19-104.00 Engineering Remediation Resources Group: Browns Park 2019 Improvements• Contract No, 19-104.00 CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT Engineering/Remediation Resources Group,Inc. THIS CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT(the "Agreement") is made by and between the City of Spokane Valley, a code City of the State of Washington ("City") and Engineering/Remediation Resources Group,Inc.,("Contractor")jointly referred to as the"Parties". IN CONSIDERATION of the terms and conditions contained herein the Parties agree as follows: 1.Work to Be Performed Contractor shall do all work and furnish all labor,supervision,tools,materials, supplies,and equipment and other items necessary for the construction and completion of the Browns Park 2019 Improvements Project (the "Work") in accordance with documents described in the plans and specifications and in accordance with this Agreement(which are by this reference incorporated herein and made part hereof and referred to as the"Contract Documents"),and shall perform any changes in the work in accordance with the Contract Documents. The terms and provisions in this Agreement shall control over any inconsistent or incompatible terms in any other Contract Document. Contractor shall, for the amount set forth in paragraph 4,below,assume and be responsible for the cost and expense of all work required for constructing and completing the Work and related activities to the City's satisfaction, provided for in the Contract Documents, within the time limits prescribed in the Contract Documents. The City Manager or designee shall administer and be the primary contact for Contractor. Upon notice from City,Contractor shall promptly commence work,complete the same in a timely manner,and cure any failure in performance under this Agreement. Unless otherwise directed by City,all work shall be performed in conformance with the Contract Documents, and all City,state,and federal standards,codes,ordinances,regulations,and laws as now existing or as may be adopted or amended. 2. Time for Performance. Contractor shall commence the Work within 10 days of receipt of a notice to proceed and shall complete the Work within the times specified in the Contract Documents, as may be extended in accordance with this Agreement and the Contract Documents. 3. Liquidated Damaees. lime is of the essence for this Agreement. Delays cause inconvenience to the residents of City and cost taxpayers undue sums of money,adding time needed for administration,engineering, inspection, and supervision. It is impractical for City to calculate the actual cost of delays. Accordingly, Contractor agrees to pay liquidated damages for failure to achieve Substantial Completion(as defined in the Contract Documents)which shall be in the amount of$500.00 per calendar day. These liquidated damages are not a penalty, but are fixed and agreed upon by and between Contractor and City because of the impracticability and difficulty of fixing and ascertaining the actual damages that City would sustain in the event that the Work is not completed in accordance with the Contract Documents, Liquidated damages may be retained by City and deducted from payments otherwise due to the Contractor. 4. Compensation. hi consideration of Contractor performing the Work, City agrees to pay Contractor in accordance with the Contract Documents the sum of$910,055.26, plus Washington State Sales Tax of Construction Agreement Page I of9 $80,994 92(if applicable),fora total of$991,050.18,based on the bid submitted by Contractor and as may be adjusted in accordance with the Contract Documents. This includes the base bid and alternates#1,42 and#3. 5.Payment. Contractor may elect to be paid in monthly installments,upon presentation of an application for payment in a form satisfactory to City. Applications for payment shall be sent to the City Finance Department at the address stated in paragraph 6. Pursuant to chapter 60.28 RC W, five percent of the compensation due Contractor shall be retained by City. City reserves the right to withhold payment under this Agreement for that portion of the work(if any)which is determined in the reasonable judgment of the City Manager or designee to be noncompliant with the Contract Documents,City standards,City Code,state standards,or federal standards 6.Notice. Notice other than applications for payment shall be given in writing as follows: TO THE CITY: TO THE CONTRAC TOR: Name:Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Name: Engineering/Remediation Resources Group,Inc. Phone:(509) 720-5000 Phone: (509)991-3105 Address: 10210 East Sprague Avenue Address: 3915 East Francis Ave.,Unit B1 Spokane Valley,WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99217-6596 7 Applicable Laws and Standards. The Parties,in the performance of this Agreement,agree to comply with all applicable federal, state,and local laws,codes,and regulations. 8, Certification Reeardiae Debarment, Suspension, and Other Responsibility Matters — Primary Covered Transactions. A.By executing this Agreement,the Consultant certifies to the best of its knowledge and belief,that it and its principals: 1. Are not presently debaned, suspended,proposed for debarment, declared ineligible,or voluntarily excluded from covered transactions by any federal department or agency; 2. Have not within a three-year period preceding this proposal been convicted of or had a civil judgment rendered against them for commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (federal, state, or local)transaction or contract under a public transaction;violation of federal or state antitrust statutes or commission of embezzlement,theft,forgery,bribery,falsification or destruction of records,making false statements,or receiving stolen property; 3 Are not presently indicted for or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a governmental entity (federal, state, or local) with commission of any of the offenses enumerated in paragraph(AX2)of this certification;and 4. Have not within a three-year period preceding this application/proposal had one or more public transactions(federal,state,or local)terminated for cause or default. B, Where the prospective primary participant is unable to certify to any of the statements in this certification,such prospective participant shall attach an explanation to this Agreement. ft Construction Agreement Page 2 of 9 9.Prevailing Wages on Public Works. Contractor,any subcontractor,or other person doing work under this Agreement, shall comply with the requirements of chapter 39.12 RCW, and shall pay each employee an amount not less than the Prevailing Rate of Wage,as specified by the Industrial Statistician of the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries("L&I'). If employing labor in a class not shown,Contractor shall request a determination of the correct wage rate for the class and locality from the Industrial Statistician. Contractor shall provide a copy of any such determinations to City. Before commencing,during,and upon completion of the work,Contractor shall file all forms and pay all fees required by L&I and shall indemnify and hold City harmless from any claims related to its failure to comply with chapter 39.12 RCW. The following information is provided pursuant to RCW 39.12.030: A. State of Washington prevailing wage rates applicable to this public works project,published by L&1,are located at the Ltd website address: httns://fortress.wa.gov/Ini/wagelookuoiorvWagelookuo.aspx B.This Project is located in Spokane County. C. The effective prevailing wage date is the same date as the bid due date as referenced in the original request for bids and as may be revised by addenda. A copy of the applicable prevailing wage rates is also available for viewing at the City Community&Public Works Department located at 10210 East Sprague Avenue,Spokane Valley,WA 99206. Upon request,City will mail a hard copy of the applicable prevailing wages for this project. 10. Relationship of the Parties. It is understood and agreed that Contractor shall be an independent contractor and not the agent or employee of City,that City is interested only in the results to be achieved,and that the right to control the particular manner,method,and means in which the services are performed is solely within the discretion of Contractor. Any and all employees who provide services to City under this Agreement shall be deemed employees solely of Contractor. Contractor shall be solely responsible for the conduct and actions of all its employees under this Agreement and any liability that may attach thereto. 11.Ownership of Documents. All drawings,plans,specifications,and other related documents prepared by Contractor under this Agreement are and shall be the property of City, and may be subject to disclosure pursuant to chapter 42.56 RCW,or other applicable public record laws. 12.Records. The City or State Auditor or any of their representatives shall have full access to and the right to examine during normal business hours all of Contractor's records with respect to all matters covered in this Agreement. Such representatives shall be permitted to audit,examine,make excerpts or transcripts from such records,and to make audits of all contracts,invoices,materials,payrolls,and record of matters covered by this Agreement for a period of three years from the date final payment is made hereunder. 13.Warranty. Unless provided otherwise in the Contract Documents,Contractor warrants that all Work and materials performed or installed under this Agreement are free from defector failure for a period of one year following final acceptance by City,un less a supplier or manufacturer has a warranty for agreater period,which warranty shall be assigned or transferred to City. In the event a defect or failure occurs in work or materials, Contractor shall,within the warranty period,remedy the same at no cost or expense to City This warranty Construction Agreement Page 3 of 9 provision shall not be construed to establish a period of limitation with respect to Contractor's other obligations under this Agreement. 14.Contractor to Be Licensed and Bonded. Contractor shall be duly licensed,registered,and bonded by the State of Washington at all times this Agreement is in effect. 15.Contractor to Provide Performance and Payment Bonds. Contractor shall provide a payment bond and a performance bond in the full amount of the Agreement on the City's bond forms. Alternatively,Contractor may elect to have the City retain 10%of the Agreement amount in lieu of providing the City with a payment bond and a performance bond, pursuant to RCW 39.08.010(3). 16. Insurance. Contractor shall procure and maintain for the duration of the Agreement insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by Contractor, its agents, representatives,or employees. A. Minimum Scope of Insurance. Contractor shall obtain insurance of the types described below: I.Automobile liability insurance covering all owned,non-owned,hired,and leased vehicles. Coverage shall be written on Insurance Services Office(ISO)form CA 00 01 or a substitute for providing equivalent liability coverage. If necessary, the policy shall be endorsed to provide contractual liability coverage. 2.Commercial general liability insurance shall be written on ISO occurrence form CO 00 01 and shall cover liability arising from premises,operations,independent contractors,products- completed operations, stop gap liability, personal injury, advertising injury, and liability assumed under an insured contract. The commercial general liability insurance shall be endorsed to provide a per project aggregate limit using ISO form CG 25 03 05 09 or an equivalent endorsement. Them shall be no endorsement or modification of the commercial general liability insurance for liability arising from explosion, collapse, or underground property damage. City shall be named as an additional insured under Contractors commercial general liability insurance policy with respect to the work performed for City using ISO Additional Insured endorsement CG 20 10 10 01 and Additional Insured-Completed Operations endorsement CG 20 37 10 01 or substitute endorsements providing equivalent coverage. 3. Workers'compensation coverage as required by the industrial insurance laws of the State of Washington. B.Minimum Amounts of Insurance. Contractor shall maintain the following insurance limits. 1.Automobile liability insurance with a minimum combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage of no less than SI,000,000 per accident. 2.Commercial general liability insurance shall be written with limits no less than$1,000,000 each occurrence, $2,000,000 general aggregate, and no less than a $2,000,000 products- completed operations aggregate limit C Other Insurance Provisions. The insurance policies are to contain,or be endorsed to contain,the following provisions for automobile liability and commercial general liability insurance. 1 Construction Agreement Page 4 of 9 I. Contractor's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance with respect to City. Any insurance, self-insurance,or insurance pool coverage maintained by City shall be excess of Contractor's insurance and shall not contribute with it. 2. Contractor shall fax or send electronically in.pdf format a copy of insurer's cancellation notice within two business days of receipt by Contractor. 3.1f Contractor maintains higher insurance limits than the minimums shown above,City shall be insured for the full available limits of commercial general and excess or umbrella liability maintained by Contractor, irrespective of whether such limits maintained by Contractor are greater than those required by this Agreement or whether any certificate of insurance furnished to the City evidences limits of liability lower than those maintained by Contractor. 4. Failure on the part of Contractor to maintain the insurance as required shall constitute a material breach of this Agreement, upon which the City may, after giving at least five business days' notice to Contractor to correct the breach, immediately terminate the Agreement, or at its sole discretion,procure or renew such insurance and pay any and an premiums in connection therewith, with any sums so expended to be repaid to City on demand, or at the sole discretion of the City, offset against hinds due Contractor from the City. D.Acceptability of Insurers. Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M.Best rating of not less than A:VII. E. Evidence of Coverage. As evidence of the insurance coverages required by this Agreement, Contractor shall furnish acceptable insurance certificates to City at the time Contractor returns the signed Agreement,which shall be Exhibit C. The certificate shall specify all of the parties who are additional insureds,and shall include applicable policy endorsements,and the deduction or retention level. Insuring companies or entities are subject to City acceptance. If requested,complete copies of insurance policies shall be provided to City. Contractor shall be financially responsible for all pertinent deductibles,self-insured retentions,and/or self-insurance. F.Subcontractor Insurance. Contractor shall cause each and every subcontractor to provide insurance coverage that complies with all applicable requirements of the Contractor-provided insurance as set forth herein,except Contractor shall have sole responsibility for determining the limits of coverage to be required to be obtained by subcontractors. Contractor shall ensure that the City is an additional insured on each and every subcontractor's commercial general liability insurance policy using an endorsement at least as broad as ISO additional insured endorsement CG 20 38 04 13. 17.Indemnification and Hold Harmless. Contractor shall,at its sole expense,defend,indemnify,and hold harmless City and its officers, agents,and employees, from any and all claims, actions, suits, liability, loss, costs,attorney's fees and costs of litigation,expenses,injuries,and damages of any nature whatsoever relating to or arising out of the wrongful or negligent acts,errors,or omissions in the services provided by Contractor, Contractors agents, subcontractors, subconsultants, and employees to the fullest extent permitted by law, subject only to the limitations provided below Contractors duty to defend,indemnify,and hold City harmless shall not apply to liability for damages arising out of such services caused by or resulting from the sole negligence of City or City's agents or employees. F Construction Agreement I Page 5 of 9 Contractor's duty to defend,indemnify,and hold City harmless against liability for damages arising out of such services caused by the concurrent negligence of(a) City or City's agents or employees,and(b)Contractor, Contractor's agents, subcontractors, subconsultants, and employees shall apply only to the extent of the negligence of Contractor,Contractor's agents,subcontractors,subconsultants,and employees. Contractors duty to defend,indemnify,and hold City harmless shall include,as to all claims,demands,losses, and liability to which it applies,City's personnel-related costs,reasonable attorneys'fees,and the reasonable value of any services rendered by the office of the City Attorney,outside consultant costs,court costs,fees for collection,and all other claim-related expenses. Contractor specifically and expressly waives any immunity that may be granted it under the Washington State Industrial Insurance Act,Title 51 RCW. These indemnification obligations shall not be limited in any way by any limitation on the amount or type of damages,compensation,or benefits payable to or for any third party under workers' compensation acts, disability benefit acts, or other employee benefits acts. Provided, that Contractor's waiver of immunity by the provisions of this paragraph extends only to claims against Contractor by City,and does not include,or extend to,any claims by Contractor's employees directly against Contractor. Contractor hereby certifies that this indemnification provision was mutually negotiated. 18. Waiver. No officer,employee,agent,or other individual acting on behalf of either party has the power, right,or authority to waive any of the conditions or provisions of this Agreement. No waiver in one instance shall be held to be waiver of any other subsequent breach or nonperformance. All remedies afforded in this Agreement or by law shall be taken and construed as cumulative and in addition to every other remedy provided herein or by law. Failure of either party to enforce at any time any of the provisions of this Agreement or to require at any time performance by the other party of any provision hereof shall in no way be construed to be a waiver of such provisions nor shall it affect the validity of this Agreement or any part thereof. 19. Assignment and Delegation. Neither party shall assign, transfer, or delegate any or all of the responsibilities of this Agreement or the benefits received hereunder without first obtaining the written consent of the other party. 20. Confidentiality. Contractor may,from time-to-time,receive information which is deemed by City to be confidential. Contractor shall not disclose such information without the prior express written consent of City or upon order of a Court of competent jurisdiction. 21 Disputes. All disputes arising under or related to this Agreement that cannot be resolved through informal discussion and negotiations shall be resolved by litigation filed in the Superior Court of the State of Washington for Spokane County,unless otherwise required by applicable federal or state law. 22. Subcontractor Responsibility. As required by RCW 39.06.020,Contractor shall verify responsibility criteria for each first tier subcontractor and its subcontractors of any tier that hires other subcontractors shall verify responsibility criteria for each of its subcontractors. Verification shall include that each subcontractor,at the time of subcontract execution,meets the responsibility criteria listed in RCW 39.04.350(1)and possesses an electrical contractor license,if required by chapter 19.28 RCW,or an elevator contractor license if required by chapter 70.87 RCW. This verification requirement shall be included in every subcontract of every tier. 23.Jurisdiction and Venue. This Agreement is entered into in Spokane County,Washington. Venue shall be in Spokane County, State of Washington. Construction Agreement Page 6 of 9 24. Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire and complete agreement between the parties and supercedes any prior oral or written agreements. This Agreement may not be changed,modified,or altered except in writing signed by the Parties. 25. Anti-kickback No officer or employee of City, having the power or duty to perform an official act or action related to this Agreement, shall have or acquire any interest in this Agreement, or have solicited, accepted, or granted a present or future gift,favor, service, or other thing of value from any person with an interest in this Agreement. 26.Business Registration. Prior to commencement of Work under this Agreement,Contractor shall register with the City as a business if it has not already done so. 27.Severability. If any section,sentence,clause,or phrase of this Agreement should be held to be invalid for any reason by a court of competent jurisdiction,such invalidity shall not affect the validity ofanyother section, sentence,clause,or phrase of this Agreement. 28. Exhibits. Exhibits attached and incorporated into this Agreement are: A. Assurance of compliance with applicable federal laws B. Bid Response Documents C. Insurance Endorsements D.Performance and Payment Bond ',7// The Parties have executed this Agreement this 2-b- day of lune,2019. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY: Contractor:ENGINEERING/REMEDIATION .4f RESOURCE OUP,EN irt W I� � p ® Mark Calhoun,City Manager By:/nR y n-s6 Ute ere-sr: am-1— Its: Authorized Representative ATTEST_ 1 4. .uj Al Christine Bainbridge,City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Office lig eCi .� Construction Agreement Page 7 of 9 Exhibit E—Assurance of Compliance with Applicable Federal Law During the performance of this Agreement,the Contractor, for itself,its assignees,and successors in interest thereinafter referred to as the"Contractor")agrees as follows: 1.Compliance with Regulations:The Contractor shall comply with the federal laws set forth in Section 7 of this Exhibit("Acts and the Regulations")relative to non-discrimination in federally-assisted programs of the U.S.Department of Transportation,Washington State Department of Transportation(WSDOT),as they may be amended from time-to-time,which are herein incorporated by reference and made a part of this Agreement. 2.Non-discrimination:The Contractor,with regard to the work performed by it during this Agreement,shall not discriminate on the grounds of race, color, or national origin in the selection and retention of subcontractors, including procurements of materials and leases of equipment. The Contractor shall not participate directly or indirectly in the discrimination prohibited by the Acts and the Regulations, including employment practices when the contract covers any activity,project,or program set forth in Appendix B of49 CFR Part 21. 3. Solicitations for Subcontracts, Including Procurements of Materials and Equipment: In all solicitations,either by competitive bidding,or negotiation made by the Contractor for work to be performed under a subcontract,including procurements of materials,or leases of equipment,each potential subcontractor or supplier shall be notified by the Contractor of the Contractor's obligations under this Agreement and the Acts and the Regulations relative to non-discrimination on the grounds of race,color,or national origin. 4.Information and Reports:The Contractor shall provide all information and reports required by the Acts, the Regulations,and directives issued pursuant thereto,and shall permit access to its books,records,accounts, other sources of information,and its facilities as may be determined by the City or the WSDOT to be pertinent to ascertain compliance with such Acts, Regulations, and instructions. Where any information required of Contractor is in the exclusive possession of another who fails or refuses to furnish the information, the Contractor shall so certify to the City or the WSDOT, as appropriate, and shall set forth what efforts it has made to obtain the information. 5.Sanctions for Noncompliance:in the event of a Contractor's noncompliance with the non-discrimination provisions of this Agreement,the City will impose such contract sanctions as it or the WSDOT may determine to be appropriate, including,but not limited to: a.withholding payments to the Contractor under the Agreement until the Contractor complies;and/or b. cancelling,terminating,or suspending the Agreement,in whole or in part. 6.Incorporation of Provisions:The Contractor shall include the provisions of paragraphs one through six of this Exhibit in every subcontract,including procurements of materials and leases of equipment,unless exempt by the Acts, the Regulations and directives issued pursuant thereto. The Contractor shall take action with respect to any subcontract or procurement as the City or the WSDOT may direct as a means of enforcing such provisions,including sanctions for noncompliance. Provided,that if the Contractor becomes involved in,or is threatened with litigation by a subcontractor or supplier because of such direction,the Contractor may request that the City enter into any litigation to protect the interests of the City In addition,the Contractor may request the United States to enter into the litigation to protect the interests of the United States. 7. Pertinent Non-Discrimination Authorities: During the performance of this Agreement, the Contractor agrees to comply with the following non-discrimination statutes and authorities;including but not limited to: Construction Agreement Page 8 of 9 Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964(42 U.S.C.§2000d et seq.,78 stat.252),(prohibits discrimination on the basis of race,color,national origin);and 49 CFR Part 21; The Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, (42 U.S.C. §4601),(prohibits unfair treatment of persons displaced or whose property has been acquired because of Federal or Federal-aid programs and projects); Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1973,(23 U.S.C.§324 et seq.),(prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex); Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. (29 U.S.C. §794 et seq.), as amended, (prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability);and 49 CFR Part 27; The Age Discrimination Act of 1975,as amended,(42 U.S.C.§6101 et seq.),(prohibits discrimination on the basis of age); Airport and Airway Improvement Act of 1982,(49 USC §471, Section 47123),as amended,(prohibits discrimination based on race,creed,color,national origin,or sex); The Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987,(PL 100-209),(Broadened the scope,coverage and applicability of Title Vi of the Civil Rights Act of 1964,The Age Discrimination Act of 1975 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973,by expanding the definition of the temis"programs or activities"to include all of the programs or activities of the Federal-aid recipients,sub-recipients and contractors, whether such programs or activities are Federally funded or not); Titles II and III of the Americans with Disabilities Act, which prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability in the operation of public entities, public and private transportation systems, places of public accommodation,and certain testing entities(42 U.S.C.§§12131-12189)as implemented by Department of Transportation regulations at 49 C.F.R. parts 37 and 38; The Federal Aviation Administration's Non-discrimination statute (49 U.S.C. §47123) (prohibits discrimination on the basis of race,color,national origin, and sex); Executive Order 12898. Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations,which ensures Non-discrimination against minority populations by discouraging programs,policies,and activities with disproportionately high and adverse human health or environmental effects on minority and low-income populations; Executive Order 13166,Improving Access to Services for Persons with Limited English Proficiency,and resulting agency guidance, national origin discrimination includes discrimination because of Limited English proficiency(LEP).To ensure compliance with Title VI,you must take reasonable steps to ensure that LEP persons have meaningful access to your programs(70 Fed Reg.at 74087 to 74100); Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, as amended, which prohibits you from discriminating because of sex in education programs or activities(20 U.S.C. §1681 et seq.). Construction Agreement Page 9 of 9 O� a Spokane„, s2pe19k b CrY jiGJ ors_ CitY Leak ,1 PART 3 BID RESPONSE DOCUMENTS BROWNS PARK 2019 IMPROVEMENTS April 24, 2019 City of Spokane Valley, Washington Parks and Recreation Department 2426 N. Discovery Place Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Prepared By: M I • L A Michael Terrell ■ Landscape Architecture, PLLC 1421 North Meadowwood Lane, Suite 150 Liberty Lake, WA 99019 (509) 922-7449 BROWNS PARK 2019 IMPROVEMENTS CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT Eng ineering/Remediation Person/Entity Name: Resources Group, Inc. Signature Of Bidder: Part 3 - Bid R posse Documents Page II BROWNS PARR 2019 IMPROVEMENTS CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT PART 3 - BID RESPONSE DOCUMENTS BID PROPOSAL PROJECT TITLE: Browns Park 2019 Improvements NAME OF FIRM SUBMITTING BID; (ERRG)Engineering Remediation Resources Group Each bid shall constitute an offer to the City of Spokane Valley as outlined herein and no bidder may withdraw his bid after the hour set for the bid closing except under the conditions explained in the Information to Bidders Section. RECEIPT OF ADDENDA: Bidder acknowledges receipt of the following addenda: Addendum No. Date Addendum No. Date 1 5/6/19 2 5/13/19 3 5/16/19 REJECTION: The City reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, portions or parts thereof and to waive all minor Irregularities in bidding. Special attention will be directed to the qualifications of the bidders when considering awarding a contract. TIME TO COMPLETE: The work related to the Browns Park 2019 Improvements will be substantially completed by November 1, 2019 BID IS NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONTRACTOR'S BOND ELECTION to withhold 50% retainage in lieu of furnishing a Contractor's Bond (Performance and Payment Bond). SUBCONTRACTORS LIST: See Special Conditions SUBMITTAL: The "Bid Response Documents" Section constitutes the Bid Proposal when completed and submitted. Please do not submit the entire Invitation to Bid manual. FREIGHT: Bid price(s) to Include all freight costs to the Job site. Engineering/Remediation Person/Entity Name: Resources Group, Inc. Signature Of Bidder: // Part 3 - Bid Response Documents Page III BROWNS PARK 2019 IMPROVEMENTS CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT Browns Park 2019 Improvements- Base Bid As identified In the Construction Documents plans and details. 1. This project consists of the base bid of demolition of existing shelter and restroom building, provide and install a premanufactured restroom, provide and Install two premanufactured shelters, construction of an asphalt trail, electrical Improvements and Installation of pedestrian lights, and turf and irrigation repair. BASE BID = $ 883,521.89 8.9% SALES TAX = $ 78,633.45 TOTAL BASE BID = $ 962,155.34 Browns Park 2019 Improvements—Alternate#1 As identified In the Construction Documents plans and details. 1. Alternate #1 Electrical Upgrade: Includes upgrade to base bid electrical service to 600A service. ALTERNATE #1 = $ 7,43261 8.9% SALES TAX = $ 659.72 TOTAL ALTERNATE#1 = $ 8,072.33 Browns Park 2019 improvements—Alternate#2 As identified in the Construction Documents plans and details. 1. Alternate #2 Storage Building Stone Veneer Upgrade Includes removal and replacement of existing basalt stone veneer. ALTERNATE #2 = $ 11,444.90 8.9% SALES TAX = $1,018.60 TOTAL ALTERNATE #2 = $ 12,463.50 Engineering/Remediation / / Person/Entity Name: Resources Group, Inc. Signature Of Bidder: !/ Part 3 - Bid .esponse Documents Page IV BROWNS PARK 2019 IMPROVEMENTS CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT Browns Park 2019 Improvements - Alternate#3 As Identified In the Construction Documents plans and details. 1. Alternate #3 Additional Bench Bumpouts. ALTERNATE #3 - $ 7,675.86 8.9%SALES TAX = $ 683.15 TOTAL ALTFRNATE #3 - $8,359.01 BID SUMMARY TOTAL BASE BID= $ 962,155.34 TOTAL ALTFRNATE#1= $ 8,072.33 TOTAL ALTFRNATF #7= $ 12,463.50 TOTAL ALTERNATF #1= $ 8,359.01 GRAND TOTAL = $991,050.18 Engineering/Remediation Person/Entity Name: Resources Group, Inc. Signature Of Bidder: Part 3 - Bid Response Documents Page V BROWNS PARK 2019 IMPROVEMENTS CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT REPRESENTATIONS AND CERTIFICATIONS ANTI-KICKBACK No officer or employee of the City of Spokane Valley, having the power or duty to perform an official act or action related to this submittal, shall have or acquire any interest in this submittal, or have solicited, accepted or granted a present or future gift, favor, service, or other thing of value from or to any person involved in this submittal. REPRESENTATION: In submitting this bid we represent that the bid documents have been read and understood, that the site has been visited and or that we have familiarized ourselves with the local conditions under which the work is to be performed, that by signature of this proposal we acknowledge all requirements and that we have signed all certificates contained herein. REPRESENTATION: In submitting this bid we acknowledge the requirements and conditions applicable to bid deposits in the form of a cash bid deposit or surety bond bid deposit. I CERTIFY that no final determination of violation of RCW 50.12.070(1)(b), 50.16.070(1)(b), ----- or 82.32.070(1)(b) has been made by the Washington State Departments of Employment Security, Labor And Industries or Revenue respectively dated within two years of the date of the opening of this bid. I understand further that no bid may be submitted, considered or contract awarded for a public work to any person or entity that has a determination of violation of the above referenced statutes within two years from the date that a violation is finally determined and the date of this bid opening. I CERTIFY that to the best of my knowledge the information contained in this proposal is accurate and complete and that I have the legal authority to commit this Firm to a contractual agreement. I realize the final funding for any service Is based upon budget levels and the approval of the City of Spokane Valley. Name: Engineering/Remediation Resources Group, Inc. Person/Enti submitting (print) Signature: Title Project Manager Ron Marsh Date: 5/17/2019 Part 3 - Bid Response Documents Page VI This document contains confidential tax information and has been redacted pursuant to RCW 82.32.330. You may petition for a review of our findings pertaining to any redacted or withheld documents pursuant to Spokane Valley BROWNS PARK 2019 IMPROVEMENTS Municipal Code (SVMC) 2.75 080; and obtain judicial review CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY pursuant to RCW 42.56.550. PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT BIDDER'S ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION 1. PERSON/ENTITY a. Name as registered with the State of Washington: EngineenngiRemediation Resources Group,Inc. b. Physical Address: 3915 East Francis Ave., Unit 61, Spokane, WA 99217-6596 c. Mailing Address Including zip code: 3915 East Francis Ave., Unit 01, Spokane, WA 99217-6596 d. Remit To Address Including zip code: 3915 East Francis Ave., Unit 01, Spokane,WA 99217-6596 e. Telephone number including area code:(509) 991-3105 1, Fax number including area code: (509)244-6579 g. E-mail address for business correspondence: randy.randall@errg.com h. Washington State Contractors License Number: ENGINRR943CB i. Federal Tax Identification Number REDACTED J. Washington State UBI Number: 602 556 027 k. State Industrial Account Identification Number: 103, 145-00 2. INSURANCE COMPANY: a. Name of company: Andreini&Company b. Mailing Address including zip code: 220 W. 20th Ave., San Mateo, CA 94403-1339 c. Insurance Agent Name: Linda Reynolds d. Insurance Agent Telephone number including area code: (650) 573-1111 e. Insurance Agent Fax number including area code: (650) 378-4361 3. BONDING COMPANY: a. Surety Name: AON Insurance Company b. Surety Mailing Address including zip code:425 Market Street, Ste. 2800, San Francisco, CA 94105 c. Bonding Agent Name: Thomas Branigan d. Bonding Agent Mailing Address including zip code: 425 Market Street,Ste.2800,San Francisco,CA 94105 e. Bonding Agent Telephone number Including area code:(415)486-7553 f. Bonding Agent Fax number Including area code: (213)630-7308 Part 3 - Bid Response Documents Page VII BROWNS PARK 2019 IMPROVEMENTS CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT Bidder to provide the following Information for ALL of the followina trades/sub- cotttractors j, General Contractor j, Asphalt Contractor r�r eklalichla BIDDER QUALIFICATION STATEMENT - GENERAL CONTRACTOR The following statements of experience, personnel, equipment, and general qualifications of the Bidder are submitted with the assurance that the Owner can rely on its accuracy and truthfulness. If more space is required for your answers please attach a continuation sheet(s) to the corresponding bid response page referencing the Item number. 1. The company has been in business continuously from (month and year) September 1997 2. Provide the following Information on three similar public works projects, for a city or county park, the company has completed that was on an order of magnitude equal to or greater in scope and complexity to that required under the proposed contract. Failure to provide adequate information on past work and projects will result in a non-responsive bid. Project Name Owner Phone No. Location #1 Iimi Hendrix Park City of Seattle 206-684-8850 2400 S Massachusetts St #2: Byrne Park Historic Restoration City of Spokane 509-363-5452 125 E Walton Spokane WA #3: CDA Park Entrances City of Spokane 509-363-5452 2195 W 2nd Provide responses to the following Items regarding each project listed above: A. Short description of project focused particularly on the grading, paving of asphalt trails, and park Irrigation systems in a public park. #1-Large paved walkways and common areas in park dedicated to the musician #2-Installed whole park irrigation pump and VED's with associated electrical #3-Installed basalt rock walls and paver trails to street with new curb B. Identify elements of project focused particularly on excavation, setting critical grades and layout. #1 -Set grade and excavated for over 1800'of pathway #2 -Excavated length of park to install new mainline irrigation and valve setup #3 -Set grade of new entrances for proper drainage to new catch basins at curb C. Name of Designer. #1 -Murase Associates #2-Steven Meeks #3-Nick Hamad Part 3 - Bid Response Documents Page VIII BROWNS PARK 2019 IMPROVEMENTS cm'OF SPOKANE VALLEY PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT D. Construction contract value, both at the time of award and upon completion. #1 -$995,000.00 at award-$1,152,000.00 at completion #2-$223,800.00 at award- $351,207.00 at completion #3 -$216,400.00 at award-$226,501.00 at completion E. Identify If you were the general contractor or a subcontractor on the project. #1 -General Contractor #2-General Contractor #3-General Contractor F. The date each project was started and completed. #1 -3 October 2015- 15 October 2016 #2- 15 August 2017-20 November 2017 #3-6 March 2018-25 May 2018 4. List supervisory personnel currently employed by the Bidder and available for work on the project(Construction Manager, principal foreman, superintendents and engineers) Is as follows: Years of Name Title Fvnerienre Ron Marsh Project Manager 35 Todd Roberts Site Superintendent 27 Part 3 - BM Response Documents Page IS • BROWNS PARK 2019 IMPROVEMENTS CRY OF SPOKANE VALLEY PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT Bidder to provide the following information for ALL of the followina trades/sub- contractors: 1, General Contractor 3. Asphalt Contractor jclectriciai BIDDER QUALIFICATION STATEMENT- ASPHALT CONTRACTOR The following statements of experience, personnel, equipment, and general qualifications of the Bidder are submitted with the assurance that the Owner can rely on Its accuracy and truthfulness. if more space is required for your answers please attach a continuation sheet(s) to the corresponding bid response page referencing the Item number 1. The company has been in business continuously from (month and year) I539- 2. 5342. Provide the following Information on three similar public works projects, for a city or county park, the company has completed that was on an order of magnitude equal to or greater in scope and complexity to that required under the proposed contract. Failure to provide adequate information on past work and projects will result In a non-responsive bid. Please note'Same as General Contractor' If self-performing. Project Name Owner Phone No. Location 11 e G t -t:.....Q TfwP (air-434b Sp e..-.e W A #2: ca .4n.LYa {"...,. 1' .rm:el..,...-.1 5'125-051.,0 .i wPP,...,..,cf L,A- 22-0-41,--41 - a4pAg Eu. f tear-4 1LgQQev -71-1.1 - '000 5$"t LkialLi 4 Provide responses to the following items regarding each project listed above: A. Short description of project focused particularly on park asphalt trail paving. pewit. oLL9 -fOwf,jcW u.-n-A 14P A. .G,..;_ T- B. Identify elements of project focused particularly on excavation, setting critical grades and layout. FA-gait-v.444 IJ."L`i' Creek to i+ tatiAJ b4LE bp.du..11 trpmurirv.K C. Name of Designer.431 cats U I µ' � - Cmwwut , "- r.. y Part 3 - Bid Response Documents Page X BROWNS PARK 2019 IMPROVEMENTS CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT D. Construction contract value, both at the time of award and upon completion. 40rss' co S91 9✓ 1 , be L3�i DD.DO E. Identify If you were the general contractor or a subcontractor on the project. bM ,S-“..bgaffatamm M 5.. ,. F. The date each project was started and completed. Awe le .10 m Dom• 1bI& 4. list supervisory personnel currently employed by the Bidder and available for work on the project(Construction Manager, principal foreman, superintendents and engineers) is as follows: Years of Name Fxnnrlence c .,yMetd U. I'. 3L Part 3- Bid Response Documents Page XI • • BROWNS PARK 2019 IMPROVEMENTS • CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT bidder to provide the following' information for Al L of the following trades/sub- contractors General Contractor j, Asphalt Contractor . Electrldan BIDDER QUALIFICATION STATEMENT- ELECTRICIAN -ELoG1rn'L Sw; The following statements of experience, personnel, equipment, and general qualifications of the Bidder are submitted with the assurance that the Owner can rely on its accuracy and truthfulness. If more space is required for your answers please attach a continuation sheet(s) • to the corresponding bid response page referencing the item number 1. The company has been In business continuously from (month and year) na,r.ary (497 2. Provide the following information on three similar public works projects, for a city or county park, the company has completed that was on an order of magnitude equal to or greater in scope and complexity to that required under the proposed contract. Failure to provide adequate information on past work and projects will result in a non-responsive bid. Please note'Same as General Contractor'If self-performing. Project Name { Owner Phone No. Location derd--or float et- Cary4. �,y� Z N.t4NatN Pt#1 Nun awvear iede-sla4,',vs sroiN,.11A1)ay r SOq-b 5$?-b3,517) s�w,„c Vet Ley 14.9.cvnon e..rdc Ot 3,«p'nv.u,-e.hZ Stotts.... SOq-3L%-S'42S LOTK of ksr1 #3: M,gyy�-�. SuP1n...�� -irate,..e w -. ,L3-S42.r 12MY E.M.',t,hr. love Provide responses to the following items regarding each project listed above: G. Short description of project focused particularly on park electrical systems. RU H cc.e eruacL4s - L,yL�r.g L,SI#, .01.9..4 5 t .sc-t V H. Identify elements of project focused particularly on electrical layout. 4n , s�+ee.,�-;��.'0..5 , �an.rlw-r�+'n.. As->,L,i I-1-5 , 1. Name of Designer. Srokr.n.� 'b G,�y o�S�1 aN�`341-11e/ Part 3 - Bid Response Documents Page XII 1 BROWNS PARK 2019 IMPROVEMENTS CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT J. Construction contract value, both at the time of award and upon completion. 1, 4L1 i,DOD a' Z, 9F b4 , 30-1.49 3. 'zL,rs4416 K. Identify If you were the general contractor or a subcontractor on the project. 1 , SNb coY.'I c c` r ks'roa G /aTM L4naahotegt Z, Gt cc-o. t*n*cOCt* 3, Gen..0.13 -o iva..-lolL- L. The date each project was started and completed. 1 , 5-3-i8- #o )b- 1 - 18' Z , )1-i1-LS io z- zL-3zd6 3' 4-$- Ib -I-O 11 - I$r- 1t. 4. list supervisory personnel currently employed by the Bidder and available for work on the project (Construction Manager, principal foreman, superintendents and engineers) is as follows: Years of R� e...� IttL.1 Name e Exoenience {:r Car. Camay 4casclx. -4' z 4r- j ccc.,c-'i$sO v� Pr.+�, . Fucuwi -r 4- Part 3 - BM Response Documents Page XIII BROWNS PARK 2019 IMPROVEMENTS CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT BIDDER COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATION PROJECT COMPLIANCF In compliance with the request for quotation, bidder hereby proposes to perform all work for this project in strict accordance with the contract documents, within the time set forth therein, and at the prices bid. SPECIFICATION (:OMPI IANCF The bidder certifies below that his/her bid complies in ail respects with the attached specification documents, Including the minimum specifications and any addenda. YES X NO SUBCONTRACTOR LIST Part 3 - Bld Response Documents Page XIV BROWNS PARK 2019 IMPROVEMENTS CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT Project: Browns Park 2019 Improvements Subcontractor list to be enclosed with the bid documents. Please refer to "SUBCONTRACTORS" in the Information For Bidders Section for specific Information regarding the listing requirements. Attach additional sheets if required. Use copies of these pages as masters for attachment. Type of work -Asphalt Contractor. If this work is required and the bidder will be doing the work the bidder must list its name as the contractor below. i .i SPH t..T ASPHALT CONTRACTOR NAME (please print) Type of work - Electrician. If this work is required and the bidder will be doing the work the bidder must list Its name as the contractor below. ELECTRIC S,41-r-1- ELECTRICIAN NAME (please print) Part 3 - Bid Response Documents • Page XV • DROWNS PARK 2019 IMPROVEMENTS CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT BID DEPOSIT CHECKLIST FORM OF BID DEPOSIT- CHECK ONE: Please submit this sheet with the bid deposit. CASH. Attach the deposit behind this sheet. X SURETY BOND - Attach bid bond behind this sheet. IT IS STRONGLY RECOMMENDED THAT YOU USE THE ATTACHED FORM. Part 3 - Bid Response Documents Page XVI BROWNS PARK 2019 IMPROVEMENTS CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT gPokane BOND NO: n/a Valley4000/115. CONTRACTOR'S BID DEPOSIT SURETY BOND to City of Spokane Valley,Washington We Englreering/Remedlatlon Resources Grouftslifieme. ai existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Washington and authorized to do business in the State of Washington, and Argonaut Insurance Company , as Surety,organized and existing under die laws of the State of IL , are held and firmly bound unto the City of Spokane Valley,a Washington municipality,as Obligee,in the penal sum of 5%of the total amount bid,not to exceed S 5%of total amount bid for the payment of which we jointly and severally bind ourselves,and our legal representatives and successors. WHEREAS,the Principal has submitted a bid for Browns Park 2019 Improvements. NOW THEREFORE,the condition of the obligation is such that if the Obligee shall accept the bid of Principal and make timely award to the Principal according to the terms of the bid documents;and the Principal shall,within ten days alter notice of the award,occlusive of the day of notice, enter into the contract with the Obligee and furnish the contractor's bonds (performance and payment bonds)with Surety satisfactory to the Obligee in an amount equal m 100%of the amount of the bid proposed including additives,alternatives and Washington State sales tax,then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise if the Principal fails to enter into the contract and fails to furnish the contractor's bonds within ten days of notice of award,exclusive oft he day of notice,the amount of the bid deposit shall be forfeited to the Obligee,payable by the Surety; but in no event will the Surety's liability exceed the face amount of this bid bond. This bond may be executed in two original counterparts,and shall be signed by the parties'duly authorized officers.This bond will only be accepted if it is accompanied by a fully executed and original power ofattorney for the officer executing on behalf of the surety. • PRINCI AL RA ayxr R) S ' aut1 nonce Company Ergineerl do Y/«oo .�II /'u 1 ct .411 a. .'I� / MAY 13 2019 Principal Sig Lure Date S iggaDate Randy Randall April Martinez Printed Name Printed Name Vice PFaadient wt s;duyl- Attorney In Fact Title Title Name,address,and telephone of local office/agent of Surety Company is: Aon Risk Insurance Services West,Inc. 707 Wilshire Blvd.,Supe 2600 Los Angeles,CA 90017 (213)630.3200 Part 3 - Bid Response Documents Page XVII CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT A Notary Public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached,and not the truthfulness, accuracy,or validity of that document. State of California County of Los Angeles On %(AY 13 2019 before me, Sam Fazzini.Notary Public,personally appeared April Martinez who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s)whose name(s)is/ape subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacityfie$,and that by-his/her/their signature(s)on the instrument the person(s),or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seat. • SAM FAllINI /it�y3 COMM #2192119 z a .'(s� NOWrY Public Cabkrnia • Los Angeles County MYComm.Eves Apr 16,,X121 Signature Si of Notary Public Argonaut Insurance Company AS-0120372 Deliveries Only: 225 W. Washington,24th Floor Chicago, IL 60606 United States Postal Service: P.O.Box 469011, San Antonio, TX 78246 POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS That the Argonaut Inaaace Company,a Corporation duly organized and existing under We laws of the State of Illinois and laving its principal office mule County ofCook,Iliums does hereby ncmlale,mnHRulead apaokd. Thoma S Brannan KD Wanam-Conrad Simone Carted EdwadC Saesar.Nedon R Vemold Melina Tama Amf Manioc This true and hwful agent(s)and auaney(sl+mf.R each in thensemale apody if more than one is named aboveSids� ice,meta seal and dela Por and on its behalf as surety,end as is act and deed any and Ml boa contracts,tgnemann ofiadmmity and o mIderldmin nsmeyhn Provded, however,that the penal sum ofay one etch inWma executed hereunder shell not exceed the era of D.3.1200.100/012 This Pomr of Attorney is grated and is signed and sealed under and by the authority of the Sbsmg Resplution adopted by We Board of Directors of AgaaA Insure Company. 'RESOLVED.That the President,Senear Vie President,Vee President,Assaant Vice Radek Secrenay,Teamner end each of them hereby is awhprned to mate pours ofPanty,and such mnhony can be executed by use of(SS1QIle aster;winch may be attend or acknowledged by ay ofkm oraarrcy,mthe Campay,gWiying the attorney or anomeys named m the Ba4pI power of attorney,bebeax In Wulf of,a sickmoedgeas the act and deed of the Agana launnee Carey.all bond undertakings and oenfacaMuaeyehb,end to affix the eapanle e&Mao IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Argonaut Insane Company has arced 1t3 officials&to be hereunto affixed end these preen to be signed by as duly authorized officer on to fad day ofMay.2017 fArgonain w`` Insurance Conway4 (_Ai °woo. Janda C Bea,Senior Vice President STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF HARRIS SS On this SW day of May.20017 AD,bap me,a Notary Poblc of the SSC of Texas,in and for We County of Harps,duty commissioned and qualified, can THE ABOVE OFFICER OF THE COMPANY.to mepenondy Bum to be the SM&SS ad olBttr described In,and who executed the preceding inaunat,and heuc ittedged the execution of sae,and being by me duly mom,deposed and said that he is the officer oft the mid Company efineseid,and that the t&affixed to the preceding imaannt is the Corporate Seal ofMd Company,and the said Corporate Sal and his signature noMat were'duWaffxed fid abarRtd to the ad inahumem by du authority and direction of the said corporaua.and that Resolution adopted by the Board alp iraters of said Company,referred bin the patedmg inanmem S now in force IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF.I have hereunto set my hand,and affixed my Official Seal at the County of Harris,the day and year fire Wove written HTUan YT1.4f eab(Notary PPM) I.the udemgad Off ofda Argonaut!imam=Company,Illinois Carpaaioa do hereby codify rhea the regal POWER OF ATTORNEY of which the faegag is a full,Due and correct copy is mill m full force and ellen and has not been revoked 114 WITNESS WHEREOF.I have llaeugo ser my Mewl,and effused the Sul ofsud Company.or.the day of MAY 18 2019 tom± t Janna Blaard,vice President-Surety THIS DOCUMENT IS NOT VALID UNLESS THE WORDS ARGO POWER OF ATTORNEY AND THE SERIAL NUMBER IN THE UPPER RIGHT HAND CORNER ARE IN BLUE,AND THE DOCUMENT IS ISSUED ON WATERMARKED PAPER.IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS ON AUTHENTICITY OF THIS DOCUMENT CALL D10)321-gfol. A�• CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE GATE(MBDG YYYI 8/18/2019 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: N the certificate holder Is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the policy(les)must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED,subject to the terms and conditions of the policy,certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder In lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER IWAE:CT Linda Reynolds Antlreini 8 Company-San Mateo PHONE 650378-4258 FAX No 650-3784361 220 West 20th Ave -` San Mateo CA 94403 Amman Ireynolds®andreinl.com INSURER(S)AFFORDING COVERAGE RAIC0 INSURERA Nautilus Insurance Company 17370 INSURED ENGIN- INSURER a Great Divide Insurance Co 25224 Engineering/Remediation Resources Group Inc. INSURER C _ _- 4585 Pacheco Blvd.,Suite 200 INSURER!. Martinez CA 94553 INSURER E INSURER F COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER:1302776370 REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAW BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT,TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS ITYPE INSURANCE ADDU SUER POLICY EFF POLICY EXP LTP INSO WVO POLICY NUMBER IMMIDDMYWMYY I IMODYYI, LIMITS A X COMMERCIAL GENERALWSILRY V Y EOP201518013 1/1/2019 1/1/2020 EACH OCCURRENCE $t000,000 I DAMAGE TO RENTED CWMSMADE X OCCUR I PREMISES Me occurs-ice) $500,000 Dad.$35,DA" I MED EXP(Any one person) $10,000 PERSONAL S ADV INJURY $1000000 GEN'LAGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER I GENERAL AGGREGATE $2000000 O- POLICY X JEj LOC PRODUCTS-COMP/OP AGO $3000000 OTHER per Prq Agg $10,000,000 B AUTOMOBILE LABILITYY Y BAP202Me 1/1/2019 1/1/2020 COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT .$1000,000 e accident)X ANY AUTO BODILY INJURY(Per person) $ OWNED SCHEDULED BODILY INJURY(Per accident) $ AUTOS ONLY AUTOS HIRED NON-OWNED PROPERTY DAMAGE $ X AUTOS ONLY 'X- AUTOS ONLY (Per accident) UMBRELLA LMB _ OCCUR I EACH OCCURRENCE $ EXCESS LIMB CLAIMS-MADE I AGGREGATE $ DED RETENTIONS $ B WORKERS COMPENSATION WCA202501611 1 1/1/2019 1/1/2020 PER STATUTE X ER H WA Stop Gap AND EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY Y/N ANYPROPRIETORFXCLERIFXEOUTIVE N/A EL EACH ACCIDENT $1,000.000 OFHCERJMENNERExcwDEm (Madam,In NH) EL DISEASE-EA EMPLOYEE 31,000.000 &stabs under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below E L DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT_$1,000.000 A PelIuhm ECP201518013 1/1/2019 1/1/2020 Each Laurence 1,000.000 Professional j Each Own 1,000,000 Deductible 25,000 DESCRIPTOR OF OPERATIONS/LOCATgIS/VEHICLES(ACORD 101,Additional Remarks Schedule.may be stashed If more spice M required) Re Proled#19-104.00 Browns Park 2019 improvements City of Spokane Valley,Its officials,officers,agents,employees and volunteers are named Additional Insured on a Primary and Non-Contnbutory basis with respect to General and Alto Liability per terms of the attached endorsements. General Liability and Auto Liability Waivers of Subrogation apply,if required by written contract,per attached endorsements CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN City of Spokane Valley ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. Parks and Recreation Department 2426 N. Discovery Place AUTH REED REPRESENTATIVE Spokane Valley WA 99218 Q. ,„ ,,Q /,, (A1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25(2016/03) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD COMMERCIAL AUTO • CA 04 44 10 13 WAIVER OF TRANSFER OF RIGHTS OF RECOVERY AGAINST OTHERS TO US (WAIVER OF SUBROGATION) This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: AUTO DEALERS COVERAGE FORM BUSINESS AUTO COVERAGE FORM MOTOR CARRIER COVERAGE FORM With respect to coverage provided by this endorsement, the provisions of the Coverage Form apply unless modified by the endorsement. This endorsement changes the policy effective on the Inception date of the policy unless another date S indicated below Named Insured: Engineering Remediation Resources Group. Inc. Endorserrrsnt Effective Data: vov2oie SCHEDULE Names)Of Person(s)Or OrganIzation(s): Any Principal wherein such waiver has been Included before loss as pan of a contractual undertaking by the Named Insured Information required to complete this Schedule,if not shown above,will be shown in the Declarations. The Transfer Of Rights Of Recovery Against Others To Us condition does not apply to the person(s) or organizationfs)shown in the Schedule, but only to the extent that subrogation is waived prior to the "accident or the loss" under a contract with that person or organization. CA 04 44 10 13 9 Insurance Services Office, Inc.,2011 Page 1 of 1 BSUM CA 00 02 13 ENDORSEMENT This endorsement forms a part of the policy to which it is attached. Please read it carefully. Business Auto•Additional Insured When Ragwbed by Contract or Apnemant This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: BUSINESS AUTO COVERAGE FORM Section II—Liability Coverage A.—Coverage, 1.Who is art Insured,is amended to add: d. Any person or organization to wham you become obligated to Include as an additional Insured under this policy,as a result of any contract or agreement you enter into,excluding contracts or agreements for professional services,which requires you to furnish insurance to that person or organization of the type pfbvlded by this policy,but only with respect to liability arising cut of yoke'operations or premises owned by or rented to you. However.the Insurance provided will not exceed the lesser of: 1. The coverage end/or limits of this policy;or 2. The coverage and/or limits required by said contract or agreement. ALL OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE POLICY SHALL APPLY AND REMAIN UNCHANGED, Includes copyrighted materiel of Insurance Serve's Office Inc.used by permission BSUM CA 06 02 13 Page 1 of 1 COMMERCIAL AUTO CA 04 4811 16 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. PRIMARY AND NONCONTRIBUTORY - OTHER INSURANCE CONDITION This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following' AUTO DEALERS COVERAGE FORM BUSINESS AUTO COVERAGE FORM MOTOR CARRIER COVERAGE FORM With respect to coverage provided by this endorsement, the provisions of the Coverage Form apply unless modified by the endorsement. A. The following is added to the Other Insurance B. The following is added to the Other Insurance Condition in the Business Auto Coverage Form Condition In the Auto Dealers Coverage Form and the Other Insurance — Primary And and supersedes any provision to the contrary: Excess Insurance Provisions in the Motor This Coverage Form's Covered Autos Liability Carder Coverage Form and supersedes any Coverage and General Liability Coverages are provision to the contrary: primary to and will not seek contribution from This Coverage Form's Covered Autos Liability any other insurance available to an Insured" Coverage Is primary to and will not seek under your policy provided that: contribution from any other insurance available 1. Such Insured` is a Named Insured under to an "Insured" under your policy provided that: such other insurance; and 1. Such Insured" Is a Named Insured under 2. You have agreed In writing In a contract or • such other insurance; and agreement that this Insurance would be 2. You have agreed In writing In a contract or primary and would not seek contribution from agreement that This Insurance would be any other insurance available to such primary and would not seek contribution from Insured". any other Insurance available to such Insured". CA 04 4911 15 m Insurance Swvicse Orrice, inc.,2018 Page 1 0 1 ENDORSEMENT This endorsement forms a part of the policy to which it is attached. Please mad it carefully. ADDITIONAL INSURED-BLANKET This endorsement modifies insurance provided under me following. ENVIRONMENTAL COMBINED POLICY In consideration of the premium charged and notwithstanding anything contained in this policy to the contrary, It is hereby agreed and understood that this endorsement shall apply only to the Coverage Parr(s) corresponding with the box or boxes marked below. ® COVERAGES PARTS A AND B—GENERAL LIABILITY ® COVERAGE D—CONTRACTORS POLLUTION LIABILITY SECTION RI—WHO IS AN mug= is amended to include as an insured, with respect to Coverage A, B and D, any person(s)or organization(s)when you and such person(s)or organization(s) have agreed In a written contract or written agreement that such person(s)or organlzation(s)be added as an additional insured on your policy. Such written contract or written agreement must be In effect prior to the performance of your work which is the subject of such written contract or written agreement. Such additional insured status applies only: 1. Under COVERAGE A BODILY INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE LIABILITY end COVERAGE B PERSONAL AND ADVERTISING INJURY LIABILITY for claims or sults resulting from: a. Your work performed for such person(s) or organization(s) in the performance of your ongoing operations for the additional insured; or b. Your work performed for such person(s) or organizations(s) and included in the products-completed operations hazard. T. Under COVERAGE D CONTRACTORS POLLUTION LIABILITY for claims or suits arising out of pollution conditions that are the result of: a. Your work performed for such person(s)or organization(s)in the performance of your ongoing operations for the additional Insured:or b. Your work performed for such person(s) or organizations(s) and included in the products-completed operations hazard. With respect to damages caused by your work, as described above, the coverage provided hereunder shall be primary and not contributing wish any other insurance available to those person(s) or organization(s) with which you have so agreed in a written contract or written agreement. ALL.OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE POLICY SHALL APPLY AND REMAIN UNCHANGED. ECP 1004 Oe 16 Page 411 ENDORSEMENT This endorsement forms a part of the policy to which tis attached. Please read It carefully. WAIVER OF SUBROGATION It is agreed that the Company, In the event of any payment under this policy,waives its nght of recovery against any Principal,but only at the specific written request of the Named Insured either before or after loss,wherein such waiver has been included before loss as part of a contractual undertaking by the Named Insured. This waiver shall apply only with respect to losses occurring due to operations undertaken as per the specific contract existing between the Named Insured and such Principal and shall not be construed to be a waiver with respect to other operations of such Principal in which the Named Insured has no contractual interest. No waiver of subrogation shall directly or indirectly apply to any employee,employees or agents of either the Named Insured or of the Prkhdpel,and the Company reserves its right or lien to be reimbursed from any recovery funds obtained by any injured employee. This waiver does not apply In any jurisdiction or situation where such waiver is held to be Illegal or against public policy or In any situation wherein the Prindpal against whom subrogation Is to be waived Is found to be solely negligent. 03006 by Berkley Sper41ly 1h,Mrw•.ny Mn.pm.LLC,en ass ol Nannies,InNu.noe Company end Orval O4di In.ur.no.Cmnpony An nerved 01666.3001 by Muurw.w whoa.atm Inc.m.lerwued by p.ImfIen SW/3004 99 C6 Pep lel ENDORSEMENT This endorsement forms a part of the policy to which It is attached. Please read it carefully. DESIGNATED CONSTRUCTION PROJECT(S)GENERAL AGGREGATE LIMIT SCHEDULE Designated Construction Projects: Each of your projects away from premises owned or rented to you,performed during the policy period when a Designated Per Project Aggregate Limit of Insurance Is required Ina written contractual agreement. A. For all sums which the Insured becomes legally obligated to pay as damages caused by occurrences under SECTION I-COVERAGE A which can be attributed only to ongoing operations as shown In the schedule above: 1. A separate Designated Construction Project Limit applies to each designated construction project and that limit is equal to the amount of the General Aggregate Limit shown in the Declarations page. 2. Except for damages because of bodily injury or property damage included in the products-completed operations hazard, the Designated Construction Project Limit is the most we will pay for the sham of all damages under SECTION I-COVERAGE A regardless of the number at a. Insureds; b. Claims made or subs brought; or c. Persons or organizations maldng claims or bringing suits. a. Any payments made under SECTION I -COVERAGE A for damages shall reduce the Designated Construction Project Limit for that designated construction project. Such payments shall not reduce the General Aggregate Lent shown In the Declarations page nor shall they reduce any other Designated Construction Project Limit, except as affected by the Designated Construction Project Aggregate Limit described below. 4. The limits shown in the Declarations page for Each Occurrence and Damage to Premises Rented to you continue to apply. However, instead of being subject to the General Aggregate Limit shown in the Declarations,such limits WI be subject to the applicable Designated Construction Project Limit. 6. a. The Designated ConsWdion Project General Aggregate Limit is the most we will pay for the sum of all damages under the Designated Construction Project Limit,described In 1.and 2.above. b. Regardless of the number of construction projects or designated construction projects covered under this policy, the most we will pay as the Designated Construction Project General Aggregate is 510.000.000. B. For ell sums which the insured becomes legally obligated to pay as damages caused by occurrences under SECTION I -COVERAGE A which cannot be attributed only to ongoing operations as shown in the schedule above: 1. Any payments made under SECTION I -COVERAGE A for damages shall reduce the amount available under the General Aggregate Limit or the Products Completed Operabons Aggregate Limit. whichever is applicable; end 2. Such payments shall not reduce any Designated Construction Project General Aggregate Limit. ECP 1021 10 05 Pear t o 4 C. When coverage for liability arising out of the products-completed operations hazard is provided, any payments for damages because of bodily injury or property damage Included in the products-completed operation hazard MN reduce the Products-Completed Operations Aggregate Limit, and not reduce the General Aggregate Limit nor the Designated Construction Project General Aggregate Umt. D. If the applicable designated construction project has been abandoned, delayed, or abandoned and then restarted, or if the authorized contracting parties deviate from plans, blueprints, designs, specifications or timetables, the project will still be deemed to be the same construction project. E. The provisions of SECTION IV — LIMITS OF INSURANCE not otherwise modified by this endorsement shall continue to apply as stipulated. ECP 102110 CO Papa 2 of Search L81 I . Havb,glon Sian Delorn»Om nl `Labor & Industries ENGINEERING REMDTN RCS GRP INC Owner or tradesperson 15339 NE 90th St Bidg 50100 Pnr.clpak ATTN Randy Randall LIU,CINDY ANN,PRESIDENT REDMOND,WA 95052 025-6505026 RANDALL.RANDY ROY,VICE PRESIDENT KING County HALL,BRADLEY.VICE PRESIDENT TANG,DAVID,VICE PRESIDENT ROWAN,WILLIAM TUCKER,VICE PRESIDENT HUDSON,JIM.SECRETARY (End 01/1&/2018) Dow huslness as ENGINEERING REMDTN RCS GRP INC WA USI Mu 8esu:ess type 602 556 027 Corporation Go ren'in9 persons CINDY uu RANDY RANDALL. JAMES HUDSON, Certifications &Endorsements License Workers' comp So you know it the business has employees'If so,verify the business is up-to-date on workers'comp premiums_ Lal 4cmuN er Account is current. 103,145430 Duma business as ENGINEERING/REMEDIATION RESOUR Eslmiaterl wokers resorleo Quarter 1 of Year 2019'11 to 20 Workers" LAImathini r comet T1/JAN BENTLEY(360)9024652-Email'STRO2354)1Iniwe.gov Public Works Requirements Verify the contractor is eligible to perform work on public works projects. Required Training-Effective July 1,2019 Exempt from this requirement Contractor Stakes 1 No strikes have bean issued against this contractor Contractors not allowed to bid No debarments have been issued against this contractor Workplace safety and health No Inspections dunng the previous 6 year period Executed in Duplicate �' e BOND NO. SUR0050747 CONTRACTOR'S PAYMENT BOND(NON-FEDERALLY FUNDED PROJECT) to City of Spokane Valley,Washington The City of Spokane Valley,Washington.in Spokane County,has awarded to EnElneerinE/Remediation Resources Group (Contractor), as Principal, a contract for the construction of the project designated as Browns Park 2019 Improvements, Project No #19-104.00 in Spokane Valley,Washington,and said Principal is required under the terms of the Contract to furnish a payment bond in accordance with chapter 39.08 Revised Code of Washington(RCW). The Principal, and Argonaut Insurance Company (Surety), a corporation organized under the laws IL and licensed to do business in the State of Washington as surety and named in the current list of`Surety Companies Acceptable in Federal Bonds"as published in the Federal Register by the Audit Staff Bureau of Accounts,U.S.Treasury Dept., are jointly and severally held and firmly bound to the City of Spokane Valley,as Obligee,in the sum of$ 991,050.18 total Contract amount (including Washington State sales tax), subject to the provisions herein This payment bond shall become null and void, if and when the Principal,its heirs,executors,administrators,successors,or assigns shall pay all persons in accordance with chapters 39 08 and 39.12 RCW,including all workers, laborers,mechanics, subcontractors,and materialmen,and all persons who shall supply such contractor or subcontractor with provisions and supplies for the carrying on of such work; and shall indemnify and hold harmless the Obligee from all loss, cost or damage which Obligee may suffer by reason of the failure of Principal to make such required payments;and if such payment obligations have not been fulfilled,this bond shall remain in full force and effect The Surety for value received agrees that no change,extension of time,alteration or addition to the terms of the Contract,the specifications accompanying the Contract, or to the work to be performed under the Contract shall in any way affect its obligation on this bond,except as provided herein,and waives notice of any change,extension of time,alteration or addition to the terms of the Contract or the work performed.The Surety agrees that modifications and changes to the terms and conditions of the Contract that increase the total amount to be paid the Principal shall automatically increase the obligation of the Surety on this bond and notice to Surety is not required for such increased obligation This bond may be executed in two original counterparts,and shall be signed by the parties'duly authorized officers.This bond will only be accepted if it is accompanied by a fully executed and original power of attorney for the officer executing on behalf of the surety, Engineenng/Remediation Resources Group,Inc. Argonaut Insurance Company PRINCDCONT •C ) // SURETY 6/18/19 Pnncr,aiSir.ature late Surety Signature Date Randy Randall Rosa E. Rivas Phuted Nape Printed Name Vice-Prgxdent Attorney-In-Fact Title Title Name,address,and telephone of local office/agent of Surety Company is: Aon Risk Insurance Services West,Inc. 707 Wilshire Blvd.,Suite 2600 Los Angeles,CA 90017 (213)630-3200 Updated 1.142013 CALIFORNIA: ` ; ;s# ` " AcK$GWL t ;., . A Notary Public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of California County of Los Angeles On JUN 1 R 2019 before me Meghan Hanes,Notary Public.personally appeared Rosa E. Rivas who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s)whose name(s)is/fife subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ie0), and that by-his/her/their signature(.,)on the instrument the person(3, or the entity upon behalf of which the persons) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. MEGHAN HANES ,r"-`"+LA''' COMM #2280722 2 WITNESS my hand and official seal. re ,. Notary Public •Califorma oz 1 y 7 Los Angeles County MKComm EEPres Mar 12,2023f Signature haI d Signature of Notary Public Argonaut Insurance Company AS 0145293 Deliveries Only: 225 W. Washington, 24th Floor Chicago, IL 60606 United States Postal Service: P.O. Box 469011, San Antonio, TX 78246 POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS That the Argonaut Insurance Company,a Corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of the State of Illinois and has ing its principal office in the County of Cook.Illinois does hereby nominate,constitute and appoint Thomas S Braniean KeAna Diane Wavato Simone Gerhard,Edward C Spector.Nathan R Vamold,Marina Tags.Aerll Martinez Samantha Fazzim, RosaE Rivas Their true and lawful agent(s)and attomey(s)-in-fact,each in their separate capacity if more than one is named above,to make,execute,seal and deliver for and on its behalf as surety,and as Its act and deed any and all bonds,contracts,agreements of indemnity and otbtr urderiakmgs in suretyship provided. however,that the penal sum of any one such instrument executed hereunder shall not exceed the sum of $75 000 000 00 This Power of Attorney is granted and is signed and sealed under and by the authonty of the following Respluboo adopted by the Board of Directors of Argonaut Insurance Company "RESOLVED,That the President.Senior Vice President Vice President,Assistant Vice President,Secretary.Treasurer and each of them hereby is authorized to execute powers of attorney,and such authority can be executed by use of fun de signature,which may be attested or acknowledged by any officer or attorney.of the Company,qualifying the attorney or attorneys named in the given power of attorney,to execute in behalf of and acknowledge as the act and deed of the Argonaut Insurance Company,all bond undertakings and contracts ISE suretyship,and to affix the corporate seal thereto" IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Argonaut Insurance Company has caused Its officiation to be hereunto affixed and these presents to be signed by its duly authorized officer on the 8th day of May,2017 ' Argonaut Insurance Companily J ac 'a:l �: :. :SEAL•g N.T. wiz by y .ktgo@. . Joshua C Bea Senior Vice President STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF HARRIS SS On this 8th day of May,2017 A D.befcce me,allotary Public of the State of Texas,in and for the County of Harris,dub commissioned and qualified, came THE ABOVE OFFICER OF THE COMPANY,to me personally known to be the individual and officer described in,and who executed the preceding instrument,and he acknowledged the execution of same,and being by me duly sworn,deposed and said that he is the officer of the said Company aforesaid,and that the seal affixed to the preceding instrument is the Corporate Seal of said Company,and the said Corporate Seal and his signature as officer were duly affixed and subscnbed to the said instrument by the authority and direction of the said corporation,and that Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of said Company,referred to in the preceding instrument is now in force IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF,I have hereunto set m)hand,and affixed my Official Seal at the Count)of Hams,the day and year first above written __ Pt1'll4an 4YT.`T1'L.uln (Notary Public) lI i I.the undersigned Officer of the Argonaut Insurance Company,Illinois Corporation,do hereby certify that the original POWER OF ATTORNEY of which the foregoing is a fW.true and correct copy is still in full force and effect and has not been revoked 1,/p y IN WITNESS WHFREO4 I hate hereunto set my hand.and affixed the Seal of said Company,on the day of aIUB y--p� `t6bR4N .,y, `1S d. AL.` - `ILa.°1°%/ James Bluzard, Vice President-Surety THIS DOCUMENT IS NOT VALID UNLESS THE WORDS ARGO POR Elk OF AT CORNE V AND THE SERIAL NUMBER IN THE ZIPPER RIGHT HAND CORNER ARE IN BLUE,AND THE DOCUMENT IS ISSUED ON WATERMARKED PAPER IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS ON AUTHENTICITY OF THIS DOCUMENT CALL(210)321-8400. Executed in Duplicate ✓ . BOND NO SUR0050747 CONTRACTOR'S PERFORMANCE BOND to City of Spokane Valley,Washington The City of Spokane Valley,Washington,in Spokane County,has awarded to Enzineerina/Remediation Resources Group (Contractor), as Principal, a contract for the construction of the project designated as Browns Park 2019 Improvements, Project No.#19-104.00 m Spokane Valley,Washington.and said Principal is required under the terms of the Contract to famish a performance bond m accordance with chapter 39.08 Revised Code of Washington(RCW). The Principal, and Argonaut Insurance Company (Surety), a corporation, organized under the laws of IL and licensed to do business in the State of Washington as surety and named in the current list of'Surety Companies Acceptable in Federal Bonds"as published In the Federal Register by the Audit Staff Bureau of Accounts,U.S Treasury Dept, are jointly and severally held and finely bound to the City of Spokane Valley, as Obligee,in the sum of$991,050.18 total Contract amount (including Washington State sales tax), subject to the provisions herein. This performance bond shall become null and void,if and when the Principal,its heirs,executors,administrators,successors, or assigns shall well and faithfully perform all of the Principal's obligations under the Contract and fulfill all the terms and conditions of all duly authorized modifications,additions,and changes to said Contract that may hereafter be made,at the time and in the manner therein specified;shall warranty the work as provided in the Contract and shall indemnify and hold harmless the Obligee from any defects in the workmanship and materials incorporated into the work for the period identified in the Contract;and if such performance obligations have not been fulfilled,this bond shall remain in full force and effect The Surety for value received agrees that no change,extension of time,alteration or addition to the terms of the Contract,the specifications accompanying the Contract, or to the work to be performed under the Contract shall in any way affect its • obligation on this bond,and waives notice of any change,extension of time,alteration or addition to the terms of the Contract or the work performed. The Surety agrees that modifications and changes to the terms and conditions of the Contract that increase the total amount to be paid the Principal shall automatically increase the obligation of the Surety on this bond and notice to Surety is not required for such mcreased obligation This bond may be executed in two original counterparts,and shall be signed by the parties'duly authorized officers.This bond will only be accepted if itis accompanied by a fully executed and original power of attorney for the officer executing on behalf of the surety Engineering/Remediation Reso - Group,Inc. Argonaut Insurance Company PRINCIPE (CO " •C/iR) / / SURETY .ISA- 1 L If/, cam c-- takU 6/18/19 Principal Signature •ate Surety Signature Date Randy Randal Rosa E. Rivas Printed Name Printed Name Vice-President Attorney-In-Fact Title Title Name,address,and telephone of local office/agent of Surety Company is: Aon Risk Insurance Services West,Inc. 707 Wilshire Blvd.,Suite 2600 Los Angeles, CA 90017 (213) 630-3200 Updated 1.14.2013 CALTClR1�II :AL = t :A ;, A Notary Public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached,and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of California County of Los Angeles On JUN 1 8 2019 before me Meehan Hanes,Notary Public,personally appeared Rosa E. Rivas who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the personfs)whose namefs)is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/thcy executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacityfies), and that by his/her/their signatures)on the instrument the personfs), or the entity upon behalf of which the personf s) acted,executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. I MEDIAN HANES COMM u22aar22 z rc _i - Nolery Punnc ca�irorniz n WITNESS my hand and official seal. z Los Angeles County o �,.,. MLComm Expres Mar. 12,2023P j (// , i j, Signature Signature of Notary Public I Argonaut Insurance Company AS-0145294 Deliveries Only: 225 W. Washington, 24th Floor Chicago, IL 60606 United States Postal Service: P.O. Box 469011, San Antonio, TX 78246 POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS That the Argonaut Insurance Company,a Corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of the State of Illinois and haying its principal office in the County of Gook,Illinois does hereby nominate,constitute and appoint Thom: Bran': KeAna Dian ,+,: • i •w .r .rd E•wardC ,.xue air : V. d. M. I .T:, : - IIM,a.,. .• :r L.F. ml RoseE Rivas Their true and lawful agent(s)and atwmeyls}in-fact,each in their separate capacity if more than one is named above,to make,execute,seal and deliver for and on its behalf as surety,and as its act and deed any and all bonds,contracts,agreements of indemnity and otter undertakings in suretyship provided, however,that the penal sum of any one such instrument executed hereunder shall not exceed the sum of $75 000 000 00 This Power of Attorney is granted and is signed and sealed under and by the authority of the follow*Reaalution adopted by the Board of Directors of Argonaut Insurance Company "RESOLVED,That the President,Senior Vice President,Vice President.Assistant Vice Presidee,Secretary,Treasurer and each of them hereby is authorized to execute powers of attorney,and such authority can be executed by use of facsimile signature,which may be attested or acknowledged by any officer or attorney.of the Company,qualifying the attorney or attorneys named in the given prover of attorney,to execute in behalf of,and acknowledge as the act and deed of the Argonaut Insurance Company,all bond undertakings and contracts*suretyship,and to affix the corporate seal thereto" IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Argonaut Insurance Company has caused its officialppl to be hereunto affixed and these presents to be signed by its duly authorized officer on the 8th day of May,2017 Argonaut Insurance Company l'S.,.l 't4F..:CO 1/ 'lycx l. 'SiSEAL)t ` ... :ge by .,arme �m?/ - .; .' Joshua C Betz, Senior Vice President STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF HARRIS SS On this 8th day of May.2017 A D,before me,allotary Public of the State of Texas,in and for the County of Harris.duly commissioned and qualified, came THE ABOVE OFFICER OF THE COMPANY,to me personally known to be the individual and officer described in,and who executed the preceding instrument,and he acknowledged the execution of same,and being by me duly sworn,deposed and said that he is the officer of the said Company aforesaid,and that the seal affixed to the preceding instrument is the Corporate Seal of said Company,and the said Corporate Seal and his signature as officer were duly affixed and subscnbed to the said instrument by the authority and direction of the said corporation,and that Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of said Company,referred to in the preceding instrument is now in force IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand,and affixed my Official Seal at the County of Harris,the day and year first above written II( 1 -�,achw4,m.wrka.r-a (Notary Public) I,the undersigned Officer of the Argonaut Insurance Company.Illinois Corporation,do hereby certify that the original POWER OF ATTORNEY of which the foregoing is a full,true and correct copy Is still in full force and effect and has not been revoked JUN 1 8 q IN WITNESS WHEREOF.I have hereunto set my hand,and atfi xed the Seal of said Company,on the day of JUN 2019 ,•`06tiRMY SJ:mow,"_o` - .SEAL ey: aw '44112P4/ el lames Bluzard, Vice President-Surety THIS DOCUMENT IS NOT VALID UNLESS THE WORDS ARGO POWER OF ATTORNEY AND THE SERIAL NUMBER IN THE UPPER RIGHT HAND CORNER ARE IN BLUE,AND THE DOCUMENT IS ISSUED ON WATERMARKED PAPER IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS ON AUTHENTICITY OF THIS DOCUMENT CALL(210)321-8000.