19-102.00 Comcast: CenterPlace Internet and Analog Phones COMCAST BUSINESS SERVICE ORDER AGREEMENT BUSINESS Account Name: Center Place WE ID*: CUSTOMER INFORMATION (Service Location) Addrern 1 2426 N Discovery rlGib kne van.), n Primary Mb 9792936e ZIP Cone nnyrn Papal-Nurnbar binary Fat Number Technical Goebel Nam e Bing Gingarrian inchnIcal No Technical ' ng4re 0 0 1609199-1936 'Contact Email 4gspovaney erg Properly Me nape GimbelGimbelName balmily Mgr Phone COMCAST BUSINESS SERVICES sane 1. 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I Total Monthly Service Charge I ISIS$0 Bement inarbriliennine innialemon Fee X lb 1.0 sea no Grnribton Pre A.boon Ern Sap 95 50 00 . TOR Po boom Fen GO D5 f 0 GG Vann Adorn=Fee 4 529 95 3119 60 Fro mown code it applicable i AvirnAbedant bhp Fee 124 95 00 Gibbet en Interna in appOnehlat venae Om) mean t . ee ea. 10 00 Discount on in deo Iff appliceb101 TUF $5 55 le en L Raba en �. � arsw ee . a mlam linenb ovao.ee TETT Edge a ,t app ▪mm. . . .n.. ldl.1 e 5000 Total Discount (Visa 00) M011atfEdae AMINIIPII FM T-19 95 80 00 Tat home/a ro up in rm' ;Tot Me MEM.th*Ne ��ooooARM of Tal Installation charges I rise so I Total Recumng Monthly Bill' I *3906 I •Mem ET atii Caami!.ai..,Fa General Special Instructions4201.910 Mara &a and kd SaoaEmmy pat COMCAST BUSINESS SERVICE ORDER AGREEMENT BUSINESS Account Name: Center Place WB IDD: COMCAST BUSINESS INTERNET CONFIGURATION DETAILS Equipment Selection Doc Cis 3 I Device Tramiel Euistirm Conimst eel Small No Number of Static IP 9' ire 11,ho w m COMCAST BUSINESS TV CONFIGURATION DETAILSa Owlet Details Tenuen outlet TyPo Additional Comments eksiu„ pe, °Meer AIM an 0044 A0Stkena „let, pddrbar. GAM Details re outletsre up Quantity Girdepter N Box+Perms ISTB) COMCAST BUSINESS VOICEEDGE SELECT CONFIGURATION DETAILS Phone*(Use'New"11 new X) Type COMCAST BUSINESS VOICE CONFIGURATION DETAILS PhoneX Gest''New'Jr new R) Type HSI See HG2 Sep Surnamed Customer Equipment (509)2¢20561 ear a Pone Nsue NG None Ne 509)252-t 371Basic None nkne llo Phone C rcrtni ueoenewn (509.1 232-3991game None None N oI (5W)32-3922 Basic None None No e)eta.nim Manularb.ao I _m,mGomm Grier oimef_u ceuee Telt'Cr uurtNm Hunt Group Configuration Details Hunt Group Features Peouenen Cies No) Hu Group 1 Seeligum:Lion Typo Hu Group 1 Pool Numb. Hu untGrup:P�ptlmgnaType Number No H Toil Free* calm,° awtmn area Associated TN Additional Vola Details Culler ID Bi°°kIng No Put]Attendant RCF Gen-figuration Details No Directory Gating and Yellow Pa.e Details RCF Number Forward To Number met"''PP° published DiretbryLiAng tamp 0 spby Name Curter Pram COMCAST BUSINESS SERVICE ORDER AGREEM ENT BUSINESS Account Name: Center Place WB ID# CUSTOMER BILLING INFORMATION omommi em,WN Name rror Perry Aan.m W ra.Wer Fnpig„ _ n e Address 10 E Sprague Ave -_ o=Hain roldress Billing Cooled Emen reampuaaneva„ar em Billing Contact Name Bing e„naman Billing WB)99a-293S Tau Exempt?' No Billing Fen Number mere pummel.,mi oraCh e miremer AGREEMENT --- — 1 Nis Ceramist Business Ba,ce Order Apurel9 ads loath Ina temps ab CaiMans under Mich Comma Calk Communications Mamamal LLC and t swaths WMam('Cana MS M provide the Salim to Creamer Td Comcast Bmnm Seeks Order Ipew.Mants M In Wand(5OA')to slandand Carcvl Boileau Time and Condlions Proms and Cai..YA and any pM/mewled mlendmwS(Mala Ammo)wMM ander N Agreement In 9s,meat 01Smamnty mmO Nese do nanh,precedence Ml be as Mows (1)Nnwdws(2)Terms and Gramma.arid(3)Bb SOA TN Ammon(MM cornownce as Name a lemly Nixing awemenl mm Cmbnts mesa on of lie 90A The Agreement slut WMm4 as M forth F M TnM and Coke= Map Ideas cornsntpaannconta# deaasxl MCyW2 d boa net Udine In NY BOA Nd lead the Moises Been to then N the Teem and Cor r.Use NIS Services Y also stheato to Nan anent INOl$ad lIwet N Bueless Acceptable,Use Policy bath at htlithbusbues smestcenVkinnearnetiortrAnckNa(a any successor URL).Nd the Men farad M—meed Internet N Business Macy Poky located at bilaWysimmisgmmolwriallnkaialliMMedsowass(a any successor URL),boll of 11101 Comcast nen Weare em ti•10 lout 2 Eat Comcast aweless Swans("Sema)alts a 30 day mem back Pstde.It*AM the IM Mry days blowing Saar ec*tlm Customs b M comleW sabered,CWwM may cam*Sweat we Comcast a issue a ran0 ler Sada togs tleBy pad b/°team woven est on,vera usage toga and optional tau<Ls mOd.d N wart be fl Ie usMro1una Cosi-ismer must came!teMded and ram sd��rigaBa aewttlMbleM]aud SSW 00 arm sante cgs,you reyour fen, to a{pbdee oeM ae 3 To con**a Vase order,Customer and aeaN a Cowl Letter or AUNVFena PLOAD and submit Ito Caned a Commas MO party ace any dtyda,as ended by Corneas' 1 New telephone minters at subject to chase ab ate wSs Customers Maud not plat bat new astir on seedy or Cat at MSN Lata S mMie 5 Onward emboss 9v1Ol ka By¢pts Maw,Cmlowe agrees and wee&the SmdOR Saai6 Addendum faced al alpJNmMas cencastecavtainecondibentindes side Cmcast Business SmefOlike Licenses: AL 001/S5,001759 AR:2539 AL ROC 30734,BTR 18288-9 CA CMS 1020256,ACO 7677,CT:ELC 0189754-05.ELC 0203417C5,OE SSFS 13125 Rs EFW00279,GA:LVW06354, IL PAG 127-001555,LA F2257,Mk 7067C,SSmm525,380:107-1937,IE:LA4550017039 M:3801206510,MN:TSI7M13,115:15030170,NC:1037CS9 NJ:Brier Mom Bums tic 531BF0004000,MB 370095 NY:Waded b/M N YB Dpatna8flies 120 00317423,OR:CCB 109938,SC:BAC-13682.TM:ACT 2009 ACT 2002,TZ 81596,,UT:8788188-6501, VA:277051511W,,OCAS 11-15181.VP ES-02356,WA'COYG96BISNU,WASHINGTON,DC:ECS 9114217,BBL 602517000001,WV VN051524 VW010111/18 See NIB WRusnm comasl mmanMmaIORy la current 1st 6 WdIiaa M mdirim to the Aywmant any.as1 N acted Ia Moran Amendment meculd by am authorized Carol Seta We Resident and Be OatrAW N other attempts to fro*M ApeowN shag be void and now Mang on COMMA customer by SIN Gw,wrath ad acme*the Tem as COMNa el Ws klamma 7 F CUSTOMER IS SUBSWBINO TO CCMCASTS BUSINESS DIGITAL VOICE SERVICE,CUSTOMER BY WIRING BELOW.ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT NO UNDERSTANDING OF 11E FOLLOWING 911 110110E 911 NONCE CoMalet Bmaisa Vora WSW(Voice)May hal a¢EE911MMOasIaUkdbelow •aorder 011 ab b N properly sled to em0my ants tug the Vora Sera Coram ace nave Vie coned mem seem beach telephone Gerber used by the Caresw time Voce 3aNx orany Voice Bebe deice S moved to a aced Yrallm afud Cwpae prov1s an mak sinks edam,911 ab may be*Sad Mae mors pagny.Nary.may Ooml lie prong address,sneer M Voice Sate(mum 911)may fi etogaSa Cuakano%use of a ahpio a number not asoueled Mr is 9eNafii bean may-Us,Increase Mese nt •TMV4x Suis uses What power in Me Canpnys peseta liters Is nMmulalpower'wage,011 oras may N dbrtpdW a battery 8 hepb not Elated nits veal modem.ba.a Is edamad •CN Willi M Ver Sake,including nb to 011,may not N=NYbd 6 Mee is a problem with edea Was,Paces network coogaha nstimaNispripment/power Bluma ooMNd Lon don alae,or aMa Sd Ws,pram •Customs Mad ca Contest at 1-588218101111 Na an questions or needs to uWW asince div n IM 911 system Mama Si tilMarling to orae a0dess nm also Mpd 911 •BY SIGNING BELOW,CUSTOMER ACKNOWLEDGES RUT G HAS READ AND UNDERSTANDS TIE FOREGOING 911 NOME AND THE 911 LIMITATIONS OF TIE VOICE SERVICE. CUSTOMER SIGNATURE FOR COMCAST USE ONLY Be erg ning d ace...optsMe'norm and Coeddons ment General Tenn,aip curd eggs gag bg pug,gi ribggrg,ggrggag,graggegiggiggag, yel nw customer sl mei ann�� Mlles AnmoSalm Representetine ,mamma /II`V LL- A�^�W101/ Bales Bunrobenlarlon Sales Ma nae o,memr r K n(1(k0tAr1 Sales ManaperNlrnosa r App Title o ll R Contra ContrecbGenerelion o COMCAST BUSINESS SERVICE ORDER AGREEMENT BUSINESS Account Name Center Place WB IDC: Comcast Company Address Information Arizona New York 8251 N Cortaro Road 21 Old RT 6 Tucson,AZ 85743 Carmel,NY 10512 California Oregon 3011 Comcast Place 9605 SW Nimbus Avenue Livermore,CA 94551 Beaverton,OR 97008 Colorado Pennsylvania 183 Inverness Dnve West 1701 JFK Boulevard Englewood,CO 80112 Philadelphia, PA 19103 Colorado Tennessee 8000 E Mr Avenue 2030E Polymer Drive Denver.CC 80231 Chattanooga,TN 37421 Connecticut Tennessee 222 New Park Drive 660 Mainstream Drive Berlin,CT 06037 Nashville,TN 37228 Georgia L 2925 Courtyard Dnve 8590 West Tidwell Road Norcross,GA 30071 Houston,TX 77040 Illinois Virginia 1500 MCConnor Parkway 5401 Staples Mill Road Schaumburg,IL 80173 Richmond VA 23228 Mid Washiin tonton 41112 Concept Drive 15815 25th Avenue Plymouth,MI 48170 Lynnwood,WA 98087 Minnesota 10 River Park Plaza St Paul,MN 55107 New Mexico 4611 Montbel Place Albuquerque,NM 87107 Comcast. Letter of Agency Please pnnt or type the following information All blank spaces must be completed. Billing Name("Company') Center Race (As it appears on customers bill copy) Billing Address: 10210 E Sprague Ave City. Spokane Valley State: WA Zip: 99206 It the company is switching its current phone numbers)to Comcast,please print the telephone number(sl and the name(s)of Company's current local phone service providers In the spaces below Area cadets)and telephone numbers)Company wants switched to Comcast(you may also insert a number range,a g.215-555-0000 that 215-555- 9999) Billing Telephone Number Current Local Provider (509)3320551 Birch 1509)2321370 Birth 1509)232.1371 Birch (509)2323991 Birth (509)2323992 Birch Please read the following Information The undersigned is an authnnzed representative Cumpam rompam chooses Comcast fur all landlme.albng needs across town,across the country and worldwide for the telephone number(s(listed above(if applicable) Cumpam understands that Comcast xJl take the place of its current landline phone service ptovtden s)for local,local toll,and long distance sernees Cumpam understands that for each ufthese sernecs it may designate only one provide,pet service for any one telephone number rampant also understands that the service prended by Comcast=tides all dntan.o wla.h means Mat Cumpam may only designate ane proyidcr for all of its calling needs for and one iuephone number the undersigned's sgnanme on this from authorizes Comcast to act as Company's agent n making the changes tom rbmpany a.unenr:tome pro%idnnl.and to itch Company's telephone numbers sl.listed above(if applicable to Comcast Company understands that its em cot mace paovadertsl may charge a lee to wash its sen ice to Cumcatl and that Company may rnnmlt that prouder as to whether a fee will apply Please Sign here a Authorized Representative's1/ /^���� /s Signature l/�j034 34C Authorized Representative's Name(Print) /M(M,� rn C.a.(6 Authorized Representative's Title tprlm) L+{ ave