2019, 07-02 Study SessionAGENDA SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION FORMAT Tuesday, July 2, 2019 6:00 p.m. CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 10210 E Sprague Avenue (Please Silence Your Cell Phones During the Meeting) DISCUSSION LEADER SUBJECT/ACTIVITY GOAL CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF AGENDA ACTION ITEM: 1. Motion Consideration: Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) Potential Grant — Adam Jackson [public comment] NON -ACTION ITEMS: 2. Meg Winchester, and Jamie Update by Visit Spokane Discussion/Information Rand of Visit Spokane 3. Mayor Higgins Advance Agenda Discussion/Information 4. Mayor Higgins Council Comments Discussion/Information 5. Mark Calhoun City Manager Comments Discussion/Information 6. Executive Session: Pending Litigation [RCW 42.10.110(1)(i)] ADJOURN Study Session Agenda, July 2, 2019 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: July 2, 2019 Check all that apply: ['consent ❑ old business ['information ❑admin. report Department Director Approval: ® new business ['public hearing ['pending legislation ['executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Motion Consideration: Potential Grant Opportunity — Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 35.77.010: Six Year Transportation Improvement Program PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: • July 25, 2017 — City Council approval for staff to apply for project funding from TIB, including Mullan Road Preservation project • March 27, 2018 — City Council approval for staff to apply for project funding from SRTC, including MuIlan Road Preservation, Argonne Reconstruction (which included the concrete reconstruction of the Argonne/Montgomery intersection with signal and channelization upgrades), and Park Road Reconstruction (ROW Only, which included accommodations for new sidewalk) • October 23, 2018 — City Council approval for staff to apply for project funding from CDBG, including the Farr Road Sidewalk project • June 4, 2019 — Adoption of Resolution 19-008 adopting the 2020-2025 Six -Year Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) BACKGROUND: On June 1, 2019, the Washington State TIB issued a Call for Projects for the UAP (Urban Arterial Program) and SP (Sidewalk Program). The UAP makes approximately $70M available statewide and Spokane Valley is eligible to apply for funds from the Northeast Region's allocation of $8M. The SP makes approximately $5M available statewide and Spokane Valley is eligible to apply for funds from the East Region's allocation of $1 M TIB requires a minimum 20% match for any awarded grant funds. Staff has reviewed the grant scoring criterion and compared it to the City's 2020-2025 TIP, Comprehensive Plan, pavement condition analysis, accident hot spots, Safe Routes to School network, and other elements of the City's transportation network. TIB grant award results over the last six years provide helpful insight into how preservation projects and sidewalk projects are awarded by TIB. Generally, UAP project awards range between $1 million to $2 million and the six-year average is approximately $1.4 million. Sidewalk project awards range between $300,000 to $400,000 and the six-year average is approximately $330,000. Staff anticipates that the proposed projects will score well and have a high potential to receive funding. To help scoring and project competitiveness, some applications propose an over -match (above the minimum 20%) to reduce the TIB requested amount. See Table 1 for proposed project cost and staff recommended matching information. Table 1. Proposed TIB Projects Project Name Total Estimated Cost Grant Request (%) City Match (%) Urban Arterial Program (UAP) ($) 1. MuIlan Road Preservation — Broadway to Mission $ 2,300,000 $ 1,840,000 (80%) $ 460,000 (20%) 2. Argonne/Montgomery Intersection Reconstruction $ 2,740,000 $ 1,973,000 (72%) $ 767,000 (28%) Sidewalk Program (SP) 3. Park Road — Mission to Cataldo 4. Farr Rad — 6th to 8th $ 733,000 $ 430,000 $ 440,000 (60%) $ 344,000 (80%) $ 293,000 (40%) $ 86,000 (20%) OPTIONS: 1) Approve the recommended TIB grant application projects as presented, 2) take other appropriate action. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to authorize the City Manager or designee to apply for TIB grant projects as listed in Table 1. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Table 1 identifies the full City -match requirement should projects be awarded by TIB. STAFF CONTACT: Adam Jackson, P.E. — Engineer — Planning & Grants ATTACHMENTS: Presentation REET Expenditure Spreadsheet Potential Grant Opportunity Transportation Improvement Board kr/311. a 444111hZa s� fro17 + mpTe July 2, 2019 Adam Jackson, Engineer - Planning & Grants Engineering Division WHAT IS TIB? Transportation Improvement Board Independent state agency created by the Legislature Distributes and manages street construction and maintenance grants to 320 cities and urban counties Funds are generated by three cents of the statewide gas tax 2019 TIB FUNDING • Applications due by August 16, 2019 • 20% Minimum Match Required Urban Arterial Program (UAP) • Total program funds $70 million • City -eligible funds $8 million • Typical Award Value $1-2 million Sidewalk Program • Total program funds • City -eligible funds • Typical Award Value $5.0 million $1 million $300k -400k TransRoftation 1mpYoveme"� 9aar1 Prejeet FTmding Staeus Form VerMvnpe a.e,s,��4W.rf«3bAgoAmntr9r aaf9850aeY9wftmE Awd e'VvntetAo nfL17 uOLe Mu EpYan Rd pQnA9ViOm7ANG ar endvxcear. OTALL' Watt si9^°d ,.e na Fra�awmaf: a-saostoasl a Washwn Trans Ston State portatiop Improvement Board OpSl,Noye Won. Awl! 30 2 O rua_ Gdn'a Mantr, p_E Cit,or gpo�ManaBar mzm k'"a VB s1kr w SPokane alre,�Y. yyA 99208 Dear Ma. Mang_ Sane. on your .$4:a&32on yo9 Upealad Coal saoYi29o,3.3A, ana IB fundi aro it, 500, wOioh reate for the Braaohaoy AVenc. te maY nowawaro Me...__._ foOi19wSoy WPwauTBP➢Pnt,..Yaau ( aooi wmrad, 6-'1143pnswy.0 F9Xatwnh 1Giwy h me Aav Aahley Pr`opad nobaa raja., 3 RECOMMENDED PROJECTS Knox:Av Mission'Ave Park Road Sidewalk Argonne & Montgomery Intersection Improvement Spragu = Ave Mullan Road Preservation Farr Road Sidewalk Mullan Road Preservation Project (UAP) Project Scope: Pavement preservation project including ADA ramp upgrades and signal improvements, as necessary. The project also provides for ITS conduit installation. Project Limits: Broadway to Mission Fund Source Amount ($) % Comments TIB Request 1,840,000 80% - City 460,000 20% 0 of 5 over -match points Total 2,300,000 100% - Argonne & Montgomery Intersection Improvement (UAP) Project Scope: Intersection capacity improvements (signal and channelization) with concrete pavement reconstruction. Fund Source Amount ($) % Comments TIB Request 1,973,000 72% - City 767,000 28% 2 of 5 over -match points Total 2,740,000 100% - Park Road Sidewalk Project (SP Project Scope: Provide 6 -foot adjacent sidewalk along Park Road's west edge. Upgrade ADA curb ramps and stormwater structures as necessary. Project Limits: Mission Avenue to Sharp Avenue with a potential pedestrian crossing at Cataldo or Sharp Avenues. Fund Source Amount($) % Comments TIB Request 440,000 60% - City 293,000 40% 5 of 5 over match points Total 733,000 100% - Safe Routes to School 7 Farr Road Sidewalk Project (SP) Project Scope: Provide 6 -foot adjacent sidewalk along Farr Road. Upgrade ADA curb ramps and stormwater structures as necessary. Project design would identify which side of the road would best accommodate new sidewalks. Project Limits: 6th Avenue to 8th Avenue Fund Source Amount($) % Comments TIB Request 344,000 80% City 86,000 20% 0 of 5 over match points Total 430,000 100% - QUESTIONS? :;i1114'ile vogtoft st44. (IrTi1 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Analysis of Real Estate Excise Tax (REET) Revenues and Scheduled Disbursements AS OF 6/27/2018 Estimated REET available on January 1 Estimated REET revenues Estimated approved capital expenditures (Engineer's Estimate) Potential capital expenditures (Outstanding/Potential Grant Applications) 0143 Barker Road / BNSF Grade Separation Transfer to Fund #311 - Pavement Preservation WSDOT GRANT REPAY - 0069 PARK RC June 1 debt service payment on 2014 LTGO bonds December 1 debt service payment on 2014 LTGO bonds Estimated REET available on December 31 Shaded areas reflect known figures. All other figures are estimates. 2018 2019 2020 2021 5,133,798 5,720,488 4,968,014 3,037,729 4,045,558 2,047,000 1,615,500 1,615,500 (1,932,359) (763,772) (377,153) (377,153) 0 0 (146,000) (974,000) 8,147 (500,094) (1,109,000) (467,719) (1,370,658) (1,370,658) (1,468,600) (1,468,600) 0 0 (284,282) 0 (14,500) (12,475) (10,375) (8,275) (149,500) (152,475) (150,375) (153,275) 2022 2023 1,204, 207 1,168,907 1,615,500 1,615,500 0 0 (20,000) (20,000) 0 0 (1,468,600) (1,468,600) 0 0 (6,100) (3,100) (156,100) (158,100) 5,720,486 4,968,014 3,037,729 1,204,207 1,168, 907 1,134, 607 CURRENT PENDING GRANT APPLICATIONS 1 2018 1 CDBG - With County 2 1/4 TIB Projects Argonne/Montgomery Int 3 2/4 TIB Projects- Park Rd Mission to Cataldo Total Barker Road / BNSF Grade Separation Transfer to fund 311 in 2018 were for the following FUND 301 248 254 16, 620.01 668, 708.99 685,329.00 FUND 302 272 685, 329.00 685,329.00 TOTAL $ 1, 370, 658.00 0 2019 2020 40,000 76,700 29,300 2021 20,000 690,300 263,700 2022 20,000 2023 20,000 0 146,000 974,000 20,000 20,000 (8,147) 500,094 1,109,000 467,719 0 0 ACTUALS 2018 2019 Fund 301 Fund Balance @ 1/1 Fund 302 Fund Balance @ 1/1 2,125, 374 3,008,424 2,480,268 3,240,220 5,133,798 5,720,488 C:\Users\ajackson\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.Outlook\HVCF5BLD\REET PROJ 27Jun2019 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: July 2, 2019 Department Director Approval : Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ['new business ['public hearing ['information ® admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Visit Spokane Update GOVERNING LEGISLATION: n/a PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: n/a BACKGROUND: Meg Winchester, President & CEO of Visit Spokane, and Jamie Rand, Director of Marketing, will give a presentation updating us on Visit Spokane. OPTIONS: Discussion RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Discussion BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: ATTACHMENTS: 1 $ creative by nature 1 PROGRAM RESULTS SPOKANE VALLEY 2019 1.1.19 - 6.25.19 $ creative by nature 2 Visitor Guide Because Visit Spokane took the production of the Regional Visitor Guide in-house, we were able to nearly double the size of the guide and able to add a two-page spread about Spokane Valley in this year's guide. Total Press run: 100,000 FUN, FOOD &SHOPS IN SPOKANE VALLEY Mitten by Camels rro el The City of Spokane Valley is a family - friendly community of 100,000 people east of Spokane. The Valley, as some locals refer to it, is perfectly positioned for travelers Wishing to experience the beautiful outdoor scene, extensive shopping and fun community events.. JUN like neighboring Spokane. th Spokane Russ runs through n Bike, soak orsiren She Centennial lead, a paved MO that Erred,. Ito der miles tote Nato basks and hewnd. Nuns will enjoys. -Irak in the Bsahaw W6NSMNMiM aI w Woptions lhatpanyeItem Sit&will loeasy, [Edwina., Hills al.sreprne 'ens eflhe Spokane Vatlry and beyondExplore the SS sues al PFeaMtu p.Inl Part and spend sernelime a101>MM Mayyr.M/, dngn0d.tela arressibl¢, Imginata¢ Iemmand. play artivmen. 4X Spokane Valley providers sem., of Mira lela *ems for Hose Mpg to 1.11 Iheuiraw,rg hags. MaAeauq m 4PwhasahSNeOYW home to stores he II dNary and Neds[rere Aare. Ara led rM1e bass IasAemn all In we sp9l simpnfyug auah.rw9n d shapprg Ns d greater spakann sSaeorne.'rmnn sae Spokare9alky home. lakes Pip up Io the kslwl(estate .M1ereM ..C1.d NMe [is rendes. V.fanustir,,Kand Wesel rhe este/es porky Fa Royal FINK. We he m.zrMna ...sir espy, pleat wine Non also And LatakCenk mm o 11MeeMrs. 1pame va.nr Warn/Wed r has been passed down horn I aHm [o d.yma aw his been preduritg mw varieties easM1 season sree 1961. Spokane Vallky is arsoMme in ambits,. aerr¢Ide Craw Naerhaws t he Inkmeo main Xan hrrnl's parva bad and dunk kw.; rwkGasesMe Mve and.1,namrid die region's rhe,, hme makers and breweryed. also 'hoaxes, ralenled chefs ham arwrd de sewn MW NesaRYo. MONq lwgC.Mr m Wadi.lyr.trar 1Wr, Me min albn., m get w claw and personal wire she region's lsslemakas. 1.a ..._ odder.. res lm inn*Sane :a sone escape Es, iHe dassm �a a iss,ii ern h.etdi end'amdy as yon ends!, eessissing. o'nnsny strewn oq easNoffe, SpoieneVadeV n the perrpx dere 1111.1.11.0111,1411111 USN limbar M try 400.qOd00 NOME Nva 14 /OM Indwu S.rtm/e1q. lwrttld rpase.hsmN ton 1PoCIIIIM *law 1,wa9v111 50,9,W; artswaen ems LINN [11.10611.31.5 13031.14ima Aro 5potaw.1l14,,w Oslt. WINONA MIME MORTIMER ,1.y..11.19 CONSWIAfh /MOW Ma RIM *dam .11,1.1T/216 rMgamiwitarralky.mm $, creative by nature 3 - ft Spokane Valley Map This custom illustrated map will provide hoteliers with the perfect tear -off map to provide visitors to Spokane Valley with all the best things to do in the area. We worked with both City of Spokane Valley and Spokane Valley Chamber employ- ees to determine what exactly should be on the map. Total Press run: 10,000 •'—•••• O. am j .,.„ st= 0 B.:47:';g'''' Albl.rr'rt tgr' Twelve String N 4 Longhorn v Nin 13 rowN r''';ir'imi4owirailru;n:M Stl:r'n'.7 'IC , ''''51312,FLk ni 1 411101:1t-, 71 'BBZF4 94 „„, 1 ( mi. ni,,,,,,i,L lif N:ZoLrLon 'E'ro'n=trgItett.er . ..r ...n k r. .. iiiki* . . Sty7In' Nr<=iN X gonoEr4rhoL iTatrZrh , 'ib: 7 z=nAt c. to f't Appleway Trail • Boulder Beach • Browns Park • Centenn ial Trail • Discovery Playground • Dish,,,Natural Area • The Islands Swimming Area • Minnehaha Climbing Pocks Miralyeau Point Park Cr Miralyeau Meadows • Mt Spokane • Planters Ferry Sports Complex • Sullivan Park • Spokane River • Terrace View Park • Valley Mission Park • Ambrosia Bistro &Wine Bar • Arbor Crest Wine Cellars • Badass Backyard Brewing • Cottage Cafe • English Setter Brewing • klalletts Market Cr Cafe • Latah Creek Wine Cellars • Longhorn Barbecue • Millwood Brewing Company • Pocket Bakery • Shogun • Twelve String Brewing • V Twin Brewing $ creative by nature 4 Website VisitSpokaneValley.com has been gaining more visitors each month. With the start of the digital marketing campaign, the site has seen considerable growth. Page views: 1,386 Pages 0 ALL g PAGE" 7spokanevalley/ All Users 0.18% Pageviews Explorer Navigation Summary Pageviews r VS. Select a metric • Pageviews 60 10 20 + Add Segment 0 SAVE LI EXPORT { SHARE v INSIGHTS Jan 1, 2019 - Jun 25, 2019 Start of digital marketing campaign. February 2019 Primary Dimension. Page Other - Page March 2019 Secondary dimension • Sort Type'. Default e ❑ 1. /spokanevallay/ Pageviews 4, Unique Avg. Time on Pageviews Page Bounce Rate Entrances %Exk Page Value 1,386 1,081 00:01:35 944 63.91% 54.76% 80.03 %of Tatar, 0.18% 1) 41 Total 0.17% Avg for View- %of Total: Avg for View. Avg for View. % Total: (.753,110) (648,010) 00.01.52 0.24% 62.56% 1 52.00% 1 21.70%(50.15) (-15.05%) (341,603) {2.16%} (3.32%) 1,386(100.00%1 1,0811100.00%i 00',01:35 944 f100A0%) 63.91% 54,76% $0.03(100.00%) Spokane Valley 5 creative by nature Google Search Beginning in June, Visit Spokane began running Google Search Advertising. As you saw in the previous slide, this has increased traffic to VisitSpokaneValley.com considerably. Clicks: 555 Ad group Status Ad group type CTR Cost ra� Clicks Com rate Conversion! Avg. CPC Cost 1 cony. ❑ • Spokane Valley Total:._ Q Total:_ Q Eligible Standard 17,851 311% 5360.47 17,851 3.11% $360.47 17,851 311% 3360.47 7723% 555 27.75% 154.03 $0.65 $2.34 77.23% 555 27.75% 154.03 $0.65 $2.34 77235 555 27.755 154.03 $0.65 $2.34 • Visit Spokane Valleyl Official Tourism Website www.visitspokaneva I ley.com Family fun, outdoor recreation, shopping, dining and entertainment. Find hotels and things to do in Spokane Valley, WA. • ❑ • Spokane Valley WA 1 Official Travel Website www.visitspokaneva I ley.com Find great events, hotels, shopping, dining and entertainment in Spokane Valley. Outdoor recreation and family fun abound in this river city. Spokane Valley 1 Visitor Guide www.visitspokaneva Iley.com Find great events, hotels, shopping, dining and entertainment in Spokane Valley. Outdoor recreation and family fun abound in this river city. E $ creative by nature 6 Social Media Visit Spokane also advertises Spokane Valley as part of our regular programing on social and native platforms. Social Reach: 32,207 VisitSpokane Sponsored Q CRAVENW COM Crave! July 11-13 Premier Food 8 Drink Celebration Like Q Comment Learn More 4, Share 0AVisitSpokane PuSlohed by Cat -mile Troxel ? April 1-Q •• If you're training tor Bloomsday or just going for quick pg, Spokane Is great place to run, Check out tnl5 guide from Great Runs on the best places to run in Spokane! GREATRt1NS. COM Running in Spokane, Washington. Best routes and places to run in Spokane. Boosted on Apr 1, 2019 By Cat -elle Troxel VisitSpokane Published by Camllle Troxel f'I June 21 at 000 AIV The Spokane Indians throw the first pitch tonight at Avisla Stahl um! Check out the summer schedule and plan your night al the ball game 11115 500505, VISITSPOKANECOM Spokane Indians Baseball Check outthe Spokane Indians Schedule and plan... 111,376 People Reached 139 Engagements Boosted undue 21, 2019 Completed By Camila Troxel People Reached 9.0K LinkCllcks 46 View Results Learn More 7 creative by nature Adara Data Visit Spokane works with a company called Adara, Adara is a digital attribution company for the hospitality industry. After someone goes to VisitSpokane.com Adara can tell us the following: number of rooms booked, how much they spent on the room, where the person is from and whether they booked in Spokane, Spokane Valley, or Liberty Lake. Total Web Impact Total Room Room Nights Spokane Valley Impact Spokane Valley Room Nights Spokane Valley's Percent of Total January $77,138 503 $2,314 15 3% February $72,413 446 $3,841 25 5.6% March $100,274 320 $3,710 12 3.7% April $83,213 249 $6,907 22 8.7% May $86,488 515 $8,821 53 10.2% Total $419,526 2,033 $25,593 127 6.24% $ creative by nature 8 Thanks DRAFT ADVANCE AGENDA as of June 27, 2019; 9:30 a.m. Please note this is a work in progress; items are tentative To: Council & Staff From: City Clerk, by direction of City Manager Re: Draft Schedule for Upcoming Council Meetings July 9, 2019, Formal Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m. [due Tue July 21 Proclamation: Parks and Recreation Month 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) (5 minutes) 2. First Reading Ordinance 19-009 Street Vacation 2019-0001, Industrial Area — Mike Basinger (10 mins) 3. First Reading Ordinance 19-010 Street Vacation 2019-0002, Baldwin Ave, Glenn Rd— C. Lange (10 min) 4. First Reading Ordinance 19-011 Marijuana Transportation — Erik Lamb 5. Motion Consideration: Resolution 19-011 to apply for CERB Grant — Mike Basinger 6. Admin Report: New Employee Report — John Whitehead 7. Admin Report: Homelessness Related Issues Discussion — Cary Driskell 8. Admin Report: Advance Agenda — Mayor Higgins (10 minutes) (10 minutes) (5 minutes) (60 minutes) (5 minutes) [*estimated meeting: 115 minutes] July 16, 2019, Study Session, 6:00 p.m. [due Tue July 91 1. Council Goals/Priorities for use of Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC) Funds— C.Taylor (15 min) 2. Advance Agenda — Mayor Higgins (5 minutes) [*estimated meeting: minutes] July 23, 2019, Formal Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m. [due Tue July 161 Proclamation: Nick Mamer Days 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) (5 minutes) 2. Second Reading Ordinance 19-009 Street Vacation 2019-0001, Industrial Area — Mike Basinger (10 mins) 3. Second Reading Ordinance 19-010 Street Vacation 2019-0002, Baldwin Ave, Glenn Rd— C. Lange (10 min) 4. Second Reading Ordinance 19-011 Marijuana Transportation — Erik Lamb (10 minutes) 5. Admin Report: Police Department Quarterly Report — Chief Werner (10 minutes) 6. Admin Report: Advance Agenda — Mayor Higgins (5 minutes) 7. Info Only: Department Reports [*estimated meeting: 50 mins] July 30, 2019, Study Session, 6:00 p.m. [due Tue July 231 Proclamation: Goodguys Great NW National Rod & Custom Show ACTION ITEMS: 1. Motion Consideration: Bid Award, Appleway Trail Project, Evergreen to Sullivan — Gloria Mantz (10 min) 2. Motion Consideration: Council Goals/Priorities, Lodging Tax Advisory Cmte (LTAC)-C.Taylor (10 min) NON -ACTION ITEMS: 3. Proposed 2019 TIP Amendment #2 — Adam Jackson (10 minutes) 4. Advance Agenda — Mayor Higgins (5 minutes) [*estimated meeting: 35 mins] August 6, 2019, Study Session, 6:00 p.m. — Meeting cancelled Councilmembers attend National Night Out August 13, 2019, Formal Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m. 1. PUBLIC HEARING: Proposed Amended 2019 TIP — Adam Jackson 2. Proposed Resolution Adopting Amended 2019 TIP — Adam Jackson 3. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) 4. Advance Agenda — Mayor Higgins [due Tue Aug 61 (10 minutes) (10 minutes) (5 minutes) (5 minutes) [*estimated meeting 30 mins] Draft Advance Agenda 6/27/2019 10:06:02 AM Page 1 of 2 August 20, 2019, Study Session, 6:00 p.m. 1. 2020 Budget: Estimated Revenues & Expenditures — Chelsie Taylor 2. Council Draft 2020 Budget Goals — Mark Calhoun 3. Potential and Pending Projects — Mark Calhoun 4. Advance Agenda — Mayor Higgins August 27, 2019, Formal Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m. 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) 2. Advance Agenda — Mayor Higgins 3. Info Only: Department Reports [due Tue Aug 131 (10 minutes) (15 minutes) (20 minutes) (5 minutes) [*estimated meeting: 50 mins] [due Tue Aug 201 (5 minutes) (5 minutes) [*estimated meeting: mins] Sept 3, 2019, Study Session, 6:00 p.m. [due Tue Aug 271 1. Advance Agenda — Mayor Higgins (5 minutes) Special Meeting: Friday, September 6, 2019, Spokane County Council of Governments, 9:30 a.m. to Noon, Spokane Co. Fair & Expo Center; Conference Facility, 404 N Havana Street Sept 10, 2019, Formal Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m. 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) 2. Advance Agenda — Mayor Higgins [due Tue Sept 31 (5 minutes) (5 minutes) Sept 17, 2019, Study Session, 6:00 p.m. [due Tue Sept 101 1. Advance Agenda — Mayor Higgins (5 minutes) Sept 24, 2019, Formal Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m. 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) 2. Advance Agenda — Mayor Higgins 3. Info Only: Department Reports *time for public or Council comments not included OTHER PENDING AND/OR UPCOMING ISSUES/MEETINGS: Affordable Housing SHB 1406 Appleway Trail Amenities Camping in RVs Crisis Co -response team funding Donation Recognition Duplexes, Townhouses, Cottages Graffiti Health District Re SV Stats Land Use Notice Requirements Mirabeau Park Forestry Mgmt. Naming City Facilities Protocol New Employee Qrt Rpt (Jan, April, July, Oct) Park Lighting Park Reg. Ord. amendments PFD Presentation Police Dept. Qtr Rpt (Jan, April, July, Oct) Right -of -Way process Safe Routes to School Draft Advance Agenda 6/27/2019 10:06:02 AM [due Tue Sept 171 (5 minutes) (5 minutes) Sign Ordinance Snow Removal: Streets, Sidewalks Spokane Co Conservation District -Vicki Carter St. Illumination (ownership, cost, location) St. O&M Pavement Preservation Studded Snow Tires Utility Facilities in ROW Vaping Water Districts & Green Space Way Finding Signs Page 2 of 2 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: July 2, 2019 Check all that apply: ['consent ❑ old business ❑ information ❑ admin. report Department Director Approval ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ pending legislation ® executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: EXECUTIVE SESSION: Pending Litigation GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: I move that Council adjourn into executive session for approximately 15 minutes to discuss pending litigation and that no action will be taken upon return to open session. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Cary Driskell ATTACHMENTS: