fit within the block range of the street segment to which the address is assigned (e.g., a new address that is assigned to the 200 block of Main Street shall be assigned a number between 201 and 233). Individual addresses shall be assigned to be consistent with adjacent blocks of the same north-south or east-west orientation. H. Addresses accessed via a shared driveway shall be assigned based on the point of origin of the driveway from the connecting street and shall be sequential. I. Addressable property or structures shall be assigned based upon the street from which vehicular access to the property or structure is obtained, with the following exceptions as determined by the City Manager: 1. Commercial and public facility structures may be assigned an address based upon the street the main entrance faces and not necessarily the access street. 2. Residential structures on corner lots may be assigned an address based upon the street the main entrance faces and not necessarily the access street. J. Fractional addresses shall not be used(e.g., no"1011A East Main Street"). K. Address numbers shall not contain any non-numeric characters(e.g., no "118a"). L. Addresses on individual parcels shall comply with the following: 1. The street number shall range from one to five numbers. 2. No address shall have two or more zeros in a row at end of address unless referencing the location of a utility or communication facility. 3. The last two digits of street numbers shall not exceed 33. A deviation may be requested pursuant to SVMC 22.135.030. Ordinance 19-007 Page 4 of 8 22.135.060 Change in Street or Address Status. If a public or private street is altered,the City Manager shall review the alteration and may assign a corrected street name and/or address pursuant to chapter 22.135 SVMC. If the access to an individual address is altered, the City Manager shall assign a corrected address pursuant to chapter 22.135 SVMC (e.g., the owners of 201 East Cherry Lane change the location of their access from Cherry Lane to Houk Lane necessitating an address on Houk Lane), 22.135.070 Multiple Units. A. Duplex units shall be assigned a separate and unique address for each unit. B. Accessory dwelling units shall be assigned a unit designation with reference to the same address as the primary dwelling and shall follow the addressing standards in SVMC 22.135.070. C. Manufactured home parks which contain dwelling units fronting on a public or private street(s) shall be assigned one address for each dwelling unit. Manufactured home parks which contain dwelling units fronting on an unnamed private access street(s)shall be assigned one address for the entire property, and a secondary address assigned for individual spaces by the manufactured home park owner subject to approval by the City Manager(e.g., "9801 East Appleway Blvd., Space 1"), D. Multiple unit complexes shall be assigned one address for the property based upon the street from which vehicular access to the structure is obtained, except as otherwise provided herein. If necessary, the City Manager may assign an address based upon the street the main entrance faces (e.g., "1124 North University Street, Space 10). If additional parcels are added to an existing development, and access is taken through the existing development, a"0 Address Unknown" will be assigned to the new parcel to aid in emergency response. E. Structures within multiple unit complexes shall be assigned a building designator for each structure, as opposed to a unique address (e.g., "123 East Main Street, Building A"), unless an exception is granted by the City Manager. The building designators shall be generally arranged in a counter- clockwise rotation from the point of entry. F. When secondary addresses are assigned to multiple unit structures with individual building designations,the unit designator shall include the building designation(e.g.,"123 East Main Street, Apartment A200" or"123 East Main Street,Building A,Apartment 200"). G. When secondary addresses are assigned to buildings with multiple floors, all above-ground units shall be assigned a three digit number(or higher) where the beginning number shall represent the floor upon which the unit is located (e.g., first floor units would be assigned three digit numbers beginning with 1, "Apartment 101", tenth floor units would be assigned four digit numbers beginning with 10, "Apartment 1001"). H. Units within below-grade stories shall include the alphabetical characters "LL" to indicate lower Ievel, and then be assigned a three digit number where the beginning number shall represent the floor upon which the unit is located (e.g., all units in the first level below grade would be assigned three digit numbers beginning with 1, "Apartment LL101", units on the second level below grade would be assigned three digit numbers beginning with 2, "Apartment LL201"). I. If a remodel of a multiple-unit structure alters the number or configuration of units, the addresses of units within said structure shall be updated to remain in compliance with chapter 22.135 SVMC. J. If a remodel of a single-unit structure creates a multiple-unit structure,the address units within said structure shall be updated to remain in compliance with chapter 22.135 SVMC, Ordinance 19-007 Page 5 of 8 K. When secondary addresses are assigned to individual multifamily dwellings (including apartments and condominiums),the units shall use the unit designator for apartment(Apt) or unit(Unit). L. When secondary addresses are assigned to individual dwellings/spaces in manufactured home parks,the units shall use the unit designator for space (Spc). M. When secondary addresses are assigned to individual commercial suits or tenant spaces within a commercial structure(s),the units shall use the unit designator for suite(Ste). N. All other multiple-unit structures not previously described shall contain a unit designator which most closely identifies the unit's location and which is in accordance with current Postal Addressing Standards. 22.135.080 Final Plat Addresses. Temporary addresses assigned during the preliminary plat review shall be indicated on the final short plat, plat,or binding site plan drawings. The permanent physical addresses shall not be issued prior to recording the approved final short plat,plat, or binding site plan. 22.135.090 Display of Address. A. On currently-existing structures, or hereafter erected, the owner of the property or structure shall conspicuously place the correct address pursuant to chapter 22.135 SVMC. Addresses shall be displayed on all new and existing buildings. Letters,numbers, or symbols shall meet the following standards: 1. The posted address shall be metal or other durable material. 2. The numbering/lettering shall be at least four inches in height, and one-half inch in stroke width. In cases where conditions adversely affect the visibility and/or legibility of the numbers, additional numbers, larger numbers, or other modifications may be required in coordination with the City and Fire Districts serving the subject area to be addressed. 3. The posted address shall contrast with its background. 4. The address shall be placed on the structure plainly legible and visible from the street on which vehicular access is provided to the property or structure. 5. Addresses shall be visible from all directions of travel. B. Structures located in excess of 100 feet from the street fronting the property shall display the address on a sign, monument,or post not less than three feet, or greater than seven feet above the ground and located at the entrance to the property from the nearest street. The structure shall display additional posting at the structure location. C. If two or more addressable structures share a common primary access, and any one of the addressable structures is located more than 100 feet from the street designated in the assigned address,the addresses for each structure shall be posted at the intersection of the shared access and the named street on a sign or post not less than three feet or more than seven feet above the ground, and each structure shall display additional posting at the structure location. D. Address numbers, signage, location, and sizing shall be maintained by the responsible property owner. The fire districts, in coordination with the City,may require modifications to chapter 22.135 if deemed appropriate for fire and life safety. Ordinance 19-007 Page 6 of 8 22.135.100 List of Established Street Names,Assigned Addressing, and Mapping. Public and private streets and addresses within the City shall be maintained in a publicly viewable database which may be part of a larger database for all or a portion of Spokane County. The City may participate in any regional committees, organization, or entity to maintain, manage, review, or have control over such database. 22.135.110 Deviations from Literal Compliance. Applicants may request minor deviations from any requirement in chapter 22.135 SVMC. The applicant shall identify the requested deviation, including the basis for the request, to the City in writing. The City Manager may grant minor deviations in instances where complete compliance would create an obvious practical problem,provided the deviation still adequately addresses the property for location by emergency service providers and to promote the other purposes of chapter 22.135 SVMC. The City may consult with fire districts/other impacted agencies in approving deviations. Section 4. Amendment. SVMC Appendix A is hereby amended as follows; Addressing: Includes the following: • Address: A property location identification with the following format: address number, directional prefix, street name,stieettype, building designator,and secondary address(e.g.,"123 E Main St.,Apt.456"). The following elements are required: address number,street name,and street type. The following elements may be optional: directional prefix,building designator,and secondary address. • Address number: The numeric designation for an addressable parcel, structure, or unit. • Addressable: A property required to be assigned an address pursuant to chapter 22.135 SVMC. • Addressable property, addressable structures, addressable sites, addressable lots, or addressable units:The habitable or legally occupied structure on a parcel,but may also include other structures or sites as determined necessary by the City Manager. • Addressing grid system: The address number and directional system in a particular area such as a grid system or block system. • Building designator: A single character alphabetic descriptor for a single building within a multiple unit complex(e.g., " 1221 E.Sprague Avenue,Bldg.A"). • Directional prefix: A single or double character alphabetic descriptor preceding a street name consisting of any combination of the cardinal directions of North, South, East,and West which are generally used inspecific street naming schemes(i.e.,N,S,E,W). • Multiple units: The presence of two or more addressable structures, addressable sites, or addressable units on a single parcel. • Multiple unit complex: An apartment, condominium, or business complex where there exist multiple buildings on a single site,and two or more buildings include multiple units. • Multiple unit structure: A single structure which contains two or more units. • Street name: The word or words either existing, or in the case of new or renamed streets,which Ordinance 19-007 Page 7 of 8 are approved by the City used in conjunction with a directional prefix and/or a street type to identify a public or private street. • Temporary address: An address assigned for the purpose of installing phone/electrical service or other utility on a parcel of land prior to an application for a building permit.Temporary addresses are subject to change at the time of building permit application. • Unit:A specific dwelling or commercial space amongst a larger group of dwellings or commercial spaces(e.g.,apartment,suites.etc.). • Unit designator: An abbreviated word used in conjunction with a secondary address to describe the character of the unit,and will be in accordance with current USPS Published Standards. Section 5. Other sections unchanged. All other provisions of Title 22 SVMC and Appendix A not specifically referenced hereto shall remain in full force and effect. Section 6. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance shall be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this Ordinance. Section 7. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five days after publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof in the official newspaper of the City of Spokane Valley as provided by law. Passed by the City Council this 18"day of June, 2019 f OJ Ofir ATT T• L.R.Higg 71.0 Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Approved as to Form: flee theCi A° e �' Y Date of Publication: — - (y" Q Effective Date: ,� _3' `�T Ordinance 19-007 Page 8 of 8