19-123.00 Spokane County: Guaranteed Ride Home Program i'Spokane IT"123 r tit c.nts• Public Works Department „ Spokane County, Washington GUARANTEED RIDE HOME PROGRAM AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this Pt day of August. 2019 by and between the City of Spokane Valley, having offices for the transaction of business at 10210 E Sprague, Spokane Valley, WA 99206,hereinafter referred to as the "Company,” and Spokane County, a political subdivision of the State of Washington, having offices for the transaction of business at West 1026 Broadway Avenue, Spokane, Washington. 99260, hereinafter referred to as the "County"jointly hereinafter referred to as the "Parties." WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the Washington State Legislature has adopted legislation codified in RCW 70.94.521 through 551, the purpose of which is to improve air quality, reduce traffic congestion, and reduce the consumption of petroleum fuels through employer-based programs that encourage the use of alternatives to the single-occupant vehicle for commute trips; and WHEREAS, affected major employers throughout Spokane County have implemented Commute Trip Reduction Programs at their worksites to achieve these goals; and WHEREAS, it is the goal of Spokane County's Commute Smart Northwest Office, as lead agency for the implementation and administration of Commute Trip Reduction Programs at affected worksites, to establish, enhance, and maintain cooperative partnerships to support CTR and Transportation Demand Management(TDM) efforts by providing a broad range of employer services to encourage employee use of commute alternatives; and WHEREAS, the availability of a Guaranteed Ride Home Program at affected worksites for use by their employees in need of an emergency ride home is vital to the success of commute trip programs; and WHEREAS, the Board of Spokane County Commissioners has authorized the County Engineer, or his designee, to enter into this Agreement on their behalf. NOW,THEREFORE,for and in consideration of the mutual promises set forth hereinafter, the parties hereto do mutually agree as follows: Section 1: PURPOSE OF THIS AGREEMENT The purpose of this Agreement and Attachments A& B, which are incorporated herein, is to define the responsibilities of the County and the Company under the County's Guaranteed Ride Home Program,""hereinafter referred to as "the Program.- 1026 rogram-1026 West Broadway Avenue•Spokane,WA 99260-0170 Dhnne.(cna1 A94ALfV1-r.v.(C00\A11.141711 This Agreement sets forth all of the rights and duties of the parties with respect to the subject matter thereof, and replaces any and all previous agreements or understandings, whether written or oral, relating thereto. Section 2: POLICIES AND SCOPE OF WORK General policies for the usage of the Guaranteed Ride Home Program are outlined in Attachment A, and the Scope of Work is defined in Attachment B, included by reference herein. Section 3: FUNDING AND ADMINISTRATIVE FEES The City of Spokane Valley, a CTR-affected worksite located in the City of Spokane Valley, will be billed by the Spokane County Commute Smart Northwest office on a quarterly basis for any usage of the Guaranteed Ride Home Program. As is standard for a Company participating in the program, the City of Spokane Valley will be assessed a quarterly administrative fee, based on actual usage, to cover the administrative costs incurred by the County. This fee will be added to any usage charges in the amount of 8% of actual charges incurred during the previous quarter. This fee will be reflected on the GRH report received by the City of Spokane Valley. Section 4: REPORTING The County will use the GRH Program Database to generate and distribute a GRH Activity Report to each participating employer on a quarterly basis, commencing three months after the initial deposit. Interim reports will be provided upon request. The details of the GRH Activity Reports are defined in Attachment A. Policies and Procedures, included herein. Section 5: TRANSPORTATION SERVICE PROVIDER The County will work with local transportation service providers to provide the guaranteed ride for the Company's employee, who has been pre-approved by the Company's program coordinator or his/her designee. Section 6: DURATION The Program will commence immediately upon the effective date of this agreement and continue through July 31, 2021. The parties may extend this agreement on a hi-annual basis, if agreed upon in writing by both parties. Section 7: DESIGNATION OF ADMINISTRATOR The County hereby designates Spokane County's Transportation Demand Management Manager, as its designee for the purpose of administering and coordinating the County's responsibilities under the terms of this Agreement. 2 of 7 Section 8: PROGRAM COORDINATOR The employee transportation coordinator(ETC) and/or staff person designated by the Company to administer the Program shall be responsible for the implementation and coordination of the Program at the Company worksite. Section 9: HOLD HARMLESS It is understood and agreed that this Agreement is solely for the benefit of the parties hereto and gives no right to any other party. No joint venture or partnership is formed as a result of this Agreement. Each party hereto agrees to be responsible and assumes liability for its own negligent acts or omissions, or those of its officers, agents or employees to the fullest extent of the law, and agrees to save, indemnify, defend, and hold the other party harmless from any such liability. Section 10: HEADINGS The section headings in this Agreement have been inserted solely for the purpose of convenience and ready reference. In no way do they purport to, and shall not be deemed to. define, limit or extend the scope or intent of the sections to which they appertain. Section 11: MODIFICATION The County and the Company may request changes in services to be performed. Any such changes that are mutually agreed upon by the County and the Company shall be incorporated herein by written amendment of this Agreement. It is mutually agreed and understood that no alteration or variation of the terms of this agreement shall be valid unless made in writing and signed by the County designee and the Company program coordinator, and that any oral understanding or agreements not incorporated herein, will not he binding. Section 12: TERMINATION Nohw ithstanding any provisions of this Agreement, either party may tenninate this Agreement by providing written notice of such termination, specifying the effective date thereof, at least thirty (30) days prior to such date. Reimbursement for monies not expended by the County, on behalf of the Company, wit!be reimbursed to the Company. Section 13: COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS The Parties hereto specifically agree to observe all federal, state and local law, ordinances and regulations including,but not necessarily limited to, the Americans with Disabilities Act and Chapter 49.60 RC W. to the extent that they may have any bearing on either providing any money under the terms of this Agreement or the services actually provided under the terms of this Agreement. 3 of 7 IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the 1st day of August, 2019. AGREED TO: Spokane County By Chad Coles County Engin¢fr City of Spokane Valley By r� n� C Title C7i LIorr Taxpayer I.D. Number 07 1- \y-\'10 Company Phone # 5j 7 - 7 — .,7X/AZ 4 of 7 Attachment A Guaranteed Ride Home(GRH) Program Policies A set of program policies have been established to ensure both consistency and effectiveness of Spokane's GRH Program. These policies are intended to be broad guidelines for the GRH Program, in recognition of the need for operational decisions to be made by the employer in response to the unique needs of each worksite. The GRH Program policies inetude the following: 1. Any employee who used a commute alternative to get to work rather than driving alone is eligible for a ride home in the case of an emergency. 2. Each GRH trip must be pre-approved by a trained GRH Coordinator before the employee can use the program for an emergency ride home. 3. A GRH trip may be taken by an eligible employee in the event of illness, other emergency situations that may arise during the day, mandatory unplanned overtime or missing their normal ride due to reasons outside the employee's control. The GRH trip may include an intermediate stop, if pre-approved, e.g., school or daycare. 4 Limits on the number and length of GRH trips allowed per employee, per year, will be up to the discretion of the employer. The recommendation is 6 trips per employee, per year with no limit on mileage. State agencies are limited to 8 trips per year, with no more than 4 for overtime reasons and a 65 mile maximum. Anything over is the employee's responsibility. 5. Spokane County has the right to recover costs in the event of program abuse and to terminate an employer from the program for repeated abuse. 6. Each participating employer must identify a GRH Program Coordinator and hack-up coordinator(s) for each affected worksite. All GRH Coordinators must attend/receive the GRH Program Orientation Course provided by Spokane County, prior to implementing the GRH Program at their worksite(s). 7. A Spokane County employer affected by the CTR Law can indicate interest in joining the GRH Program at any time. The GRH Agreement with an employer will be for a two- year duration. 8. Participating employers agree to inform all employees about the GRH Program at least two times per year. 5 of 7 Attachment B Scope of Work I. The County will: I. Contract with local transportation service providers to provide guaranteed ride home transportation services to participating employers. 2. Develop,produce and provide collateral materials targeting interested and participating employers. These materials will include, but are not limited to: a GRH Program Information Kit, an Employer Guide, and Marketing Materials. 3. Develop and conduct GRH Orientation Course, including materials for all GRH Program and Back-up Coordinators at participating worksites. Attendance is required, unless other arrangements have been made with the Commute Smart Northwest staff, prior to implementation at a worksite. 4. Develop,produce and provide all necessary forms for use by the coordinators at their worksites, e.g.,Pre-Trip Checklist. 5. Develop and maintain a GRH database to monitor GRH Program usage and to track account transactions for billing and reporting functions. 6. Provide participating worksite a copy of the trip receipts from transportation service provider after GRH trip. 7. Generate and distribute a GRH Activity Report for each participating employer on a quarterly basis, starting three months after the initial deposit. The report will include the following information: Worksite name, GRH Program Coordinator and any backup coordinators, phone numbers, total trips used during report period and cumulatively, total trip cost, account balance, and individual trip detail. Interim reports will be provided upon request. 8. Assess administrative fee, based on actual usage, to be withdrawn from the employer's account every quarter in the amount of 8% of actual withdrawals made during the previous three month time period. 9. Verify and approve monthly billings from transportation service provider using employer's Pre-Trip Checklist, post charges on Company's account in the database, and remit payment to transportation service provider. 6 of 7 II. The Company will: 1. Designate a GRH Program Coordinator and Back-Up Coordinator(s) to coordinate the worksite GRH Program and to authorize emergency trips. The coordinators names will be provided to transportation service provider by the County. The Company will also notify the County of any coordinator changes. 2. Register coordinators in required GRH Orientation Course prior to implementing the program at the worksite, unless prior arrangements have been made with Commute Smart Northwest staff. 3. Make trip arrangements for their employee using the Pre-Trip Checklist. 4. Submit Pre-Trip Checklist form to the County by the end of the month. 5. Educate employees,who use commute alternatives to get to work, about the GRH program on a regular basis. 6. Market the GRH program at least two times per year to all employees. 7 of 7