19-099.00 Meridian Construction/Piersol Construction: Council Chambers East Wall 11-09/ ER 408 DISPUTE RESOLUTION AGREEMENT I. RECITALS LI City of Spokane Valley ("Owner") is a code City of the State of Washington and owner of the real property and all improvements thereon known as the Spokane Valley New City Hall,located at 10210 East Sprague Avenue, Spokane Valley, WA 99206 ("Project"). 1.2 Meridian Construction, Inc., ("Contractor") entered into an AIA Standard Form Agreement Between Owner and Contractor ("Prime Contract") for the construction of the Project. 1.3 Contractor entered into a "Subcontract Agreement" with Piersol Construction, Inc., ("Subcontractor") for all work necessary or incidental to complete the Earthwork, Excavation and Utilities for the Project("Subcontractor's Scope of Work"). 1.4 The term "Parties" or "Party" shall refer to the Owner, Contractor and Subcontractor,both collectively and/or individually, depending on the context. 1.5 The Owner asserts construction defect claims against the Contractor arising out of the conditions with respect to the soil settlement underneath the footings for the northeast wall of the Project("Owner's Claims"). Owner submitted a"Notice of Claim"to Contractor pursuant to the terms and procedures set forth in the Prime Contract. 1.6 Contractor alleges that some or all of the defect claims asserted by Owner against Contractor may be due to design issues, and/or the responsibility of Subcontractor pursuant to the Subcontract Agreement and the Subcontractor's Scope of Work. Contractor has notified Subcontractor of Subcontractor's potential responsibility regarding Owner's Claims ("Contractor's Claims"). 1.7 The contracts amongst the Parties require the Parties to first mediate any disputes prior to formal dispute resolution. Therefore, pursuant to the contracts and otherwise, the Parties enter into this agreement pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth herein. IL PURPOSE OF AGREEMENT 2.1 The purpose of this ER 408 Dispute Resolution Agreement ("Agreement") is: (1) to engage in an investigation of the alleged defective work, materials, and resultant property damage at the Project for the purpose of formulating an agreed-upon scope of repair and cost of repair; (2) to defer the high costs of formal litigation and discovery while the parties are participating in the process described in this Agreement; (3) to allow a free exchange of information and documents between the parties and their retained experts without the constraints of formal discovery and litigation; and (4) to reach a reasonable settlement of the Owner's Claims and Contractor's Claims through good faith negotiations and, if necessary,mediation. 2.2 The Parties desire to reach a reasonable settlement resolving all of the Owner's Claims and Contractor's Clams regarding the Project. Participation in this Agreement, however, does not contractually or legally bind any Party to a particular solution. Moreover, participation in this Agreement does not represent an admission by the Contractor or Subcontractor to any allegations and claims made in the Notice of Claim. III. THE AGREEMENT 3.1 ER 408. Unless expressly stated otherwise, all communications including but not limited to: emails, letters, reports, faxes, or other materials prepared or exchanged by or between the Parties, their experts, or other parties in conjunction with the requirements, negotiations, and mediation called for in this Agreement shall be protected by ER 408, RCW 7.07 et seq., and RCW 5.60.070 (hereinafter referred to collectively as "ER 408 Documents"), and may not be used in any trial, arbitration, motion hearing, deposition, other discovery, or any other legal proceeding in this matter. However, except as provided by this Agreement. neither the Parties, nor their experts shall be barred from discovering or making use of the facts, test results, reports, photographs, and other documentation obtained in the development of the Parties' respective scopes of repair or estimates in subsequent formal dispute resolution, so long as the Party or expert does not reference this Agreement and/or any other ER 408 Documents. In this regard,the Parties agree that they may not cross-examine or impeach any witness or expert regarding this Agreement and/or any other ER 408 Documents or otherwise reference this Agreement and/or any other ER 408 Documents in the examination of a fact or expert witness. 3,2 Agreement to Forebear Filing. During the effective period of this Agreement, the Parties shall not cause to be filed, commenced, served, or otherwise initiated any claim, arbitration, complaint, cross-claim, third-party complaint, or other cause of action against the other that is in any way related to the claims discussed above. 3.3 Mediation. If necessary, the Parties shall cooperate to select a mediator. The Parties shall participate in mediation with such mediator,as provided below. 3,4 Release of Bonds. Performance, Payment and Retainage Bonds were issued for the Project. The Parties agree that the Bonds may now be released, including a release of the final retainage amounts to the subcontractors for the Project, including but not limited to Subcontractor, and that the release of the Bonds pursuant to this Agreement, including but not limited to the Performance and Retainage Bonds, shall not constitute a release, waiver or relinquishment of any of Owner's Claims or Contractor's Claims, nor shall the release of the Bonds constitute a release, waiver or relinquishment of any other past, present or future claims by the Parties arising out of or related to the Project, Prime Contract and/or Subcontract Agreement. 3.4 Document Production. Without waiving the protections of ER 408, ER 411, and other applicable evidentiary protections,the Parties agree to provide each other with access to or production of all of the documents for the Project within each of the Parties' custody or control, upon request, with all costs of copying documents to be initially borne by the requesting Party without prejudice to any later claim for costs or fees under the Prime Contract, Subcontract Agreement or Washington law. 3.4.1 Each of the Parties will provide the other Party with access to Expert Work Product prepared pursuant to this Agreement. "Expert Work Product" shall include the reports, testing results, and photographs generated by or on behalf of the Party's expert(s), in addition to product data relied on by such expert(s) in forming opinions in reports, and any reports issued by any expert's sub-consultant(s),but shall not include any privileged material, which shall be referenced in a privilege log produced by the Party retaining such Expert. The Party retaining an expert shall produce the Expert Work Product described above within 30 days of the execution of this Agreement and shall supplement the production of same within seven days after production of any of the documents required of that Party by paragraphs 3.6.2 and 3.6.3, below. 3.4.2 The Parties reserve the right to designate any of the experts retained by either of them as a consulting witness(es) who will not testify at trial or arbitration. The Parties agree that production of expert opinions,materials,photographs and/or documents pursuant to this Agreement, or other expert participation prior to the institution of litigation or pursuant to this Agreement, shall not operate as a waiver of such right. The Parties shall not have the right to discover or make use of opinions or materials generated by experts who are later designated as consultants. 3,4.3 Each Party shall produce a privilege log with regard to any documents, materials or photographs withheld from production on the basis of privilege. 3.5 Investigation and Scopes of Repair. 3.5.1 No later than 15 days after this Agreement is executed by all Parties, the Parties' experts shall meet, in person and at a mutually agreed time and location, to discuss the Project and to formulate a plan for the exchange of any and all Project documents, as well as any follow-up inspections necessary in order for Owner's experts to prepare plans, drawings and specifications for the scope of repairs regarding Owner's Claims. 3.5.2 Any requested follow-up inspection pursuant to Paragraph 3.5.1 above shall be completed within 15 days after the expert meeting. The Parties and their experts shall also use their best efforts to provide access to or produce any requested documents by no later than 10 days after the expert meeting. All investigations shall be conducted in a customary manner and shall be reasonably tailored to ascertain the issues or information sought, as discussed during the expert meeting. Unless otherwise agreed during the course of this process, the Parties are responsible for initial payment of their own experts' fees and costs. However, this section shall not be construed to affect any Party's ultimate claim for costs or fees under the Prime Contract, Subcontract Agreement or Washington law. 3.5,3 No later than 45 days after this Agreement is executed by the Parties, the Owner's experts shall provide their plans, drawings and specifications with respect to the proposed scope of repairs directly to the other Parties' experts. 3.5.4 No later than 15 days after Owner's experts provide their plans, drawings and specifications pursuant to Paragraph 3,5.3, the Parties' experts shall participate in a Joint Telephone Conference to confer, subject to the protections of this Agreement and ER 408, in an effort to agree on a Joint Scope of Repair. The Joint Scope of Repair shall identify all of the repairs agreed to be necessary by the Parties and any disputed alternatives and shall provide sufficient detail for a contractor to estimate the cost of such repairs and alternatives. Any Joint Scope of Repair is protected by Evidence Rule 408 3.5.5 If the Parties' experts are unable to agree on a Joint Scope of Repair, then the Contractor's experts shall produce directly to the Parties' experts their recommended Scope of Repair within 30 days of the Joint Telephone Conference identified in Paragraph 3.5.4 and Subcontractor's experts shall produce their Scope of Repair to the Parties' experts within 15 days after Contractor's experts produces their Scope of Repair. 3.6 Estimates. Unless the Parties otherwise agree to rely upon a single estimate of any Scope of Repair, Owner and Contractor shall each produce an estimate of any Joint Scope of Repair, Joint Scope of Repair with alternatives, or its respective Scope of Repair within 30 days of disclosure of each Party's respective Scope of Repair. Owner and Contractor's experts shall produce any revisions to their respective estimates ("Revised Estimates") within 10 days after any Scope of Repair is produced by the Subcontractor's experts. 3.7 Pre-Negotiation/Mediation Meeting. Within 15 days after the production of any Revised Estimates, the Parties and their respective experts shall meet in person at a mutually agreed time and location and attempt to resolve any remaining disputes regarding the Scopes of Repair and Cost Estimates, 3.8 Negotiation/Mediation. Within 45 days after the Pre-Negotiation/Mediation Meeting, the Patties shall endeavor to directly negotiate a resolution of Owner's Claims and Contractor's Claims, which shall include a negotiation of the Parties' claims for expert and attorneys' fees and costs. If the Parties do not resolve all claims on or before the expiration of the 45-day period, the Parties shall participate in a mediation with the selected mediator on the mediator's earliest available date and agreed to by the Parties. The mediator's fee shall be divided equally between the Parties. 3 9 Modification of Deadlines. This Agreement is intended to remain in effect until a Notice of Termination is issued by any of the Parties, The Parties may extend any of the deadlines herein by mutual agreement in writing. If a dispute arises regarding the terms and conditions of this Agreement, but the Parties do not wish to terminate the Agreement, the Parties agree that the mediator shall be sole arbiter of any disagreement. Moreover, the mediator, in his/her own discretion, shall be empowered to extend any deadlines contained in this Agreement up to 30 days. 3.10 Termination. 3.10.1 If the Parties are unable to resolve all of Owner's and Contractor's Claims, including claims for expert and attorneys' fees and costs, as set forth in this Agreement, then immediately upon completion of the mediation or upon delivery of written Notice Of Termination of this Agreement, the Parties may proceed with formal litigation/arbitration, as provided pursuant to the Prime Contract and Subcontract Agreement. 3.10.2 This Agreement is terminable at will by any Party, with or without cause, upon the issuance of written Notice of Termination. Notice shall be delivered to the Parties' respective counsel and notification by either letter or email correspondence shall suffice. 3.10.3 The protections of this Agreement, ER 408 Documents, as well as the full protections of ER 408, RCW 7.07 et seq. and RCW 5.60.070, shall continue to apply in the event that this Agreement is terminated. 3.11 This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the Parties and their respective heirs, successors and assigns. 3.12 This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. 3.13 The Parties declare that this Agreement has been mutually negotiated and drafted, and shall not be construed against any Party to this Agreement. 3.14 This Agreement shall become effective immediately following execution by all of the Parties. Further,this Agreement may be signed in counterpart copies and shall be effective where each Party hereto has signed at least one copy. An assembled set of such counterpart copies shall have the same force and effect as an original. Facsimile or electronically transmitted (PDF) signature shall be binding as an original. [SIGNATURE PAGES FOLLOW BELOW] City ofAAIN ibtOl.Spokane Valley � Meridian Con/mmtructtii By: r✓l ulk LA�tM3t v.-- By: ' --_ n5: CAI 419ta9ieti- Its: �i,�44 Date: b/5/2.411q Date: 6/30/lel Piersol Construction, Inc. By: Its. Date: City of Spokane Valley Meridian Construction,Inc. By: I By: _ - -_ � I Its: Its: Date: Date: _ Piersol Construction, Inc. 1 1 Its: J"irs.'04,f ,,7` Date: eV /20/